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獨一 [alone]

獨一有 [isolated]

獨一有義 [meaning of unique to]

獨一法界 [solitary realm of reality]

獨住 [to live alone]

獨修聖 [hermit sage]

獨參 [private interview]

獨參入室 [private interview]

獨善 [self-righteous]

獨園 [Anātha-piṇḍadasyârāmaḥ]

獨在 [alone]

獨妙 [exquisite]

獨存 [alone]

獨孤洛加 [dukūla]

獨尊 [the alone-honored one]

獨居 [solitary dwelling]

獨己 [alone]

獨彰境 [images only]

獨影境 [objects illusorily manifested from a subjective view]

獨得 [separately]

獨悟 [individually enlightened]

獨柯多 [duṣkṛta]

獨生 [worldling]

獨生獨死 [to be born alone and die alone]

獨生獨死獨去獨來 [alone we are born and die, go and come]

獨空 [viewpoint that all phenomena are nothing but emptiness]

獨立 [independent]

獨立論證派 [Svātrantika school]

獨聖 [hermit sage]

獨聖閣 [hall of the hermit sage]

獨股杵 [single-arm vajra]

獨自 [independent]

獨處空閑作意思惟 [to focus one's thoughts alone in an empty forest]

獨行 [functioning independently]

獨行無明 [independently functioning ignorance]

獨覺 [solitary realizer]

獨覺乘 [the Way of the Pratyekabuddhas]

獨覺乘種性 [seed nature of the pratyekabuddha vehicle]

獨覺地 [ground/stage of the solitary realizer]

獨覺境界 [realm of solitary realizers]

獨覺果 [attainment of the solitary realizer]

獨覺界 [experiential realm of the solitary realizer]

獨覺種姓 [family of the self-enlightened ones]

獨覺種性 [seed-nature of pratyekabuddha]

獨覺菩提 [enlightenment of the pratyekabuddhas]

獨角仙人 [Ekaśṛṅga]

獨身 [celibacy]

獨身主義 [celibacy]

獨身宗派 [celibate religious order]

獨頭 [independent]

獨頭意識 [independently arising thinking consciousness]

獨頭戒取 [exclusivist attachment to the precepts]

獨頭無明 [independently-functioning ignorance]

獨顯 [only expresses]

Updated: 2012-05-06