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興修 [to cultivate]

興出 [to appear]

興問難 [to raise a question]

興墜 [to fall into (a bad state of) existence (?)]

興建 [to build]

興擧 [to raise]

興正 [Kōshō ]

興正菩薩 [Kōshō Bosatsu ]

興法 [to make the Buddhadharma flourish]

興法利生 [bestow the Dharma for the benefit of sentient beings]

興發 [to produce]

興禪護國論 [Introducing Zen to Protect the Nation]

興諍論 [to engage in debate]

興謗難 [to criticize]

興顯 [to appear]

興顯如幻經 [Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra)]

興顯經 [Tathāgatôtpatti-saṃbhava-nirdeśa(sūtra)]

[to raise]

興世 [to raise the world]

興宜 [(Skt. hiṅgu)]

興悲戀心 [to arouse concern]

興渠 [hiṅgu]

興盛 [to prosper]

興盛衰損 [prosperity and adversity]

興福 [to bring about good fortune]

興福寺 [Kōfukuji]

興聖寺 [Kōshōji]

興舊 [(Skt. hiṅgu)]

興行 [prospering and progressing]

興衰 [prosperity and adversity]

興隆寺 [Kōryūji]

Updated: 2012-05-06