Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
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聞 [to hear]
聞之 [to hear it]
聞佛 [to hear the Buddha]
聞光力 [to hear of the power of the light of Amitâbha]
聞受 [to hear and accept]
聞受持 [hearing and embracing]
聞名 [to hear about a Buddha]
聞名欲往生 [hears [Amitâbha's] name and desires to be reborn [in his Pure Land]]
聞名見佛願 [promise that one will hear the Buddha's name and see his form]
聞如是 [hears this sort of...]
聞已 [having heard]
聞思 [two kinds of wisdom of hearing and thinking]
聞思修 [hearing, thinking and practicing]
聞思修三慧 [three kinds of wisdom of hearing, contemplating, and meditating]
聞思修慧 [the insight arising from hearing, pondering and cultivating]
聞思修所成 [arising from hearing, pondering and cultivating]
聞思修所生 [produced from hearing, thinking, and practice]
聞性 [related to hearing]
聞惠 [wisdom [attained by] hearing]
聞慧 [wisdom attained through hearing]
聞所成 [[wisdom] gained from listening]
聞所成慧 [the insight arising from hearing]
聞所成智 [wisdom attained by listening]
聞持 [to hear the Buddhist teaching and retain it fully in the memory without loss]
聞持陀羅尼 [the retention of what is heard]
聞服 [to hear and obey]
聞槌偈 [Verse upon Hearing the Mallet]
聞正法 [hears the correct teaching]
聞法 [to hear the teachings]
聞熏習 [permeation by hearing]
聞知 [smells and identifies]
聞者 [listener]
聞聲 [to listen to sounds]
聞聲悟道 [awaken to enlightenment by hearing sounds]
聞薰習 [permeation by what is heard]
聞行 [hearing and practicing]
聞行正法光明 [hearing and practice of the illumination of the true teaching]
聞說 [as I have heard]
聞陀羅尼 [the retention of what is heard]
聞香 [smell an odor]
Updated: 2012-05-06