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染 [defiled]
染不染 [defiled and undefiled]
染事 [defiles situations (?)]
染品 [category of defilement]
染因 [cause of defilement]
染垢 [polluted]
染幻 [defiled illusion]
染心 [defiled mind]
染心恆沙 [defilements in the mind as numerous as the sands on the banks of the Ganges]
染心義 [the meaning of defilement]
染心者 [defiled (states of) mind]
染恚癡 [desire, ill-will, delusion]
染惑 [afflictions]
染惱 [to pollute]
染愛 [defiled love]
染愛心 [desirous thoughts that defile]
染數 [defiled habituation]
染業 [defiled activity]
染欲 [impassioned]
染汙 [defile]
染汚 [defiled]
染汚心 [defiled mental states]
染汚性 [defiled]
染汚意 [the defiled consciousness]
染汚末那 [defiled mentation]
染汚法 [defiled phenomena]
染汚無知 [defiled ignorance]
染法 [polluted phenomena]
染法種子 [seeds of defiled phenomena]
染淨 [defilement and purity]
染淨不二門 [defilement and purity in their aspect of non-difference]
染淨依 [base of defilement and purity]
染淨垢 [pure and impure defilements]
染淨心 [mental state of impurity and purity]
染淨眞如 [suchness as defiled and pure]
染無知 [defiled ignorance]
染界 [defiled realm]
染相 [marks of defilement]
染緣 [defiled conditions]
染習 [defiled habituation]
染者 [the defiled]
染色 [dyed colors]
染色衣 [dyed garments]
染著 [defiled attachment]
染衣 [dyed garments]
染覆 [to defile]
染違犯 [defiled offense]
Updated: 2012-05-06