Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
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觸 [contact]
觸事 [to touch upon phenomena]
觸事面墻 [whatever matter one engages in he runs into a wall]
觸向對面 [the Buddhahood of everyone one meets]
觸唯 [subtle element of tangibility]
觸因 [touch cause]
觸塵 [field of touch]
觸境 [tactile objects]
觸嬈 [to disturb]
觸對 [to impinge]
觸惱 [to be disturbed]
觸指 [dirty fingers]
觸支 [link of contact]
觸桶 [toilet pail]
觸樂 [the pleasure produced by touch]
觸欲 [desire awakened by touch]
觸毒 [the poison of touch]
觸甁 [toilet jar]
觸目 [everything that the eyes touch upon]
觸禮 [to prostrate one's head to a stool]
觸禮一拜 [one prostration at a footstool]
觸穢 [to touch anything unclean and become unclean]
觸著 [to touch [something]]
觸處 [tactile field]
觸證 [to attain]
觸識 [to stimulate consciousness]
觸金剛 [Ucchuṣma]
觸鐘 [to strike a bell]
觸食 [sensory food]
觸香 [pṛkkā]
Updated: 2012-05-06