Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

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洞家 [adherents of Dong]

洞山 [Dongshan]

洞山三路 [three paths of Dongshan]

洞山五位 [five stages of Dongshan]

洞山守初 [Dongshan Shouchu]

洞山良价 [Dongshan Liangjie]

洞山良价禪師語錄 [Dongshan liangjie chanshi yulu ]

洞山麻三斤 [Dongshan's three pounds of flax]

洞徹 [penetrating and sharp]

洞然明白 [to clear and laid bare]

洞視 [to see clearly]

洞達 [penetrating]

洞雲寺 [Tōunji]

Updated: 2012-05-06