Digital Dictionary of Buddhism: English Text Titles Index

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism: English Text Titles Index (1621) [updated: 5/9/2019]

[The Examination of] the Discourse on the Extinction of the Spirit 大梁皇帝敕答臣下神滅論




Prophecy of Kātyāyana Bhikṣu 迦丁比丘說當來變經

Sixth Patriarch Great Master Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra 六祖大師法寶壇經

A Chapter of the Mañjuśrī Method from the Vajraśekhara Yoga 金剛頂經瑜伽文殊師利菩薩法一品

A Close Exegesis of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經近釋

A Collection of Passages Clarifying the Authentic Teaching, Practice, and Realization of the Pure Land [teaching] 顯淨土眞實教行證文類

A Comprehensive Registry of the Successive Ages of the Buddhas and the Patriarchs 佛祖歷代通載

A Rapidly Established Effect: the Āveśa Method Explained by Mahêśvara 速疾立驗魔醯首羅天說阿尾奢法

A Record of Buddhist Practices Sent Home from the Southern Sea 南海傳, 南海寄歸傳, 南海寄歸內法傳

A Record of Gleanings from the Profound Meaning of the Golden Light Sutra 金光明經玄義拾遺記

A Record of Gleanings of Jōgū Shōtoku 上宮太子拾遺記

Abbreviated Commentary on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經略疏

Abbreviated Essentials on the Precepts for Monks 沙彌律儀要略

Abbreviated Notes 金剛頂經一字頂輪王瑜伽一切時處念誦成佛儀軌

Abhidharma Storehouse Treatise 阿毘達磨倶舍論, 阿毘達磨倶舍釋論

Abridged Commentary to the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經略疏註

Abridged Subcommentary to the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經略疏鈔

Acclamation of the Holy Teaching 顯揚聖教論

Accomplishing All Dhāraṇīs and the Three Siddhis through the Dharma-Gate of the Mental Ground of Vairocana, the Pure Dharma-Body 淸淨法身毘盧遮那心地法門成就一切陀羅尼三種悉地

Account of Previous Lifetimes 古來世時經

Acts of the Buddha 佛所行讚

Adamantine Scalpel 金剛錍, 金剛錍論, 金錍論

Admonitions for Beginning Students 誡初心學人文

Admonitions for Common Quarters 衆寮箴規

Advice to Students of the Way 學道用心集, 永平初祖學道用心集

Aims of the Three Teachings 三教旨歸

All-inclusive Sutra 圓滿經

Ambaṭṭha Sūtra 阿摩晝經

Ambrosia Dhāraṇī 甘露經陀羅尼呪, 甘露陀羅尼呪

Amitâbha Sūtra 佛說阿彌陀經

Amitâbha Sutra 大阿彌陀經

Amoghapāśa-kalpa-rāja-sūtra 不空罥索陀羅尼自在王咒經, 不空羂索陀羅尼自在王呪經

Amrapāli and Jīvaka Avadāna Sutra 奈女經

Āmrapāli and Jīvaka Avadāna Sutra 捺女祇域因緣經

Amrapāli and Jīvaka Sutra 柰女耆婆經

An Illustrated Record of Translated Scriptures Past and Present 古今譯經圖紀

An Outline of Historical Researches into the Śākya Family Lineage 釋氏稽古略

Analects 論語

Analysis of the Middle and the Extremes 中邊分別論

Ancient Cases of the Dongshang 洞上古轍

Annotated Redaction of the Text and Commentaries to the Compilation of Yongjia of the Chan school 禪宗永嘉集科註說誼

Anʼs Catalogue (of Buddhist Texts) 安錄

Anthology of A 阿娑縛抄

Anthology of A, Sa and Va 阿娑縛抄, 阿娑縛鈔

Anthology of Commentaries on the Outline of the Four Teachings 四教儀集解

Anupiyā Sutra 阿耨風經, 阿耨颰經

Anywhere-Anytime Procedure 時處軌, 金剛頂經一字頂輪王瑜伽一切時處念誦成佛儀軌

Appended Lotus Sutra 添品妙法蓮華經

Array of Critiques Against Buddhism 佛氏雜辨

Aspirations to Good Conduct 普賢菩薩行願讚

Assorted Notes on Individual Divinities 別尊雜記

Astronomical Teachings of Brahmin Sage Garga 婆羅門竭伽仙人天文說

Asvabhāvaʼs Commentary 無性論

Asvabhāvaʼs Commentary on the Compendium of the Great Vehicle 無性攝論

Auspicious Gem Dhāraṇī 寶賢陀羅尼經

Avalokitêśvara Samādhi Sūtra Spoken by the Buddha 佛說觀世音三昧經

Avalokitêśvara Sutra of King Gao 高王白衣觀音經, 高王觀世音經, 高王觀音經

Avalokitêśvara Universal Gate Chapter of Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Dharma 妙法蓮華經觀世音門品

Āveśa Method Explained by Mahêśvara 速疾立驗魔醯首羅天說阿尾奢法

Awaken Your Mind to Practice 發心修行章

Awakening of Faith 起信論

Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith 大乘起信論

Baizhangʼs Pure Rules 敕修淸規, 百丈淸規

Behavioral Code of the Chan School 禪門規式

Being-Time 有時

Big Dipper Seven Stars Life-Extending Sutra 北斗七星延命經

Biographical Record of Master Shōju Dōkyō Etan 正受道鏡慧端庵主行錄

Biographies of Baolin 寶林傳

Biographies of Chan Monks 禪林僧寶傳

Biographies of Eminent Monks 唐高僧傳, 宋高僧傳, 高僧傳

Biographies of Eminent Monks who Sought the Dharma in the Western Regions 西域求法高僧傳

Biographies of Faxian 法顯傳

Biography 傳曆

Biography of Ci'en 慈恩傳

Biography of Falin 法琳傳

Biography of Faxian 歷遊天竺記傳, 高僧法顯傳

Biography of Prince Shōtoku 聖德太子傳曆

Biography of the Hermitage-Dwelling Zen Master Shidō Bunan 至道無難菴主禪師行錄

Biography of the Master Vasubandhu 婆藪槃豆法師傳

Biography of the Tripiṭaka Master 三藏法師傳

Biography of the Tripiṭaka Master of Dacien Temple 大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳, 大慈恩寺三藏法師傳, 慈恩寺三藏法師傳

Blood Pool Sutra 血盆經

Blue Cliff Record 碧巖錄

Blue Dragon Commentary 靑龍疏鈔

Bodhi Dhāraṇī Sūtra 菩提場莊嚴陀羅尼經

Bodhi Incantation Sutra 幻師颰陀所說神呪經

Bodhisattva Deva Explains the Hīnayāna and non-Buddhist Nirvāṇa in the Laṅkâvatāra-sutra 提婆菩薩釋楞伽經中外道小乘涅槃論

Bones and Eyes of the Flower Ornament 華嚴骨目

Book in Nine Fascicles 九卷章

Book of Changes 易經

Book of History 書經

Book of Odes 詩經

Book of the upāsaka Precepts 優婆塞戒本

Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網經, 梵網經菩薩心地品

Brief Compilation of Famous Monks of the Ming Court 皇明名僧輯略

Buddha Teaches the Golden Gaṇapati Dhāraṇī Sutra 金色迦那鉢底陀羅尼經

Buddha-nature Treatise 佛性論

Canon of the Code of Moral Discipline 毘柰耶藏

Catalog of Scriptures 法經錄, 衆經目錄

Catalog of Scriptures of the Liang Dynasty 梁世衆經目錄

Catalog of the Yuan Canon 元藏目錄

Catalog of the Yuan Canon Printed at Dapuning Temple 大普寧寺大藏經目錄

Catalogue of Ancient and Modern (Prince Shōtoku Biographies) 古今目錄抄

Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Prince Shōtoku Biographies 太子傳古今目錄抄, 聖德太子傳古今目錄抄

Catalogue of Buddhist Works 內典錄

Catalogue of Buddhist Works in the Great Tang 大唐內典錄

Catalogue of Newly Discovered Sacred Teachings in the Tang 入唐新求聖教目錄

Catalogue of Scriptures, Authorized by the Great Zhou 大周刊定衆經目錄

Catalogue of the Buddhist Canon 大藏目錄

Certain Meanings 金剛頂瑜伽中略出念誦經

Chan Chart 禪圖

Chan Master Dahui Pujueʼs Arsenal for the Chan Lineage 大慧普覺禪師宗門武庫

Chapter of [the Parable of] the Conjured City (Lotus Sutra) 化城品

Chapter of Marvelous Sound 妙音品

Chapter of Soothing Conduct (Lotus Sutra) 安樂行品

Chapter of Springing out [from the Earth] 涌出品

Chapter of the Bodhisattva Never Despising 不輕菩薩品, 常不輕菩薩品

Chapter of the Bodhisattva Stages 十地品

Chapter of the Bodhisattvas' Mental States 菩薩心地品

Chapter of the Jeweled Pagoda 寶塔品

Chapter of the Parable of the Conjured City (Lotus Sutra) 化城喩品

Chapter of the Precepts of Brahmāʼs Net 梵網戒品

Chapter of the Universal Gate 普門品

Chapter of the Vision of the Jeweled Pagoda 見寶塔品

Chapter on Articulating the Hindrances 辯障品

Chapter on Belief and Understanding (Lotus Sutra) 信解品

Chapter on Benefits for Self and Others 自他利品

Chapter on Eliminating Disease 除病品

Chapter on Encouragement 勸持品

Chapter on Entry into the Realm of Reality 入法界品

Chapter on Innate Potentialities 種性品

Chapter on Knowing Reality 眞實義品

Chapter on Parables 譬喩品

Chapter on Protecting the State 護國品

Chapter on Pure Conduct 淨行品

Chapter on Skillful Means 方便品

Chapter on Spiritual Powers 神力品

Chapter on the Alphabet 字母品

Chapter on the Antidotes 對治品

Chapter on the Golden-Winged King of Birds from the Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa 文殊師利菩薩根本大教王經金翅鳥王品

Chapter on the Longevity of the Tathāgata 如來壽量品

Chapter on the Tathāgataʼs Powers 如來神力品

Chapter on the Vows of Samantabhadra 普賢行願品

Chart of the Dharma-world of the One Vehicle 一乘法界圖

Chart of the Dharma-world of the One Vehicle of the Huayan 華嚴一乘法界圖

Chart of the Master-Disciple Succession of the Chan Gate that Transmits the Mind Ground in China 中華傳心地禪門師資承襲圖

Chart of the Realm of Reality 法界圖

Chronicle of Aśoka 阿育王傳

Chronicle of Eminent Monks who Traveled to the West Seeking the Dharma 求法高僧傳

Chronicle of the Buddhas and Patriarchs 佛祖通載

Chronicle of Western Regions 西域傳

Chronicles of Japan 日本書紀

Chronological Biography of Zen Master Jinki Dokumyō, Founder of the Ryūtaku [Temple] 龍澤開祖神機獨妙禪師年譜

Chronologically Organized Comprehensive Discussion of Buddhism 編年通論

Chronologically Organized Comprehensive Discussion of Buddhism [compiled in the] Longxing [Era] 隆興佛教編年通論

Circumstances of the Transmission of Buddhism through Three Countries 三國佛法傳通緣起

Clarifying Doubts 喩疑

Clarifying the Precepts 顯戒論

Collected Documents 不空三藏表制集, 大辯正三藏表集, 表制集

Collected Essentials of the Treatises and Commentaries on the Diamond Sutra 金剛經贊要, 金剛般若經疏論纂要

Collected Notes 集註

Collected Notes on the Outline of the Four Teachings 四教儀集註

Collected Notes on the Outline of the Tiantai Fourfold Teachings 天台四教儀集註

Collected Notes on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經集註

Collected Passages 文類

Collected Pure Land Passages 淨土文類

Collected Sayings of Chan Master Xuefeng Zhenjue 雪峰眞覺禪師語錄

Collected Sayings of Master Dongshan Wuben 洞山悟本大師語錄

Collected Sayings of Zen Master Sensō 川僧禪師語錄

Collected Writings of the National Teacher Daegak 大覺國師文集

Collection of Chan Sources 禪源詮

Collection of Decisions 授決集

Collection of Essentials for Becoming a Buddha Through the Perfect Penetration of the Exoteric and Esoteric 顯密圓通成佛心要集

Collection of Leaves Gathered in Tempestuous Brooks 溪嵐拾葉集

Collection of the Six Perfections 六度集

Combined Sources 會元

Combined Sources for the Five Lamps 五燈會元

Commentaries of Five Masters on the Diamond Sutra 金剛般若波羅蜜經五家解說誼

Commentaries on the Yogâcārabhūmi 瑜伽論記

Commentary [on the Monks Behavior According to the Four Part Vinaya] 業疏, 羯磨疏

Commentary on Karman in the Four-Part Vinaya 四分律刪補隨機羯磨疏

Commentary on Services 事鈔

Commentary on the Amitâbha Sutra 佛說阿彌陀經疏, 阿彌陀經疏

Commentary on the Awakening of Faith 大乘起信論義疏, 起信論疏, 起信論義疏

Commentary on the Bodhisattva Precepts 菩薩戒疏

Commentary on the Book of the Bodhisattva Precepts 梵網戒疏

Commentary on the Book of the Precepts in the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網戒本疏

Commentary on the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網疏, 梵網經疏

Commentary on the Chapter of the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網經菩薩戒本私記

Commentary on the Compendium of the Great Vehicle 攝大乘論疏, 攝大乘論釋論

Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra 觀經疏

Commentary on the Dhāraṇī for Humane Kings 仁王念誦儀軌

Commentary on the Dhāraṇī of Six Gates 六門陀羅尼經論

Commentary on the Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness-only 成唯識論疏

Commentary on the Discrimination of the Middle and the Extremes 中邊分別論疏

Commentary on the Doctrine of the Sutra of the Bodhisattva Precepts of Brahmāʼs Net 梵網菩薩戒經義疏

Commentary on the Dvādaśanikāya-śāstra 十二門論疏

Commentary on the Exegesis of the Collection of Mahāyāna Abhidharma 阿毘達磨雜集論疏

Commentary on the Fahualun 法華論疏

Commentary on the Huayan Sutra 華嚴經疏

Commentary on the Introduction to Logic 因明入正理論疏

Commentary on the Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra 入楞伽心玄義

Commentary on the Mādhyamika-śāstra 中論疏

Commentary on the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra 涅槃經疏

Commentary on the Mahāvairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra 大日經義釋, 大毘盧遮那成佛經疏

Commentary on the Mahāyānasaṃgraha 攝大乘論無性釋

Commentary on the Meaning of the Bodhisattva Precepts 菩薩戒義疏

Commentary on the Meaning of the Chapter of the Universal Gate of Avalokitêśvara Bodhisattva 觀音義疏

Commentary on the Monks Behavior According to the Four Part Vinaya 四分律業疏, 四分律羯磨疏

Commentary on the Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā 中觀論疏

Commentary on the Precepts 戒疏

Commentary on the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra 解深密經疏

Commentary on the Saṃkhya Verses 僧佉頌, 僧怯論

Commentary on the Sāṃkhya Verses 迦毘羅論, 金七十論

Commentary on the Satyasiddhi-śāstra 成實論疏

Commentary on the Secrets of the Five Cakras and Nine Syllables 五輪九字明祕密釋

Commentary on the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanāda-sūtra 勝鬘經義疏

Commentary on the Sutra for Humane Kings 仁王經疏

Commentary on the Sutra of Bodhisattva Precepts 菩薩戒經疏

Commentary on the Sutra of Golden Light 光明文句, 金光明文句, 金光明最勝王經疏, 金光明疏, 金光明經文句, 金光明經疏

Commentary on the Sutra of Immeasurable Life 大無量壽經疏, 大經義疏, 無量壽經疏, 無量壽經義疏

Commentary on the Sutra of Neither Increase nor Decrease 不增不減經疏

Commentary on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經說誼

Commentary on the Sutra of the Bodhisattva Precepts 菩薩戒經義疏

Commentary on the Sutra on Saunas (and Baths of the Saṃgha) 溫室經義記

Commentary on the Sutra on Saunas [and Baths of the Saṃgha] 溫室經疏

Commentary on the Three Maitreya Sutras 三彌勒經疏

Commentary on the Treatise on the Pure Land 往生論註, 淨土論註, 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈註, 無量壽經論注, 註論, 論註

Commentary on the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra 大日經疏

Commentary on the Yogâcārabhūmi-śāstra 瑜伽論釋

Commentary on Vasubandhuʼs Treatise on the Pure Land 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈婆藪槃頭菩薩造并註

Commentary to Sutra of the Diadem of Past Activities of Bodhisattvas 菩薩瓔珞本業經疏

Commentary to the Code of the Bodhisattva Precepts in the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網經菩薩戒本疏

Commentary to the Diamond Sutra by the Elder Chuan 川老金剛經註

Commentary to the Summary of the Great Vehicle 攝大乘論釋, 攝論釋

Commentary to the Vimalakīrti Sutra 注維摩詰經

Companion in Solitude 閑居友

Comparing Exoteric and Esoteric Discourse 辯顯密二教論

Compassionate Flower Scripture 悲華經

Compendium 會要

Compendium of Maṇḍalas 曼荼羅集

Compendium of the Chan School Successive Lamp [Records] 宗門聯燈會要, 聯燈會要

Compendium of the Great Vehicle 攝大乘論

Compendium on the Doctrine of Bodhicitta according to the Garbhadhātu and Vajradhātu in Abbreviated Dialogues 胎藏金剛菩提心義略問答抄

Compilation of Examinations of and Verses on Ancient Precedents 禪門拈頌, 禪門拈頌集

Compilation of Notes on the Translation of the Tripiṭaka 僧祐, 出三藏記集

Compilation of the Lotus School Commentary on the Sutra of the Meditation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 觀無量壽佛經疏妙宗鈔

Compilation of the Tripiṭaka 三藏法數

Compilation of the Tripiṭaka in the Great Ming 大明三藏法數, 大明法數

Compilation of Translated Buddhist Terms 翻譯名義集

Compilation of Worship and Repentance Rituals (Contained in) Various Sutras 集諸經禮懺儀

Complete Regulations 備規

Composite Register of the History and Materials of the Gangō Temple Complex 元興寺伽藍緣起幷流記資材帳

Composite Register of the History and Materials of the Hōryū Temple Complex 法隆寺伽藍緣起幷流記資材帳

Comprehensive Catalog of Scriptures 綜理衆經目錄

Conditions and Causes Which Gave Rise to the Teaching to Ānanda Concerning the Essentials of the Yoga [Tradition] on Distribution of Food to Burning Mouths 瑜伽集要救阿難陀羅尼焰口軌儀經, 瑜伽集要焰口施食起教阿難陀緣由

Consecration Sutra 灌頂經

Continuation of the Essential Recorded Sayings of Revered Elders 續開古尊宿語錄要

Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks 續高僧傳

Continued Lamp Record 續燈錄

Correct Explanation of the text of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經句釋正白

Corrected [Lineage of the] Five Lamps 五燈嚴統

Cremation Portion [of the Sutra on the Great Decease] 闍維分

Crib Notes [on the Exposition of the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra] 補忘抄

Crib Notes to the Exposition on the Ancient Teaching of the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網經古迹補忘抄, 梵網經古迹記下卷補忘抄, 梵網經古迹記補忘抄

Cycle of the Formation of Schismatic Doctrines 宗輪論, 小乘十八部, 異部宗輪論

Dahuiʼs Arsenal for the Chan Lineage 大慧武庫

Dao'anʼs Catalogue 道安錄

Dapuning Temple Edition 大普寧寺版

Daye Translation of the Compendium of the Great Vehicle 大業論

Determinations on the Teachings of the Vajraśekhara Sutra 金剛頂經義決

Dhāraṇī Collection Scripture 陀羅尼集經

Dhāraṇī for Cleansing of All Eye Maladies 能淨一切眼疾病陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī for Extinguishing the Flaming Pretan Mouths 瑜伽集要焰口施食儀軌

Dhāraṇī for Healing All Diseases 除一切疾病陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī Incantation of the Protectress Who Grants Great Freedom 隨求卽得大自在陀羅尼神呪經

Dhāraṇī of [the Tathāgatas Ornament, the Invincible] Ring-Adorned Banner 無能勝幡王如來莊嚴陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of a Thousand Turns [A Spell of the Bodhisattva who Heeds the Sounds of the World] 千轉陀羅尼觀世音菩薩呪

Dhāraṇī of Bestowing Complete Fearlessness 施一切無畏陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of Blue-Headed Avalokitêśvara 靑頸觀自在菩薩心陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of Dispelling Fear 無畏陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of Immeasurable Merit 無量功德陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of Jewel Light 大方廣總持寶光明經

Dhāraṇī of Leaf-Clad Avalokitêśvara 葉衣觀自在菩薩經

Dhāraṇī of Samantabhadra 普賢菩薩陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of Sitâtapatra, Great Corona of All Tathāgatas, Radiating Light [The Great Queen of Vidyā called Aparājitā] 大佛頂如來放光悉憺多鉢憺陀羅尼

Dhāraṇī of the [Birth of the] Infinite Portal 出生無邊門陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the [Immaculate Buddha-Coronaʼs Emitted Light Beaming Through Ubiquitous Portals Contemplated as the] Essence of the Tathāgatas 佛頂放無垢光明入普門觀察一切如來心陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Adamantine Essence 金剛上味陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Adorned Place of Bodhi 菩提場莊嚴陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Bodhisattva Mother who Heeds the Worlds Sounds 觀自在菩薩母陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Bodhisattva With a Thousand Hands and Eyes Who Regards the Worldʼs Sounds with Great Compassion 千手千眼觀世音菩薩大悲心陀羅尼

Dhāraṇī of the Eastern, Foremost King of Brightness 東方最勝燈王陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Endowment of All Buddhas 諸佛集會陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Essence of the Avataṃsaka-sūtra 華嚴經心陀羅尼

Dhāraṇī of the Essence of the Buddhas 諸佛心陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Fine Means of Access 善法方便陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Flower Heap 華積陀羅尼神呪經

Dhāraṇī of the Goddess Cundī [Spoken by Seven Koṭīs of Buddha-Mothers] 七倶胝佛母所說准提陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Great Mantra Protector 大護明大陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Great Protectress, Queen of Mantras 普遍光明淸淨熾盛如意寶印心無能勝大明王大隨求陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Greatly Powerful One 大威德陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Holy Daṇḍa [for the Great Cold Forest] 大寒林聖難拏陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Jubilant Corona 佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經, 佛頂經

Dhāraṇī of the Jungle Girl [who Eradicates Injury from Poisoning, an Incarnation of the Bodhisattva who Perceives Freely] 觀自在菩薩化身襄麌哩曳童女銷伏毒害陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Lamp of Dharma 大法炬陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Lamp of Knowledge 智炬陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Lords Arrangement 莊嚴王陀羅尼呪經

Dhāraṇī of the Lotus Eye 蓮華眼陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Merciful oneʼs Promise 慈氏菩薩誓願陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the One Hundred and Eight Names of Saint Tārā 聖多羅菩薩一百八名陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Pavilion Crowning Meru, the Great Adamantine Mountain 大金剛妙高山樓閣陀羅尼

Dhāraṇī of the Planet Mothers 諸星母陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Precious Belt 寶帶陀羅尼經, 聖莊嚴陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Pure Immaculate Light 無垢淨光大陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Sacred Adornment 寶帶陀羅尼經, 聖莊嚴陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Sacred Planet Mothers 聖曜母陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Sandalwood Limb 栴檀香身陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Seal on the Casket [of the Secret Whole-body Relic of the Essence of All Tathāgatas] 一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Six Gates 六門陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Smashing Vajra 壤相金剛陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Space-Store Bodhisattvaʼs Questions to Seven Buddhas 虛空藏菩薩問七佛陀羅尼呪經

Dhāraṇī of the Universally Virtuous One, Spoken by the Bodhisattva of Spontaneous Contemplation 觀自在菩薩說普賢陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Vajra Obliteration 金剛摧碎陀羅尼

Dhāraṇī of the Well-Formed One 妙色陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Wish-fulfilling Gem 如意摩尼陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel 如意輪陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of the World Upholder 持世陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī of Treasures 寶篋印陀羅尼

Dhāraṇī Spell Spoken by the Magician Bhadra 幻師颰陀所說神呪經

Dhāraṇī Spellbook of the Thousand-Eyed, Thousand-Armed Bodhisattva Who Regards the Worldʼs Sounds with a Vast, Wholly Perfect, Unimpeded, Greatly Compassionate Heart 千手千眼觀世音菩薩廣大圓滿無礙大悲心陀羅尼呪本

Dhāraṇī Sūtra 總持經

Dhāraṇī Sutra for Saving the Burning-Mouth Hungry Ghost 救面然餓鬼陀羅尼神呪經

Dhāraṇī Sutra for Saving the Burning-Mouth Hungry Ghosts 佛說救拔焰口餓鬼陀羅尼經, 救拔焰口餓鬼陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī Sutra of the King of the Sound of Amitâbhaʼs Drum 阿彌陀鼓音聲王陀羅尼經, 鼓音聲陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī Sutra of the King of the Sound of the Drum 鼓音王陀羅尼經

Dhāraṇī Sutra of the Sound of the Drum 鼓音聲經

Dhāraṇī Sūtra the King of Sound of the Drum 鼓音聲王經

Dhāraṇīs for Safeguarding the Nation, the Realm and the Chief of State 守護國界主陀羅尼經

Dharma Essentials for Mental Transmission 傳心法要

Dharma Leg Sutra 法足經

Dharma Ocean Sutra 法海經

Dharma Talks on Nenbutsu Zanmai 念佛三昧法語

Dharma-gate of Contemplation 觀念法門

Dharma-phrase sūtra 曇鉢經

Dharma-phrase Sutra 法句經

Diadem Sutra 纓絡經

Diamond Prajñāpāramitā[-sūtra] 金剛般若

Diamond Sutra 金剛經, 金剛般若波羅蜜經, 金剛般若經

Diamond-Cutter Sutra 佛說能斷金剛般若波羅蜜多經, 能斷金剛經, 能斷金剛般若波羅蜜多經

Direct Explanation of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經直解

Discourse at Ukkācelā 郁伽支羅經

Discourse Conforming with the Middle 順中論

Discourse on Consciousness Body 阿毘達磨識身足論

Discourse on Mahāyāna 摩訶衍論

Discourse on the Stages of Concentration Practice 瑜伽師地論

Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness-only 成唯識論

discussion of the unreal as empty 不眞空論

Distributions of Food and Water to Hungry Ghosts 施諸餓鬼飮食及水法幷手印

Doctrinal Essentials of the Bodhisattvaʼs Code of Morality 菩薩戒本宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Bodhisattvaʼs Code of Morality from the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網經菩薩戒本宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網經宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness-only 成唯識論宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Flower Ornament Sutra 華嚴經宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Lotus Sutra 法華宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Mahāprajñāpāramitā-sūtra 大慧度經宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Nirvana Sutra 涅槃宗要, 涅槃經宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Sutra of Immeasurable Life 無量壽經宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Sutra on the Ascension of Maitreya 彌勒上生經宗要

Doctrinal Essentials of the Two-fascicle Sutra of Immeasurable Life 兩卷無量壽經宗旨, 兩卷無量壽經宗要

Doctrine of Teaching and Time in the Mantra School 眞言宗教時義

Doctrine of the Mean 中庸

Doctrine of the Single Path 一道義

Double Procedures of Tejaprabhā 複熾盛光法

Dream Logs of Master Taimi of Tōrin 東林大眉和尚夢語

Dual-Bodied Mahākêśvara-deva King Vināyaka Refuge Recitation Rite 大聖歡喜雙身大自在天毘那夜迦王歸依念誦供養法

Dual-bodied Nandikêśvara Secret Rite 摩訶毘盧遮那如來定惠均等入三昧耶身雙身大聖歡喜天菩薩修行祕密法儀軌

Dual-Bodied Vināyaka Practice 大聖天歡喜雙身毘那夜迦法, 大聖歡喜天法, 大聖歡喜天經, 毘那夜迦法, 雙身毘那夜迦法

Earlier [Translation] of the Huayan jing 舊華嚴經

Earth-holder 地持

Earth-holder Prâtimokṣa 地持戒本

Eight Awarenesses of Anuruddha Sutra 阿那律八念經

Eight Precepts Sutra 八關齋經

Eighty Fascicle Flower Ornament Sutra 八十華嚴經

Elaboration of On Conferring Bodhisattva Vinaya 菩薩戒羯磨文

Elephant Girth Sutra 象腋經

Eliminating Disasters Auspicious Fortune Dhāraṇī Sutra 消災吉祥經

Elucidation of the Knowable 彰所知論

Emperor of the Great Liang Dynastyʼs Imperial Response to His Subjects:

Encouragement Through the Chan Barrier 禪關策進

Entering the First Chapter of the Dharma-Gate of the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra According to the Meaning of the Discourse on the Middle Way 順中論義入大般若波羅蜜經初品法門

Esoteric Extracts from the Presentations in the Abridged Commentary to the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra 大日經義釋演密鈔

Essay in Support of Buddhism 輔教篇

Essay on Consciousness-only 唯識章

Essay on Interpenetrated Recitation 融通圓門章

Essay on the Five Teachings of Huayan 華嚴一乘教分記, 華嚴一乘教義分齋章, 華嚴五教章

Essay on the Golden Lion 金獅子章

Essay on the Origin and Lineage of the Pure Land Teachings 淨土法門源流章

Essay on the System of Mahāyāna 大乘義章

Essay on the Transmission of the Precepts 尸羅敲髓章

Essential Decisions on the One Vehicle 一乘要決

Essential Meditations on the Five Families 五部心觀

Essential Meditations on the Five Families of the Ṛta-saṃhāra 五部心觀

Essential Sayings of Fahua Quanju 法華山擧和尙語要

Essentials for Believing in the Dharma 奉法要

Essentials of Observing and Violating the Bodhisattva Prâtimokṣa 菩薩戒本持犯要記

Essentials of Pointing to the Mindʼs Essence 直指心體要節

Essentials of Rebirth 往生要集

Essentials of Seated Meditation 坐禪法要

Essentials of the Diamond Sutra 金剛經提綱

Essentials of the Discourse on the Theory of Consciousness-only in the Palm of your Hand 唯識樞要, 唯識論樞要, 成唯識論掌中樞要

Essentials of the Eight Traditions 八宗綱要

Essentials of the Five Schools 五家宗旨纂要

Essentials of the Huayan lun 華嚴論節要

Essentials of the Recorded Sayings of Revered Elders 古尊宿語錄要

Essentials on Mindfulness of the Buddha 念佛要文

Evolution of Consciousness 轉識論

Excerpts from the Dharma Collection and Special Practice Record with Personal Notes 法集別行錄節要幷入私記

Excerpts of Kakuzen 覺禪鈔

Exegesis on the Collection of Mahāyāna Abhidharma 大乘阿毘達磨雜集論, 雜集論

Exegetical Notes on the Liang Translation of the Compendium of the Great Vehicle 梁攝論疏抄

Explaining the Pure Land - A Treatise on Accumulated Doubts 釋淨土群疑論

Explanation of Passages in the Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana 不空羂索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光眞言

Explanation of the Lotus-Matrix Realm Ritual Procedures 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏菩提幢標幟普通眞言藏廣大成就瑜伽

Explanation of the Meanings of the Mahāvairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra 大日經義釋

Explanation of the Meanings of the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra 大日經義釋演密鈔

Explanation of the Profound Meaning [of the Lotus] 玄義釋籤

Explanation of the Profound Meaning of the Lotus 法華玄義釋籤, 法華釋籤, 玄籤, 釋籤

Explanation of the Stages of Yoga Practice Treatise 瑜伽師地論釋, 瑜伽釋, 瑜伽釋論

Explanation of the Substance of the Two Hindrances 二障體說

Explanation of the Treatise on Mahāyāna 釋摩訶衍論

Explication of the Heart Sutra 心經贊, 般若心經疏, 般若波羅蜜多心經贊

Exposition of the Ancient Teachings of the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網古迹記, 梵網經古迹, 梵網經古迹記

Exposition of the Ārya Teachings, Verse Treatise 顯揚聖教論頌

Exposition of the Correct 顯正論

Exposition of the Sutra on the Completeness of the Three Practices 三具足經憂波提舍, 三具足經論

Expository Notes 別記

Expository Notes on the Awakening of Faith 大乘起信論別記

Expository Notes to the Awakening of Faith 起信論別記

Extensive Collected Passages 廣文類

Extensive Commentary on the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith 大乘起信論廣釋

Extensive Explanation of the Treatise on Bodhi-mind. 廣釋菩提心論

Extensive Record of Hongzhi 宏智廣錄, 宏智錄

Extensive Record of the Chan Master Hongzhi 宏智禪師廣錄

Extensive Record of the Chan Master Mazu Daoyi 馬祖道一禪師廣錄

Extensive Record of the Chan Master Tiantong Zhengjue 天童正覺禪師廣錄

Extensive Record of Yunmen Kuangzhen 雲門匡眞禪師廣錄, 雲門和尙廣錄

Extensive Vinaya 鼻奈耶廣律

Extracts of the Yogâcārabhūmi 瑜伽抄

Fajingʼs Catalogue 法經錄

Fashang Catalogue 法上錄

Fazangʼs Commentary on the Brahmāʼs Net Sutra 梵網法藏疏

Fifty Verses on the Teacher 事師法五十頌

Five Hundred Jātakas Sūtra 五百本生經

Five Hundred Questions 五百問論

Five Hundred Questions on Light and Heavy Matters 五百問事經

Five Part Vinaya 五分律

Five Phenomena Vibhāṣa Treatise 五事毘婆沙論

Five Phoenix Garden of Verses 翰林五鳳集

Five Versions of the Compendium of the Great Vehicle 五攝論

Forty-fascicle Huayan jing 四十華嚴經

Forty-Notebook Collection 四十帖口決, 四十帖決, 天台密教傳四十帖決

Four Āgama Sūtras 四阿含經

Four Fascicle Sutra 四卷經

Four Part Vinaya 四分羯磨

Four Sheet Sutra 四紙經

Four-fascicle Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra 四卷楞伽經

Four-Part Vinaya 四分律

Fundamentals of the Five Elements 五行大義

Gateless Barrier 無門關

Gateless Barrier of the Chan School 禪宗無門關

Gateway to Logic 因明正理門論本

Genealogy of Śākyamuni 釋迦譜

Gilded Key to the Secret Vault 祕藏寶鑰

Gist of the Eight Teachings 八教大意

Gotamī Sutra 瞿曇彌記果經

Great Chapter 大品

Great Chronicle 大史

Great Collection Scripture 大方等大集經

Great Collection Sutra 大集經

Great Commentary on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經大疏

Great Corrective Vast Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 大方廣圓覺經

Great Dhāraṇī Incantation of One Syllable for the Age of Terminal Dharma 大陀羅尼末法中一字心呪經

Great Holy Dhāraṇī 聖大總持王經

Great Interpretations and Precedents of Zhiguan 摩訶止觀義例

Great Plan 洪範

Great Pure Rules of Eihei 永平大淸規

Great Skillful Means Sutra on the Buddhaʼs Repayment of Kindness 大方便佛報恩經

Great Sutra 大經

Great Sutra of Limitless Life 大無量壽經

Great Sutra on Mindfulness of Inhalation and Exhalation 大安般守意經

Great Tang Chronicle of Eminent Monks who Traveled to the West Seeking the Dharma 大唐西域求法高僧傳

Great Tang Compendium of the Great Vehicle 大唐攝論

Great Tantra of Mañjuśrī 大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經

Great Treatise 大論

Great Vehicle Manifestation of Conciousnesss 大乘顯識經

Great Vehicle Ritual of Repentance for Indulgence in the Six Faculties 大乘六情懺悔

Great Vehicle Sutra of [the Pure Land], Densely Adorned 大乘密嚴經

Great Vehicle Sutra of Contemplation of the Mind Ground in the Buddhaʼs Life 大乘本生心地觀經

Great Vehicle Sutra of Immeasurable Longevity 大乘無量壽經

Great Vehicle Sutra of the No-Letter Casket from the Store of Vairocana 大乘遍照光明藏無字法門經

Great Vehicle Sutra of the Universally Radiant Oneʼs Syllable-Detachment 大乘離文字普光明藏經

Great Yoga 大瑜伽

Guangzhaiʼs Commentary on the Lotus Sutra 法華光宅疏

Hand Treatise 掌中論

Hand Treatise 解捲論

Heart Sutra 多心經, 心經, 摩訶般若波羅蜜多心經, 般若波羅蜜多心經

History of Buddhism in India 印度佛教史

History of the Arahaka Temple Tein 荒陵寺御手印緣起

History of the Latter Han 後漢書

History of the Three Kingdoms 三國史記

Holy Mañjuśrī True Name Sutra 聖妙吉祥眞實名經

Huanglongʼs Record of Four Houses 黃龍四家錄

Huilinʼs Sounds and Meanings [of all the words in] the Scriptures 慧琳一切經音義

Huilinʼs Sounds and Meanings 慧琳音義

Huiyuanʼs Sounds and Meanings 慧苑音義

Humane Kings Wisdom Sutra 仁王般若經

Hymn for the Eight Great Venerable Stūpas 八大靈塔梵讚

Hymn to Śakyamūṇiʼs Path to Buddhahood Under the Bodhi Tree, and His Triumph over Māra 釋迦牟尼佛成道在菩提樹降魔讚

Hymns to the Twenty-One Forms 聖救度佛母二十一種禮讚經

Icon and Rite for Mahārya-nandikêśvara Dual-bodied Vināyaka-deva 大聖歡喜雙身毘那夜迦天形像品儀軌

Iconographic Selections 圖像抄

Iconography of the Venerables 諸尊圖像

Illness-Healing Sutra 除一切疾病陀羅尼經

Illustrated Sutra of the Jetavana Monastery in Śrāvastī̄, Central India 中天竺舍衞國祇洹寺圖經

Immeasurable Life Adornment 無量壽莊嚴

Incantation Dharma Sutra 使呪法經

Inconceivable Secret of the Wheel of Ecstasy: Great King of Tantras 妙輪上樂王祕密不思議大教王經

Inconceivable Sutra 不思議經

Increased by One Āgama Sutras 增一阿含經, 增壹阿含經

Incremental Āgamas 增一阿含

Infallible Lasso Dhāraṇī 不空羂索呪心經

Infallible Lassoʼs Mantra and Supernatural Transformations: King of Ritual Manuals 不空羂索神變眞言經

Inquiry into the Origin of Humanity 原人論

Inscriptions on the mind-king 心王銘

Instructions for the Rites, Chants, and Meditations of the Prajñāpāramitā Dhāraṇī Scripture for Humane Kings Who Wish to Protect Their States 仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經陀羅尼念誦儀軌

Instructions for Zazen 坐禪儀

Interpretations and Precedents of Zhiguan 止觀義例

Introduction to Logic 因明入正理論

Introductory Lectures to the Record of Sokkō 息耕錄開筵普說

Jade Volumes 玉篇

Jaṅgulī-vidyā 穰麌梨童女經

Jewel Box Sutra 寶篋經

Jewel-Arising Treatise on Setting Forth Consciousness-only 二十唯識順釋論, 成唯識寶生論

Jewel-king Treatise 寶王論

Jewel-mirror Samādhi 寶鏡三昧

Jewel-Nature Treatise 寶性論

Jewel-topknot Bodhisattvaʼs Exposition of the Four Sets of Practices 寶髻經四法憂波提舍, 寶髻經論, 寶髻菩薩四法經論

Jiatai [Era] Comprehensive Record of the [Transmission of the] Lamp 嘉泰普燈錄

Jin Translation 晉譯

Jingyingʼs Great Commentary on the Sutra of Immeasurable Life 淨影大經疏

Journey to the West 西遊記

Keizanʼs Rules 瑩規

Keizanʼs Rules of Purity 瑩山和尙淸規, 瑩山淸規

King of Aspirations to Good Conduct 普賢菩薩行願讚

King of Banners Sutra 無能勝幡王如來莊嚴陀羅尼經

King of Ritual Procedures for the God Naḍa 最上祕密那拏天經

King of Samādhi Sutra 三昧王經, 月燈三昧經

Lamp of Complete Understanding 了義燈

Lamp Record 燈錄

Large Commentary on Logic 因明大疏

Larger Sukhāvatīvyūha 無量壽經

Latter Portion of the Sutra on the Great Decease 大涅槃經後譯荼毘分, 大般涅槃經後分, 大般涅槃經荼毘分, 涅槃經後分

Legends and History of the Three Kingdoms 三國遺事

Liang Biographies of Eminent Monks 梁高僧傳

Liang Translation of the Compendium of the Great Vehicle 梁攝論, 梁朝攝論, 梁譯攝大乘論

Liberating Precepts 解脫律

Life Sutra 壽經

Life-Extending Ten-Line Avalokitêśvara Sutra 延命十句觀音經

Light Mantra from the Great Consecration 不空羂索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光眞言

Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana 不空羂索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光眞言

Lives of Eminent Korean Monks 海東高僧傳

Living Discourse on Buddhism

Longer Āgama 長阿含

Longer Āgama-sūtra 長阿含經

Longevity Chapter 壽量品

Lotus Absorption Sutra 佛說法華三昧經, 法華三昧經

Lotus Sutra 妙法華經, 正法華經, 法花, 法花經, 添品法華經, 蓮華經

Lucid Introduction to the One Hundred Dharmas 大乘百法明門論

Mahā-puruṣa-śāstra 大丈夫論

Mahāyāna Four Purifying Days 大乘四齋日

Mahāyāna Nirvana Sutra 大乘涅槃經

Mahāyāna Sutra of Merits of Vaiśravaṇa 大乘毘沙門功德經

Mahāyāna Sutra of the Dhāraṇī of the Buddha Limitless Life 大乘無量壽宗要經

Mahāyāna Treatise Establishing Karma 大乘成業論

Mahāyāna Treatise on the Five Aggregates 大乘五蘊論

Mahāyāna Yoga of the Adamantine Ocean, Mañjuśrī with a Thousand Arms and Thousand Bowls: Great King of Tantras 大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經

Mahāyāna-Vaipulya One Hundred Treatise 大乘廣百論本

Maṇḍala of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas 八大菩薩曼荼羅經

Manifest Enlightenment of the Grand Resplendent One, His Transformations and Empowering Presence: Lord Indra of the Broader Sutras 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經

Mañjuśrīʼs Fundamental One-Syllable Dhāraṇī from the Mahāvaipulya-bodhisattvapiṭaka 大方廣菩薩藏經中文殊室利根本一字陀羅尼經

Mantra for Protection of the Northern King Vaiśravaṇa, whom Armies Follow 北方毘沙門天王隨軍護法眞言

Mantra of Five Heads Sutra 咒五首經

Manual for the Chanting of the Dhāraṇī of the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper 北斗七星念誦儀軌

Manual for the Constellations and Celestial Bodies 宿曜儀軌

Manual of Procedures for the Cultivation of Realization of Ritual Practice According to the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經道場修證儀

Marrow of the Yogâcārabhūmi 瑜伽論中實

Marvelous Great Vehicle Sutra 大乘妙經

Marvelous Precept of the One Mind 一心妙戒抄

Maudgalyāyanaʼs Five Hundred Questions on Light and Heavy Matters in the Vinaya 目連問戒律中五百輕重事

Meaning Lamp 義燈

Meaning of Practice and Verification 修證義

Medicine Master Sutra 藥師經

Meditation Sutra 觀經

Meeting on the Secret Teachings of the Adamantine Warriors 密迹金剛力士會

Memoir of a Pilgrimage to the Five Indian Kingdoms 往五天竺國傳

Method for Recitation and Establishing Supernatural Effects through Sacred Yamāntaka, the Indignant King 聖閻曼德迦威怒王立成大神驗念誦法

Method of Practice 金剛峯樓閣一切瑜伽瑜祇經

Method of Recitation of the Sutra on the [Dhāraṇī for the Protection of All] Children 童子經念誦法

Method of the Victorious, Essential Dhāraṇī for Having Wishes Heard by Space-Store, the Bodhisattva Who Can Fulfill Requests 虛空藏菩薩能滿諸願最勝心陀羅尼求聞持法

Methods for Meditation on Vairocana 毘盧遮那三摩地法

Middle Length Āgama 中含

Middle Length Āgama Sutras 中阿含經

Middle Length Āgamas 中阿含

Milk Scripture 乳經

Ming Canon 明代三藏

Ming Catalogue of the Buddhist Canon 大明三藏聖教目錄

Ming Collection of Supplementary Canonical Texts 大明續入藏諸集

Mingkuangʼs Commentary to the Tiantai Bodhisattva Precepts 天台菩薩戒明曠疏

Miscellaneous Āgamas 雜阿含

Mochizuki Buddhist Dictionary 望月佛教大辭典

Most Excellent Concentration Sūtra 最妙勝定經

Most Secret, Well-Established Dhāraṇī of the Vast, Gem-Encrusted Tower 大寶廣博樓閣善住祕密陀羅尼經

Mother of the Sarvâstivāda Vinaya 毘尼摩得伽, 薩婆多毘尼, 薩婆多部毘尼摩得勒伽

Mudrās for the Susiddhi Ritual Procedure 蘇悉地儀軌契印圖

Mūlasarvâstivādin Precepts for Nuns 根本說一切有部苾芻尼毘奈耶

Nāgârjuna ʼs Treatise on the Five Sciences 龍樹五明論

Nandikêśvara-deva Teaches the Zodiac Sutra 難儞計濕嚩囉天說支輪經

National Teacher Kōzen Daitōʼs Final Admonition 興禪大燈國師遺誡

New Treatise on Consciousness-only 新唯識論

Newly Compiled Comprehensive Record of the Canonical Works of the Various Schools 新編諸宗教藏總錄

Nirvāṇa Record 涅槃記

Nirvana Sutra 佛般泥洹經, 涅槃經, 般泥洹經

Northern Edition of the Nirvana Sutra 北本大般涅槃經, 北本涅槃經

Notes on the Doctrine of the Bodhisattva Precepts 菩薩戒義記

Notes on the Preface to Zongmiʼs Abridged Commentary to the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經略疏序註

Notes on the Sutra on Doctrine of the Bodhisattva Precepts 菩薩戒經義記

Ōbaku Pure Rules 黃檗淸規

Old Pure Rules 古淸規

Old Rules 古規

On Conferring Bodhisattva Vinaya 菩薩戒本

One Bright Pearl 一顆明珠

One-sheet Response 一紙小消息

One-Syllable King of Spells from the Bodhisattvapiṭaka of Mañjuśrī 曼殊師利菩薩呪藏中一字呪王經

Oral Transmission About the Assertion that The True Aspect Is All Phenomena 諸法實相傳抄

Original Text of the Commentary on the Śrīmālādevīsiṃhanāda-sūtra 勝鬘經義疏本義

Original Vehicle Sūtra 本乘經

Original Version of Baizhangʼs Pure Rules 百丈古淸規

Original Vows of the Medicine-Master Tathāgata of Lapis Light 藥師本願經, 藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經

Original Vows of the Seven Medicine-Master Buddhas of Lapis Light 藥師瑠璃光七佛本願功德經

Ornament of Clear Realisation 現觀莊嚴般若波羅蜜多優波提舍論, 般若經論現觀莊嚴頌

Ornament of Clear Realization 現觀莊嚴論

Orthodox Transmission of Buddhism 釋門正統

Outline of the Abridged Commentary on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經略疏科

Outline of the Eight Schools 八宗綱要

Outline of the Four Teachings 四教儀

Outline of the Tiantai

Parable Chapter 喩品

Paradise Anthology 樂邦文類

Parrot Sutra 鸚鵡經

Path of Purification 淸淨道論

Pavilion of Vajra Peak and all its Yogas and Yogins 金剛峯樓閣一切瑜伽瑜祇經

Peacock Sutra 大孔雀呪王經, 孔雀明王經, 孔雀王呪經, 孔雀王經

Perfect and Sudden Attainment of Buddhahood 圓頓成佛論

Perfect and Sudden Interpretations and Precedents of Zhiguan 圓頓止觀義例

Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Lines 十萬頌

Perfection of Wisdom of the Little Mother Syllables 聖佛母小字般若波羅蜜多經

Perfection of Wisdom of the Sacred Buddha-Mothers 聖佛母般若波羅蜜多經

Perfection of Wisdom Sutra 般若波羅蜜經

Perfection of Wisdom Sutra for Humane Kings Protecting Their Countries 仁王護國般若波羅蜜多經

Personal Collection of Numerous Stories on Causes and Conditions Private compilation of One Hundred Stories 百因緣集

Personal Collection of Numerous Stories on Causes and Conditions 私聚百因緣集

Pictorial Biographies of Prince Shōtoku 聖德太子繪傳

Platform Sutra 壇經

Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch 六祖壇經

Prajñā Treatise 波若論

Prajñā Without Knowing 般若無知論

Prâtimokṣa of the Mahīśāsaka Five Part Vinaya 五分戒, 彌沙塞五分戒本

Prâtimokṣa of the Vinaya of the Five Categories 五分戒本

Preface to Illustrated Sutra on the Construction of Ordination Platforms, Written in Guangzhong 關中創立戒壇圖經幷序

Preface to the Collection of Chan Sources 禪源諸詮集都序

Preface to the Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra 化前序

Private Record of the Prince Shōtoku Biographies 聖德太子傳私記

Procedures for the Fire Ritual for the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper 北斗七星護摩法

Profound [Meaning of the] Avalokitêśvara [Chapter] 觀音玄

Profound [Meaning] of [the] Special Practices 別行玄

Profound Commentary on the Vimalakīrti 淨名玄, 淨名玄義

Profound Commentary on the Vimalakīrti Sutra 維摩經玄疏

Profound Explanation 幽贊

Profound Explanation of the Heart Sutra 心經幽贊

Profound Explanation of the Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sutra 般若波羅蜜多心經幽贊

Profound Meaning of [the] Avalokitêśvara [Chapter] 觀音玄義, 觀音經玄義

Profound Meaning of [the] Special Practices 別行玄義

Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra 法華玄義, 法華經玄義

Profound Meaning of the Sutra on the Lotus of the Marvelous Dharma 妙法蓮華經玄義

Profound Meaning of the Three Treatises 三論玄義

Pronunciations and Meanings of the Flower Ornament Sutra 大方廣佛華嚴經音義

Pronunciations and Meanings of the New Translation of the Flower Ornament Sutra 新譯大方廣佛華嚴經音義, 新譯華嚴經音義, 華嚴經音義

Prophecy of Kātyāyana Bhikṣu 佛使比丘迦旃延說法沒盡偈百二十章

Publication of the Five Monasteries 五山版

Pure Regulations for Obligation 備用淸規

Pure Regulations for the Obligations of Chan Monasteries 禪林備用淸規

Pure Rules of Eihei 永平淸規

Pure Rules of the Zen Master Gen of Eihei 永平元禪師淸規

Questioning Devas Sutra 天請問經

Radiance Mantra Sutra 不空羂索毘盧遮那佛大灌頂光眞言

Rāvaṇa Explains the [Wandering Seizers'] Alleviation of Childrenʼs Illnesses 囉嚩拏說救療小兒疾病經

Reality Assembly of the Attained Realm of the Buddhas 諸佛境界攝眞實經

Reality Sutra 諸佛境界攝眞實經

Recitation Manual for the Cultivation of the Five Mysteries of Vajrasattva, from the Vajraśekhara Yoga 金剛頂瑜伽金剛薩埵五祕密修行念誦儀軌

Recitation Protocols of the Indignant King 聖閻曼德迦威怒王立成大神驗念誦法

Reconciliation of Ten Problematic Issues 十門和諍論

Record of All Sages 衆聖點記

Record of Buddhist Countries 佛國記

Record of Changfang 長房錄

Record of Chegwan 諦觀錄

Record of Daiō 大應語錄, 大應錄

Record of Fu dashi 傅大士錄

Record of History and Material Property 緣起流記資材帳

Record of Inzan 隱山錄

Record of Linji 臨濟錄, 鎭州臨濟慧照禪師語錄

Record of Miscellanea of Chan Master Mingben 明本禪師雜錄

Record of Miscellanea of Chan Master Mingben of Tianmu 天目明本禪師雜錄

Record of Personal Knowledge 自知錄

Record of Śākyamuniʼs Teachings Compiled During the Kaiyuan period 開元釋教錄

Record of Sayings by Chan Master Zhenji of Zhaozhou 趙州眞際禪師語錄

Record of Siddhaṃ Characters 悉曇字記

Record of the Ancestral Hall 祖堂集

Record of the Axiom Mirror 宗鏡錄, 宗鑑錄

Record of The Buddhist Religion as Practiced in India 大黑天神法

Record of the Chan School Successive Lamp 禪宗聯燈錄

Record of the Dharma Transmission of the True Lineage 傳法正宗記

Record of the Five Houses 五宗錄

Record of the Hall of Broad Learning 多聞院日記

Record of the Mind Mirror 心鏡錄

Record of the National Teacher Daiō 大應國師語錄

Record of the Precious Spoken Tradition 白寶口鈔

Record of the Search for the Profundities 探玄記

Record of the Search for the Profundities of the Huayan Sutra 華嚴探玄記, 華嚴經探玄記

Record of the Teachings of the Reverend Hamheo Deuktong 涵虛堂得通和尙語錄

Record of the Transmission of the Lamp 傳燈錄

Record of the Transmission of the Lamp Published in the Jingde Era 景德傳燈錄

Record of the Transmission of the Lamp to the Eastern Regions 東域傳燈目錄

Record of the Transmission of the Light 傳光

Record of Transmission for the Great Teaching of the Two-fold [Maṇḍala] from Master to Disciple 兩部大法相承師資付法記

Record of Travel to the Tang in Search of the Dharma 入唐巡禮記, 入唐求法巡禮行記, 入唐求法巡禮記

Record of Travel to Wutaishan 五臺山巡禮記

Record of Travels to the Western Regions 西域記

Record of Travels to Western Lands 大唐西域記

Record of Yunmen 雲門錄

Record of Zhongben 中峰雜錄

Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Caoshan 曹山本寂禪師語錄

Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Caoshan of Fuzhou 撫州曹山元證禪師語錄

Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Dongshan Liangjie of Ruizhou 瑞州洞山良价禪師語錄

Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Fayan 法演禪師語錄

Recorded Sayings of Dongshan 洞山語錄

Recorded Sayings of Fu Dashi 傅大士語錄

Recorded Sayings of Master Caoshan 曹山元證禪師語錄, 曹山大師語錄, 曹山錄

Recorded Sayings of Master Muzhou 睦州和尙語錄

Recorded Sayings of Master Senjō Jitsugan 千丈巖和尙語錄

Recorded Sayings of Master Songyuan 松源和尙語錄

Recorded Sayings of Master Touzi 投子和尙語錄

Recorded Sayings of Master Yunfeng Wenyue 雲峰悅禪師語錄

Recorded Sayings of Revered Elders 古尊宿語錄

Recorded Sayings of Shōichi Kokushi 聖一國師語錄

Recorded Sayings of the Chan Master Pujue 普覺禪師語錄

Recorded Sayings of the Eminent Layman Shanhui 善慧大士語錄

Recorded Sayings of the Four Houses 四家語錄

Recorded Sayings of the Four Houses of Mazu 馬祖四家錄

Records Concerning Ritual 禮記

Records of the Four Houses 四家錄

Records of the Historian 史記

Records of Wanling 宛陵錄

Refuting Christianity 破吉利支丹

Register of the Materials of the Hōryū Temple 法隆寺流記

Register of the Materials of the Hōryū Temple Complex 法隆寺資材帳

Regulations of the Meditation Hall 僧堂淸規

Regulations on the Full Precepts 弘戒法儀

Repentance Rites for Rebirth in the Pure Land 往生淨土懺願儀

Repentance Sutra for those in the Three Classes of the Great Vehicle 大乘三聚懺悔經

Reports on the Spread of Buddhism in the Regions 釋迦方志

Resolving Doubts About Observing the Hwadu 看話決疑論

Response in a Single Page 一枚消息, 一枚起請, 一枚起請文

Revealing the Tenets of the Abhidharma Treasury 阿毘達磨藏顯宗論

Revised Essential Recorded Sayings of Revered Elders 重刻古尊宿語錄

Revision of Baizhangʼs Pure Rules 敕修百丈淸規

Revision of the Rules 敕規

Revitalization of Korean Buddhism 朝鮮佛教維新論

Ritual Chapter on Abhicāraka 大方廣曼殊室利童眞菩薩華嚴本教讚閻曼德迦忿怒王眞言阿毘遮迦嚕儀軌品

Ritual Chapter on the Ferocious King of Great Intimidating Virtue 大乘方廣曼殊室利菩薩華嚴本教閻曼德迦忿怒王眞言大威德儀軌品

Ritual Chapter on Yamāntaka, Ferocious King of Mantras and Abhicāraka, from the Bodhisattvapiṭakāvisara-mañjuśrī-kumārabhūta-mūlakalpa 大方廣曼殊室利童眞菩薩華嚴本教讚閻曼德迦忿怒王眞言阿毘遮迦嚕儀軌品

Ritual Chapter on Yamântaka, Ferocious King of Mantras and Great Intimidating Righteousness, from the Āryamañjuśriyamūlakalpa-bodhisattvapiṭakāvataṃsaka-mahāyāna-vaipulya-sūtra 大乘方廣曼殊室利菩薩華嚴本教閻曼德迦忿怒王眞言大威德儀軌品

Ritual Commentary on the Humane Kings State Protection Prajñā 仁王護國般若儀軌

Ritual Manual of Qinglongsi 靑龍寺儀軌

Ritual Manual of Xuanfasi 玄法寺儀軌

Ritual of the Deity Mahākāla, The Great Black One 大黑天神法

Ritual Procedure for Contemplation of the Master of Healing Tathāgata 藥師如來觀行儀軌法

Ritual Procedure for Making Offerings to the Seven Healing-Master Buddhas, the Wish-Fulfilling Kings 藥師七佛供養儀軌如意王經

Ritual Procedure for Recitation to the Master of Healing Tathāgata 藥師如來念誦儀軌

Ritual Procedure for Recitation to the Master of Healing, the Lapis Lazuli Radiance Tathāgata, for Eliminating Disaster and Escaping Hardships 藥師消災儀軌, 藥師琉璃光如來消災除難念誦儀軌

Ritual Procedure for the Successful Cultivation of the Vajrasattva of Great Bliss 大樂金剛薩埵修行成就儀軌

Ritual Procedure for the Syllable-Wheel Yoga of Suddenly Realizing the Dharma-Body of Vairocana, from the Gaṇḍavyūha Chapter of the Buddhâvataṃsaka-nāma-mahāvaipūlyasūtra 大方廣佛花嚴經入法界品頓證毘盧遮那法身字輪瑜伽儀軌

Ritual Procedure of Becoming Buddha through Recitation, Anytime, Anywhere, by the Yoga of the One-syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler from the Vajraśekhara 金剛頂經一字頂輪王瑜伽一切時處念誦成佛儀軌

Ritual Procedure of the Avataṃsaka-sūtra 大方廣佛花嚴經入法界品頓證毘盧遮那法身字輪瑜伽儀軌

Ritual Procedure of the Great Illuminating Maṇḍala of the Wealth God 寶藏神大明曼拏羅儀軌經

Ritual Procedure of the Wealth Godʼs Maṇḍalas 寶藏神大明曼拏羅儀軌經

Ritual Procedures from the Yoga Collection for Feeding the Searing Mouths 瑜伽集要焰口施食儀軌

Roar of the Dragon 龍吟

Rules of Purity for Daily Life 日用淸規

Rules of Purity for Small Monasteries 小叢林淸規

Safeguarding Sutra 守護國界主陀羅尼經

Śāli-stamba-sūtra 大乘稻芉經

Śāli-stambhaka-sūtra 大乘稻芉經

Samādhi-sūtra on Liberation through Purification Spoken by the Buddha 佛說淨度三昧經, 淨土三昧經, 淨度三昧經, 淨度經

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Sutra 三曼陀跋陀羅菩薩經

Saṃgha Rules 僧規

Sanskrit Eulogy to the Sacred Bodhisattva of Spontaneous Contemplation 聖觀自在菩薩梵讚

Sanskrit Praises of the One Hundred and Eight Names of Mañjuśrī 文殊師利一百八名梵讚

Sarvâstivāda Vinaya 有部律

Scripture of all Buddhas 諸佛經

Scripture of the 100 Parables 百句譬喩經

Scripture of the Great Existence 大有經

Scripture of the Stainless Name 無垢稱經

Scripture on Causes and Effects 因果經

Scripture on Past and Present Causes and Effects 過去現在因果經

Scripture on the Buddhaʼs Ten Powers 佛十力經

Scripture on the Methods and Power of Prince Kumbhīra 金毘羅童子威德經

Scripture on the Methods and Power of Prince Kumbhīra, Expounded by the Buddha 佛說金毘羅童子威德經

Scripture on the Original Vows of the Medicine Tathāgata 藥師如來本願經

Scripture on the Ten Powers 佛說佛十力經, 佛說十力經, 十力經

Scripture that Transcends the Principle 大樂金剛不空眞實三摩耶經, 大樂金剛不空眞實三麼耶經, 理趣經, 般若理趣經

Secret Adornment Scripture 密嚴經

Secret Calendar of the Nine Planets 九曜祕曆

Secret Dhāraṇī Method of Three Attainments which Destroy Hell and Reverse Karmic Hindrances in the Three Worlds 三種悉地破地獄轉業障出三界祕密陀羅尼法

Secret Essentials for Healing the Maladies of Meditation 治禪病祕要, 治禪病祕要法, 治禪病祕要法經, 治禪病祕要經

Secret Meanings of All the Names: Great King of Tantras 一切祕密最上名義大教王儀軌

Secret Tantra of the Auspicious Triumph [of Rage] 妙吉祥最勝根本大教經

Secret Teachings Sutra 密迹經

Secrets of Deva Rāja Temple and the Great Birth 提波羅惹寺麻訶所生祕決

Secrets of Seven-Planet Apotropaism 七曜攘災決, 七曜禳災決

Secrets of Tennōji 天王寺祕決

Secrets of the Deva Rāja 提波羅惹祕決

Secrets on Cultivating the Mind 修心訣, 牧牛子修心訣

Secrets on Cultivating the Mind by Seon Master Bojo 普照禪師修心訣

Secrets on Cultivating the Mind by Seon Master Bojo of Goryeo 高麗國普照禪師修心訣

Section on Ascertaining the Discipleʼs Stages 聲聞地決擇

Seminal Explanations on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經精解評林

Seven Jewels Sutra 七寶經

Seventeen Article Constitution 十七憲法

Simingʼs Record of the Four Houses 慈明四家錄

Six Fascicle Nirvana Sutra 六卷泥洹經

Six Part Abhidharma 阿毘達磨六足論

Six Section Collection from Shaoshi 少室六門集

Six Syllable Incantation 六字神呪王經

Sixteen Fascicle Contemplation Sutra 十六觀經

Skill-in-means Sutra 方便經

Small Avalokitêśvara Sutra 小觀世音經

Small Sutra 小經

Song of Enlightenment 永嘉證道歌

Song of the Jewel Samādhi 寶鏡三昧歌

Sound King Sutra 聲王經

Source Mirror Dharma Anthology 宗鑑法林

Special Record of the Collation of the New Carving of the Tripiṭaka of the State of Goryeo 高麗國新雕大藏經校正別錄

Stages Treatise 地持論

Standard Sutra 軌經

Stanzas on the Sutras of the Esoteric One's, Mighty Kings of Great Supernatural Power 密跡力士大權神王經偈頌

Statement of Self-admonition 自警文

Straight Talk on the True Mind 眞心直說

String of Jewels of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經連珠

Study Notes on the Cheng weishi lun 成唯識論學記

Subcommentary to the Great commentary on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經大疏釋義鈔

Subcommentary to the Great Commentary on the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺大鈔, 圓覺經大疏鈔

Summary Notes on Vasubandhuʼs Commentary to the Compendium of the Great Vehicle 攝大乘論世親釋論略記

Summary of Investigation into the Comparison of the Awakening of Faith and the Cheng weishi lun 大乘起信論同異略探記

Summary of the Great Vehicle 攝大乘論

Sun-Store Sutra 日藏經

Supplement to the Commentary on the Precepts 戒疏刪補

Supplement to the Tiantai Commentary on the Bodhisattva Precepts 天台菩薩戒疏

Supplemental Record to the Biography of Jōgū Prince Shōtoku 上宮聖德太子傳補缺記

Supplemental Record to the Biography of Prince (Shōtoku) 太子傳補缺記

Supreme Incomparable Sūtra 最無比經

Sutra abridged for Recitation 大毘盧遮那佛說要略念誦經, 要略念誦經, 金剛頂瑜伽中略出念誦經

Sutra Abridged for Recitation Explained by the Buddha Mahāvairocana 大毘盧遮那佛說要略念誦經

Sutra Explaining the Underlying Meaning 解深蜜經

Sutra for Humane Kings 仁王經

Sutra for Recitation Abridged from the Vajraśekhara Yoga 金剛頂瑜伽中略出念誦經

Sutra for Safeguarding the Nation, the Realm and the Chief of State 守護國界主陀羅尼經

Sutra in Forty-two Sections 四十二章經

Sutra In Praise of the Pure Land 稱讚淨土佛攝受經

Sutra of [the Metaphor] of Grains of Rice 大乘稻芉經, 大乘稻芋經

Sutra of Akṣobhya 阿閦佛經

Sutra of Aṅgulimāla 央掘魔羅經

Sutra of Ārya Teachings on Conditioned Arising 緣起聖道經

Sutra of Avalokitêśvara Cutting and Removing Wrongs 觀世音折刀除罪經

Sutra of Belief in the Buddhaʼs Merits 信佛功德經

Sutra of Carrying the Coffin to the Grave After the Death of the Buddha 佛滅度後棺斂葬送經, 佛滅度後棺歛葬送經, 棺歛葬送經, 比丘師經

Sutra of Contemplation of the Mind Ground 心地觀經

Sutra of Contemplation of the Mind Ground in the Buddhaʼs Life (?) 本生心地觀經

Sutra of Continued Liberation 相續解脫經

Sutra of Cutting off [Crimes] 折刀經

Sutra of Fine Night 善夜經

Sutra of Golden Light 合部金光明經

Sutra of Great Assembly 大集會正法經

Sutra of Great King Aśoka 大阿育王經

Sutra of Great Mārīcī, the Bodhisattva 大摩里支菩薩經

Sutra of Great Meaning 大意經

Sutra of Great Wisdom 大般若經

Sutra of Immeasurable Life 佛說大乘無量壽莊嚴經, 佛說無量淸淨平等覺經, 佛說阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經, 平等覺經, 無量壽經, 無量淸淨平等覺經, 無量淸淨經, 過度人道經

Sutra of Immeasurable Pure Perfect Enlightenment 大乘無量壽莊嚴經

Sutra of Incantation against Evil Spirits 佛說呪魅經, 佛說咒媚經, 呪魅經, 咒媚經

Sutra of Inconceivable Liberation 不思議解脫經

Sutra of Innumerable Meanings 無量義經

Sutra of Kāśyapa and the Buddhist Council 迦葉結經

Sutra of King Ajātaśatru 阿闍世王經

Sutra of King Malla 佛說末羅王經, 末羅王經

Sutra of King Mūrdhajāta 文陀竭王經

Sutra of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva 地藏菩薩經

Sutra of Maitreyaʼs Ascension 彌勒上生經

Sutra of Maitreyaʼs Teaching on Dependent Arising through the Metaphor of the Rice Grain 慈氏菩薩所說大乘緣生稻簳喩經

Sutra of Mañjuśrīʼs Explanation of the Inconceivable Buddha Realm 文殊師利所說不思議佛境界經, 文殊說不思議佛境界經

Sutra of Mañjuśrīʼs Questions 文殊問經

Sutra of Mañjuśrīʼs Tour 佛說文殊師利巡行經, 文殊巡行經, 文殊師利巡行經

Sutra of Meditating on Samantabhadra Bodhisattva 普賢觀經

Sutra of Meditation on the Buddha of Infinite Life 善導

Sutra of Neither Increase Nor Decrease 不增不減經

Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺修多羅了義經, 圓覺經

Sutra of Prince Śārdūlakarṇā and the Twenty-Eight Nakṣatras 二十八宿經, 太子二十八宿經, 舍頭諫太子二十八宿經

Sutra of Questions on Four Matters 問四事經

Sutra of Resolving Doubts During the Age of the Semblance Dharma 像法決疑經

Sutra of Right Dharma and Wrong Dharma 是法非法經

Sutra of Siṅgāla 善生子經

Sutra of Ten Doctrines of Retribution in the Dīrghâgama 長阿含十報法經

Sutra of the [Yiqie] Foding [zhuanlun wang], who enters the violently blazing [samādhi] of the great wonderful King of Wisdom Amṛta Kuṇḍalī 大妙金剛大甘露軍拏利焰鬘熾盛佛頂經

Sutra of the 100 Parables 百句譬喩集經, 百喩經, 百喩集, 百譬經

Sutra of the Abiding Dharma Recorded Just Prior to Buddhaʼs Nirvāṇa 佛臨涅槃記法住經

Sutra of the Account of Travels 遊行經

Sutra of the Adorned Mind of Enlightenment 佛說莊嚴菩提心經, 莊嚴菩提心經

Sutra of the Appearance of Light 出曜經

Sutra of the Assembly 僧伽吒經

Sutra of the Bodhisattva Canon 菩薩藏經

Sutra of the Bodhisattva of Inconceivable Illumination 不思議光菩薩經

Sutra of the Bodhisattva Precepts 菩薩戒經

Sutra of the Brahmanʼs Estimation of Purification by Water 梵志計水淨經

Sutra of the Buddhaʼs Explanation for the Layman Śuka of Distinctions in Karmic Retribution 佛爲首迦長者說業報差別經

Sutra of the Buddha-stage 佛地經

Sutra of the Causes and Conditions of the Vinaya 鼻奈耶戒因緣經

Sutra of the Collection of the Original Acts of the Buddha 本行經, 本行集經

Sutra of the Collection of the Past Activities of the Buddha 佛本行集經

Sutra of the Concentration of Heroic Progress 首楞嚴三昧經

Sutra of the Consummate Teaching 圓滿修多羅

Sutra of the Contemplation of Dharmatrāta 達摩多羅禪經

Sutra of the Contemplation on Impurity 不淨觀經

Sutra of the Cremation 炎經

Sutra of the Cultivation of Expedient Meditations 修行方便禪經

Sutra of the Deathbed Injunction 佛臨涅槃略誡經, 佛遺教經, 略說教誡經, 遺經

Sutra of the Dhāraṇī for Bearing the Banners and Seals 勝幡瓔珞陀羅尼經, 勝幢臂印陀羅尼經

Sutra of the Dhāraṇī of the Universal and Esoteric Eight Names 八名普密陀羅尼經

Sutra of the Dhāraṇīs that Remove Suffering and Adversity 拔濟苦難陀羅尼經

Sutra of the Dharma Mirror 法鏡經

Sutra of the Dharma of Severing Doubts of the Dharma 斷諸法狐疑法經

Sutra of the Diadem of the Primary Activities of the Bodhisattvas 菩薩瓔珞本業經

Sutra of the Eight Teachers 佛說八師經, 八師經

Sutra of the Exalted Goddess [and Her Twelve Mudras and One Hundred and Eight Names] in the Immaculate Mahāyāna 大吉祥天女十二契一百八名無垢大乘經

Sutra of the Expedient Practices of Meditation 禪經修行方便

Sutra of the Explication of the Underlying Meaning 解深密經

Sutra of the Five Buddha-Attendants 五佛頂經

Sutra of the Four Children Absorption 四童子三昧經

Sutra of the Fruits, Causes, and Conditions of Vinaya 戒果因緣經

Sutra of the Girl Candrôttarā 月上女經

Sutra of the Golden Drum 金鼓經

Sutra of the Golden-Winged King of Birds 文殊師利菩薩根本大教王經金翅鳥王品

Sutra of the Great Brāhmaṇa 大婆羅門經

Sutra of the Great Conflagration 大樓炭經

Sutra of the Great Decease 大般涅槃經

Sutra of the Great Dhāraṇī̄ Spirit-Spells Spoken by the Seven Buddhas and Eight Bodhisattvas 七佛八菩薩所說大陀羅尼神咒經

Sutra of the Great Peahen, Queen of Mantras 孔雀明王經

Sutra of the Great Teaching 大教經

Sutra of the Great Thousand [Destructions, Defender of the Land] 守護大千國土經

Sutra of the Great Vehicle Precepts 大乘戒經

Sutra of the Greatly Powerful Mantra King [The Universally Shining Dharma-Eye from which All Tathāgatas Arise] 出生一切如來法眼遍照大力明王經

Sutra of the Immortal Among Men 人仙經

Sutra of the Kingly Arrangement of All Dharmas and Merits 一切功德莊嚴王經

Sutra of the Liberating Precepts 解脫戒本經, 解脫戒經

Sutra of the Life of Śākyamuni to His Twelfth Year 佛說十二遊經, 十二遊經

Sutra of the Long-life King 長壽王經

Sutra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Dharma 妙法蓮華經

Sutra of the Maṇila Platform 摩尼羅亶經

Sutra of the Mātaṅga Girl 摩鄧女經

Sutra of the Meditation on the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 無量壽佛經, 無量壽佛觀經, 觀無量壽經

Sutra of the Meditation Taught by Dharmatrāta 達磨多羅禪經

Sutra of the Names of Three Thousand Buddhas 三千佛名經

Sutra of the Nine Causes of Premature Death 九橫經

Sutra of the Nirgranthaʼs Questions on the Meaning of No-self 尼乾子問無我義經

Sutra of the One Hundred and Eight Names of the Sacred Bodhisattva who Contemplates Freely 聖觀自在菩薩一百八名經

Sutra of the One-Syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler Spoken at the Seat of Enlightenment 菩提場所說一字頂輪王經

Sutra of the Original Vows of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva 地藏本願經

Sutra of the Path of Stages of Cultivation 修行經, 道地經

Sutra of the Plague-Dispelling Incantation 却溫黃神呪經

Sutra of the Praise of All Tathāgatas for the Rain-Jewel Dhāraṇī 一切如來稱讚雨寶陀羅尼經

Sutra of the Pure Dharma Conduct Spoken by the Buddha 佛說淸淨法行經, 淸淨法行經

Sutra of the Questions of Indra 帝釋所問經

Sutra of the Questions of Mañjuśrī 文殊師利問經

Sutra of the Questions of Śubha 淨意問經

Sutra of the Questions of Suvikrāntacinti-devaputra 須眞天子所問經

Sutra of the Questions of Suvikrāntacinti-devaputra 須眞天子經

Sutra of the Questions of The King of the Mahādruma Kiṃnaras 大樹緊那羅王所問經

Sutra of the Questions of The son of heaven of Suṣṭhitamati 聖善住意天子所問經

Sutra of the Questions of the Son of Pratibhāna 辯意經, 辯意長者子所問經, 辯意長者子經

Sutra of the Questions of Upāsaka Śubha 淨意優婆塞所問經

Sutra of the Questions of Viśeṣa-cinti-brahma 勝思惟梵天所問經, 勝思惟經, 思益梵天問經, 思益梵天所問經, 思益經, 思益義經

Sutra of the Regulations for Great Bhikṣus 大僧威儀經

Sutra of the Regulations for Monks 僧威儀經

Sutra of the Relaxation of the Crown Prince 佛說太子和休經, 和休經, 太子和休經

Sutra of the Revolving Wheel 迴向輪經

Sutra of the Sagely and Most Excellent Dhāraṇī 聖最勝陀羅尼經

Sutra of the Scriptural Basket of the Great Bodhisattva 大菩薩藏經

Sutra of the Seven Buddhas 七佛經, 佛說七佛經

Sutra of the Seven Dreams 七夢經

Sutra of the Sound of Amitâbhaʼs Drum 鼓音經

Sutra of the Sovereign and Bodhisattvas 自在王菩薩經

Sutra of the Spiritual Mantra of the Eleven-Faced [Avalokitêśvara] 十一面神咒心經

Sutra of the Spiritual Terrace 靈臺經

Sutra of the Stages of Practice of the Meditation on Impurity 修行地不淨觀經

Sutra of the Story of Mūrdhajāta 頂生王故事經

Sutra of the Supremely Enlightened Dhāraṇī̄ of Āṭavika the Demon General 阿吒婆拘鬼神大將上佛陀羅尼經

Sutra of the Thousand Buddhas 千佛名經

Sutra of the Three Thousand Regulations 三千威儀經

Sutra of the Three Thousand Regulations for Bhikṣus 比丘三千威儀經

Sutra of the True Dharma 正法經

Sutra of the True Dharma of the Bodhisattva Canon 菩薩藏正法經

Sutra of the True Dharma of the Mahāyāna Bodhisattva Canon 大乘菩薩藏正法經

Sutra of the Turning of the Wheel of the Dharma 轉法輪經

Sutra of the Twelve Buddha Names 十二佛名神呪校量功德除障滅罪經

Sutra of the Underlying Meaning 删地涅暮折那

Sutra of the Utmost King of the Great Vehicle 大乘頂王經

Sutra of the Warrior with the Hidden Tracks 密跡力士經

Sutra of the World Upholder 持世經

Sutra of Trapuṣa and Bhallika 提謂波利經, 提謂經

Sutra of Upāsikā Viśākhā 優婆夷墮舍迦經

Sutra of Verses on the Six Destinies 佛說六道伽陀經, 六道伽陀經

Sutra of Vipaśyin Buddha 毘婆尸佛經

Sutra on (the Buddha's) Entering (the Country of) Lanka 楞伽經

Sutra on [the Hero Who] Moves Mountains 移山經

Sutra on [the Metaphor of] the Rice Grains 稻芋經

Sutra on Adding Monastic Years 受歳經

Sutra on Avoiding (Drowsiness) 離經

Sutra on Avoiding Drowsiness 離睡眠經, 離睡經

Sutra on Bathing the Saṃgha in the Bathhouse 溫室洗浴衆僧經

Sutra on Calling Back the Soul of the Dead 佛說招魂經, 招魂經

Sutra on Compassionate Recompense 報恩經

Sutra on Conditioned Arising 緣起經

Sutra on Consecrating and Washing Buddha Images 灌佛經, 灌洗佛形像經

Sutra on Constellations and Luminaries 宿曜經

Sutra on Distinguishing Good and Evil Karmic Retribution 分別善惡報應經

Sutra on Entering the Womb 佛說入胎藏會

Sutra on Equanimity of the Mind 平等心經

Sutra on Fathoming the Origin of Birth and Death 了本生死經

Sutra on King Ajātaśatru Receiving Assurance 阿闍世王授決經, 阿闍世受決經

Sutra on Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva and the Sages' Teaching on Auspicious and Inauspicious Times, Good and Evil Constellations and Planets 文殊師利菩薩及諸仙所說吉凶時日善惡宿曜經

Sutra on Mind 意經

Sutra on Most Rarified Existence 甚希有經

Sutra on Obstetrics Spoken by the Sage Kāśyapa 迦葉仙人說醫女人經

Sutra on Past and Present Causes and Effects 過現因果經

Sutra on Primary Activities 本業經

Sutra on Prince Moonlight 月光童子經

Sutra on Relieving Sores 療痔病經

Sutra on Royal Dharma 王法經

Sutra on Samantabhadraʼs Adamantine and Superlative Dhāraṇī̄ for Prolonging the Life Span, a Radiant Blessing Bestowed from the Hearts of all the Buddhas 佛說一切諸如來心光明加持普賢菩薩延命金剛最勝陀羅尼經

Sutra on Testing the Causes and Conditions (of Vinaya) 試因緣經

Sutra on the [Metaphor of] Grains of Rice 大乘舍黎娑擔摩經, 舍黎娑擔摩經

Sutra on the Aggregation of Suffering 苦陰經

Sutra on the Amoghapāśa Dhāraṇī of Avalokitêśvara 不空罥索陀羅尼自在王咒經, 不空羂索陀羅尼自在王呪經

Sutra on the Annihilation of the Dharma 法滅盡經

Sutra on the Annihilation of the Dharma Spoken by the Buddha 佛說法滅盡經

Sutra on the Arising of Worlds 起世經

Sutra on the As-illusion Samādhi 如幻三昧經

Sutra on the Brahmāʼs Net of Sixty-two Views 梵網六十二見經, 梵達摩納

Sutra on the Buddha Physician 佛說佛醫經, 佛醫王經, 佛醫經

Sutra on the Buddhaʼs Enlightening of Ambaṭṭha 佛開解梵志阿颰經

Sutra on the Buddha-stage 佛說佛地經

Sutra on the Causes and Conditions of Vinaya 戒因緣經

Sutra on the Causes of Aggregation of Suffering 苦陰因事經

Sutra on the Clear Understanding of the Mahāyāna 證契大乘經

Sutra on the Collection of the Six Destinies 六道集經

Sutra on the Collection of the Six Perfections 六度無極經, 六度無極集, 六度集經, 雜無極經

Sutra on the Comparison of Life Spans 較量壽命經

Sutra on the Concentration of Sitting Meditation 坐禪三昧經

Sutra on the Conduct of the Five Precepts for Male Lay Practitioners 五戒威儀經, 優婆塞五戒威儀經, 菩薩優婆塞五戒威儀經

Sutra on the Consecration of the Eighth Day of the Fourth Month 四月八日灌經

Sutra on the Conversion of the Barbarians 老子化胡經

Sutra on the Course to Enlightenment 入菩提行論, 入菩薩行論, 菩提行經

Sutra on the Descent of Maitreya 彌勒下生經

Sutra on the Dhāraṇī̄ Spell for Jāṅgulī̄ the Poison-Woman 佛說常瞿利毒女陀羅尼呪經, 佛說常瞿利毒女陀羅尼咒經

Sutra on the Divination of the Effect of Good and Evil Actions 占察善惡業報經

Sutra on the Eight Merits of the Ocean 海八德經

Sutra on the Eighteen Hells 十八地獄經, 十八泥犁經

Sutra on the Eightfold Noble Path 八正道經

Sutra on the Embryo in Utero 胞胎經

Sutra on the Emptiness of the Five Aggregates 五蘊皆空經, 佛說五蘊皆空經

Sutra on the Emptiness of the Ultimate Truth 勝義空經

Sutra on the Essentials of Meditation 禪要經

Sutra on the Essentials of Riddance of Desire 禪要訶欲經

Sutra on the Extinction of the Buddha Dharma 佛法滅盡經

Sutra on the Four Hells 四泥犁經

Sutra on the Four Noble Truths 佛說四諦經, 四諦經

Sutra on the Hell of the Iron City 鐵城泥犁經

Sutra on the Hells 泥犁經

Sutra on the Hero Who Moves Mountains 力士移山經

Sutra on the Inconceivable Merits Maintained by the Buddhas 一切諸佛所護念經, 不思議功德諸佛所護念經

Sutra on the Inquiry of Śāriputra

Sutra on the Maiden Jāṃgulī 穰麌梨童女經, 襄麌哩童女經

Sutra on the Manifestation of Consciousness 顯識經

Sutra on the Medical Simile 醫喩經

Sutra on the Merit [Acquired by] Praising the Buddha 現在佛名經, 稱揚諸佛功德經, 稱揚諸佛經, 諸佛華經, 集華經

Sutra on the Merit of Extolling Mahāyāna 稱讚大乘功德經

Sutra on the Merit of the Former Vows of the Beryl Illumination of Master of Medicine Buddha of the Seven Buddhas 藥師琉璃光七佛本願功德經

Sutra on the Metaphor of the Five Aggregates 五蘊譬喩經, 五陰譬喩經

Sutra on the Names of the Buddhas 佛名經

Sutra on the Nirvāṇa of the Buddhaʼs Mother 佛母般泥洹經

Sutra on the Omniscient Luminous Sages [Possessing] the Causes and Conditions of a Compassionate Heart and [thus] Not Eating Meat 一切智光明仙人慈心因緣不食肉經

Sutra on the Oral Explanation of the Twelve Causal Links in the Agamas 阿含口解十二因緣經

Sutra on the Past Activities of the Buddha 佛本行經

Sutra on the Past Vows of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva 地藏菩薩本願經

Sutra on the Path of Stages of Cultivation 修行道地經

Sutra on the Perfection of Wisdom 般若波羅蜜多經

Sutra on The Primacy of the Dharma Gate Distinguishing Conditioned Arising 分別緣起初勝法門經, 分別緣起法門經, 分別緣起經, 初勝法門經

Sutra on the Production of Buddha Images 佛說作佛形像經, 作佛形像經, 作像因緣經, 優填王作佛形像經

Sutra on the Questions of King Miliṇḍa 那先比丘經

Sutra on The Questions of King Miliṇḍa 彌蘭王問經, 彌蘭陀王問經, 那先經

Sutra on the Root of All Phenomena 諸法本經

Sutra on the Samādhi of Singularly Radiant Spiritual Alterations 寂照神變三摩地經

Sutra on the Saunas and Baths of the Saṃgha 溫室經

Sutra on the Secret Teachings of the Adamantine Warriors 密迹金剛力士經

Sutra on the Simile of the Elephant Footprint 象跡喩經

Sutra on the Sixty-two Views 六十二見經

Sutra on the Source of the Vinaya 毘尼母經

Sutra on the Spell for Children 呪小兒經, 咒小兒經

Sutra on the Spell for the Eyes 呪目經, 咒目經

Sutra on the Spell for the Illness of Seasonal Material Force 呪時氣病經, 咒時氣病經

Sutra on the Spell for the Teeth 呪齒經, 咒齒經

Sutra on the Tathāgataʼs Inconceivable State 不思議境界經, 大方廣如來不思議境界經, 如來不思議境界經

Sutra on the Ten Stages 十住經, 菩薩十住經

Sutra on the Thirty-two Marks 三十二相經

Sutra on the Three Kinds Of Wisdom 三慧經

Sutra on the Three Marks of a Good Horse 善馬有三相經

Sutra on the Three Marks of a Horse 佛說馬有三相經, 馬有三相經

Sutra on the Twelve Ascetic Practices 十二頭陀經

Sutra on the Use of Medicinal Herbs for Healing by the Thousand-eyed, Thousand-hands Avalokitêśvara 千手千眼觀世音菩薩治病合藥經

Sutra on the Use of Medicinal Herbs for Healing by the Thousand-eyed Avalokitêśvara 千手合薬經

Sutra on the Virtues of Washing Images 浴像功德經

Sutra on Ultimate Great Compassion 究竟大悲經

Sutra on Understanding Profound and Esoteric Doctrine 解深密經

Sutra on upāsaka Precepts 優婆塞戒經

Sutra on Various Metaphors 雜譬喩經

Sutra on Vinaya 鼻奈耶經

Sutra on Wholesome Morality 善戒經

Sutra Revealing the Qualities of the Infinite Buddha-Lands 顯無邊佛土功德經

Sutra Spoken to Ānanda on Abiding in the Womb 佛爲阿難說處胎會

Sutra that Teaches the One Vehicle 說一乘經

Sutra where Tathāgata Reveals Teachings to King

Sutras of the Greater and Lesser Vehicles admitted into the Canon during the Northern and Southern Sung and Yuan Dynasties 宋元入藏諸大小乘經

Syllogistics 論式

Synopsis of the Eighteen Assemblies 金剛頂經瑜伽十八會指歸

System of the Two Hindrances 二障義

Taking the Precepts of Bodhi-Mind 受菩提心戒義

Tang Compendium of the Great Vehicle 唐攝論

Tang History 唐書

Tantra for Wondrous Achievement [in All Endeavors] 蘇悉地羯羅經

Tantra of the Benevolent One-Syllable Buddha-Corona 一字奇特佛頂經

Tantra of the Mahāyāna Meditation Maṇḍala which Purifies [Transgressions and Halts] the Evil Transmigrations 大乘觀想曼拏羅淨諸惡趣經

Tantra of the Nine Buddhôṣṇīṣa 大乘觀想曼拏羅淨諸惡趣經

Tantra of the Questions of Sūbahu 蘇婆呼童子請問經

Tantra of the Secret Meanings of the Names 一切祕密最上名義大教王儀軌

Tantra of the Vajra Essence Ornament (A Part of the Prajñāparamitā Doctrine) 金剛場莊嚴般若波羅蜜多教中一分

Tantra of Uncanny Success [in All Endeavors] 蘇悉地羯囉經

Tanyanʼs Commentary 曇延疏

Tanyanʼs Commentary to the Awakening of Faith 起信論曇延疏

Tāranāthaʼs History of Buddhism in India 多羅那他佛教史

Tathāgataʼs Sermon on the Contemplation of the Buddha of Limitless Life 大寶積經無量壽如來會, 無量壽如來會

Teaching Record of Dahui 大慧普覺禪師語錄

Teaching Record of the Chan Master Huangbo Xiyun 黃檗希運禪師語錄

Teaching Record of the National Teacher Jingak 曹溪眞覺國師語錄

Teaching, Practice, Faith, and Realization [of the Pure Land ] 教行信證

Tejaprabhā Great Majestic and Virtuous Eliminating Disasters Auspicious Fortune Dhāraṇī Sutra 大威德消災吉祥陀羅尼經, 熾盛光大威德消災吉祥陀羅尼經

Ten Cakras of Kṣitigarbha, Mahāyāna Great Collection Sutra 地藏十輪經

Ten Essentials of Pure Land 靈峰益大師選定淨土十要

Ten Essentials of the Pure Land 淨土十要

Ten Fascicle Selection 圖像抄

Ten Kings' Sutra 十王經

Ten Recitations Bhikṣu Prâtimokṣasūtra 十誦比丘波羅提木叉戒本, 十誦波羅提木叉戒本

Ten Recitations Prâtimokṣasūtra 十誦比丘尼戒所出本末, 十誦比丘戒本, 十誦比丘波羅提木叉戒

Ten Recitations Vinaya 十誦律

Ten Stages Sutra 地經

Ten-Line Avalokitêśvara Sūtra 十句觀音經

Text for Śrāmaṇerī Precepts 沙彌尼戒經, 沙彌尼雜戒文, 沙彌尼離戒文

Text on the Ten Doctrines 十義書

The All-pleasing: A Commentary on the Rules of Discipline 善見律毘婆沙

The Critique of Deva Bodhisattva of the Four Tenets of the Non-Buddhists and Hīnayānists in the Laṅkâvatāra-sūtra 提婆菩薩破楞伽經中外道小乘四宗論

The Dharma Teachers 法師品

The Discourse on Penetrating Insight 漏分布經

The Doctrine of the Four Teachings 四教義

The Great Tang Record of Buddhist Practices Sent Home from the Southern Sea 大唐南海寄歸内法傳

The Humane Kings Perfection of Wisdom Sutra 仁王般若波羅蜜經

The Lust-Drenched King 金剛峯樓閣一切瑜伽瑜祇經

The Meaning of the Syllable 'Hūṃ 吽字義

The Recorded Sayings of Chan Master Baojue Zuxin 寶覺祖心禪師語錄

The Song Dynasty Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Clergy 大宋僧史略

The Sounds and Meanings [of all the words in] the Scriptures 一切經音義, 大藏音義

The Standard of the Three Teachings 三家龜鑑

The Sutra on Judgment of Merits or Demerits 決罪福經

The Sutra that Expounds the Descent of Maitreya Buddha

The Tang Lexicon of All the Scriptures 大唐衆經音義

The Vast Sutra on the Descent of the Bodhisattvaʼs Consciousness from the Tuṣita Heavens into his Motherʼs Womb 菩薩從兜術天降神母胎說廣普經

Thirty Verses [on the Vijñapti-mātra Treatise] 三十論

Thirty Verses on the Vijñapti-mātra Treatise 三十唯識論, 唯識三十論, 唯識三十論頌

Thorn Thickets' Poison Blossom 荊叢毒蘂

Thousand Bowls Sutra 大乘瑜伽金剛性海曼殊室利千臂千鉢大教王經

Thousand Hands Standard 千手軌

Thousand Hands Sutra 千手經

Three Hundred Cases 三百則

Three Layers of Profound Meaning 三重玄義

Three Stages of the Buddha-Dharma 三階佛法

Three Thousand Regulations for Great Bhikṣus 大比丘三千威儀

Tiansheng [era] Extensive Lamp Record 天聖廣燈錄

Tiger Ear Sutra 虎耳經

Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Clergy 僧史略

Treasury of Abhidharma, verses 阿毘達磨倶舍論本頌

Treasury of the Eye 眼藏

Treasury of the True Eye of the Dharma 正法眼藏

Treating Doubts and Errors in the Subcommentary to the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經鈔辯疑誤

Treatise Clarifying Buddhism 明佛論

Treatise Elucidating Twenty-Two Vinaya Stanzas 律二十二明了論

Treatise of Acclamation of the Sagely Teaching 顯揚論

Treatise of Ten Aspects 十門論

Treatise of the Great Commentary on the Abhidharma 大毘婆娑論, 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論

Treatise of the Great Vehicle Refutation of Existence 大乘破有論

Treatise of the Saṃmitīya School 三彌底部論

Treatise of the Twelve Aspects 十二門論

Treatise of the Wheel of the Different Divisions of the Tenets 異部宗輪論

Treatise on [Maitreya's] Correct Principles of Royal Rule 王法正理論

Treatise on Accumulated Doubts 群疑論

Treatise on Accumulated Doubts regarding the Pure Land 淨土群疑論

Treatise on Contemplating Objective Conditions 觀所緣緣論

Treatise on Dharmas and Skandhas according to the Abhidharma Path 阿毘達磨法蘊足論

Treatise on Entering Abhidharma 入阿毘達磨論

Treatise on Merging with the Western Land 西方合論

Treatise on Non-Distinction in the Great Vehicle Dharma Realm 大乘法界無差別論

Treatise on Observing the Mind 觀心論

Treatise on Protecting the Dharma 護法論

Treatise on Questions Between Confucianism and Buddhism 儒釋質疑論

Treatise on Rebirth 往生論

Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure Land 往生淨土論

Treatise on Refuting Error 破邪論

Treatise on Resolving Doubts 決疑論

Treatise on Simmered Milk 煎乳論

Treatise on Stirring the Anuttarasamyak-saṃbodhicitta in the Vajraśekhara Yoga 金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論

Treatise on the Arising of Wisdom through the Abhidharma 阿毘達磨發智論

Treatise on the Arts and Sciences 功巧論

Treatise on the Bodhicitta 金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論

Treatise on the Buddha-bhūmi-sūtra 佛地經論

Treatise on the Collection of Different Aspects of the Abhidharma Path 阿毘達磨集異門足論

Treatise on the Diamond Sutra 金剛般若論

Treatise on the Eight Aggregates 八犍度論

Treatise on the Eighteen Aspects of Emptiness 十八空論

Treatise on the Five Aggregates 五蘊論

Treatise on the Four Truths 四諦論

Treatise on the Great Vehicle Abhidharma 大乘阿毘達磨集論

Treatise on the Hundred Dharmas 百法論

Treatise on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the [Zen] School

Treatise on the Most Profound Truth 勝義諦論

Treatise on the New Translation of the Flower Ornament Scripture 新華嚴經論

Treatise on the Perfect Luminosity 圓明論

Treatise on the Pure Land 淨土論

Treatise on the Rebirth in the Pure Land 淨土往生論

Treatise on the Refutation of Characteristics 破相論

Treatise on the Scripture of Adorning the Great Vehicle 大乘莊嚴經論, 大乘莊嚴論

Treatise on the Seventeen Stages 十七地論

Treatise on the Source 母論

Treatise on the Source of the Vinaya 毘尼母論

Treatise on the Sutra of Adamantine Transcendent Wisdom 般若論, 金剛經論, 金剛般若波羅蜜經論, 金剛般若經論

Treatise on the Sutra of Limitless Life 無量壽經優婆提舍願生偈, 無量壽經優波提舍, 無量壽經優波提舍經論, 無量壽經優波提舍願生偈, 無量壽經論

Treatise on the Sutra of the Questions Asked by Maitreya 彌勒菩薩所問經論

Treatise on the Sutra of the Questions of Viśesa-cintā-brahma 勝思惟問經論, 勝思惟梵天所問經論

Treatise on the Taste of the Nectar of the Abhidharma 阿毘曇甘露味論

Treatise on the Ten Abiding Minds of the Secret Maṇḍala 祕密曼荼羅十住心論

Treatise on the Ten Abodes 十住論

Treatise on the Ten Padârthas 勝宗十句義論

Treatise on the Ten Regulations of the Chan Teachings 宗門十規論

Treatise on the Three Non-natures 三無性論

Treatise on the Transcendence of Cognition 絕觀論

Treatise on the Twelve Limbs of Dependent Arising 十二因緣論

Treatise on the Two Entrances and Four Practices 二入四行論, 無所求行

Treatise on the Way to Attain Deliverance 解脫論, 解脫道論

Tripiṭaka at a Glance 大藏一覽

Tripiṭaka Master Śubhaʼs Guide to Meditation 無畏三藏禪要

Trisamaya: Esoteric Recitation Method of Immovable, the Sacred One 底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法

Triumphant Yoga of the Nonduality of Sameness, Great King of Tantras 無二平等最上瑜伽大教王經

True Meaning of the Voiced Syllable 聲字實相義

Twelve Names of the Great Auspicious Goddess 大吉祥天女十二名號經

Twenty Verses on Consciousness-only 唯識二十論

Twenty Verses on the Great Vehicle 大乘二十頌論

Twenty-One Hymns to the Rescuer Saint Tārā, Mother of Buddhas 聖救度佛母二十一種禮讚經

Two Fascicle Sutra 兩卷經

Two Roll Sutra 雙卷經

Two-fascicle biography 二卷傳

Two-fascicle Sutra of Immeasurable Life 兩卷無量壽經

Understanding Dhyāna Pāramitā: A Method in Stages 釋禪波羅蜜次第法門

Understanding the Essentials of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經要解

Unfathomable Liberation Sutra 不可思議解脫經

Unfathomable Sutra 不可思議經

Universal Promotion of the Principles of Meditation 普勸坐禪儀

Upaniṣad 尼沙陀

Utterances on Image-making and Iconometry 造像量度經

Vajrapaṇi Bodhisattvās Exorcist of the Bhūtas: Great King of Tantras 金剛手菩薩降伏一切部多大教王經

Vajrasattva Teaches the Vināyaka Attainment Rites Sutra 金剛薩埵說頻那夜迦天成就儀軌經

Various Understandings of the Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment 圓覺經類解

Vasubandhuʼs Commentary on the Mahāyānasaṃgraha 攝大乘論世親釋

Verses on Bodhisattva Maitreyaʼs Vow 彌勒菩薩發願王偈

Verses on the Structure of the Eight Consciousnesses 八識規矩頌

Verses on the Vow for Rebirth 願生偈

Vinaya 鼻奈耶律

Vinaya of Brahmāʼs Net 梵網戒本

Vinaya of the Four Categories 四分律

Vinaya of the Mahīśāsaka School 彌沙塞部和醯五分律

Vinaya Sutra 毘奈耶經

Visualization of the Two Bodhisattvas, the King of Medicine and the Superior Physician 觀藥王藥上二菩薩經

Vulture Peak Gāthā 鷲峯偈

Wandering Thoughts on the Lotus Sutra 法華遊意

Welcome of King Bimbisāra Sutra 瓶沙王迎經

Wheel(-turning) King Seven Jewels Sutra 輪王七寶經

Wholesome Morality of the Bodhisattvas 菩薩善戒經

Wisdom Scripture of Practicing Enlightenment 般若道行品經

Wisdom Scripture of Practicing Enlightenment 道行般若經

Wonhyo the Unbridled 元曉不羈

Worldly Stories and New Tales 世說新語

Writing on the Ten Doctrines of Siming 四明十義書

Writings of the Phrases in the Sutra of Golden Light 金光明經文句記

Writings on the Commentary on the Chapter of the Universal Gate of Avalokitêśvara Bodhisattva 觀音義疏記

Writings on the Profound Meaning of the Chapter of the Universal Gate of Avalokitêśvara Bodhisattva 觀音玄義記

Xuanyingʼs Transliterations and Senses 玄應音義

Xuedouʼs Old Cases with Verse Comments 雪竇頌古

Xuedouʼs One Hundred Old Cases with Verse Comments 雪竇百則頌古

Yamaʼs Five Deva-messengers Sutra 閻羅王五天使者經

Yoga of Enormous Success: the Lotus-Matrix Bodhi, Symbols, Banners, and Store of Common Mantras in the Vairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經蓮華胎藏菩提幢標幟普通眞言藏廣大成就瑜伽

Yuanjue jing daochang lue ben xiu zhengyi 圓覺經道場略本修證儀

Yuanzhaoʼs Record 圓照錄

Zhenyan List 貞元錄

Zhenyan Revised List of Canonical Buddhist Texts 貞元新定釋教目錄

Zhenyuan Revised List of Canonical Buddhist Texts 貞元釋教錄

Zhou (Book of) Changes 周易

Zongmenʼs Arsenal for the Chan Lineage 宗門武庫

Zuoʼs Commentary 左傳

and His Enlightenment 彌勒下生成佛經

Fourfold Teachings 天台四教儀

Prasenajit 如來示教勝軍王經