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滿 [full]

滿位 [completion of a stage]

滿分 [full and partial]

滿分戒 [full set of precepts]

滿分淸淨者 [those purified wholly or in part]

滿字 [full word]

滿字教 [to complete teachings]

滿州語 [Manchurian language]

滿座 [full house]

滿怛羅 [(Skt. maṇḍala)]

滿慈子 [Pūrṇa-maitrāyaṇī-putra]

滿成 [fully complete]

滿教 [complete teaching]

滿散 [concluding day of a dharma assembly]

滿時 [at the time of completion]

滿月 [a full moon (Skt. candra-aṃśu)]

滿月尊 [the full-moon honored one]

滿期 [time fulfilled]

滿果 [particularizing karma]

滿業 [particularizing karma]

滿殊尸利 [Mañjuśrī]

滿泥 [vande]

滿濡 [marvelous]

滿眼 [to fill the eyes]

滿祖室哩 [Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva]

滿祝子 [Pūrṇa]

滿空 [Mangong]

滿緣 [fulfillment of conditions]

滿荼 [maṇḍa]

滿荼邏 [(Skt. maṇḍala)]

滿見子 [Pūrṇa]

滿賢 [Pūrṇabhadra]

滿足 [fulfillment]

滿足願 [accomplished vow]

滿願 [fulfillment of a vow]

滿願子 [Pūrṇa]

Updated: 2012-05-06