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Date de création : 22.04.2013
Dernière mise à jour : 01.12.2017
16 articles

CVs and statements/presentations of convening organizations)

Publié le 01/12/2017 à 08:51 par anfdasbl Tags : background roman femme 2010 nature you congo

10. Website (Recommended that detailed information on side-events such as background information, speakers' bios/CVs and statements/presentations should be posted on the websites of convening organizations)


   Mr. Crispin S. Bilombele  (42):  he is currently studying at the catholic university  in DR.Congo , in a master program rural economic  and  specialized  abroad. He obtained her first degree in environment science. Crispin  has 10 -years’ experience working at the Aube Nouvelle pour la Femme et le Développement  Association which aims in ensuring  the position as well as bringing advantages to young people in DRC. Youth work, environment and international affairs are thus her main interests. CRISPIN is a believer in education of young people as a first mean of solving some world’s challenges. he encourages youth to actively participate in the society and take part in all possible exchange programs. In her eyes, this is a pleasant way of getting in touch with distinct cultures and developing values such as tolerance and understanding.  When developing countries are resolute and anxious to reduce poverty as is currently the case in DR.Congo. Most of the poor in developing countries derive their livelihood from their daily work or what they do on their own land, from the work they do against the payment of wages or other forms of self-employment.

Countries that have succeeded in reducing poverty in the long run, they have done so by encouraging rural development and urban employment on a broad basis, thus increasing the profitability of small-scale farming and the remuneration of the labor force. Salaried work.Pathways to successful development, however, have varied according to the starting economic situation. In Kenya, for example, during the 1970s, the increase in the productivity increase of small farms had stimulated the growth of non-farm income. In Malaysia in the 1970s, the expansion of urban employment played an equally important role.

Since labor is an abundant resource, employment-oriented growth is generally compatible with rapid and efficient growth, yet most countries have adopted policies that are explicitly labor-friendly. In particular, even though agriculture is the main labor-intensive sector, almost all developing countries, and the DRC in particular, have taxed agricultural production for reasons of being able to finance public expenditure and protect the economy. manufacturing activity.

Given this reality and in view of the management experiences adopted and put in place by some other African countries, for the DRC, new strategies to help eradicate poverty from vulnerable local and national communities in favor of a healthy life and sustainable development of communities for the coming years should in part pass through:

• Avoid imposing illegal or excessively imposed taxes on local farmers in order to enable them to make a great effort in favor of rural infrastructure and to give small farmers access to technical innovations;

• The expansion of urban demand for growing labor (in industry and income generating services) as incomes rise. The national government should at all costs seek to stimulate job creation in urban areas, by preventing serious distortions in product and factor markets, and by putting in place appropriate urban infrastructure;

Regarding my experience:

Our experience in the design and implementation of projects / programs remains justified by the implementation of the action plans and / or development strategies defined in the various programs / projects already carried out in the field within the framework of the project. environment and in particular by:

The adoption of participatory and practical methods implemented in the study, analysis and exchange of information on the situation of socio-economic and environmental problems to be solved with the participation of local communities, in order to ensure the control of their own responsibilities, to initiate and mobilize their knowledge and techniques for the good management of local natural resources, to take precautions and appropriate measures for the proper conservation of protected areas with particular emphasis on the following themes:

• Women and the environment

• The management, protection and conservation of natural ecosystems and its direct impact on sustainable development for local communities;

• The management and protection of biodiversity;

• The maintenance and protection of forest resources and their impact on the lives of local communities;

• Anthropogenic effects and actions on nature and its impact on climate change;

• Technical capacity building on the management and enforcement of environmental legislation for the future and sustainable development of local communities;






A brief description of Mr. Crispin Swedi Bilombele:                                               

First name: Crispin

Surname: Swedi Bilombele

Born in Kisangani

Date of birth: 6th July 1975,

My family is composed by two boys two sister

Marital status: single

Nationality: Congolese (DRC)

Tel: (+243)999004625


Level of Studies:  Graduate, at the Catholic University in rural development


Job title: Volunteer, in charge of Human rights education in health reproductive and HIV/SIDA.


Previous employment:

-         2016 till  now  I was  elected  as a Representative  CSOs organisation in the GEF-CSO-Network in Central-Africa ( Regional Focal Point),

-         In June 2014:I have been invited to attend at the ESOF conference, is a science forum, 22-24 by invitation of Danish Ministry of Higher Education and science for collaboration and exchange as attendee.

-         In 2011-2012: I had participated for experience of exchange with International Schools Essay competition and Debate.

-         I served and I was granted with Outstanding Merit: (Teacher Champion) by the LIVING

-         RAINFOREST in May 16th 2012 from opening up of United Nations Conference on

-         Sustainable Development RIO+20 approved by Karl Hansen/Director the living Rainforest and Ola Ullsten/Patron and Former Prime Minister of Sweden Youth Education on the Protection of the environment and climate change.

-         October 2008, I organized a platform with academic institutions to use the formal Education system to improve awareness on biodiversity and the need for its conservation because schools can become powerful tools to increase the public awareness on biodiversity.

-         February 2007:I joined the sake of biodiversity in school education, for many learning experiences take place and conventional processes. Particularly in communities of young rural agricultural extension, rural areas of literacy’s, information and important ideas.

-         July 2004:I attend a regional workshop organized by CEIFDHAC, the source of the Nile Hotel, Bujumbura / BURUNDI on capacity building of NGOs in conservation and development to promote biodiversity conservation.

-         December 2008:I organized six training workshop on the promotion of approach'' type'' and supervision of youth on environmental protection and initiation of the endogenous population of the fight against poverty.

-         The aim was to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity and the fight against poverty,

-         How to bring the population in general and women in particular (since it is the woman who carries the weight of the family).


3. Seminars, training and research performed:


-         November 2015: I established legal , educational and social measures , services on the grounds of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity , including such factors as social exclusion , discrimination , rejection by families or cultural communities, lack financial independence , homelessness, discriminatory social attitudes leading to low self –esteem , and lack of protection from discrimination in access to housing , accommodation and social services.

-         In February 2014 :I ensure in particular that notions of public order , public morality, to restrict any exercise of rights to peaceful and provide training and awareness –raising programs to law enforcement to enable them to provide such protection.

-          2005 -2013:Strengthening capacity of local indigenous communities how to make Lobby or advocate for any legislation especially criminal law, to ensure its consistency with the universal enjoyment of all human rights.

-         May 2010:I have integrated within state policy and decision-making a pluralistic approach that recognizes and affirms the interrelatedness and indivisibility of all aspect s of human identity including sexual orientation and gender identity.

-    October 2008: I organized a seminar in two territories of territories of Uvira and Fizi,

      to sensitization indigenous communities on the sexual violence’s

-    November 2004: I organized a training on advocate for human rights inclusive of

     sexual minority rights among others

-    May 2000: Training Workshop on Human Rights education programmers of education

     and awareness to promote and enhance the full enjoyment of all human rights by all

     persons, organized by CADI- The local NGO in UVIRA Territory.

-   November 2000: participation in the Steering Committee of the Under-regional Support aiming at planning a project of collaboration at CEFDHAC/Bujumbura,

-  June 2000:Participation in the Third Conference on the Central Africa Moist Forest 

    Ecosystems in Bujumbura

-  May 2000: Training Workshop on management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa organized by the World Union for the Nature (IUCN-CEFDHAC) source du Nil Hotel, Bujumbura.

4. Other information language Proficiency spoken written :

- French very good very good

- English very good very good

- Portuguese: very good average

-Swahili: very well

- Lingala: well


5. Referee :

Dr. Christian (Permaculture International)

Uvira, DRC E-mail: I hereby certify that the above information accurately reflect my situation, my qualification and my experience.   Thank you very much very for your attention.  


Mr. Crispin Swedi Bilombele

CVs and statements/presentations of convening organizations

Publié le 01/12/2017 à 08:42 par anfdasbl Tags : background roman femme 2010 nature you congo
10. Website (Recommended that detailed information on side-events such as background information, speakers' bios/CVs and statements/presentations should be posted on the websites of convening organizations) Mr. Crispin S. Bilombele (42): he is currently studying at the catholic university in DR.Congo , in a master program rural economic and specialized abroad . He obtained her first degree in environment science. Crispin has 10 -years’ experience working at the Aube Nouvelle pour la Femme et le Développement Association which aims in ensuring the position as well as bringing advantages to young people in DRC. Youth work, environment and international affairs are thus her main interests. CRISPIN is a believer in education of young people as a first mean of solving some world’s challenges. he encourages youth to actively participate in the society and take part in all possible exchange programs. In her eyes, this is a pleasant way of getting in touch with distinct cultures and developing values such as tolerance and understanding. When developing countries are resolute and anxious to reduce poverty as is currently the case in DR.Congo. Most of the poor in developing countries derive their livelihood from their daily work or what they do on their own land, from the work they do against the payment of wages or other forms of self-employment. Countries that have succeeded in reducing poverty in the long run, they have done so by encouraging rural development and urban employment on a broad basis, thus increasing the profitability of small-scale farming and the remuneration of the labor force. Salaried work.Pathways to successful development, however, have varied according to the starting economic situation. In Kenya, for example, during the 1970s, the increase in the productivity increase of small farms had stimulated the growth of non-farm income. In Malaysia in the 1970s, the expansion of urban employment played an equally important role. Since labor is an abundant resource, employment-oriented growth is generally compatible with rapid and efficient growth, yet most countries have adopted policies that are explicitly labor-friendly. In particular, even though agriculture is the main labor-intensive sector, almost all developing countries, and the DRC in particular, have taxed agricultural production for reasons of being able to finance public expenditure and protect the economy. manufacturing activity. Given this reality and in view of the management experiences adopted and put in place by some other African countries, for the DRC, new strategies to help eradicate poverty from vulnerable local and national communities in favor of a healthy life and sustainable development of communities for the coming years should in part pass through: • Avoid imposing illegal or excessively imposed taxes on local farmers in order to enable them to make a great effort in favor of rural infrastructure and to give small farmers access to technical innovations; • The expansion of urban demand for growing labor (in industry and income generating services) as incomes rise. The national government should at all costs seek to stimulate job creation in urban areas, by preventing serious distortions in product and factor markets, and by putting in place appropriate urban infrastructure; Regarding my experience: Our experience in the design and implementation of projects / programs remains justified by the implementation of the action plans and / or development strategies defined in the various programs / projects already carried out in the field within the framework of the project. environment and in particular by: The adoption of participatory and practical methods implemented in the study, analysis and exchange of information on the situation of socio-economic and environmental problems to be solved with the participation of local communities, in order to ensure the control of their own responsibilities, to initiate and mobilize their knowledge and techniques for the good management of local natural resources, to take precautions and appropriate measures for the proper conservation of protected areas with particular emphasis on the following themes: • Women and the environment • The management, protection and conservation of natural ecosystems and its direct impact on sustainable development for local communities; • The management and protection of biodiversity; • The maintenance and protection of forest resources and their impact on the lives of local communities; • Anthropogenic effects and actions on nature and its impact on climate change; • Technical capacity building on the management and enforcement of environmental legislation for the future and sustainable development of local communities; CURRICULUM VITEA (background) A brief description of Mr. Crispin Swedi Bilombele: First name: Crispin Surname: Swedi Bilombele Born in Kisangani Date of birth: 6th July 1975, My family is composed by two boys two sister Marital status: single Nationality: Congolese (DRC) Tel: (+243)999004625 E-mail: Level of Studies: Graduate, at the Catholic University in rural development Job title: Volunteer, in charge of Human rights education in health reproductive and HIV/SIDA. Previous employment: - 2016 till now I was elected as a Representative CSOs organisation in the GEF-CSO-Network in Central-Africa ( Regional Focal Point), - In June 2014: I have been invited to attend at the ESOF conference, is a science forum, 22-24 by invitation of Danish Ministry of Higher Education and science for collaboration and exchange as attendee. - In 2011-2012: I had participated for experience of exchange with International Schools Essay competition and Debate. - I served and I was granted with Outstanding Merit: (Teacher Champion) by the LIVING - RAINFOREST in May 16th 2012 from opening up of United Nations Conference on - Sustainable Development RIO+20 approved by Karl Hansen/Director the living Rainforest and Ola Ullsten/Patron and Former Prime Minister of Sweden Youth Education on the Protection of the environment and climate change. - October 2008, I organized a platform with academic institutions to use the formal Education system to improve awareness on biodiversity and the need for its conservation because schools can become powerful tools to increase the public awareness on biodiversity. - February 2007: I joined the sake of biodiversity in school education, for many learning experiences take place and conventional processes. Particularly in communities of young rural agricultural extension, rural areas of literacy’s, information and important ideas. - July 2004: I attend a regional workshop organized by CEIFDHAC, the source of the Nile Hotel, Bujumbura / BURUNDI on capacity building of NGOs in conservation and development to promote biodiversity conservation. - December 2008: I organized six training workshop on the promotion of approach'' type'' and supervision of youth on environmental protection and initiation of the endogenous population of the fight against poverty. - The aim was to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity and the fight against poverty, - How to bring the population in general and women in particular (since it is the woman who carries the weight of the family). 3. Seminars, training and research performed: - November 2015: I established legal , educational and social measures , services on the grounds of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity , including such factors as social exclusion , discrimination , rejection by families or cultural communities, lack financial independence , homelessness, discriminatory social attitudes leading to low self –esteem , and lack of protection from discrimination in access to housing , accommodation and social services. - In February 2014 : I ensure in particular that notions of public order , public morality, to restrict any exercise of rights to peaceful and provide training and awareness –raising programs to law enforcement to enable them to provide such protection. - 2005 -2013: Strengthening capacity of local indigenous communities how to make Lobby or advocate for any legislation especially criminal law, to ensure its consistency with the universal enjoyment of all human rights. - May 2010: I have integrated within state policy and decision-making a pluralistic approach that recognizes and affirms the interrelatedness and indivisibility of all aspect s of human identity including sexual orientation and gender identity. - October 2008: I organized a seminar in two territories of territories of Uvira and Fizi, to sensitization indigenous communities on the sexual violence’s - November 2004: I organized a training on advocate for human rights inclusive of sexual minority rights among others - May 2000: Training Workshop on Human Rights education programmers of education and awareness to promote and enhance the full enjoyment of all human rights by all persons, organized by CADI- The local NGO in UVIRA Territory. - November 2000: participation in the Steering Committee of the Under-regional Support aiming at planning a project of collaboration at CEFDHAC/Bujumbura, - June 2000: Participation in the Third Conference on the Central Africa Moist Forest Ecosystems in Bujumbura - May 2000: Training Workshop on management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa organized by the World Union for the Nature (IUCN-CEFDHAC) source du Nil Hotel, Bujumbura. 4. Other information language Proficiency spoken written : - French very good very good - English very good very good - Portuguese: very good average -Swahili: very well - Lingala: well 5. Referee : Dr. Christian (Permaculture International) Uvira, DRC E-mail: I hereby certify that the above information accurately reflect my situation, my qualification and my experience. Thank you very much very for your attention. Mr. Crispin Swedi Bilombele

CVs and statements/presentations of convening organizations

Publié le 01/12/2017 à 08:42 par anfdasbl Tags : background roman femme 2010 nature you congo


   Mr. Crispin S. Bilombele  (42):  he is currently studying at the catholic university  in DR.Congo , in a master program rural economic  and  specialized  abroad. He obtained her first degree in environment science. Crispin  has 10 -years’ experience working at the Aube Nouvelle pour la Femme et le Développement  Association which aims in ensuring  the position as well as bringing advantages to young people in DRC. Youth work, environment and international affairs are thus her main interests. CRISPIN is a believer in education of young people as a first mean of solving some world’s challenges. he encourages youth to actively participate in the society and take part in all possible exchange programs. In her eyes, this is a pleasant way of getting in touch with distinct cultures and developing values such as tolerance and understanding.  When developing countries are resolute and anxious to reduce poverty as is currently the case in DR.Congo. Most of the poor in developing countries derive their livelihood from their daily work or what they do on their own land, from the work they do against the payment of wages or other forms of self-employment.

Countries that have succeeded in reducing poverty in the long run, they have done so by encouraging rural development and urban employment on a broad basis, thus increasing the profitability of small-scale farming and the remuneration of the labor force. Salaried work.Pathways to successful development, however, have varied according to the starting economic situation. In Kenya, for example, during the 1970s, the increase in the productivity increase of small farms had stimulated the growth of non-farm income. In Malaysia in the 1970s, the expansion of urban employment played an equally important role.

Since labor is an abundant resource, employment-oriented growth is generally compatible with rapid and efficient growth, yet most countries have adopted policies that are explicitly labor-friendly. In particular, even though agriculture is the main labor-intensive sector, almost all developing countries, and the DRC in particular, have taxed agricultural production for reasons of being able to finance public expenditure and protect the economy. manufacturing activity.

Given this reality and in view of the management experiences adopted and put in place by some other African countries, for the DRC, new strategies to help eradicate poverty from vulnerable local and national communities in favor of a healthy life and sustainable development of communities for the coming years should in part pass through:

• Avoid imposing illegal or excessively imposed taxes on local farmers in order to enable them to make a great effort in favor of rural infrastructure and to give small farmers access to technical innovations;

• The expansion of urban demand for growing labor (in industry and income generating services) as incomes rise. The national government should at all costs seek to stimulate job creation in urban areas, by preventing serious distortions in product and factor markets, and by putting in place appropriate urban infrastructure;

Regarding my experience:

Our experience in the design and implementation of projects / programs remains justified by the implementation of the action plans and / or development strategies defined in the various programs / projects already carried out in the field within the framework of the project. environment and in particular by:

The adoption of participatory and practical methods implemented in the study, analysis and exchange of information on the situation of socio-economic and environmental problems to be solved with the participation of local communities, in order to ensure the control of their own responsibilities, to initiate and mobilize their knowledge and techniques for the good management of local natural resources, to take precautions and appropriate measures for the proper conservation of protected areas with particular emphasis on the following themes:

• Women and the environment

• The management, protection and conservation of natural ecosystems and its direct impact on sustainable development for local communities;

• The management and protection of biodiversity;

• The maintenance and protection of forest resources and their impact on the lives of local communities;

• Anthropogenic effects and actions on nature and its impact on climate change;

• Technical capacity building on the management and enforcement of environmental legislation for the future and sustainable development of local communities;






A brief description of Mr. Crispin Swedi Bilombele:                                               

First name: Crispin

Surname: Swedi Bilombele

Born in Kisangani

Date of birth: 6th July 1975,

My family is composed by two boys two sister

Marital status: single

Nationality: Congolese (DRC)

Tel: (+243)999004625


Level of Studies:  Graduate, at the Catholic University in rural development


Job title: Volunteer, in charge of Human rights education in health reproductive and HIV/SIDA.


Previous employment:

-         2016 till  now  I was  elected  as a Representative  CSOs organisation in the GEF-CSO-Network in Central-Africa ( Regional Focal Point),

-         In June 2014:I have been invited to attend at the ESOF conference, is a science forum, 22-24 by invitation of Danish Ministry of Higher Education and science for collaboration and exchange as attendee.

-         In 2011-2012: I had participated for experience of exchange with International Schools Essay competition and Debate.

-         I served and I was granted with Outstanding Merit: (Teacher Champion) by the LIVING

-         RAINFOREST in May 16th 2012 from opening up of United Nations Conference on

-         Sustainable Development RIO+20 approved by Karl Hansen/Director the living Rainforest and Ola Ullsten/Patron and Former Prime Minister of Sweden Youth Education on the Protection of the environment and climate change.

-         October 2008, I organized a platform with academic institutions to use the formal Education system to improve awareness on biodiversity and the need for its conservation because schools can become powerful tools to increase the public awareness on biodiversity.

-         February 2007:I joined the sake of biodiversity in school education, for many learning experiences take place and conventional processes. Particularly in communities of young rural agricultural extension, rural areas of literacy’s, information and important ideas.

-         July 2004:I attend a regional workshop organized by CEIFDHAC, the source of the Nile Hotel, Bujumbura / BURUNDI on capacity building of NGOs in conservation and development to promote biodiversity conservation.

-         December 2008:I organized six training workshop on the promotion of approach'' type'' and supervision of youth on environmental protection and initiation of the endogenous population of the fight against poverty.

-         The aim was to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity and the fight against poverty,

-         How to bring the population in general and women in particular (since it is the woman who carries the weight of the family).


3. Seminars, training and research performed:


-         November 2015: I established legal , educational and social measures , services on the grounds of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity , including such factors as social exclusion , discrimination , rejection by families or cultural communities, lack financial independence , homelessness, discriminatory social attitudes leading to low self –esteem , and lack of protection from discrimination in access to housing , accommodation and social services.

-         In February 2014 :I ensure in particular that notions of public order , public morality, to restrict any exercise of rights to peaceful and provide training and awareness –raising programs to law enforcement to enable them to provide such protection.

-          2005 -2013:Strengthening capacity of local indigenous communities how to make Lobby or advocate for any legislation especially criminal law, to ensure its consistency with the universal enjoyment of all human rights.

-         May 2010:I have integrated within state policy and decision-making a pluralistic approach that recognizes and affirms the interrelatedness and indivisibility of all aspect s of human identity including sexual orientation and gender identity.

-    October 2008: I organized a seminar in two territories of territories of Uvira and Fizi,

      to sensitization indigenous communities on the sexual violence’s

-    November 2004: I organized a training on advocate for human rights inclusive of

     sexual minority rights among others

-    May 2000: Training Workshop on Human Rights education programmers of education

     and awareness to promote and enhance the full enjoyment of all human rights by all

     persons, organized by CADI- The local NGO in UVIRA Territory.

-   November 2000: participation in the Steering Committee of the Under-regional Support aiming at planning a project of collaboration at CEFDHAC/Bujumbura,

-  June 2000:Participation in the Third Conference on the Central Africa Moist Forest 

    Ecosystems in Bujumbura

-  May 2000: Training Workshop on management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa organized by the World Union for the Nature (IUCN-CEFDHAC) source du Nil Hotel, Bujumbura.

4. Other information language Proficiency spoken written :

- French very good very good

- English very good very good

- Portuguese: very good average

-Swahili: very well

- Lingala: well


5. Referee :

Dr. Christian (Permaculture International)

Uvira, DRC E-mail: I hereby certify that the above information accurately reflect my situation, my qualification and my experience.   Thank you very much very for your attention.  


Mr. Crispin Swedi Bilombele

CVs and statements/presentations of convening organizations)

Publié le 01/12/2017 à 08:23 par anfdasbl Tags : background roman femme nature congo 2010 you
CVs and statements/presentations of convening organizations)
Mr. Crispin S. Bilombele (42): he is currently studying at the catholic university in DR.Congo , in a master program rural economic and specialized abroad . He obtained her first degree in environment science. Crispin has 10 -years’ experience working at the Aube Nouvelle pour la Femme et le Développement Association which aims in ensuring the position as well as bringing advantages to young people in DRC. Youth work, environment and international affairs are thus her main interests. CRISPIN is a believer in education of young people as a first mean of solving some world’s challenges. he encourages youth to actively participate in the society and take part in all possible exchange programs. In her eyes, this is a pleasant way of getting in touch with distinct cultures and developing values such as tolerance and understanding. When developing countries are resolute and anxious to reduce poverty as is currently the case in DR.Congo. Most of the poor in developing countries derive their livelihood from their daily work or what they do on their own land, from the work they do against the payment of wages or other forms of self-employment. Countries that have succeeded in reducing poverty in the long run, they have done so by encouraging rural development and urban employment on a broad basis, thus increasing the profitability of small-scale farming and the remuneration of the labor force. Salaried work.Pathways to successful development, however, have varied according to the starting economic situation. In Kenya, for example, during the 1970s, the increase in the productivity increase of small farms had stimulated the growth of non-farm income. In Malaysia in the 1970s, the expansion of urban employment played an equally important role. Since labor is an abundant resource, employment-oriented growth is generally compatible with rapid and efficient growth, yet most countries have adopted policies that are explicitly labor-friendly. In particular, even though agriculture is the main labor-intensive sector, almost all developing countries, and the DRC in particular, have taxed agricultural production for reasons of being able to finance public expenditure and protect the economy. manufacturing activity. Given this reality and in view of the management experiences adopted and put in place by some other African countries, for the DRC, new strategies to help eradicate poverty from vulnerable local and national communities in favor of a healthy life and sustainable development of communities for the coming years should in part pass through: • Avoid imposing illegal or excessively imposed taxes on local farmers in order to enable them to make a great effort in favor of rural infrastructure and to give small farmers access to technical innovations; • The expansion of urban demand for growing labor (in industry and income generating services) as incomes rise. The national government should at all costs seek to stimulate job creation in urban areas, by preventing serious distortions in product and factor markets, and by putting in place appropriate urban infrastructure; Regarding my experience: Our experience in the design and implementation of projects / programs remains justified by the implementation of the action plans and / or development strategies defined in the various programs / projects already carried out in the field within the framework of the project. environment and in particular by: The adoption of participatory and practical methods implemented in the study, analysis and exchange of information on the situation of socio-economic and environmental problems to be solved with the participation of local communities, in order to ensure the control of their own responsibilities, to initiate and mobilize their knowledge and techniques for the good management of local natural resources, to take precautions and appropriate measures for the proper conservation of protected areas with particular emphasis on the following themes: • Women and the environment • The management, protection and conservation of natural ecosystems and its direct impact on sustainable development for local communities; • The management and protection of biodiversity; • The maintenance and protection of forest resources and their impact on the lives of local communities; • Anthropogenic effects and actions on nature and its impact on climate change; • Technical capacity building on the management and enforcement of environmental legislation for the future and sustainable development of local communities; CURRICULUM VITEA (background) A brief description of Mr. Crispin Swedi Bilombele: First name: Crispin Surname: Swedi Bilombele Born in Kisangani Date of birth: 6th July 1975, My family is composed by two boys two sister Marital status: single Nationality: Congolese (DRC) Tel: (+243)999004625 E-mail: Level of Studies: Graduate, at the Catholic University in rural development Job title: Volunteer, in charge of Human rights education in health reproductive and HIV/SIDA. Previous employment: - 2016 till now I was elected as a Representative CSOs organisation in the GEF-CSO-Network in Central-Africa ( Regional Focal Point), - In June 2014: I have been invited to attend at the ESOF conference, is a science forum, 22-24 by invitation of Danish Ministry of Higher Education and science for collaboration and exchange as attendee. - In 2011-2012: I had participated for experience of exchange with International Schools Essay competition and Debate. - I served and I was granted with Outstanding Merit: (Teacher Champion) by the LIVING - RAINFOREST in May 16th 2012 from opening up of United Nations Conference on - Sustainable Development RIO+20 approved by Karl Hansen/Director the living Rainforest and Ola Ullsten/Patron and Former Prime Minister of Sweden Youth Education on the Protection of the environment and climate change. - October 2008, I organized a platform with academic institutions to use the formal Education system to improve awareness on biodiversity and the need for its conservation because schools can become powerful tools to increase the public awareness on biodiversity. - February 2007: I joined the sake of biodiversity in school education, for many learning experiences take place and conventional processes. Particularly in communities of young rural agricultural extension, rural areas of literacy’s, information and important ideas. - July 2004: I attend a regional workshop organized by CEIFDHAC, the source of the Nile Hotel, Bujumbura / BURUNDI on capacity building of NGOs in conservation and development to promote biodiversity conservation. - December 2008: I organized six training workshop on the promotion of approach'' type'' and supervision of youth on environmental protection and initiation of the endogenous population of the fight against poverty. - The aim was to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity and the fight against poverty, - How to bring the population in general and women in particular (since it is the woman who carries the weight of the family). 3. Seminars, training and research performed: - November 2015: I established legal , educational and social measures , services on the grounds of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity , including such factors as social exclusion , discrimination , rejection by families or cultural communities, lack financial independence , homelessness, discriminatory social attitudes leading to low self –esteem , and lack of protection from discrimination in access to housing , accommodation and social services. - In February 2014 : I ensure in particular that notions of public order , public morality, to restrict any exercise of rights to peaceful and provide training and awareness –raising programs to law enforcement to enable them to provide such protection. - 2005 -2013: Strengthening capacity of local indigenous communities how to make Lobby or advocate for any legislation especially criminal law, to ensure its consistency with the universal enjoyment of all human rights. - May 2010: I have integrated within state policy and decision-making a pluralistic approach that recognizes and affirms the interrelatedness and indivisibility of all aspect s of human identity including sexual orientation and gender identity. - October 2008: I organized a seminar in two territories of territories of Uvira and Fizi, to sensitization indigenous communities on the sexual violence’s - November 2004: I organized a training on advocate for human rights inclusive of sexual minority rights among others - May 2000: Training Workshop on Human Rights education programmers of education and awareness to promote and enhance the full enjoyment of all human rights by all persons, organized by CADI- The local NGO in UVIRA Territory. - November 2000: participation in the Steering Committee of the Under-regional Support aiming at planning a project of collaboration at CEFDHAC/Bujumbura, - June 2000: Participation in the Third Conference on the Central Africa Moist Forest Ecosystems in Bujumbura - May 2000: Training Workshop on management of forest ecosystems in Central Africa organized by the World Union for the Nature (IUCN-CEFDHAC) source du Nil Hotel, Bujumbura. 4. Other information language Proficiency spoken written : - French very good very good - English very good very good - Portuguese: very good average -Swahili: very well - Lingala: well 5. Referee : Dr. Christian (Permaculture International) Uvira, DRC E-mail: I hereby certify that the above information accurately reflect my situation, my qualification and my experience. Thank you very much very for your attention. Mr. Crispin Swedi Bilombele

journée des droits sexuels et reproductive

Publié le 25/04/2013 à 16:13 par anfdasbl Tags : femme roman bonjour femmes
journée des droits sexuels et reproductive




La journée des droits sexuels et reproductive

des femmes africaines.

case of studies

Publié le 24/04/2013 à 17:06 par anfdasbl
case of studies

the indigenous  communities  in the province  of south-Kivu, the factory of crocks that is considered as the unique activity for generating of come back.

The day of women's

Publié le 24/04/2013 à 17:00 par anfdasbl
The day  of women's

the da of  women's March 8th 2011.


Crispin Swedi Bilombele

Case of studies of batwa

Publié le 24/04/2013 à 16:50 par anfdasbl Tags : roman
Case of studies of batwa

It is  important  the indigenous BATWA women   and children  learn to act of now and already as the responsible citizens, respectful of rights of the other.   

Case of studies of batwa

Publié le 24/04/2013 à 16:46 par anfdasbl Tags : roman congo

in the province of South-Kivu in territories of UVIRA end FIZI the eastern part of the democratic Republic of Congo live in a precarious situation of hygiene, water, malnutrition, are marginalized to problems that emerge widely speaking therefore concerning the habitat, the environment the lodging, the sanitary education.    

Case of studies of communities Batwa

Publié le 24/04/2013 à 16:46 par anfdasbl Tags : roman congo
Case of studies of communities Batwa

in the province of South-Kivu in territories of UVIRA end FIZI the eastern part of the democratic Republic of Congo live in a precarious situation of hygiene, water, malnutrition, are marginalized to problems that emerge widely speaking therefore concerning the habitat, the environment the lodging, the sanitary education.