Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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面像 [shape of the face]

面前 [in front of one's face]

面前止諍律 [stopping a litigation by confrontation]

面口 [forehead (lit.mouth of the face)]

面壁 [facing the wall]

面壁九年 [nine years facing the wall]

面山 [Menzan]

面山瑞方 [Menzan Zuihō]

面影 [surface image]

面授 [personal instruction]

面王 [Amogha-rāja]

面現 [in the presence of]

面皺 [wrinkled skin]

面目 [face and eyes]

面石 [face stone]

面縛 [to bind the hands behind the back]

面自 [to face to face]

面色 [facial expression]

面見 [personal interview]

面譏 [to criticize]

面輪 [round face]

面門 [forehead]

面顏容 [countenance]

Updated: 2012-05-06