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恆 [always]
恆亙婆 [swan, goose]
恆伽提婆 [Gaṅgādevī]
恆伽沙 [sands of the Ganges]
恆伽河 [Ganges river]
恆伽達 [Gaṅgādatta]
恆住 [perpetual abodes]
恆共相應 [always associated]
恆婆 [haṃsa]
恆寂 [Kōjaku]
恆審思慮 [continually examining and assessing]
恆審思量 [continually examining and assessing]
恆常 [perpetually]
恆常修作 [constant activity]
恆常修習 [continuously cultivating]
恆常所作 [constant activity]
恆常無間 [continually without lapse]
恆常熏習 [constant perfuming]
恆時 [always; constantly]
恆有 [always existent]
恆欲 [always desiring]
恆水 [Ganges river]
恆沙 [as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges]
恆沙佛 [buddhas as innumerable as the sands of the Ganges]
恆沙佛法 [buddha dharmas as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges]
恆沙惑 [mental disturbances of dealing with innumerable details]
恆沙無知 [(mental disturbances from dealing with) myriad details and from nescience]
恆河 [Ganges River]
恆河沙 [as numerous as the sands of the Ganges]
恆河沙數 [the number of grains of sand in the Ganges river]
恆河沙等 [equal to the number of grains of sand in the Ganges river]
恆轉 [constantly churning]
恆轉如瀑流 [constantly churning like a raging current]
恆迦羅 [10,000,000,000]
恆邊沙 [sands on the riversides of the Ganges]
恆隨 [always according with]
恆順衆生 [to be friends with all beings]
Updated: 2012-05-06