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漸修 [gradual cultivation]

漸具 [gradually completed]

漸出 [gradually escapes]

漸增 [gradually increase]

漸增盛 [increasing, growing, prospering]

漸增長 [gradually augmenting (increasing, furthering, promoting)]

漸寫 [gradual transcribing [of a sūtra]]

漸得 [gradually attain]

漸悟 [gradual enlightenment]

漸悟菩薩 [gradually enlightened bodhisattva]

漸捨 [gradually abandon (ignorance)]

漸損 [gradual decrease]

漸教 [gradual teaching]

漸斷 [gradual elimination]

漸明 [to illuminate gradually]

漸次 [gradual advancement]

漸次乃至 [gradually [advance] until]

漸次斷 [to gradually eliminate]

漸次止觀 [graded stilling and insight]

漸次觀 [gradual [cessation and ]insight]

漸深 [shallow and deep]

漸滅 [to disappear gradually]

漸漸 [gradually]

漸熱 [gradual warming]

漸薰 [gradual perfuming]

漸覺 [gradually enlightened]

漸說 [gradual teaching]

漸進 [to advance gradually]

漸頓 [gradual and sudden]

Updated: 2012-05-06