Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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皆依佛性 [all rely on the buddha-nature]

皆倶 [all]

皆共 [all]

皆具 [all (both) included]

皆具足 [quite full]

皆各 [each]

皆大歡喜 [all were overjoyed]

皆如實知 [knows them all exactly as they are]

皆如幻 [all [are] illusory]

皆如幻夢 [all are illusory and dreamlike]

皆妄 [everything is illusory]

皆得 [all attain]

皆悉 [all]

皆悉具足 [all fully possess]

皆悉增盛 [all become abundant]

皆悉已斷 [already completely removed]

皆悉成就 [perfectly succeeding; perfection, excellence]

皆悉永斷 [thoroughly and permanently eliminate]

皆悉遠離 [all are abandoned]

皆悉除斷 [all are totally eliminated]

皆悉顯現 [all are fully manifest]

皆應了知 [should all be fully understood]

皆成佛道 [all accomplish the buddha-way]

皆普 [all]

皆有 [they all have]

皆有佛性 [all [sentient beings] possess the buddha-nature]

皆有道理 [each has its own principle]

皆無 [all lack...]

皆無所有 [none of them exist]

皆生 [[they] all produce]

皆由無始貪恚癡 [all originates from desire, ill-will, and folly]

皆當作佛 [all will become buddhas]

皆空 [all is empty]

皆能辨了 [are all intelligible]

Updated: 2012-05-06