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漏失 [loss]

漏已盡 [defilements already exhausted]

漏心 [contaminated thought]

漏戒 [breach of moral discipline]

漏有漏法 [contaminated existences and contaminated phenomena]

漏業 [contaminated activity]

漏水 [leaking water]

漏永盡 [contamination is permanently eliminated]

漏永盡無所畏 [no fear that contamination won't be permanently extinguished]

漏永盡無畏 [fearlessness in asserting that he has destroyed all defilements]

漏無漏 [tainted and untainted]

漏盡 [exhaustion of contamination]

漏盡意解 [contamination extinguished and the mind liberated]

漏盡明 [wisdom of the extinction of contamination]

漏盡智 [(supernormal) knowledge of the extinction of contamination]

漏盡智力 [power of the knowledge of afflictions and the methods for their elimination]

漏盡智明 [(supernormal) knowledge of the extinction of contamination]

漏盡智證明 [(supernormal) knowledge of the extinction of contamination]

漏盡智證通 [(supernormal) knowledge that extinguishes contamination]

漏盡比丘 [monk who has extinguished all contamination]

漏盡神通 [(supernormal) knowledge of the extinction of contamination]

漏盡證明 [realization of extinction of contamination]

漏盡通 [supernormal power of the complete extinction of afflictions]

漏盡通證 [(supernormal) realization of the extinction of contamination]

漏盡阿羅漢 [ascendancy to the stage of arhat, which implies the elimination of all contamination]

漏逗 [to let something slip]

漏麤重 [debilitating hindrances of simple contamination]

Updated: 2012-05-06