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[to be wearied with]

厭下 [to weary of the base things]

厭世 [weary of the world]

厭倦 [to weary of]

厭壞 [refutation]

厭心 [disgusted mind]

厭怖 [anxiety]

厭怠 [laziness]

厭患 [disillusion]

厭患對治 [antidote of disillusionment]

厭患損伏 [stifling of [the afflictions] due to disillusionment [with them]]

厭惡 [to dislike]

厭惡生死 [disillusioned with cyclic existence]

厭意 [distress]

厭捨 [dispassionate]

厭欣 [wearied of [saṃsāra] rejoicing in [nirvāṇa]]

厭欲 [disenchantment with sensuality]

厭求 [loathing and aspiration]

厭煩 [to trouble]

厭生死苦 [to weary of the suffering of birth and death]

厭禱 [zombies]

厭禱鬼 [Vetāla]

厭翫 [to get satisfied]

厭背 [to grow weary of (affliction) ]

厭背之想 [thoughts of disgust]

厭苦 [to tire of suffering]

厭苦之心 [distaste for suffering]

厭足 [to have had enough of]

厭逆 [disgust]

厭逆想 [thoughts of disgust]

厭離 [to distance oneself from something that one has come to dislike]

厭離世間生死苦 [to be disillusioned with the suffering of cyclic existence]

厭離心 [mental state of turning away]

厭離穢土 [escape from this defiled world]

厭離言教 [discourses concerning renunciation]

厭鬼 [a nightmare demon]

厭魅 [Vetāla]

厭魅鬼 [demon who casts spells]

Updated: 2012-05-06