Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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[to exhaust]

盡其所有 [the actual nature of existent things]

盡力 [to exhaust one's powers]

盡十方 [in all the ten directions]

盡壽 [for one's whole life]

盡大地 [exhausting the great earth]

盡形 [during the whole of life]

盡形壽 [during the whole of life]

盡得 [completely attains]

盡心 [to exhaust one's mind]

盡性 [to exhaust the nature]

盡悉 [all]

盡想 [the contemplation of exhausting [karmic bonds] ]

盡所有 [totality of phenomena]

盡所有性 [totality of existent phenomena]

盡所有智 [knowledge of all existent things]

盡捨墮 [rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk or nun possesses superfluously]

盡智 [eradication wisdom]

盡有 [all existent . . .]

盡期 [definite time of extinction]

盡未來 [exhausting the future]

盡未來際 [eternally]

盡極 [to complete]

盡淨虛融 [the amalgamation of exhaustive purity and nothingness]

盡滅 [exhausted]

盡漏 [to extirpate contamination]

盡無餘 [extinguishes without remainder]

盡煩惱 [to extinguish affliction]

盡理 [exhaust the principle]

盡生 [one's whole life]

盡皆 [every single one]

盡知 [exhaustive knowledge]

盡虛空 [throughout all of space]

盡虛空界 [throughout the entire universe ]

盡行 [exhaustively practices]

盡諸有結 [severs all the bonds of existence]

盡道 [the path leading to the destruction (of all suffering)]

盡除 [completely eliminate]

盡除遣 [completely remove]

盡際 [to eliminate]

Updated: 2012-05-06