DDB Index for English Names for Schools

English Names for Schools

Abhidharma School 毘曇宗

Buddha-mind sect 佛心宗

Consciousness-only 唯識宗, 唯識派

Daoism 道教

Dharma-character school 法相宗

Dharma-nature school. 法性宗

Empty Nature School 性空宗

Esoteric Buddhism 密宗

Existence School 有部

Great Vehicle School 大乘宗

Lamaism 喇嘛教

Lotus Sutra School 法華宗

Manicheaism 末尼教

Middle Way School 中道宗

Mind School 心宗

Nirvāna Sūtra School 涅槃宗

Pure Land 淨土宗

School of the Treatise on the Bhūmis 地論宗

Stages Sect 地論宗

Three-Treatise school 三論宗

Time School 時宗

True Pure Land School 淨土眞宗

Vairocana Sect 大日宗