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施一切無畏陀羅尼經 [Dhāraṇī of Bestowing Complete Fearlessness]

施主 [almsgiver]

施乞叉難陀 [Śikṣānanda]

施他 [generosity]

施他衣服 [offering clothing to others]

施作 [do]

施作恩惠 [to bestow blessings]

施僧 [give alms to the saṃgha]

施到彼岸 [perfection of giving]

施化 [to bestow the teachings]

施品 [chapter on giving]

施婆羅 [*śaivala]

施安 [things which make one comfortable]

施已 [(already) donated]

施彼 [give to him (her, them)]

施心 [mind of giving]

施念 [recollection of generosity]

施性 [charitable nature]

施恩 [to bless]

施恩報恩方便善巧 [skillful means of requiting good actions]

施恩惠 [extend kindness]

施惠 [to bestow kindness]

施戒 [generosity and morality]

施時 [when bestowing]

施林 [burial by discarding the corpse in the forest]

施果 [result of the donation]

施權 [provisionally established]

施波羅蜜 [perfection of giving]

施波羅蜜多 [perfection of donation]

施無厭 [Nālanda-saṃghārāma]

施無畏 [bestower of fearlessness]

施無畏者 [one who bestows fearlessness]

施爲 [to carry out]

施物 [donation]

施物空 [emptiness of the donation]

施福 [merit]

施福移轉 [transference of merit]

施福移轉種種諍論 [various beliefs in the transfer of merit]

施積 [One Who Donates Piles]

施空 [emptiness of donating]

施立 [to give and let stand on]

施等 [donation and so forth]

施羅 [crag]

施者 [donor]

施與 [give]

施華 [Puṣpadantī]

施行 [practice of charity]

施設 [to postulate]

施設依 [constituents that are posited ]

施設假名 [designatory labels]

施設名 [establishes names]

施設安立 [to establish]

施設建立 [provisionally established]

施設我 [imputed self]

施設有 [nominally existent]

施設論 [Prajñaptiśāstra]

施設論部 [School of Karma]

施設足論 [Prajñāpti-pāda]

施設開示 [provisionally established teaching]

施說 [provisionally explained]

施諸餓鬼飮食及水法幷手印 [Distributions of Food and Water to Hungry Ghosts]

施護 [Dānapāla]

施財 [donations of material things]

施財偈 [Verse of Giving Wealth]

施財天 [Vaiśravaṇa]

施身方便 [giving of self (to the Tathāgata)]

施酒 [to offer alcohol]

施門 [the practice of charity]

施開廢 [bestowing, opening, and abrogating]

施障 [obstruction of donation]

施離垢三昧 [vimala-datta-samādhi]

施頌 [offered song]

施食 [alms of food]

施食偈 [Verses of Food Offering]

施食會 [feeding ceremony]

施餓鬼 [feeding hungry ghosts]

施餓鬼會 [feeding-hungry-ghosts meeting]

施鹿林 [Deer Park]

施黑 [One Who Donates Blackness]

Updated: 2012-05-06