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遮 [to restrain]
遮伽羅 [cakra]
遮光 [shut off the light]
遮制 [precepts outlining the need for restraint]
遮吒迦 [cāṭaka]
遮唎耶 [caryā]
遮性 [secondary and fundamental [precepts]]
遮惡 [faults that require the exercise of restraint]
遮戒 [precepts for faults that require special restraint]
遮摩羅 [Cāmara]
遮救 [refutation of objections]
遮文茶 [Cāmuṇḍā]
遮文荼 [? cāmuṇḍā,]
遮斷 [to prevent]
遮末邏 [Cāmara]
遮棃夜 [caryā]
遮止 [to keep distance from]
遮止意樂 [aspiration for restraint]
遮滅 [to annihilate]
遮照 [refuting and establishing]
遮破 [to refute]
遮罪 [faults that are to be restrained]
遮羅迦 [wanderer]
遮般 [this way]
遮言 [words of refutation]
遮詮 [negating statement]
遮迦羅 [cakra]
遮迦越羅 [cakravartī-rāja]
遮遣 [restrain]
遮那 [Vairocana]
遮障 [obstacle]
遮難 [restraints and difficulties (?)]
Updated: 2012-05-06