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護 [to protect]
護世 [world protectors]
護世四天王 [four world-protecting celestial kings]
護世四王 [four guardian kings]
護世王 [world-protecting kings]
護世者 [world-protector(s)]
護主 [guard]
護伽藍神 [guardian temple deity(s)]
護佛 [Buddhapālita]
護助 [to protect and support]
護命 [protection of life]
護命法門神呪經 [Huming famen shenzhou jing]
護善 [to protect goodness]
護國 [to protect the state]
護國佛教 [state protecting Buddhism]
護國品 [Chapter on Protecting the State]
護寺 [monastery guard]
護念 [mindfulness]
護惜 [to cherish]
護惡 [to ward off evil]
護戒 [to observe the precepts]
護戒神 [precept protecting spirits]
護持 [to maintain]
護持增 [guardian monk]
護摩 [homa]
護摩壇 [a fire altar]
護摩木 [wood for the fire ritual]
護明 [Prabhāpāla]
護明大士 [Prabhāpāla]
護明菩薩 [light-protecting bodhisattva]
護月 [Candragupta]
護根 [to guard the faculties]
護根門 [guarding the sense-gates]
護正法 [guard the correct Dharma]
護法 [Dharmapāla]
護法善神 [benevolent deities who protect the Dharma]
護法心 [intention to protect the dharma]
護法神 [dharma-protecting deity]
護理方丈 [deputy abbot]
護童子法 [rituals for the protection of children]
護符 [protective amulet]
護苾那 [Hupian]
護身 [self-protection]
護魔 [homa]
Updated: 2012-05-06