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度一切衆生 [to save all sentient beings]

度一切諸佛境界智嚴經 [Sarva-buddha-viṣayâvatāra-jñānâlokâlaṃkāra-sūtra]

度他 [to save others]

度宿日光 [nakṣatra-tārâditya]

度彼岸 [reaches the other shore]

度河 [cross a river]

度牒制 [ordination licensing]

度生死 [save from birth-and-death]

度生死海 [to cross over the sea of birth and death]

度脫一切 [liberates all [sentient beings]]

度蓮華界 [Padmavṛṣabhavikrāmin]

度衆生 [saves sentient beings]

度諸衆生 [to save all living beings]

度門 [the gate of salvation]

[to cross over (to the shore of liberation)]

度一切世間苦惱 [Sarvalōkadhātupadravodvega-pratyuttīrṇa]

度世 [to pass through the world (to the other shore)]

度僧 [regulation of monk and nun ordination by the government]

度得 [attainer of the perfections]

度沃焦 [saver from the burning rock]

度洛叉 [ten lakhs]

度無極 [to save without limit]

度牒 [ordination licensing]

度生 [to save sentient beings]

度疑 [overcoming doubt]

度疑淨 [the purity of overcoming doubt]

度科 [essential portion]

度者 [one who has crossed over to the other shore]

度脫 [to liberate others]

Updated: 2012-05-06