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[to eat]

食一切 [all-devouring]

食不淨想 [the contemplation of the impurity of what we eat ]

食不耐想 [contemplation of repulsiveness of food]

食前 [before eating]

食吐悲苦聲 [(Skt. garuḍa)]

食噉 [to devour]

食噉想 [perception of the gnawed]

食堂 [refectory]

食壽命 [devourer of life]

食廚 [kitchen]

食時 [mealtime]

食欲 [lust for food]

食殘 [leftover food]

食物 [to eat things]

食物五果 [five edible fruits and grains]

食用 [for use as food]

食知量 [knows when one has eaten enough]

食米齋 [Kaṇâda]

食米齋宗 [Vaiśeṣika school]

食精氣者 [devourer of energy]

食精氣鬼 [devourer of energy]

食緣 [nutriment-condition]

食肉 [meat-eating]

食肉者 [to eat meat]

食花 [flower-eater]

食蜜 [to eat honey]

食輪 [food wheel]

食頃 [time spent on a single meal]

食香 [perfume eater]

Updated: 2012-05-06