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海 [ocean; sea]
海一渧 [a drop in the ocean]
海內 [in the ocean]
海印 [ocean-seal]
海印三昧 [ocean seal samādhi ]
海印寺 [Haeinsa]
海岸 [sea-shore]
海岸香 [incense from the seashore]
海島 [seas and islands]
海德 [virtues as vast as an ocean]
海持覺乘神通 [ Sāgarabuddhidhārī]
海持覺娯樂神通 [ Sāgaravaradharabuddhivikrīḍitābhijña]
海會 [ocean-assembly]
海月 [Haewol]
海東 [Haedong]
海東疏 [Haedong so]
海東高僧傳 [Lives of Eminent Korean Monks]
海此岸栴檀 [the sandalwood (which grows) by the seashore of this side]
海水 [ocean]
海淵 [an abyss]
海潮音 [ocean-tide voice]
海潾 [Haerin]
海珠 [pearl [at the bottom of] the ocean]
海眼寺 [Haeansa]
海衆 [ocean assembly]
海覺神通 [Sāgara-vara-buddhi-vikrīḍitâbhijña]
海迦葉 [name of a disciple of the Buddha]
海門 [bay]
海靑 [full-sleeved gown]
海麟 [Haerin]
海龍王 [dragon king of the ocean]
Updated: 2012-05-06