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· Welcome all friends !
· To be obediant to Jesus. About the faith.
· About the blog.
· The gifts of the Holy Spirit, ( Pentecost).
· The Logos, in the Good News, of John.
· Ichthys : a short summary of the faith.
· Jesus. religions and prophets.
· We are talking about the Holy Spirit.
· Study about 3 " Trinitarians" verses.
· The prophety about the first coming of Christ.
· the Didachè influence in China.
· Die Name van God
· Ser cristiano es facil.
· God, Christ and the faith.
· The son of God
· chretienunitarienarianisme
· unitarien chretien
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god bless us all ! http://unita
Par unitarianschristia, le 22.10.2018
After The institution of "the Last Supper," In the night of Thursday,
in the night before Good Friday.
It is, in fact one of the picture of the New Alliance between God and us, in the Name of Christ.
The holly Communion, is the perfect picture of the Communion that we share between us, the family of Christ,
and that we shall share in the futur with Christ and all the Saints !
We come now in the dramatic day of Christ died.
An the words given by Christ.
Words to his father in Heaven,
Words to the disciples,
and Words for us until now, and for the futur.
The worde of Jesus in the cross.
We know that, in Easter (Passover), Jesus gave his life for us, to be reconcillied with God the Heavenly Father.
Jesus die in the cross on the Holy Friday. God rise him back to life on Sonday in Easter.
It is why we specialy workship God and His Son, with the power of the Holy Spirit, on sondays, the day of resurrection.
In our study, we want to share with you the last words of Jesus in the cross, before he gaves his soul to the Father.
We have to remember that the suplice of the cross was usually only for the criminals, only for no romans citizens.
For the whom who were crusified it was a day long of agony. Because the suplicied die afther his lungs are compressed and no more air can come in.
We know that, to write the Gospels, 3 of the disciples were asking the witnesses, because they were not on the bottom of the cross. Only John was realy present till the last respiration and the dead of Jesus. It was John. Read it in John 19,25-26.
We shall feel the chronology of Jesus words to understand who was Jesus’s « feeling » before he gaves his life for us.
Jesus in his agony gave teaching for the women who were present and John, and then for us.
Jesus talk also to God, his heavently Father.
1 – « Forgive them, Father ! They don’t know what they are doing ». Luke 23,34.
Jesus was not angry, but full of compassion for soldiers, the people of Jerusalem who reject him, for the disciples who leave him alone, and also for us.
2 – Jesus answer to one of the criminals crusified with him. Luke 23,43.
Jesus with power promised him the paradise, eternal life.
3 – Jesus talk with John. « He is your son. » « She is your mother. » John 19,26-27.
In these days, Jesus’s brothers didn’t believe in him, and Jesus wanted his mother onder John protection and in his family of faith.
4 – « I am thirsty. » John 19,28.
Jesus had this word as an Old testament prophecy.
5 – « Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani » = « My God, My God, why did you abandon me ? » in Mark 1,34 andMatthew 27,46.
Jesus show is full humanity with these words. He didn’t talk like a god, but like the son and believer of God. it is also one of the few words and sentences in Aramean language of the New Testament.
6 – « It is finished » John19,30.
Jesus feel his death comming, and also the end of his ministry on earth.
7 - « Father ! In your hands I place my spirit. He said this, and died .» Luke 23,46.
Trustful in the Father, Jesus gave his spirit/soul to God his Father. He knows that his soul shall not die, but goes to the Eternal Father.
8 - in Mark 15,37 : « with a loud cry Jesus died. »
Up to sonday, the death was the winner, the devil was the winner.
We have also to be patient up to sonday for Jesus resurrection !
Because, like Simon Peter in Matthew 16,16, we know that : « You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. » And God shall rise Jesus from death.
Others people were witnesses, what they said ?
In Luke 23,47. « the army officer praised God, saying, certainly he was a good man. » Talking about Jesus, this man was not one of Jesus. disciples, not a Jews, just a roman pagan, who realize who was Jesus.
« This man was really the Son of God » said the soldiers and the army officer. » According to Mark 15,39, and Matthew 27,54.
And for you :
Who is Jesus ?
God, Christ, and the faith.
Deaar friends, remember, we talk about the Holy Spirit in other articles in the Blog.
members of "On the Way Church", the Church of Christ we have to know :
We are free by Grace, not when we fight with our separate christians brothers. It is why our studies have to help us to grow in faith and knowledge of the Word of God.
We shall now read in the Bible who is Jesus, the Christ of God.
It had to help us to be in the truth.
Many times the Bible proclames Jesus-Christ as Son.
- 81 times Son of man
- 27 Son of God
- 17 Son of David
- 8 the loved Son
Jesus, Son of God, not God The Son. Christ is the lord, but submited to God.
In the Gospel of Mark 13,32 : «No one knows, however, when that day or hour will come – neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son ; only the Father knows. »
Also in Matthew 24,36.
1Corinthians 11,3 : « But I want you to understand that Christ is supreme over every man, the husband is supreme over his wife, and God is supreme over Christ. »
Like Christ, the man loves and help/protect his wife.
1John 4,15 : « If anyone declares that Jesus is the Son of God, he lives in union with God and God lives in union with him. »
We are in communion with God as we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and we have to be thankfull that God sent his loved Son to us.
God is One.
John 17,3 : « And eternal life means knowing you, the only true God, and knowing Jesus Christ, whom you sent. »
1Corinthians 8,6a : « yet there is for us only one God, the Father, who is the Creator of all things and for whom we live, and there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, … »
1Timothy 2,5 : « For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and humain beings together, the man Christ Jesus, »
The Bible shows what we have to believe :
There is only One God.
Jesus was sent by God as Mediator, Saviour ans Lord, for our salvation and eternal life.
Glory to God, the Eternal Father.
Soek iemand die vertaling in Afrikaans ?
Julle sal vir my laat weet.
Dankie Baie.
Julle, wat naby die geloof in God kom.
Ons luister klompie mense wat so vra :
« hoekom is die geloof so swaar om te verstaan en leef ?
Christene te wees is maklik !
Die Bybel sê :
« Glo in die Here Jesus, en jy sal gered word, jy en jou huisgesin. » volgens Handelinge 16,31.
Die geloof red. Niks ander nie, en moenie skamer wees nie, as jy glo in die Here, jy gered is !
Amen !
Die geloof is,
Ons glo :
1 – in God, die Ewig, die skeper van hemel en aarde, Vader van Ons Here Jesus.
2 – in Jesus Christus, Seun van God en Verlosser, middelaar tussen God en ons, ons, die mens op aarde.
3 – in die Heilige Gees, Gees van warheid, wat die christene lei.
4 – in die Bybel, die Woord van God, wat vir ons gegee is.
Om 'n christene te wees is :
1 – lewe met geloof, luister die Bybel.
2 – Bid na God toe, in die Naam van Jesus Christus.
3 - Kom binne die kerk van die Here wat Op die Pad is.
On the Way Church.
4 – wees gedoop.
5 - die Nagmaal van die Here saam met die gemeente deel.
Die kerk van die Here wil graag saam met elke eiene wat die Here soek en wil volg verwelkom, en die Here saam dien.
Laat die Here sal ons almal seën !
Amen !
Loof die Here.
Baie Welkom om saam met jou, jou huisgesin, huiskerk, of gemeente saam werk en saam deel.
For this Christmas time :
Few words from the Bible, to remember, in all the times of our life.
In the Gospel of John 3,16 :
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
and, in John 3,17, the promise for the believers
"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
From the Bible, in the book of John
God care for us, always, don't forget it !
Believe in God
The Way to God is only the Christ Jesus
Vir hierdie Kerfees tyd,
onthou :
die Word van God,
in the Bybel, deur die boek van Johannes 3,16,
“God het die wêreld so liefgehad dat Hy sy enigste Seun gegee het, sodat dié wat in Hom glo, nie verlore sal gaan nie maar die ewige lewe sal hê."
en Johannes 3,17 vir ons, met geloof :
"Want God het sy Seun in die wêreld gestuur nie om die wêreld te veroordeel nie, maar dat die wêreld deur Hom gered kan word."
Deur Christus Jesus, God sorg vir ons.
Dear friends,
Just before to start our Bible study, don’t forget that you are very welcome to contact us at :
Thank you so much.
We want to clarify some things about religions and prophets.
The only way is to learn with the Bible, our reference.
In this time, many people and media want to make us out of the Way,
With relativism teachings, or try to take « good verses » from other religion books, and teach us that : « all the religions are for peace ».
It is really not like that !
Now from the begining of Jesus Christ ministry we learn that :
In the Gospel of Mark 1,11 :
„And a voice came from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.“
In Matthew 3,17. God shows us that Jesus is His beloved son. And no one other is like him.
And Mark 9,7 :
« and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son : hear him. »
Den, In his letter in Jude 1,3. clearly explainned who was the will of God :
„Beloved, while I was giving all diligence to write unto you of our common salvation, I was constrained to write unto you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints.“
No other Gospel or „Good News“ can be received exept the One (in the Bibble) we received from God and his beloved son.
In Hebrews 1,1-2, The evangelist explain clairly what happend :
1 – „God, having of old time spoken unto the fathers in the prophets by divers portions and in divers manners,
2 - hath at the end of these days spoken unto us in His son (Jesus Christ), whom He appointed heir of all things, (through whom) or (for) also He made the worlds ;“
Dear friends, remember also the first words of the Gospel of Mark 1,1
This is :
„The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.“
No one prophet can be superior of Jesus, no one other is called son of God,
only Jesus, the Christ/Messiah, is the blessed of God.
Vir ons viende, Afrikaans sprekeënde leeser :
« Die evangelie van Jesus Christus, die Seun van God, begin so :“
Deur die Evangelie volgens Markus 1,1.
Net Jesus Christus, is seun van God genoem.
Nie 'n ander profet het die genade vir ons nie.
Geseënde tyd met Hom.
Einige vrae is welkom !
Dear friends,
we start this blog to share our commun faith.
Before, we were at
and now moving to centerblog, more easy to manage it.
- We answer in English, Afrikaans and French.
- Ons aantword ook in Afrikaans.
- Nous partageons aussi en Français.
- We also have studies in Spanish.
Be free to share your faith, to spread the Gospel of Christ, and the Kingdom of God.
God bless us all.
Inside the Arian bathysphere of Ravenna (Italy),
We can see :
the baptism of Jesus by John the baptist.
- God the Father in the side.
- The Holy Spirit coming from heaven.
- Jesus the Christ, with John the baptist is in the water.
All of the 3 are differents, but they work together !
God is the Eternal Father,
Jesus, the Christ of God, the savior.
The Holly Spirit, is the spirit of verity.
Die Name van God.
Op die Pad van die Here
Dit is wat by (die Kerk watOp Pad is) saam geleer het.
Aandag ! In die Bybel Afrikaans se vertallinge, ons kry nie altyd die regte Name van God nie. Die Name wat ons praat nou, kom van die Ou manuskrite van Bybel. Hulle is die ground van waar die mense wat die Bybel vertal gewerk het. Dit is ook 'n sterk leer en kennis vir ons, wat binne die Here se kerk, lewe.
In Hebreërse taal :
Die name van GOD, Wat hulle beteken en nog wat hulle beteken.
Elohim (Gen.1,1) God 2570 keer in Bybel : God sterk en magtig.
El Elyon (Gen. 14,17) God die hoogte God het hemel en arde gemaak
El Shaddaï (Gen. 49,25) God van die berge God is magtig
El Olam (Jesaja 40,28) God van Ewigheid ons mag nie bang wees nie, God lewe nog na ons dood
Yahve (Gen. 2,4) Dié wat altyd is. Die Ewig. 6.823 keer in Bybel, God is so die meeste genoem.
Yahve-nissi (Eks. 17,15) Die Ewig my flag God help om te win.
Yahve-Shalom (Rig. 6,24 Die Ewig van vrede God gee vriendskap en lekker gevoeling (eendrag)
Yahve-tsidkenu (Jer.23,6) Die Ewige God, ons reg Die regte regverdig sy volk.
Adonaï (Psalm 2,4) Meester,Here God het heeltemal die mag
In Grieksse taal (Nuwe Testament = Nuwe Verbond :
Theos ho Pater (Ef. 3,14) God die Vader. God is lief vir die hele familie en bestuur dit.
Geseënde dag almal.
Komments is baie welkom.
The Gifts of the holy Spirit.
In this marvellous day of Pentecost, I am so glad to share with all of you this study about the gifts of the Spirit.
Remember, we find the coming of the holly Spirit in the Acts of the Apostels 2 :
1 - "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.
2 - Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3 - They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
4 - All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
It means that the apostels begin to speak differents languages to give the good news of Christ and the kingdom of God to the visitors in Jerusalem, and outside ...
Very importants teaching for us as christians :
« .. no one can confess « Jesus is Lord », without being guided by the Holy Spirit ».
From 1 Corinthians 12,3.
And :
« . ; but each one has a special gift from God, one person this gift, another one that gift ». 1 Cor. 7,7.
« Each one of us has received a special gift in proportion to what Christ has given ».
From Ephesians 4,7.
« They are differents kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them ». 1Cor. 12,4.
Paul gave this good introduction before explain the gifts of the Spirit.
In 2 others studies we already discovered how is the Holy Spirit, and his personnality.
Now, we study the work of the Holy Spirit in the church/ekklesia, and in our life.
It is important to know that : every christian receive giftof the Holy Spirit, but No one can say that he received all the gifts of the Spirit.
In 1 Corinthians 12, we have a list of the spiritual gifts.
We shall see them.
Verse 5 : the differents ways of serving the Church as Christ body.
Like pastor, ancient/elder, deaco, missionary …
6 – 7 : differents way of serving the Lord.
Like at home, inside the family, the friends, in the church, at work …
8 – : a Spirit of wisdom.
It is people we like to listen these friends.
- : a Spirit of knowledge.
Who can explain the Word of God.
9 – : a Spirit of faith.
It means a faith like few people have it like that, like the martyr, who can be killed for the faith in Christ.
: a Spirit to heal people.
Pray and healing people from differents illness.
10 – : a Spirit to do miracles.
Pray for the specific topic and it’s happen.
: the gift to give prophecy from God,
mean giving the word of God for the church/Ekklesia, and/or for the world.
: a gift to unterstand the differences between the spirits.
What is the real teaching of the Lord or who is comming from the bad spirits. This gift is very important, and has to-day to many mis-interpretations.
: the gift to talk in tongues or languages, and also to explain it.
It is capital to understand this gift in the light of Acts 2,4. The gift to talk in tongues was first (for the disciples) to give testimony and be witnesess of Christ with the visitors in Jerusalem, and now to preach the Gospel of Jesus, everywere.
In Acts 12,31, we have the end of our teaching :
« Set your hearts, then, on the more important gifts. »
The most importants are to have love in our heart (Acts13,1), and pray to receive the Gifts of the Spirit in our life.
The christians are knowing on the fruits who they bear. As Jesus says in Matthew 7.
He holy spirit give the gifts to built the christians and the church as a living body, in faith and verity.
With the fruits of the Spirit the christians, the church is a living body. No gifts of the Spirit means no life, no real christians, and no real church.
« Set your hearts, then, on the more important gifts. »
Don't forget, you are really welcome to give comments in the blog,
of/and contact us at the mail :
God bless us all !
Dear friends,
remember, the lord Jesus, afther the resurrection was 40 days with his dissiples and other people.
Busy to teach and make the dissiples faith stronger !
5 - "And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
6 - After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep."
From 1 Corinthians 15,5-6.
- Jesus visited the dissiples twice in the meetings room to show his resurrection in : Matthew 28 , Mark 16 , Luke 24 , and John 20 and 21.
It is the part of the resurrection that we usually all know.
But :
As the good shepherd, Christ brings his dissiples together, like on the way to Emmaus,
in Luke 24,33 :
"And they rose up (2 dissiples) the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven (dissiples) gathered together, and them that were with them,"
We have to read John 20 and 21 to have the most informations about these important days before the lord's
Ascension day.
"This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true."
From the Gospel of John 21,24.
As God bless Christ,
We also are blessed in Christ !