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雲兄水弟 [brothers of the clouds and waters]

雲凝 [gathering of clouds]

雲堂 [cloud hall]

雲奔 [clouds fly by]

雲宗 [[White] Cloud School]

雲居 [abiding in the clouds]

雲居山 [Yunju Shan]

雲居韶 [Shao of Yunju]

雲岡石窟 [Stone Caves of Yungang]

雲崗石窟 [Stone Caves of Yungang]

雲布 [spread out like clouds in the sky]

雲心 [depression]

雲板 [cloud board]

雲棲 [Yunqi]

雲棲大師 [Yunqi Dashi]

雲棲祩宏 [Yunqi Zhuhong]

雲水 [clouds and water]

雲水僧 [clouds and waters monk]

雲水行脚 [wandering like clouds and water]

雲海 [numerous]

雲版 [cloud-shaped clapper]

雲程 [beyond the clouds]

雲納 [wandering monks]

雲經 [*Megha-sūtra]

雲自在 [Meghasvaradīpa]

雲自在燈王 [Dundubhisvara-rāja]

雲自在王 [Meghasvara-rāja]

雲華尊者 [Yunhua Zhuzhe]

雲蓋守智 [Yungai shouzhi]

雲衆水衆 [brothers of the clouds and waters]

雲衲 [itinerant monk]

雲衲衲子 [wandering Seon monk]

雲門 [Yunmen]

雲門一字關 [Yunmen's one-word barrier]

雲門匡眞禪師廣錄 [Extensive Record of Yunmen Kuangzhen]

雲門和尚廣錄 [Extensive Record of Yunmen Kuangzhen]

雲門宗 [Yunmen house]

雲門寺 [Unmunsa]

雲門廣錄 [Yunmen guanglu]

雲門文偃 [Yunmen Wenyan]

雲集 [gathering like clouds]

雲雨 [clouds and rain]

雲雷音宿王華智 [Jaladhara-garjita-ghoṣa-susvara-nakṣatra-rāja-saṅkusumitā-bhijña]

雲雷音王 [Megha-dundubhi-svara-rāja]

雲霧羅網 [net of clouds]

雲音王 [Meghasvara-rāja]

雲默 [Unmuk]

雲鼓 [cloud drum]

Updated: 2012-05-06