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辟利斯 [Pilindavatsa]

辟屏 [to seclude oneself]

辟屛 [to seclude oneself]

辟支 [solitary]

辟支佛 [pratyekabuddha]

辟支佛乘 [vehicle of the solitary realizers]

辟支佛人 [pratyekabuddha]

辟支佛地 [pratyekabuddha stage]

辟支佛身 [pratyekabuddha-body]

辟支佛道 [the enlightenment of a pratyekabuddha]

辟支佛陀 [pratyekabuddha]

辟支迦 [pratyeka]

辟支迦佛 [(Skt. pratyekabuddha)]

辟支迦佛陀 [pratyekabuddha]

辟除 [to suppress]

辟除諸惡經 [Bichu zhue jing]

辟雷 [to thunder]

辟鬼 [to suppress demons]

Updated: 2012-05-06