Digital Dictionary of Buddhism
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僧 [community of monks and nuns]
僧中 [within the saṃgha]
僧中有佛 [the Buddha does exist within the saṃgha]
僧中無佛 [the Buddha does not exist within the saṃgha]
僧亮 [Sengliang]
僧企耶 [Sāṃkhya]
僧伍 [the monastic ranks]
僧休 [Sengxiu]
僧伽 [(Skt. saṃgha)]
僧伽利依 [temple or monastery]
僧伽吒 [(Skt. saṃgata)]
僧伽多 [(Skt. saṃghāṭa)]
僧伽婆尸沙 [crimes for which one may not necessarily be excommunicated]
僧伽婆尸沙法 [crimes against the saṃgha]
僧伽婆羅 [*Saṃghabhara]
僧伽寺 [Seunggasa]
僧伽提和 [Saṃghadeva]
僧伽提婆 [Saṃghadeva]
僧伽斯那 [Saṃghasena]
僧伽施 [Sāṅkāśya]
僧伽梨 [(Skt. saṃghāṭī)]
僧伽梨衣 [saṃghāti]
僧伽棃 [saṃghāṭī]
僧伽物 [property of the saṃgha]
僧伽羅 [Siṃhala]
僧伽胝 [(Skt. saṃghāṭī)]
僧伽藍 [(Skt. saṃghârāma)]
僧伽藍摩 [a Buddhist convent or monastery]
僧伽補羅 [Siṃhapura]
僧伽跋摩 [*Saṃghavarman]
僧伽跋澄 [Saṃghabhadra]
僧伽跋陀羅 [Saṃghabhadra]
僧伽陀 [(Skt. saṃgata)]
僧伽難提 [Saṃghanandi]
僧伽黎 [monk's patchwork robe]
僧佉 [Sāṃkhya]
僧佉派 [Saṃkhya school]
僧佉難提 [Saṃghanandi]
僧佉頌 [Commentary on the Saṃkhya Verses]
僧位 [monk's rank]
僧侶 [the clergy]
僧俗 [monks and the laity]
僧儀 [monastic deportment]
僧兵 [armed monks]
僧制 [monastic regulations]
僧却崎 [(Skt. saṃkakṣikā)]
僧可 [Sengke]
僧園 [monk's garden]
僧地 [the land held by the saṃgha]
僧坊 [monastery]
僧堂 [saṃgha hall]
僧堂淸規 [Regulations of the Meditation Hall]
僧堂衆 [saṃgha hall assembly]
僧堂鐘 [meditation hall bell]
僧堂開單 [saṃgha hall opening]
僧塞迦羅 [samskāra]
僧威儀經 [Sutra of the Regulations for Monks]
僧娑洛 [cyclic existence]
僧宗 [Sengzong]
僧官 [superintendent of monks]
僧家 [the saṃgha]
僧家大學 [saṃgha college]
僧富 [Sengfu ]
僧寶 [saṃgha treasure]
僧寶寺刹 [Saṃgha Jewel Monastery]
僧寶果 [the perfect arhat who has not to be reborn]
僧寺 [the saṃgha and the monastery]
僧尼 [monks and nuns]
僧嵩 [Sengsong]
僧帳 [Tang Register of Monks]
僧徒 [monks and their followers]
僧念 [recollection of the Saṅgha]
僧怯論 [Commentary on the Saṃkhya Verses]
僧慶 [Sengqing]
僧戒 [monks precepts]
僧戒八段 [eight parts of the prātimokṣa]
僧房 [monk's dormitory]
僧房中 [in the monk's quarters]
僧數 [counted as a member of the saṃgha]
僧明 [Sengming ]
僧服 [sacerdotal robes]
僧朗 [Seungnang]
僧柯慄多弭 [(Skt. saṃskṛtam)]
僧柯者 [(Skt. sāṅkāśya)]
僧業 [monk's practice]
僧次 [in order of monastic age]
僧次請 [to invitation of monks by a monastery donor by order of monastic seniority]
僧正 [the first rank in the Buddhist hierarchy]
僧殘 [crimes for which one may not necessarily be excommunicated]
僧法 [Sengfa]
僧海 [Senghai]
僧物 [property of the saṃgha]
僧瑜 [Sengyu]
僧璨 [Sengcan]
僧璩 [Sengqu]
僧省 [saṃgha bureau]
僧破壞 [dissension in the saṃgha]
僧祇 [incalculable]
僧祇劫 [incalculably long eon]
僧祇律 [Mahāsāṃghika-vinaya]
僧祇支 [(Skt. saṃkakṣikā)]
僧祇物 [monastic possessions]
僧祇部 [Mahāsāṃghika]
僧祐 [Sengyou]
僧科 [monks' examination]
僧童 [errand boy]
僧竭支 [(Skt. saṃkakṣikā)]
僧簿 [monk's register]
僧籍 [Tang Register of Monks]
僧紹 [Sengshao]
僧統 [monk superintendent]
僧綱 [superintendent monk]
僧群 [Senqun]
僧羯磨 [approval from the saṃgha]
僧聲 [sound of the saṃgha]
僧職 [monk superintendent]
僧肇 [Sengzhao]
僧脚欹迦 [(Skt. saṃkakṣikā)]
僧自恣日 [day of the monks confessional]
僧舍 [a residence for monks or nuns]
僧舞 [monk's dance]
僧若 [saṃjñā]
僧藍 [a Buddhist convent or monastery]
僧衆 [(Skt. saṃgha)]
僧衞 [Sengwei]
僧衣 [sacerdotal robes]
僧裟伽藍 [Haṃsa Saṃghârāma]
僧規 [Saṃgha Rules]
僧訶 [siṃha]
僧詮 [Sengquan]
僧諠雜 [conflict within the saṃgha]
僧跋 [bestowed equally or universally]
僧辯 [Sengbian]
僧迦禘婆 [Saṃghadeva]
僧迦舍 [*Sāṃkāśya]
僧道 [path of Buddhist monks]
僧邕 [Sengyong]
僧那 [great vow]
僧那僧涅 [great vow]
僧那大鎧 [large armor saṃnāha]
僧那鎧 [armour saṃnāha]
僧都 [director of monks]
僧錄 [monks registrar]
僧鎧 [Saṃghavarman]
僧門 [Buddhist monastic community]
僧院 [temple]
僧隨念 [mindfulness of the Buddhist community]
僧食 [monastic food]
僧鷹伽藍 [Haṃsa Saṃghârāma]
Updated: 2012-05-06