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精修 [practices intensively]

精勤 [to endeavor]

精勤修 [energetic cultivation]

精勤修學 [to apply oneself in study and practicet]

精勤修習 [to make ready]

精勤修集 [endeavor and accumulate]

精勤加行 [[vigorously] applied practice]

精勤思慕 [anxiety]

精勤方便 [applied practices]

精勤硏究 [study intensely]

精媚鬼 [form-shifting demon]

精室 [pure abode]

精密 [subtle]

精廬 [pure abode]

精微 [subtle]

精志 [concentrates one's attention(?)]

精懃 [vigorous striving]

精明 [exact]

精氣 [vitality]

精牢 [extremely hard]

精眞 [pure truth]

精神 [spirit]

精童 [a clever child]

精粗 [the fine and the coarse]

精粹 [pure]

精緻 [detailed]

精舍 [temple]

精血 [semen and (uterine) blood]

精血大種 [material elements of semen and (uterine) blood]

精詳 [minute]

精通 [to have a thorough knowledge of]

精進 [effort]

精進修行 [energetically practice]

精進具足 [fulfillment of diligence]

精進到彼岸 [perfection of effort]

精進力 [effort]

精進定 [concentration due to effort]

精進定勝行成就如意足 [basis of supernormal power which is endowed with the activities of endeavor and the concentration due to effort]

精進度 [perfection of zeal]

精進弓智慧箭 [zeal as the bow, wisdom the arrow]

精進心 [mental state of zeal]

精進根 [faculty of zeal]

精進波羅蜜 [perfection of effort]

精進波羅蜜多 [perfection of effort]

精進無減 [the power of nonretrogression (or non-diminution) in terms of diligence]

精進相應 [concomitant with zeal]

精進等覺支 [effort as a factor of enlightenment]

精進行 [energetic practices]

精進覺 [attentiveness to vigilant effort]

精進覺支 [effort as a factor of enlightenment]

精進鎧 [the armor of perseverance]

精靈 [spirits]

精靈棚 [spirit's canopy]

精魂 [spirit]

Updated: 2012-05-06