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塵世 [defiled realm]

塵中格外 [mundane and transmundane]

塵事 [object(s)]

塵分別 [discrimination of objects]

塵刹 [lands like dust-motes]

塵劫 [eons as great in number of all the atoms in the universe]

塵勞 [defilement]

塵勞垢 [filth of worldly sufferings]

塵坌 [dust]

塵垢 [defilement]

塵埃 [dust (mote)]

塵塵三昧 [dust-mote samādhi]

塵塵刹土 [numberless lands]

塵境 [object(s)]

塵境界 [objective realms]

塵妄 [impure and false]

塵寰 [defiled realm]

塵心 [defiled mind]

塵數 [the number of dust particles]

塵欲 [desire for the six sense objects]

塵沙 [dust and sand]

塵沙垢 [defilement from innumerable details]

塵沙怖 [the mental disturbances of dealing with innumerable details]

塵沙惑 [mental disturbances of (dealing with) innumerable details]

塵沙無知 [delusions caused by innumerable details]

塵沙無知惑 [mental disturbances of dealing with innumerable details]

塵沙苦 [the suffering from innumerable details]

塵沙障 [the obstructions from innumerable details]

塵洲 [worlds as numerous as atoms]

塵渧 [a grain and a drop]

塵穢 [dust]

塵累 [worldly entanglement]

塵綱 [net of the six sense fields]

塵緣 [conditioned by objects]

塵芥 [dust]

塵表 [outside of the secular]

塵道 [secular world]

塵那羅 [dīnāra]

塵鄕 [the home of the six objects]

塵風 [defiling winds]

塵點 [dust mote]

塵點劫 [eons as great in number of all the particles in the universe]

Updated: 2012-05-06