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[to explain]

說一乘經 [Sūtra that Teaches the One Vehicle]

說一切有 [Sarvâstivāda]

說一切有部 [Sarvâstivāda School]

說三乘 [to teach the three vehicles]

說之 [explains it]

說他罪過戒 [precept forbidding speaking of the faults of others]

說倶胝數 [said to be ten million-fold]

說假部 [Prajñaptivādin]

說偈 [explains in verse]

說其相 [explain its attributes]

說出世部 [Lokôttaravādin]

說出道無畏 [fearlessness in expounding the method of liberation]

說化 [to teach]

說千數 [said to be a thousand[fold]]

說同法人過戒 [precept forbidding speaking of the faults of one's fellow practitioners]

說名 [to be called]

說名衆生 [are called sentient beings]

說四衆名德犯過戒 [precept forbidding speaking of the faults of the four groups of renunciant practitioners]

說四衆過 [accuse the four groups of Buddhist practitioners of faults]

說四衆過戒 [precept forbidding speaking of the faults of the four groups of renunciant practitioners]

說因部 [Hetuvādinaḥ]

說在家出家菩薩戒 [precept forbidding speaking of the faults of the four groups of renunciant practitioners]

說如此 [explained like this]

說妄語 [to tell a lie]

說度部 [Sautrāntika]

說我 [to posit a self]

說戒 [explaining the precepts]

說教 [to preach]

說是言 [say this]

說是語已 [having explained this...]

說果 [called a fruit]

說欲 [explanation of the desire]

說正法 [expound the correct teaching]

說正法時 [when the correct dharma is taught]

說此名 [this is called...]

說此法 [explain this teaching]

說此言 [to speak these words]

說法 [exposition of the teachings (dharma)]

說法印 [preaching mudrā]

說法品 [stage of teaching the dharma]

說法堂 [dharma talk hall]

說法場 [sermon hall]

說法差別 [differences among teachings]

說法師 [Dharma preacher]

說法所作 [that created from expounding the dharma]

說法時 [when expounding the Dharma]

說法殿 [teaching hall]

說法神變 [miraculous power of expounding the teachings]

說法第一 [Most Eminent in Explaining the Dharma]

說法者 [a Dharma preacher]

說法蘊 [to expound the collection of teachings]

說法要 [explain the essentials of the Dharma]

說淨 [receiving donations through an intermediary]

說漸 [teaches the doctrine of gradualism]

說無垢稱經 [Shuo wugoucheng jing]

說爲 [explained as...]

說生 [said to arise]

說百千數 [said to be one hundred thousand-fold]

說相 [characteristics of the discourse]

說相稱法 [to teach the appropriate dharma]

說破 [to refute]

說示 [to tell and indicate]

說經 [to expound the sutras]

說經部 [Sautrāntika]

說罪 [to confess wrong-doing]

說義 [to explicate]

說者 [exegete]

說聽 [teaching and listening]

說苦 [explain about suffering]

說解 [to explain]

說言 [uttered]

說言語 [to express in words]

說語 [explanations and words]

說轉部 [Saṃkrāntivādin]

說通 [to explain fully]

說通及心通 [penetration of the teaching and penetration of mind]

說過 [accuse others of their faults]

說過戒 [precept forbidding speaking of the faults of the four groups of renunciant practitioners]

說道 [explain the way]

說障法無畏 [fearlessness in explaining the hindrances to the dharma]

說隨眠 [called latent]

說非 [confession]

說頌曰 [tospeak a verse, saying...]

說頓 [teaches the sudden doctrine]

說默 [speech and silence]

Updated: 2012-05-06