Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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輕便 [swift]

輕動 [light movement]

輕少 [minute]

輕微 [gentle]

輕徵 [gentle]

輕心 [despise]

輕戒 [minor precepts]

輕戲 [to make light of]

輕擧 [light]

輕毀 [to slight]

輕法 [disdain for the dharma]

輕笑 [mocks]

輕縠 [thin veil]

輕罵 [to hold in contempt and slander]

輕翳眼 [eyes with light cataracts]

輕觸 [to touch lightly]

輕醫眼 [a mild visual affliction]

[light (not heavy)]

輕垢 [(minor) misdeeds]

輕垢罪 [light crimes]

輕安 [pliancy]

輕安覺支 [repose]

輕慢 [disdain]

輕慢他人 [to despise others]

輕慢心 [the mental state of disdain for others]

輕捷 [spirits of the dead]

輕毛 [as light as a hair]

輕罪 [light crime]

輕蔑 [to look down on]

輕蔑心 [scornful]

輕賤 [to disregard]

輕躁 [excitement]

輕重 [light and heavy]

輕陵 [dishonored]

輕非 [light crimes]

Updated: 2012-05-06