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覺了 [completely and clearly enlightened]

覺了法性 [to completely realize the nature of phenomena]

覺人 [enlightened person]

覺他 [to awaken others]

覺位 [the stage of perfect enlightenment]

覺分 [conducive to enlightenment]

覺分相應增上慧住 [the stage of enhanced insight that is associated with the factors of enlightenment]

覺分簡擇 [investigation of the factors of enlightenment]

覺受 [perception]

覺名 [Buddhayaśas]

覺品 [conducive to enlightenment]

覺地 [stage of enlightenment]

覺城 [place where the Buddha attained full enlightenment]

覺堅 [the firmness of enlightenment]

覺士 [bodhisattva]

覺天 [Buddhadeva]

覺如 [Kakunyo]

覺察 [to analyze phenomena in detail]

覺寤 [to awaken]

覺山 [the mountain of enlightenment]

覺岸 [the shore of enlightenment]

覺已 [having been enlightened]

覺心 [the mind of enlightenment]

覺性 [enlightened nature]

覺悟 [to awaken]

覺悟修習 [enlightening cultivation]

覺悟智 [enlightened wisdom]

覺意 [enlightenment]

覺意三昧 [enlightening samādhi]

覺意寶 [jewels of enlightenment]

覺愛 [Bodhiruci]

覺慧 [understanding]

覺支 [factors of enlightenment ]

覺日 [enlightened days]

覺明 [enlightened illumination]

覺時 [time of awakening]

覺智 [to be aware of]

覺有情 [enlightened, but having feelings]

覺根 [five sensory organs]

覺樹 [bodhi tree]

覺母 [mother of enlightenment]

覺海 [the fathomless ocean of enlightenment]

覺滿 [[one whose] enlightenment is complete]

覺照 [enlightening illumination]

覺照禪師 [Juezhao chanshi]

覺王 [king of enlightenment]

覺用 [enlightened function]

覺皇寺 [Gakhwangsa]

覺盛 [Kakujō]

覺相 [marks of enlightenment]

覺知 [to awaken to ]

覺礫拘荀大 [Kakusandha]

覺禪鈔 [Excerpts of Kakuzen]

覺策 [to awaken and stimulate]

覺者 [awakened one]

覺自相 [peculiar marks of enlightenment]

覺苑 [garden of enlightenment]

覺華 [the flower of enlightenment]

覺行 [enlightenment and practice]

覺親 [Buddhamitra]

覺觀 [coarse apprehension and fine analysis]

覺諸諦 [awareness of the truths]

覺護 [Buddhagupta]

覺賢 [Buddhabhadra]

覺軍 [Bodhisena]

覺道 [the way of enlightenment]

覺道支 [factors of the path of enlightenment]

覺鎧 [*Buddhavarman]

覺鐵嘴 [Jiao Iron Beak]

覺鑁 [Kakuban]

覺雄 [hero of enlightenment]

覺雲 [Gag-un]

覺靈 [awakened spirit]

覺音 [Buddhaghoṣa]

Updated: 2012-05-06