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[to adorn]

嚴佛調 [Yan Fotiao]

嚴具 [ornament]

嚴好 [neat and nice]

嚴妙 [sublime]

嚴整 [to make neat and tidy]

嚴淨 [glorious and pure]

嚴淨佛土 [glorious pure buddha-lands]

嚴淨戒律 [maintain precepts]

嚴淨王三昧 [vyūha-rāja-samādhi]

嚴淨道場 [to adorn and purify the meditation chamber]

嚴王 [Śubhavyūha]

嚴護 [to guard strictly]

嚴辦 [to equip]

嚴飾 [gloriously adorned]

嚴麗 [beautiful]

Updated: 2012-05-06