Digital Dictionary of Buddhism: Topic Index

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism: English Terms Index [updated: 7/11/2009]

(Buddha-)Path and rules of morality 道律

(five) aggregates become feeble 陰衰

(third and) last period (of the Dharma) in the future 來末世

(third and) very last period (of the Dharma) 最末世

(walled) city

[afflictions] eliminated by insight into the truth of suffering 見苦所斷

[at] all times 一切時

[clear] mirror 明鏡

[cognitive] obstruction of discriminating between existence and non-existence 分別有無礙

[concealed] penis 陰莖

[considered] the greatest 爲最第一

[great] suffering of birth and death 生死大苦

[holy] path is produced through the verbal expression [of suffering] 道因聲故起

[in that case,] then this is... 則爲

[little] bit 少有

[resolutely] followed 應隨決了

[shining] sun 杲日

[six] faculties and the [six] objects 情塵

1,000 septillions 珊若

1,000 sextillions 枯筏羅闍

1,200 一千二百

10 a.m. 日禺中

10 septillions 跋藍

10,000,000,000 恆迦羅, 甄迦羅

100 billions 大鉢羅由他

100 quadrillions 大婆喝那


100,000,000 eons 億劫

104 afflictions 百四煩惱

108 一百八

108 afflictions 百八煩惱

108 beads 百八丸

108 bounds of karma 百八結業

108 honored ones 百八尊

108 tolls of the bell 百八鐘

140 distinctive characteristics 百四十不共法

18,000 worlds 萬八千世界

250 years 二百五十歲

300 yojanas 三百由旬

300,000 families 三憶家

341 precepts 三百四十一戒

348 precepts 三百四十八戒

360 teaching assemblies 三百六十會

56,070,000 years 五十六億七千萬歳

75,000 七萬五千

7-9 p.m.

9-11 am 巳時

a(n) [evil] gangster 惡賊


abandon (one's body) because of (its) decrepitude 朽棄

abandon [worldly] affection 棄恩

abandon 委在, 捐捨, 捐棄, , 捨棄離, 放捨, 棄捨, 棄舍, 棄離, 棄香, 發遣, 蠲捨, 蠲棄, 離之

abandon again 復還棄捨

abandon agitation 捨厭意

abandon completely 蠲盡

abandon desire 棄欲, 離欲

abandon discriminations and return to one's original nature 去情顯性

abandon evil and cultivate goodness 廢惡修善

abandon home 捨家

abandon one's family 棄家

abandon oneself [to something] 捨身

abandon oneself 亡身, 自棄

abandon oneself to 耽湎

abandon the secular 棄俗

abandon the traces and disclose the source 廢迹顯本

abandon the world 棄世, 離世

abandon thought 喪意

abandoned 所離, 永棄捨

abandoning 令捨

abandoning the householder's life and going to the renunciant's life 捨家法趣於非家

abandons himself to 耽媔

abbatial acolyte 室的侍者

abbess 尼大師

abbot 上手, 上方, 主首, 和尚, 方丈, 院主

abbot, or superintendent of a monastery 監寺

abbot's quarters 方丈室

abbot's robe 紅衣

abdominal dropsy 水腹

aberrant meditation 邪禪

aberrantly determined 邪定

abhidharma 毘曇

abhidharma collection 對法藏

abhors existence 憎有

abide , 住在

abide contentedly in 喜樂安住

abide deep in the mountains 住深山

abide endowed with moral discipline 具尸羅住

abide in 安置處

abide in a peaceful and quite environ 閑居

abide in a state of dissipation 居放逸處

abide in analytical meditation 住觀察

abide in indifference [toward worldly desire] 住捨

abide in realization of comfort 安樂住, 安樂而住

abide in that mental state 住其心

abide in the center 中住

abide in the contamination of pleasures 樂相雜住

abide on the outer layer etc 在膚

abide temporarily 暫住

abide with ardors 住熱光

abide without changing 住不變

abider in the fruit of a once-returner 斯陀含果

abides 能住

abides at the pinnacle of existence 安住勝有頂定

abides here 住於此

abides in indifference 無顧戀住

abides in marks 相住

abides in the dharma 住內法

abides in the stage of non-retrogression 安住不退轉地

abides in unenlightened stages 安住凡住

abides momentarily at the time of production 生時暫住

abiding [as a phenomenon] 住法

abiding afflictions 住煩惱

abiding arrival at the final stage 安住到究竟地

abiding at the gate of liberation 解脫門住

abiding cognition of the most excellent profound dharma 最勝妙法住智

abiding comfortably in the manifest world 現法樂, 現法樂住

abiding in [one's] seed nature 住種性

abiding in comfort 樂安隱

abiding in correct practices 在正行

abiding in correct wisdom 正知而住

abiding in goodness 善宿

abiding in hardship 住艱辛

abiding in hope for 在意樂

abiding in intermediate existence 在中有

abiding in liberation 解脫住

abiding in non-frivolity 無放逸住

abiding in one-pointedness 一緣住

abiding in present manifestation 住現在前

abiding in the air 空居

abiding in the body 身住

abiding in the certainty of attaining enlightenment 住正定聚

abiding in the clouds 雲居

abiding in the fruit 住果

abiding in the intermediate state 住在中有

abiding in this stage 住此住中

abiding in wishlessness 無希望住

abiding joyfully in the manifest world 現法喜樂住, 現法安樂住

abiding mind 住心

abiding production 住生

abiding retrogression 住退

abiding within the determined class of beings 住於正定之聚

ability , 有能, 物機, 能力

ability and learning 才學

ability and nature 根性

ability of the possession of spiritual powers 神足輪

ability to prevent 能防

ablative case 從格, 所從聲

able 可復, 善能, 有智力, 能堪

able person 能人

able to [achieve] consummate nirvāṇa 能般涅槃

able to , 能得

able to abide 能安住

able to accomplish oneself 自能成辦

able to accurately express and deny 能正顯除

able to appropriate the body 能執持身

able to ask 能問

able to assimilate 能攝取

able to be free from desire 能離欲

able to bring about rebirth 能感生

able to bring about untainted cognitions 能引無漏智

able to care for others 能仁

able to cease 能除滅

able to clarify 能明了

able to develop without impediment 能自在轉

able to do as one wishes 隨意自在

able to endure 能忍

able to enter 得入

able to establish 得成

able to exceed 能越度

able to expound 能演說

able to extinguish 能滅

able to fully... 能究竟

able to get hold of oneself 能自攝受

able to give medical treatment 能瞻療

able to hear 得聞

able to include 統攝

able to lead to indifference 能引出離

able to liberate 能解脫

able to make offerings 得供養

able to meet 得值

able to naturally transform in one's mind 於其自心能自在轉

able to obstruct cognition 能障智

able to overcome difficulty 難可勝

able to penetrate 能通達

able to practice 能修

able to properly abide 能正安處

able to properly draw in 能正授與

able to properly respond 能正答

able to quickly attain 便能獲得

able to reach 得至

able to remove [their transgressions] according to the rules of confession 如法悔除

able to remove 得除滅

able to remove afflictions 能斷煩惱

able to resist 能抗

able to respond 能感

able to restrain oneself 能自防禁

able to roundly subdue 普能降伏

able to skillfully accord with 善能隨順

able to skillfully expound 善能宣說

able to take in others 能攝受他

able to teach to others as one wishes 隨其所欲能爲他說

able to think 能思

able to understand 能解

able to understand the extremely profound import and the hidden meaning 能解甚深義理密意

able to witness 能證

ably smites down 善能摧伏

abode [stage] of practice 行住

abode [stage] of the bodhisattva nature 種性住

abode [stage] of the bodhisattva's innate potentiality 菩薩種性住

abode [stage] of unimpeded understanding 無礙解住

abode 住處, 刹摩, , , 所住, 所居, 處住

abode of arousal of the intention [for enlightenment] 發心住

abode of Brahma 梵住

abode of compassion 慈悲室

abode of consecration 灌頂住

abode of correct mind 正心住

abode of cultivation 修住

abode of dharma nature 法性住

abode of Indra 帝居

abode of no retrogression 不退住

abode of nurturing 治地住

abode of one truth 一法句

abode of practice 修行住

abode of producing virtues 生貴住

abode of purity and impurity 雜淸淨住

abode of resolute practice 勝解行住

abode of stillness 靜室

abode of superior concentration 增上心住

abode of superior insight that is associated with [the cessation of] dependently-arisen [transmigration] 緣起相應增上慧住

abode of superior insight that is associated with the cessation of dependently-arisen transmigration 緣起流轉止息相應增上慧住

abode of superior insight that is associated with the truths 諸諦相應增上慧住

abode of the apex of reality 實際住

abode of the bringing about of the gate of the dharma of liberation 能引解脫門法住

abode of the dharma-prince 法王子住

abode of the family seed 種姓住

abode of the full accomplishment of bodhisattvahood 成滿菩薩住

abode of the original nature 本性住種

abode of the pure mind 淨心住

abode of the Tathāgata 如來室

abode of the transcendent practice of wisdom 般若波羅蜜多住

abode of the true child 童眞住

abode of their own predisposition 自種性住

abode of ultimate consummation of bodhisattvahood 最上成滿菩薩住

abode of unadulterated purity 純淸淨住

abodes of being 有情居

abodes of three kinds of superior insight 三種增上慧住

abodes, practices, dedications of merit, and grounds 住行向地

about 阿毘

about now 來今

about to appear 將發

about to enter 將入


above and below 上下

above discriminated... 如前分別

above the moon 月上

above this 於其上

above three 上三

above-explained 上所說, 上說


absence in similar instances and absence in dissimilar instances 同品非有異品非有

absence in similar instances, both presence and absence in dissimilar instances 同品非有異品有非有

absence in similar instances, presence in dissimilar instances 同品非有異品有

absence of a set doctrine 無定法

absence of arising 無生長

absence of aspiration 無願

absence of deluded thought 無念無心

absence of grasping 無取

absence of hindrance 虛空無爲

absence of individual existence 無人

absence of intentional thought 無意

absence of intrinsic nature in/of arising 生無自性性

absence of regret 無追悔

absentmindedness 放心

absolute 畢竟, 絕待

absolute non-arising 畢竟不生

absolute realm 物外

absolute subtlety 絕待妙

absolute truth 眞諦, 第一義諦

absolutely empty 畢竟空

absolutely pure 究竟淸淨

absolve 能除, 除遣

absorbed in play 耽戲

absorption 三摩帝, 三摩底

absorption of meditation on the buddha 觀佛三昧

absorption of mindfulness of the buddha 念佛三昧

absorption of stilling of thought 寂靜三昧

absorption of total extinction 入滅定

absorption that observes the limit of [conditioned] existence 觀頂三昧


abstain from evil 沮惡

abstention from covetousness 不貪欲

abstention from eating at inappropriate times 不非時食

abstention from eating meat 不食肉, 斷肉

abstention from erroneous views 不邪見

abstention from malice 不瞋恚

abstention from self-adornment with scents or cosmetics 不著香華鬘不香塗身

abstention from sexual indulgence 不淫

abstention from speaking of the faults of members of the saṃgha 不說四衆過罪戒

abstention from the consumption of alcohol 不飮酒

abstinence 不喜樂

abstinence from impure activities 潔齋

abstinence from taking life 不殺生

abstinence hall 齋堂

abstruse 靈妙

abundance 富樂, 隆盛

abundance of ill fortune 餘殃

abundant 多有, 殷廣, , 盛殷, , 豐溢, 豐羨

abundant afflictions 煩惱多

abundant and (therefore) cheap 豐賤

abundant good fortune 餘慶

abundant rice 多子

abundantly virtuous 厚德, 尸梨伽那


acacia sirissa 尸利駛


accept 引接, 引攝

accept an offering 受施

accept and continually observe [the precepts] 受護

accept and transform 攝化

accept reverently 啓受


acceptance of (the principle of) non-arising 無所從生不起法忍

acceptance of (the principle of) non-arising dharmas 無所從生法忍

acceptance of (the principle of) unborn Dharmas 無從生忍

acceptance of illusoriness 如幻忍

acceptance of the precepts 歸戒

accepted 所施設

accepted by both parties 共許

accepted by the world 世間極成

accepted reality 極成眞實

accepting gold and silver 金銀淨

accepting the full set of precepts 納具

accidental 客塵

accidentalism 偶然論

acclamation of the scriptural teaching 顯揚聖教

accompanied 倶行

accompanied by a smile (?) 含笑爲先

accompanied by faculties 有根

accompanied by neither pleasure nor pain 不苦不樂倶行

accompanied by pain 苦倶行

accompanied by pleasure 樂倶行


accompany through the night 伴夜, 伴靈

accomplice 害伴

accomplish , 稱遂, 辦足

accomplish both together 倶成就

accomplish enlightenment 成菩提

accomplish great work 成大事

accomplish one's labor by prolonged sitting 坐久成勞

accomplish rapidly 速成

accomplish the highest level 成上品

accomplished / consummate nature 圓成實自性

accomplished 圓成實, 實成就, 已成, 悉曇, 悉檀, 悉談, 所成, 極成, 神驗

accomplished in accord with 隨成

accomplished or not accomplished 遂不遂

accomplished teacher 師匠

accomplished vow 滿足願

accomplishes [one's] works 成辦所作

accomplishes 成爲, 能辦

accomplishes supreme correct enlightenment 成最正覺

accomplishment 悉底, 悉檀義

accomplishment of buddhahood in the three times 三世成佛

accomplishment of diagnosis and correction 對治悉檀

accomplishment of elimination of evil 斷惡悉檀

accomplishment of good works 善修事業

accomplishment of perfuming 薰成

accomplishment of truth 成實

accord [with] 能隨順

accord with 順應

accord with and enter 隨入

accord with and enter according to one's wish 愛樂隨入

accord with conditions 隨緣

accord with others [level of understanding] 隨他

accord with reality 稱理

accord with the dharma 稱法

accord with the world 順世

accordant 柔順

accordant creation 順造

accordant hindrances 相順障

accordant with conditions, yet unaltered 隨緣不變

accordant with reality 如其實義, 如義

according to (various types) 隨彼彼色類

according to 隨方

according to capacity 當機

according to class 隨類

according to discriminations 隨情

according to each situation 隨彼彼處

according to experience 隨感

according to fact 據事

according to intention 隨義

according to language 如言

according to law or rule 由法

according to one's ability 隨分, 隨能

according to one's ability and strength 隨能隨力

according to one's desire 隨所樂, 隨所欲

according to one's lot 順分

according to one's power 隨力

according to one's wish 任意, 隨所願心

according to reality 由法爾

according to rule 方規, 法爾

according to seed 有種子

according to that which... 隨所

according to the above-explained... 由前所說

according to the approach 隨門

according to the color 隨色

according to the dharma 如法

according to the meaning 約義

according to the method 約法

according to the place [circumstances] of birth 隨所生處

according to the prior... 依前

according to the rules 法然

according to the rules of confession 如法悔

according to the scriptural teaching 如契經說

according to the seasons 順時

according to the situation 當分, 隨處

according to the sūtra(s) 如經

according to the understanding of ordinary unenlightened people 嬰兒慧所化

according to the various abilities of sentient beings 應羣機, 應群機

according to the wisdom and insight as described in the Vinaya-piṭaka 隨律經

according to the words 隨言

according to your wish 隨意所

according with and opposing 順違

according with faculties 隨機

according with phenomena 隨事, 隨事者

accordingly 由隨, 直是, 隨以

accordingly contemplate 隨觀

accords with reason 隨順理

account of the Buddha's lives 本生

accounts of past lives of the Buddha's disciples 本事經

accounts of the past lives of the disciples of the Buddha 伊帝目多伽

accounts officer 庫頭

accumulate , 蓄積

accumulate evil 積惡

accumulate merit 資福

accumulate or lay up merit 積功累德, 積累

accumulate virtue 積善

accumulate wealth 積財

accumulate wisdom 智積

accumulated blessings 福聚

accumulated fires 火聚

accumulates merit 積功, 積殖

accumulates the roots of virtue 積累德本

accumulation (or preparation) of wisdom 智慧資糧

accumulation 三牟提耶, 資糧

accumulation from present events 現法資糧

accumulation from prior lives 先世資糧

accumulation of emotions 情累

accumulation of gold, silver and jewelry 蓄金銀寶

accumulation of merit 福德資糧

accumulation of merit and knowledge 福德智慧資糧

accumulation of time 時量

accumulation of virtue and wisdom 福智資糧

accurate and pervasive cognition 如實遍智

accurate application of practices 如理加行

accurate cognition 眞實智

accurate cognition of the mundane and transmundane 世間出世間正智

accurate definition 分決

accurate discernment 正觀察

accurate knowing 實了知

accurate perception 眞現量

accurate practice 如實修行者

accurate teaching 正教授

accurate understanding 如實解了, 實解

accurately and thoroughly understand causes 如實知因

accurately comprehends 如實通達

accurately determining 審定

accurately examines 能正思擇

accurately explain 眞實說

accurately knows one's own mind 如實知自心

accurately manifest 等顯

accurately observe 正觀見

accurately perceive and lay hold of 正照取

accurately seeing the [mundane] world 世間正見

accurately understands 如理通達

accurately witness 如實證

accusative case 業聲

accuse 訟訴

accuse others of their faults 說過

accuse the four groups of Buddhist practitioners of faults 說四衆過

achieve 得達, 獲成,

achieve enlightenment 得佛

achieve perfect enlightenment 成正覺

achieve the result 至果

achieve, carry out, accomplish 遂成

achieved 成就

achievements 績勳

achieves peerless perfect enlightenment 成無上正覺

achieves perfect enlightenment 成無上覺

achieving the body of Vairocana through the fivefold meditation 五法成身, 五相成身, 五相成身觀, 五轉成身

acknowledge and thank 報謝

acknowledge existence 許有

acknowledged 共知

acolyte 侍者

acquiescing to the flow (of saṃsāra) 順流


acquire naturally 自然得

acquire spiritual powers 得神通

acquire the name of (true bodhisattva, etc.) 得名爲

acquire wisdom 得智慧

acquired 已辦, 所執, 所獲

acquired the intention 已得意

acquires shining purity 得明淨

acquisition 所得


across or short way escape from mortality 橫出

act accordingly 所應

act and faith 行信

act appropriately to the situation 斟酌

act evilly 行惡

act in accordance 合行

act of speaking 婆達

act of torment 逼惱苦事

act unfairly 行不平等

act which produce merit 福施

act-born 業生

acting in accord with conditions 隨緣行

action 事業, 行業

action based on the image of attainment of rebirth in the Pure Land 有相業

action of permeation by defiled or pure dharmas into the consciousness 薰發

action tantra 作續

action that accords with reality 實行

actions 遮唎耶, 遮棃夜

actions experienced as neither happiness nor suffering 不苦不樂受業

actions that will definitely be experienced 定受業

activates 令發

activation of antidotes 對治生

activation of the mind 心機

active 數行

active afflictions 諸纏

active and inactive 行不行

active bondages 現纏

active cause 能作因

active consciousnesses 生起識

active entanglement and latency 纏隨眠

active harshness, cruelty, violence 現行率爾敦逼

active seeds 現行種子

active thought 想生

active, but without awareness 行不明了

active, manifest defilements 纏垢

actively bestowing (sharing, giving) 行惠施

actively binding

actively experience 現受

actively involved in applied practices 有學

activities 所應作事

activities are limited 所作狹小

activities are superior 行勝

activities as a human being 人行

activities based on a scripture 經業

activities conducive to bringing about rebirth 能感生業

activities for the benefit of others 利他事

activities in the manifest world 世間行

activities in the three realms 三界業

activities of a tathāgata 如來事業

activities such as craving 貪等行

activities that are set in motion 所起作業

activities that elevate the conditions of sentient beings 利有情事

activities that result in rebirth in the Pure Land 往生業

activitiy of subtle infractions 微細誤犯現行

activity [of the store consciousness] due to concurrent arising 倶轉轉

activity 作業, 動作, , 行業

activity and effect 行果

activity and nature 行性

activity as cause 作因

activity associated with mind 心相應行

activity consciousness 業識

activity due to association 相應轉

activity merely intended 思業

activity of afflictions 煩惱現行

activity of cognition 智業

activity of desire 愛用

activity of proliferation of marks 相多現行

activity of purification of the grounds 修治地業

activity of the Thus Come One 如來事

activity of thought 想行

activity subtle in its appearance 細相現行

activity that is clever, adroit, accurate, or thorough 委悉修作

activity-impressions 業習氣

activity-seeds 業種, 業種子

actor 伎兒, 使作者

acts to penetrate 爲通

actual (afflictions) and karmic impression (afflictions) 正習

actual 脫體

actual example 現喩

actual nature of existent things 盡其所有

actual reading 眞讀

actual sensory ability 正根

actual situation of one's intrinsic nature (?) 自性體事

actual size image 等身

actuality 現實

actualization 眞證, 能現在前,

actualize enlightenment immediately and directly without passing through numerous stages 頓證

actualize perfect enlightenment 現正等覺

actualize the Way 證道

actualized awakening 證覺

actualized conventionality 證得世俗

actualized wisdom 證智

actualizes penetrating insight 證通慧

actually does not exist 實無所有

actually is non-existent 實是無

acuity 明利

acupuncture and moxibustion 鍼艾

acute 聰利

acute and perceptive 聰徹

adamantine 金剛, 金剛喩

adamantine absorption 金剛三昧, 金剛喩三摩地, 金剛喩定, 金剛定

adamantine apex 金剛頂

adamantine body 金剛體

adamantine chanting 金剛念誦

adamantine dharma-realm palace 金剛法界宮

adamantine eye 金剛眼

adamantine fists 忿怒拳, 金剛如來拳, 金剛拳

adamantine fount 金剛源

adamantine jewel precepts 金剛寶戒

adamantine jewel store 金剛寶藏

adamantine jeweled precepts of the one mind 一心金剛寶戒

adamantine mind 金剛心

adamantine mouth 金剛口

adamantine power 金剛力

adamantine recitation 金剛語言

adamantine stage 金剛位, 金剛地

adamantine vehicle 金剛乘

adamantine vow of all tathāgatas 一切如來金剛誓誡

adamantine wisdom 金剛慧, 金剛智

adamantine-indestructible 金剛不壞

adapt 順化

adapt teaching to circumstances 適化

adapt to changes 應變

adaptability 堪任性

adaptable 堪能

adaptation to capacities 逗會, 逗機

adapting to the [capacities of] sentient beings 應物

adaptive wisdom of enlightenment 道種智


add flowers to silk brocade 錦上添花

added; collected 合數

addicted to desires 耽著諸欲

addiction 耽著

addiction and agitation 執著動亂

addiction to existence 貪著諸有

addiction to material possessions 貪著資財

addiction to taste 嗜味

addition 能數

address ,

address the buddha 白佛

addressed the Buddha, saying 白佛言

adds a year 受歳

adept 達者

adept practitioner 閑道人

adhere closely to 遂執

adhered to by non-Buddhists 外道所執

adherence 所受持

adherence to dispassion 受持遠離

adherence to moral behavior 受持禁戒

adherent 論者

adherent of the three-vehicle teaching 三乘之人

adherent of the two vehicles 二乘之人, 二乘人

adherent(s) of the three vehicles 三乘人

adherents of Dong 洞家

adherents of Linji Chan 濟家

adherents of the [view of the] three vehicles 三車家

adherents of the bodhisattva vehicle 發趣菩薩乘

adherents of the five rules 五法人

adherents of the four-aspect theory 四分家

adherents of the three-vehicle teaching 三乘家

adherents of Tiantai 台徒

adherents to philosophical position of original existence (of seeds) 本有家

adheres to 纏滯

adhering consciousness 阿陁那識

adhering to [linguistic] expressions 隨言說

Āditya 日曜

adjuncts of the afflictions 煩惱助伴

adjust 和會, 調和, 調適, 調隱,

adjust and drive 調駕

adjust ones clothes 整衣服

adjust the posture 整儀

adjust, rectify, and control 調直定

adjustment of the factors of enlightenment 道品調適

adjusts one's clothes 整衣

administration 事判

administrative monk 事判僧

administrator for monastic affairs 法務


admire 欣仰, 欽樂, 歎賞

admire and praise 歎稱

admires 欣載, 欽敬

admissible 可許

admission to the order 出家作法

admission to the room 開室

admit 立要

admitted 所立要

admitted to 應信受

admonish , 諍怒

admonish repeatedly 切切誡勗

admonishing 誡勗

admonition 諫曉

admonitions of improper behavior 瞻波

adopt pure morality 戒淸淨

adoption of expedient means 方便攝受

adorn 令端嚴, , 莊校, 莊飾

adorn and purify the meditation chamber 嚴淨道場

adorned by excellent characteristics 相好莊嚴

adorned gate 莊嚴門

adorned ground 莊嚴地

adorned in a mixed color 絞飾

adorned with boundless blessings 福德莊嚴

adorned with flowers 健拏驃訶

adorned with jewels 寶莊嚴

adornment of wisdom 智慧莊嚴

adornments of merit 功德莊嚴

adroit bodhisattvas 善巧菩薩

adult female lay disciple 優婆夷, 優婆私柯

adult lay male disciple 優婆塞

advance 上進, 昇進, 行進

advance deeply 深進

advance funeral ceremony 預修齋

advance in clarity 轉明盛

advance into 進入

advance on the castle from all sides 牽道八道行城

advance to the [bodhisattva] grounds 登地

advance to the abodes 登住

advanced study of the precepts 增戒學

advancement 升進

advances rapidly 進趨

advancing and regressing 進退

advancing from the Shared Teaching to the Perfect Teaching 圓接通

advancing from the Shared to the Perfect Teaching 圓入通

advancing in excellent practices and attaining their consummation 進道勝行成滿得入

advancing on the Way 進道

advancing onto the next level 勝進

advancing portion 勝進分

advancing to the limit 增進邊際

advancing with effort 勉勵而轉

advantageous 有益

advantageous and disadvantageous 有益無益

advantageous causes 福因

advantageous effects 福果

advantageous rewards 福報

advent 得有

adventitious afflictions 客塵煩惱

adventitious defilements 客塵垢

adventitious feelings 客受

adventitious goodness 客善

adventitious mental factors 客心所

adventitious perceptions 客想

adventitious phenomena 客法

adverbial compound words 鄰近釋

adverse rebirths 諸難之趣

adversity 衰損

advise 勸說

advocate 立論, 論者

advocate of consciousness-only 唯識論者

advocate of the theory of inconsistent causation 不平等因論者

advocate of the theory of karma 業論者

advocate the existence of a distinct self 個我論者

advocates of the eternality of voice 聲常住論, 聲論師

advocates of the single vehicle 一乘家

advocating the reality of the factors of existence 有門

affair , 事務, 日迦他, 日遏他

affairs of everyday life 日用事

affairs of sentient beings 有情事

affect each other 相感

affection 恩愛, , 親昵

affection and friendship 恩好

affection for 愛戀

affective activity 愛行

affective mental disturbances 脩惑

affinities from previous lifetimes 前緣


affirmation 肯定

affirming and accepting 肯受


afflicted 有煩惱,

afflicted activity 惑業

afflicted karma 煩惱業, 結業

afflicted mind 煩惱心

affliction 使, 吉隷捨, 煩勞, 煩惱, 結使

affliction and defilement 煩惱染汚

affliction and delusion 煩惱妄想

affliction and suffering 煩惱苦

affliction arises 煩惱生

affliction of attachment 愛惑

affliction of attachment to [non-Buddhist] views 見取使

affliction of desire 貪煩惱

affliction of desire in the form and formless realms 有貪

affliction of ill-will 瞋煩惱

affliction store 煩惱藏

affliction, activity, and suffering 惑業苦

afflictions 染惑, 諸結使

afflictions affecting those of advanced states of mind 上心惑

afflictions and defilements 煩惱染

afflictions and derivative afflictions 煩惱隨煩惱

afflictions are eliminated 煩惱斷

afflictions are inherently empty 煩惱本空

afflictions are inherently non-existent 煩惱本無

afflictions are none other than enlightenment 煩惱卽菩提

afflictions are originally empty 煩惱本來空寂

afflictions as firewood 煩惱薪

afflictions as object 煩惱境

afflictions as robbers 煩惱賊

afflictions blazing 煩惱熾盛

afflictions derived from confusion in regard to phenomena 迷事煩惱

afflictions derived from confusion regarding phenomena 事煩惱

afflictions eliminated by insight into the truth of suffering 見苦所斷煩惱

afflictions eliminated in the path of seeing 修斷煩惱

afflictions in an active, manifest state

afflictions in their state of manifest activity 現行煩惱

afflictions lack substance 煩惱無實

afflictions of contaminated karma 有漏諸業煩惱

afflictions of error in regard to principles of reality 迷理惑

afflictions of negative rebirths 惡趣煩惱

afflictions of the desire realm 欲界惑

afflictions of this stage 自地雜染

afflictions of those of advanced states of mind 上心煩惱

afflictions of views and emotions 愛見二行, 見愛煩惱

afflictions of views and perceptions 見思煩惱

afflictions produced from discrimination 分別起

afflictions proper 正使煩惱

afflictions removed during the path of insight and path of cultivation 見修煩惱

afflictions removed in the path of cultivation 修道惑, 修道所斷煩惱

afflictions removed in the path of insight 見斷煩惱

afflictions seeming to exist 似有煩惱

afflictions such as the view of self 我見等惑

afflictions that are eliminated in the path of insight 見所斷惑

afflictions that are manifested 所起煩惱

afflictions that are related to views 見煩惱

afflictions that are treated in the path of cultivation 修道煩惱

afflictions, activity, suffering 煩惱業苦

afflictive 惑性, 煩惱性

afflictive and cognitive [hindrances] 煩惱所知

afflictive and cognitive 惑智

afflictive and cognitive hindrances 惑智二障, 煩惱所知障, 煩惱障智障

afflictive constituents 苦惱依

afflictive hindrances 煩惱障

afflictive hindrances as habituated tendencies 習氣諸煩惱障

afflictive hindrances as well as cognitive hindrances 煩惱障及所知障

afflictive karmic impressions 惑習氣, 煩惱習氣

afflictive obstruction(s) 煩惱碍

afflictive retribution 纏報

afflictively hindered consciousness 煩惱障識

afraid 怖懅, 生驚怖

afraid of suffering 怖畏衆苦

after [the Buddha's] death 滅後

after [this] 已後

after , 於後

after breakfast 粥罷

after death 死後

after dying 命終之後

after eating, drinking unchurned milk that is somewhere between the states of milk and curd 生和合淨

after finishing one meal, going to another town for another meal 他聚落淨

after finishing one's life 壽終之後

after having (done) 訖竟

after having completed (an action) 已畢

after having completed an action 畢已

after that 然後

after the evening assembly 參後, 參退

after the extinction of the thus-come one 如來滅後

after this 後來, 此後, 除此更

afternoon 齋罷, 齋退

afternoon devotions 上晩殿, 晩課

afterwards 後方, 後時

again , , 復重, 更復

again afterwards 後更

again and again, without limit 重重無盡

again receive 更受

again says... 復言

again, exactly this...(?) 又卽此

against truth 違理

agalloch 沈水

Āgama period 阿含時

agarwood 沈水

agate 摩娑羅, , 車渠, 馬腦

age 年壽, 年齒

age after age 世世

age in terms of years spent as a monk or nun 夏臘

age of impurity 劫濁

aged 朽老, 朽耄, 朽邁, 老朽, 老朽耄, 衰邁

agent 使者

agent of hearing 能聞

agent of obscuration 能障

ages ago 久曩

aggregate 哥大, 塞建陀, 犍度, 犍陀, , 聚集,

aggregate of a single taste 一味蘊

aggregate of consciousness 蘊識, 識蘊, 識陰

aggregate of form 色蘊, 色衆, 色陰

aggregate of intention 意陰

aggregate of perception 想蘊

aggregate of suffering 苦蘊, 苦陰

aggregate of the six elements 六界聚

aggregate of volition (dispositions, karmic formations) 行蘊

aggregate of wisdom 慧蘊

aggregate that encompasses birth and death 窮生死蘊

aggregate that endures throughout transmigration 窮生死陰


aggregates 諸蘊, 諸陰

aggregates and fields 陰入

aggregates and realms 陰界

aggregates as demons 陰魔

aggregates, fields, and realms 蘊處界, 陰入界

aggregates, realms, and fields 蘊界處

agile 敏捷

aging, sickness, and death 老病死

agitate 動壞

agitated 憤發

agnosticism 不可知論

agree , 誓受,

agree with 相符

agreeable 可愛, 喜愛, 平安, 意悅, 慰意, 欣悅, 隨喜心

agreeable and adverse 順逆

agreeable and disagreeable 違順

agreeable and pleasant 可愛可樂

agreeable circumstances 可愛事

agreeable conditions and adverse conditions 順緣逆緣

agreeable phenomena 可意事

agreeable superior results of [karmic] maturation 可愛殊勝異熟果

agreeable to the mind and giving rise to bliss 悅意發喜

agreeing like a box and lid 凾蓋相應

agreement between the explanation and the metaphor 合譬

agriculture 營農,

aid , 存濟

aid and liberate 濟度

aiding and uplifting 助發

Ajñāta-Kauṇḍinya 了教

alacrity 速疾


alas! 嗟嘆

ālaya heterodoxy 阿賴耶外道


alcoholic beverages made from wheat or barley 麵酒

alighted 已趣入


alkaline water 叉羅波膩, 差羅波尼, 灰水

all (both) included 皆具

all (compounded) things 一切行

all [are] abandoned 悉遠離

all [are] illusory 皆如幻

all [deluded] thoughts 萬念

all [kinds] of ignorance 一切無明

all [sentient beings] possess the buddha-nature 皆有佛性

all [sentient] beings 諸衆生

all [the armies] of Māra 一切魔怨

all [things] are without obstruction 一切無礙

all 一切, 一切悉, 一切所有, 一切皆, , 僉共, 僉皆, , 咸共, 咸悉, , , 悉各, 悉皆, 普皆, , 皆倶, 皆共, 皆悉, 皆普, 盡悉, 等共, 諸所有, , 都皆, 都盧

all abodes 諸住

all accomplish the buddha-way 皆成佛道

all activities (or karmas) 一切業

all adepts 一切聖人

all afflictions 一切煩惱, 煩惱皆, 諸煩惱

all afflictive hindrances 一切煩惱障

all afflictive karmic impressions 一切煩惱習氣

all are abandoned 皆悉遠離

all are fully manifest 皆悉顯現

all are illusory and dreamlike 皆如幻夢

all are totally eliminated 皆悉除斷

all are utterly non-existent 一切皆無所有

all around 悉遍

all ascetic practices 一切苦行

all aspects 諸門

all attachments 諸著

all attain 皆得

all bases 一切依處

all become abundant 皆悉增盛

all beings 羣生, 群生, 薩和薩, 諸有情, 諸物, 諸群生, 諸身, 黎庶

all beings accomplish Buddhahood 一切衆生皆悉成佛

all beings become buddhas 一切皆成

all beings in the ten realms attain Buddhahood 十界皆成佛

all beings possessing life 含生

all beings subject to transmigration 數取趣

all benefits 一切利

all births 一切生

all bodhisattva assemblies 諸菩薩衆

all bodhisattva stages 一切諸菩薩住

all bodhisattvas 一切菩薩, 一切諸菩薩

all bodies 一切身

all bonds (of existence) 衆結

all buddha-lands 一切佛土

all buddha-places 諸佛所

all buddha-realms 諸佛世界, 諸佛境界

all buddhas 一切佛, 一切諸佛

all buddhas of the ten directions and three times 十方三世一切諸佛

all buddha-tathāgatas 諸佛如來

all Buddhist teachings 一切佛法

all causes 一切因

all causes and conditions 一切因緣

all celestials 一切諸天

all characteristics 萬相

all circumstances 一切事

all cognitive hindrances 一切所知障

all cognitive objects 一切所知境

all compounded phenomena 一切有爲法

all compounded phenomena are suffering 一切行苦

all conceptualizations of the dharma 一切諸法想

all conditioned phenomena 一切有爲, 一切諸行, 有爲諸法

all conditioned phenomena are impermanent 一切行無常

all conditions 諸緣

all consciousnesses 一切識

all constituents 一切依

all contaminants 一切有漏

all contamination is extinguished 一切漏盡

all courses 遍趣

all courses of activity 一切業道

all darkness 諸冥

all day 終日

all defilement 一切染

all defilements 一切雜染

all delusions 羣迷, 群迷

all desires 一切欲, 諸欲

all dharmas 一切法, 諸法

all direct disciples 一切聲聞

all direct disciples and solitary realizers 一切聲聞獨覺

all distinctions in grades of applied practices 一切分位加行差別

all distress and suffering 一切憂苦

all divisions of time 一切時分

all empty 一切空

all enlightened beings 衆聖

all enlightened ones 諸聖者

all enlightenment 一切覺

all evil [activities, destinies] 一切惡

all existence 群有

all existences 有有

all existent things 一切有, 諸有

all existent things are emptiness 卽有卽空

all expedient means 一切方便

all experiences are [ultimately] suffering 一切皆苦

all explanations 一切說

all explanations of the dharma 一切說法

all factors 一切界

all faults 一切過患

all faults and merits 一切過患及與功德

all fear-ridden [beings] 一切恐懼

all forty teeth are even 具四十齒皆悉齊平, 四十齒皆悉齊平

all fully possess 皆悉具足

all functions 全機

all gatherings 一切衆會

all good phenomena 一切善法

all good works 萬善

all grades of applied practices 一切分位加行

all great multitudes 一切大衆

all groups 一切衆

all habituated tendencies of affliction are permanently elimintated 一切煩惱習氣永斷

all have... 悉有

all hindrances 一切障

all human beings and celestials 一切人天

all illusions and distortions 一切妄想顚倒

all in happy and unhappy conditions of metempsychosis 諸閑不閑

all in the ten directions 一切十方

all in this land 率土

all is empty 一切皆空, 皆空

all is non-existent 一切都無所有

all karmic hindrances 一切業障

all kind of teachings 一切種教

all kinds [of beings] 羣類, 群類

all kinds 一切種, 一切種類

all kinds are completely... 一切種皆

all kinds of [sentient] beings 羣機, 群機

all kinds of benefit 一切種利, 一切義利

all kinds of benefits for sentient beings 一切利有情

all kinds of characteristics 一切種相

all kinds of conditions 彼彼緣

all kinds of difficulty 諸難

all kinds of enjoyment 諸樂

all kinds of purity 一切種淸淨

all kinds of sentient beings 群品

all kinds of suffering in transmigration 衆苦流轉

all kinds of things 諸色

all kinds of tools and implements used in the monastery 衆具

all kinds of zeal 一切精進

all knowables 一切所知境界, 一切種所知

all lack 皆無

all learning (?) 一切受

all living beings 一切有情之類, 禪豆, 繕都

all locations 一切方所

all Māras (evil demons) 一切魔

all marks 衆相, 諸相

all marks are false and unsubstantial 凡所有相皆是虛妄

all meditations 一切靜慮

all mental disturbances 一切惑

all mental functions and all omniscience 一切行相一切智智

all mental states 一切心

all merits 一切功德, 衆德

all minds 諸心

all minds and mental factors 諸心心所

all modes 一切行相

all natures 一切性

all negative rebirths 一切惡趣

all objectives 諸利

all objects (of cognition) 一切境

all objects 一切境界, 一切義, 萬境

all objects are empty 萬境卽空

all of space 彌天

all of the internally resident... 自內所有一切

all of the most extremely subtle hindrances 一切種極微細煩惱

all of the numberless things in existence 森羅萬像

all of the precepts 全分戒, 大戒

all of the remainder 餘皆

all originates from desire, ill-will, and folly 皆由無始貪恚癡

all parts 一切分

all paths 衆道

all paths or destinies of sentient existence 諸趣

all perceptual referents 一切所緣

all personal possessions 一切身財

all phenomena 一切法, 一切萬法, 一切諸法, 萬法, 諸義

all phenomena are empty of self 諸法皆空

all phenomena are nothing but consciousness 萬法唯識

all phenomena are nothing but mind 萬法唯心

all phenomena are unarisen 一切法不生

all phenomena are without a self 一切法皆無我

all phenomena in flux 萬法流轉

all phenomena in the three times truly exist 三世實有

all phenomena lack self 一切法無我

all phenomena lack self nature 一切法皆無自性

all places 一切所

all possess mind 一切有心

all possess... 悉有

all precepts 一切戒

all produce 皆生

all ranks 一切位

all realms of desire 一切欲界

all rely on the buddha-nature 皆依佛性

all removed 悉除

all secular non-Buddhist doctrines 世間一切異論

all secular things are illusory and the Buddhist teachings are true 俗妄眞實宗

all seeds 一切種, 一切種子

all sentient beings 一切有情, 一切衆生, 諸有衆生

all sentient beings have the buddha-nature 一切衆生有佛性

all sentient beings possess Buddha-nature 一切衆生悉有佛性

all sentient beings possess the womb of the thus-come-one 一切衆生有如來藏

all signs 一切相

all sins are like frost and dew 衆罪如霜露

all sorts 一切品

All Souls' Day 白中, 百中

all souls day 盆會

all spiritual or magical powers 諸通

all sprouts 羣萌

all stages 一切地

all states 一切分位

all suffering 一切苦

all sūtras 一切經典

all tainted phenomena 一切有漏法

all tathāgata practices 一切如來行

all tathāgatas 一切如來

all teachings that were not heard in the past 昔未聞所有諸法

all that exists 羣有

all that is produced 一切所作

all the armies of Māra 一切魔軍

all the atoms 諸塵

all the Buddha's noble teachings 諸佛聖教

all the days of one month 一月日

all the distinctive characteristics of a buddha 一切不共佛法

all the factors of enlightenment 一切菩提分法

all the heavens 諸天

all the hermits 諸仙

all the kings 百王

all the living things in the world 天物

all the more 益加

all the myriad things 一切萬物

all the philosophers 百家, 諸子百家

all the remaining... 一切所餘

all the sūtras 一切契經

all the true word rulers 一切眞言王

all the variety of things 諸數

all there is, is adventitious perceptions 唯有客想

all these mental states 此一切心

all things 一切萬, 品物, 萬物, 萬象

all things are (contained in) one 一切卽一

all things are absolute reality just as they are 法如如

all things are created by the mind alone 一切唯心造

all things are empty in essence 當體卽空

all things are in a state of incessant change 諸行無常

all things are nothing but consciousness 一切一心識

all things are one mind 萬法一心

all things exist in perfect harmony and mutual interrelation 圓明具德宗

all things form a single body 萬物一體

all things in their aspect of cessation 諸法寂滅相

all things lack inherent identity (self) 諸法無我

all things return to emptiness 終歸於空

all things return to oneness 萬法歸一

all things return to the one — to where does the one return? 萬法歸一一歸何處

all thoughts 一遍

all together 同共, 咸倶, 咸同, 咸然, 咸皆, 悉倶, 悉僉, 悉共

all treatises 一切論

all types [sorts, species, categories, etc.] 一切品類

all undertakings 一切所作事

all varieties of sentient beings 諸有情類

all were overjoyed 皆大歡喜

all who are born must perish 生者必滅

all who are in pain 衆疾

all wholesome practices 萬行

all wholesome roots 一切善根

all will become buddhas 皆當作佛

all wishes 衆願

all without exception 一切一切

all works 諸事業

all worlds 一切世界, 一切世間

all, without exception, possess... 一切皆有

all...that exist 所有一切

all-attained 一切事成, 一切成就, 一切義成就, 薩婆悉多, 薩婆悉達多, 薩婆悉馱, 薩婆曷剌他悉陀

all-bestowing 一切施, 薩縛達

all-consuming afflictions and anxieties 雜染過患

alligator 金毘羅

all-inclusive cognition 一切種智, 一切種知

all-inclusive understanding of mundane phenomena 世間一切種知

allow a student free reign 放行

allowed to be purified 令得淸淨

allowing [the thinking consciousness to have] its discriminating activity 令分別轉

all-wise one 一切智慧者

alms bowl

alms of food 施食

alms-begging monk 乞士, 乞食法師

almsbowl 應器

alms-bowl 應量器

almsbowl 波怛囉, 鉢呾羅, 鉢器, 鉢多, 鉢多羅, 鉢盂

almsbowl-meal 鉢盂供養

almsgiver 施主, 檀越, 能施, 陀那鉢底

almsgiving for the purpose of healing 散生齋

almsgiving out of gratitude 報恩施

almsgiving to remove one's fears 怖畏施

aloe 婆利史迦羅, 婆利師迦, 婆師, 婆師迦

aloes 沈水

alone 單己, 獨一, 獨在, 獨存, 獨己

alone we are born and die, go and come 獨生獨死獨去獨來

alone-honored one 獨尊

alpha and omega in four laws 四法本末

alphabet 婆羅門書

already , 已復,

already attained 已得

already become a buddha 已成佛

already born 已生

already completely removed 皆悉已斷

already enlightened 已得菩提, 已覺, 已覺悟

already exhausted 已盡

already existent 曾有

already gone beyond 已超

already gone on to great virtue 已過大德

already gone out 旣出

already like this 旣是恁麼

already past 已過

already perfectly complete 已極圓滿

also , 亦復, 或復, 故復

also clarifies... 兼明

also has 亦有

also increasing 若過

also like this 亦如是, 亦然

also of the same type 類亦爾

also says... 復說

also the same 亦爾

altar , 齋壇

altar of cremation 化壇

altar of great compassion 大悲壇

altar painting 幀畵, 後佛幀畵

alter [proceed, manifest] following [the thoughts] of the crowd 隨大衆轉

alter based on the thoughts of others 隨他心轉

alter things 轉物

alterable 可易

alteration 能轉

alteration of effect 果能變

alterations of consciousness 識變

alterer 能變

altering of consciousness 識變異

alterity of consciousness 識轉變

although 雖則, 雖然

although it is generally explained like this... 總說雖然


altruistic acts 利行

altruistic practices 利他行

alu-lu land 阿轆轆地

always 常恆, 常自, 往往, , 恆時, 於一切時, 普恆

always associated 恆共相應

always awake 永覺

always bestowing 常施

always bound to 常隨

always contented 常樂

always cultivates pure practices 常修梵行

always existent 恆有

always lamenting 常悲怨

always living on alms 常行乞食

always maintaining mindfulness 常住正念

always mindful 常隨記念

always non-existent 常無

always practicing 常修習

always quiescent 常靜

always says 常語, 常說

always see the buddhas 常見諸佛

always seeking (?) 常求

always sitting 常坐

always still and luminous 常寂光

always thinking 常思

always to ask food as alms 長乞食

always wailing 常啼

am going to... 將欲

amala consciousness 唵摩羅識, 阿摩羅識, 阿末羅識

amalgamation of exhaustive purity and nothingness 盡淨虛融

amanuensis 筆受

amass a stock of merit 具諸功德

amasses 收屛

amazing 奇雅

amazing! 奇哉, 阿呼

amber 琥珀

ambrosia and honey 甘露蜜

ambrosial drum 甘露鼓


amidst phenomena 法中

among dependently-arisen phenomena 緣生法中

among human beings 人中, 於人中

among the bodhisattva practices 菩薩行中

among the marks of a buddha 佛法中

among the patrons 檀中

amoral 非戒

amount of dust that can rest on the top of a cow's hair 牛毛塵

amount of liquor 酒量

ample abiding [in meditation] 多安住

ample way 衍門

amuse oneself 自娛樂, 遊樂

amusing oneself 自娯

an abode 所住處, 所居處

an abyss 海淵

an aggressive evil spirit 突鬼

an ancient state in east Turkestan 跋祿迦

An and Shi 安史

an announcement or reading, and three responses, or promises of performance (karman) 一白三羯磨

an appearance 一形

an argument or reply in a 'vicious circle', like a horse tethered to a pig 縛馬答

an argumentative questioner 戲論問者

an arhat who is liberated by wisdom 慧解脫阿羅漢

an arrow's flight 一箭道

an arrow-shot, or bow-shot, in distance 箭道

an article

an assembly 處衆

an assistant 助伴

an attitude of pride 性勝

an easy or comfortable life 樂住

an elder 尊長

an elegant vow 雅願

an employee in a monastery 勾當

an enemy 怨敵

an entire eon 窮劫

an entity separated from its linguistic designation 離言說事

an eon of increase and decrease 一增一減

an error

an eternity in a single thought-moment 一念萬年

an evil deity 邪神

an evil demon 弊鬼

an example using distinction 異法喩

an excellent code 妙典要

an excellent prophecy 殊決

an excellent vow 殊願

an excellent woman 士女

an extremely great sage 極大聖

an ignorant man 淺識, 闇夫

an illusion

an image 像摸

an image of the Buddha 佛像

an imitation of the true teaching 像似正法

an immoral (or unrighteous) state 非法地

an impartial mind 普等心

an important scripture 要典

an indicator of the object or the passive

an inner door

an inquiry into the mode of a person's death 驗生人中

an instant 一刹那, 刹那頃, 瞬息, 羅預,

an instructor 襲師

an intelligent being 有智慧

an intimate association (?) 交啓習

an intimate friend 親友

an oath 要誓

an object of direct perception 現量義

an obstruction 有覆

an offered meal 供饌

an offering of [cooked] food 餚膳

an officer

an oil-lamp and a torch (?) 錠燎

an old man

an opponent [in a debate] 敵者

an opportunity 容可

an orthodox (or correct) scripture 正典, 正典摸

an outsider 異道

an unconsummated offense 未遂罪

an unenlightened, fake Chan master 暗證禪師

an unequalled fall 墮不如

an unhindered good teacher 無蓋善師

an unsound/inappropriate situation 非處

an upper or outer garment 縵衣

analogy of the three (stages of) illumination 三照喩

analyses 斷析

analysis 分解

analysis of the components of sounds 音詞支具剖析

analytical emptiness 析空

analytical meditation 毘缽舍那

analytical method 析法

analytical observation 分析觀

analytical wisdom 析智

analyze correctly 正分別

analyze phenomena in detail 覺察

analyzes (?) 割判了

analyzing oneself 觀自身

analyzing the effects of one's errors 觀果報

analyzing the Tathāgata's person 觀如來身

Ānanda's violation of the precept regarding sexual behavior 阿難犯婬

ancestor's hall 祖堂

ancestral hall 享堂, 祠堂

ancient 古昔,

ancient books 墳典, 墳籍

ancient Buddha 古佛

ancient mirror 古鏡

ancient path 古路

ancient teachings illuminate the mind 古教照心

ancients 古人

and , 及以, 及復, 及於, 及與, 并復, 幷及, , 而復

and above 以上, 已上

and below 已下

and furthermore 幷復

and so forth

and so forth.. 乃至廣說, 云云

and then it became apparent 方顯

and then... 則而

and thus express to others 隨起言說

and yet there are distinctions 而有差別

anger , 嫌恨, 忿, 忿恨, , 瞋恚

anger and anxiety 瞋惱

anger and hatred 怒害

anger as fetter 忿結

angry 忿怒

angry glare 怒眼



animal desires 血氣

animal state of existence 畜生處

animals 傍生界, 披毛戴角, 畜生界

animals and hungry ghosts 傍生餓鬼

animals with scales, or with feathers 鱗甲羽毛


ankles, knees, and thighs 踝膝股


annihilate craving 滅愛

annihilating 空却

annihilating the locus of mental functioning, cutting off the path of language 心行處滅言語道斷

annihilation of defilements through the power of analysis 擇滅

annihilation sickness 滅病

anniversary [of someone's passing] 小祥忌

anniversary 祥月

anniversary of a death 一周忌, 年忌, 忌日, 諱日

anniversary of Bodhidharma's death 達磨忌

anniversary of Buddha's birthday 周祥

announce 宣布

announce entry into extinction 唱滅

announce the meal 喝食

announce to the assembly 白大衆

announcement 白槌

announcement hammer 白椎

announcement of the ritual dutie 唱禮

announcement of the robes 唱衣

announces universally 恢闡


annoyed 勞擾

annual ordinand 年分度者

anoint or cut off 塗割

another and oneself 他己

another approach 異門

another dream 異夢

another life 他世

another life[time] 餘生

another name 殊稱

another person 他人, 異人

another place 異處, 餘處

another situation 餘事

another species 彼類

another thesis 他宗

another thing 異法

another time 餘時

another village 他鄕

another world 他土

another's crimes 他罪

another's teaching 他法

another's treasures 他寶

another's views 他見

answer , 答曰,

answer correctly 正答

answers, saying... 對曰

ant 臂卑履也,

ant larvae

antecedent causality 次第緣

antelope shanks 瑿泥耶踹

anti-Buddhism 斥佛

anti-Buddhism policy 排佛政策

anti-Buddhist 排佛

antidotal factors 對治法

antidote 能治

antidote of disillusionment 厭患對治

antidote of elimination 斷對治

antidote(s) 能對治

antidotes are activated 對治道生

antidotes that eliminate 作斷對治

antidotes that use distancing 遠分對治

antidotes used in the form realm 欲界對治

antipathy 瞋恚

antiquity 往昔

anxiety 厭怖, 怵心, , 精勤思慕, 罣念

anxiety and fear 憂怖

anxious , 恐慮

any explanation 并說, 幷說

any one of many 隨有

anywhere 在在

apart from [one's own] nature, there is no separate buddhahood 離性無別佛

apart from causes 離因

apart from effects 離果

apart from mind 離心, 非心

apart from mind there is no Buddha 非心非佛

apart from the two categories of matter and mind 非二聚

apart from this, [there is not...] 離此更

apartment for retired monks 閒寮房

apex of reality 實際, 眞實際, 眞際

apology 懺謝

apparent 似有

apparent dharmas 似法

apparent form 似色

apparent mind 似心

apparent self 似我

apparent understanding 似解

appeal; to accuse

appear 出頭, 如似, 現出, 發來, 發現, 發詣, 等起, 興出, 興顯, 顯發

appear equally 平等出現

appear in various ways 有種種相轉

appearance 姿體, 形狀相, 形色貌, 狀貌, 色貌, 顯照

appearance and dress 形服

appearance and strength 色力

appearance is not the same 形色不同

appearance of the great bodhi of virtual enlightenment 現前等覺大菩提

appearance of the true principle 理趣

appearing instantly 頓起

appearing like 似顯現

appears in the world 出現於世


append a posthumous title 追謚

appended section 添品

applicable 可入, 應立

application 作行, 加行, 勤修, 勤加行, 涉入, 渉入

application of patience 忍加行

application of the teaching 當教

application of wisdom 智加行

applied 勤修行, 能勤修, 行精進

applied knowledge regarding the objective world 境界般若

applied practice 精勤加行, 迦行

applied practice of not-harming 無損加行

applied practices 加行方便, 精勤方便

applies [meditative, moral] practices 作加行


apply and run in [massage with] unguents (oils) 塗身按摩

apply antidotes 助道對治, 對治助開

apply further 更加

apply great effort to both wisdom and morality 戒乘倶急

apply oneself in practice [toward enlightenment] 勤修學

apply oneself in the guidance [of others] 勸導

apply oneself in the practice toward enlightenment 精勤修學

apply oneself unstintingly 不休息

apply oneself vigorously 勤加精進

apportionment 配屬

apprehend [the Buddhist teachings] 領解

apprehend , 照取

apprehend the realm of reality 通達法界

apprehend the way 辧道

apprehender 能了

apprehending perceptual forms 取相

apprehending the meaning, forgetting the words 得意妄言

apprehensible 得知

apprehension of the essential emptiness of existence 體空觀

apprehension of the meaning of reality through wisdom 慧義

apprentice 僧童

approach [to liberation] of patience 忍門

approach 接近, , 阿耶

approach and attend on 承事供養

approach and enter 入近

approach of a Buddha or god 影向

approach of according with one's natural respiration 隨息門

approach of admonishment 誡門

approach of cultivation 修門

approach of equal maintenance of quiescence and alertness 惺寂等持門

approach of exhortation 勸門

approach of liberation from signs 無相門

approach of meditation 定門

approach of meditative absorption 三摩地門

approach of moral discipline 戒門

approach of non-production 無生門

approach of observing the mind 觀心門

approach of purity 淨門

approach of quiescence 寂靜門

approach of the ten non-dualities 十不二門

approach the end of one's life 臨命終

approache death 臨死

approached 旣到

approaches the river 臨河

approaching 臨欲

approaching the end of one's existence in the desire realm 臨欲終沒

approaching the final moment of life 臨壽終時

approaching the midday meal 臨齋

appropriate 執受, 執持, 應順, 所宜, 爲己有

appropriate as a standard 取則

appropriate dharma 相稱法

appropriate explanation 隨宜說

appropriate joy 隨喜品

appropriate the body 執持身

appropriated 所執受

appropriated aggregates 取蘊

appropriated by the mind 心所執受

appropriated five aggregates 五取蘊

appropriated form 執受色

appropriated store 執藏, 所執藏

appropriately 如宜

appropriately for [each] 隨所應

appropriates seeds 能取種子

appropriating and producing 取與

appropriating consciousness 阿陀那識, 阿陁那識, 陀那識

appropriation 取受性, 執取, 有執, 有執受, 阿陀那

appropriation of impressions 習氣執受

appropriation, abiding, and abandonment 取住捨

approval 所許, 認可

approval and disapproval in terms of moral discipline 開廢, 開遮

approval from the saṃgha

approval of a course of action 印治

approved 應許

approving stone 點石

approximate enlightenment 隨分覺

arbitrarily plunder and carry away whatever one can without any principle 辜較縱奪

arbitrary proposition 不顧論宗

arcane and [teachings that are] clearly expressed 隱密顯了

arcane path 玄猷

archery 射御, 射法, 射術

ardent , 猛利

ardent delight 猛利樂

ardent desire 猛利樂欲

ardent longing 猛利愛

ardent lucid confidence 猛利信

ardent zeal 勤行精進

ardent, unwavering, excellent 熾然無動妙善

are all intelligible 皆能辨了

areca or betel-nut

argue 戀訟, 諍竸, 變訟, 辯訟

argument 論爭, 鬭諍

argument based on the holy scriptures 聖言量

arhat who backslides in the dharma 退法阿羅漢

arhatship 阿羅漢訶

arise [function] concurrently 倶時而轉

arise 出興, 生在, , ,

arise together 竝起

arise together with 具生

arisen 已生法, 已發, 已起

arisen afflictions 起惑

arisen by objective support(s) 所緣轉

arisen intention 已發心

arisen naturally, without a teacher 無師自然

arisen through reciprocal conditionality 互爲緣性轉

arises and ceases from moment to moment 念念生滅

arises and ceases together with... 倶生滅

arises concurrently with the seven [forthcoming] consciousnesses 共七識生

arises instantly and simultaneously 倶時頓生起

arises similarly (?) 相似生起

arises similarly 相似生

arises together 竝生

arising [production] of afflictions 煩惱生起

arising , 生起

arising and ceasing 生滅, 起滅

arising and ceasing aspect 生滅門

arising and ceasing aspect of the mind 心生滅門, 生滅相

arising and ceasing mind 生滅心

arising and ceasing never stop 起滅不停

arising and ceasing of conditioned phenomena 諸行生滅

arising and ceasing of the mind 心生滅

arising and ceasing, going and coming 生滅去來

arising and extinction 起盡

arising based on habituation 習起

arising even slightly 瞥起

arising from affliction 雜染轉

arising from causes and conditions 因緣起

arising from hearing, pondering and cultivating 聞思修所成

arising from sound 生聲

arising from the original nature 性起

arising in dependence on other things 依他起

arising of all phenomena dependent upon or due to tathāgatagarbha

arising of all phenomena dependent upon or due to tathatā 眞如性起

arising of attachment 生愛, 起著

arising of dharmas 集法

arising of mind 心生

arising of the concentration of total cessation 滅盡定起

arising of the visual consciousness 眼識生

arising, abiding, ceasing 生住滅

arising, abiding, changing and extinction of all existences 生住異滅

aristocrat 貴人

arm 手臂, ,

armed monks 僧兵

armies and forests 軍林

armlet 翅由邏

armor ,

armor of perseverance 精進鎧


arms extending past the knees 立手摩膝

army 羨那,

army of afflictions 煩惱陣

Army of Māra 魔兵

army of Māra 魔軍

army of titans 修羅軍

aroma of the Tagara tree 多伽羅香

aromas 衆氣

aromatic tree 多伽羅, 木香, 根香, 薰陸香

arousal of mind 發心

arousal of the aspiration for enlightenment and its final attainment are not two 發心畢竟二不別, 發心畢竟二無別

arouse 讚勵, 驚覺

arouse compassion 起悲愍

arouse concern 興悲戀心

arouse correct great vehicle faith 起大乘正信

arouse faith 起信

arouse faith and determination 生信勝解

arouse pure faith 生淨信

arouse the intention to make offerings 發心供養

arouse the mind (thought) of intention to achieve enlightenment 發菩提心

arouse the mind determined for enlightenment 發菩提

arouse the vow 發願

arouse zeal 起精進

arouses an inclination 生信解

arouses compassion 起悲心

arouses devoted interest 發起勝解

arouses great compassion 發起大慈

arouses great pity 發起大悲

arouses this mind 發是心

arouses zeal 發勤精進, 發起精進

arousing of evil and defiled karma 惡習因, 有漏惡業

arrange , 調度

arrange and adorn 調飾

arrange evenly 均齊

arrange one's seat 敷座

arrange seats (?) 參席

arranged 所列, 所爲立

arranges ones clothes 整服


arrest and order (to come back) 錄召

arrival (to meditative equipoise) 三摩拔提, 三摩跋提

arrival for installation 晉山

arrive 來到, 往至

arrive at 至到

arrive to the stage of no hindrances 到無障處

arrive together 同到

arriving in all places 至一切處

arriving to completion 到究竟

arriving well 善至, 時至, 正至

arrogance 憍慢心, 高慢

arrogance and conceit 高慢憍傲

arrogant 矜高

arrogant and wilful 憍慢恣

arrogant and wise(?) 敖黠

arrogant selfishness 憍恣

arrow 伊師迦, ,

arrow and stone 矢石

arrow of desire 欲箭


arrowroot vines and wisteria vines 葛藤

art 工巧, 技藝, ,

art of healing 醫道

arteries and veins 血脉

arteries of the ten invocations 十念血脉

artful spirit 工伎鬼

articles donated at a funeral 喪䞋

articles for worship 佛具, 佛器, 法具

articulate [it] 言之

articulate 序述, 當辯

articulated 已辨, 辯了

articulating the reason 辯因

articulation 明記

articulation of the cause 辨因


arts and crafts (technology) 工巧無記

arts and crafts, and fields of knowledge of the secular world 世間工業明, 世間工業明處, 世間工業明論

arts and sciences 巧明

as [someone] wishes 如所意, 如所意樂

as a basis 爲依處, 爲本

as a guide 爲前導

as a passage later on says... 如下文言

as a/the sūtra says... 如經言

as an essence 爲體

as appropriate 應時

as before 如故

as cause 爲因

as explained 如所說

as explained above 如上所說, 如上說, 如先所說, 如前說

as explained at length in the sūtra(s) 廣說如經

as explained here 如是所說

as extensively explained above 廣說如前

as far as 乃至

as great as 唯至

as I have heard 聞說

as if 猶若

as if deaf and blind 如聾如盲

as if deaf and dumb 如聾若啞

as if filled to the brim with water 湛然

as is suitable 隨其所應

as is taught 如教

as it is 如自

as it is raised... 隨擧

as it originally is 天眞

as little as 乃至於

as long as 於爾所時

as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges 恆沙

as numerous as the sands of the Ganges 恆河沙

as object 爲境

as one desires 如其所欲, 隨其所欲

as one Ganges 一恆, 一恆河沙

as one pleases 隨樂

as one wants 隨其所樂

as one wishes 如意, 如所欲, 如願

as one wishes to know... 隨所欲知

as one's intention 爲心

as opposed to 相對

as opposed to the prior... 異前

as primary cause 爲緣起

as regards to... 原夫

as sentient being 爲衆生

as suitable 如其所應

as taught by a (the) bodhisattva 菩薩說

as the sands of the Ganges 如恆沙

as the scripture explains 如經說

as the situation demands 隨應

as the sūtra explains in detail... 如經廣說

as the text... (says, etc.) 如文

as the world-honored one said... 如世尊言

as their retinue 爲眷屬

as they attain... 如其所得

as usual 如常

as was explained 如說

as was explained above 如前所說

as was explained in detail earlier 如前廣說

as well as the remaining... 及餘

as you should know... 如應當知

asaru medicine 阿婆羅藥

ascend [to the heavenly realm] 上昇

ascend 昇上, ,

ascend the jeweled, flower-bedecked throne 登寶華座

ascend to heaven 上天, 昇天, 登天

ascend to the [high] seat 登座, 陞座

ascend to the hall 上堂

ascend to the heavenly palace 上昇天宮

ascend to the highest level of existence 昇有頂

ascendancy to the stage of arhat, which implies the elimination of all contamination 漏盡阿羅漢

ascending to stream winner 初果向

ascends to the (ordination) platform 登壇


ascertain fully 極顯了

ascertained 決斷

ascertainment 定所作

ascetic 苦行者

ascetic conduct 難行苦行

ascetic Gotama 沙門瞿曇

ascetic practice of dwelling in silence among the gravies 寂默

ascetic practice of dwelling in the forest 阿蘭那行

ascetic practice of living like an animal 牛狗

ascetic practice of naked cave-dwelling 投淵

ascetic practice of self-immolation 赴火

ascetic practice of sitting naked in public 自坐

ascetic practice of starvation 自餓, 自餓外道

ascetic practices 杜多, 自苦行邊, 頭陀行

ascetic practices of renouncing desire 捨欲苦行

asceticism 苦行主義

ascetics vowed to silence 寂默外道

ascetics who entirely separate themselves from their fellow men 遍出外道

ascetics who smeared their bodies with ash 塗灰外道


ashamed , 生慚, , 羞恥, 羞愧

ashamed and embarrassed 生慚愧

ashamed of the small and yearning for the great 耻小慕大


ashes remaining after the kalpa-ending conflagration 劫灰

ash-man 灰人

ash-river 灰河

ash-sand 灰沙

as-illusion samādhi 如幻三昧, 如幻定

as-it-is 有如

ask [the Buddha] to expound the law 請轉法輪

ask 借問, 求請, , 諮禀

ask a Chan master to give a sermon 引座

ask about 諮啓

ask for 慕索

ask for more 請益

ask politely 啓問

ask respectfully 敬問

asking about welfare 發言慰問

asks a question 發問

asleep 眠時

aspect [of karma] derived from relationships in prior lifetimes 前生緣分

aspect of backsliding from the dharma 退法相

aspect of distinctions within the path of insight 見道差別相

aspect of distinctiveness 不共門, 分相門

aspect of final realization is effable 果分可說

aspect of flavor 味相

aspect of form 色趣

aspect of impulse 行趣

aspect of meditation 禪定門

aspect of mutual containment 該攝門

aspect of nirvāṇa 涅槃相

aspect of non-enlightenment 不覺義

aspect of sensation 受趣

aspect of the purification of cognition 智淨相

aspect of the theoretical study of the Buddha's teaching 教相門

aspect of the turning [of the wheel of the teaching] 相轉

aspect of thusness 眞如義

aspect of transmigration 流轉門

aspect of wisdom 慧門

aspects of non-enlightenment 不覺相

aspects of the container world 器世間相

aspiration 志趣, 期願

aspiration for [apprehending] the truth 眞實義意樂

aspiration for [sentient beings'] liberation 解脫意樂

aspiration for authoritative power 威力意樂

aspiration for enlightenment 道心

aspiration for freedom from falsity 無虛妄意樂

aspiration for restraint 遮止意樂

aspiration for the welfare of 利益意樂

aspiration for vast compassion 廣大悲愍意樂

aspiration of the same taste 同一味意樂

aspiration to deeply perceive faults and errors 深見過失意樂

aspirations that need adjustment 應調伏意樂

aspire 樂求, 求願

aspire after 志慕, 志慕求

aspire for 慕樂

aspire to rebirth in the Pure Land 欣求淨土

asquint 角皇


assemble 衆集, 質底

assemble a group 會衆

assemble together 共集會

assembly 共會, 衆會, 集會

assembly chanting 開會念佛

assembly for monastic duty 羯磨會

assembly for offerings 冥陽會

assembly for the donation of sūtras 藏經道場

assembly for the purpose of reading the scriptures 法會

assembly hall 雲堂

assembly marking the Buddha's attainment of enlightenment 成道會

assembly of a Buddhist order 宗會

assembly of a monastic fraternity 七僧法會

assembly of all the buddhas 一切佛會

assembly of blessings 衆祐

assembly of monks 比丘會, 比丘衆

assembly of praise-singers 讚衆

assembly of the elements of constant prudence 常委分資糧

assembly under a single sign 一印會

assembly-place 集會所

assent 隨喜

assent from one's opponent 他許

assert 立言

assertion 主張

asses and mules 驢騾

assessment 審慮思

assets ,

assiduous cultivation 多修習, 親近修習

assign 分部, 局配

assign a dharma-name 安名

assimilate 雙運

assimilating the derivative into the original 攝末歸本

assist 佐助, , , , 翼佐, 翼從, ,

assist in singing or intoning 助聲, 助音

assist in singing, or intoning 同音

assist in the completion of 助成

assistance 加持

assistant 佐助

assistant abbot 福方丈

assistant accountant 直歳

assistant manager 副寮

assistants 臣佐

assistants of the buddha on each side 挾侍, 脇士

associate with 從事, 通往返

associated dharmas 相應法

associated with [a] consciousness 識相應

associated with 共相應

associated with a prior time 前際倶行

associated with other natures 他性相應

associated with persons and things that one dislikes 怨憎會

associated with pleasure 樂相應

associated with wholesomeness 相應善

associates with (?) 交啓

association 相應

associative and non-associative thought 想非想

assumes responsibility 攬持

assurance [of future enlightenment] 授記

assurance of [future] attainment of buddhahood 授記作佛

assurance of attaining enlightenment 尅證

astonished and doubt 驚疑

astringent 淡味

astrological year 年星

astrology 星占法

astronomy 天文

asura hell 修羅地獄

at ,

at a certain time 於一時間

at a proper time 便時

at each cut thrice to pay homage 一刀三禮

at ease 從容

at ease and elegant 安雅

at higher [more advanced] stages [of practice] 在上地

at last 末上

at odds with each other 互相違

at odds with the scriptural sources 乖聖言

at once 於一時

at one time 有時

at one's own will 隨自

at rest and compassionate 息慈

at sport in the superknowledges 遊戲神通

at that time 于時, 於時, 暫時, 此時, 爾時

at that time the World Honored One 爾時世尊

at the appropriate time 隨時

at the assembly on Vulture peak 靈山會上曲, 靈山會上

at the foot of jewled trees 寶樹下

at the foot of multitudinous jeweled trees 衆寶樹下

at the opportune time 乘時

at the time of completion 滿時

at this [point in] time 卽於爾時

at this time 如是時, 於今, 於此時

at this time... 於爾時

at will 隨意

atmospheric suspension 空迥

atom 微塵, 極微, 鄰虛

atone for

attach ,

attach one's own verse to an ancient precedent

attach to 取著

attach to as a basis 依附

attach to as a self 執我

attached [addicted] to desires 著諸欲

attached 拘礙

attached concept 著想

attached consciousness 有取識

attached firmly to 根著

attached mind 愛染心, 著心

attached nature 所執性

attached to 所著

attached to by imagination 計所執

attached to form 愛色

attached to marks 執相

attached to mindfulness 念著

attached to one's imaginary constructs 計着

attached to the necessities of daily life 貪著資生具

attached views 執見

attached views of certain school 部執

attaches to I and mine

attaches to language 取言

attaching to the meaning of the words 隨言執著

attachment (or desire) and views 愛見

attachment // making known

attachment 住著, , 執着, 執著, 布在, 愛味, 愛執, 愛着, 著者, 貪愛, 貪着

attachment according to conceptual elaborations 隨戲論着, 隨戲論著

attachment and aversion 愛恚

attachment and desire 愛欲

attachment by pervasive imagination 遍計所執

attachment by the mind to the objects in the six realms 相縛

attachment to (the reality of) dharmas 法執

attachment to a (mistakenly) discriminated self 分別我執

attachment to a discriminated self 分別我愛

attachment to a self essence 自體愛

attachment to bliss 著樂

attachment to concentration 定愛

attachment to conception 槪念的執着

attachment to delusion 惑著

attachment to dharma 法縛

attachment to emptiness 空執

attachment to existence 有愛, 著有

attachment to external characteristics 取相惑

attachment to extremes 邊執

attachment to fame 名欲

attachment to form 色愛

attachment to I and mine 我我所執

attachment to language 著語言

attachment to life 生執

attachment to mistaken precepts 戒取見

attachment to negation 損減執, 減執

attachment to one's discriminations 遍計執

attachment to one's own view 見取見

attachment to phenomena 著法

attachment to precepts 戒取

attachment to self 著我

attachment to self and phenomena 我法執

attachment to selfhood 人執

attachment to sentient being-hood 衆生執

attachment to the actual existence of concepts and objects 增執

attachment to the condition of self-love 我愛緣執

attachment to the dharma 愛法

attachment to the extremes of eternalism and nihilism 常斷邊執

attachment to the formless realm 無色愛

attachment to the imputation of a self 分別人我執

attachment to the imputation of inherent existence of phenomena 分別法我執

attachment to the nature of a self 執我性

attachment to the own-nature of phenomena 執法自性

attachment to the theory of the existence of an inherent, eternal self 我語取

attachment to the things around oneself 境界愛

attachment to the view of existence 增益執

attachment to the view of nihilism 損滅執

attachment to views 見取

attachment to wealth 著財

attachment, grasping, and becoming 愛取有

attack 侵掠,

attack the dharma 破法

attain 及逮, 及逮得, 得了, 得到, 得受, 得逮至, 感得, 成得, 能感得, 能成就, 能獲, 致得, 觸證, 趣證, 逮成, 逮致, 還得

attain a body 得身

attain all phenomena 得一切法

attain arhatship 得阿羅漢

attain awakening 得悟

attain benefit 得利益

attain by retribution 報得

attain enlightenment wherever you are 隨處入作

attain extinction 就盡

attain fearlessness 得無畏

attain fulfillment 達足

attain great enlightenment 得大菩提

attain immediately 便成

attain liberation 得脫, 得解脫

attain meditative concentration 得定心

attain nirvāṇa 得涅槃, 證得涅槃, 證涅槃

attain perfect enlightenment 成等正覺

attain perfection 得究竟

attain purity 就淨

attain rebirth [in the Pure Land] 得往生

attain stability 得住

attain the dharma 得法

attain the fruit 尅果

attain the true path 獲得如實之道

attain the way 得道

attain to 獲得

attain to natural enlightenment 成自然覺

attain to the truth 尅實

attain understanding 得解

attain unimpeded power 得自在力

attainable 能證得

attainable in some way 恁麼也得

attained 所證得, 旣得, 曾得

attained after awakening 後得

attained as soon as thought of 念卽至

attained buddha-nature 得果佛性

attained by application of effort 加行得

attained by practice 修得

attained by the Tathāgata 如來所得

attained by thinking 思所成

attained for the first time 始得

attained fruit 得果

attained state

attained through activity 作得

attained through insight 見到, 見得, 見至

attained within... 內所證

attained without applied practices 不恁麼也得

attainer of nirvāṇa directly within the desire realm 現般

attainer of nirvāṇa from within the desire realm 轉世

attainer of nirvāṇa with practice 有行般涅槃

attainer of the perfections 度得

attaining [the] no-thought [concentration] 入無想

attaining 轉成

attaining one level, one attains to all levels 一位一切位

attaining provisions (necessary for one's livelihood) 得財

attaining sagehood 尅聖

attaining stability (?) 採毅

attaining the level beyond which there is nothing higher 得無上

attaining total cessation of mental activity 入滅盡

attaining what was not [previously] attained 得所未得

attaining whatever one desires 所欲皆得

attainment (or realization) of the stage of one who is free from attachment 無著證

attainment 至得

attainment of buddhahood with this very body 卽身成佛

attainment of clear-minded [faith] -ness 證淨

attainment of liberation 解脫成就

attainment of purity 得證淨

attainment of supernatural power(s) 得通

attainment of the solitary realizer 獨覺果

attainment of the Way 成道

attainment of three mysteries 三密加持

attainment of virtue 證德

attains 逮至

attains all phenomena 得諸法

attains as one wishes 得隨所欲

attains enlightenment 得菩提

attains excellent autonomy 得勝自在

attains fearlessness 得無所畏

attains freedom difficulty 得無艱難

attains freedom from attachment (desire) 得離欲

attains full mastery over all dharmas 於一切法而得自在

attains great sovereignty 得大自在

attains one's own goal 逮得己利

attains perfect realization 得圓證

attains permanent extinction 得永滅

attains permanent freedom 得永離

attains purity 得淸淨

attains quiescence 得寂靜

attains the buddha-way 得佛道

attains the forbearance that is based on the cognition of the non-arising of all phenomena 得無生法忍

attains the noble path 得聖道

attains the stage of non-retrogression 得不退轉

attains the state of non-retrogression 得不退

attend on 侍從

attend upon 侍奉

attendant , 侍者, 傍人, , 旁人, 給使

attendant who has no special responsibilities 不釐務侍者

attendants (at the front and back) 儐從

attendants 群從

attends upon 執侍

attention 作意思

attention in regard to a mark 相作意

attention, sense-impression, feeling, apperception, volitional impulse 作意觸受想思


attitude of adherents of the lesser vehicle 小乘心

attitude of resolve 願心

attitude of the adherents of the two vehicles 二乘心

attitude of wholesome determination 善決定心

attract 引導, 能招引

attraction and revulsion 愛憎


attractive and the ugly 好醜

attractively proportioned [maiden] 端嚴美妙形色

attractively proportioned 美妙形色

attribute 屬性,

attribute of prajñā 般若德

attribute of self 我德

attribute to 起增益執

attributes of benefit 有饒益相

attributes of much utility in the debate 論多所作法

attributing existence 安立有

attuning the mind to realization 契心證會

auction 估唱

audacity 傍若無人

audibility 所聞性

audience 聽衆

audience of a sermon 聽法衆

auditory consciousness 耳識

auditory faculty 耳根

auditory sense base 耳處

augment 能助

august countenance 威顏


aura 身光

aura that is always shining two arms-length 常光一尋

auspicious 吉慶, 吉祥, 祥瑞, 趣吉祥

auspicious and inauspicious circumstances 吉非吉事

auspicious celestials 大吉祥天

auspicious eon of the present 現在賢劫

auspicious fruit 吉祥果

auspicious gathering 嘉會, 嘉集

auspicious grass 吉祥草, 姑尸草, 祥草

auspicious hand sign 母陀羅手

auspicious image 瑞像

auspicious mark 好相

auspicious plant 靈芝

auspicious posture 吉祥坐

auspicious ray 放光瑞

auspicious response 瑞應

auspicious sea-cloud 吉祥海雲

auspicious sign 瑞相

auspicious vase 吉祥甁

austerities 苦行, 頭陀

austerity 勤苦行

authentic bliss 眞樂

authentic bodhisattva 眞實菩薩

author 撰者, 撰號

authoritative power 威德

authoritative power of the Buddha 佛威

authoritative power of the buddhas 佛威力

authoritative speech 柄語

authoritative teachings 典教

authoritative valid cognition 正教量, 聖教量, 聲量, [至教量]

authority 典據, 威力

authority or might based on supernatural powers 神通威力

auxiliary cause 相資因

auxiliary karma 助業

auxiliary methods 助道法門

auxiliary way 助道

available room 所容受

Avalokitêśvara as thusness 一如觀音

Avalokitêśvara clad in leaves 被葉衣觀音

Avalokitêśvara confessional 觀世音懺法, 觀音懺法

Avalokitêśvara gazing at the moon in the water 水月觀音

Avalokitêśvara Hall 觀音殿, 觀音院

Avalokitêśvara seated on a shell 蛤唎觀音

Avalokitêśvara who saves world from suffering 救苦觀音

Avalokitêśvara with the willow branch 楊柳觀音

avarice 慳悋

avarice and envy 貪嫉

avarice and perplexity 貪惑

avaricious desire and bodhi-wisdom are indivisible 貪欲卽菩提

Avataṃsaka Period 華嚴時

avatar 現形, 現身, 顯聖, 顯靈

avert the calamity threatened by an eclipse of the moon 禳月蝕

avert the calamity threatened by an eclipse of the sun 禳日蝕

avoid , 廻避, 捨去, , 開避

avoid at one's own convenience 縱捨

avoid death 避死

avoid using pillows and quilts 遠離臥具

avoidance of wrongdoing 防非

avoiding 能離

await stimulation 恃擧

awaited 所期

awaken [them] and make [them] understand 開悟令解

awaken , 曉了, 覺寤, 覺悟, , 開覺

awaken and enter 悟入

awaken and stimulate 覺策

awaken others 曉悟他, 覺他

awaken the aspiration for peerless perfect enlightenment 發無上正覺之心

awaken the mind 開心

awaken to 覺知,

awaken to enlightenment by hearing sounds 聞聲悟道

awaken to the way 悟道

awaken under the guidance of a Buddhist master 參徹

awakened one 覺者

awakening 悟法, 悟證, 菩提

awakening and [gradual] practice 悟修

awakening and discipline 乘戒

awakening of the mind 心開

awakens [and] enters [into] 能悟入

awakens [to] 能覺

award ,

awarding the treasure 付財

aware that one has had enough 知足

awareness 知覺

awareness of breathing 阿那波那念

awareness of pain and pleasure 苦樂覺

awareness of passageways and obstructions 識通塞

awareness of potentialities 種覺

awareness of selflessness of persons 人無我智

awareness of the amount of consumption of food and drink 飲食知量

awareness of the truths 覺諸諦

awareness toward not dying 不死覺

awareness-cause 了因

awarenesses of great persons 大人覺

awful-smelling pretas 奇臭鬼


awry 咼斜, 喎斜


axe handle

axiom 悉彈多




back ,

backbiting 離間語

backbiting speech 離間語言

background halo 後光

back-scratcher 癢和子

backslide 退屈, 退沒, 退轉

Bactria 薄佉羅

bad breath demons 臭口鬼

bad color 惡色

bad fortune

bad friend 惡知識

bad manners which are to be trained 衆學

bad reputation 惡名

badmouth 訕謗


baggage of an itinerant monk 打包

baggage on the horns 角馱

baggage that one carries on a journey 行李

bah! hey!

Baizhang's escape from falling into a fox existence 百丈野狐墮脫

Baizhang's fox 百丈野狐

Baizhang's unobscured causality 百丈不昧因果

balance of concentration and wisdom 定慧均等

balancing and measuring 衡量

bald 禿

baldie 禿奴

baldie— monk or nun 禿居士

baldie—a monk or nun 禿人

bald-pated vehicle 一禿乘

bamboo ,

bamboo blind with strings of beads woven in 珠箔, 珠簾

bamboo cane

bamboo clapper 竹篦

bamboo fish trap

bamboo gate 竹門

bamboo grove 竹林

bamboo nameplate 設邏哥

bamboo tube 竹管,

Banan 跋南


banishment 應擯

bank ,

bank of a pond 池岸

banner , , 脫闍

banner made of flowers 華幡

banner of great bodhi 大菩提幢

banner of knowledge 智幢

banner of pride 慢幢

banner of victory 勝幡

banners and canopies 幢蓋

banners and parasols 旛蓋

banners and shrouds 幡蓋

bar 酒肆

barbarian tribes 夷狄

barbarians 彌戾車, 彌離車, 篾隸車, 蔑戻車, 蜜利車

bare entity 唯事, 唯有事

bare feet 白足

bare footed reverend 白足和尚

bare necessity 於少

bare on one side 偏袒

bare one's chest

bare the right shoulder and turn it toward (the Buddha) 偏袒右肩

bark (as a dog)

barley 大麥, 耶婆,

barley and so forth 麥等

barren 荒空

barren woman 石女

base 所依止處

base and inferior 鄙陋

base consciousness 本識

base mind 心意意識, 根本心

base of a pillar 柱根

base of calmness 寂靜處

base of defilement and purity 染淨依

base of mindfulness 念住, 念處

base of mindfulness of the cultivation of emptiness 空勤修念住

base of nescience 無明地

base of overcoming 勝處

base of the visual consciousness 眼處

base of the wind [-wheel] 風際

based on [a] cause 依於因

based on active affliction 由纏

based on antidotes 由對治故

based on continuity 依相續

based on different characteristics 由異相

based on discrimination 由分別

based on ignorance 由無知

based on one's vow 由願

based on ordination seniority 依戒

based on phenomenal events 由事

based on this 由是

based on this meaning 以此義

based on this momentum... 由此勢力

based on this... 因此, 由此

based on three 由三

based on truth 依眞

based on what causes and conditions? 何因緣故

bases and referents 所依所緣

bases of conceptual elaborations 戯論所依, 戲論所依

bases of consciousness 識住

bases of defilement 雜染所依

bases of mindfulness and so forth 念住等

bases of the self 我所依

bases of the sense faculties 根所依處

basic 爲根

basic endowment; character 性根

basic impression 本印

basic meaning 宗旨

basic text 本書

basis 依地, 依止, 依處, , 所依, 所依止, 所由

basis and appropriation 依止執受

basis for [mistaken] views 見根本

basis for conceptual elaborations 分別戲論所依

basis of a school 宗依

basis of clinging 布在所依

basis of conditions 緣依處

basis of consciousness 識所依

basis of good and defiled phenomena 善染依

basis of meditation 觀住

basis of non-cogitation 非思量底

Basis of the Great [Vehicle] 大乘基

basis of the known 所知依

basis of the mind 心所依

basis of the thinking consciousness 意識所依

basis of the true dharma 正法依

basis of the world 世間依

basis of transmigration 生死依

basis that is not shared [by another consciousness] 不共所依

basis that is not shared [by another faculty, consciousness, etc.] 不共依

basis, and that which depends on the basis 所依能依

basket 彼茶, 必棏家, 比摘迦

basket 篋藏



bat monk 蝙蝠僧, 鳥鼠僧

bath steward 溶頭

bath supervisor 監溶

bathe , 沐浴, 沐澡, 洗浴, , , 澡浴

bathe a buddha-image 浴佛, 浴像, 灌佛

bathhouse 浴室

bath-house 溫室

bathing the buddha 溶佛

bathing-drum 浴鼓

bath-master 浴主, 浴頭, 知浴

battlefield of asuras 修羅場, 阿修羅場

bay 海門

be ,

be a basis 作依止

be a lamp unto yourself 自燈明

be able to see 得見

be absorbed in the deepest part of one's mind and not see the myriad phenomena 玄覽

be afraid

be aggrieved and resentful 悲怨

be agitated 掉亂

be an obstruction 爲礙

be anxious 驚懼

be as careful of (the monastic law as of) the skin-floats when swimming a river 惛囊

be attached to the enjoyment of objects 樂着

be attained 應得

be attended to or noticed 應覺

be awakened by someone else 他悟

be aware of one's own faults 知非

be blended together 混融

be born 受生

be born in a heaven 生天

be born is not to be born, not to be born is to be born 生卽無生無生卽生

be born together 同生

be bound 藍婆

be bound up 繫屬

be broken 損壞

be called 說名

be caught in the bird cage 羅籠

be clear 顯了

be compassionate 起慈心

be complete in one's sexuality 人性具足

be completely unaware 百不會, 百不知

be conjectured 可尋思

be contented with inferior teachings 樂小法

be counted 數名

be deficient

be deliberated or discussed 應思擇

be delighted with and believe in 悅信

be deluded in regard to essence 迷性

be directly reborn 卽便往生

be disillusioned with 起厭

be distressed 有愁憂

be done or made or effected 所辨

be entangled 繁縛

be established 應安立

be exactly as one thinks (or wishes) 應念卽至

be far removed from the dust and defilement of the world 遠塵離垢

be fettered to a notion of soul, or self 雜住

be filled 飽滿

be filled with joy 喜滿

be five 爲五

be fond of

be free from 解放

be free from thought 離念

be freed according to one's ability 隨分得離

be fully ordained 禀具, 稟具

be given 可施

be happy

be harmed 被損

be ill 四大不調

be in a hurry; urgently

be in a person's presence 現其人前

be in charge of 典攝

be in error in regard to the fundamentals 倒本

be in extreme circumstances 窮露

be in one's hand 在握

be in trouble 紛然

be interested in 起勝解

be kind so as to benefit others 惠利

be like

be lost

be made subject to hardship 困苦

be made to suffer 貧匱

be manifest 現起

be master of the multitude 化御衆

be moved [emotionally] 感動

be moved by the wind 飄鼓

be moved to tears 悲泣

be numbered 名數

be open and clear 廓落

be overcome 映奪

be overcome by the strength of the disease (?) 病力羸頓

be overwhelmed 被映奪

be permanently freed from 永離

be pleased

be pointed

be practiced or performed 當修

be praised oneself 讚己

be pregnant 處胎

be produced 應成

be proud of oneself 自高自擧

be realized 爲證

be reborn 卽得往生, , 還生

be reborn into a higher realm of existence 生上地

be reinforced 得增長

be rejected by others 被他擯

be relaxed 燕居

be replete with great vigor 大勢具足

be satisfied

be seen clearly 現量

be separated

be short

be sick 有疹疾

be silent 默然

be situated in between 處中

be slack in terms of discipline 違犯

be smeared [stained] with blood 血塗

be soft

be spoken against 應吿彼曰, 應吿彼言

be stifled 損伏, 逼切

be stingy 有慳吝

be stingy with 貪惜

be taken apart section by section 節節支解

be taken away 遷化

be taught 可化

be the lord 爲主

be the same 等同

be tied up by grass 草縛

be told 宣示

be transformed from a female to a male 變成男子

be transformed from, or transform, a female into a male 轉女成男

be transported away by joy 歡喜勇躍

be turbid 混濁

be unbound 無結

be unfair 虧負

be unhandleable 忍俊不禁

be unintimidated 無有怯弱

be washed 洗濯

be wearied with

be well settled 善安立

be worn out 勞形


beans 摩沙, 磨灑, ,

beans and barley 菽麥

bear , 婆訶, , , 羼底, 羼提

bear bodhisattva 羆菩薩

bear fruit 爲果

bear in mind (?) 懷致

bear in mind (or memory) with all respect 奉持

bear pain 忍痛

bear witness 證驗


bearing a pagoda 戴塔

bearing or carriage 姿態

beat (on a drum-like musical instrument) 捎拂

beat (with a stick) 撾捶

beat 打擲, 擊扣,

beat the drum 打鼓

beat the drum to gather the crowd 打鼓普請看

beat the silencer 打靜

beats 加刀杖

beautiful 嚴麗, , 姝好, 殊好, 端嚴, 美妙, 麗妙

beautiful bodhisattva 喜見菩薩

beautifully robed

because [it] is limitless 無邊故

because it depends on this (that) 依彼故

because of 坐自, 爲於, 由自

because of antidotes 對治故

because of attaining this... 由得此故

because of repeated manifestation 數現行故

because of that 由彼故

because of this, things are empty 由彼故空

because of this... 由此故

because one takes language as the basis 由言說爲依止故

because they serve as causes and conditions... 爲因緣故

become 得成爲, 當得有, 變成, 部多

become a bodhisattva 成菩薩

become a buddha 作佛

become a buddha and obtain liberation 成佛得脫

become a Buddha through prayer or ritual 加持成佛

become a sage 成聖

become a true son [disciple] of the buddha 成佛眞子

become a vessel 成器

become accustomed to

become addicted 發起貪著

become an arhat 成阿羅漢

become an assistant 作助伴

become angry , 生瞋恨, 起恚

become apparent 現入

become clearer 轉明

become complicated 爲雜

become deeply interested and involves oneself in 勝解趣入

become defiled; 成染

become destitute and homeless 播盪

become disgusted [with the world of suffering] 心生厭離

become disillusioned 起厭心

become disillusioned with 心生厭惡

become enlightened 領悟

become extinct 消盡

become familiar (intimate) with 親近

become firm (strong) 得堅固, 獲得堅固

become followers together 共爲助伴

become frightened 心生驚怖

become good 得善

become happy 生歡喜心

become intimate with a good teacher 親近善知識

become learned 委悉所作

become one , 爲一

become quiet

become settled 安諦

become tranquil 寂滅

becoming a buddha 成佛

becoming a monk 作沙門


bed 床榻, 牀榻

bedding 世耶那薩喃, 床臥具, 敷具, 臥具

beds and seats 床座


before 以還, 先時, 向前, 已前

before and after 先後, 前後, 於前後

before eating 食前

before gaining salvation for oneself, first saving others 自未得度先度他

before one's eyes 目下

before starting 未始

before the evening assembly 參前

before the eyes 目前

before the teaching 化前

before this 爾前

before your parents were born 父母未生前

before, in between, and after 前中後


beggar 乞丐, 乞人, 乞兒, 來求者, 貧乞

beggar in extreme poverty 貧窮乞人

begging 來求乞, 行乞, 行鉢

begging bowl

begging for alms 托缽, 羅齋

begging for food 乞食

begging for food as ascetic practice 乞食頭陀

begging for food in order 次第乞, 次第乞食

begin 發起

begin to expound the dharma 開法

beginner 初學, 初機, 始行人

beginner's mind 初心

beginning , 初中後際, , 本端

beginning and end 始終

beginning of the day 初日

beginning of the eon 劫初

beginning of the period of semblance dharma 像始

beginning of the summer meditation retreat 結夏

beginning part of a speech 初語

beginning, middle, and after 初中後

beginningless 無始

beginningless and endless 無始無終

beginningless and limitless 無始無邊

beginningless birth-and-death 無始生死

beginningless emptiness 無始空

beginningless nescience 無始無明

beginningless perfuming 無始熏習

beginningless through vast eons 無始曠劫

beginningless time 無始時

begun 正發

behave wrongly 發起邪行

behavior 行實, 行狀, 行跡

behavior of the guides 導師行

behavior of the wise 賢善行

behavior that is contrary to the teachings 非法行

being , 烏波, 索哆

being companions 爲助伴

being conditioned by nescience there are the formative forces 無明緣行

being doubtful 猶豫不成

being established 爲建立

being experienced (as) 應受

being fixed in correctness 正性決定

being forgetful 有忘失

being in 住中

being in a state of meditation 在定地

being stingy on one's own 自慳

being superior 爲增上

being the same in type as the evidence 因同品

being unfounded 所依不成, 所依不成過

being your own master wherever you are 隨處作主

beings engaged in heretical practices 邪行有情

beings neither with nor without ideation 非有想非無想有情

beings predetermined for evil 邪定聚

beings who are determined to attain enlightenment 正定聚

beings who behave wrongly 惡行有情

beings who suffer 有苦有情

beings with form 有色有情

beings with ideation 有想有情

beings with latent tendencies for mental disturbance 煩惱隨眠有情

beings without form 無色有情

beings without ideation 無想有情

bejeweled crown 寶冠

belief 信奉

belief in the reality both past and future 古來實有宗

belief that the law of cause and effect is inconsistent 不平等因論

believable 可信

believe [the explanations of] others 信他

believe 取信

believe and clarify 信明

believe and dedicate 信向

believe and follow 信順

believe and know 信知

believe and love 信喜

believe and submit 信伏

believe in 信受

believe in Amitâbha and wish from the bottom of one's heart for rebirth in his Pure Land 至心信樂

believe in and look up to 信仰

believe the [Buddhist] teachings 信法

believer 信者, 有信

bell 犍地, 犍椎, 犍稚, 犍遲

bell and board 鐘板

bell and chime 鐘磬

bell and drum 鐘鼓

bell at dusk 昏鐘

bell house (or pavilion) 鐘閣

bell tower 鐘樓

bell with a clapper


belly-crawler 胸行, 腹行

belly-crawlers 龍蛇

belly-crawler—snakes and so forth 烏羅伽

belong to

belonging or applicable to many or all 共有

belonging to the (aggregate of consciousness) mind 繋屬於心

belonging to the quality, or category, of calm abiding 奢摩他品

beloved 尊重敬愛, 所愛, 敬愛

beloved of the gods 天愛

bemused by things 法魔

bend ,

bend one's head 低頭

bending the knee 屈膝

beneath one's feet 足下

beneath the bodhi tree 菩提樹下

beneficent cloud 惠雲

beneficent master 恩師

beneficial conduct 義行

beneficial occurrence 福業事

beneficial practices 福德

beneficial service 饒益行

beneficial speech 利言

beneficial works 利益事

benefit 義利

benefit and comfort 利益安樂

benefit and joy [given to sentient beings by bodhisattvas] 利樂

benefit and joy to all sentient beings 利樂諸有情

benefit in the present life 現生利益

benefit of [improvement of the condition of] sentient beings 有情利益

benefit of others 他利益

benefit of sentient beings 有情饒益

benefit to self and others 兼利

benefit(s) of the teaching 教益

benefiting 恩德

benefits 饒益

benefits of accomplishing; benefits of fruition, realization 果利

benefits of the dharma 法利

benefits of training 學勝利

benevolence 仁慈, 慈慜

benevolence of the Buddha 佛恩

benevolent 仁讓

benevolent deities who protect the Dharma 護法善神

benevolent person's storehouse 慈室藏

benighted 癡冥, 闇癡冥

benign 彌栗頭, 無損惱

benign extinction 無損惱寂滅


bent over

beryl 琉璃, 琉璃寶, 瑠璃, 璢璃

beryl jewel 毘琉璃寶

beseeching (all Tathāgatas to rain down the saving law) 勸請方便

besides 之外

besides this there is nothing to add 此外無有若過

best (highest, first, most) in the world 世第一

best 上最, 上者, 爲上, 第一

best among two-legged beings 兩足上

best Dharma-preacher 尊法講

best disciple 尊弟子

best gleaming wish-granting pearl 如意最上明珠

best of men 人中上

best of the best 上上, 上上品

best of the bunch 冠群

bestow 惠與

bestow a prediction of enlightenment 記莂

bestow at the appropriate time 隨時賜

bestow favors 惠潤

bestow kindness 施惠

bestow precepts 發戒

bestow the teachings 施化

bestowed equally or universally 僧跋, 等施

bestower of fearlessness 施無畏, 有財施, 無畏捨, 無畏施

bestowing medicines 給施醫藥

bestowing, opening, and abrogating 施開廢

bestows 付與

betel 擔歩羅, 耽餔羅

betel-nut 苫末羅

better 爲勝

between 中間

between life and death 生死之際

between the eyebrows 眉間

between the two 二中間

bewildered 有愚癡者, 癡亂

bewilderment 等愚

beyond all bounds 慢翰

beyond all comparison 無與等者

beyond characteristics 絕相

beyond compare 絕對

beyond compare in the whole world 超世無倫

beyond explanation 離言詮

beyond language 離言說

beyond measure 過稱量

beyond non-Buddhist 外外道

beyond the ability of human beings 過於人

beyond the herd 超群

beyond the supramundane 出出世, 出出世間

beyond things 物外

beyond this there is nothing superfluous and nothing to be added 除此無有若過若增

beyond this, there is nothing to be added 除此更無若過若增

beyond words 勝言

bhagavan 薄伽

Bhagavan holds up a flower 世尊拈花, 世尊拈華

bhikṣu precepts 比丘戒

bhūtatatathatā as the totality of things and mind 大總相法門體

bias 偏執


biased attachment 僻執


big assembly 衆大會

big dipper hall 北斗堂

big-gentle-sound-flower 大柔軟音華

Big-Mind-flower 大意華

Big-Mind-Sound-flower 大意音華


bin skirt worn by nuns 倶蘇洛

bind on 連綿

bind up 繫縛

binders and thieves 結賊


binding afflictions 繫縛煩惱

binding afflictions that arise concomitant with each thought 相應縛

binding afflictions that arise in connection with external objects 所緣縛

binding agreement 結印, 結印契

binding and liberation 縛解

binding at the level of seed, or potentiality 子結

binding by the afflictions 煩惱繫

binding to marks 相纏縛

binds oneself tightly 縶紲

biographical records 本紀

biographical stories 伊提目多伽, 目多伽

biographies of the Buddha 佛傳

biography 事迹

bird ,

bird flies 鳥飛

bird path 鳥道

bird that inflicts pain on hell-denizens 閻婆度

bird tracks [in the sky] 鳥跡

bird tracks 鳥迹

bird whose mouth is (made of) iron 鐵喙鳥

bird with two heads 命命鳥, 時婆時婆迦, 耆婆耆婆, 耆婆鳥, 闍婆耆婆

birds and beasts 禽獸

birds, fish, animals and plants 飛潛走植

birth 仡那, 出胎, 所受生, 繕摩, 誕生

birth according to species 隨類生

birth and death 生死

birth and death flowing down 流來生死

birth and death of sentient beings 有情死生

birth and non-birth 生不生

birth and wandering in the form realm 色界生行

birth by transformation 變化生

birth by transformation done by buddhas and bodhisattvas 佛菩薩化生

birth by transformation done by the dharma body 法身化生

birth by transformation into the Pure Land of Amitâbha 極樂化生

birth in a land where the Buddha's doctrine does not flourish 如來不出世

birth in a nonconceptual heaven 生無想天

birth in a superior existence 勝生道

birth in the three realms 三界生

birth in this world (from a higher world) 下生

birth is non-birth 生卽無生

birth is the condition for aging and death 生緣老死

birth of a buddha or bodhisattva 降誕

birth of the Buddha 如來生

birth to be attained in the future 當所受生

birth, aging, sickness, and death 生老病死

birth, extinction, going, coming, uniformity, diversity, cessation, and permanence 生滅去來一異斷常

birth, old age, and sickness 生老病

birthday celebration assembly 誕生會

birth-place 產處

birthplace of nine scholars 九土生地

birthplace(s) 受生處所

births and destinies 生趣

biscuits , 麻豆瞿羅

bite 齟齚, 齮齧

bite and pull 鹺掣

bitter 梗澁, 辛楚

bitter and astringent 苦澁

bitter herb

bitter, painful practices 辛楚加行


black , 墨衣, , ,

black adder 黑蚖

black and yellow 玄黃

black antelope 伊尼延, 伊泥延, 翳泥耶, 黳尼延

black bee 拔羅魔囉, 黑蜂

black clothes 黑衣, 黑袈

black color 黑色

black dragon 倶利伽羅, 倶力迦, 倶力迦羅, 倶哩迦, 古力迦

black garments

black mountain 黑山

black robes 緇衣

black tradition 玄流

black wind 黑風

black-rope hell 黑繩

blade of grass 一莖草

blame 謗毀,

blame oneself and praise others 自毀讚他

blamed 呵毀

blaze ,

blazing 火焚, , 熾燃

blazing fire(s) 熾火

blazing wisdom 焰慧

bleed 灑血

blemish 瑕疵

blend 通融

blended incense 和香, 和香丸


blessed Buddha 佛薄伽梵

blessed grounds 福地

blessed one 薄伽梵

blessed reward 德報

blessedness and felicity 福慶

blessedness and insight 福觀

blessings of good karma from prior lives 宿福

blind , 盲瞑, 盲瞶, 盲瞽,

blind and in darkness 盲冥

blind and lame 盲跛

blind dragon 盲龍

blind from birth 生盲

blind masses 群盲

blind person 盲人

blind turtle 盲龜

blind, stupid man 瞎屢生

blind-folded donkey 瞎驢

blindness 昏暗, 盲闇

blinkers for a horse's head 籠頭

bliss 歡喜

bliss in the Pure Land 五妙境界樂

bliss of enlightenment that the buddha enjoys himself 自受法樂

bliss of the Brahma heaven 梵樂

bliss of the dharma 法喜

bliss of the path 道樂

blissful abiding in the present world 法現法樂住

blisslessness 非樂



blocked 梗澀

blockhead 木頭


blood line

blood of a (living) buddha 佛身血

blood vessel 血脈

blossoming tree 華樹

blow away 吹去, 吹放

blow hair or fur 吹毛

blow out a light 吹光

blow the conch of the Law 吹法螺

blowing of the breeze 風來

blue ,

blue and indigo 靑藍

blue cloud 靑雲

blue collection 尼羅蔽荼, 靑藏

blue demons 靑鬼

blue dragon 靑龍

Blue Emperor 靑帝

blue light 靑光

blue lotus 優鉢華, 嗢鉢, 嗢鉢羅, 尼羅烏鉢羅, 泥盧鉢羅, 漚鉢羅, 烏鉢羅, 靑蓮, 靑蓮花, 靑黛花, 鬱鉢羅

blue lotus flower 優鉢羅, 靑蓮華

blue sky 蒼天

Blue Vajra 尼藍婆

blue, mottled color of a corpse 靑瘀

blue-colored 靑色

blue-eyed barbarian 碧眼胡

blue-faced vajra 靑面金剛


blue-headed [Avalokitêśvara] 靑頭

blue-necked Avalokitêśvara 靑頸觀音

blurred 和雜

blurred vision 迷黎麻羅





boarding hall 旦過寮


boat ,

boat of the compassionate vow 悲願船

boat of wisdom 般若船

boat that flows with the current 順流舟

bodhi tree 元吉樹, 覺樹

Bodhidharma and his rush-leaf boat 蘆葉達磨

Bodhidharma's don't know

bodhisattva 一乘菩薩, 大士, 覺士

bodhisattva aspirations 菩薩意樂

bodhisattva bound to a single life (Maitreya) 一生所繫菩薩

bodhisattva canon 菩薩藏

bodhisattva collection discourse 菩薩藏摩怛理迦

bodhisattva divination slips 大士籤

bodhisattva firmly abiding 住定菩薩

bodhisattva ground 菩薩地

bodhisattva image 菩薩像

bodhisattva in the initial stage of aspiration 初發意菩薩

bodhisattva in the position of aiding for one life 一生補處菩薩

bodhisattva indifferent without karma (?) 捨無業菩薩

bodhisattva meditation 菩薩禪

bodhisattva nature 菩薩性, 菩薩種性

bodhisattva of the Distinct Teaching 別教菩薩

Bodhisattva of the Himalayas 雪山大士

bodhisattva of the nine expedient means and ten pāramitās 九方便十波羅蜜菩薩

bodhisattva of the Shared Teaching 通教菩薩

bodhisattva of the six perfections 六度菩薩

bodhisattva of the Tripiṭaka Teaching 三藏菩薩

bodhisattva path 菩薩道

bodhisattva precepts 菩薩戒

bodhisattva saṃgha 菩薩僧

bodhisattva seed 菩薩種

bodhisattva stage 菩薩位

bodhisattva stages 菩薩階位, 諸菩薩住

bodhisattva superior in pity for others 悲增菩薩

bodhisattva superior in wisdom 智增菩薩

bodhisattva vehicle 菩薩乘

bodhisattva who has attained the realization of dharmakāya 法身大士

bodhisattva who has attained the realization of the dharmakāya 法身菩薩

bodhisattva who turns the wheel of the dharma 轉法輪菩薩

bodhisattva-dharmas 菩薩法

bodhisattvahood as an object (of contemplation) 菩薩境

bodhisattva-monk 菩薩比丘

bodhisattvas 諸菩薩

bodhisattva's abodes 菩薩住

bodhisattvas' arousal of intention [for enlightenment] 菩薩發心

bodhisattvas at the unenlightened stage 凡地菩薩

bodhisattva's body 菩薩身

bodhisattvas capable of transforming all beings in the ten directions 十界能化菩薩

bodhisattva's conduct 菩薩儀

bodhisattva's correct nature of freedom from affliction 菩薩正性離生

bodhisattvas doing minor practices 小行菩薩

bodhisattvas' excellent dharma (?) 菩薩藏法

bodhisattva's final ground 菩薩究竟地

bodhisattvas in name only 名字菩薩

bodhisattvas in the abode of enhanced morality 增上戒住菩薩

bodhisattvas in the abode of enhanced thought 增上心住菩薩

bodhisattvas in their final lifetime 後身菩薩

bodhisattvas in their last lifetime before attaining buddhahood 一生菩薩

bodhisattva's intelligence 菩薩慧光

bodhisattvas of (great) power 大力菩薩

bodhisattvas of the fifty (stages of) mind 五十心菩薩

bodhisattvas of the secret practices 密修力士

bodhisattvas on the stage(s) prior to the grounds (bhūmis) 地前菩薩

bodhisattvas prior to the ten abodes 住前菩薩

bodhisattva's radiance 菩薩光明

bodhisattvas reception [of the precepts] 菩薩受

bodhisattva's stage of final arrival 菩薩到究竟地

bodhisattvas' stage of resolute practice 菩薩勝解行住

bodhisattva's training 菩薩學

bodhisattvas' twelve abodes 菩薩十二住

bodhisattvas who are beginning to practice 始業諸菩薩

bodhisattvas who are determined to attain buddhahood 決定菩薩

bodhisattvas who are in the same level of practice 同法菩薩

bodhisattvas who have arisen the aspiration for enlightenment 發心菩薩

bodhisattvas who have aroused the aspiration for enlightenment 發心薩埵

bodhisattvas who know 有智菩薩

bodhisattvas' wholesome roots 菩薩善根

bodhisattva's wisdom 菩薩慧, 菩薩智

bodhisattvas with the hidden traces 密跡菩薩

bodhisattva-thoughts 菩薩意

bodhi-tree 佛樹, 提樹, 菩提樹, 道樹

bodies and lands 身土

bodies of buddha-tathāgatas 諸佛如來身

bodily action, speech, and thought 身語心

bodily actions, speech, and thought 身口意

bodily and verbal activity 身業口業

bodily appearance is pure 姿色淸淨

bodily behavior 身業

bodily characteristic of slender legs like an antelope 瑿泥耶踹相

bodily consciousness 身識

bodily faculty 身根

bodily field 身處

bodily flesh 身肉

bodily form 體像

bodily hair standing straight up 身毛上靡

bodily mystery 身密

bodily sensations 身受

bodily shape 身形

body 儀體, 提訶, 舍利身, 葛耶, , 身體, , ,

body and life 身命

body and mind 身心

body and speech 身語

body and spirit 形神, 身神

body as a field 身田

body as a lamp 身燈

body as basis 依身

body as castle 身城

body as cognitive factor 身界

body as container [world] 身器

body as impure 身不淨

body as provisional synthesis 假合之身

body as throne 身座

body as vehicle 身車

body born from the dharma-nature 法性生身

body emerging from the womb 出胎身

body equal in number 量等身

body for the enjoyment of the beings in the world 他受用身

body hair 衣毛, 身毛

body hair standing straight up 身毛上分

body in which reality is grasped 實相智身

body is vast in size 身形廣大

body lamp 肉燈

body mentally produced from the enjoyment of meditative absorption 三昧樂正受意生身

body of a great sage 大丈夫身

body of blessedness and merit 福德身

body of continuity of sameness 等流身

body of equalized activity 齊業身

body of friends 知識衆

body of karmic retribution 業報身

body of lands 國土身

body of liberation 解脫身

body of marvelous form 妙色身

body of meditation 定身

body of nothingness 虛無之身

body of sentient beings 衆生身

body of space 虛空身

body of the Buddha in his true aspect 實相身

body of the Buddha that responds to sentient beings 加持身

body of the dharma aspect 法門身

body of the dharma realm 法界身

body of the dharma-king 法王身

body of the post-learner 無學身

body of the solitary realizer 緣覺身

body of the three mysteries 三祕密身

body of the Vajra-god Nārāyaṇa 金剛那羅延身

body of Vairocana 盧舍那身, 舍那身

body shape is full and round 身相圓滿

body taken on after 後身

body that encompasses all aspects 一切普門身

body that has cognition 識身

body that is not bent over 身不僂曲

body that is relied upon 所依身

body which has proportionate limbs such that its circumference with the extended limbs is circular [like the shape of a fig tree] 尼倶盧陀身相, 尼拘樹相, 身廣長等相, 身相圓滿如諾瞿陀

body with consciousness 有識身

body with perfectly proportioned limbs 身圓滿

body with senses 有根身

body without consciousness 無識身

body, comprised of the six consciousnesses 六識身

body, life, and material assets 身命財

body, three; speech, four; thought, three 身三口四意三

body-incense 肉香


boil thoroughly 煮熟

boiled rice bag 飯袋子

boiling sand 煮沙

bold 不劣

boldness 不劣心

bolt 關軸

bolt of a lock

bond of constructed views 見縛

bond of desire 貪結

bond of doubt 疑結

bond of envy 嫉結

bond of existence 有結

bond of nescience 無明結, 纏無明

bond of parsimony 慳結

bond of pride 慢結

bond of selfish greed 利養縛

bondage 纏縛

bondage and contamination 結漏

bondage and liberation 結解

bondage of attachment 取結

bondage of possession 得繩

bondage to desire 欲縛

bondage to perception of phenomena 相了別縛

bondage to rebirth by attachment 愛著生死

bonding and liberation 縛脫

bonds 縛錄

bonds of constructed views 見結

bonds of delusion 癡縛

bonds of existence 有縛, 諸有結

bonds of hatred 怨結

bonds of karma are inseparable from with liberation 結業卽解脫

bone contemplation 骨鎖觀


bone-buddha 骨佛

bone-level debilitations 在骨麤重

bones 身骨

bones and eyes 骨目

bones ground into powder and body into fragments 粉骨碎身

bones of the body 骨身


book case 可漏, 可漏子

book in storage 藏本

book of precepts 戒本經


border lands 邊地

bordering states 邊州

bore 穿, 穿鑿, 窄鑿,

born 所生法

born alone and die alone 獨生獨死

born as a hungry ghost 生餓鬼

born by spontaneous transformation 自然化生

born by the side of the road 大路邊生

born by transformation 變易生, 轉化生

born facing each other 對生

born from [his] breast 腹所生

born from [his] mouth 口所生

born from moisture 濕生

born from the family of the tathāgatas 生如來家

born in a heavenly existence 生天上

born in a negative rebirth 墮惡道

born in form or formlessness 生色無色

born in the form and formless realms 生色無色界

born in the form realm 生色界

born in the three realms 生三有

born into a hell 生那落迦

born into a noble family 生豪貴家

born into noble families 生尊貴家

born into the future life 已今當往生

born into the ninth rank of paradise 九品安養之化生

born miraculously 化生

born of or to happiness 福生

born of the Dharma 法所生

born to remove hardships 除災生


borrow a flower to offer the Buddha 借花獻佛

borrowed finery 所假借莊嚴具

bosom 身懷

both [positions] are accepted 倶許

both 二倶, 兩兩, ,

both applicable and inapplicable 有非有

both banks of a river 兩岸

both cessation and clear observation 止觀二門

both existent and non-existent 亦有亦無

both extinguished 雙泯

both feet 兩足, 雙足

both inner and outer sciences 內外兼明

both kinds 兩種

both kinds at once 通二種

both kinds together 二種倶

both lucidly and clearly illumined 雙照分明

both permanent and impermanent 亦常亦無常

both presence and absence in similar instances, absence in dissimilar instances 同品有非有異品非有

both presence and absence in similar instances, and presence in dissimilar instances 同品有非有異品有

both presence and absence in similar instances, both presence and absence in dissimilar instances 同品有非有異品有非有

both shoulders 兩肩

both sides are already in full agreement 相符極成, 相符極成過

both the vajra and garbha maṇḍalas 金胎兩部

both untrue 兩倶不成

bothersome 可厭

both-partial 倶品一分轉

bottom , 底下

bottomless 無底, 無端

bottom-ranked menial slave 底極廝下

bought as a serf or slave 吉利多

bound 所縛, 所繫

bound at the level of result 果結

bound by one's own karma 自業自縛

bound in difficulty 勞結

bound on 繋屬

bound thusness 在纏眞如

bound to a part (?) 分相應

bound to cognition [of certain distinctive characterstics] 了別縛

bound to merits 功德相應

bound to one birth 一生所繫

bound to the desire realm 欲界所繫

bound to the form realm 色界所繫

bound to the seeds 種子隨逐

bound to the three realms 三界所繫

bound towards 已發趣

bound with cognition 智相應

bound with the four [fundamental] afflictions 四惑相應

bound with views 見相應

boundary , , 邊方

boundary of the iron ring of mountains 鐵際

boundary path

boundless 無邊際

boundless compassion 悲無量心

boundless is [the Buddha's] authoritative power 威神無極

boundless mind of indifference 捨無量心

bountiful joy 極多歡喜

bovine bile 牛黃

bow , 點頭

bow as a group 團拜

bow of great compassion 大悲弓

bowed 僂曲, 力羸頓, 毘泥吒迦, 毘那怛迦

bowing one's head to the feet [of the Buddha] 頭面接足禮

bowing one's head to the feet of the Buddha 頂禮佛足

bowing one's head to the feet of the buddha 頭面禮

bowing the head 俯首示敬

bowing the head to [the Buddha's] feet 頭面禮足

bowing twice 再拜

bowing with folded hands 合掌平拱

bowing with the head 頭面作禮

bowl , , , 鍵鎔

bowl for ceremonial water 阿伽坏

bowl of oil 油鉢

bowl used to subdue dragons 降龍鉢


boy 倶摩羅

boy charged with taking care of an ox 牧童

boy who takes care of the lamps 丙丁童子

boys in the temple 茶房

bracelet 纓絡

bracelet of pearls or beads 珠環

Brahma Bell Pavilion 梵鐘樓

brahma heaven 梵天

brahma meditation heaven 禪梵天

Brahma palace 梵殿

Brahmā the supreme one 梵尊

Brahmā world 梵世, 梵色界

Brahmā, Śakra, and the four heavenly kings 梵釋四天

Brahma-devas 梵迦夷

Brahma-faced Buddha 梵面佛

brahma-heaven of form 梵世天

brāhman 承習

Brahman 梵摩羅

Brahman King 梵天王

Brahman supervising monk 婆羅門僧正

Brahmanism 婆羅門教

brahma-realm of form 梵世界

Brahma's Net 梵網

Brahma's palace 梵宮

Brahmā's queen 梵天后

Brahma's realm 梵界

Brahmā's virtue 梵德

Brahma's voice 梵音

brahma-staff 梵壇, 梵怛, 梵杖

brahma-wheel 梵輪

brahma-world 梵世間

Brahmin who follows the Three Vedas 三明婆羅門

Brahminical temples 天祠


branch , , ,

branch incense 枝香

branch monastery 客山

branch of a certain doctrinal sect

branch of a school 門末

branch of calm abiding meditation 奢摩他支

branch of enlightenment of meditation 定覺支

branch of enlightenment of mindfulness 念等覺支, 念覺支

branch of enlightenment of wisdom 擇法等覺支

branch off ,

branch temple 末寺

branch temples 分院

branch transformation 末化

branches 枝枝

branches and leaves 枝葉

brandishes a halberd 揮戈

brave ,

brave and clever 勇哲

breach of moral discipline 漏戒

breadfruit 半娜, 半娜裟, 波那娑

breadfruit tree 婆羅奢, 赤花樹

break [a bird's] wings 折翼

break 壞破, 婆伽, 婆誐, 摧碎, , 析破, 隔絕

break a sūtra or treatise down into small sections for exegesis and analysis 科文

break apart 壞裂

break asunder 裂壞

break attachments 破著

break down , 破壞

break into a subtle smile 破顏微笑

break open the gates of hell 破地獄

break precepts 毀禁

break the silence 開靜

breakfast 朝食, 開齋

breakfast and lunch in the monastery 齋粥

breakfast congee 早粥

breaking off meditation 放禪

breaking off the fetters of distinct types of affliction 於諸煩惱品別離繫

breaking through three barriers 三關突破

breath 一息, 氣息

breath counting [meditation] 數息, 數息門, 數門

breath counting meditation 安般, 數息觀

breath of the nostrils 鼻息

breath-counting samādhi

breathless 出息不待入

breath-snatching demon 奪精鬼

breed 滋育

breeze blows 風吹


bricks and tiles 塼瓦

bridge , 橋梁

bridge over the hell-river 奈河橋


brief indication 略標

briefly explain(s) 略釋

briefly relate 略述

briefly speaking 略說

bright 惺惺, , , , 赫奕, 赫弈

bright and beautiful 明好

bright and pure 明淨

bright attainment 明得

bright lamp 明燈

bright man 明士

bright moon 明月

bright moon and cool breezes 風月

bright pearl 明珠

bright phenomenon 計部, 計都, 雞兜, 鷄都

bright shining of the sun

bright teaching 明法

bright time of the moon 白分, 白月

brighten 闡現

bright-eyed (or wide-eyed) daughter 光目女

brightly shining land 光明土

bright-moon pearl 明月珠

brightness and darkness 明昧

brightness of a burning lamp 燈明

brilliant 光徹, 光麗, 斐粲, 綺燦,

brilliant and beautiful 璨麗, 粲麗

brilliant colors 榮色

brilliant light of the world 世光曜


bring about birth 感生

bring about bliss 發喜

bring about good fortune 興福

bring about painful retribution 招集苦報

bring back 攝來

bring benefit and joy to living beings 利樂有情

bring benefit to other beings 益物

bring benefit to sentient beings 利益衆生

bring general attention to 總擧

bring harm to both [self and others] 倶害

bring his light to rest 棲光

bring improvement to the condition of sentient beings 利有情

bring joy to 能令悅豫

bring out the pillows 開枕

bring over 令度

bring perceptual referents into thought 緣慮

bring retribution 往返

bring sentient beings to [spiritual] maturation 成熟有情

bring to completion 令至

bring together

bring up 苞育

bringing about 招集

bringing about clarification 轉令明淨

bringing about liberation 能引解脫

bringing in the buddha 入佛

bringing in the buddha image for offerings 入佛供養

bringing the hands together without touching 三補吒

bringing to maturity 令成熟

brings benefit to others 益他

brings benefit to sentient beings 能益有情

brings forth the excellent path of immovability 轉不動勝道

brings joy to 令悅豫

brings to light 列露

brings to maturity 能令成熟

broad , 寬廣, 廣博, , 毘布羅, ,

broad and extensive body 廣博身

broad and flat tongue 舌廣薄

broad and long 廣長

broad and long tongue 廣長舌, 廣長舌相

broad and narrow 廣狹

broad great vehicle cognition 大乘廣智

broadly clarify 廣顯

broadly endow 廣施

broadly proclaims 弘宣

broadly put forth 方等

broadly supply 普給

broad-shouldered 膊間充實, 髆間充實, 髆間充實相


broken 缺壞

broken and rotten 摧折, 摧朽

broken down into four aspects 四門分別

broken dry rice

broken reed 折蘆

broken rice 歎波那

broken stone 折石

broken wings 羽翮摧殘

brother (tonsure) disciples 師兄弟

brother dharma disciples 法兄弟

brothers 兄弟

brothers of the clouds and waters 雲兄水弟, 雲衆水衆

brought about by cultivation 修所引

brought about by thought 思所引

brought out by investigation 尋思所引


brown 迦毘羅

brownish color made from bark 木蘭色, 茶褐色

brutal sports 兇戲

bubble and shadow 泡影

bubble of form 色泡

bubble on the water 水上泡

bubbles 沫泡, 泡沫

bucket of black lacquer 黑漆桶

Buddha 休屠, 佛尊

buddha 佛聖, 佛陀, 佛馱, 佛駄, 步他

buddha adorned with heaps of treasures 寶積佛

Buddha altar 佛壇

Buddha always taught the same thing 一向說

Buddha appearing in the world 佛出世

Buddha as Buddha-nature 佛性佛

buddha cognition 佛智

Buddha Country Temple 佛國寺

Buddha does exist within the saṃgha 僧中有佛

Buddha does not exist within the saṃgha 僧中無佛

buddha field 佛刹, 佛田

buddha footprint stone 佛足石

buddha garland samādhi 佛華嚴三昧

Buddha hall devoted to Vairocana 大光明殿

Buddha held up a flower and Kāśyapa smiled 拈花微笑

Buddha image cleaning ceremony 灌佛會

Buddha image inscribed on a large rock or cliff 磨崖佛像

buddha image maker 佛工, 佛師, 造佛工, 造佛師

buddha in six forms 六卽佛

buddha in the mind 心佛

buddha in this word 佛在世

Buddha jewel monastery 佛寶寺刹

buddha land 一佛國土

Buddha land 佛土

Buddha Land of Mysterious Adornment 密嚴佛國, 密嚴佛土

buddha lineage 佛種姓

Buddha manifest as the original desire to save all sentient beings 願佛

buddha mother 佛母

buddha nature does not experience hell 佛性不受羅

buddha ocean 佛海

Buddha of Boundless Light 無邊光佛

Buddha of great power 大勢佛

Buddha of King Yama's Radiance 燄王光佛

Buddha of Pure Light 淸淨光佛

buddha painter 繪佛師

Buddha perceived as a Buddha 佛想佛

Buddha preaches the dharma with a single voice 佛以一音演說法

buddha recitation hall 念佛堂

Buddha said 佛言

buddha sculptor 木佛師

Buddha treasure 佛寳

buddha treasure 佛寶

buddha view 佛見

buddha vow 佛願

Buddha who is both existent and non-existent after passing into peace 如來死後亦有亦非有

Buddha who is neither existent nor non-existent after passing into peace 如來死後非有非非有

Buddha who luminosity outshines the sun and moon 超日月光佛

Buddha Whose Radiance is Difficult to Fathom 難思光佛

buddha, the dharma, and the saṃgha 佛法僧

Buddha, the great commander 佛大師

Buddha`s four methods of dealing with questions 四記問

buddha-abode 佛住

Buddha-activities 佛所作

buddha-age 佛世

Buddha-attendants 挾侍佛

buddha-bodhisattva altar 佛菩薩壇

buddha-body 佛身

buddha-body land 佛身土

Buddha-eye 佛眼

buddha-figurine 印佛

buddha-flowers 佛華

Buddha-fruit 佛果

Buddha-groups 佛部

Buddha-hall 佛堂

buddha-hall 佛殿, 雁堂, 雁宇

buddhahood 佛位

Buddhahood in the future 當來成佛

Buddhahood of everyone one meets 觸向對面

buddha-land 佛國

buddha-land(s) 佛刹土

Buddha-lands 佛國土

buddha-lands 諸佛國土

buddha-lands of other quarters 他方佛土

buddha-lands of the ten directions 十方佛土

buddha-like 如佛

buddha-mind 佛心

Buddha-moon 佛月

buddha-nature 佛性

buddha-nature acquired through practice 行佛性

buddha-nature as finally actualized 至得果佛性

Buddha-nature as the principle or cause of awakening 理佛性

buddha-nature as thusness 佛性眞如

Buddha-nature in practice 事法身

buddha-nature is eternally abiding 佛性常住

buddha-nature of direct cause 佛性正因, 正因佛性

buddha-nature precepts 佛性戒

buddha-offering 佛供

buddha-peak 佛頂

buddha-places 佛所

Buddha-power 佛力

buddha-printing ritual 印佛作法

buddha-realm 佛世界

Buddha-realm 佛境界

buddha-realm 佛界

buddha-relics 聖軀

buddha's (physical) body 佛身

buddhas 佛佛, 諸佛, 諸佛世尊

buddhas and bodhisattvas 佛菩薩, 諸佛菩薩

buddhas and bodhisattvas of the six destinies 六道佛菩薩

buddhas and celestials 佛天

buddhas and patriarchs 佛祖

buddhas and worldlings are of the same essence 佛凡一體

buddhas appearing in the world 諸佛出世

buddha's attributes 佛功德

Buddha's birthday 佛生日

Buddha's birthday celebration 佛生會, 浴佛節, 花祭, 降誕會, 降誕節

Buddha's body 佛體

buddha's bones 佛骨

Buddha's caitya 佛支提

Buddha's characteristics 佛相

buddhas come into this world 佛出於世

Buddha's empowerment of people [to alleviate suffering] 加備力, 加威力

Buddha's family 佛家

buddha's feet 佛足

Buddha's field of merit 佛福田

Buddha's five surnames 佛五姓

Buddha's four methods of dealing with questions 四記答

Buddha's inferior manifestation 劣應身

Buddha's innumerable attributes 佛無量功德

Buddha's insight 佛知見

Buddha's instructions 佛教敕

Buddha's intention 佛意

Buddha's life span 佛壽

buddha's long life of teaching others 化他壽

Buddha's meaning 佛義

Buddha's mouth 佛口

buddha's mouth and a serpent's heart 佛口蛇心

buddha's name 佛名

Buddha's name 佛號

Buddha's noble teaching 佛聖教

buddhas of the four directions 四方四佛

buddhas of the past 過去諸佛

buddhas of the ten days of fasting 十齋佛, 十齋日佛

buddhas of the ten directions 十方佛, 十方諸佛

buddhas of the three periods 三世諸佛

buddhas of the three times 三世佛

Buddha's prediction 佛記

Buddha's realization 佛證

Buddha's remains 佛舍利

buddha's roar 佛吼

Buddha's śāsana 佛敕

buddha's self-manifestation to all creation 一切法界自身表

Buddha's sermon 佛說

Buddha's sharing his seat with Kāśyapa at Bahu-putraka 多者塔半分座

Buddha's supernatural power(s) 佛神力

Buddha's teaching 佛法

Buddha's teaching as main perceptual referent 佛法增上所緣

Buddha's teachings 佛所說, 佛迹

buddha's tooth 佛牙

Buddha's true teaching 佛正法

Buddha's unimpeded wisdom 佛無礙慧

Buddha's voice 佛陀槃遮, 佛音聲

buddha's wisdom 佛慧, 佛智慧

Buddha's work of vocal teaching 音聲佛事

buddha-seal 佛印

buddha-shrine 佛廟寺

buddha-sphere 佛境

buddha-stage 佛地

Buddha-store 佛藏

Buddha-sun 佛日

Buddha-tathāgata 佛如來

Buddha-vehicle 佛乘

buddha-vehicle morality 佛乘戒

Buddha-virtue 佛德

buddha-way 佛道

Buddha-week 佛七

Buddha-wisdom of knowing every thing 知一切法智

Buddha-work 佛事

buddha-work ceremony 法會儀式

buddha-works 佛所作事

Buddha-works that are undertaken 佛所作事業

Buddhism 佛宗, 佛教, 釋教

Buddhism for the masses 民衆佛教

Buddhism of the Nara sects 南都佛教

Buddhist 佛教人, 法家, 釋侶

Buddhist canon 聖典, 釋藏

Buddhist Canon of the Southern Transmission 南傳大藏經

Buddhist center 教堂

Buddhist ceremony 法要式

Buddhist community 佛教界

Buddhist convent or monastery 僧伽藍摩

Buddhist convent or monastery 僧藍

Buddhist council 作集法, 結經, 結集, 集法藏

Buddhist council held to settle disagreements regarding orthodoxy 經典結集

Buddhist dance 佛教舞踊

Buddhist disciple 法弟, 法弟子

Buddhist era 佛紀

Buddhist funeral 佛葬

Buddhist hymn 佛教音樂

Buddhist joy-day 佛歡喜日

Buddhist last day of the old year 佛臘日

Buddhist logic 因明

Buddhist logic's thirty three fallacies 因明三十三過

Buddhist monastery 紺宇

Buddhist monastic community 僧門

Buddhist monk or nun 釋家, 釋氏

Buddhist monks or nuns who joined the order by purchasing ordination certificates. 鬻牒度僧

Buddhist painting 佛畵

Buddhist philosopher who advocates the theory of newly perfumed seeds 新熏家

Buddhist precepts 佛戒

Buddhist purification movement 佛教淨化運動

Buddhist ritual [ceremony] with large banner painting 掛佛齋

Buddhist ritual [service] manual 法要集

Buddhist Saṃgha 佛教教團

Buddhist Sanskrit 佛教梵語

Buddhist scripture 佛典

Buddhist scriptures 佛教教典, 梵典, 法典

Buddhist service 佛會, 法會

Buddhist stūpa worship 佛塔崇拜

Buddhist sūtras 佛經

Buddhist teaching 佛門, 法教

Buddhist teachings 佛教法

Buddhist temple 佛寺, 佛舍, , 遊行處

Buddhist temples and Daoist shrines 寺觀

Buddhist way of doing things 釋風

Buddhist year 法臘

Buddhists 佛徒, 佛教徒, 佛氏

Buddhists and non-Buddhists 內外道


bug-infested water 蟲水

bugs 蜫蟲, , 鉢羅拏

build 營作, 興建, 起作, 起立

bunched seeds 嗚嚕捺囉叉, 天目珠, 惡叉聚, 烏嚧咤羅迦叉, 綖貫珠

bundle , 複包, 複子, 複帕

bundle of rushes 交蘆, 束蘆

Bunhwang School 芬皇宗

burden 荷負

bureau for nuns 昭玄寺, 昭玄曹

Bureau of Religious Affairs 宣政院

burial 土葬

burial by discarding the corpse in the forest 施林

burial stūpas 大寒林

Burmese Buddhism 緬甸佛教

burn , 炙燒, , , , 燋然, , 燒炙, 燒然, 燒煮

burn and damages 燒害

burn incense 拈香, 炷香, 焚香, 燒香

burn incense in return 還香

burn off 燎却, 燎卻

burn off one's eyebrows 燎却眉毛, 燎卻眉毛

burn severely 焦爛

burn the hair of a novice 煅髮

burn up 燒滅

burn wood 燒木

burning , 能燒

burning brightly 焰熾,

burning concentration 火燄三昧

burning distress 欝蒸, 燒惱

burning fingers 燃指

burning house 火宅

burning house of the triple world 三界火宅

burning lamp 然燈, 燃燈, 燈焰

burning mind 火心

burning mouth 燄口

burning of sexual desire 淫欲火

burning, blistering hell 燒灸地獄

burning, hitting, and grinding 燒打磨

burnt 所燒, 火燒

burnt offerings 火食

burnt to ashes 灰燼, 灰蘆

bursar (of a monastery) 知庫

bursar 櫃頭

burst 開裂

bursting blains 泥羅浮陀

bursting blisters 尼剌部陀, 皰裂

bury 伏藏, 掩土,

bushel 佉梨,

bushel-shaped curtain 斗帳

busily 匆匆

busily engaged in one's occupation 經營遽務

business manager 堂司


busy abode 雜居

but , 而便

butcher , 屠人

butcher and a huckster 屠沽

butchers and hunters 屠獵

butcher's occupation 旃陀羅

butt against 觝突

butter 熟酥, 酥油

buttocks ,

button 鉤鈕


by being unlawful 以非法

by day and night 於晝夜分

by means of

by means of one 以一

by means of the Buddha's supernatural powers 以佛神力

by nature, free [of...] 性離

by removing 由斷

by the power of [one's] great vow 以大願力

by these causes and conditions 以是因緣, 由此因緣

by this 以是

by this cause 由此因

by this... 以此

by violence 以凶力

by virtue of 增上力故

by what causes and conditions...? 以何因緣

by what reasoning? 何義故

bygone 先過去

by-path 傍家

byway 傍家


cage 樊籠,

cage of form 色籠

cage of the afflictions 煩籠

calamity , 災橫

calamity of famine 饑饉災

calculate 稱算, 稱計, , 計校, 訾計, 貲計, 限算

calculate and know 數知

calculate its order 數之次第

calculating the passage of time 劫量

calculation 數量


calendrical 星曆

calendrical calculations 曆數

calf 牛子,

call 一喝, , , 稱呼, 訶婆

call a name 唱名

call monks 應赴僧

call on a person of high rank 參謁

call on a variety of buddhas 稱名雜行

call on all buddhas 通念佛

call out

call to order 作梵

call upon Buddha at special times 別時念佛

called 名曰, 呼召, 號曰

called a fruit 說果

called latent

called latent 說隨眠

called nothing other than... 唯說

called sentient beings 說名衆生

called thus come

calligraphy and mathematics 書算

calm 定隱, 寂泊, 泰然, 澹靜, 舍摩,

calm abiding 奢摩他, 寂靜, 止住

calm and insight 奢摩他毘婆舍那, 奢摩他毘鉢舍那

calm down

calm the mind 息心

calm tranquility 安隱

calmly 隱定

calmly arises 徐起

calmness and patience 寂忍

camphor 劫布羅, 羯布羅, 香龍腦, 龍腦香

can 可以, 得以

can attain deliverance 可得度

can be 可有

can be called 可言, 得名

can be interpreted as 可謂

can be lead astray 可引奪

can be mindful of 能念

can be rejected 可廢

can be returned to 可歸

can be said 得說

can be saved 得滅度

can be thought of 可念

can be understood 可解

can believe 能信

can burn 得燒然

can definitely be proved 決定能立

can get rid of 能令無

can produce 能生起

can reach [to] 能及

can reach 能至

can receive 能契

can serve as... 得爲

canals 渠流


candle in the wind 風中燈, 風前燈, 風前燭, 風燈, 風燭

candy 蹇荼

cannot 不可,

cannot again... 更不

cannot arise 不能生

cannot attain 不能得

cannot be calculated 不可計

cannot be called 不可言

cannot be called... 不得名

cannot be elaborated in detail 不可具陳

cannot be explained [in words] 不可言說

cannot be led astray (seduced) 不可引奪

cannot be obstructed 無能遏絕

cannot be posited 不可建立

cannot be predicated 不可記

cannot be purified 不可修治

cannot be seduced 不能引奪

cannot be swayed [from the truth] 不能引轉

cannot be understood 所不能知

cannot bring to completion 未能成就

cannot fathom 不可窮盡

cannot get rid of 不能離

cannot go without interruptions 未能無間

cannot lead (draw, pull) 不能引

cannot overcome 不能侵

cannot reach 不能及

cannot retreat 不能退轉

cannot see 不能見

cannot stabilize 不能安住

cannot stand 不忍

canon , 契範, 教藏, 藏經

canon of dhāraṇīs 持明藏

canon of esoteric spells 禁呪藏

canon of the bodhisattva teachings 菩薩藏教

canon prefect 知藏

canon summary 典攬

canonical 教內

canonical collection 教籍

canonical scriptures 內典, 正依經

canonical teachings 內教, 內道

canopy of blessings 福蓋

canopy of smoke 烟蓋, 煙蓋

capability 功力, 堪能性

capable 堪能, 能然

capable of further advance 可進相

capacities of sentient beings 衆生根

capacity 器量, 機根

capacity for growth 根器

capacity for perfect realization 圓機

capacity for sudden awakening 頓悟機

capital , 京師

capital of a country 國邑

captain 船師

captain of the great ship 大船師

capture and release 擒從


caravam 商侶

cardinal meaning of the holy truth 聖諦第一義

cardinal truth of the middle way 中道第一義諦

care of health 攝養

carefree and absent-minded (?) 殷猥

careful , 無放逸, 無縱逸, 離諸放逸

careful consideration 觀照

careful consideration and scrutiny 思惟籌量觀察

careful not to repeat 愼不再

careful practice [of morality] 密行

careful/detailed consideration 審思惟, 意思擇

carefully 仔細, 子細, 細心

careless actions 放逸行

carelessness 縱逸

caretaker 守寺

caring mind 愍心

carpenter's square


carriage and attendants 乘從

carriage for amusement 伎車

carriage of a recluse sage 仙駕

carried out by the Tathāgata(s) 如來所行

carries out all Buddha-works 作諸佛事

carries out crimes in the present 生現法罪

carries out immoral activities 爲邪行

carries out punishment 行黜罰

carry (something) away and plunge (it) into 流墮

carry 婆訶, , 懷佩, , , 運載, 齎持

carry in the hand

carry in the mind 運心

carry on 承續

carry on the back 荷擔

carry on the head 頭戴

carry on top of the head 頂戴

carry one's almsbowl 持鉢

carry out in accord with... 隨順而轉

carry out or perform 修行

carry out religious duty or discipline 辦道, 辨道, 辯道

carry out with determination 決定修作

carry water 運水

carry water and haul firewood 運水搬柴

carrying a bowl of oil 持油鉢

carrying out an act improperly and justifying it by its habitual performance in this way 所習淨

carrying out applied practices 加行行

carrying out correct practices 行正行

carrying out expedient [teachings] 行權, 行權方便

carrying out of practices that have the character of application of effort 有加行行

carrying out what is arduous 難行能行

carrying path 運轉道



case of a noun 蘇槃多, 蘇漫多

cases of being found existent 有體事

cassock 郁多, 郁多羅僧伽

cast aside 捨置

cast away 擲惡人

cast away and establish 廢立

cast lots 行籌

cast off 放下,

cast off defilement 去穢

cast off doubt 棄嫌

cast off immature states of awareness and become a sage 革凡成聖

cast off jewels and wear rags 脫珍著弊

cast off transgressions 捨罪

cast off worldly consciousness 革凡

casting flowers 投華

casting off evil 遠離惡

casting off life 捨命


castrated man , 留拏

casts a shadow 側影

casual talk 取次語

cataracts , 翳眼

cataracts that tend to give one the impression of seeing flowers in the sky 華翳

catastrophe of great winds 大風災

catastrophes of flood, wind, and fire 水風火災


catching the ox 得牛

categorical difference in the reason 因異品

categories 種差別

categories of Buddhist concepts 法數

categories of phenomena 事品

categorizing sentient beings 衆生分別

category of affliction 煩惱品

category of afflictions 煩惱位

category of defilement 染品

category of hindrances 障品

category of lay practitioners 在家品

category of particular knowledge 類智品

category of purity 淸淨品

category of religious mendicants 出家品

category of the afflictive hindrances 煩惱障品

category of the cognitive hindrances 所知障品

category of the non-existent 無類

category of the ripened 異熟品

category(s) of pleasure 樂品

category/species of beings 有情之類, 有情種類

causal activity 因用

causal aspect can be explained, but the fruition cannot be explained 因分可說果分不可說

causal aspect of the Buddha's enlightenment can be explained 因分可說

causal attribute / form 因緣相

causal attribute 因相

causal condition 因位

causal consciousness 緣識

causal cultivation 因修

causal developments 因轉

causal events that give rise to mistaken views and karma 起諸邪見業法受因

causal maṇḍala 因曼陀羅

causal phenomena 因法

causal portion 因分

causal power 因力

causal power of one's own activities 自業因力

causal practices 因行

causal stage 因人, 因地

causal viewpoint of conditioned arising 緣起因分

causality 因果性

causality spanning the three periods 三世因果

causation according to ordinary language 隨說因

causation taking thusness as the object of observation 眞如所緣緣

causative period of buddhahood 因時

causative; having the character of causation 因性

cause [them] to attain the ultimate realization 令得究竟

cause 一因, , , , 因行果, , 能令,

cause and conditions of Buddhahood 道緣

cause and conditions that accord with the buddhadharma 法緣

cause and effect 因果

cause and effect of the same type 自類因果

cause and origin 因源

cause capable of bringing about a transformation 因能變

cause confusion 煩亂

cause contentment 令喜樂

cause decrease 令乏短

cause delight 令歡喜

cause distress 令心厭怖

cause joy 發喜

cause of abiding in the present condition 住因

cause of defilement 染因

cause of destiny 趣因

cause of development 增長因

cause of falling into hell 地獄因

cause of retribution 報因

cause of sins 罪緣

cause of the great vehicle 大乘因

cause others... 令他

cause perfect and the effect complete 因圓果滿

cause pleasure 令愛樂

cause them to abandon 令其捨離

cause them to cultivate good roots 令修善根

cause them to enter into 令其趣入

cause to abandon 令捨離

cause to attain 令得

cause to attain liberation 令得解脫

cause to engage in 勸進

cause to enter 令趣入

cause to fully undertake 勸勉

cause to hear 令聞

cause to permanently eliminate 令永斷

cause to proceed 令趣

cause which strengthens one's practices 增長行緣

cause[s] of the truth of suffering 集諦因

caused to enter 令入

causeless divine enlightenment 自然聖道

causes (of liberation) conducive to penetrating insight 順決擇分

causes 因緣故

causes and condition 爲因緣

causes and conditions 因緣

causes and conditions for a compassionate mind 慈心因緣

causes and conditions from prior lifetimes 先世因緣

causes and conditions of karmic retribution 報緣

causes and conditions of the great matter 大事因緣

causes and conditions of wholesome roots 善根因緣

causes and conditions producing phenomena 因緣生法

causes and conditions that constitute the basis 因緣依處

causes and effects bring are concomitant in their retribution 因果應報

causes from previous lives 宿因

causes not yet completed 未了因

causes of affliction 煩惱因

causes of all types of patterns of rebirth 一切趣因

causes of being in the Buddha's family 家因

causes of buddhahood 佛因

causes of contaminated karma 有漏業因

causes of human rebirth 人因

causes of liberation 解脫分

causes of negative rebirth 惡趣因

causes of practice 行因

causes of rebirth as an animal 畜生因

causes of retribution 熟因

causes of suffering 苦因

causes of the [teaching] of the one vehicle 一乘因

causes of the pure land 淨土因

causes of uncontaminated karma 無漏業因

causes of wholesome roots 善根因

causes that result in continuity of sameness 等流因

causes that tend to induce related effects 引發因

causes to generate 令生

causing [someone] to do 令行

causing others to correctly apply themselves 正勸導

causing skillfulness 應善

causing them to abandon 令其遠離

causing to change [into] 迴求

causing to rest 息處

cautious , 戒慎

cave , , 石窟, , 龕窟

cave of consciousness 識窟

cave of the azure or green dragon 蒼龍窟

cave of the seven leaves 七葉窟

cease 斷盡, ,

cease accordingly 隨滅

cease studying 絕學

ceased 所滅, 滅已


celestial , 提和, 提桓, 提波

celestial among celestials 天中天

celestial and human realms 天人世間

celestial bodies 曜宿

celestial bow 天帝弓, 天弓

celestial crown 天冠

celestial drawings 天畫

celestial garments 天衣

celestial gold 天金

celestial jewels 天寶

celestial mouth 天口

celestial music 天樂

celestial palace 天堂, 天宮

celestial Suyāma kings 蘇夜摩天王

celestial vase 天德甁

celestial wish tree 天意樹

celestials 天神

celestials and demons 天鬼

celestials and earthbound spirits 天神地祇

celestials and humans 天人

celestials and snake spirits 天龍

celestials of the five vehicles 五乘居天

celestials of the upper realms 上界天

celestials serving Indra 供天, 天供

celibacy 獨身, 獨身主義

celibate religious order 獨身宗派

cemetery , 奢舍磨奢, 安陀林, 寒林, 尸多婆那, 尸摩舍那, 尸摩賖那, 尸林, 尸陀, 尸陀婆, 尸陀林, 屍陀, 屍陀林, 恐毘林, 晝暗林, 舍磨奢那

censer 火舍, 香合, 香爐

censure 毀壞, 訶毀

censure and praise 毀讚

censured 所呵毀

centaur 健沓惒


centipede 蜈蚣

central body 中體

central dais 中臺

central Garbhadhātu 中胎, 中胎藏

central honored one 中尊

central support stone 中台石

ceremonial canopy 寶蓋

ceremonial sprinkling of the head of a monarch at his investiture with water from the seas and rivers (in his domain) 具支灌頂

ceremonial water 遏伽, 阿伽

ceremonies to avert calamity 禳災

ceremonies within the court 內齋


ceremony for recitation of the Sūtra for Humane Kings 仁王道場

ceremony for releasing living creatures 放生會

ceremony for releasing the living 放生法會

ceremony for the acceptance of the five precepts 三歸五戒, 三歸戒

ceremony held to commemorate the Buddha's birthday 佛誕會

ceremony master 威儀師, 威儀法師

ceremony of reciting the names of the buddhas 佛名懺悔, 佛名懺禮, 佛名會

ceremony of the third day 三日齋

certain class, or group of sentient beings 聚衆生

certain distinctly possessed... 如是所有

certain experiences of pleasure and pain 如是領受苦樂

certain genealogy 如是種性

certain one (out of two, or out of many) 隨一

certain rebirth in the Pure Land 決定往生

certain teaching that is posited 安立門

certain theoretical approach; 理門

certain type of birth 如是生類

certain..(person or thing)

certainly 必定, 必應, 必當, 必能, 然也

certainly will 必至

certainty of release 能出離

certificate that shows completion of the summer meditation retreat 坐夏由

certification 印可

certification of ordination 戒牒, 戒驗

cessation 息除, 止滅, 殄息, 永滅, 滅盡

cessation and clear observation 止觀門

cessation and energetic activity 止擧

cessation and observation 止觀

cessation of all kinds of worldly responsibilities 息諸緣務

cessation of associative thought 滅想

cessation of both 倶滅

cessation of craving 愛滅

cessation of defilements 雜染還滅

cessation of function 用滅

cessation of mind 心滅

cessation of suffering 滅苦, 苦滅

cessation of the self 我生已盡

cessation sickness 止病

cessation through non-arising 不生斷

cessation without analytical meditation 非擇滅

cessation, energetic activity, and indifference 止擧捨

cessational effect 離繫果

chaff 皮糩, , 糠札,

chaff and fruit 糩實

Chan (Seon, Zen) lineage 禪脈

Chan (Seon, Zen) mind 禪心

Chan (Seon/Zen) contemplation 禪思惟

Chan (teaching) records 禪錄

Chan [Seon/Zen] meeting 禪會

Chan [Seon/Zen] monk 禪和子

Chan [Seon/Zen] temple 禪刹

Chan [Seon/Zen] terminology 禪語

Chan adherent 禪家

Chan and Lu (Vinaya) sects 禪律

Chan discussion 談禪

Chan man 禪人

Chan monk 禪僧

Chan nun 禪尼

Chan person (monk, practitioner) 禪者

chan principles 禪理

Chan sicknesses 禪病

Chan student 禪子

Chan style 禪風

Chan teaching 禪教

Chan/Seon encounter dialogue 禪問答

Chan/Seon students 衲僧家

Chan/Seon/Zen monastery 禪寺

change [into something different] 異變

change , , , 變易, 變異, 轉異,

change and impermanence 轉變無常

change delusion into awakening 轉迷開悟

change in the tempo of the drumming 轉鼓

change into 化成, 化爲

change, decay 變壞

changeless and inexhaustible 無變無盡

changes one's countenance 動容

changing 異相

changing and the unchanging 動不動法

chant , 吟詠, 吟諷, 歌咏, 歌唄, 歌嘆, 歌頌, , , 諷誦讀, 諷讀誦, 讚頌

chant a Buddha`s name 稱名念佛

chant a sūtra (together) 誦經

chant the name 誦名

chanting 念誦

chanting Chan [Seon] 念佛禪

chanting on the third and eighth days 三八念誦

chanting orally 口誦

chanting the scriptures in the morning 朝梵

chaotic 雜亂

chaplet or wreath of skulls 髏鬘


chapter on establishing 建立品

chapter on giving 施品

chapter on meditation 定品

chapter on merit (in a given text) 功德品

chapter on the abodes 住品

chapter on the entrustment to Ānanda 囑累阿難品

chapter on the reasons 緣起品

character of emptiness 空性相

character of suffering 苦自性

character of the doctrine 教相

character of the voice 言音


characteristic of a body not bent over 身不僂曲相

characteristic of arms extending below the knees 立手摩膝相

characteristic of cause 相因

characteristic of Consciousness-only 相唯識

characteristic of constancy 常住相

characteristic of differentiation 差別之相

characteristic of disintegration 變壞相

characteristic of elimination 斷滅相

characteristic of impermanence 無常相

characteristic of long fingers 長指相

characteristic of long, slender fingers 纖長指相

characteristic of non-retrogression 不退相

characteristic of other dependency 依他性相

characteristic of other-dependence 依他起相

characteristic of permanence 常相

characteristic of quiescence 寂靜相

characteristic of setting in motion or action 流轉相

characteristic of that which is compounded (storehouse consciousness) 和合相

characteristic of the aspiration for enlightenment 發心相

characteristic of weakness 怯劣相

characteristic of webbed fingers and toes 手足網縵相

characteristic sūtras (?) 相素呾纜, 諸相素呾纜

characteristics (marks) and perception 相想

characteristics and names 相名

characteristics and nature 相性

characteristics body 相身

characteristics differ 相異

characteristics of all dharmas 諸法相

characteristics of completion 成相

characteristics of disintegration 壞相

characteristics of distress 過患相

characteristics of natural flow 等流相

characteristics of phenomena 法相

characteristics of the obscurations 障相

characteristics of the precepts 律相

characteristics of the three times 三世相

characteristics peculiar to each individual person 不共法

characteristics peculiar to true enlightenment 眞覺自相

characteristics, names, discrimination, corrective wisdom, and thusness 相名分別眞如正智

charioteer of the Dharma of men 士道法御

charitable nature 施性

charity 布施,

charity hall 慈堂室, 慈室, 慈室堂, 慈藏室


chase ,

chase after 隨逐,

chase away



chattering 頞哳吒

chattering teeth 阿吒吒

cheap with one's possessions 財慳

check , 撿挍, 調

checkpoint 檢點

cheeks (or jaws) like a lion 頷如師子

cheeks ,

cheeks rounded 頰車

cheeks rounded like a lion 獅子頰相, 頰車師子

cheerful 歡喜心

cheese and butter 酪蘇

cherish 矜愛, 護惜

cherish and protect 愛念救護

cherishes 愛念



chew , ,

chewable 嚼食

chewing wax 嚼蠟

chief abbot 貫頂, 貫首

chief disciple 大弟子

chief donor 檀越

chief meditator 座元, 禪頭

chief monk 堂頭

chief monks in a monastery 頭首

chief of the nuns 尼衆主

Chighnān 瑟匿

child 嬰童, , 弗多羅

child of a barren woman 石女兒

child of inconceivable wisdom 不思議慧童子

child of the Buddha 釋子

childhood name 小名

child-killer 失守摩羅, 失收摩羅, 室獸摩羅

children 諸子, 諸子等

children of the Buddha 佛子

children of the gods 天童

chiliocosm 大千

chiliocosm in a single thought 一念三千

chimera 緊那羅

China 震嶺

China and India 華梵

Chinese translated Buddhist texts 漢譯佛典

Chinese translation 漢譯

chirp of insects, birds, etc.

choose , , , 選擇


chosen teacher 揀師

chronic disease

chronic swelling of the spleen

chronicle 統紀


chrysanthemum lamp 菊燈

churned milk 酪漿, 酪漿羹飯糜

churning water to get curd 鑽水求酥, 鑽水求醍


circle (circumambulate) three times 遶三匝


circle three times 三帀

circle with three dots inside 圓伊三點

circuit of the central Lhasa temple 轉格欄

circular mountain range of iron 鐵圍山

circular range of mountains 輪圍山

circular, like the shape of a fig tree 圓滿如諾瞿陀

circulate 流通, 轉廻

circulated everywhere 周匝

circulation 循環

circumambulate [an image of] the Buddha 遶佛

circumambulate [the Buddha image] 遶旋

circumambulate [the buddha] three times to the right 右遶三匝

circumambulate 上肩順轉, , 圍繞, 圍遶, 繞匝

circumambulate the Buddha 繞佛

circumambulate the Buddha three times facing him with the right shoulder 遶佛三匝

circumambulation with the right shoulder facing inwards 旋右, 鉢喇特崎拏

circumference 周圍, 周圓

circumstances for gathering in 攝受事

circumstances that are the perceptual referents for conceptual elaborations 分別戲論所依緣事

circumstantial and direct [rewards] 依正

circumstantial halo 現起光

circumstantial reward 依報

citadel of nirvāṇa 涅槃城

citadel of the mind 心城

cite an example 引例

cites an example 引譬

cites scriptural authority 引聖言

cities 城營

citing scriptural authority 引阿笈摩

citizen 國人

citron 微若布雷迦

citron tree 苫婆羅

city of brahmans 婆羅門城

city of darkness 昏城

city of equality 平等城

city of the Gandharvas 乾城

city of the gandharvas 鬼城

city of wisdom 智城

city-king 都市王

civil office 官處

claim 主張, 自稱,

claiming 向說

claiming to be something 妄稱

clairvoyance 千里眼


clambering through awarenesses 攀覺

clamor , 螯閙

clan 宗族,

clapping hands 拍手, 拍掌

clarification of causes 醯都費陀

clarification of reward and punishment 賞罰分明

clarification of the determination to follow the way 分別發趣道相

clarification of the levels of practice at which the hindrances are eliminated 明斷處

clarified more and more 倍復明淨

clarify [the] knowledge 明知

clarify 光闡, 决了, 明了, 澄淨

clarify for others 爲他顯了

clarity 明了性, 朗然

clarity of hearing 此土耳根利

clarity of the divine eye 天眼明

clasp the hands

clasping one's hands in respect 合掌恭敬

class 品列,

class of beings inclined to evil 邪聚

class of good mental factors 善位

class of sentient beings sure to attain enlightenment 正定聚衆生

class of the wisdom of emptiness of phenomena 法空智品

classification of precepts 篇門

classifications 品別

classified according to kind 類別

classifies contracts (?) 分莂

classify and annotate 判釋

classify and label 分別施設


clean behavior 潔行

cleaned with the nails 爪淨

cleaning up after the harvest 捃拾

cleans dung 除糞

cleanse ,

cleanse one's body 沐浴, 洗浴, 澡浴

cleanse the hair 淨髮

cleansed by water 水淨

cleansing 淘汰, 能淨

cleansing after defecation 洗淨

clear 光淨, , 明顯, , , , , , 灼然, 現照, ,

clear and bright 淨明, 淳淨明, 淸明

clear and flourishing 明盛

clear and resonant 哀亮, 淸揚, 淸暢

clear and spacious 蒼蒼

clear and still 惺惺寂寂

clear as day 皎然

clear away 能遣

clear belief in the Buddha wisdom 明信佛智

clear evidence 明證

clear explanation 顯了說

clear eyes 明眼

clear faith 明信

clear flow 淸流

clear heavens 空天

clear matter or principle 了義

clear mirror 淸淨鏡

clear observation of phenomena 法現觀, 諸法現觀

clear perception, examination, judgment 顯除

clear the throat 謦咳, 謦欬

clear understanding 了解

clear understanding of the [four noble] truths 諦現觀

clear understanding of the precepts 戒現觀

clear-eyed person 明眼人

clearing it all away and awakening to reality 撥轉機輪

clearly 明瞭

clearly and distinctly 了了分明

clearly disclosed 顯明

clearly distinguished causation 定別因, 定異因

clearly explains 明說

clearly observe reality 現觀

clearly observing cognition 現觀智

clearly penetrating inside and out 內外明徹

cleave to the buddha-dharma 持法

clever 伶俐, 伶利, 明智

clever child 精童

clever companion 慧侶

clever expedient devices 巧方便

clever speech 巧語

cliffs and valleys 巖谷

climb ,

cling strongly to 貪猗

cling to 戀著

cling to divergent views 執異

cling to one's desires 欲取

clinging 妄取

clinging consciousness 阿陀那識

clinging to discriminations, or emotions 執情

clod of filthy mud 泥摸


cloister oneself 隱居

close , , , ,

close associate 同袍

close down the stove 閉爐

close friend 知友

close object appearing within the object that arouses the mental functioning of the subject 親所緣

close one's ears 昧耳

close setting 近住

close to perfection 近圓

closed flower 含花, 含華

closed lotus-flower 合蓮華

close-mouthed 杜口

close-mouthed bodhisattva 杜口大士

closing note 合殺

cloth 綩綖

cloth woven of fine hair 褐剌縭, 褐賴縭

clothed deva 衣服天


clothes of a Buddhist monk 薹衣

clothing and food 衣食

clothing made of wild flax 懺摩衣


cloud drum 雲鼓

cloud of compassion 慈雲

cloud of offerers 供帳雲

cloud-bodies 身雲

cloudless 無雲

cloudless heaven 無雲天


clouds and waters monk 雲水僧

clouds fly by 雲奔

clouds of birth and death 生死雲

clouds of delusion 妄雲

clouds of non-Buddhist teachings 邪雲

clouds of wisdom 慧雲

cloud-shaped clapper 雲版

clover 塞畢力迦

club used to call the monks to the meals 引飯大師

clucking of fowls 倶倶羅, 拘拘羅, 究究羅, 雞聲

clump of bubbles 聚沫


clumsy liberation 拙度

cluster , 聚集

clutch 搏撮

coagulation 凝結


coarse 麤品, 麤澁, 麤獷

coarse activity 麤業

coarse and pure faith 麤淨信

coarse and subtle 粗妙

coarse and worthless 麤弊

coarse appearance 麤顯

coarse apprehension and fine analysis 覺觀

coarse attachment 麤執

coarse body 麤身

coarse discrimination 麤分別

coarse food 叚食

coarse garments worn by ascetics 蘿衣

coarse hemp

coarse hindrances in the lower stages 下地麤苦障

coarse marks 麤相

coarse meal 粗飯, 草飯

coarse person 麤人

coarse serge

coarse silk 粗絹, 素絹, 麤絹

coarse speech 麤語

coarseness 麤性

coarseness and subtlety 麤細

coarser afflictions 鈍使

cock or dog discipline 雞狗戒

coconut 那利羅, 那利薊羅

cocoon of desire 愛繭

code of discipline 別解脫

code of moral discipline 毘柰耶, 毘泥迦, 鞞尼, 鼻那夜

code of rules 規約

code of vinaya precepts 別別解脫

code of Vinaya precepts 波羅提木叉, 波羅提毘木叉

code of vinaya precepts 般羅底木叉, 隨順解脫

coequal 雙比

coffin , 靈龕

cognition 了別, 了性, 惹那, 若那, 認識

cognition and its objects 智境

cognition and referent of cognition 能緣所緣

cognition and the cognized 智所知

cognition as nourishment 識食

cognition clearly observing reality 智諦現觀

cognition conditioned by discrimination 分別緣智

cognition formulated based on the purification of the afflictive hindrances 煩惱障淨智所行

cognition in which one reacts unimpededly [to a perceptual field or an 'other.] 自應無倒智

cognition involving a consciousness without an ālambana

cognition is pure 識精

cognition is unimpeded 智無礙

cognition of all existents 如所有智

cognition of all places 一切所知

cognition of arising 集智

cognition of causation and interdependence 因緣智

cognition of cessation 滅智

cognition of consciousness-only 唯識智

cognition of constituent factors 界智

cognition of dependent origination 緣起智

cognition of dharmas 法智

cognition of essential identity 平等性智

cognition of essential natures as they really are based on the investigation of their designations 緣自性如實知, 隨自性施設求如實智

cognition of names as they really are based on their investigation 緣名如實知, 隨名求如實智

cognition of non-arising 無生智

cognition of objects 了境, 緣相

cognition of ordinary unenlightened people 識情

cognition of selflessness 無我智

cognition of specificities as they really are based on the investigation of their designations 差別假立尋思所引如實遍智, 緣差別如實知, 隨差別施設求如實智

cognition of substances as they really are based on their investigation 緣物如實知, 隨事求如實智

cognition of suffering 苦智

cognition of the concentrated mind 定心智

cognition of the fact that dharmas lack their own distinct identity 法無我智

cognition of the gate to full achievement 引發門智

cognition of the inconceivable 不思議智

cognition of the indescribable 不可稱智

cognition of the ineffable 不可稱智

cognition of the omnipresent operations of thusness 一切遍行眞如智

cognition of the path 道智

cognition of the reality of suffering 苦法智

cognition of the reality of the cessation of suffering 滅法智

cognition of the reality of the path 道法智

cognition of the remembrance of past lives 宿住隨念智

cognition of the two kinds of selflessness 二無我智

cognition of the ultimate truth of all phenomena 一切法第一義智

cognition of things as they [really] are 如是知

cognition of things as they really are 如實智

cognition of types 類智

cognition purified of the afflictive hindrances 煩惱障淨智

cognition that has been purified 智得淸淨

cognition that is free from all forms of extreme pride 遠離一切增上慢智

cognition that is free from conceptual play 絕戯論智

cognition that is not bound to all afflictions 一切煩惱不隨縛智

cognition with unrestricted activity 作事智, 成作事智, 成所作智

cognitive acuity 般若

cognitive distortion 虛妄顚倒, 顚倒

cognitive faculties and their objects 根塵

cognitive faculty that perceives equality in nature 平等智

cognitive faith 信忍

cognitive function 了別作用

cognitive hindrances 所知障, 智障, 知障

cognitive hindrances are permanently elimnated 所知障永斷

cognitive mental disturbances 無知惑

cognitive obstruction 智礙

cognitive obstruction(s) 智碍

cognitive views 智見

cognitively apprehend

cognitively hindering consciousness 智障識

cognizable 得知

cognize 了別,

cognize an external object 取境

cognize an object 取義

cognize marks (?) 識相

cognized 可覺, 所照

cognized objective realm 知境界

cognized phenomena 所緣法

cognizes the non-existent 緣非有

cognizes the non-existent as object 緣非有爲境

cognizing 能了別

cognizing a self 了別我

cognizing bases 了別依

cognizing mind 能緣心, 識心

cognizing subject and the cognized object 能取所取

cognizing the natural world 了別器

coherent 隨會

coil around

coin 塵那羅, 金錢,

cold ,

cold and heat 寒暑, 寒熱

cold and warm 冷暖

cold hell 寒地獄

cold hells 寒獄

cold swill 冷淘

collapse 崩倒, 隤毀, 隤落, 頽毀

collapse of a house 屋倒

colleagues 同門

collect 修攝, , 攝取, , 集結

collect all together without leaving or missing anything 該羅

collect alms 募化, 募緣

collect bones 收骨

collect his thoughts 閑定

collect in a pile 蘊積

collected 所集成

collected essentials 纂要

collection 犍度

collection of matters 攝事

collection of philosophical treatises 論藏

collection of phonemes 字身

collection of the teachings 法蘊

collection of words 名身

collection of words, the collection of phrases, and the collection of phonemes 名句文身

collections of rules 乾度, 娑犍圖

collection-treatise 藏摩怛理迦

collectively arisen 集起

collects one's mind 定攝心

color 顯色

color of pure gold 眞金色

color of the mountains and the taste of the sea are not two, and have no distinctions 山海色味無二無別

color of wind 風色

colorful 容色

colorfully decorates with paint 彩畫, 采畫


colors of the three divisions 三部主色

columbarium 普同塔

combination 三摩婆夜

combination and dispersion 合散

combination of the elements 大種和合

combination of three factors 三和合

combine 共合, , 相合

combine to become... 合爲

combined into one term 合爲一

combined practice of Chan and Pure Land 禪淨兼修, 禪淨雙修

combined practice of scriptural study and meditation 教觀兼修

combined refutation 合破

combined text 會本

combined text of the commentary and expository notes 疏記會本

combined translation/transcription of the name of Nadī-Kāśyapa 河迦葉

combined, single, comparative, inclusive 兼但對帶

combining consciousness 和合識

combining of words and their meanings 和合句義

combining together 渾同


come across , 遭見

come and ask 來請

come and go 來往

come and harass 來逼

come carrying nothing 一物不將來

come down 來下

come forth accurately 如實轉

come from afar 遠來

come in response 來應

come into being 得生起

come into existence 現在前行

come into existence other-dependently 依他而得起

come loose 差脫

come near to 正現在前

come to 來造

come to acquire purity 轉得明淨

come to be connected 來接

come to know 得智

come to the end of one's life 臨終

come to this 至此

come to understand according to 隨悟入

come together 會入

come upon 值得

come, good sons 善男子來

comes [goes] into the world 出於世

comes and goes without difficulty 入出無難

comes flowing down 流來

comes to 來詣

comes to appear 來出, 來現

comes to the assembly 來會


comfort 令安,

comfort and benefit for all sentient beings 利益安樂一切有情

comfortable practices 安行

coming 後出

coming again 再來

coming or going, proceeding or staying put 去來進止

coming retribution 來果

coming together of various conditions 緣會

comings and goings 若往若來

commands 教勅, 教敕

commemorating the life events of the Buddha 報本

Commemoration day of the Buddha's Enlightenment 成道齋日

commemoration of the Buddha's enlightenment 成道節

commence 造修, 開本

commence great vehicle practices 發大乘

commencement 始起

commentaries 章疏

commentaries and notes attached to a scriptural text 疏抄

commentaries on the three sūtras 三經疏釋, 三經義疏

commentary 儀軌

Commentary on the Awakening of Mahāyāna Faith 大乘起信論疏

commentary(:) explanation(:) 釋曰

commentator 疏家


commission 役使

commission of a grave offense 結重

commission of an offense 結罪

commit a crime 得罪

commit a grave offense 犯重

commit a heavy sin 得重罪

commit a heinous act 造逆, 造逆罪

commit a sin 成犯

commit crimes , 犯罪

commit myriad sins 犯衆罪

commit oneself to the three treasures 歸命三寶

commit suicide 自殺

common attainments 共同成就

common house centipede 蚰蜒

common knowledge 周知

common people 人民, 庶民

common sense 當情

commonality of sentient beings 衆同分

commonplace 家常, 尋常, 日常, 日用

communal religious abode 法同舍

commune well 善通

community dedicated to a common goal in religious practice 結社

community of Buddhist monks 比丘僧

community of monks 苾芻衆

community of monks and nuns , 桑渴耶

community of śrāvakas 聲聞之衆

companion (of a king) 僚庶

companion 伴侶, , 儔疋

companion on the path 道伴

companions 伴黨

company 一普

comparable 可比

comparative analysis 校量

compare , , 校勘, , 比擬,

compare with each other 比類


compassion , 悲心, 悲愍, 慈哀, 慈心, 慈悲, 慈愍, 慈愍哀

compassion and protection 哀護

compassion and strictness 慈嚴

compassion and tolerance 慈忍

compassion and wisdom 悲智

compassion based on awareness of [the suffering of] sentient beings 衆生緣慈

compassion based on awareness of the true nature of phenomena 法緣慈悲

compassion based on the awareness of [the suffering of] sentient beings 有情緣慈, 生緣慈悲

compassion for sentient beings 悲愍有情

compassion free from hindrances 無蓋哀

compassion lacking a specific object 無緣慈悲

compassionate 有恩

compassionate aspiration 悲愍意樂

compassionate attitude 哀愍心

compassionate blessings of Amitâbha Buddha 慈恩

compassionate charity 恩施

compassionate explanation 慈辯

compassionate eye 慈眼

compassionate father of the three worlds 三界慈父

compassionate hand 悲手

compassionate intention 哀愍意樂, 悲意樂

compassionate intentions 哀愍愛樂

compassionate mind 慈意

compassionate teaching 慈誨

compassionately accepts 哀受

compassionately enduring suffering for others 大悲代受苦

compel 逼廹

compendium of the great vehicle [teachings] 攝大乘


compiled 編列

compiler 結集者

complain 訴訟

complaining about a monk's life to court a woman's sympathy 向女人歎身索供

complete (undefiled) accordance with reality 隨行

complete [long] life span 壽量具足

complete 充足, 十成, 周悉, , 圓滿, 波利, 盡極

complete affair 成章

complete and the esoteric 圓密

complete apprehension of things as they are 如實覺了

complete Buddhist canon 一切經

complete calm 永寂靜

complete darkness 黑漫漫地

complete death 極死

complete elimination 圓斷

complete enlightenment 現等覺

complete exposure or manifestation 體露

complete formation 圓凝

complete fruition 果圓, 果滿

complete fulfillment of the exercise of applied practices 加行行圓滿

complete knowledge 等解了, 能遍知

complete maṇḍala 輪圓, 輪圓具足

complete manifestation in the realm of fruition 果界圓現

complete purification 具足淸淨, 圓淨

complete settled recollection 等念

complete teaching 圓教, 滿教

complete teaching of the single vehicle 一乘滿教

complete teachings 滿字教

complete training of all aspects 圓滿加行

complete transformation of the basis 勝轉依

complete understanding of the triple world 三世了達

complete vinaya 廣律

complete works 全書

complete, fundamental whole 本末究竟等

completed karma 圓滿業

completed, perfected, finished 已極

completely 周備,

completely absent 全無

completely actualize 圓滿證

completely actualizes 能圓證

completely and clearly enlightened 覺了

completely at ease without obstructions 自在無礙

completely attains 盡得

completely contaminated 一向有漏

completely cover 遍覆

completely covered 彌覆

completely covering 普覆

completely dark 暗昏昏, 暗昏昏地

completely despise 生厭責

completely disappear 消散

completely disperse 決散

completely eliminate 悉斷, 盡除, 除斷

completely enlightened tathāgata 如來正覺

completely equal from every perspective 平等平等

completely exhaust 周盡

completely exhausted 都盡

completely filled 極圓滿

completely filled or covered with 普滿

completely filling the sky 垂天

completely illuminate 圓照

completely interpenetrated 圓融

completely isolated 一向離

completely non-existent 都無

completely pervaded by compassion 大悲周遍

completely purified 挺特, 極淸淨

completely realize the nature of phenomena 覺了法性

completely remove 盡除遣, 能除遣

completely uncontaminated 一向無漏

completer 謨賀那

completing the result in one life 一生果遂

completion of (perfection of) tolerance 忍滿

completion of a ritual 法成就

completion of actions (practices) 行滿

completion of an offense 結過

completion of one's heart's desire 意車圓滿

completion of practices for self-improvement 自利行滿

completion of practices that are beneficial to others 利他行滿

completion of seeds 種子成就

completion of the penetrating wisdom of self-realization 自證通慧具足

completion of the task of guiding and teaching others 化緣完了

completion of the teaching 至教

completion of works 事圓滿

completion stage 圓滿次第

complex activity 雜業

compliant 和順

compliant forbearance 隨順忍

complicated 所雜

complication 錯綜

components of sound 音詞支具

compose (poetry) 合偶


composed 端政, 等引

composed from the elements 有大

composite 一合相, 聚集

composite cap 納帽

compositional factors of the six consciousnesses 六識界

compound consciousness 和合識相

compound words that are composed of two different concepts 相違釋

compound words that are possessive 有財釋

compound words that contain a principle component and qualifying component 依主釋, 依士釋

compound words that where there is equality of dependence between the terms 同依釋, 持業釋

compounded 有行

compounds as cause 總執爲因

compounds of coarse materiality 麤色聚

comprehend 善通達, 會得, 理解, 能善通達

comprehend completely 開了

comprehend smoothly (or fully) 暢了識

comprehend thoroughly 綜解, 達了

comprehends 了覺

comprehensive knowledge of particular things 種知

comprehensively include 總括

comprehensively includes all 總攝一切

comprehensively observe 總觀察

comprises [becomes, constitutes] a ground (stage) 爲地

comrade 同志

concave and curved 窊曲


conceal form 隱形

conceal oneself 隱伏

concealed object 不現見境

concealed penis 勢峰藏密

concealed teaching 密意說

concealed things 不現事

concealing [the evil] that one has done 所作覆藏

concealing , 覆藏

concealing the seven sins 七遮罪

concealment 潛伏

conceals (something) and carries (it) (?) 藏厭

conceals 祕弊

conceals and begrudges 祕悋

conceals and cherishes 祕惜

conceit 高心

conceit of quality 我等慢類

conceit of superiority 我勝慢類

conceited 憍傲

conceivable 思誼

conceiving mode 思量行相

concentrate (one's mind) 行專一

concentrate fully [on Amitâbha] for one thought 一心專念

concentrate on [meditative] cultivation 專修習

concentrate the mind 勤劬, 勵心

concentrate upon 能攝受

concentrated meditation 攝心

concentrated observation 專念觀察

concentrates one's attention(?) 精志

concentration (samādhi) attained by cultivation 修得定

concentration [of mind] 專注

concentration 三摩半那, 定意, 等持, 靜慮

concentration arisen from great compassion 大悲生心三昧耶

concentration by invocation 口稱三昧

concentration in the realm of desire 欲定, 欲界定

concentration in which the buddhas appear before one 佛立

concentration of all mysteries 一切種妙三昧

concentration of cessation 想受滅定, 滅盡定

concentration of cessation of sensation of perception 想受滅無爲

concentration of dispersal by the wind 風奮三昧

concentration of extinction of sensation and associative thought 滅受想定

concentration of great compassion 大悲三昧, 大悲定

concentration of great quiescence 大寂定

concentration of mind as spiritual base 心如意足

concentration of neither perception nor non-perception 非想非非想處定

concentration of no defiled attachment to any phenomena 不染著諸法三昧

concentration of no thought 非想定

concentration of non-abiding 無住三昧

concentration of no-separation 無間定

concentration of purity and liberation 淸淨解脫三昧

concentration of reality 實相三昧

concentration of Samantabhadra 普賢三昧

concentration of the Buddha's appearance 佛立三昧

concentration of the dharma-luminosity 法光定

concentration of the greatly compassionate womb-store 大悲胎藏三昧

concentration of the tathāgatas 一切如來定

concentration of total cessation of thought 滅盡三摩鉢底

concentration on the lotus-like fundamental purity of existence 一切如來諸法本性淸淨蓮華三昧

concentration power 心神足

concentration with doubt dispersed 散疑三昧

concentrations and liberations 靜慮解脫

concentrations in (the realm of) form 色界定

concentrations of liberation from form 無色解脫定

concentrations of the formless realm 無色定, 無色界定

concept 槪念

concept of self 我相

conception , 想習, 業事, 結生

conception and desire 想愛

conception of impermanence 無常想

conception of self 人我, 我想

conception of selflessness 無我想

conception of sentient beinghood 衆生想

conception of taking people in from a position of superior influence 增上攝受想

conceptions of immortality 無沒想

conceptions of security 安隱想

conceptions of taking in [sentient beings] 攝受想

conceptions of tranquility 寂靜想

concepts 名想, 諸想

conceptual bondage 想縛

conceptual cognition 戯論智

conceptual designation 假建立

conceptual designations 假想施設

conceptual development 想轉變

conceptual developments 想轉

conceptual elaboration(s) 戲論

conceptual elaborations 分別戲論

conceptual objects 法境, 法界

conceptual proliferation that engenders the creation of sentiments 愛論

conceptualization 情量, 想思, 遍計

conceptualization of emptiness 空想

conceptualize about all kind of various matters in past, present and future 計度分別

conceptualize like this 作如是想

conceptualized 有量

conceptualized unconditioned 識變無爲

Concern 愍忌

concerned about 悲戀

concerned for both wisdom and morality 乘戒倶急

concerning [these] phenomena 於諸法

concerning the dharma 對法

concerning the present body 於現身

concerning what? 對何


conch 勝伽, 商佉, 商迦, 霜佉, 餉佉

conch and bell 貝鐘

conch of the dharma 法螺

conch of the great teaching 大法螺

conch-tuft 螺髻

conch-tufted Brahmā 螺髻梵, 螺髻梵志

conch-tufted recluse sage 螺髻仙人

conciousness(es) 識等

concluding day of a dharma assembly 散日, 滿散

concluding exhortation 結勸

concluding in the same intention 同歸

concluding lecture 結講

concluding vows 結願

conclusion 歸趣

concomitance of action, speech, and thought 手口意相應

concomitant 相應行

concomitant afflictions 相應惑

concomitant cause 相應因

concomitant with affliction 惑相應

concomitant with emptiness 空性相應

concomitant with the dharma 應法

concomitant with the great vehicle 大乘相應

concomitant with the manas

concomitant with the momentariness of mind 心刹那相應

concord 和睦

concubine 側女, 婇女

concurrence is possible 倶轉可得

concurrent 倶生, 倶起

concurrent arising 等倶轉

concurrent cause 倶有因

concurrent conditions 倶生緣

concurrent negative and positive karma 黑白倶業

concurrent phenomena 倶有法

concurrent practice of enlightening others and contemplating phenomena 道觀雙流

concurrent practice of the six perfections 兼行六度

concurrently practices 具修

concurrently produced 共生

condemn 怨責, ,

condition 境地, 爲緣,

condition as contributory factor 增上緣依

condition in which all dharmas are established 法位

condition of attachment 愛緣

condition of bondage due to affliction 結縛

condition of dullness of the mind 闇相

condition of great stability 大安隱處

condition of having an essential nature 有自性

condition of immediacy 近緣

condition of nescience 無明緣

condition of no-mind 無想事

condition of not being unitary 蕩然

condition of remoteness 遠緣

condition of retribution 果頭

conditional causes of buddha-nature 緣因佛性

conditioned 有作, 有爲

conditioned activity 緣行, 行爲

conditioned and fundamental 緣正

conditioned and impermanent 有爲無常

conditioned and unconditioned 有爲無爲

conditioned birth and death 有爲生死

conditioned by becoming there is birth 緣有有生

conditioned by birth there arise old age and death 緣生有老死

conditioned by consciousness there is name-and-form 緣識有名色

conditioned by contact there is sensation 緣觸有受

conditioned by craving there is grasping 緣愛有取

conditioned by grasping there is becoming 緣取有有

conditioned by grasping, being arises 緣取生有

conditioned by ignorance there are the formative forces 緣癡有行

conditioned by karmic formation, consciousness arises 緣行生識

conditioned by name-and-form there are the six sense-fields 緣名色有六入

conditioned by objects 塵緣

conditioned by sensation there is craving 緣受有愛

conditioned by the formative forces there is consciousness 緣行有識

conditioned by the six sense-fields there is contact 緣六入有觸

conditioned cognition 緣智

conditioned cyclic existence 有爲世間

conditioned dharmas 緣法

conditioned energy 緣氣

conditioned liberation 有爲解脫

conditioned nirvāṇa 有爲涅槃

conditioned phenomena 有爲事, 有爲法, 有爲諸行, 諸行

conditioned phenomena of the past 過去諸行

conditioned thoughts 緣念, 緣想

conditioned thusness 隨緣眞如

conditioning cause of (buddha-)nature 緣因性

conditioning from a prior lifetime 宿習

conditioning from prior lifetime(s) 前生緣

conditions beyond those of immediate motivation 增上力緣

conditions for life 有命緣

conditions for naming 名緣

conditions of distinction 差別緣

conditions of equality 平等緣

conditions of life 命緣

conditions of time and place of birth 時處諸緣

conducive to enlightenment 覺分, 覺品

conducive to liberation 順解脫分

conducive to penetrating insight 順決擇

conducive to ruin 隨順退墮

conducive to welfare 報瑟置迦, 補瑟置, 補瑟迦

conduct 合儀, 擧動, 造行, 進止

conduct a funeral 葬送

conduct accordant with the way 道行

conduct associated with renunciation 離行

conduct profitable to others for amicable association 利行攝事

confer blessings 惠施

confer the precepts 傳戒

confess 發露

confess wrong-doing 說罪

confession 說非, 阿鉢底鉢喇底提舍那

confession and forgiveness 懺除

confession for the sins of the senses 六根懺悔

confessional 懺法

confessional ceremony 隨意事

confidence 信解, 倚信, 委信, 委寄

confine 囚禁

confine oneself 掩關

confirm 自稱歎, 證據, 驗之知

confirm it 證之

confirming a monastic act in an incomplete assembly 隨意淨

confirming progress absorption 印順定

confirming sentient beings 建立衆生

conflagration 猛火

conflagration at the end of the age 刧盡火, 劫火

conflagration at the end of the age that destroys the physical universe 劫盡火

conflagration of the universe at the end of time 刧火

conflation of [the ranks of] sages 濫上聖

conflict caused by enmity 怨敵相違

conflict experienced in the course of overcoming afflictions when one's practice is impure 障治相違

conflict with each other 相返

conflicted 有諍

conflicting 有相違

conflicts in the simultaneous presence (of opposites) 同處相違

conflicts with entities (?) 於界互違

confluence of the four kinds of causation 四緣和合

conform with 相隨

conform with the other 順彼

confounded ghost 顚鬼

confront 對至


confucian scholars 儒博

Confucianism 儒教

confused , 惑亂, , , 懷愚癡, 暴亂, , 相濫, 迷冥

confused in regard to direction 迷方

confused thought 亂想

confused unenlightened beings 倒凡

confusion 亂性, 喧嘩, 狂亂, 矯亂, 迷妄, 迷悶, 顚倒者

confusion in regard to the basis 倒根本

confusion in the mind due to afflictions 迷亂

confusion regarding the message of the teachings 惑趣


congee 稀飯,

conglomeration 總執


congregations as numerous as atoms 微塵衆

congruent 義會, 隨密

conjecture 卜度, 測度

conjoined with expedient means 方便攝

conjunction of all things 百會

conjure up 化造立作

conjured city 化城

conjured tiger 幻虎

conjurer 幻師

connect ,

connected 幷連, 相屬, 隨縛

connected to 所隨縛

connected with the formless realm 無色行

connected with the realm of desire 欲行

connected with the realm of form 色行

connected with the sages 古聖主, 阿利沙, 阿黎沙

connection to objects 託境

connects with its own objects 緣自境

connects with the objects of other [consciousnesses] 緣他境

connotative aspect of the One Vehicle 同教

conquer 摧破

conqueror 毘指多婆多

conqueror of the three worlds 降三世明, 降三世明王


conscious beings 識物

conscious of 識省

consciousness 毘若南, 毘闍那, 知識,

consciousness alike (?) 識同

consciousness as contingent object 識緣

consciousness as unreal 識幻

consciousness at the time of death 命終時識

consciousness containing all seeds 一切種子識, 一切種識

consciousness in which the true and false are merged 眞妄和合識

consciousness is not separate from the body 識不離身

consciousness itself 識體

consciousness of covering the inferior (mental functions) and manifesting the superior 隱劣顯勝識

consciousness of expelling phenomena and apprehending true nature 遣相證性識

consciousness of expelling the unreal and living in the real 遣虛存實識

consciousness of gathering the branches and returning to the root 攝末歸本識

consciousness of rebirth 結生識

consciousness of the same five objects 五同緣意識

consciousness of the way 道識

consciousness only 毘若底摩呾剌多

consciousness that is resultant of maturation 異熟識

consciousness that is the cause of existence 有分識

consciousness that is the store of the seeds 種子阿賴耶識

consciousness that manifests seeming objects 似塵識

consciousness with a wide range of referents 廣緣識

consciousness with no loss 無沒識, 無没識

consciousnesses that discern objects 了別境識, 了別識

consciousness-only 唯識

Consciousness-only Buddhism 唯識佛教

consciousness-only in interpretation 教唯識

consciousness-only in meditation and practice 行唯識

consciousness-only in principles 理唯識

consciousness-only in the fruits of Buddhahood 果唯識

consciousness-store 識藏

consecration 毘詵遮, 灌頂, 詵遮

consecration by five buddhas 五佛灌頂

consecration of attainment 成就灌頂

consecration of improving one's condition 增益己身灌頂

consecration of removing obstacles 除難灌頂

consecration of the dharma-transmission 付法灌頂

consecration of the great dharma 大法灌頂

consecration with sand 土砂加持

consecration with the water of the five vases 五甁灌頂

consent 承智

consequence 隨起

consequences of activity 行業果報

consequences of karma 業果報

conservative school 保守派

consider , 周遍觀察, 審慮, 思察, 思惟計, 擬議, 謂爲

consider carefully 審察

consider strange 致怪

considerately 不凶暴

considering 循觀

consist of 成立

console 安悅,

console and relieve (one from sorrow) 慰除

constant activity 常所作, 恆常修作, 恆常所作

constant and the expedient 經權

constant awareness 常智

constant connection (?) 應是常

constant halo 常光

constant mindfulness 常念

constant norm 常法

constant of nirvāṇa 寂常

constant perfuming 恆常熏習

constant standard 常軌

constant striving 常勤

constant teacher 常師

constant way 常道

constantly 恆時, 長時

constantly active 常現行

constantly churning 恆轉

constantly churning like a raging current 恆轉如瀑流

constantly illuminated realm 常境

constantly quiescent 常恆寂然

constellations 星宿

constellations and celestial bodies 宿曜

constituent of morality 尸羅蘊, 戒蘊

constituent of sound 聲界

constituents that are posited 施設依

constitute the first 爲第一

constitutional element(s) of karmic formations 行界

constrained 所逼

constrict the mind 纏心

constructed 如化

constructed entrenchments 作得住地

construction of a house without a patron or donor 過量房

construction of 'mine' 作我所

consult , 諮詢

consultation on ranks 議職

consume (something) by fire 燒盡

consumes bad karma by fire 燒罪

consummate expedient means 究竟方便

consummate purity 究竟眞淨

consummated 三波多

consummated person 成人

consummation of mastery 自在成就

consummation of morality 戒圓滿

consummation of practice(s) 行圓滿

consummation of the stage of the non-returner 不還果

consumption of alcohol 飮酒

consumption of pungent foods 茹葷

contact (of the sense-organs with their objects) 所更


contact with the external world 境界緣

contain , 容受, ,

contain a smile (?) 含笑

contain and enter each other without obstruction 攝入無礙

contained in the path of training 學道所攝

container consciousness 藏識

container world 器世, 器世界

containing sentiency 含情

contaminated 有流, 有漏

contaminated action 有漏業

contaminated activity 漏業

contaminated and uncontaminated 有漏無漏

contaminated body 有漏身

contaminated cognition 有漏智

contaminated consciousness 有漏識

contaminated existences and contaminated phenomena 漏有漏法

contaminated goodness 有漏善

contaminated karma 濁業

contaminated mind 有漏心

contaminated path 有漏道

contaminated phenomena 有漏法

contaminated pure land 有漏淨土

contaminated truth of arising 有漏集諦

contaminated way 有漏路

contaminated wholesome phenomena 有漏善法

contaminated wisdom 有漏慧

contaminated world 有漏世界

contamination by desire 貪濁

contamination by nescience 無明漏

contamination extinguished and the mind liberated 漏盡意解

contamination is permanently eliminated 漏永盡

contamination is permanently extinguished 諸漏永盡

contamination of the desire realm 欲漏

contamination of views 見漏

contemplatable 能思惟

contemplate 觀佛

contemplate an image 觀象

contemplate and unravel 觀解

contemplate Buddha (especially Amitâbha) in the mind and repeat his name 觀想念佛

contemplate selflessness 思量無我

contemplate the four truths 觀四諦

contemplate the image of (Amitâbha) Buddha and repeat his name 觀像念佛

contemplate the principle 緣理

contemplate the truths 觀諦

contemplate the twelve limbs of dependent arising 觀十二因緣

contemplate, train, and eliminates [afflictions] 觀察學斷

contemplated 所觀

contemplates 念觀

contemplates on the own nature [of something] 自相作意

contemplates the holy truths 觀聖諦

contemplating emptiness 空觀

contemplating emptiness, refuting existence 觀空破有

contemplating phenomena 觀法

contemplating pity and kindness 悲觀慈觀

contemplating the tree 觀樹

contemplating the various phenomena 觀諸法

contemplation 禪思, 觀想

contemplation appropriate to practitioners of the great vehicle 大乘相應作意

contemplation appropriate to the vehicle of the direct disciples 聲聞乘相應作意

contemplation of [all] dharmas as being without self 觀法無我

contemplation of consciousness-only 唯識觀

contemplation of death 死想

contemplation of emptiness in nature 性空觀

contemplation of emptiness of marks 相空觀

contemplation of equality 等觀

contemplation of evil 惡觀

contemplation of exhausting [karmic bonds] 盡想

contemplation of extinction 滅觀

contemplation of impermanence 無常觀

contemplation of inconceivable objects 觀不思議境

contemplation of marklessness 無相觀

contemplation of marks 觀相

contemplation of non-arising 無生無滅觀

contemplation of nonsubstantiality 無所觀

contemplation of phenomena 事觀

contemplation of principle 理觀

contemplation of reality 實相觀

contemplation of realizing emptiness from the conventional (and the two truths) 從假入空觀

contemplation of selflessness 無我觀

contemplation of sensation as inseparable from suffering 觀受是苦

contemplation of suffering 苦想, 苦觀

contemplation of the (supreme) Middle Way 中道第一義觀

contemplation of the body as impure 觀身不淨

contemplation of the dharma body 法身觀

contemplation of the four bases of mindfulness 四念處觀

contemplation of the impurity of what we eat 食不淨想

contemplation of the mean 中觀

contemplation of the middle way 中觀, 中道觀

contemplation of the mind 心觀

contemplation of the mind as transient 觀心無常

contemplation of the provisional 假觀

contemplation of the three assumptions 三假觀

contemplation on arising from emptiness 生空觀

contemplation on compassion 慈觀

contemplation on pity 悲觀

contemplation on purity 淸淨觀

contemplation on the interfusion of the three truths 三諦圓融觀

contemplation on the two truths 二諦觀

contemplation on vast wisdom 廣大智慧觀

contemplation practice buddha 觀行佛

contemplation realizing the conventional from emptiness (and equality) 從空入假觀

contemplation that it is impossible to find true happiness in this world 世間不可樂想

contemplation that rejects all the characteristics of sense-objects in order to reveal the signless contemplation 遣諸境相顯無相觀

contemplation that takes the self-nature of the realm of existence as referent 緣於法界自相作意

contemplation, training, discipline, and cultivation 觀練熏修

contemplative 參頭

contemplative approach 觀門

contemplative sitting image 半跏像, 半跏思惟像

contemplative wisdom 觀法智慧

contempt 惰慢, 譏嫌

contempt and slander 輕罵

content of all phenomena 一切法義

content of the vow 願事

contented with few desires 少欲知足

contentment 悅豫

contents of noble behavior 諸聖法


contingent mind 緣心

contingent on an unmanifest perceptual object 緣不現見境

contingent on the truths of suffering and its arising 緣苦集

continous impermanence 相續無常

continual development 續索轉

continual mindfulness 念相續

continual mutual production 展轉相生

continual practice 行持


continually active afflictions 數行煩惱

continually cultivates 常勤修習

continually examining and assessing 恆審思慮, 恆審思量

continually oppressed 相續逼切

continually without lapse 恆常無間

continuance of the holy path 聖道轉

continuance of the mental stream 心相續

continuation of distinctive marks without break 自相相續不斷

continuation of karmic retribution 果報相續

continue 相繼, , 繼嗣, , 連續

continue in a series 相續展轉

continued 隨流

continued life 續命

continued rebirth 生生

continued speculation 計計

continuing 續索

continuing after 隨手

continuing consciousness 相續識

continuing without break 相續無間

continuity 流轉, 相續

continuity in kind 自類相續

continuity of [sameness in] type 一類相續

continuity of births 生相續

continuity of cause and effect 習因習果

continuity of existence 有相續

continuity of rebirth 續生

continuity of sameness 等流

continuity of sameness in the dharma realm 法界等流

continuity of similarities 等流相續

continuous activity 行履

continuous anger 長時瞋

continuous awareness (even) during deep sleep 熟眠一如

continuous awareness whether awake or asleep 寤寐一如

continuous flow 流注

continuous life 生生世世

continuous rebirth 生生相續

continuous stream of seeds 種子相續

continuous subsequent changes for the better 後後轉勝

continuous succession 展轉相續

continuously 相續不斷

continuously active 常行, 相續而轉

continuously cultivating 恆常修習

contradict itself (oneself) 違自

contradict one's basic thesis 違本宗

contradict one's own thesis 違自宗

contradicted by inference 比量相違

contradicting expressed-predicate 法自相相違, 法自相相違因

contradicting expressed-subject 有法自相相違因

contradicting reason 道理相違

contradiction 矛盾, 違害

contradiction between prior and subsequent 前後乖反

contradiction of one's own prior statements 自語相違

contradiction with experience 現量相違

contradictions in production 生起相違

contradictions that arise in the investigation of the texts 尋言相違

contradictory 成相違, 相反

contradictory causes 相違因

contradictory conclusion 違決

contradictory to common sense 世間相違

contradictory words 語相違

contraposition 義准

contrary , 異分, , 違背, 違越, 違逆

contrary causes 逆緣

contrary example 異類譬喩

contrary order in conducting funerals 豫修, 逆修

contrary to

contrary to the scriptures 違教

contrast 遠離言

contrast between hidden and revealed 隱顯互論

contrastively compare 對辨

contributing cause 助因

contributing power 增上力

contributory cause 緣因

contributory conditioning power 增上緣力

contributory conditions 方便緣

contributory factor as cause/condition 增上緣

contributory factors in the production of works of art or engineering 工業增上緣

contrivance sickness 作病

contriving 起諸分別

control 執御, 將御, 專秉,

control one's breathing 調息

control one's mind 調心

control the will 調意

controller 主宰

controller of a monastery 綱維


convene ,

convenient 便利

convent 尼寺

conventional 三佛栗底, 世流布

conventional corrective practices 世間治道

conventional explanation 世間言說

conventional expression attribute 假立相

conventional language 世流布語

conventional reality 世間眞實

conventional truth 世俗諦, 俗諦, 覆俗諦, 覆諦

conventional wisdom 世間慧

conventionality based on real principles 道理世俗

conventionally (provisionally) established realm 假境

conventionally designated emptiness 假名空

conventionally established language 假立言說

convergence of causes and conditions 緣和合

conversation 談話

converse, speak, to say

conversion 囘心, 廻心, 改宗

conversion by the Buddha 佛化

convert 化立, 化轉

convert and convey to salvation 化度

convert and entice 化誘

convert beings 化物

convert or transform people according to their conditions 隨緣化物

convert the people 化民

converted as one wishes 自在所化

converted followers 化屬

converting non-Buddhist opponents 逆化

convey to the treasury 寄庫

conviction 信述

conviction in regard to [the meditative] object 所緣勝解


cook 飯頭

cook sand 熱沙, 蒸沙, 蒸砂

cooked 所熟

cooked food ,

cooked food kept in the room 內煮


cool breeze(s) 淸風

cool lake 淸涼池

cooperate 同事

cooperation with others to lead them into the truth 同事攝, 同事攝事

cooperative result 士用果

copier 書寫者

copper , 鍮石

copper money 銅錢

copper wheel 銅輪

copper wheel-turning sage king 銅輪王



copying of texts 抄寫, 鈔寫

coral 牟娑羅, , 珊明, , 硨磲, 訛轉, 謨薩羅, 馬瑙

coral tree 心天華, 意華, 意香

core 內實, 心要

cornelian 牟娑, 瑪瑙, 目娑, 碼瑙, 碼碯

corner , ,

coronation of a master 阿闍梨灌頂

coronation of the dharma-transmission 傳法灌頂

corporeal aspects of wisdom 智色

corporeal limitation 色分齊

corporeal mind 肉團心

corpse , , 死屍, 殘果

corpse-ghost 屍鬼

corral 囘轡

correct 對治, , 正等, 正道理, 眞正, 端正,

correct and extensive 方廣

correct and straight 正直

correct applied practices 正加行

correct awakening 正覺

correct cognition and views 正知見

correct concentration 等定

correct contemplation 正作意, 眞觀

correct cultivation 正修學

correct determination 正定

correct discourse 正言論

correct doctrine 正宗

correct effort 正勤, 正精進

correct enlightenment 三耶三菩, 三藐三菩提

correct expedient means 正方便

correct eye 正眼

correct faith 正信

correct inference 眞比量

correct insight 正慧

correct intention 正意

correct joy 正慶悅

correct kindness 如理憐愍

correct manifestation 正等顯現

correct meditation on the eight negations 八不正觀

correct meditative activity 正定業

correct mental orientation 如理作意

correct mind 正心

correct mindfulness 正念

correct morality 正法律

correct nature free from the arising (of afflictions) 正性離生

correct observation [analysis, contemplation, inspection] 如實觀察

correct observation 正觀

correct one's bodily activities and maintain correct mindfulness 端身正念

correct one's nature 治性

correct oneself and behave correctly 端身正行

correct path 正道

correct peerless enlightenment 正遍知

correct practice 善修, 正修

correct practice of skillful means 正修方便

correct practices 正修行, 正行

correct practices that counteract afflictions 對治正行

correct principle 正理

correct reason of non-cognition 不可得正因, 不覓正因

correct retribution 正果

correct speech 正言, 正語, 正語道支

correct teaching 正教, 正說, 聖法

correct teachings 正教授者

correct the mind 治心

correct theory 正論

correct thinking 如理思惟, 正思量

correct thought 如理思, 正思, 正思惟, 正思擇

correct title 正目

correct transmission of the Buddha-dharma from teacher to student 正傳

correct understanding 如實解, 正解

correct view 正見

correct way 勝義道理

correct wisdom 正智

correct wisdom that is attained through practice 修慧

correct(ed) nature 正性

correct, uplifting speech 正安慰語

corrected according to the rules 如法治

correction of mistaken attachment 對治邪執

corrective 能淨修治

corrective consciousness 對治識

corrective cultivation 對治修

corrective practices 對治道

correctly 以正

correctly abide 如實隨住

correctly apply [oneself] to cultivation 正勤所修

correctly assuming consciousnesses 意伺

correctly contemplate 如理觀察

correctly criticize 正毀

correctly eliminating 正斷

correctly establishes 正安處

correctly exerted practice 正勤修

correctly express 正顯

correctly fulfilling speech 正廣恣語

correctly mindful and accurately knowing 正念正知

correctly mindful wisdom 正念慧

correctly observe 如實觀照, 如理觀

correctly plants 能正安立

correctly purges 正除遣

correctly raise up 能正策擧

correctly refutes 正破

correctly train 能正修, 能正修學

correctly(...) 能正

correspond 相當

corresponding 如應, 相稱

corresponding principle 順正理

corresponding realms 同分界

corrupt 下產生, 貪穢

corrupt, or base desires 弊欲

corruptible body 壞滅身

cotton 綿

cottony material of fine texture 屈眴

couch 佉啁羅, 卧具, 小長床

couch or bed

couches and mats 榻蓆


council at Rājagṛha 王舍城結集

council of the Five Hundred 五百集法, 五百結集

council of the five hundred arhats 五百羅漢聚集

council of the seven hundred 七百結集

Council of the Seven Hundred 七百集法

count 算數, 算計, 計挍, 計量

count on support 扶接

count to the utmost limits 計限

countable 可數

counted 墮數

counted among the sentient and the insentient 情無情數

countenance 容顏, 面顏容, 顏姿, 顏容


counter argument 對論

counter pervasion 倒遍

counteract desire and craving 治欲貪

counteracted 所對治

counteracted by faith 信所對治

counteracted by tirelessness 無厭倦所對治

counteracted with indifference 捨所對治

counteractive agent(s) 能對治

counteracts with kindness [compassion] 慈所對治


counterfeit teaching(s) 似正法

countless 無央數, 無數

countless and limitless 無量無邊

countless births and deaths 無量生死

countless factors of the mind 沙心

countless incalculably long eons 無量阿僧祇劫

countless millions of eons 無量億劫

countless multitude 無量衆

countless myriad[s] 千萬億

countless sentient beings 無量衆生

countless skillful means 無數方便

countless varieties 無量品類, 無量種

countlessness of types 品無量

country ,

country people 鄉人

courageous and decisive 勇決

courageous disposition 稟性勇決

course 娜耶

course of action 去就

course of conduct of a bodhisattva 菩薩業, 菩薩行法

course of cyclic existence 生死道

course of the (Buddha-)Path 道跡

courses of activity 趣行

courses of life and birth 行跡趣入

courses through birth and death without defiled action 行生死無雜染行

coursing through birth in the formless realm 無色界生行


court maiden 綵女

court of blessedness 福庭

court of Mañjuśrī 文殊院

court of the earthly kings 世間天院

court of the eight-petaled lotus in the middle of the garbhadhātu 中臺八葉院

court of Vairocana Tathāgata 如來部


courtesy and modest 禮讓

courts of darkness 冥庭

courtyard 波演那, 波衍那

cover , , , , , 覆翳, 覆陰, 隱敝

cover one's form 蔽形

cover one's tracks 晦迹

cover the face 掩色, 覆面

cover the mud with one's hair 布髮掩泥, 掩泥毫髮

covered 所覆

covered by nets 網羅覆其上

covered in wrinkles 襵多

covered seats 被位

covered-shoulders 通兩肩法, 通披, 通肩

covering 蔭蓋, 陰蓋

covering heaven 蓋天

covering the ground with straw 草覆地毘尼

coverings and tethers 蓋纏

covers and guards 覆護

cover-stone of pagoda or lantern 屋蓋石

covet 尼延底, 尼近底, 深入,

coveting 求報

covetous thought 貪意

covetousness 增伺, 慳貪, , 貪愛

cow bezoar aid 牛黃加持

cow dung 牛屎, 瞿摩

cow-dung 牛糞

cow-dung seed 牛糞種

cowherd 牧牛

cowrie white as snow 珂雪

cow's urine 瞿摸怛羅

crab , 迦羅迦吒




crag 世羅, 勢羅, , 施羅



crane-garden 鶴苑


crash together 衆合


crave , 慾愛,

crave and be attached to 貪著

craved 所貪

craving , 貪取, 貪愛

craving and enjoyment 貪喜

craving and grasping 愛取

craving and ill-will 欲瞋, 貪恚, 貪欲瞋恚, 貪瞋

craving and so forth 貪等

craving as defilement 貪使, 貪欲使

craving for (enjoyment of) worldly possessions 世財貪喜

craving, ill-will, and delusion 貪恚癡

craving, ill-will, and folly 欲瞋癡

craving, ill-will, and ignorance 貪嗔癡

craving, ill-will, delusion, and pride 貪瞋癡慢


crazy flowers 狂華


create , 造化

create an object 作義利

create as one wishes 作隨意

create karma 成業

create merit 作功德

create obstacles 作障礙

create obstructions 生礙

create the intention [to seek enlightenment] 作心

create with supernormal power 化作

created (by a person) 人作

created 已作, 有爲

created based upon other things 他作

created by the mind 心所作

created effect 作果

created from activity 業所作

created from illusion 幻作

created from one's own activities (karma) 自業所作

created in response 應作

created matter 造色

created seeds 成種

created/manifested by the Dharma 法所化

creates fear 生怖畏

creates unremitting activity (karma) 造無間業

creation (of objects) 所造

creation 能作

creation of enjoyment 化樂

creation of enjoyment heaven 化樂天

creative 生性

creator 作者, 創造主

creature 生者

creditable discourse 言敦肅

creeping or climbing plants

creeping species 蠕動之類

cremate 蛇維

cremation 涅疊般那, 湼疊般那, 火葬, 耶維, 荼毘, 闍維

cremation of a corpse 茶毘

crematory 士饅頭

crepe-wrapped tray 拌袱, 柈袱, 盤袱

cries out, weeping 號泣

crime 罪業

crime has been committed (past tense) 犯已

crime of stealing 盜罪

crimes accumulated in cyclic existence 生死罪

crimes against the saṃgha

crimes for which one may not necessarily be excommunicated 僧伽婆尸沙, 僧殘

crimes of omission 止犯

crimes requiring expiation 尼薩耆, 尼薩耆波夜提, 波夜提

crimes which require expiation 波逸提

criminal 罪人


critical analysis 思擇

criticism 苦言, 著語

criticize , 呵責, 懇責, 興謗難, , 評註, 謗難, 譏評, 難詰, 面譏

criticize another's position 妨難

criticize the biased and refute the lesser [teachings] 彈偏析小

criticize the limited and refute the lesser [teachings] 彈偏折小

critique 論難, 雌黃

crocodile 倶尾羅, 倶毘羅, 叔叔摩羅, 金毘囉, 金毘羅,

crooked 了戾, 偏戾, 儱戾, 曲戻, 繚關

crookedness; 奢陀

crops 苗稼

cross a river 度河

cross one's legs 加趺

cross over (to the shore of liberation)

cross over , , ,

cross the log bridge 過木橋

cross the river 渡河

crossbar of a scale


crossed out with a stroke of the pen 一筆勾, 一筆勾銷

cross-examiner 問者

crossroad 四衢道

crosswise and upright 橫竪

crouch , 蹲伏

crow , 迦迦迦

crowd , 湊滿

crowded 迫迮

crowding sheep

crowds of sage-recluses 群仙


crown of grass 沙髻

crown of liberation 解脫冠

crown prince 太子

crows 烏鵲

crude , 麤品

crude bonds 麤纏

crude crime 麤罪

crude objects 麤境

cruel 暴弊


crush seed for oil 壓油

crushing 能摧


crutch 拄杖子

cry , 叫喚, ,

cry out nirvāṇa 唱寂

crying voice [of an animal] 鳴聲

crystal 塞頗胝加, 塞頗致迦, 水晶, 水精, 玻璃, 珊瑚, 迦柘末尼, 迦遮末尼, 頗梨, 頗黎

crystal beads 頗梨珠

crystal-clear maṇi

cuckoo 倶枳羅, 倶繫羅, 拘枳羅, 拘耆羅, 瞿枳羅, 瞿翅羅, 空鳥, 鳩夷羅, 鳩那羅

cuckoo of impermanence 無常鵑

cultivate [goodness] and to eliminate [harmful habits] 修斷

cultivate 修理, 修設, 修進, 研習, 脩理, 興修

cultivate a sense of shame 修慚愧, 修習慚愧

cultivate and eliminate 習滅

cultivate and gather (virtue) 修集

cultivate application 修加行

cultivate correct practices 修正行

cultivate corrective practices 修對治

cultivate disillusionment 修厭

cultivate friendship 結親

cultivate good practices 修諸善行

cultivate goodness 作善, 習善

cultivate goodness and eliminate evil 習善滅惡

cultivate merit and vow 修諸功德願

cultivate morality 修戒

cultivate patience 修習忍

cultivate penitence 修懺

cultivate practices assiduously 修習多修習

cultivate skillful means 修方便, 勤修方便

cultivate the causes (of enlightenment) 修因

cultivate the mind 修心

cultivate the practices and views conducive to enlightenment 修道品

cultivate the way 脩道

cultivate virtuous behavior 修福

cultivate wholesome roots 修善本, 修習善根

cultivate wholesome speech 修習善語

cultivate wisdom 脩惠

cultivated abundantly 多修習已

cultivated and the innate are not two distinct things 修性不二門

cultivated evil 修惡

cultivated simultaneously [with] 修倶行

cultivates 能修習

cultivates bodhisattva practices 修菩薩行

cultivates merit 修功德

cultivates merits 修諸功德

cultivates pure practices 修梵行

cultivates the practice of tranquility 修止行

cultivates tranquility 修止

cultivates unwearying practice 修行無厭倦行

cultivates wholesome factors 修習諸善法

cultivates wholesome roots 修習善本

cultivates wisdom 修惠

cultivating attention (devotion) 修習作意

cultivating compassion 修慈

cultivating merit 修德

cultivating moral character 修養

cultivation 修業, 修習, 勝修

cultivation and completion 修習圓滿

cultivation and nature 修性

cultivation and realization 修證

cultivation in abundance 修廣大

cultivation of (awareness of) impermanence 無常修

cultivation of attention 作意修習

cultivation of calm abiding and insight 修止觀

cultivation of compassion 修悲

cultivation of concentration 定修

cultivation of good mental states 攝正法

cultivation of goodness 修善

cultivation of impurity 修不淨

cultivation of non-joy 非樂修

cultivation of selflessness 無我修

cultivation of the truth 修行法

cunning 邪聰


curativeness 良藥


cure 攻療

cure disease 救療, 救藥

curl between the eyebrows 白毫

curled up hair 螺髮

curling 螺文

current 駛流

current of desire 愛流, 欲流

current of wrong views 見流

currently active 現在行

curse 呪罵, 咒詛,

curtail the digression 且止廣諍

curtain of pure gems 尸羅幢

curtained couches 床帳

cushion ,

customs 習慣, 風俗

cut [asunder] 割截

cut , , , ,

cut a body in half with a single swing of a sword 劍下分身

cut a body into pieces 割截身體

cut expenses 減費

cut in two

cut off [the other] nine realms 斷九

cut off 刈除, 割斷, ,

cut off from oneself 自截

cut off language 絕言

cut off nine [realms, afflictions] by focusing on the principle 緣理斷九

cut off the nine classes of affliction 斷九品

cut off the seeds of great compassion 斷大慈種

cut the garments according to the body 稱體裁衣

cut, divided, split 能斷滅

cuts off good [roots] 斷善

cuts off the web of doubt 決斷疑網

cutting 斷截, 能斷

cutting off desire 捨欲

cutting off language 言斷

cutting off of one's good roots of meritorious practice 斷善根

cutting off the nine classes of affliction together 兼斷九品惑

cutting off the path of language 言語道斷

cutting off the path of language, annihilating the locus of mental functioning 言語道斷心行處滅

cutting one's intestines 斷腸

cutting the bonds of retribution 果縛斷

cuttingly 如切

cycle of suffering in the three realms 三界苦輪

cyclic existence 僧娑洛, 輪囘, 輪迴

cyclic existence and its cessation 生死涅槃

cymbals , 銅抜, 鐃鈸, 鐃鏡




dagger-like spike 金剛橛

daily 日夜

daily activity 治生產業

daily living necessities 必需品

daily written record 日乘, 日記, 日鑑

Dalai Lama 大喇嘛, 達賴喇嘛

damaged 殘缺, 殘闕

damaging oneself and damaging others 自損損他

dame of the bushel 斗姥

dampness , 穢濕

dance 勇逸, , 舞戲, , 踴逸,

dance alternately 對舞

dance for joy 欣踊

dance with great joy 踊躍大歡喜

dancer 俳優,

dances for joy 欣勇

danger and tiredness 危疲

dangerous ,

dangerous amusements 凶戲

Daoism 老莊思想, 道家思想, 黃老

Daoist 道家

Daoist classics 仙經

Daoist Classics 道經

Daoists 道士

Daolang 道朗


dare not 不敢

dare to match himself against (?) 敢能當

dares to do 敢作

dark (or obscure) dust (or objects of the sense-organs) 冥塵

dark 冥然, 昏昧, , , 深玄, 蔽闇, 黑冥, 黑闇, , 黯黕

dark destinies 幽途

dark elements 黑品

dark night 闇夜

dark part [of the month] 黑分, 黑月

dark purple 紺靑

dark realm(s) 冥界

dark room 闇室

dark sister 黑闇女

dark sky and heavy rain 陰雨

dark way is formless 冥道罔象

dark, ignorant, or doubting mind 闇心

darkened 昏昏

darkened spirit 神闇

darkness , 冥冥, 幽冥, , , 暗蔽, 闇蔽, 陰冥

darkness and light 幽明

darkness of delusion 癡闇

darkness of ignorance 昏盲闇

data field of odor 香塵

date of the Buddha's death 涅槃月日

dative case 所爲聲, 爲格

daub one's body with ashes 塗灰

daub one's body with mud and ash 抹土塗灰

daubs 塗治

daubs with (?) 堊塗

daughter of a great clan 族姓女

daughters of Māra 魔女

dauntless mind 心無怯劣

dawn ,

day 一日, , , 晝分, 蘇利耶

day and a night 一日一夜

day and night 晝夜

day of abstinence 法齋日

day of confession 自恣日

day of connection 緣日

day of decease 正忌

day of memorial for an elder 愍忌

day of the emperor's accession 景命日

day of the monks confessional 僧自恣日

day when the Buddha first preached 轉法輪日

day without work is a day without food 一日不作一日不食

daybreak 明旦

day's abiding 晝行

days and nights pass one after the other 經歷彼彼日夜等位

days of purification 齋日

days of remembrance 囘忌

daytime robber 白拈, 白拈賊

dazzling 晃耀

dazzling radiance 炎明

dead 亡者, 死者

dead and gone 死亡

dead phrase 死句

deadly sin 殃罪, 殃釁


deaf and blind 聾盲

deal with 對待

dealing with rebuke and punishment of a wrongdoer 呵責犍度


death 末剌諵, 物故, 遷謝

death and rebirth 死生

death by accident — said not to be determined by previous karma 非業

death by inconceivable transformation 不思議變易死

death from external conditions 外緣死

deathless 不死沒

debate 諍論

debate in itself 論體性

debate's ornament 論莊嚴

debilitaing hindrances 麤重障

debilitating 麁重

debilitating aspect of the store consciousness 麤重相識

debilitating hindrances eliminated in the path of insight 見斷麤重

debilitating hindrances from remnant contamination 有漏麤重

debilitating hindrances of simple contamination 漏麤重

debilitating tendencies that obstruct cognition 所知障品所有麤重

debilitation 麤行, 麤重

debilitations of thought 心麤重

debilitative afflictive binding 麤重縛

debilitative aspect 麤重相

debt , 負財

debt 擧賈, 負財物

decadent bodhisattva 敗壞菩薩

decay 叉耶, 壞滅,

decayed 頓弊

decaying flower 萎花

deceased relative or friend 緣佛

deceit 虛誑, , 誑偽, 誑惑, , 諂曲, 邪僞

deceit and guile 誑諂

deceitful words 誑語

deceive 傾滅, 欺怠, 欺惑, 欺紿

deceived in regard to [the reality of] phenomena 法妄

deceived intelligence 妄慧

deceiver 落賺

deception , 欺誑, 詐僞,

decide , 判斷,

decide a dispute and cause harmony 斷和

decide resolutely 決了

decided 正爲

decided rule 典要

decidedly 決定

decision by majority vote 多語毘尼

decision making 決定思

decision whether or not to undertake the debate 論出離

decisive discrimination 決定分別

declare 宣令, 宣布詔, 宣暢說, 宣語, 散吿, 演布, 稱說

declared as 此名

decline 不饒益, 推却,

declines and wanes 衰變

declivity of ill-will 瞋使

decorate 挍飾, 莊嚴,

decorate and use 飾用

decorate ornately 綺飾

decorate with inlaid gold, silver, etc. 瑩飾廁鈿

decorates 交飾

decorates with whitewash 堊飾

decorating oneself with jewelry and perfume 塗飾香鬘

decoration for a horse's bridle

decoration of one altar 一壇構

decoration of the beard 傅飾鬚

decorations of a carriage 軒飾

decrease , , 減損

decreased 已滅

decree 敕令,

dedicate one's life to charity 身布施

dedicate one's mind toward enlightenment 迴向菩提

dedication 歸敬序

dedication of merit 囘向

dedication of the distinct teaching as the cultivation of the perfect teaching 別向圓修

deduction , 比量

deed 作事, 羯磨

deed 所感

deed of killing 殺業, 煞業

deeds 身業

deeds of a buddha 佛行

deeds of a former life 宿作

deeds of a lion 師子行

deep , 湛爾, 玄邃


deep and dark 窈窈, 窈窈冥冥

deep and grave 深重

deep and pure 深淨

deep and shallow 深淺

deep blue 碧潭

deep blue color 紺青, 紺青色

deep blue eyes 目紺青

deep darkness 重闇

deep faith 深信

deep meditative absorption 深禪定

deep mountains 深山

deep pit 深坑

deep principle 底理

deep valley 幽谷, 深谷

deep, firm, pure faith 甚深牢固淨信

deep, subtle analysis that penetrates to the core of things 伺察

deeply abiding 甚深住

deeply and broadly 深廣

deeply and firmly 深固

deeply aspire 深樂

deeply enter 深入

deeply filled with the water of the eight excellent qualities 八功德水湛然盈滿

deeply perceive faults and errors 深見過失

deeply perceiving faults and distress 深見過患

deeply produces pure faith 深生淨信

deeply understand 深諦

deep-rooted 深厚

deer 何履那, 曷利拏, 鹿

deer park of the sages 仙人鹿野苑

Deer Park Period 鹿苑時

deer-drawn cart 鹿車

deer-sage 鹿仙



defeat in debate 堕負, 負處

defeating the host of demons 降魔

defecation 抽大解

defective 不具足者

defective in faculty 根缺

defective in religious faculties 根闕

defer minor benefits in order to focus on the essentials 推功歸本


deficiency in correct practices 闕正行

deficient ,

deficient in correct practices 闕於正行

deficient in religious faculties (for the attainment of enlightenment) 根缺者

deficient in study 匱聞

deficient teaching 闕教

defile 染汙, 染覆,

defile a household 汚家

defiled 有染, , 染汚, 濁俗, 雜染

defiled activity 染業

defiled age 濁世

defiled and pure 垢淨

defiled and undefiled 染不染

defiled attachment 染著

defiled conditions 染緣

defiled consciousness 垢識, 染汚意

defiled dharmas 雜染法

defiled existence 垢有

defiled giving 雜染施

defiled grasping of phenomena 雜染所取分別

defiled habituation 垢習, 染數, 染習

defiled ignorance 染汚無知, 染無知

defiled illusion 染幻

defiled karma 業雜染

defiled land 穢國, 穢土

defiled love 染愛

defiled mental states 染汚心

defiled mentation 染汚末那

defiled mind 塵心, 有染心, 染心, 雜染心

defiled mind in a lower stage 下地染汚心

defiled phenomena 染汚法

defiled practice 雜染行

defiled realm 塵世, 塵寰, 染界

defiled state of concentration 世間禪, 有漏定, 有漏禪

defiled thusness 有垢眞如

defiled wisdom 非學非無學智

defiled world 穢刹

defilement (of the physical as type of mental illusion) 垢汗

defilement , , 塵勞, 塵垢

defilement and purity 染淨

defilement and purity in their aspect of non-difference 染淨不二門

defilement associated with attachment 執相應染

defilement associated with discriminating knowledge 分別智相應染

defilement by [false] views 諸見雜染

defilement by affliction 煩惱雜染

defilement by desire 欲雜染

defilement by unwholesome behavior 惡行雜染

defilement from innumerable details 塵沙垢

defilement in which the mind is not associated with fundamental karma 根本業不相應染

defilement in which the mind is not associated with manifest form 現色不相應染

defilement in which the mind is not associated with the subjectively viewing mind 能見心不相應染

defilement of activity 業染汚

defilement that is concomitant with non-interruption 不斷相應染

defilements 染惑, 雜染汚

defilements already exhausted 漏已盡

defilements and difficulties 穢厄

defilements in the mind as numerous as the sands on the banks of the Ganges 染心恆沙

defiles situations (?) 染事

defiling bonds 垢結

defiling crimes 垢罪

defiling morality 戒垢

defiling winds 塵風

defined morality 庶戒

defining activities of the truths 諦行相

defining activity 行相

defining characteristic 自相

definite 墮決定

definite characteristic 決定相

definite time 時決定

definitely existent 定有

definitely exists 決定有

definitely is... 必是

definitely none... 決定無

definitely non-existent 定無, 永無

definitely not 都不, 都不是

definitely understood 決達

definition imputed from different aspects of extinction 寂滅異門施設安立

definitive excellence 決定勝

degenerate age 濁惡世

deign 垂見

deigns to take pity upon 加垂哀

deliberate [conditioned] cultivation 緣修

deliberated 應思

deliberation as its nature 思量爲性

delicate foods 餚饌

delicious 美味

delicious feast 珍膳

delicious foods 美饍

delicious meal 甘膳, 甘饍

delight , 喜樂, , 欣樂, 歡喜

delight in 愛樂

delight in abandonment [of afflictions] 樂斷

delight in from the depths of one's heart 深心愛樂

delighted 嬉怡, 所喜, 歡喜悅

delight-fruit 愛樂果

delightful 可愛樂, 所愛樂

delighting in relinquishment 樂棄捨

delighting in sharing gifts 於惠施中樂分布

delimit 簡言, 能別

delimitation 分界

delimited 分限, 有分限

deliverance 令解脫

deliverance of the great vehicle 大乘出離

delude 惑迷

deluded 愚迷, 無智邪執, 癡迷

deluded and distorted 妄想顚倒

deluded attachment 妄執

deluded attachment to an imaginary self nature 遍計所執自性妄執

deluded beings 迷生

deluded Chan 盲禪

deluded conceptualization 妄想, 妄想分別, 妄想心, 妄想者

deluded consciousness 妄識

deluded dogs 癡狗

deluded in regard to principles 迷理

deluded in regard to the essence, establishing characteristics 迷性立相

deluded in regard to the fundamental reality 迷實

deluded knowledge 妄知

deluded mind 妄心, 迷心

deluded monkey 癡猴

deluded motion 妄動

deluded person 惑人

deluded son 迷子

deluded thought 妄念

deluded type 愚癡類

deludedly cognized world 當情現相

deludedly construct 妄作

deludedly gives rise [to] 妄起

deludedly grasp to the objective realm 妄取境界

delusion 心惑, 昏迷, , 癡無明, 謨賀, , 迷惑, 闇惑

delusion and defilement 妄染

delusion and enlightenment 迷悟

delusion and enlightenment are not two things 迷悟不二

delusion and enlightenment are the same reality 迷悟一如, 迷悟一途

delusion and travail 闇惑勞亂

delusion from attachment 愛著迷

delusion from the stain of evil destinies 惡趣雜染愚癡

delusion in regard to characteristics 迷相

delusion in regard to common characteristics 共相惑

delusion in regard to concrete affairs 迷事惑

delusion in regard to seeing reality 見諦惑

delusion in regard to truths 理惑

delusion of pride 慢惑

delusion regarding the self 我癡

delusion/awakening, cause/effect 迷悟因果

delusions at the highest level of awareness in the conditioned realm 有頂惑

delusions caused by innumerable details 塵沙無知

delusive concept 妄法

delusory production 妄生

demeanor 儀容

demigod 力士, 力者

demigods 無酒, 非天

demitting the good produced by the above eight methods, to others, universally, past, present, and future 迴向方便

demon 早帝梨,

demon fire 鬼火

demon jailer 地獄卒, 獄卒, 那洛迦卒

demon of a privy by a ditch 溝邊溷鬼

demon of death 死魔

demon of desire 愛鬼, 欲魔

demon of sleep 睡魔

demon of the aggregates 蘊魔

demon of the nerves 堆惕鬼

demon of the privy 溷厠鬼

demon shaped like a winter melon 冬瓜鬼

demon who casts spells 厭魅鬼

demon who inhales and eats 噏食

demon who inhales energy 吸氣鬼

demon who inhales human energy 吸人精氣

demon(s) 惡魔

demonic forces as objects (of contemplation) 魔事境

demonic powers 妖通

demonic views 鬼見

demons 諸魔, 阿落刹婆, 阿落迦婆

demons and non-Buddhists 天魔外道

demons of death and of afflictions 死煩惱魔

demons of the mind 心魔, 心魔賊

demon's palace 魔宮, 魔宮殿

demons shaped like men 人吉庶

demons that bring harm to people 鬼魅

demonstrate 示說, 顯暢

den 窠窟

denial of self-nature 非我

denigrate 誹謗

denigrate the buddha or the dharma 毀釋

denigrate the dharma 破法

denigrate the true dharma 誹謗正法

denigrate worthies and sages 謗賢聖

denigrating the three treasures 謗三寶

dense 靉靆

dense forest 密林, 稠林, 長林

dense forest of the ten pernicious views 十種惡見稠林

dense jungle 曠野稠林

dental technician 技工士

denunciation of a good monk without due reason 無根重罪謗他

deny 誹撥

deny the law of cause and effect 因果撥無, 撥無因果

denying the sūtras 違經


depart from this world 去世

departed 已離

depend on 依靠, ,

depend on and stay 依主

depend upon

dependence 依據, 緣性, 能歸

dependency 所依性

dependent and dependently arisen 緣性緣起

dependent and perfect 依圓

dependent arising 緣起, 緣起法

dependent arising from the dharma-realm 法界緣起

dependent arising from the tathāgatagarbha 如來藏緣起

dependent arising of sentient beings 有情緣起

dependent co-arising 緣起合生

dependent on language 言依

dependent on myriad conditions 託衆緣

dependent origination and karma--the Buddhist teachings 緣業

dependent origination arising as caused by karma 業感緣起

dependent power 依通

dependent upon 依託

dependent upon an entity 依緣事

dependently arisen 因緣法

dependently arisen experiential realms 緣生法界

dependently arisen phenomena 緣生法

dependently arisen transmigration 緣起流轉

dependently-arisen existence 緣有

depending on conditions 待緣

depending on existence 有待

depending on that 依彼

depending on the rank 依位

depending on this and that condition 藉彼彼緣

depending on what is heard 依所聞

depending on... 因待

depending upon 爲依

depicted biscuits 畫餠

depiction of hell 地獄圖, 地獄繪, 地獄變, 地獄變相

deportment , 威儀, 威儀行

depraved and selfish 邪私

depraved conduct 螺音狗行

depressed 悒傶, 悒慼, 煩惋

depression 惛沈, 惛沒, 雲心

deputy 副富値

deputy abbot 代理方丈, 護理方丈

deride 調譺

derivative 枝末

derivative afflictions 枝末煩惱

derivative aspect 迹門

derivative aspects 隨相

derivative dharma-wheel 枝末法輪

derivative ignorance 枝末無明

descend 墮在, 墮落, 降下

descend from the hall 下堂

descend from the mountain 出嶺

descend into the world 降世, 降生

descend near 降臨

descend to the floor 下床

descendants 子孫, 胄紹

descendants of the moon 月統

descendants succeed to (?) 胄紹

descent from tuṣita heaven 從兜率天下

descent from Tuṣita Heaven into the womb of his mother Māya 入胎相

descent into the womb 降胎

descent of the [Buddha's] spirit into his mother's womb 降神母胎

describe in detail 具陳

desert 退捨

deserted (or desolate) region 荒域

deserving and perfectly enlightened 應正等覺

deserving of respect 應儀

Deshan's staff 德山棒

designated name 所立名

designation , 增語

designation and symbol 假立名字

designation of essences 自性假立

designations 分別假立

designations defined by extinction 寂滅施設安立

designations of specificities 差別假立

designations which make something known 共知增語

designatory label 假名

designatory labels 施設假名

designed crime 方便罪

desirable 可欣, , 忍可, 所欲

desirable karmic retribution 可愛諸果異熟

desirable results 可愛異熟

desire [realm] and form [realm] 欲色

desire , , 愛慕, , 欲望, 欲樂喜, 欲貪, , 貪愛, 貪欲, 迦摩, 阿羅伽,

desire and pride 愛慢, 欲慢

desire and thirst 愛渴

desire as ravenous as that of a hungry ghost 餓鬼愛

desire awakened by touch 觸欲

desire being like water 貪水

desire death 欲死

desire energy 欲氣

desire food 欲食

desire for existence 有貪

desire for experience 受用欲

desire for flavors 味欲

desire for food 飮食欲

desire for fragrance 香欲

desire for non-existence 無有愛

desire for security 樂相應安隱

desire for sleep 睡眠欲

desire for the Great Vehicle 大乘意

desire for the pleasant, or pleasure 樂欲

desire for the six sense objects 塵欲

desire for the station of nothing whatsoever 無所有處欲

desire for wealth 財欲

desire heaven 念天

desire in one's mind 心中愛

desire is part of reality 貪欲卽是道

desire of [all] three realms 三界欲

desire of emotional love 情欲

desire of the desire realm 欲界欲

desire of the form realm 色界欲, 色貪

desire of the formless realm 無色貪

desire realm 欲界

desire realm with the five destinies 欲界五趣地

desire realm, form, and formless realms 欲界色無色界

desire realm, formless realm, and form realm 欲界色界無色界

desire to do 欲作

desire to save 欲度

desire, anger, delusion 婬怒癡

desire, craving, aspiration 欲求

desire, existence, views and ignorance 欲有見無明

desire, form, and formless [realms] 欲色無色

desire, ill-will, and ignorance 貪欲瞋恚愚癡

desire, ill-will, delusion 染恚癡

desire-awareness 欲覺

desire-based views 貪見

desired to abandon 欲去

desireless 無希望

desire-objects 欲塵

desirer 愛者

desires for evil and unwholesome phenomena 諸欲惡不善法

desires to do... 欲爲

desires to enhance [the circumstances of sentient beings] 欲作饒益

desires to hear 欲聞

desires to make offerings 欲供養

desires to show 欲顯示

desiring and knowing 欲知

desiring and seeing 欲見

desiring mind 有貪心, 貪心

desiring to... 爲欲

desirousness 欲性, 貪性


desolate 蕭然

desolate place 阿練若

despicable 醜惡

despise 賤穢

despise others 蔑他, 輕慢他人, 陵他

despised 可賤, 可輕

despised and held in disdain 可輕可賤


destined for 所趣向

destined to arise 定起

destinies of the three realms 三界道

destiny as an animal 傍行, 帝利耶瞿楡泥伽

destiny of hell 地獄道

destiny of human rebirth 人趣

destiny of hungry ghost 刀途, 鬼趣

destiny-body 道身

destitute 困乏, 貧窮困乏

destroy 破除

destroy all attachments 破法遍

destroy by burning 焚毁

destroy darkness and fulfill the vow 破闇滿願

destroy envy 摧滅嫉心

destroy the bonds of existence—saṃsāra

destroy the harmony of the saṃgha 破僧, 破和合僧, 鬥亂衆僧

destroy the truth 壞道

destroyed 亡泯, 可破,

destroyer of good 破壞善

destructible 可壞

destruction 壞滅

destruction caused by fire 火災

destruction caused by water 水災

destruction caused by wind 風災

destruction of causes 因滅

destruction of defilements through the wisdom of awakening 擇滅無爲

destruction of delusion 斷惑

destruction of mistaken (biased) thought through expedient methods 方便壞

destruction of the body 滅身

destructive 過罪

destructive teachings 遮言

detached 無所依止, 遠離

detached from the mundane world 離世間

detailed 委明

detailed explanation 別申, 廣說者

detailed inspection 審觀察

detailed selective examination 極推尋

detailed text 廣本

detailed understanding 審解了

deteriorate 毀損

determination 勝解, 論議決擇

determine 定判

determined 兀兀, 决定, 定相

determined class [of beings] 正定之聚

determined class of beings 定聚

determined disciples 決定聲聞

determined karma 決定業

determined karma is also changable 定業亦能轉

determined position 定位

determined practice 決定行

determined single-mindedness 決定一心

determined to have a non-Buddhist nature 邪性定

deva of music located in the East 尸棄毘

develop and grow 展轉增長

develop causes [into effects] 轉因

develop with discriminations 分別轉

developing, growing, evolving 轉增長

develops and spreads [the teachings] 增長廣大

devils of the five aggregates 五種魔, 五蘊魔, 五衆魔, 五陰魔

devise an expedient 設方便

devoid of a spiritual family 無種姓

devoid of arrogance 無慢心

devoid of contradiction 不相違

devoid of discrimination 無分別

devoid of fame 不稱

devoid of marks 無相

devoid of stain and spotless 離垢無垢

devolution 下轉

devote oneself to saving others 回施

devote oneself to the salvation of others 廻施

devoted interest 印持, 意解, 阿毘目底

devoted to generosity 祠祀施

devoted to one aim or object or person or theory 一向定

devotee 近童

devotion 信愛, 篤信

devotion to Avalokitêśvara 觀音信仰

devotion to invocation 專名

devotion to meditation 專觀

devotion to praise 專讚嘆

devotion to reading 專讀

devotion to self-torment 受用自苦行

devotion to sensual pleasure 受用欲樂行

devotion to worship 專禮

devour 噉食, 食噉

devourer of energy 吸奪精氣, 嗚周何羅, 奪其精氣, 烏闍訶囉, 烏馱訶羅, 鄔斜訶羅, 食精氣者, 食精氣鬼

devourer of life 時毘多迦羅, 食壽命

devout believer 篤信者, 篤實信者

devout Buddhist 篤實佛子


dew receivers 承露盤, 槃蓋, 盤蓋, 輪蓋, 露盤

dew-laden ground 露地

dew-like life 露命

dha ,


dhāraṇī approach 總持門

dhāraṇī for destroying evil karma 破惡業陀羅尼

dhāraṇī for eliminating poison and restraining harm 銷伏毒害陀羅尼

dhāraṇī for flying powers 健馱梨

dhāraṇī of six-syllable phrases 六字章句陀羅尼

dhāraṇī of the mind of great compassion 大悲心陀羅尼

dhāraṇī recitation 誦呪

dhāraṇī spell 陀羅尼呪

dhāraṇī teachings 陀羅尼門

dhāraṇī-piṭaka 咒藏

dharma [level] of immovability 不動法

dharma [lifestyle] of the householder 家法

dharma 駄摩

dharma and dharma 法法

dharma and precepts 法禁

dharma assembly 法筵, 法衆

Dharma Assembly of the Hundred Seats 百高座

dharma assets 法財

dharma banner 法幢

dharma body Buddha 法佛, 法身佛

dharma body is perfectly complete 法身圓滿

dharma brother 法兄, 法眷

dharma child 法子

dharma citadel 法城

dharma collective 雙傳

Dharma concerning skillful expedients 善權法

dharma craftsman 法匠

dharma discussion 法談

dharma drum 法鼓

dharma emperor 法帝

dharma entry of the single path 一道法門

dharma friend 法友

dharma gate of unity of character 一相法門

dharma heir 法嗣, 法等分

dharma in thirty-seven parts(or stages) which is an aid in (attaining) enlightenment 三十七品助道法

dharma lecture on the merits of the unmoving tathāgata 不動講

dharma lightning 法電

dharma lineage 系譜

dharma literature 法文

Dharma meeting for the discussion of Chan/Seon/Zen 談禪法會

dharma metaphors 法譬

dharma mountain 法山

dharma name 法諱

dharma nature free from binding to affliction and suffering 煩惱苦離繫法性

dharma obstructions 法障

dharma of Acala 不動法

dharma of emptiness 空法

dharma of freedom from desire 離欲法

Dharma of hundredfold merits 百福法

dharma of life 生法

dharma of mind 心法

Dharma of nirvāṇa 涅槃法

Dharma of the Buddha 佛道法

dharma of the great vehicle 大乘法

dharma of the Tathāgata 如來法

Dharma preacher 說法師

Dharma preacher 說法者

Dharma radiance 法明

dharma rain 法雨

dharma realm Buddha 法界佛

dharma realm concentration 法界定

dharma roof 法宇

dharma seat 法席

dharma summer 法夏

dharma talk hall 說法堂

dharma teacher 教法師

dharma teaching of the one vehicle 一乘法門

dharma test 法擧揚

dharma that is attained 所得法

dharma that is beyond language 離言法

dharma that is not two 不二之法

dharma transformation 法化

dharma transmission 系脈

dharma transmitter 傳法師

dharma treasure 法寶

dharma voice 法音

dharma wheel that is turned 所轉法輪

dharma without characteristics 無相之法

dharma-abiding cognition 法住智

dharma-assembly at Vulture Peak 靈山法會

dharma-assembly of equality 無遮會

dharma-bell 法鈴

dharma-body 法身

dharma-body as wisdom 智法身

dharma-body of perfect fruition 果極法身

dharma-body still in a state of defilement 在纏位法身

dharma-bridge 法橋

dharma-cloud 法雲

dharma-cloud of virtual enlightenment 法雲等覺

dharma-companion 法侶

dharma-consecration 法灌頂

dharma-donation 法布施

dharma-equality 法平等

dharma-eye 法眼

dharma-family 法門家

dharma-flower 法華

dharma-flower absorption 法華三昧

dharma-follower 法行者

dharma-gate 法門

dharma-gate of non-duality 不二法門

dharma-gate of unfathomable liberation 不可思議解脫法門

dharma-gathering 法集

dharma-gathering place 法會社

dharma-grandson 法孫

dharma-hall 法堂

dharma-hymn 法頌

dharma-joy 法悅

dharma-king of all the Śākyas 諸釋法王

dharma-life 法命

dharma-lineage (?) 法種

dharma-lineage 法脈

dharma-master of the great vehicle 大乘法師

dharma-meghā 法雲地

dharma-milk 法乳

dharma-mirror 法鏡

dharma-name 法名

dharma-nature according with conditions 法性隨緣

dharma-nature and thusness 法性眞如

dharma-nature body 法性身

dharma-nature buddha 法性佛

dharma-nature in the sphere of delusion 法性隨妄

dharma-nature of itself 法性自爾

dharma-offerings 法供, 法養

dharma-perfection 法波羅蜜

Dharma-preacher 法都講

dharma-protecting deity 護法神

dharma-realm and dharma-gate 法界法門

dharma-realm of mind-only 唯心法界

dharma-realm of thusness 眞如法界

dharmas are without past and future 法無去來宗

dharmas that are at the level of warmth 煖法

dharma-scrolls 法卷

dharma-sea 法海

dharma-seal 法印

Dharma-seat 法床, 法座

dharma-seeking monk 求法僧

dharma-source 法本

dharma-store 法藏

dharma-sword 法劍

dharma-talk 法語

dharma-transmission 傳法

Dharma-treasure Monastery 法寶寺刹

dharma-tree 法樹

dharma-truth 曇諦

dharma-vessel 法器

dharma-water 法水

dharma-wheel assimilating the derivative into the original 攝末歸本法輪

Dharma-wheel which has twelve aspects (or forms) 十二行法輪

dharmic diet 法食

dhyāna of [six] supranormal powers and [three illuminating] insights 通明禪

diabetes(?) 乾痟

diadem 寶瓔珞, 瓔珞

diagram of the coming of the welcome 來迎圖

diagram of the nine aspects 九想圖, 九相圖

diagram of the nine levels of going to be born in the heaven of total bliss 九品往生圖

dialectician 能尋思者


diamond body 金剛身

diamond gate 金剛門

diamond insight 金剛觀

diamond master 金剛阿闍梨

Diamond Mountain 金剛山

diamond royal-gem enlightenment 金剛王寶覺

diamond skin 金剛皮

diamond store 金剛藏

diamond vehicle 金剛乘

diamond wheel 金剛輪

diamond-blaze 金剛炎

diamond-like samādhi 金剛喩定

dichotomy 二法

dictionary 辭典, 音義

die 末刺諵, , 潛逝, 薨殪

die of old age 壽沒

die young 夭傷

die, Chan monk 死禪和子

differ 殊異, 爲異, , 異性

difference 分齊, 差特, 異狀, 異相

difference and non-difference 異不異性

difference between worldling and sage is in their correctness 凡聖依正

difference in characteristics 相有異

difference in quality 德異

differences in genealogy 種類差別

differences in view 違諍

different 異方

different and not-different 異不異

different aspect of the characteristic (?) 相之異分

different aspects of extinction 寂滅異門

different cause 異因

different desires (goals, intentions, views) 異欲

different explanation 異說

different from emptiness 異空

different group 異部

different in name but same in meaning 名別義通

different interpretation 異解

different mind 異心

different mouths, same voice 異口同音

different name 異名

different sort 異品類

different view 異見

different views 別見

differentiated rules of liberation for the eight orders 八種別解脫戒

differentiation 別異

differentiation into categories [types] 差別品類

differentiation of the three moral natures 三性分別

differing arguments 異諍

differing attachments 異執

differing from each other 各異

differing from the above 與上相違

differing theory 異論

differing, but individually valid reasons that lead to the completion of contradictory propositions 決定相違, 相違決定

differs 簡異

difficult 爲難,

difficult and painful situation(s) 艱難事

difficult causes and conditions of life 命難因緣

difficult circumstances 難處

difficult to (put into) practice 難行

difficult to actualize 難證

difficult to attain 難得

difficult to attain and difficult to realize 難得難證

difficult to avoid 難免

difficult to be borne 難可領受

difficult to believe 難信

difficult to come across and difficult to meet 難值難見

difficult to comprehend 難解

difficult to control 難調

difficult to define 難可定判

difficult to distinguish 難別

difficult to eliminate 難斷

difficult to encounter 難值, 難遇

difficult to enter 難入

difficult to fathom 甚難思, 難可了, 難可測, 難可測量, 難測, 難量

difficult to know 難了知, 難可知

difficult to maintain 難持

difficult to perceive 難見

difficult to show 難顯

difficult to subdue 難伏

difficult to subue — irrepressible 不可降伏, 難調不可降伏

difficult to teach 難化

difficult to treat 難治

difficult to understand 難可了知, 難知

difficulties of the world 世難

difficulty 嶮難, 疑難,

difficulty of good behavior being hindered by evil 留難

difficulty of maintaining celibacy 梵難


dig , 穿掘

dig into the earth 掘地

dignified appearance 威容

dignity 威儀

digression 乘論

digression 傍論

diligence 精進, 精進力

diligent 勤心

diligently cultivate goodness 勤修善

diligently cultivates 懃修, 懃脩

dim , 恍然

dim and deep marsh 幽藪

dim lamp 昧燈

dim the radiance and mingle with the dust 和光同塵

diminished 減少


dimmed consciousness 昏識

dine ,

dinner-gong 飯磬


direct answer 一向記

direct awareness 現事

direct cause 正因, 近因

direct cause of (buddha-)nature 正因性

direct disciple body 聲聞身

direct disciple monk 聲聞僧

direct disciples and solitary realizers 聲聞獨覺, 聲聞緣覺, 聲聞辟支佛

direct insight 現量智

direct method that eschews expediency 正直捨方便

direct path to enlightenment that is hard for the mundane to believe 世間難信捷徑

direct pointing 直旨

direct practice of the six perfections 正行六度

direct preceptor 戒和上

direct purpose (for Śākyamuni) to appear in this world 出世本壞

direct refutation 奪破

direct retribution 正報

direct testimony 現前毘尼

direct transmission 單傳, 直傳

directed towards perceptual objects 緣諸境界

direction 向方, 方角, 方詣, 方隅

directions and places 方所

directive causes 引因

directive karma 引業, 牽引業, 牽生業

directive karma that produces results of a general character 引總報

directly 便頓, 卽便, 直下

directly achieve perfect enlightenment 便成正覺

directly achieving enlightenment at the point of the first arousal of the intention [to attain enlightenment] 初發心時便成正覺

directly and fully enlightened 現等正覺

directly apprehend 卽得

directly arrive to 直至

directly attain 便證

directly clarify 正明

directly cognize 直緣

directly cognized object 現境

directly enters 卽入

directly from... 便從

directly manifested 正現

directly pointing to people's minds 直指人心

directly presented with 正現前

directly proceeding 直往

directly realize 直證

directly see the buddhas 現見諸佛

directly show 正示

directly showing 單提

director 主事, 主宰

director of duties 授事

director of monks 僧都, 大僧正

director of monks in the capital 大僧統

director of the order 大沙門統

director of the practice hall 堂司行者

director of the three ceremonies 三禮師

directorate for sūtra publication 刊經都監

dirt 剌闍, 囉惹, 垢膩, 塵穢, 邦土

dirt cave 土窟

dirty 有塵

dirty fingers 觸指

disables latencies 害隨眠

disadvantageous 無益

disadvantageous circumstances 不饒益事

disaffection with everything worldly 一切世間不可樂想

disagree with 乖離

disagreeable 不順意, 意不悅, 違意, 非愛

disagreeable objects 違境

disagreeable speech 言不威肅

disagreement 乖違, 互違

disagreement with the world 界互違

disappear 化去, 滅沒, , 謝滅, 隱沒

disappear for a long time 久沒

disappear gradually 漸滅

disappearance 永滅沒

disappearance of the dharma 法滅

disaster 殃禍, 災患,

disaster and blame 殃咎

disaster and epidemic 災厲

disaster of a fire 火變

disatisfactory situation 苦事

discard 令去, 捨離

discard the coarse 廢麤

discarded 可捨

discarding relative truths in favor of the ultimate truth 廢權立實

discarding the five obscurations 棄五蓋

discarding the prior rules 廢前教

discern 辧肯,

discern the features of 相視


discerning awareness 鑒覺

discerning the characteristics of the hindrances 定障相

discerning the essence 辨體

discerning wisdom 辯才之智

discerning wisdom limb of enlightenment 擇法覺支

discernment of marks 辨相

disciple 徒弟, 門下, 門侶, 門弟, 門徒

disciple(s) of the Buddha 佛弟子

disciples 諸弟子

disciples and solitary realizers 聲獨, 聲緣

disciples of the Buddha 佛聖弟子, 聖弟子

disciples of the lotus 蓮華子

disciples who are proceeding to extinction 趣寂聲聞

disciplinarian 戒律主義者

disciplinary approach 制門

disciplinary precepts 律儀戒

discipline 杜多, 杜荼

discipline of cow-like wandering 牛戒

discipline of meditation 禪學

disciplined 修調

disciplines and Dharma of the disciples (of the Buddha) 弟子法戒

disciplines of the disciples (of the Buddha) 弟子戒

disciplining of all sentient beings 一切有情調伏

disclose 發露, , 開顯

disclose merit 顯德

disclose the truth 發眞

disclosed 所開, 所開示, 顯成

discloses [for them] 爲開解

disclosing 能制立

disclosing reality through the eight negations 八不顯實

disclosing, indicating, awakening [sentient beings], and [making them] enter 開示悟入

disclosive language 提舍那

disclosure of the fundamental 顯本


discontent 不生喜

discordant 乖角

discouraged 自屈

discouragement 心下劣, 心下劣性

discourse (upon)


discourse and affairs 言說事

discourse as desired 隨欲言教

discourses concerning renunciation 厭離言教

discourses concerning the noble ones 聖正言教

discourses that free one from obscurations and transcend attachment 離蓋趣愛言教

discourses that generate purposeful longing 能生樂欲言教

discretionary practice 自由精進

discriminate / i 分別而生

discriminate 審正思擇, 簡別, 計度, 近解了,

discriminate and adhere to characteristics 分別取相

discriminate and attach to (the five aggregates, etc.) as self 分別執爲我

discriminate between the incorrect and correct 料揀

discriminated and appropriated 分別執

discriminated attachment to phenomena 分別法執

discriminated bases 分別所依

discriminated nature 性分別

discriminated objects 分別境

discriminated referents 分別所緣

discriminated view of a real self 分別薩迦耶見

discriminated view of a self 分別我見

discriminates 能分別

discriminates from moment to moment 念念分別

discriminates words 名言分別

discriminating answer 分別記

discriminating cognition 分別智

discriminating consciousness 分別識

discriminating knowledge 慮知

discriminating mental consciousness 分別意識

discriminating mind (discursive thought) 分別意

discriminating phenomena 分別諸法

discriminating thought 分別心

discriminating view 分見

discriminating wisdom 分別慧, 分別覺, 智識, 量智

discriminatingly explained as three 分別說三

discrimination 分別, 分段, 情見

discrimination by ordinary beings 凡夫分別

discrimination held in common 共分別

discrimination in terms of attachment to phenomena 法執分別

discrimination of characteristics 相分別

discrimination of compounds 總執分別

discrimination of differences 異分別

discrimination of distinctions 差別分別

discrimination of essences 分別自體, 自體分別

discrimination of existence 有分別

discrimination of 'I' 我分別

discrimination of 'mine' 我所分別

discrimination of names and characteristics 相名分別

discrimination of self-nature 自性分別

discrimination of subject and object 能所差別

discrimination of the appealing 愛分別

discrimination of the manifestation of marks 相顯現分別

discrimination of the mutual distinction between the attractive and the unattractive 愛不愛倶相違分別

discrimination of the unattractive 不愛分別

discrimination power 分別力

discrimination produced through mental contact 意觸所生想

discrimination-base 分別依

discriminative cognition 有分別智

discrminations that are attached to 所取分別

discursive 有覺

discursive temperament 尋思行

discursive thought 尋求心, 想慮, 戲論想, 隨尋

discursive thought and investigation 尋伺, 尋求伺察

discursive wisdom 戲論智

discursively imagined character 有覺分別相

discuss 優婆提舍, 評論, 論說, 諮講,

discuss and consult 談議

discuss non-existence and talk of existence 談空說有

discuss the meaning [of the scriptures] 談義

discuss thoroughly (or evenhandedly) from the standpoint of reality 剋實通論, 據實爲論, 據實而論, 據實通論

discuss with and explain to the body of monks the proposals of work to be undertaken 白二羯磨

discussed 所論

discussing both (or all three, etc.) together 通而論之

discussion 談論

discussion of phenomena 事論

discussions of the doctrine 論議

disdain 輕慢

disdain for the dharma 輕法

disease 疹疾, 病痛

disease as an object (of contemplation) 病患境

disease of affliction 煩惱病

disease of sexual desire 淫欲病

disgraced 受毀辱

disgust 厭逆, 心厭離

disgusted mind 厭心

disgusting 可惡

disgusting odor 生臭


disharmony 不和

disheartened , 儻然, 心生退屈

disheveled 蓬亂

dishonored 輕陵

disillusion 厭患

disillusioned with cyclic existence 厭惡生死

disintegration 壞散

disintegration and destruction 散壞

disintegration of the body 身壞

dislike 厭惡, , 嫌惡, ,

disliked by people 機嫌

dislikes worldly talk 不欣世語

dismiss 分散

dismissal of the summer retreat 解制, 解夏


disordered 擾擾, 濁亂

disorderly 胡亂

disorderly monk 亂僧

disoriented 四方易處

disparage 毀呰, 毀訾, 陵蔑

disparage others 毀他

disparage the buddha 破佛

disparage the dharma 謗法

disparagers of the dharma 謗法者

dispassionate 厭捨

dispatch 爲遣

dispatch an envoy 遣使

dispels 遂使

dispensary 湯藥寮

dispenser of medicines 侍藥, 指湯果, 湯藥侍者

dispersed 散在

disperser 散香師

disperser's rod 散香

displaying 能顯

displeased 不快

displeasing 怨憎, 異意

disposal of the body of the corpse in the forest 林葬

disposition [of cessation-and-contemplation] 氣分

disposition 志姓, 志性, , 隨眠

disposition and applied practices 意樂加行

disposition for the two vehicles 二乘根性


dispute 辯難, 違諍事, , , 鬪諍

disputes and quarrels 鬥訟, 鬪訟

disregard 輕賤, 除捨

disregard or oppose others and follow one's own way 違他順自

disrespectful 怠慢


dissatisfaction 無喜足

dissatisfied 不足

disseminate the teachings 布教

disseminate to the world 流布

dissemination of the teaching 傳道

dissemination section 流通分

dissension 鬥諍

dissimilar 不相, 不相似

dissimilar-partial, similar-whole 異品一分轉同品遍轉

dissipation 放逸性

dissipation and laziness 放逸懈怠

dissociated 離繫

dissociation 離繫者

dissolute 盪逸, 蕩逸

dissolute mind 心性下劣

distance 遠近

distance from 遠去

distance the lowing of an ox can be heard 枸盧舍

distant 疏遠, , ,

distant causal referent(s) 疎所緣緣

distant referents as causal condition 疏所緣緣

distant traces 遐跡

distantly removed from all marks 遠離衆相

distantly removed from good Buddhist teachers 遠離善知識

distantly sees 遙見

distantly-permeating fragrance 馨香

distaste for suffering 厭苦之心

distilled liquor 窣唎, 窣羅, 翻酒

distinct (teaching) that includes the perfect 圓兼一別

distinct 不共, 現照, 非共

distinct advancing to perfect 圓接別

distinct categories of affliction 煩惱品別

distinct characteristics 不共相

distinct discrmination 不共分別

distinct effects 分別果

distinct karmic reward 別報

distinct practices 不共行

distinct seeds 所有種

distinct states of mindfulness 別相念處

distinct teaching 別教

distinct teaching of the one vehicle 別教一乘

distinct teachings applicable to a certain group of students 不共教

distinct transformation (of bodhisattvas) 別化

distinction [classification] by time division 時分分別

distinction 分際, 差別, 行布

distinction according to type 品類差別, 類差別

distinction among [the three] vehicles 乘差別

distinction among seeds 種子差別

distinction between (types of) afflictions 煩惱差別

distinction between [the three] vehicle teachings 乘差別性

distinction in (according to) meaning 義別

distinction in five natures 五姓各別, 五性差別

distinction in levels 地差別

distinction in skillful means for transforming the mind (?) 心轉善巧差別

distinction in the skillful means of the mind 心善巧差別

distinction of compositional elements 界差別

distinction of good and evil (causes) 定異

distinctions among the ten powers 十力差別

distinctions between people 人差別

distinctions in appearance 色類差別

distinctions in behavior 行跡差別

distinctions in bodily sensations 身受差別

distinctions in characteristics 相差別

distinctions in defining activities 行相差別

distinctions in desire 欲差別

distinctions in hindrances 障差別

distinctions in karmic activity 業用差別

distinctions in life-span 壽量差別

distinctions in meaning 義差別

distinctions in modes of rebirth 生差別

distinctions in nature 性差別

distinctions in own-nature 自性差別

distinctions in practice and realization 修證差別

distinctions in presence or absence of obstruction 有障無障差別

distinctions of cause and effect 因果差別

distinctive and shared characteristics 自相共相

distinctive characteristic 別相

distinctive characteristics 差別相

distinctive characteristics of each abode 各住自相

distinctive characteristics of things 事自相

distinctive self-nature 性分

distinctive transformations 不共變

distinctiveness [outstanding-ness] of superior cognition 增上智殊勝性

distinguish , 別知,

distinguish and show 分別顯示

distinguish between the various interpretations, meanings, and terminology [of all phenomena] 異門義趣釋詞差別

distinguish three approaches to reality 隔歷三諦

distinguished 豪貴

distinguished according to type, class, category 品類分別

distinguished fruition of virtues 尊德果

distinguishes all phenomena 差別諸法

distinguishing characteristics of objects 境相

distinguishing characteristics of the knowable 應知勝相

distinguishing individual phenomena 分別法

distinguishing the middle from the extremes 中邊分別

distorted 迷倒

distorted associative thought 想顚倒

distorted attention 倒作意

distorted consciousnesses 顚倒識

distorted discipline 不律儀

distorted thought 倒心

distorted view(s) 顚倒見

distorted views 倒見

distortion and delusion 顚倒夢想

distortion of views 見顚倒

distortions of the mind, of conceptualization, and of [mistaken] views 心想見倒

distracted , 引轉, 遽務

distracted consciousness 亂識

distracted mind 散心

distracting crude objects 散麤境

distracting crudity 散麤

distraction 心亂, , 散亂, 散亂性

distress 厭意, , 困厄, 患惱, 惱亂者, 愁悶, 愁憂, , 憂恚, 憂悶, 懊惱, 災患, 衰惱, 逼惱苦

distressed , 灼愓

distressed and weary 憂勞

distressful situation 逼惱事

distribute 支用,

distributor of missals, or liturgies 堂達

disturb 喧動, 嬈亂, 嬈害, 觸嬈

disturb the harmony 傷和氣

disturbed wholesomeness 亂善

disturbing 作亂, 阿鳩羅加羅

disturbing hindrances 惑障

disturbs body and mind 亂身心

ditch 坑塹

diverge 乖離

divergence 變異事

divide 分析, 分配,

divided into three 分三

divided thoughts 餘念

dividing the body 分身

divination , , 占察, 占相

divination using pearls and shells 杯珓

divination with bamboo sticks 求籤

divine abode 天住

divine aid 加備, 加祐

divine bodhisattvas 義天

divine bright sun 聖明日

divine consciousness 神識

divine delicacies 天饌

divine ear 天耳

divine flower 天華

divine incense 天香

divine light 神光

divine musician 健沓惒

divine nourishment 天食

divine penetration 聖達

divine protection 加念, 加護

divine silk fabrics 天繒

divine thrones 神坐

divine vision 天眼, 天眼通, 有眼見者

divine voice 大梵音, 得大梵音

divine wisdom 神智

divinely abiding eyes 天住眼

divining blocks 珓卦

division 界分

division of applied practices 加行差別

division of the teachings 教部

do 施作, 爲作, 能爲

do Buddha-works 作佛事

do evil 作惡, 作犯, 爲惡

do good 爲善

do good actions 作持

do good activities 造善業

do much 多爲

do much evil 作衆惡

do no evil 諸惡無作

do not simultaneously come into being 倶時不頓生

do not... 莫作

do real practice according to the teachings 奉教

do skillfully 善作

do wrong 起惡

do(es) not reappear 不復轉

doctrinal and meditative and approaches 教禪

doctrinal essentials 宗要

doctrinal exegesis 攝決擇分

doctrinal expositions are provisional and the noumenal principle is real 教權理實

doctrinal lineage of the School of the Treatise on the Bhūmis 地論學派

doctrinal opponents 怨敵異論

doctrinal position that both cause and effect are empty 因果皆空宗

doctrinal study 義學

doctrinal taxonomy 教判, 教攝, 教相判釋

doctrinal temple 教院

doctrinal tenets 宗趣

doctrinal theme of a particular scripture 經宗

doctrine 教法, 教理

doctrine is articulated 義立

doctrine of a particular school or sect 宗義

doctrine of characteristics 相宗

doctrine of cognition-only 唯識說

doctrine of consciousness-only 唯識義

doctrine of non-causality 無因論

doctrine of particularity 別相諦, 同異句義, 毘尸沙

doctrine of the possessor of the ten powers 十力教

doctrine that imputes the existence of a real self 計我實有宗

doctrine that is explained 所說義

doctrine that rejects both marks and their perception 相想倶絕宗

doctrines of the scriptures 經法

doctrines which teach 能詮教

document 書疏

document of penitence 懺悔文

doe not comprehend 未能了知

doe not explain 不說

doe not falter 無退屈

doe not understand 未能了

doer 迦邏迦

doer of foolish deeds 身愚

does as one wishes 所欲爲

does not (yet) know 未知

does not [again] arise 不復生

does not [give rise to] doubt 不生疑惑

does not [yet] see 未見

does not abide 不住

does not act unrestrainedly according to one's afflictions 不隨煩惱自在而行

does not actualize 不證, 非證得

does not approach 不近

does not assent 不肯

does not attach 不執

does not attain 不達

does not attain freedom from... 不得解脫

does not become a buddha 不作佛

does not become buddha 不成佛

does not bring about 不得成

does not carry 不運

does not confirm 非證

does not consider 不思惟

does not constitute a [fallacy of] contradiction 不成相違

does not constitute an objection 不成難

does not construe 不計

does not contemplate 不觀, 不觀察

does not cover 不覆

does not deceive 不欺誑

does not denigrate 不毀

does not despise oneself 不自輕蔑

does not develop in accordance with 不隨轉

does not distinguish 不辨

does not diverge from 不乖離

does not do 不作, 不造

does not eat 不食

does not engage in 不趣入

does not enter 不入

does not enter nirvāṇa 不入涅槃

does not evaluate 不稱量

does not exist 無有, 非有

does not exist... 不在

does not extend to 不通

does not fall 不墮

does not fall into [the extreme view of] existence 不墮有

does not fall into the two extremes 不墮二邊

does not falter 不退弱

does not follow 不隨

does not follow a [certain] teacher 不從師

does not fully pervade 不遍一切

does not generate 不發

does not give rise to 不起

does not give rise to faith 不生信心

does not go away 不去

does not go beyond 不過

does not grasp 不取

does not harbor desire(s) 不悕求

does not hear [of] 不聞

does not immediately attain the stage of non-retrogression 不卽得至不退轉

does not impede 不廢

does not increase 不增

does not know 不知

does not leave the path 不遠離道

does not linger 不住

does not lose 不失

does not make others experience lack, deficiency, etc. 不令乏短

does not manifest 不起

does not meet 不會, 不遇

does not mutually obstruct 不相障礙

does not oppose 不反

does not oppress (harass, etc.) 不逼切

does not penetrate 不暢

does not practice deception 不行欺誑

does not practice emptiness 無行空

does not praise 不稱歎

does not preserve 不守

does not prevent 不撥

does not reach 不至

does not reappear 不復現

does not reject 不肖, 不逆違

does not re-manifest 不復現前

does not repeat 不再

does not retrogress 不復退, 不退墮

does not return 不歸

does not reveal 非顯

does not revere 不尊敬

does not revile (abuse) 不生誹謗

does not save 不度

does not say 不言

does not separate from 不遠離

does not sever one's wholesome roots 不斷善根

does not stick 不著

does not swear to serve 不誓承事

does not take in 不攝受

does not transform 不化

does not undergo rebirth 不受生

does not understand 未了知, 未解

does not use 不由

does not vow to receive and practice 不誓奉行

does not want 不欲

does not well understand 未善通達

does not wish 不願

doesn't see what is not present 非不現見


dog laws 狗法

dog morality 狗戒

dog wearing the lion's cloak 狗著獅子皮

dog, approaching the well, barks 狗臨井吠

dog, buddha-nature 狗子佛性

dogged determination

dogs 狗犬

dog's mind 狗心

doing 修作

doing and not doing 作與不作

doing evil is no impediment 惡無礙

doing good 行善

doing now 正作

doing without doing 不行而行

domain of activity 所行境

domains of nirvāṇa and saṃsāra

domestic dog 家狗

domestic utensils 資身

dominant 增上

domineering spirit 豪勢

Dominion of Silla 新羅國

dominion of suffering 苦域

dominion of the spiritual 神域

dominion over wealth 自在增上

donate 捨施

donation 布施, 施物, , 貼嚫, 達嚫

donation and so forth 施等

donation box 佛殿函

Donation Free From Stain 離垢施

donation to monk's collection 香水錢

donations 香油, 香火

donations of material things 施財, 財施

donations received as gratuities 香儀

done 所造作, 當作

donee 所施

Dongshan's three pounds of flax 洞山麻三斤

donkey 誐囉娜, 驢馬

donkey-tethering stake 繫驢橛

donkey-year 驢年

donning the robe and shaving the head 披剃

donor 施者, 淨主

donor of monastic food 齋主

don't let go 勿當捨離

don't say... 莫作是言

don't! 勿當


door-rope 扇繩


dotting the eye 點眼


double garments

double negative 無不

double separation from desire 倍離欲

double-storied lecture hall 重閣講堂

double-tongued 二語

doubly increasing numbers 倍上數

doubt 猶豫, 異覺, , 疑惑

doubtful and uncertain mind 義心

doubtful point 所疑

doubtful reason 疑因

doubtful views 疑見

doubting 猶疑

doubts and becomes arrogant 疑慢

doubts and regrets 疑悔

dove 波羅越, 迦逋唐, 鳩鴿


down to 下至

down-wadded garment 毳衣

downward 從下

downwards 向下

dragon books 龍章

dragon bowl 龍鉢

dragon coffins 龍龕

dragon elephant 龍象

dragon head 龍頭, 龍首

Dragon King of the Ocean 娑伽羅龍王

dragon king of the ocean 海龍王

dragon kings and devas 龍天

dragon mind 龍心

dragon palace 虬宮, 龍宮

dragon soup 龍湯

dragon-expeller 驅龍

dragon-flower assembly 龍華會

dragon-flower tree 龍華樹

dragon-king 龍王

dragon-maiden becomes buddha 龍女成佛

dragon-pearl 龍珠

dragon-quarter 龍方

dragons, gods, and the rest of the eight kinds of spiritual beings 龍神八部

dragon-spirit 龍神

dragon-store 龍藏

drake of mandarin duck

draw ,

draw incorrect conclusions 不如實簡擇

draw lots 抽籤

draw near to 親近鄰逼

draw out and explain the meaning or the real gist 演義

draw upon a metaphor 引喩

draw water from a well

drawing near 來至

drawing of a circle 圓相

drawing on water 畫水

drawn out buddha-nature 引出佛性

draws back 還攝

draws one's sword 拔劍

dread ,

dream , 夢境, 臥寤

dream and illusion 夢幻

dream kings 夢王

dream, illusion, bubble, shadow 夢幻泡影

dreamer 夢者

dreaming mind 夢心

dream-vision 夢見

dregs and chaff 糟糠

dress an image 裝像

dress and adornment of the (Buddha-)Path (?) 道服飾

dress one's self in 儭著, 襯著

dress up

dried 旱涸枯,

dried and boiled 脯煮

dried up 枯燥, 燥乾

dried-up wood 枯木

drift of 大意


drill and grind 練磨


drink and eat 吞噉

drink and food 飮食, 飲食

drinker of light 飮光

dripping water wears away stone 小水穿石

dripping wet 淋汗

drips 所渧

drive out or away


drooling with desire 愛涎

drop ,

drop of water 水渧, 滴水

dropping a mustard seed 墜芥

dropsy 水腫

drowning [in]

drowning in an ocean of suffering 沒苦海

drowsiness , 睡眠


drum at dawn 曉鼓

drum at dusk 昏鼓

drum mountain music 鼓山音

drum of faith 信鼓

drum of the ambrosial doctrine 甘露法鼓

drum of the great teaching 大法鼓

drum stained with poison 塗毒鼓, 毒塗鼓

drum striker 鼓頭

drum-god 鼓天

drum-music and singing with stringed instruments 鼓樂絃歌

drunk 昏醉, 迷醉,

dry , 乾竭,

dry by the fire

dry container 乾器

dry wisdom 乾慧

dry wood 乾木

dual adornment 二嚴

dual functioning of stabilizing and insight meditation 止觀雙運

dual role of one who contemplates and that which is contemplated 兩重能所

dual self-nature 二自性

dualism 二分法



due to attaining 由得

due to ignorance 因無明

due to propensities 由隨眠

due to the application of practices 加行故

due to their predilection to arise 從定起已

dull 昧鈍,

dull by nature 性鈍

dull faculties 鈍根, 鈍根者

dull intelligence 鈍慧

dull temperament 癡行

dullard 闇者

dullness and foolishness 闇鈍愚癡

dull-witted 愚鈍, 有闇昧

dumb , , 瘖啞, 瘖瘂

dumb person having a dream 啞子得夢

dumb sheep 啞羊, 啞羊僧

dung ,

dung and earth 糞壤

dung beetle 蜣蜋

during 間隔

during all twelve time periods of the day 二六時中

during meditative absorption 入定時

during the time of a single meal 一食之頃

during the whole of life 盡形, 盡形壽

dust (mote) , 埃塵, 塵埃

dust 塵坌, 塵穢, 塵芥

dust and sand 塵沙

dust in the water 水塵

dust mote 塵點

dust of the afflictions 煩惱塵, 煩惱塵埃

dusting a rock [eon] 拂石, 拂石劫, 盤石劫

dust-mote samādhi 塵塵三昧

duties of husband and wife 男女承事

duties of the recipients of the precepts 受業

duty 保任, 職分

duty and mode of saving the lives of ants 蟻術

duty of giving 可施財法

dwell 停住, 居在, 止頓

dwell contentedly on one's own native soil 安土

dwell in a husk 殼居

dwell in a secluded place 住阿練若

dwell in forbearance 住忍

dwell in harmony with [fellow practitioners] 柔和易可共住

dwell in the world 處世

dwelling 室宅

dwelling 室宇

dwelling at the foot of a tree 樹下坐

dwelling in (or near) cemeteries 塚間住

dwelling in a hermitage 住阿練若處

dwelling in sentiency 有情住

dwelling in the forest as a hermit 在阿蘭若處

dwelling in the open air 露地住, 露坐

dwelling of pure behavior 梵室

dwelling together 住者, 共住

dwelling together in cyclic existence 分段同居

dwelling(s) 宅舍

dwells 住止

dyed garments 染色衣, 染衣

dying buddha 寢釋迦, 涅槃像, 涅槃圖

dying out of smoke 煙滅

each [individual] one 一一各

each , 各各, 各自, , 皆各,

each and every 一切都

each approach 門門

each distinction 各差別

each distinguished from the other 各各差別

each faculty 根根

each flavor 味味

each has its own principle 皆有道理

each has three 各有三

each other 各各自相, 各相, 自共

each person is fully endowed [with the buddha-nature] 人人具足

each piece 條條

each single one has... 一一各有

each stage 位位

each stage; every stage 地地

each vehicle 乘乘

eafter 次復

eager desire 深生愛慕


Eagle Peak 鷲山

eagles 雕鷲, 鵰鷲

ear 娑路多羅,

earlier 爲前

early assembly 早參, 朝參

early Buddhism 初期佛教, 原始佛教

early dawn 明相

early morning medicines 更藥

earnestly 乙密, 元元, 忨忨, 無无, 無無, 苦切

earring 耳輪

ears hear sounds 耳聞聲

ears round and full 輪埵

ears, nose, tongue, and body 耳鼻舌身

earth , , , , 波羅提毘, 波羅梯毘

earth altar 地輪壇

earth and wood 土木

earth deity 土地神

earth upon which we stand (?) 案地

earth wheel 地輪

earth-altar 地壇

earth-dust 地塵

earthen images 土像

earthen loaf 土饅頭

earthen vessel and gold vessel 瓦器金器


earthenware vessel 捨囉梵, 瓦碗

earth-immortals 地仙

earthly body 生身

earthly laws and punisments 王法牢獄

earthly vision 肉眼

earthquake 地動

earth-seed 地種


easily attained 易得

easily obtainable alms 乞食易得

easily understood 易可解了, 易悟解


east and west 東西

East Asia 東震

East Mountain Teaching 東山法門

eastern 東方

eastern esotericism 東密

eastern hall 東堂

eastern hermitage 東庵

eastern land 東土

eastern maṇḍala

eastward flow 東流

easy 容易,

easy progress 易行

easy to be done 易可

easy to be obtained or effected 善得

easy to dwell together 易可共住

easy to go to 易往

easy to understand 易了, 易解

easy way 易行道

eat ,

eat a meal 打飯

eat honey 食蜜

eat in a single session 一坐食

eat like a bug 蟲食

eat meat 食肉者

eat simply 喫素

eat things 食物

eaten 所食, 爲食


eating a limited amount 節量, 節量食

eating after the noon hour 破齋

eating at the inappropriate time 非時食

eating implements 倶夜羅

eating time [for monastics] 法食時

eating time of animals 畜生食時

eating time of deva 天食時


ecclesiastical authority 教權

ecclesiastical officials 上座


edible 可噉, 嚼食, 蒲膳尼, 蒲闍尼

effected 得成熟

effected based on investigation of names 名尋思所引

effected based on the investigation of specificities 差別假立尋思所引


effectiveness 功強

effects (results) experienced 受用果

effects 果報

effects are not [necessarily] inherent in their causes 因中無果

effects of [human] effort 功用果

effects of conditioned activity 有爲果

effects of contributory factors 增上果

effects of religious practice 沙門果

effects of the transformations of supernormal powers as being of indeterminate (or "neutral") moral quality 變化無記

effects of their own type 自類果

effects that are directly attributable to a certain cause as a basis 依果

effects that are directly conditioned from their causes 習果

efficacious 有堪能

efficacy 利益, , 有堪任

efflorescence 郁郁

effort 毘梨耶, 策勵, 精進, 精進力

effort and patience 進忍

effort as a factor of enlightenment 精進等覺支, 精進覺支

effortless[ness] 無功用

egocentrism 我執

eight [aspects of ]

eight [stages] of saints 八賢聖


eight amazing characteristics of the ocean 大海八不思議

eight approaches in a proposition 因明八門

eight approaches to two kinds of benefit 八門兩益

eight aspects of completion 八圓

eight assemblies 八會

eight assemblies in seven different places 七處八會

eight attributes 八功德

eight awarenesses 八覺

eight awarenesses of great persons 八大人念, 八大人覺, 八生法

eight bad times 八非時

eight bases of overcoming 八勝處

eight billion eons 八十億劫

eight billion, four hundred million thoughts 八億四千萬念

eight bodhisattvas 八菩薩

eight branches of traditional Indian medicine 八醫

eight buddhas 八佛

eight burning hells 八熱地獄

eight cases of nouns 八囀, 八囀聲

eight cases of nouns in Sanskrit 八轉聲

eight causes of giving 八種布施, 八種施

eight changeable mental factors 八不定

eight children 八童子

eight circumstances where it is difficult to hear the Buddha's teaching 八難處, 八難解法

eight cold and eight hot 八寒八熱

eight cold hells 八寒冰地獄, 八寒地獄

eight colored pennants 八色幡

eight components of the proof 八能立

eight conditions of no leisure time 八無暇

eight confusions 凡小八倒

eight consciousnesses 八識

eight consciousnesses are one in essence 八識體一

eight defilements 八穢

eight devalokas 八天

eight dharmas 八法

eight dhyāna 八禪

eight difficulties 八惡, 八難

eight directions 八方

eight directions, above and below 八方上下

eight divisions of the teaching according to Tiantai 天台八教

eight errors 八倒

eight explanatory phrases 八言說句

eight extremities 八極

eight factors contributing to valid knowledge 成法八種

eight factors of a Buddhist syllogism 八成, 八成立因

eight falls 八墮

eight fetters 八纏

eight fields of merit 八福田

eight flavors 八味

eight flavors of nirvāṇa 涅槃八味

eight fortunate rebirths 八福生處

eight gates of emancipation 八脫門, 八解門

eight grave precepts 八尊重法

eight grave rules 八重法

eight great Avalokitêśvaras 八大觀音

eight great bodhisattvas 八大菩薩

eight great children 八大童子

eight great dragon kings 八大龍王

eight great hells 八大, 八大地獄

eight great illustrious vajra kings 八大金剛明王

eight great luminous kings 八大明王

eight great officers 八大執事

eight great powers of sovereign self 八大在我

eight great sacred stūpas 八大靈塔

eight groups of demon followers 八部鬼衆

eight groups of spiritual beings 天龍八部

eight hells 八地獄

eight highlights (in the life of the Buddha) 八相作佛

eight highlights in the life of the Buddha 八相佛成道

eight holy [stages] 八聖

eight holy truths 八聖諦

eight hours 八時

eight impurities 八不淨

eight included continents 八中洲

eight incorrect views 八不正見

eight inexpressibles 八不思議

eight intersections 八交道

eight inverted views 八顚倒

eight investigations 八校

eight kinds 八種

eight kinds of beings 八部, 八部衆

eight kinds of canons 八藏

eight kinds of deluded perception 八妄想

eight kinds of deluded, or mistaken notions 八種妄想

eight kinds of discrimination 八分別, 八種分別

eight kinds of eloquence 八辯

eight kinds of evil (errors) 八邪

eight kinds of fresh winds 八種淸風

eight kinds of great bitter suffering 八大辛苦

eight kinds of great unimpeded subjectivity 八大自在我

eight kinds of gruel 八種粥

eight kinds of guarantee 八種授記

eight kinds of lack of leisure 八不閑

eight kinds of liberation 八解脫

eight kinds of mindfulness 八念

eight kinds of minor marks 八種隨好

eight kinds of pride 八慢, 八憍

eight kinds of propositions 八門, 因明八義

eight kinds of recognition 八認

eight kinds of rules 八種法

eight kinds of spiritual beings 八部鬼神

eight kinds of suffering 八苦

eight kinds of surpassing things 八種勝法

eight kinds of tolerance 八忍

eight kinds of unimpeded subjectivity 八自在我

eight kinds of unimpededness 八自在

eight kinds of verification 八勝解

eight kinds of voice 八聲

eight kinds of wisdom 八智

eight leaves of the lotus-store 華藏八葉

eight liberations 八惟務, 八惟無, 八背捨

eight magic words to be placed on eight parts of the body 八字布字

eight Māras 八魔

eight meditations 八定

eight misbehaviors 八波羅夷

eight misleading concepts 八迷

eight monks who went to Tang 入唐八家

eight negations 八不, 八遮

eight negations of the middle way 八不中道

eight noble truths 八諦

eight non-obstructions 八無礙

eight oceans 八海

eight pages of Mañjuśrī 文殊八大童子

eight parts of the prātimokṣa

eight patriarch lineage 八祖相承

eight patterns of mindfulness 八念法, 八念門

eight petal court 八葉院

eight petals 八葉

eight phases 八相

eight phases of the Buddha's life 八相成道, 八相示現, 八相道, 化生八相

eight philosophies and nine schools 八家九宗

eight phrases 八句義

eight possessions 八事隨身

eight practices 八行

eight precepts [specifically for nuns] 八敬法

eight precepts 八不可越法, 八不可過法, 八戒, 八戒齋, 八支齋, 八敬戒, 八關齋, 八齋戒

eight precepts of a one day vow holder 八關齋戒

eight princes 八王子

eight prohibitions 八禁

eight propositions in two kinds of making-aware 八門二悟

eight purifications 八齋

eight rafts 八筏

eight ranks 八位, 八輩

eight rebirths 八生, 八生住

eight renunciations 八棄

eight rivers 八水

eight royal days 八王日

eight schools 八宗, 八家

eight schools and nine schools 八宗九宗

eight sections 八乾

eight sensations 八觸

eight skandhas 八犍度

eight special rules for nuns 比丘尼八敬戒

eight spoke wheel 八輪

eight stages of the human fetus 八位胎藏

eight stems 八支

eight stūpas 八塔

eight supernatural powers 八變化

eight talas tall 八多羅樹

eight teachers 八師

eight teaching categories 八教

eight time divisions 頞瑟吒

eight times when one doesn't hear 八不聞時節

eight tolerances 八人

eight transformations 八神變

eight treatises 八論

eight trigrams 八卦

eight truly precious things 八重無價, 八重眞寶

eight untranscendables 八不可越

eight views outside of the middle path 八不中觀

eight virtues 八德

eight vocal attributes 八音

eight wild [lands] 八荒

eight winds 八風

eight word dhāraṇī of Mañjuśrī 八字文殊法

eight words 八字

eight worldly conditions 八世法

eight years of the Lotus teachings 法華八年

eight, five, three and two 八五三二

eight-armed celestial 八臂天

eighteen (non-Buddhist) classics (of Indian philosophy) 十八大經, 十八經, 十八明處

eighteen [years old] 二九

eighteen 三六, 十八

eighteen arhats 十八應眞, 十八羅漢, 十八阿羅漢

eighteen aspects of emptiness 十八空

eighteen Brahmā heavens 十八梵

eighteen brahma heavens 十八梵天

eighteen brahmalokas 十八生處

eighteen compositional elements of cognition [of the referential world] 十八界

eighteen days 十八日

eighteen distinctive characteristics of the Buddha 十八不共法

eighteen heavens 十八天

eighteen heavens of the form realm 色界十八天

eighteen kinds of uncommon merits of a buddha 十八不共

eighteen layers of hells 十八重地獄

eighteen lesser vehicle schools 小乘十八部

eighteen levels in application of practices 十八有學

eighteen nikāya schools 十八部

eighteen nikāya schools and five vinaya schools 二九五部

eighteen paths 十八道

eighteen perfections of a buddha's sambhogakāya 十八圓滿

eighteen perfections of purity 十八圓淨

eighteen possessions of a monk 十八物

eighteen Sanskrit verb endings 二九韻

eighteen sects 十八宗

eighteen stages 十八位

eighteen wise sages 十八賢聖

eighteen worthies 十八境界, 十八賢

eighteenth vow 十八願, 第十八願

eightfold beings that form the assemblies of the buddha's sermons 八部大衆

eightfold correct path 八正道

eightfold correct path; eightfold holy path; eightfold noble path 八正門, 八游行, 八由行, 八直行, 八直道, 八道船, 八道行

eightfold holy path 八聖道支

eightfold networks of roads 八交路, 八交路道, 八重交道

eightfold path 八種道, 八路, 八道, 八道支

eightfold right path 八正由路

eighth 第八

eighth consciousness 第八識

eighth day of the fourth month 四月八日, 四月初八日

eighth day of the last month of the year 臘八

eighth ground 八地

eighth month 八月

eighth stage 第八地

eighth, eighteenth, and twenty-eighth days 三八日

eight-limbed path 八支道

eight-road intersection 八種交道

eighty 八十

eighty beautiful features (of a buddha) 八十種妙好

Eighty fascicle version of the Huayan jing 八十華嚴

eighty minor marks 八十種好, 八十隨形好

eighty one teachings 八十一法

eighty recitation vinaya 八十誦律

eighty subsidiary signs [of a great being] 八十隨好

eighty thousand 八十千, 八萬

eighty thousand dharma entrys 八萬法門

eighty thousand kinds of behaviors of sentient beings 有情八十千行

eighty-eight declivities 八十八使

eighty-four thousand 八萬四千

eighty-four thousand permutations of the [Buddhist] teaching 八萬四千法門

eighty-four thousand teachings or lessons credited to the Buddha as a cure of all sufferings 八萬四千法蘊

eighty-one kinds of illusion 八十一品思惑

eighty-thousand and twelve 八萬十二

eighty-thousand duties 八萬威儀

eighty-thousand eons 八萬劫

either 隨有一

either untrue 隨一不成

elaborate 詮辯

elaborate at length 廣建立

elaborated at length in order 廣說展轉

elbows and knees on the ground 五輪倶屈

elder 上坐, 悉他薜攞, 悉替耶, 揭利呵跋底, 理家, 耆年

elder brother

elder presiding over a company of monks in mediation 靜主

elder sister 大姊

elder with wisdom 長者有智

elderly 老者, 耆長

elders of neighboring monasteries 諸山長老


eldest brother

eldest child 上子

eldest monk 極臈

eldest son 尊子

elegant 儒雅, 光麗, 綺靡, , 雅妙,

elegant pagoda 麗塔

elegant, refined sound 哀雅


element earth 地大

element of earth 地界

element of space 空大

element of visibility 見大

element of wind 風界

elements are real but the self is not real 有法無我宗

elements, aggregates, factors, and fields 大陰界入

elephant and horse 象馬

elephant chariot 象駕

elephant corps 象軍

elephant honoring country 象尊國

elephant-body (?) 象腋

elephant's pit 象墮阬

elephant's skin 象皮

elephant's trunk 象鼻

elephant's tusk 象牙

eleven 十一

eleven abodes 十一住

eleven consciousnesses 十一識

eleven debilitating hindrances 十一種麁重, 十一麁重

eleven good mental factors 十一善

eleven kinds of cognition 十一智

eleven kinds of emptiness 十一空

eleven stages 十一地

eleven-faced Avalokitêśvara 十一面觀音

eleventh 第十一

eliminate (permanently)

eliminate [affliction] by guarding the senses 律儀斷

eliminate [evil] and actualize [the truth] 斷證

eliminate , 斷除, 盡際, 能永斷, 釋除

eliminate affliction 斷煩惱, 斷縛

eliminate afflictions through study of the Buddhist doctrine 學斷

eliminate all webs of doubt 斷諸疑網

eliminate attached love and desire 斷愛欲

eliminate both 雙除

eliminate calamity 除災

eliminate delusion 斷癡

eliminate desire 斷愛, 斷欲

eliminate doubt 疑斷

eliminate evil 斷惡

eliminate evil and actualize the truth 斷惡證理

eliminate five classes together 五部合斷, 五部雜斷

eliminate hindrances 障斷

eliminate obstructions 除蓋障

eliminate the afflictions 斷諸煩惱

eliminate the cause(s) 斷集

eliminated [in the path of] cultivation 修所斷

eliminated 應斷, 斷已

eliminated by contemplation 思惟所斷

eliminated by freeing oneself from binding 離繫斷

eliminated by subjugation 制伏斷

eliminated during the path of insight 見道所斷

eliminated in the path of cultivation 修道所斷

eliminated in the path of insight 見所斷, 見斷, 見道斷

eliminated in the path of insight and the path of cultivation 見修所斷

eliminated without remainder 斷無餘, 無餘斷

eliminates seeds 斷種子

eliminates the afflictions of the path of cultivation 斷修惑

eliminates the afflictive hindrances 斷煩惱障

eliminates the cognitive hindrances 斷除智障

eliminating the cognitive hindrances 斷智障

eliminating wisdom 斷智

elimination and suppression of afflictions 斷伏

elimination of afflicted habits 斷煩惱習

elimination of affliction by referents of cognition 所緣斷, 緣縛斷

elimination of afflictive hindrances 煩惱障斷

elimination of cognitive hindrances 所知障斷

elimination of craving 愛盡

elimination of essential nature 自性斷

elimination of latent afflictions 隨眠斷

elimination of seeds 子斷

elimination through being on guard 防護斷, 隨護斷


eloquence 辯才

eloquence and the power of wisdom 辯才慧力

eloquence and wisdom 辯才智慧

elsewhere 於餘, 餘方

elucidate 闡發

elucidate the subtle 論細

elucidate the teachings 開示

emaciated and dried up 瘦燥

emaciated, mean, and ragged 羸陋醜惡


embodies faith 體信

embodiment of samaya 三昧耶身

embodiment of wisdom 智相之身

embody this kind... 體如是

embrace (for oneself) and teach (others) 持說

embrace 思惟攝取, , 抱觸,

embrace the one 含一

embraces and brings to salvation 攝濟

embracing 墮攝

embracing the Buddha's feet 抱佛脚


embroidered pictures of the Buddha, etc. 繡佛

embryo 凝滑, 歌羅邏, 胚胎

emerald 摩羅伽陀, 摩羅迦陀, 末羅鋼多, 琉璃, 琉璃寶, 石藏, 綠色寶, 阿濕喝揭婆

emerald jewel 琉璃寶珠

emerge , 踊現

emerge from meditation 出定, 出觀

emergency alms 急施

emergent 生長

eminent and the humble 豪賤

eminent monk 名僧, 宗師, 高僧

eminent virtue 高德

emission of light 放光

emit 放演, 演放

emits 演出, 演奮

emits beams of light 放大光明

emits great radiance 放大光

emits light outwardly 外發光明

emitted 所發

emotional afflictions 愛煩惱

emotional condition 情狀

emotions like a monkey 情猿

Emperor of the supreme Path 無極道帝

emperor with the Buddha-mind 佛心天子

emperor's birthday 天長節, 聖節, 聖誕

emphasize practice 主習

empirical reasoning 觀待道理

employ 已用,

employed 傭力, 爲成辦

empower 加被

empowerment [provided to sentient beings by the Buddha] 加被力

empowerment 加力

empress 皇后

emptiness , 空事, 空性, 空無

emptiness absorption 空三摩地

emptiness and form 空色

emptiness and no-self 空無我

emptiness and suffering 空患

emptiness as conceptual object 空塵

emptiness as objective condition 空緣

emptiness demons 空魔

emptiness disease 空病

emptiness does not differ from form 空不異色

emptiness dot 空點

emptiness everywhere 空一切處, 空徧處, 空遍處

emptiness in its cardinal meaning 第一義空

emptiness is form 空卽是色

emptiness of all phenomena 一切法空, 諸法空

emptiness of both self and phenomena 我法二空

emptiness of changing nature 異性空

emptiness of compounded phenomena 有爲空

emptiness of dharmas 法空

emptiness of discreet phenomena 事空

emptiness of emptiness 空空

emptiness of marks 相空

emptiness of non-existence 無法空, 無物空

emptiness of non-existence and existence 無法有法空

emptiness of non-nature 無性空

emptiness of no-self 無我空

emptiness of objective phenomena 法空

emptiness of other-nature 他性空

emptiness of person 人空

emptiness of person and phenomena 我空法空

emptiness of phenomena 法空性

emptiness of self 我空

emptiness of self as the ultimate reality 我空眞如

emptiness of self-nature 自性空

emptiness of the external 外空

emptiness of unconditioned phenomena 無爲空

emptiness only 單空

emptiness schools 空宗

emptiness scriptures 空經

emptiness within emptiness 重空

emptiness, provisional existence, and the mean 空假中

emptiness, signlessness, and intentionlessness 空無相無作

emptiness, signlessness, and non-contrivance 空無相無願

emptiness, which cuts off speech and thought 言亡慮絕之空

empty , , 舜若, , 順牙

empty and existent 空有

empty and mysterious 虛玄

empty aspect of thusness 空眞如

empty cluster 空聚

empty fruit 空果

empty in nature 性空

empty mind 空心, 虛心

empty mystery of the original state 本際虛玄

empty place 空處

empty quiescence and spiritual awareness 空寂靈知

empty recitation 空念佛

empty stomach 飢腸, 餓腸

empty talk 虛言

empty, with nothing whatsoever 空無所有

enable [someone] to be free from 令離

enable others to see 令他見

enables [sentient beings] to escape 令得出

enamored by lesser vehicle teachings 樂著小乘法

encircle 圍遶

encircles three times 三匝

encircling adamantine mountains 金剛圍山

encoffin 入龕

encompass 遍攝

encompassing all things under heaven without discrimination 覆載

encounter 對面, 植遇, 遭遇

encounter difficulty 遭苦

encountering cognized objects 攀緣

encountering difficult situations 遭艱難事

encounters [Amitâbha's] radiance 遇斯光

encourage , 勸獎, , 能開示

encourage and bestow 勸授

encourage and bring joy to 發起悅可

encourage and guide 勸率, 勸道

encourage cultivation 勸令修習

encourage goodness 勸善

encourage others 勸他, 勸物

encourage the cultivation of wholesome behavior 勸修諸善

encourage the suppression of evil activities 勸止諸惡

encourage to aspire towards 建發

encourage to stop 勸止

encouragement from Brahmā 梵天勸請

encouragement of faith 勸信

encouragement of practice and the benefits thereof 勸修利益分

encouragement to practice 勸修

encourages 勸勵

encouraging [proper moral behavior] and suppressing [immoral behavior] 開制

encouraging 誨責

encouraging the good and punishing evil 勸善徵惡

encouraging words, using metaphor 慰喩語

encumbered with faults 有罪


end [false] discrimination 絕慮

end 爲後, 終盡

end of hundreds of billions 姟底

end of life 壽終

end of the period of the semblance dharma 像季

end of the retreat 座臘

end of the summer meditation retreat 夏末, 夏滿, 夏竟, 夏解

end of this age 劫盡

end up as 所致

endanger oneself 危身

endangering 危害

endeavor , 發悟, 策勤, 精勤

ended 大休歇底

endless 漫漫, 無終

endless darkness 黑漫漫

endless desire 長貪

endlessly interconnected net of Indra 重重帝網

endlessly interdependent dharma realm 重重無盡法界

endlessly multi-meshed net of Indra 重重無盡帝網

endowed qualities 具功德

endowed with , 具有, 具足

endowed with endeavour 有超越

endowed with good qualities 有德

endowed with moral discipline 具尸羅

endowed with wisdom 具足智慧

endowment 成辦,

endowment at birth 稟性生時

endowment for the departed 無盡財, 祠堂銀, 長生銀

endurance 堪任性

endure ,

enduring 安受, 能忍受

enduring evil 魔忍

enduring practice 常修

enemies and intimates 冤親

enemy 怨家, 捨覩嚧, 設覩嚕, 設都嚧

energetic afflictive activity 煩惱盛

energetic cultivation 精勤修

energetically apply oneself 勤修加行

energetically practice 精進修行

energy [power, momentum] from the view of self 我見力


energy of fire 火勢

engage in 能隨轉

engage in sexual excesses 行婬

engage in various non-Buddhist practices 起諸邪行

engage in wrong practices 行邪行

Engaged Buddhism 參與佛教

engaged in the vehicle of the disciples 發趣聲聞乘

engaged with one's worldly occupation 營世務

engages in practice 懃修習

engages in trade 賈作

engages in unwholesome activities 行惡行

engaging cultivation 上品修

engaging in reflection 起尋思

engaging with correct awareness 正知入

engrave scriptures 刻經

enhance 宣揚

enhanced compassion 增悲


enjoy , 感味, 能悅

enjoy abiding in detachment 樂處遠離

enjoy and be attached to 樂著

enjoy one's life in delusion 有樂

enjoy oneself 自娛

enjoy the dharma 受用法

enjoy worldly possessions 受用財

enjoyable 可喜

enjoyable activity 樂行

enjoyably takes rebirth 樂受生

enjoyed 所味著

enjoying and abiding in 受用居處

enjoying solitude 樂遠離

enjoyment body 受用身

enjoyment for others 他樂

enjoyment in the present life 現世樂

enjoyment land 受用土, 報地

enjoyment of defilement 雜染愛樂

enjoyment of evil livelihood 喜樂邪命

enjoyment of sensual desires 受用欲具, 欲具

enjoyment of the dharma 樂法

enjoyment of the truth 法樂

enlarge and develop 增進

enlighten 發明, 開道

enlighten others 開發

enlightened 覺有情

enlightened and wise 悟明

enlightened by contemplation on dependent arising 緣覺

enlightened cognition of the Tathāgata(s) 如來菩提智

enlightened days 覺日

enlightened function 覺用

enlightened illumination 覺明

enlightened king of the nine classes (of the Pure Land) 九品覺王

enlightened mind 冒地質多, 菩提之心, 菩提心

enlightened nature 覺性

enlightened person 覺人

enlightened persons 諸聖

enlightened teacher 明師

enlightened wisdom 覺悟智

enlightened without relying on others 不由他悟

enlightening acts 菩提行

enlightening being 菩薩

enlightening cultivation 覺悟修習

enlightening hero 開士

enlightening illumination 覺照

enlightenment 契悟, 成道, 菩提, 菩提道, , 覺悟, 覺意

enlightenment and cessation 菩提涅槃

enlightenment and liberation 明脫

enlightenment and practice 覺行

enlightenment is complete 覺滿

enlightenment of a pratyekabuddha 辟支佛道

enlightenment of great sages 大聖道

enlightenment of mental enlightenment, study, and increase in knowledge and in the prajñāpāramitā. 明心菩提

enlightenment of mental expansion 出到菩提

enlightenment of mind control 伏心菩提

enlightenment of one who (has attained) the ultimate truth 至眞覺

enlightenment of resolve on supreme bodhi 發心菩提

enlightenment of saints 聖覺

enlightenment of the buddha(s) 佛菩提

enlightenment of the dharma-body buddha 法佛菩提

enlightenment of the reward-body buddha 報佛菩提

enlightenment of the solitary realizer 緣覺菩提

enlightenment of the śrāvakas 聲聞菩提

enlightenment of the Tathāgata(s) 如來菩提

enlightenment of the three buddha-bodies 三佛菩提, 三種佛菩提, 三身菩提

enlightenment part of the path 道分

enlightenment tree 道場樹

enlightens [them] and has [them] attain... 教化令得

enmity , 提鞞沙

enmity and friendship 寃親

enough 已足

enough of 厭足

enrich all... 饒益一切

enrich others 饒益他, 饒益於他

enrich with 潤澤

enriched karma 潤業

enriches [sentient beings] 爲作饒益

enslaved 吞吸

ensnare , 陷逗

ensnared mind 繫心

entangle 牽纏

entangle each other 交絡

entangled 纏綿

entangled form 累形

entangled sickness 結病

entanglement of duties 緣務

entangling afflictions 煩惱纏

enter , 入中

enter a mother's womb 入胎

enter a mothers womb in preparation for rebirth into this world 投胎

enter again into the mysterious gate 入重玄門

enter an evil path 入惡道

enter and abide 入住

enter complete extinction 取滅度, 般泥曰

enter concentration 定眼

enter correct mental stabilization 入正定

enter deeply into meditative concentration 深入禪定

enter directly 直入

enter emptiness 入空

enter extinction 泥曰

enter into belief 入信

enter into concentration 入定

enter into extinction 入寂

enter into meditation 入觀, 入靜慮

enter into nirvāṇa 入涅槃, 入滅

enter into quietude 入靜

enter into reality 入眞

enter into the dharma 入法

enter into the formless concentration 入無色定

enter nirvāṇa without remainder 入無餘涅槃

enter sagehood 入聖

enter slowly 遊入

enter the dharma-realm 入法界

enter the gate of non-duality 入不二門

enter the gate of the principle of non-duality 入不二法門

enter the meditation hall 參堂

enter the mind 入心

enter the mountains 入山

enter the mountains and train in the [religious] path 入山學道

enter the path of insight 入見道

enter the room 入室

enter the saṃgha 入衆

enter the state of freedom from arising 入離生

enter the Tang 入唐

enter the temple 入寺

enter the way 入道

entered 入已, 所入

enterer into the stage of a once-returner 斯陀含向

enterer into the stage of arhat 阿羅漢向

entering cognition only 入唯識

entering directly with a single cut 單刀直入

entering into bondage and extending one's hand 入纏垂手

entering into meditation 入禪

entering into the abodes with correct awareness 正知入住

entering into the concentration of total extinction [of mental activity] 入滅盡定

entering into the stage of stream-winner 預流向

entering marvelous enlightenment in a single lifetime 一生入妙覺

entering the hall 入堂

entering the no-thought concentration 入無想定

entering the realm of reality 羅摩伽

entering the self; the self entering 入我我入

entering the text and explaining 入文解釋

entering the womb 托胎

entering the womb with correct awareness 正知入胎

enters 來入, 暢入

enters a village, wandering about begging for alms 入聚落遊行乞食

enters into great nirvāṇa 入大涅槃

enters into the clear observation of the truth(s) 入諦現觀

enters into the cognition of the ultimate truth of all phenomena 入一切法第一義智

enters nirvāṇa 入於涅槃, 趣涅槃

enters the stage of the tathāgata 入如來地

enthralling 所縛著

entices 誘引

enticing [others to enlightenment] 被接

entire earth 普地

entirely 一向

entrance 趣入

entrance to the practices (?) 行門

entrancing 所迷悶

entreat 勸諫

entrenched afflictions 住地煩惱

entrenched ignorance 住地無明

entrenched nescience 無明住地

entrenchment 住地

entrenchment of a single basis for views 見一切處住地

entrenchment of all views 一切見住地

entrenchment of attachment to objects in the desire realm 欲愛住地

entrenchment of attachment to objects in the desire realm. 欲界住地

entrenchment of attachment to objects in the formless realm 無色界住地

entrenchment of attachment to pure existence itself 有愛住地

entrenchment of attachment to the formless 無色愛住地

entrenchment of attachment to things in the form realm 色愛住地

entrenchment of attachment to things in the form realm. 色界住地

entrenchment of beginningless nescience 無始無明住地

entrenchment serving as single basis for all views 見一切住地

entrenchments for the emotive afflictions in the three realms 有愛數住地

entrenchments of the afflictions that are associated with emotion 愛數住地

entrust [with]

entrust 付授, , 委付, , 託付

entrust to 付屬, , 附囑

entrustment of the buddhas with the transmission of the teaching 付囑

entry by practice 行入

entry by principle 理入

entry into provisional activity 出假行

entry into the great grounds 入大地

entry into the stage of the non-returner 不還向

entry into the third [bodhisattva]

entry into the true nature and escape from birth 趣入正性離生

entry into the true nature and escaping birth 入正性離生

entry of great compassion 大智慧門

entry of one's abode 宅門

entry of the great assembly 大會衆門

entry out into wandering in the forest 園林遊戲地門

entry way for humans 人門

entryway that is the point of reference of their birth 所緣趣入門

enumerate 稱數

enumerative compound words 帶數釋

enveloped 纏繞

envelopments 纏斷


environmental cause 方便因

environmental power 境界力

envoy to the virtuous 功德使

envy , , 嫉妒

eon ,

eon of annihilation 壞劫, 滅刧, 滅劫

eon of increase 增劫

eon of the constellations 星宿劫

eon of the five hundred dust motes 五百塵點劫

eons as great in number of all the atoms in the universe 塵劫

eons as great in number of all the particles in the universe 塵點劫

eons numberless as the sands of the Ganges 沙劫

eons of decrease 减劫, 減劫

eons of formation 成劫

eons of nothingness 空劫

eons of persistence 住劫

ephemeral (thought) 介爾之心

ephemeral [sense] organs 浮塵根, 浮根

epidemic , 疾疫


epitaph 墓碑銘, 碑文

epithet 名號

equal 一等, 三摩, 三迷, , , 齊等

equal group 齊儔

equal in number 量等, 量齊

equal in volume to a great trichiliocosm 量等三千大千世界

equal mind 等心

equal to 能堪任

equal to all buddhas 等一切佛, 等一切諸佛

equal to oneself 如自己平等

equal to space 等空

equal to the number of grains of sand in the Ganges river 恆河沙等

equal(ly) 均濟

equal, without distinctions 平等無別, 平等無有差別, 等無別

equality [of phenomena] in terms of their non-arising 不生平等性

equality 平等

equality based on freedom from the karmic formations of appropriating and relinquishing 遠離一切取捨造作平等性

equality in nature [of dharmas] based on being liberated [from afflictions] 解脫平等性

equality in nature of illusory transformations 如幻化等平等性

equality in terms of signlessness 無相平等性

equality nature of original quiesence 本寂平等性

equality of all sentient beings 一切衆生平等

equality of all things 一切平等

equality of body 身平等

equality of phenomena 法平等性

equality of purity and defilement 淨穢平等

equality of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa 世間涅槃平等

equality of self and other in their original nature 自他平等

equality of the nature of reality 法性平等

equality of vehicles 乘平等

equalize 齊度

equally accept 齊許

equally accept as teacher 共許爲師

equally according with all sentient beings 等隨順一切衆生

equally posited 等立

equally, without distinction 等無差別

equanimity 行捨

Equanimous Forbearance 平等忍辱

equanimous, vast wisdom that observes the dharma realm 法界海慧

equip 嚴辦

era 時代

era of (my) teachings 學世

eradicable 可滅

eradicate 拔斷, 斷滅, 消除, 能斷除

eradicate and transcend [the idea of] fundamental [Being] 壞本絕本

eradicated 拔除

eradicates poverty 壞貧窮

eradication wisdom 盡智

erase calamity 消災

erase the karmic seeds of one's crimes 滅罪

erasure of conditions 緣銷

erasure of obstructions 滅障

erect 修立, 立作, 竪立

erosion of mountains 壞山


err by producing the karma of desire 倒等流

err in regard to this 過此

errand boy 僧童, 童侍, 童行, 行童

erroneous appearance 妄現

erroneous or pseudo-perception 似現量

erroneous theories 邪論

erroneous thought 邪思惟

erroneous view 邪見

erroneously believe in the existence of an inherent self 倒體

erroneously conceived external world 妄境界

error (fallacy) of contradiction with experience 現量相違過

error 亂倒, , 違失

error in regard to concrete events 迷事

error in regard to simultaneous coming into being 倶時頓生起過

error of attaching to moral discipline 戒取使

error of contradicting one's own prior statements 自語相違過

error of imputing a self 我顚倒

errors 過惡

escape 免出, 免離, 出要, 得出離, ,

escape and let go of 脫落

escape cyclic existence 出生死

escape from cyclical existence 免輪廻

escape from suffering 出苦, 離苦

escape from the three realms 出三界

escape from this defiled world 厭離穢土

escape into meditation 逃禪

escape suffering and attain happiness 離苦得樂

escapes 得出

escort a ferry 津送

esoteric , 祕密, 祕蜜, 隱蜜

esoteric altars 祕密壇

Esoteric Buddhism 密教

esoteric canon 密藏

esoteric cause 密因

esoteric commentary 口疏, 奥疏, 奧疏

esoteric council 祕密結集

esoteric dhāraṇī spells of the messengers of Akṣobhya 不動使者陀羅尼祕密法

esoteric incantation 云何唄

esoteric instruction 密語

esoteric interpretation 隱蜜門

esoteric letter 密字

esoteric maṇḍala 祕密曼荼羅

esoteric methods 密法

esoteric ritual for bringing prosperity 布瑟徵迦

esoteric ritual for exorcising 阿畏遮迦

esoteric ritual for prosperity 補瑟徵迦

esoteric ritual for seeking the aid of buddhas and bodhisattvas 伐施迦囉軌

esoteric ritual for stopping calamities 扇底迦

esoteric ritual for summoning good fortune 鉤召法, 阿羯沙尼

esoteric ritual(s) for the selection of sacred space 密教結界法

esoteric rituals 祕法

esoteric school 祕宗

esoteric scriptures 密經

esoteric speech 口密

esoteric spells of the messengers of Akṣobhya 不動使者祕密法

esoteric teaching 祕教

esoteric teachings 密言, 密跡, 密迹

esoteric transmission 密付

esoteric vehicle 祕密上乘, 祕密乘

especially marvelous body 殊妙身

essence (or nature) of the truth of suffering 苦諦體

essence 心要, , 本體, 當體,

essence and aspects 體義

essence and characteristics 體相

essence and life 性命

essence of a bright lamp 明燈體

essence of a dim lamp 昧燈體

essence of all things 法體

essence of Chan [Seon/Zen] 禪要

essence of form 色體

essence of karma 業性, 業體

essence of mind 心體

essence of myriad existences 理體

essence of phenomena always existing 法體恆有

essence of phenomena being causes and conditions 因緣法體

essence of Śākyamuni's teachings 教體

essence of the hindrances 障體

essence of the meaning (of the Dharma) 義要, 誼要

essence of the mind is free from thought 心體離念

essence of the precepts 戒性, 戒體

essence of the scripture 經體

essence of the teaching 宗體

essence of the way 道體

essence of this entity 此事體

essence of thusness 眞如體

essence of wisdom 智體

essence, characteristics, and function 體相用

essence-derived wisdom 體智

essence-function 體用

essences of phenomena 諸法體相

essential , 肝心

essential and mysterious 要妙

essential cognition 正體智

essential collection (of teachings) 要集

essential correctness 體正

essential dharma 體法

essential doctrines 正要

essential emptiness 體空

essential fire 性火

essential form (?) 性色

essential gate 要門

essential Law 要法

essential nature 其自性, 理性, 體性

essential nature and characteristic 性相

essential nature of linguistically-formed phantom images 言說造作影像自性

essential nature of the dharma body 法身體性

essential points of a scripture 經典之要

essential portion 度科

essential practice 要行

essential teaching 宗教, 要言

essential teachings of a school 宗骨

essential way 要津

essentials 節要

essentials for practice 行要

essentials of the way 道要

establish 使立, 制立, , 安立, , , 建立, 施設安立,

establish a firm set of rules or goals and work accordingly 經營

establish a school 立教

establish a teaching 設教

establish a temple 開山

establish and refute (a doctrine) 立破

establish one's authority 威定

establish one's own positions 成立一切自論

establish oneself 立身

establish the meaning of 立義

establish the truth 立諦

established 所建立, 有制立

established as it should be 如應安立

established based on explanation 訓詞安立

established by distinctions 差別建立

established decision 教令

established four truths 安立四諦

established in a spiritual family 住種姓, 安住種姓

established in recollection 住正念

established in sequential order 次第建立

established truth(s) 作諦

establishes conviction 安立信解

establishes names 施設名

establishing conditioned phenomena to be such 有爲相

establishing the correct dharma 立正

establishing the principle 立理

establishing through refutation 反成

establishment of the doctrine of one vehicle (fourth vehicle) by Guangzhai 光宅四乘

establishment of the time 時成就

esteem 欽尚, 重擧

estimate 商量,

estimate possessions 估衣

eternal 常然, 有常

eternal abiding of the nature and marks [of the Buddha] 性相常住

eternal and unchanging 常住不變

eternal body 常身

eternal dwelling of the truth (tathatā) 眞如常住

eternal life 永生

eternal peace 常寂

eternal principle of birth and death 生死常道

eternalism 常住不滅論, 常住論, 常見, 常論, 計常論

eternalism and nihilism 常斷

eternality of the Tathāgata 如來常住

eternally 盡未來際

eternally abiding 常住

eternally abiding single aspect 常住一相

eternally abiding without lapse 常住不滅

eternally present monks implements in the ten directions 十方常住僧物, 十方現前僧物

eternity and bliss of the dharma-nature 法性常樂

eternity is the same as an instant 萬年一念

ethics 倫理

etiquette , 威儀

etymology 辭句

eunuch 不男, 伊梨沙般荼迦, 半挓迦, 半擇, 半擇迦, 半自截, 奄人, 旃提羅, 槃特, 槃陀, 般吒, 般荼迦, 閹人, 黃門

eunuch by castration 犍不男


evaluation and investigation 審諦觀察

even a simple color or smell does not lack the middle way 一色一香無非中道

even a thought 乃至一念

even and closely spaced 平政無斜, 齊密

even if 假使, 若當, 設使, , 雖復

even insects may attain Buddhahood 蜫蟲作佛

even more profound 又玄

even now 至今

even teeth 齒齊平

even though [it, they] exist(s) 雖有

even though 縱使

even-handed distribution 平等而分布

evening , 黃昏

evening before a funeral 逮夜

evening before the winter solstice 冬夜

evening drums and morning bells 暮鼓晨鐘

evening gruel 晩粥

evening joining tree 夜合樹

evening meditation period 養息香

evening service 夕座

evening training 晩參

evening-bell hymn 暮鐘偈

evenly filled 平滿

even-mindedness 心平等

ever drowning 常沒

everlasting eon 永劫

every day 日日

every day is a good day 日日是好日

every hair is alive 一一毛生

every half a month 半月半月

every kind 各種

every kind of object of cognition 一切種所知境界

every mind 心心

every part of the body in perfect condition 百骸調適

every realm 徧界

every single moment 刹那刹那

every single thing 事事, 事事物物, 頭頭, 頭頭物物

every single thing is the complete eternal Dao 箇箇圓常道

every thought-moment 念念

every year 年年

everyday 平日

everyone 各共, 悉盡,

everything in the three realms is nothing but consciousness 一切三界但唯有識

everything is only existent in consciousness 一切皆唯有識

everything that the eyes touch upon 觸目

everywhere 一切世, 一切位中, 一切處, 在在處處, 在所, 所處, 於一切世, 於諸處, 普於一切, 諸處, , 遍處

evident 現可得

evidential aspect of the turning [of the wheel of the dharma] 證相轉, 證轉

evil 弊惡, , 惡者, 邪惡

evil activities 魔事業

evil adherents of the two vehicles 二乘惡人

evil age 惡時

evil and unwholesome phenomena 惡不善法

evil attachment 惡取

evil by nature 性惡

evil cause 惡因

evil causes bring evil results [without fail] 惡因惡果

evil child 惡子

evil conditions 惡緣

evil deeds 惡事

evil demon 惡鬼,

evil demon of afflictions 煩惱魔

evil demons 惡鬼神, 邪魔

evil demons and heretics 魔外

evil desires 耶欲, 邪欲

evil destinies 惡趣, 惡道者

evil destiny 惡道

evil effects 惡果

evil forms of discipline 不善律儀

evil in substance 實邪

evil inclinations 惡意樂

evil intentions 惡意

evil karma 不善行, 惡業, 魔事, 魔業, 黑業

evil karma and good karma 黑白, 黑白業

evil karmas 衆魔事業

evil karmic destinies 惡業道

evil king 惡王

evil life heresy 邪命外道

evil livelihood 惡行

evil livelihood heretics 阿耆毘伽

evil man 旃荼羅

evil non-Buddhists 外道惡人

evil person 惡人

evil retribution 惡報, 殃罰

evil rules 魔戒

evil smell 惡氣

evil speaking 語惡

evil spirits 邪鬼

evil teacher 惡師

evil teachings 邪命說法

evil that has already arisen 已生惡

evil thoughts 惡心, 邪念

evil touch 惡觸

evil view 邪見

evil world 惡世, 惡世界

evil world, stained with the five defilements 五濁惡世

evil/negative factors 惡法

evilly attached view of emptiness 惡取空

evil-smelling odor 惡香

evocation 隨引

evolve together 倶轉

exacerbating one's anger into a grudge 瞋打結恨

exact 精明


exactly like 宛然

exactly mind 卽心

exactly the same 正同

exactly this 實爾

exactly through these works 卽以是事

exalt 奉揚

exalted joy 極喜

exalted position 尊位

exalted rank 尊貴位

examination reveals 簡擇顯示

examine (and dust) the scriptures, or library 閱藏

examine , ,

examine a sick person 瞻病

examine and define 勘辨

examine as to whether someone will be reborn in the hells 驗生地獄

examine closely 審觀

examine thoroughly [with non-discursive thought] 參詳

example ,

example exhibiting the same qualities 同類譬喩

example that is cited 所引喩

example using distinction 異喩

example using similarity 同喩

examples 譬類

examples and testimony 例證

exceed 超過

exceed the former 過前

exceed the time 逾時

exceedingly [great] 極大

exceedingly deep and vast correct dharma 甚深廣大正法

exceedingly great enlightenment 極大菩提

exceedingly patient 上忍

exceedingly profound import 甚深義趣

exceedingly profound meaning 甚深義

exceedingly rare 希有

exceeds 超踰

excelled 有上

excellence 殊勝性

excellence in terms of strength 力勝

excellence of matured state 果勝

excellence of purity 淸淨殊勝

excellence of the long-desired subsequently attained knowledge 悕求後後智殊勝性

excellence of wisdom 智慧勝

excellent 上達, 勝品, 好好, 妙善, 姝妙, 弘雅, 極上, 殊最, 英妙

excellent and fine 應善懇到, 殊雅

excellent and profound 優奧

excellent and rare 上珍, 殊勝希有

excellent associates 勝侶

excellent attributes 殊勝功德

excellent behavior 勝業

excellent benefit 勝利, 勝益

excellent cognition 勝智

excellent cognition of the division of bodies 分身妙智

excellent emptiness 妙空

excellent enlightenment 妙菩提, 廣大菩提

excellent examples 勝躅

excellent flavor 上味

excellent immovable stage 不動勝道

excellent in every detail 隨形好

excellent incense 名香

excellent liberation 善解脫

excellent marks of the Buddha 寶相

excellent observing awareness 善觀察覺

excellent observing awareness of all knowables 一切所知善觀察覺

excellent offerings 勝供養

excellent perfection 極善圓滿

excellent person 妙好人

excellent personage 上人, 正士

excellent practice 上業

excellent practices of advancement on the Path 進道勝行

excellent qualities and superb merit 勝品功德

excellent realization 勝果

excellent sage[s] 勝聖者

excellent seal 妙印

excellent skillful means 勝方便

excellent speech 言巧妙

excellent supernormal cognition 勝通慧

excellent teaching 勝法, 妙旨

excellent virtue 妙德

excellent vision 善見

excellent vow 妙願

excellent wisdom 善慧, 妙明, 妙智, 巧妙智, 巧智慧

excellent wisdom that is attained naturally without a teacher 無師自然妙智

excellent! 善哉

excellent, excellent! 善哉善哉

except for 自捨,

exceptional 勝類

exceptional ability and intelligence 才智

exceptional consecration 殊勝灌頂

Exceptionally Beautiful Face 殊勝妙顔

excessive activity 越作用

excessive almsbowls 長鉢

excessive attachment and anxiety 遽務憂苦

excessive desire 欲過

excessive garments 長衣

excessive joy 勇躍

excessive possessions 長物

exchange 交代,

exchange monk (?) 替僧

excitement 輕躁

exclamatory shout

exclude 蠲除

excluded 所障隔

exclusive practice of the recitation of a buddha's name 專修念佛

exclusively empty 一向空

exclusively non-empty 一向不空

exclusivist attachment to the precepts 獨頭戒取

excommunication 應滅擯, 擯出, 擯治

excommunication of an unrepentant monk 不懺擧

excrement 糞穢

excrement hell 屎糞地獄

excrescence 佛頂骨

excused monk 免僧

Executive Director of Administration 總務院長

exegesis 注疏,

exegete 說者

exercising excellent wisdom and supernatural cognition 妙智神通行

exert 勇悍, 勇猛勤精進

exert themselves in the task of improving [the spiritual condition] of sentient beings 勤修習利有情事

exerting oneself in marklessness 於無相作功用

exertion 勤勞, 用功, 用功力

exertion and non-exertion 功用無功用

exertion of application 加行精進

exertion of donning armor 被甲精進

exhale 出息,

exhale and inhale 呼吸

exhaust ,

exhaust one's mind 盡心

exhaust the nature 盡性

exhaust the principle 盡理

exhausted 永盡, 頓乏

exhaustible 能盡

exhausting the future 盡未來

exhaustion 勞倦, 勞苦

exhaustion of conditions 緣盡

exhaustion of contamination 漏盡

exhaustion of mental disturbances 惑盡

exhaustive knowledge 盡知

exhaustively practices 盡行

exhibit 建示

exhort , 勸令, 提挈, 提撕, 策進

exhort and admonish 勸誡

exhortation to begin 勸發

exhortation to preserve, revere, and follow 勸持

exhortation to study 勸學

exhorts 勸誘

exhorts and pleases 勸悅

exist , 存在, 存立

exist and not-exist 有及非有

exist based on one's own activities 依自業而有

exist separately 別有

existence 安住,

existence and emptiness 有空

existence and emptiness are not two different things 有空不二

existence and non-existence 有無

existence and non-existence of Buddha(-hood) 有佛無佛

existence as a hungry ghost 鬼道

existence based on mutual dependence 相依

existence disconnected from language 離言諸有體事

existence of a self 我有, 有我

existence of an effect without a cause 無因有果

existence of Buddha after passing into nirvāṇa 如來死後爲有

existence of life 有命

existence where you shouldn't be 不可有

existence, emptiness, and the middle approach 有空中

existent 有性

existent non-substantiality 有法空

existent phenomena 有法

existent? Inexistent? 有耶無耶

existing previously in the past 隨先過去

existing together 同在

exists in death 在死有

exists in the desire realm 在欲界

exists sufficiently 稍有

exited 所出

exoteric doctrines 顯宗, 顯家

exoteric texts 顯典, 顯經


expand and contract 卷舒

expand and embrace 廣包

expand freely 暢逸

expanded and abbreviated 廣略

expanding and contracting 屈申

expect 相望, 願樂

expectation as cause 觀待因

expected 所望

expediency 方計


expedient and true 權實

expedient compassion 權悲

expedient device 巧便

expedient devices 方宜, 權便, 權宜

expedient intelligence 加行智

expedient killing 方便殺, 方便殺生, 方便煞

expedient land of the transformation body 方便化身土

expedient manifestation of nirvāṇa 方便現涅槃

expedient means 善巧方便, 方便, 權方便, 漚和

expedient means for cessation 還滅方便

expedient means for disciplining sentient beings 有情調伏方便

expedient means for liberating from suffering 脫苦方便

expedient means for the benefit of sentient beings 有情饒益方便

expedient means of enlightenment 菩提方便

expedient means of fundamental practice 行根本方便

expedient means of liberation 解脫方便

expedient means of producing and nurturing wholesome roots 發起善根增長方便

expedient means of suppressing [evil] 能止方便

expedient means that are attained 得方便

expedient means that are created 所作方便

expedient means that bring one close to the path of insight 近方便

expedient means that eliminate (?) 斷方便

expedient methods of restraint 方便調伏

expedient response 權應

expedient response body 權應形

expedient wisdom 方便慧, 方便智, 方便般若, 權慧, 權智

expedients used before the Contemplation Sūtra 化前方便

expel 催逐, , , 擯罰, 發遣, 開除,

expel, remove 能發

expels the linking to the provisional dharma of sentient beings 遣有情假法緣

expended 窮盡

experience 受用, 所受用, 更歷, 業感, 管得, 能受, 證大菩提, 領受

experience of direct insight 證入現觀

experience of suffering and pleasure 領受苦樂

experience of worldly pleasures 世樂受

experience pain and pleasure 受苦樂

experience pleasant sensations (?) 受樂受

experience pleasing results 取愛果

experience pleasure 受樂

experience profound shame 深生慚愧

experience something completely new 得未曾有

experience suffering 領受苦

experience suffering and distress 受諸苦惱

experienced 忍受, 所領納, 明解

experienced by others 他受用

experienced by the mind 心所領納

experienced by the self 我受用

experiencer 受者

experiences bliss 生歡喜

experiences direct and valid perception 現量智生

experiences extreme bliss 受極樂

experiences joy 得快樂

experiences pain and pleasure 受用苦樂

experiences profound delight 深生喜樂

experiencing (in, with) one's body 身證

experientally existent, but non-existent in principle 情有理無

experiential consciousnesses 受識

experiential entry into buddha-truth 證入

experiential realm 法界

experiential realm of the solitary realizer 獨覺界

experiential wisdom 如量智


expiration and inspiration 阿那波那

explain (in detail)

explain 散解, , 解決, 解釋, , , 說解,

explain a teaching 演說

explain at length 廣宣說

explain at length to others 廣爲他說

explain by [hidden] connections 合論

explain by contrast 互論

explain clearly 分別了, 演暢

explain directly 直說

explain everything completely 圓話

explain for others 向他說, 向他道, 爲他說

explain fully 具說, 究陳, 說通

explain in detail 廣分別說, 廣說, 詳說, 詳述

explain in outline form 略而說之

explain its attributes 說其相

explain on one's own accord 自說

explain or transmit the teachings 宣說

explain the dharma for others 爲他說法

explain the meaning 詮旨, 顯義

explain the scriptures 言詮

explain the way 說道

explain theoretically 法說

explain this teaching 說此法

explain, or set free from, illusion 闢妄

explain, reveal, and illuminate 宣說開示顯發

explained 所示, 所釋

explained above 前說

explained as... 說爲

explained before 先說

explained by other masters 餘師說

explained in a general manner 總而言之

explained in detail, up to... 廣說乃至

explained in the sūtra[s] 經中說

explained like this 作是說

explained like this, in detail, up to... 如是廣說乃至

explained previously 前所說

explained together 具演說

explained together in one group [category, rubric] 總說爲一

explaining the precepts 說戒

explaining the three 開三顯一

explains as it [really] is 如實說

explains in verse 說偈

explains it 說之

explains matters clearly to the audience 表白

explains this way 如是說

explanation (at a lecture) 講開示

explanation of doubtful points 釋疑

explanation of the confession of sins 波羅提舍尼, 波羅舍尼

explanation of the counteractive measures that are applied in the removal of specific types of hindrances 對障辨脫

explanation of the desire 說欲

explanation of the rationale for the naming of the hindrances 釋障名

explanation of the title 釋名

explanation or theory that accords with the truth 如理說

explanations and words 說語

explanatory phrases 釋句

explicable 可說

explicate 消文

explicate following the text 文句釋, 隨文作釋, 隨釋

explicate the meaning of a text 消文義

explicate the title 釋題名

explicates according to the text 隨文解釋

explicates following the text 隨文釋

explicating [the scriptures] and imparting precepts 教授教誡

explicating the meanings 釋義

explication 尼涕娑, 義釋

explication of objections 釋難

explication of the title 解題號

explicator of the teachings 闡教

explicit teaching 了義說

exponents of causation power 因力論師

exponents of mouth power 口力論師

exposed and unexposed activity 表無表

exposed and unexposed precepts 表無表戒

exposition of the perfect teaching 圓詮

exposition of the teachings (dharma) 說法

expositions of the real 眞詮

expository commentary 義疏

expound 敷弘, 敷揚, 敷闡, 演散, 演現, 演訓, 發講, 能宣說, 解演, 解現, 解說, 講解, 講陳, 顯說

expound fully 極講說

expound in praise 講讚

expound the correct teaching 說正法

expound the dharma 宣法

expound the sūtras 說經

expounded for a long time 久說

expounder 紹師

express 吿言, , 言所說, 顯揚, 顯露

express clearly

express fully 暢盡

express teaching 顯露教

express the opposite 反顯

expressed 所言說

expressed in words 能詮

expressed precepts 作戒

expressible 可言說

expression of karma 業相

expulsion from a sect 破門

expulsion of confusion (the dependently arisen objective aspects of consciousness) and the retention of the dependently arisen subjective awareness 捨濫留純識

exquisite 妙奇, 妙好, 獨妙

exquisite clothing 珍御服

exquisite flower 妙華

exquisite sounds 微妙音聲

exquisitely jeweled garments 寶妙衣

extend (compassion, enlightenment) to others 推以及人

extend , , , 遍滿

extend broadly 博施

extend compassion 垂慈

extend kindness 施恩惠

extend on all sides 周接, 周達

extend pity 垂哀

extend the hands 舒手

extend throughout the dharma-realm 周法界

extend to

extended ,

extended all over 漠漠

extended fast 長齋

extending all the way without limit 滉瀁浩汗

extending to all 普及

extending to the limit of the future 窮未來際

extensive 周遍, 寬博, 廣大

extensive analysis 廣分別義

extensive and abundante effort 廣大精進

extensive concern 數思

extensive discourse 廣門

extensive enlightenment by means of his majesty 大威化

extensive explanation 廣解

extensive knowledge 總智

extensive reward 廣果

extensive scholarship funds 廣學寶

extensive sūtra 方廣經

extensive teaching [on the vinaya] 廣教

extensive text 廣文

extensively 恢闊

extensively clarifies 廣明

extensively distinguished 廣分別

extensively explain 廣辯

extensively fulfilling 廣恣

extensively renowned 名稱普聞

extensively save (or teach) sentient beings 廣度

extent of emptiness 空際

extent of the future 未來際

extent of the knowable 所知邊際

extent of the sphere of the Buddha 性海果分

extent or limit of function 所行處

extermination 永害

external 超外

external appearance and deeds 相行

external conceptions 外想

external conditions 他緣, 外緣

external container [world] 外器

external container world 外器世間

external cravings 外貪欲

external debilitating hindrances 皮麁重, 皮麤重

external fire ritual 事護摩, 外護摩

external from 外色

external marks 外相

external natural world 外器世界

external objects 外塵, 外境

external obstacles 外障

external perceptual fields 外處

external phenomena 外事

external protection 外護

external purity 外淨

external self 外我

external simile 外譬

external sons 外子

external supportive conditions 資緣

external sustenance 外食

external things 外物

external transformations 外門轉

external Vajradhātu court 外金剛部院

external Vajradhātu group 外金剛部

external worldlings 外凡夫

externally 於外

externally disciplined 外乞

externally resident debilitating hindrances 在皮麁重, 在皮麤重

extinction [of mental activity] 滅度

extinction 尼彌留陀, 有滅, 涅槃

extinction and the path 滅道

extinction of a lamp 燈滅

extinction of afflictions 煩惱盡, 般涅槃那

extinction of all differences in the equality of emptiness 寂滅平等

extinction of body and mind 灰身滅智

extinction of causes 緣滅

extinction of dispositions 行滅

extinction of karma 滅業

extinction of phenomena 滅法

extinction of sensation 受盡

extinction of thought 想滅

extinction type 寂種

extinction-fruit 涅槃果

extinguish (delusion) 轉滅

extinguish 伏滅, , 消化, 消滅

extinguish all affliction and suffering 滅諸煩惱苦

extinguish all unwholesome dharmas 滅諸惡法

extinguish calamities 寂災

extinguish evil (afflictions, etc.) that have already been produced 已生惡令滅

extinguish seeds 滅種

extinguished forever without remainder 永滅無餘

extinguished without remainder 滅無餘, 無餘滅

extinguishes 能消

extinguishes evil 滅惡

extinguishes the other 滅他

extinguishes without remainder 盡無餘

extinguishing 令滅

extinguishing afflictions by analytical meditation 數緣滅, 數緣盡

extinguishing the mind subject to production in order to explain the practice of non-production 泯其生心明無生行

extol , 標擧

extol and make offerings 讚嘆供養

extol merit 讚功德

extols 歎頌, 讚說

extract 淳一味

extract a single drop 沾取一渧

extract and annotate from a text

extraordinarily wonderful 殊妙

extraordinary , 格外, 殊勝, 殊常, 特勝, 遏部多

extraordinary Chan/Seon 格外禪

extraordinary qualities 勝功德


extreme arrogance 大慢

extreme crimes 邊罪

extreme difficulty 極難

extreme evil 極惡

extreme hardship 極大艱辛

extreme injury 極損惱

extreme of [erroneous] negation 損減邊

extreme of eternalism 常邊

extreme of existence 有邊

extreme of reification 增益邊

extreme of self-mortification 自苦邊

extreme of the reification of phenomena 增益法邊

extreme of the repudiation of phenomena 損減法邊

extreme pain 劇難

extreme suffering 極苦

extreme view 邊見

extremely 極甚, 甚自

extremely arrogant and lazy 甚慢恣

extremely clear 極光淨

extremely clear eyes 極淨眼

extremely deep and subtle 甚深細

extremely deep and vast 甚深廣大

extremely deep and vast, without measure or number 甚深廣大無量無數

extremely difficult 甚難, 良難

extremely difficult to understand 甚深難解

extremely good 極善

extremely good health 極調善性

extremely good intentions 極善意樂

extremely grave 極重

extremely great 甚大

extremely heavy karma 尤重業

extremely long 極長

extremely long life 壽命長久

extremely long time 極久

extremely numerous 微塵數, 極多

extremely pitiable 甚可悲

extremely powerful odor 極臭, 極香臭

extremely profound and subtle 甚深微妙

extremely profound and subtle dharma 甚深微妙法

extremely profound scripture 甚深經, 甚深經典

extremely profound teaching 甚深教

extremely pure 極淨

extremely pure and white 極鮮白

extremely pure forbearance 極淸淨忍

extremely pure white clothes 極鮮白衣

extremely rare 奇異, 希奇, 甚希奇

extremely recondite true teaching 甚深正法

extremely remote 殊迥

extremely satisfied 極生愛樂

extremely scorching hot hell 大熱地獄

extremely small 至細

extremely spiritual 至神

extremely subtle 極微細

extremely subtle afflictions 微細煩惱

extremely subtle and most extremely subtle 極微細最極微細

extremely subtle associative thought 微細想

extremely subtle hindrance 微細障

extremely subtle latent [afflictions; tendencies] 微細隨眠

extremely subtle teaching 微妙言說

extremely unobvious 究竟非現見

extricating 引出

eye 斫乞芻, 斫芻, ,

eye able to distinguish milk from water 乳水眼

eye and so forth 眼等

eye for selecting milk 擇乳眼

eye for the (Buddha-)Path 道目

eye free of taint 離垢眼

eye medicine 安繕那

eye of a needle 針孔

eye of flesh 內眼

eye of love 愛眼

eye of space 虛空眼

eye of the goose 鵝眼

eye of the king goose 鵝王眼

eye of the triple world 三界眼

eye of the Way 道眼

eye of the world 世間眼

eye of wisdom 智眼

eye on the forehead 頂門眼

eye that discerns the true teaching 擇法眼

eyeball 眼目

eye-begging brahman 乞眼婆羅門


eyebrows , 眉毛

eye-dotting ceremony 點眼式

eyelashes like a bull 睫如牛王

eye-medicine 安禪那, 安膳那

eyes and [their objects] form 眼色

eyes and ears 眼耳

eyes and feet 目足

eyes of wisdom 智目

eyes of wisdom and legs of practice 智目行足

eyes see forms 眼見色

eyes that are deep blue in color 目紺青色

eyes with light cataracts 輕翳眼

fabricated 假構

face , , , ,

face and eyes 面目

face outward , teaching and transforming sentient beings 外化

face stone 面石

face the gate 臨門

face the outside 外向

face to face (confession) 對首

face to face 對相, 面自

face towel 木佉褒折娜

face within 內向

facial aspect 顏貌

facial expression 面色

facial hair (beard, etc.) and hair on the top of the head 鬚髮

facing backwards 背向

facing each other 相向

facing north 北度

facing the wall 面壁

fact that is not scattered 不失法


factor of visual cognitive awareness 眼識界

factor of warmth 燸法

factor that follows closely 彼隨法鄰近

factors associated with mind 心相應所

factors at the stage of purification 淨修住法

factors eliminated in the path of insight 見所斷法

factors not directly associated 不相應法

factors not directly associated with a specific mental function 不相應行法, 心不相應行

factors not directly associated with mind 心不相應法

factors of attachment in the realms of existence 有愛數

factors of dissimilarity 不同分

factors of enlightenment 覺支, 菩提分, 菩提分法, 道品

factors of the path of enlightenment 覺道支

factors that make things similar to each other 同分, 等分

facts 事實

factual hypothesis 有體施設假

faculties 依根, , 根原, 諸根

faculties are dull 根鈍

faculties are excellent 根勝

faculties are ripened 根熟

faculties are weak 根性羸劣

faculties matured from previous lifetimes 宿世根熟

faculties that serve as supports 所依根

faculty of abandoning 捨根

faculty of consciousness [among the six consciousnesses] 意處

faculty of faith 信根

faculty of joy 喜根

faculty of knowing the thoughts of others 見他心智

faculty of masculinity 男根

faculty of meditation 定根

faculty of mindfulness 念根

faculty of pleasure 樂根

faculty of sight 眼根

faculty of sorrow 憂根

faculty of suffering (or pain) 苦根

faculty of the feminine 女根

faculty of the power for learning [the Four Noble Truths] 未知當知根

faculty of the power of having learned (the Four Noble Truths) 已知根

faculty of the power of perfect knowledge [of the Four Noble Truths] 具知根

faculty of thought 意根

faculty of wisdom 慧根

faculty of zeal 精進根, 進根


failing 違反,

failure 窮者

failure and success 窮達

faint darkness 微闇

faint in agony 悶絶

fainting 悶絕

faith [from hearing] form others 從他信

faith , 信心, 捨攞馱

faith and alms 信施

faith and contemplation 信現觀

faith and morality 信戒

faith and practice 信行

faith and resolve 信勝解

faith and reverence 信敬

faith and wisdom 信慧

faith as joy 信樂

faith foremost 信首

faith in other power 他力信心

faith in other-power 他力信仰

faith is the source of the path and the mother of merit 信爲道元功德母

faith without (good) roots 無根信

faith, abodes, practices, dedications, and grounds 信住行向地

faith, understanding, practice, and realization 信解行證

faithful 篤實

faithless women 無信女

fake 矯詐

fake Chan 暗證禪

fake sage 空聖

fall , 墜墮, ,

fall apart 圮坼

fall down 僵仆, 蹉跌, 退沒

fall into (a bad state of) existence (?) 興墜

fall into [the extreme view of] existence 墮有

fall into , 陷墜

fall into a river 墮水

fall into disuse

fall into evil rebirths 墮諸惡趣

fall into hell 墮地獄, 墮獄

fall into illogicality 墮非理

fall into misfortune 墮險

fall into the category of beings who are wrongly predisposed 墮邪定聚

fall into the retrogression of those who are free from the desire realm 從離欲退

fall out 缺落

fall to the earth 墮地

fallacious comparison 倒合

fallacious example 似喩

fallacious negative exemplification 似異法喩

fallacious positive exemplification 似同法喩

fallacious proposition 似宗

fallacious reason 似因

fallacy of being doubtful 猶豫不成過

fallacy of both being untrue 兩倶不成過

fallacy of contradicting one's own tenets 自教相違過

fallacy of contradicting the inference 比量相違過

fallacy of contradicting the tenets of one's own tradition 自教相違

fallacy of contradiction to common sense 世間相違過

fallacy of either untrue 隨一不成過

fallacy of inconclusiveness 不定過

fallacy of non-agreement on both 倶不極成過

fallacy of non-proof [in the reason] 不成過

fallacy of positing a self 我倒

fallacy of the reason being shared by both positive and negative examples 共不定過

fallacy wherein differing, but individually valid reasons lead to the completion of contradictory propositions 決定相違過, 相違決定過

fallacy wherein that which is being specified is not agreed upon by the disputants 所別不極成過

fallacy wherein the specifying predicate is not mutually accepted 能別不極成, 能別不極成過

fallen existence 落在

falling into the misfortune of a bad rebirth 墮險惡趣

falling into the past 落謝

falling tears 淚墮

falls into evil 墮惡

falls into evil rebirths 墮於惡趣

falls into negative rebirths 墮惡趣

false 虛僞, 虛妄, 虛謬

false accusation 誣言

false and counterfeit 邪偽

false attribution 妄生增益

false discrimination 亂識, 妄分, 妄分別, 虛妄分別

false discrimination that does not match reality 不如理虛妄分別

false discriminations 妄情

false friends 惡友

false knowledge 虛知

false notion of a self-nature 自性妄想

false object(s) 妄境

false objects 妄塵, 妄緣

false pride 邪慢

false speech 亡語, 妄舌, 妄語, 虛妄語, 虛誑語

false speech spoken through one's own mouth 自妄語

false thoughts are baseless 妄念本無

false thoughts are originally empty 妄念本空

false transmigration 虛妄輪

false views 妄見

falsehood 虛欺

falsehood carried out by deception 方便妄語

falsely discriminated objects 虛妄分別境

falsely imputed notion of difference 差別妄想

falsely imputed notion of I

falsely imputed notion of mine

falsely imputed notions of generic compounds 攝受積聚妄想

falsely perceived phenomena 虛妄法

falseness of desire 愛恨


fame 名祚, 名稱, 名聞, 名聲, 稱譽

fame and profit 名利

fame and wealth 名聞利養

famed and renowned 稱譽聲頌

familiarize 習近

family 家室, , 家屬, 種姓

family business 家業

family deity 家神

family ground 種性地

family of the bodhisattvas 菩薩種姓

family of the direct disciples 聲聞乘種性

family of the self-enlightened ones 獨覺種姓

family of the Tathāgata 如來家, 如來種性

family precepts 家訓

family style 家風

family teaching 家教

family temple 墳寺, 氏寺, 菩提寺, 菩提所, 香華院

family treasure 家珍

family wealth 家財

famine 飢饉


fan made of bird feathers 羽扇

far , , ,

far and wide 廣遠

far off [the mark] 彌遠

far off 逈絕

far removed from all extremes 遠離諸邊

far removed from the hustle and bustle 遠離憒鬧

farewell 闊別

farm fields 田園

farming and commerce 營農商估

farmland and housing land 田宅

far-reaching aim(s) 遠趣

far-reaching light 光遠

fascicle number 經號

fast 斷食, ,

fast day 逋沙他

fast-burning incense 速香


fat , ,

fatalism 宿命論

fate 運命

father 多多, 比多, , 父親

father and mother 父母

father of all the living 一切衆生之父

father of the (Buddha-)Path 道父

father of the Dharma 法父

father of the world 世父

father, mother, and relatives 父母親

father, mother, wife, and children 父母妻子

fathers and sons 父子

father's younger brother

fathom 一尋, 測窮, 測量

fathom a sentient being's capacity 規機

fathomed 所測

fathomless ocean of enlightenment 覺海

fathoms 能解了

fatigue 劬勞, 勞損, , 疲勞

fatigued 疲厭

fatigued and lazy 勞懈

fault , 有犯, 罪過, 過失

fault in a subsequent existence 後法罪

fault of using one for another 互用罪

fault that requires restraint 遮罪

faultless 無缺, 無過失

faultless aspiration 無倒意樂

faultless dedication of merits 無倒迴向

faultless taking in 無倒攝受

faultlessly 無倒

faults and distress 過患

faults and errors 過咎

faults and merits 過失功德

faults in the manifest present and in a subsequent existence 現法後法罪

faults in the present world 現法罪

faults that require the exercise of restraint 遮惡

faulty 有過失

favor 爲攝, 福恩

favorable circumstances 緣機

favors and guards (?) 將接

favors received from the state 國恩

favour 恩慈

fear , 怖畏, 怖畏生, 怯懼, 恐怖, 恐怯, 恐畏, 慮恐, , 驚恐

fear in regard to the noble truths of cessation and the path 滅道畏

fear of a bad reputation 惡名畏

fear of a negative rebirth 惡趣畏

fear of death 死畏

fear of falling into evil 惡道畏

fear of faltering in front of an assembly 處衆怯畏

fear of lacking a means of livelihood 不活畏

fear of lacking a means of living 不活恐怖

fear of misfortune 災患畏

fear of speaking to a large audience 大衆威德畏

fearful ,

fearless 不怖, 不恐畏, 無所畏, 無有怖畏, 無驚懼

fearless consciousness 無畏識

fearless kindness 無畏憐愍

fearless(ness)(ly) 無怯懼

fearlessness 無怖畏, 無畏, 無畏心

fearlessness in asserting that he has destroyed all defilements 漏永盡無畏

fearlessness in explaining the hindrances to the dharma 說障法無畏

fearlessness in expounding the method of liberation 說出道無畏

fearlessness resultant from having full understanding of all phenomena 一切智無所畏, 諸法現等覺無畏

fearlessness resultant from having perfect enlightenment 等覺無畏

fearlessness with respect to asserting that I am completely and perfectly enlightened with respect to all phenomena 正等覺無畏

fears and disgusts 畏厭

feast 肴膳

feast for monks 大齋, 大齋會

feast gifts 齋襯

feathers 羽毛

features 相貌

features of the Dharma 法貌

February-March 叵囉虞那麼洗, 頗勒窶拏

feed a horse

feeding-hungry-ghosts meeting 施餓鬼會

feel [experience, undergo] suffering 受苦

feel adoration for 感慕

feel compassion for 憐傷

feel pain

feel reverence 起尊重心

feel tired (or exhausted) 懈惓

feel with the hands 手觸

feeling 受蘊, , , 領納

feeling of attachment toward the coming life 當生愛

feeling of intimacy

feeling of joy 喜受

feeling of the end of life 命邊際受

feeling of the end of the body 身邊際受

feeling produced through mental contact 意觸爲緣所生諸受

feelings of doubt 疑情

feels joy and pleasure 生喜樂

feet and heels 足跟趺

feet that are firmly planted on the earth in a balanced way 足善安住等案地相



fellow meditators 定侶

fellow student under the same teacher 同參

fellow students 同學

fellow trainee 道友, 道舊


fellow-students 學侶

felly 輪緣, 輪輞

female beauty 女色

female body 女身

female body obtained based on karmic retribution 報女

female Buddhist teacher 尼法師

female celestials 女天, 提鞞

female demon of desire 愛羅刹女

female disciple 近善女

female form 女像

female lay disciples 優波夷

female lay follower 女居士, 近事女

female lay practitioner 信女, 優婆斯

female messenger 訥帝

female novice 勤策女, 學法女, 式叉尼, 式叉摩那尼

female sage 仙女

female slave or servant 唧致

female sprites 毘舍支, 毘舍遮

female transformation body 變化女

female unicorn

femininity 女相

fences 周障

ferry 津梁


festival at the end of the summer retreat 三摩近離

festival for the birth of the Buddha 釋尊祭

Festival of the Hungry Ghosts 百種

festival of the hungry ghosts 百衆

festival of water and land 水陸會, 水陸齋

festivals 祭祀

fetid 敕穢

fetter of hatred 恚結

fetter of nirvāṇa 涅槃縛

fettered 具縛, 婆陀, 所纏, 縛馱

fettered mind 心縛

fettering 在纏, 所繫縛

fetters , , 繋縛

fetters of suffering 苦縛

fetters of the desire realm 欲界繫

fetus 處胎身, 閉尸

fetus in the fifth week 婆羅捨佉

fever 熱病,

feverish torment 熾然

few ,

few desires 少欲


field of birth 生田

field of blessings 良福田

field of blessingss 報恩田

field of concepts 法處

field of conceptualization 法入

field of distraction 散地

field of evil views 惡見處

field of karma 業田

field of merit 檀嚫, 福田

field of merit and virtue 功德田

field of merit of post-learners 無學人田

field of merit of the pitiable 悲田

field of merit of the revered 敬田

field of merit of those still engages in practice 學人田

field of sound 聲入, 聲處

field of touch 觸塵

field of virtue 德田

field of visible form 色入, 色處

field of vision 眼入

fields 土田

fields and activities 依轉

fields and factors 處界

fields for gathering in 攝受依

fields of gratitude 恩田

fields of knowledge 吠陀論, 明處, 明論, 韋陀論

fields of occurrence 在所生處

fields of transmigration 流轉依

fields overseer 田頭

fields that are produced 所生處

fields, manure, and water 田糞水

fierce 兇嶮, 兇險, 凶險, 強猛, 暴惡

fierce and wicked 兇弊

fierce tiger 猛虎

fierce waves 勇浪, 湧浪

fiery cauldron 火鑊

fiery chariot 火車

fiery destiny 火塗, 火道

fiery dogs 火狗

fiery headed vajra 火頭金剛

fiery pit 火坑

fiery zeal 熾然精進

fifteen [chapters] taught at Ayodhyā 踰闍十五

fifteen 十五

fifteen honored ones 十五尊

fifteen images of Avalokitêśvara 十五尊觀音

fifteen kinds of aspiration 十五意樂

fifteen kinds of wisdom and elimination 十五智斷

fifteen views (?) 十五意

fifteenth day of the first lunar month 上元

fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month 中元

fifteenth day of the tenth moon 下元

fifth 第五

fifth element 第五大

fifth entry 第五門

fifth great court 五大院

fifth ground 第五地

fifth rank of offenses (in the vinaya) 第五篇

fiftieth time around 五十展轉

fifty (?) 二三十

fifty 五十

fifty evils 五十惡

fifty heavenly offerings 五十天供

fifty meritorious virtues 五十功德

fifty methods 五十法

fifty minor eons 五十小劫

fifty years (old) 五十歲

fifty-eight precepts 五十八戒

fifty-five genuine teachers 五十五善知識

fifty-five sages 五十五聖

fifty-four 五十四

fifty-one 五十一

fifty-one mental factors 五十一心所, 五十一心所有法

fifty-three buddhas 五十三佛

fifty-three honored ones 五十三尊

fifty-three spiritual guides 五十三善知識

fifty-three wise teachers 五十三參, 五十三智識

fifty-two groups of beings 五十二衆

fifty-two kinds of beings 五十二類

fifty-two kinds of offerings 五十二種供物

fifty-two stages 五十二位

fig tree 優曇鉢羅

fight 鬪戰

fight against

fighting monk 力者法師

figurative expression 假立

figurative words 假想, 假立名

figure of the Tathāgata 如來像

filaments 花蕊, 計捨羅, 計薩羅

file of soldiers

filial piety

filial son 孝子


fill entirely 周滿

fill many functions yet remain inconspicuous 費而隱

fill their bellies 令飽滿

fill up 充備, ,


filled or occupied by 能圓滿

filled to the brim 盈滿

filled with 充滿

filled with fragrance 芬蘊

fills [them] up 令充足

film on the eye 一翳

filtering bag 漉水袋, 鉢里薩囉伐拏

filth 穢垢, 穢惡

filth of worldly sufferings 塵勞垢

filthy 穢汚

final 最後, 最末後,

final age 後末世, 末劫

final body 最後身

final constituents 後邊依

final culmination 最極究竟

final day of mourning ceremonies 斷七

final elimination 畢竟斷

final existence 最後有

final instant 後刹那

final limit 後邊

final moment of thought 最後念心

final nirvāṇa 究竟涅槃, 究竟滅

final part of words (or a speech) 竟語

final production 終生

final realization is something ineffable 果分不可說

final rebirth 最後生

final stage 極位, 究竟地

final state 究竟位

final state of mind 最後心

final taking in [of sentient beings by bodhisattvas] 最後攝受

final teaching 終教

final teaching of the single vehicle 一乘究竟教

final thought-moment 最後一念, 最後念

finality 乞叉, 乞察, 乞灑, 吃灑, 葛叉

finalized teachings 烏波第鑠, 鄔波提波

finally 到頭, 最爲後, 末後

finally actualized 至得性

fine 細柔, ,

fine and smooth (touch) 細滑

fine and smooth skin 身皮細滑

fine clothes 妙衣

fine cotton cloth 細氎

fine fragrance 美香

fine hair 毫氂

fine incense 妙香

fine sound 妙響

fine strain of rice

fine trappings 珍御

fine vessel 妙器

fine woolen cloth 細氎


finger-ring 指環, 指釧

finger-rings and bracelets 鐶釧

fingertip 指端

finish , ,

finish and start over again 終而復始

finish eating 飯食訖

finish one's training 罷參

finish the lecture 講下

finish up 終焉

finished 已竟, 有能限量

finished doing 作已

finishing one's rounds of begging for food 乞已

finite 有盡, 有限

fire , 阿祇尼

fire altar 光明壇, 火壇, 火爐, 火鑪

fire and poison 火毒

fire and so forth 火等

fire as element 火界

fire board 火版

fire concentration 火定

fire court 火院

fire deities 火光尊, 火尊, 火神

fire deity 火天

fire dhāraṇī

fire element 火大

fire in the kalpa of destruction burns (the world) 劫燒

fire mudrā

fire of anger 瞋火

fire of sexual passion 婬火

fire patrol 巡火

fire peak 火頂山

fire serpents 火蛇

fire tender 火伴, 爐頭

fire wheel mudrā

fire, blood, and knife 火血刀

fire-altar 爐壇

fire-altar 護摩壇

fire-bell 火鈴

fire-caretaker 火佃, 火客

fire-eater 羯羅微


fire-gathering recluse (?) 火聚仙

fire-generating [concentration] 火生

fire-generating concentration 火生三昧

fire-keeper 炭頭

fire-king 火王

firelight 火光

fires of poisons 毒火

fires of sorrow or distress 憂火

fire-starter 火燧

fire-wheel 旋火輪, 火輪

firewood ,

firewood and grass 薪草

firewood is consumed 薪盡

firewood maintainer 柴頭

firm 牢固,

firm and stable 堅牢

firm barrier 牢關

firm decision 決擇

firm determination 剛決

firm dharmas 堅法

firm faith 堅信

firm gate 剛關

firm intention 堅固意樂

firm knowledge 堅智

firm vow(s) 堅固願

firmly 凝然

firmly abide 凝住

firmly abiding in attentive contemplation 凝住覺觀

firmly conclude 結成

firmly continuing 堅固相續

firmly remains 堅住

firmly vowing lion 堅誓師子

firmness 敦肅

firmness in cultivation 修堅

firmness of enlightenment 覺堅

firm-willed person 丈夫志幹

first [originally]

first [stage of] uncontaminated [practice] 初無漏

first 一番, 最初

first abode 初住

first abode of superior wisdom 初增上慧住

first achieves perfect enlightenment 初成正覺

first activity 初業

first and last 初後

first anniversary of a death 一囘周, 一囘忌, 周忌

first arises 先起, 初生

first arising (of ignorance) 元初, 元初一念

first arousal [of the enlightened mind] 初發

first arousal of the determination for enlightenment 初發心

first aspect 初相

first assembly 初會

first attainment [of enlightenment] 初證得

first attains the way 初得道

first brahma heaven 初禪梵天

first cause 初因

first concentration 初禪定, 初靜慮

first condition 初緣

first council 第一次結集

First Council 第一結集

first cultivates 先修

first day of the summer retreat 夏首

first declared 先語

first fetal stage 羯羅藍

first gateway 初門

first ground 初地

first heaven 第一天

first in the degree of attainment occult powers 神通第一

first incalculable eon 初僧祗, 初阿僧祇, 第一阿僧祇劫

first know 先知

first letter 第一句

first meditation 初禪

first meditation heaven 初禪天

first moment of consciousness 初刹那識

first month of the year 正月

first of the five periods of human pregnancy 柯羅邏

first page 初分

first part 初番

first part of the day 初日分

first rank in the Buddhist hierarchy 僧正

first rank of bliss 第一樂

first realization 初果

first roll 上卷

first round 初周

first saves 先度

first separation 始離

first stage 初位

first stage of correct faith 初正信

first teaching period 初時教

first the reason, then the premise 先因後宗

first the thesis, then the reason 先宗後因

first thought 初念

first to know 初知

first transformer 初能變

first turning of the wheel of the dharma 初轉法輪

first two 初二

first two fruits of the four fruits of the lesser vehicle path 初二果

first watch of the night 初夜, 初更

first you must... 要須

First, I will explain... 初釋

first, middle, and latter portions of the evening 初中後夜

first, second, and third levels of attainment of forbearance in regard to the arising of all dharmas 第一第二第三法忍

fish 水梭花, , 麻蹉

fish and a hare 魚兎

fish eggs 魚子

fish on the back of an image 背鱠經屏

fish-board 魚板

fish-drum 魚鼓


fishing and hunting 漁獵

fishing net (of hair)

fishing words 釣語

fish-trap and fish 筌魚

fit 堪任

fitting 且置

fittingly 如其所宜

fittingly attain 隨順獲得


five (forbidden) pungent 五辛菜

five (part) dharma-body 五法身

five [Chinese] classics 五經

five , 半者, 般遮

five abodes 五居

five afflictions 五使

five afflictions of advanced practitioners 五利使

five Āgamas 五阿含, 五阿含經

five aggregates 五蘊, 五陰, 五陰法, 五隱

five aggregates are empty of own-nature 五蘊皆空

five aggregates are without self 五蘊無我

five aggregates of attachment involve suffering 五蘊熾盛苦

five and eighth consciousnesses 五八識

five and seven categories of precepts 五篇七聚

five angry ones 五忿怒

five approaches to meditation 五停心觀, 五門禪

five aromas 五香

five arrows 五箭

five aspects 五種相, 五門

five attendants 五侍者

five authorities 五量

five authorities of the teaching 五部教主

five bandits with drawn swords 五拔刀賊

five basic afflictions 五根本

five bhikṣus 五比丘

five blessings 五福

five bodhisattvas of great power 五大力尊, 五大力菩薩

five bodies 五身

five bonds 五結

five buddha attendants 五佛頂, 五佛頂尊, 五頂輪王

five buddhas 五佛

five buddhas as incarnations of distinct types of wisdom 五智如來

five buddhas in five bodies 五佛五身

five buddhas of meditation 五禪定佛

five buddhas of the five directions 五方五智

five buddhas of the garbhadhātu

five burnings 五燒

five cataracts 五翳

five categories of dharmas 五法藏

five categories of essential wisdom 理智五法

five categories of factors 諸法五位

five categories of mental factors 五法行

five categories of name and form 相名五法

five categories of phenomena and principle 事理五法

five categories of precepts 五篇

five categories of profound meaning 五重玄義

five causes 五因

five celestials 五乘居衆, 五天, 五天子, 五那含天子

five ceremonies on the altar 五壇法

five characteristics 五相

five characteristics of a buddha's nature 五佛性

five chewing foods 半者佉但尼, 半者珂但尼

five circuits of cause and effect 五周因果

five classes 五品

five clusters 五蘊

five color beam 五色光

five colors 五色

five colors of the faculties 五根色

five compound colors 五間色

five comrades 五倶, 五倶倫, 五倶輪, 五拘鄰

five conditions 五緣

five connotations of the debilitating aspects of affliction 五種麤重

five consciousnesses 五識

five constant [virtues] 五常

five constant virtues and five precepts 五常五戒

five contemplations 五觀

five correct practices 五正行, 五種正行

five coverings 五陰蓋

five defilements 五濁

five delusions 五惑

five desires 五情, 五欲

five desires and pleasures (arising from the objects of the five senses) 五欲樂

five destinies 五趣, 五道

five destinies and six destinies 五道六道

five destinies of birth and death 五趣生死

five disciples 五佛子

five doctrinal schools and nine mountain schools 五教九山

five doctrinal schools and two (meditational) schools 五教兩宗

five dreams 五夢

five edible fruits and grains 食物五果

five effects in the present 現在五果

five effects of karmic maturation 異熟等五果

five eights 五八

five elements 五大

five elements and six elements 五輪六大

five emperors 五帝

five emptinesses 五空

five English Termss of learning 五明處

five entrenched afflictions 五住煩惱

five entrenchments of affliction 五住, 五住地, 五住地煩惱

five entrenchments of mental disturbances 五住地惑

five eons of deliberation 五劫思惟

five esoteric ones 五祕, 五祕密

five evil activities 五惡, 五種惡

five evil destinies 五惡趣

five evil views 五惡見

five evolutions 五轉

five evolutions of the colors 五轉色

five excellent causes 五增上緣, 五種增上緣

five external objects 五境

five extremes 五邉

five eyes 五眼

five factors [of sensory perception] 五界

five faculties 五根

five faculties and five powers 五根五力

five faculties of cognition 五知根

five families of tathāgatas 五族如來

five faults 五失, 五過

five fears [affecting bodhisattvas] 五怖畏

five fears 五畏

five fields of knowledge 五明論

five flavors 五味

five gates of mindfulness 五念門

five good (practices) 五善

five graduated series of universes 五重世界

five grains 五穀

five grave bases of training 五種學處

five grave disciplines 五種學

five great colors 五大色

five great dragon kings 五大龍王, 五類龍王

five great gifts 五大施

five great guardian kings 五大明王, 五部忿怒

five great honored ones 五大尊

five great Mahāyāna sūtras 五部大乘經

five great messengers 五大使者

five great moon wheels 五大月輪

five grounds of reliance 五所依土

five groups 五部

five groups of the hundred dharmas 五位百法

five heavenly messengers 五天使者

five heavens of no-return 五不還天

five heavens of the non-returners 五那含天

five heavy bondages 五重滯

five heinous crimes 五逆

five heinous crimes and ten unwholesome kinds of behavior 五逆十惡

five heinous sins 五逆罪

five higher bonds of desire still existing in the upper realms 五順上分結

five higher-level bonds 五上分結

five hindrances 五障

five hindrances and three subordinates 五障三從

five honored buddhas 五尊佛

five houses 五家

five houses and seven schools 五家七宗

five hundred 五百

five hundred arhats 五百羅漢

five hundred generations 五百世, 五百生

five hundred generations without hands 五百世無手

five hundred great arhats 五百大羅漢

five hundred lesser vehicle (sects) 五百小乘

five hundred lives as a fox 五百生野狐

five hundred precepts 五百戒

five hundred questions 五百問, 五百問事

five hundred sects 五百異部, 五百部

five hundred yojanas 五百由旬

five immeasurables 五無量

five improper foods 五不正食

five Indias 五印, 五印度

five indications of approaching death 衰相

five instances of no-mind 五位無心

five internal [selves] (skandhas ?) 內五

five jeweled vases 五寶甁

five kinds 五種

five kinds of acts 五種行

five kinds of adamantine messengers 五種金剛使

five kinds of almsgiving 五種布施

five kinds of altar ceremonies 五種壇法

five kinds of authorities of the doctrine 五種法師

five kinds of bells 五種鈴

five kinds of celestials 五種天, 五類天

five kinds of cognition 五智

five kinds of consciousness-only 五種唯識

five kinds of consecration 五種灌頂

five kinds of cultivation 五種修習

five kinds of devotion 五專

five kinds of dharma-body 五種法身

five kinds of dharma-gates 五種法門

five kinds of dharmas 五法

five kinds of distraction 五散亂, 五種散亂

five kinds of enlightenment 五種菩提, 五菩提, 五覺

five kinds of entrenchments 五種住地

five kinds of entries 五種門

five kinds of epSeeics 五種惡病

five kinds of esoteric ceremony 五種修法

five kinds of evil acts leading to rebirth in the unremitting hell 五無間業, 五無間罪

five kinds of evil livelihood 五邪, 五邪命

five kinds of exertion 五種精進

five kinds of fallacious positive exemplification 同喩五過

five kinds of faults 五種失

five kinds of fears 五種怖畏

five kinds of fragrance 五分香, 五部法身香

five kinds of hardness 五堅固

five kinds of harmonization 五調子

five kinds of impotent men 五種不男

five kinds of incomplete men 五不男

five kinds of inference 五種比量

five kinds of karma 五業

five kinds of meditation 五味禪, 五種禪

five kinds of mental stabilization 五停心

five kinds of natures 五種性

five kinds of nirvāṇa 五種般

five kinds of non-females 五種不女

five kinds of non-remission 五無間

five kinds of non-returners 五不還果, 五種不還, 五種那含, 五種阿那含

five kinds of nourishment 五食

five kinds of objectifications 五種所緣

five kinds of objects such as form and so forth 色等五境

five kinds of obscuration 五種蓋

five kinds of offerings 五供養, 五種供養

five kinds of pain 五痛

five kinds of pain and burning 五痛五燒

five kinds of people who expound the scriptures 五人說經

five kinds of people who testify for Buddhism 五種說人

five kinds of practices 五種雜行

five kinds of preaching 五類說法

five kinds of reality realm 五種法界

five kinds of repentance 五悔

five kinds of samādhi 五種三昧

five kinds of sexual intercourse in the desire heavens 欲天五婬

five kinds of signs 五種印

five kinds of skillful means 五方便

five kinds of sounds 五類聲

five kinds of stabilization 五停

five kinds of stinginess 五慳

five kinds of stores 五種藏

five kinds of suffering 五苦

five kinds of supernatural power 五種通

five kinds of supernormal cognition 五種神通

five kinds of teaching during the Buddha's career 一化五味之教

five kinds of untranslated terms 五種不翻

five kinds of virtues 五功德, 五種功德

five kinds of wisdom 五智, 五種般若

five layers of clouds 五重雲

five levels of samādhi 五位三昧

five lineages 五派

five lions 五師子

five locks of hair 五頂

five lower-level 五下

five lower-level bonds 五下分結

five magical spirits 五通神

five major Yogâcāra treatises 五部大論

five marks of demise 天衆五相

five marvels 五妙

five masters 五師

five meanings 五義

five meditations and four bases of mindfulness 五停四念

five mental factors that function only with specific objects 五別境

five meritorious entries 功德五念門

five meritorious gates 五功德門

five messengers 五使者

five messengers of Mañjuśrī 文殊五使者

five messengers of Vaiśravaṇa 毘沙拏五童子

five modes of the three refuges 五種三歸

five moon wheels 五月輪

five moral principles 五支戒

five mountain [monasteries] 五山

five mountains of India 天竺五山

five natures 五姓, 五性

five natures distinction 五性各別

five natures school 五性宗

five negative tendencies that affect beginning practitioners 五鈍使

five neutered beings 五扇提羅, 五闡提羅

five night watches 五更

five normative colors 五正色

five objects 五數

five objects of meditation 五停心觀

five objects of offerings 五處供養

five obscurations 五蓋

five obstructions 五礙

five omnipresent mental factors 五別境心所, 五遍行, 五遍行心所

five organs 五官

five organs of activity 五作根, 五作業根

five part purity (?) 五部淨

five part secret store 五部法, 五部秘藏

five parts 五分

five parts of the body 五體

five patch garment 五納衣

five patches monks robe 五帖袈裟, 五條, 五條衣, 五條袈裟

five paths 五道

five patriarchs 五祖

five peaks 五頂山

five perfections 五度, 五波羅密, 五波羅蜜

five periods and eight teachings 五時八教

five periods in the womb 五位胎中

five periods of Buddha's teachings 一代五時佛法

five periods of five hundred years 五五百年

five periods of the teaching according to Tiantai 天台五時教

five philosophers 五家

five planets 五執, 五星

five pleasures 五樂

five pointed crown 五髻冠

five points 五事

five points of learning 五學處

five post-natal stages 胎外五位

five powers 五力, 般遮旬

five practices 五行

five precepts 五戒

five precepts for laymen 世俗五戒

five preliminary grades of the disciple 五品位, 五品弟子位

five prenatal periods 胎內五位

five prohibitions 五禁

five pronged vajra 五峯光明, 五峯金剛杵, 五峰光明, 五峰金剛杵, 五智金剛杵, 五股金剛杵, 五鈷金剛, 五鈷金剛杵

five proper foods 五正食, 半者蒲闍尼

five psycho-physical constituents no longer needing training 五無學蘊

five pungent roots 五葷, 五辛

five pure desires 淨潔五欲

five pure foods 五淨食, 五種淨食

five pure heavenly abodes 五淨居天

five pure products 五淨

five ranks 五位

five rebirths 五生

five records of the transmission of the lamp 五燈錄

five regions of India 五天竺

five rudimentary elements 五唯, 五唯量

five rules for entering the hall 入堂五法

five rules for entering the saṃgha 入衆五法

five rules of Devadatta 提婆五法

five schools 五宗

five schools of Chan 禪門五宗

five sciences 五明, 五明處

five seas 五海

five sensations 五受

five sensory organs 覺根

five signs of decay 五衰, 五衰相

five signs of decay in celestial beings 天人五衰

five skandhas 五蘊, 五衆

five sounds 五聲

five spiritual faculties 五根

five stages 五位, 五地

five stages of cultivating the Yogâcāra path 唯識修道五位

five stages of Dongshan 洞山五位

five stages of practice and their merit 功勳五位

five stages of the Vajrasamādhi 金剛五位

five states of mind 五心

five subtle desires 五妙欲

five subtle elements 五微塵

five subtler afflictions 五利煩惱

five supernatural cognitive abilities 五神通

five supernatural powers 五旬, 五通

five suspensions 五繫

five swords 五刀

five tathāgatas 五如來

five teaching periods 五時, 五時教

five teachings 五教, 五說

five teachings and tend doctrines 五教十宗

five things explained fallaciously 五事妄語

five thousand (arhats) who got up and left 五千起去

five thousand most arrogant 五千上慢

five tolerances 五忍, 五忍法

five tones 五音

five topknots 五髻

five treasures 五寶

five treatises 五論

five truths 五諦

five turbidities 五濁

five types of [bodily] impurity 五種不淨

five unfathomables 五不可思議

five various natures 五種種性

five vases 五甁

five vases and the water of wisdom 五甁智水

five vehicles 五乘, 五衍

five vehicles equally enter 五乘齊入

five versions of the vinaya 五部律

five views 五見

five virtues 五德

five virtues of freedom from restraint 自恣五德

five virtues of the preceptor 戒師五德

five viscera 五臟

five ways of chanting the Buddha's name 五會念佛

five wheeled stūpa 五輪塔婆, 五輪率塔婆, 五輪率都婆

five wheels 五輪

five wheels of liberation 五解脫輪

five wholesome roots 五善根, 五根

five wisdom buddhas 五智佛

five wisdom tathāgatas 五部座

five wisdom-moon wheels 五智月輪

five, eight, ten, and complete precepts 五八十具

five, three, eight, two 五三八二

five-colored cloud 五色雲

five-flavored congee 五味粥

fivefold aspects of cause and effect 五果

five-fold consciousness-only 五重唯識

fivefold consciousness-only 唯識五重

fivefold wisdom of the bodhisattvas 菩薩五智

five-part dharma body 五分法身

five-part esoteric ceremonies 五部尊法, 五部悉地, 五部護摩

five-part syllogism 五分作法, 五支作法

five-pronged vajra 五古, 五股, 五股杵, 五股金剛, 五鈷

fix 修正

fix one's thoughts [on reality] and have them emerge spontaneously 繫念現前

fixed 住定

fixed amount 定額

fixed nature 定性, 決定性

fixed nature of the two vehicles 定性二乘

fixed time 時節

fixing [one's thoughts] on the dharmadhātu as the object [of contemplation] 繫緣法界

fixity 定相

flag , 幖幟, , , 旗旛, , 馱縛若, 駄縛若

flag of Buddhism 佛教旗

flag pole 幢竿

flagpole on a pagoda 表刹

flagpole supports 幢竿支柱

flame , ,

flame concentration 火光三昧, 火光定

flame of desire 愛火, 欲火

flaming light 炎光

flaming net 焰網

flaming womb 焰胎

flanking-attendant 脅侍, 脅士, 脇侍

flanks ,

flash of lighting 電光

flash of lightning 閃電光, 電掣

flatter 佞諂, ,

flattery , , 諂誑, , 諛諂

flattery, deceit, and arrogance 諂誑憍

flattery, deceit, and conceit 誑謟憍

flavor , 味境

flavor of ambrosia 甘露味

flavor of butter 熟酥味

flavor of freshly curdled butter 生酥味

flavor of ghee 醍醐味

flavor of liberation 解脫味

flavor of the dharma 法味

flaw 毛病,

flawed 有缺

flawless 無間缺

flay 剝皮


fledgling priest 稚僧

fledgling priest 雛僧

flee 遁竄


flesh and blood 血肉

flesh-body bodhisattva 肉身菩薩

flesh-colored 肉色

flexibility , 猗適

flexible 堪能, , 柔軟

flexible limbs 手足細軟

fling 挑著

flings 跳著


float in the water


floating bubble 一浮漚

floating clouds 浮雲

floating dust 浮塵

floating log 浮木

floating of the mind 高擧

floating thoughts 浮想

floats about aimlessly 漂轉


floral canopy 懸蓋, 華蓋

floss 堵羅

floss; 兜羅

floss; panicle of a flower or plant 妬羅, 蠧羅

flourish , 熾盛, 茂好

flourishing ,

flourishing is imminent 當得興盛

flourishing of the Buddha 佛興

flow 流通

flow forth 流襦

flow into 流入

flow of a violent stream or river 暴流

flow of the dharma 法流

flow of the veins 脈絡

flow of the way 道流

flow out 流出

flow together 灌注

flow upward 上行

flow; a current

flower 布瑟波, , , 補澀波

flower adornment 花嚴, 華嚴

flower and fruit 華菓

flower basket 花筥, 花籠

flower carried by people (?) 人持花

flower garland 花鬘

flower of emancipation 解脫華

flower of enlightenment 覺華

flower of reality 實相花

flower of the fine dharma 妙法華

flower of the uḍumbara (the glomerate fig tree) 優曇花, 優曇鉢花

flower of the water 華水

flower of the well 井華

flower opens 花開

flower ornament concentration 華嚴三昧

Flower Ornament Sūtra 華嚴經

flower retribution 花報, 華報

flower-dais 花臺

flower-eater 弗婆呵羅, 食花

flowers and fruits 花果

flowers and incense 華香

flowers and vegetables (?) 華菜

flowers composed of the seven precious metals 七寶華

flowers in the eyes 眼花

flowers of māndārava (a kind of heavenly plant) 曼陀華

flower-scatterer 散花師

flower-store 花藏

flowery region 華方

flowing along with 隨順流

flowing water 流水

flown or fallen down 據地

fluency of speech 機辯

fluent discourse 饒舌辯才

fluid 婆耶

fluid(ity) 潤滑


flutes 簫笛


fly and transform 飛化

fly through the sky 翔空

fly whisk 拂子

fly without hindrance 飛行

flying emperor 飛帝, 飛行皇帝

flying immortals 飛仙, 飛行仙

flying shard magic of the black celestial 大黑飛礫法

flying staff 飛錫

flying yakṣas 飛行夜叉

foam 勃沙, , 聚沫

foam, bubbles, and flame 水沫泡焰

focus on 專想

focus on single-mindedly 一向專念

focus on the laity 在家中心

focus one's energies 專精

focus the mind and control thoughts 一心制意

focus(ing) attention 作意

focusing on penetration 參究


-fold, -times (with numerals) 倍數

folding the palms of the hands together with the fingers crossed 叉手

follow 奉遵, , , , , 隨順, 順遵

follow one's example 追學

follow the deaths of the departed with rites for their fortune 追福

follow the departed with observances 追修

follow the dharma 隨法

follow the forms and discipline of the Buddha 隨相戒

follow the path 行道

follow the precepts 隨戒

follow the teaching 隨教

follow the words 齊言

followed by 所隨, 此無間

follower , , 從人, 從者, 教徒

followers 營從, 眷屬

followers of Māra 魔眷屬

followers of the esoteric school 密衆

following 後後

following completely 究竟隨轉

following delusion 隨妄

following five (hundred years) 後五

following five hundred years 後五百年, 後五百歳

following one's own mind 隨順自心

following the leader (precedent, former) 隨先

following the path of the bodhisattva 行菩薩道

following upon 所隨逐

follows 能順

follows their order 隨其次第

folly 愚戇, 愚癡者, 慕何,

folly and defilement 癡染

folly and desire 癡愛

folly in regard to phenomena 事愚癡

folly regarding reality 眞實愚, 眞實義愚

folly regarding the self 我愚

fond of 好慕, 志樂, , 樂喜

fondness for the necessities of life 資生愛

food 喫食, , 飯食,

food enough for a long time 長食

food for thought 思食

food given as alms 儐荼夜, 分衛, 分衞, 團墮, 賓荼波多

food of a hundred flavors 百味飮食

food of joy in the dharma 法喜食

fool 愚人, 愚夫, 愚癡人, 愚者, 波羅, 狂愚

foolish (gullible) worldly people 愚俗

foolish , 愚弊, 愚癡, 癡惑

foolish beings 愚癡有情, 愚癡衆生

foolish mind 癡心

foolish monk 愚僧

foolish Seon 癡禪

foolish teachings 愚法

foolish views 愚見

foolish, base, and inferior 愚鄙斯極

foolishly clinging to the notions of person and dharmas 執著補特伽羅及法愚癡

foot ,

foot of a bed 床足


footprints of the Buddha 聖迹

footsteps of the Buddha 佛跡

footstool 踏床

foot-towel 脚布

for 爲令

for a long time 曠邈

for a number of kalpas 劫數

for a single purpose 爲一事

for all sentient beings 於諸有情

for an instant 一刹那頃

for but one sentence of the Truth willingly to cast oneself into the fire 一句投火

for exactly this reason 良以, 良由

for example 喩如, 縱然, 譬如

for forty and more years (the Buddha) was unable to unfold the full truth 四十八餘年未顯眞實

for forty-plus years 四十餘年

for gain 爲利

for generations 累世

for instance 如有一

for liberation 爲解脫

for me 爲我

for nothing

for now 今且

for one's own benefit 爲自利益

for one's own purpose 自爲

for one's whole life 盡壽

for oneself 爲己

for others 向他, 爲他

for people 爲人

for sentient beings 爲諸衆生

for that period of time 爾所時

for that purpose 爲是義

for the benefit of others 利他

for the dharma 爲法

for the first time 第一初

for the most part 大分

for the purpose (benefit) of others 他利

for the purpose of saving sentient beings 爲度衆生故

for the sake of 用故

for the sake of converting people 化俗結緣

for the sake of delight 爲欣悅

for the sake of one's self 爲自利

for the sake of prayers 爲祈禱

for the sake of what is wanted 爲義利

for this reason 以是義故, 是以之故, 由是因緣, 由是義故, 由是道理, 義故

for use as food 食用

for what reasons? 何因何緣

for you 爲汝

forbearance 堪忍, 忍耐, 忍辱

forbearance based on the wisdom that understands the reality of the cessation of suffering 滅法智忍

forbearance in regard to sound and echo 音響忍

forbearance in speech 口忍

forbearance of concentration 定忍

forbearance of discipline 戒忍

forbearance of gentleness 柔順忍

forbearance of liberation 解脫忍

forbearance of sentient beings 生忍

forbearance of the bodhisattvas 菩薩忍

forbearance of wisdom 慧忍

forbearing sage 忍仙

forbidden to women 女人禁制

forced into 迫促

forced progress 勉勵轉


ford of delusion 迷津

ford of life 生津

ford of suffering 苦津

forearms 臂肘腕

forehead (lit.mouth of the face) 面口

forehead 面門, ,

foreign 外異

foreign country 外國

foreign monk 番僧

foremost 最勝無等

foremost in asceticism 頭陀第一

foresight 遠慮

forest 叢林, 嚩泥, 婆那, , 林野, , 空閑處, 練若, 蘭若, 阿練茹, 阿蘭攘, 阿蘭若, 飯那

forest disposal of corpses 野葬

forest fire 野火

forest inhabited by world-renunciant religious practitioners 苦行林

forest of affliction 煩惱林

forest of Daṇḍaka 彈宅迦林

forest of incense 栴檀林, 檀林

forest of merit 功德林

forest of swords 刃葉林

forest-dwelling religious mendicant 阿蘭若迦

forever , 永恆, 永遠

forever liberated from the afflictive hindrances 煩惱障永解脫

forever, without remainder 永無餘

foreword 懸談

forge [smelt] gold [or metal] 鍊金

forge , 燒鍊, ,

forge metal

forget , 忘失

forget about gain and loss 忘得失

forget and be confused 忘錯

forget the holy teachings 忘聖言

forget the mind 亡心

forget thoughts 忘想

forgetfulness 忘失法, 忘念, 誤失

forgetting 失念

forgiven 除罪

forgiveness 迦梨沙舍尼

form [objects] that are invisible yet materially obstructive 不可見有對色

form , 形段, 形相, 形貌, , 色形

form a grudge 結恨

form a party 交結聚會

form and activities of from 色色業

form and formless realms 色無色界

form and function 色業

form and mind 色心

form and mind are identical 卽相卽心

form and mind are not two 色心不二

form and sound 色聲

form and such objects 色等境

form elements 色界

form is emptiness 色卽是空

form is exactly emptiness, emptiness is exactly form 色卽是空空卽是色

form is invisible as well as insensible to other organs 無見無對色

form is not different from emptiness 色不異空

form objects 色塵

form of perfume 香象

form of samaya 三形

form out of earth

form realm 色界

form realm and formless realm 色界無色界

form realm of skillful manifestation 善現色

form that is invisible but which can be sensed by other organs 無見有對色

form that is visible but materially non-obstructive 可見不對色

form, etc. 色等

form, feeling, perception, impulse, and consciousness 色受想行識

form, odor, taste, and tangibility 色香味觸

form, sound, smells, tastes, and tactile objects 色聲香味觸

formation 作成

formation and disintegration 成壞

formation of passive 爲之所

formation, existing, decay, and disappearance 成住壞空

formed 如化, 所現

formed by karma 業所成

formed provisionally 假成

former abodes 宿住

former activities 本業

former auspicious portent (indicated) by a ray of light 本光瑞

former buddha(s) 前佛

former days 昔日

former Han 前漢

former intention 宿意

former life 前身

former master(s) 古師

former matters 本事

former practices and vows 本行願

former propitious portents 本瑞, 本瑞應

former Qín 前秦

former spouse 故二

formerly 向者, 宿本, , 昔時, 曾已

formerly made offerings 曾供養

forming the basis 成身

forming-the-basis group (?) 成身會

formless 無色, 非色

formless aggregate(s) 無色蘊

formless existence 無色有

formless liberation 無色解脫

formless precepts 無相戒

formless realm 無色界

forms of the five buddha attendants 五佛頂法

forms that are pervasively discriminated [and attached to] 遍計所執相

form-shifting demon 時媚鬼, 精媚鬼

formula for retaining words 法陀羅尼

fortunate 堪任

fortunate and peaceful 吉安

fortunate states of existence 善趣


fortune and misfortune 吉凶

fortune for the dead 冥資

forty [levels of] mind 四十心

forty 四十

forty forms of Avalokitêśvara 五八尊

forty stages 四十位

forty teeth 四十齒

forty two levels of ignorance 四十二品無明

forty unique qualities [of a Buddha] 四十不共法

forty-eight 四十八

forty-eight demon satellites 四十八使者

forty-eight minor offenses; forty-eight minor precepts 四十八輕

forty-eight minor precepts 四十八輕戒

forty-eight positions 四十八執事

forty-eight vast vows 六八弘誓

forty-eight vows 四十八願

forty-eight world-transcending vows 六八超世本願

forty-eight years 四十八年

forty-nine [days] 七七

forty-nine days 七七日, 四十九日

forty-nine monks 四十九僧

forty-nine story jewel palace 四十九重如意殿, 四十九重摩尼殿, 四十九院

forty-ninth day funeral commemoration 七七忌, 四十九齋

forty-one stages 四十一位, 四十一地

forty-two letters 四十二字

forty-two messengers 四十二使者

forty-two siddham letters 四十二字門

forty-two stages 四十二位

forward and reverse contemplation of twelvefold causes and conditions 逆順觀十二因緣

foul discharges 惡露

foul-smelling 臭穢

foundation , 所依處

foundation 能建立

foundation of mindfulness of factors of existence 法念住

foundation of mindfulness of feelings 受念住

foundation of mindfulness of the body 身念住

foundation of mindfulness of thought 心念住

foundation of the debate 論所依

foundational sutra 所依經

foundational sūtra 所依經典

foundational vow 願主

foundations and steps (of a building) 基陛

founder 初祖, 部主

founder of a Buddhist sect 教祖

founder of a school 宗匠, 開山祖, 開山祖師, 高祖

founder of a sect 元祖, 開祖

founder of a sect or school 宗祖

founder's hall 開山堂

founding 開基

fountainhead of mind 心源

four (raging) currents 四流

four [fundamental] afflictions 四惑

four [noble] truths 四諦

four [ways of] cutting off [thought] 四絕


four abilities 四辯

four abilities of unhindered understanding and expression 四無礙辯, 四無礙辯智

four abodes 四住

four accesses 四向

four accesses and four realizations 四向四果

four accomplishments 四悉檀

four actualizations of purity 四證淨

four afflictions 四患, 四煩惱

four afflictions associated with the manas

four afflictions of the manas 末那四惑

four Āgamas 四含

four āgamas 四阿含, 四阿笈摩

four aggregates 四陰

four and eight grave prohibitions 四重八重

four and eight kinds of suffering 四苦八苦

four answers 四答

four applications of religious training 四加行

four appropriate methods 四隨

four arms 四股

four arts 四術

four ascetics who sought escape from death 四仙避死

four aspects 四分

four authorities 四量

four bases of mindfulness 四念住, 四念處, 四種念住, 毘跋耶斯

four bases of supernatural power 四神足

four bases of the dharma 法四依

four basic forms of suffering 四苦

four bhikṣus 四比丘

four bodhisattva practices 四菩薩行

four bodhisattvas 四菩薩

four bodies 四身

four bonds 四結

four books on calming and observation 四本止觀

four bowls 四鉢

four Brahmacārins 四梵志

Four Brahman Heavens 四梵

four buddha lands 四佛土

four buddhas 四佛

four cardinal principles 四宗

four carts 四乘, 四車

four castes 四姓

four cataracts 四翳

four categories of antidotes 四對治

four causes 四因, 四緣

four causes of attachment 四愛起

four celestial kings 四大天王

four characters marking the boundary 大界外相

four classes of people 四民

four classes of prayer-beads

four cognitions of things as they are 四如實知

four commanders 四唱

four comprehensive vinaya texts 四大廣律

four concentrations 四禪定

four conditioned marks 四有爲相

four consecrations 四種灌頂

four constituents [of meditation] 四支

four constructed (established, created) noble truths 有作四諦

four contemplations 四觀

four contemplations on reality 四如實觀

four continents 四大洲, 四大部洲, 四天下, 四洲

four contradictions 四相違, 四違

four contradictions with the reason 四相違因

four correct endeavors 四正懃

four created (established) noble truths 作四諦

four critical commentators 四評家

four crossings 四衢

four data-fields 四塵

four days of abstinence 四齋日

four defining characteristics 四行相

four demons 四魔

four departments of a monastery 四大堂口

four desires 四欲

four dharmadhātu 四法界

four dharmas 四法

four different ways of combining wisdom and moral discipline 戒乘四句

four directions 四方

four distinctions in moral discipline 戒四別

four distortions 四顚倒

four divisions of lesser-vehicle teachings 小乘四門

four divisions of the teaching according to Tiantai 天台四教

four doctrinal positions 四家

four doctrines 四宗教

four doubts 四疑

four eating times 四食時

four elements 四大種

four elements are originally impermanent 四大元無主

four emblems 四明

four emptiness heavens 四空處天

four encircling rings of stūpas 四重圓壇

four enemies 四怨

four entrenchments 四住地

four entrenchments of affliction 四住地煩惱, 四住煩惱

four eons 四劫

four errors 四倒

four errors of speech 語四過

four essential chapters 四要品

four evil (destinies) 四惡

four evil bhikṣus 四惡比丘

four evil destinies 四惡趣, 四惡道

four excellent bodies 四勝身

four excellent truths 四勝義諦

four excursions 四門遊觀

four excursions out of the gate 四門出遊

four faced Vairocana 四面毘盧遮那

four fallacies due to contradictions with the reason 四相違過

four fallacies of unproof [in the reason] 四不成過, 四不證過

four falls 四墮

four falls from the dharma 四墮落法

four famous mountains 四大名山

four female attendants on Vairocana in the Vajradhātu 四隅四行薩埵

four fetters 四縛

four fields 四田

four firm beliefs 四堅信

four flavors 四味

four flowers 四花

four formless concentrations 四無色定, 四空定

four formless heavens 四無色天, 四空天

four formless states 四無色, 四無色處

four forms of fearlessness 四無所畏, 四無畏

four forms of retribution 果報四相

four fruits of the śramaṇa

four fundamental aspects 四本相

four fundamental heavy crimes 四根本性罪, 四根本重罪

four funerary practices 四葬

four furnaces 四爐

four Ganges 四恆

four gardens 四苑

four gates 四門

four gathering bodhisattvas 四攝菩薩

four gathering vajras 四攝金剛

four good medicines 四良藥

four grades of instantaneity 四須臾

four grave [acts] and five heinous [crimes] 四重五逆

four grave [crimes] 四重

four grave crimes 四棄, 四極重感墮罪, 四種三昧耶, 四種根本罪, 四重罪

four grave offenses 四根本極惡, 四波羅夷, 四波羅夷法, 四波羅夷罪

four grave prohibitions 四重戒, 四重禁

four great bodhisattvas 四大菩薩

four great continents 四州

four great elements 四大

four great guardians 四大護

four great locations of Śākyamuni's religious career 四處

four great masters of the Vibhāṣā council 婆沙會四大論師

four great scriptures 四大部經

four great vinayas 四大律

four great vows of bodhisattvahood 四弘誓願

four groups of Buddhist disciples 四輩, 四輩弟子, 四部, 四部之會, 四部之衆, 四部弟子, 四部衆, 四部衆會

four guardian gods 四天王

four guardians 四鎭

four heavenly kings 四大王, 四大王衆天, 四天王

four heavenly kings kings 四王天

four heavens of the formless realm 無色界四天

four heavens of the four kings 四天王天

four holy actions 四聖行

four horses 四馬

four hours of the night and eight hours of the day 四夜八晝

four human worldviews 四人觀世

four hundred 四百

four hundred and four illnesses 四百四病

four hundred rules 四百戒

four hundred yojanas 四百由旬

four immeasurable [minds] 四無量, 四等心

four immeasurable states of mind 四無量心

four imperishables 四法不懷

four inches 四寸

four indestructible meditations 不壞四禪

four indeterminate factors 四不定

four indeterminate mental factors 四不定法

four instruments 四物

four instruments for the buddha-hall 佛殿四物

four intermediate directions 四維, 四隅

four intermediate quarters, above and below 四維上下

four interpretations of Four [Noble] Truths 四種四諦

four intimate bodhisattvas 四親近菩薩

four intimates 四親近

four inverted views 四顚倒

four invisibles 四不見

four kinds 四種

four kinds of [pure] cognition 四智

four kinds of [thorough] investigation 四尋思

four kinds of abandonment of thought 四意斷

four kinds of accurate cognition of things 四如實遍智

four kinds of afflictions related to the view of self 四種煩惱

four kinds of altar worship 四法成就, 四種悉地, 四種成就法, 四種檀法

four kinds of aspects 四種相

four kinds of birth 四生, 四生類

four kinds of birth in the six destinies 六道四生

four kinds of causes 四種緣

four kinds of celestials 四種天

four kinds of clinging 四取

four kinds of cognition of things as they really are 四如實智

four kinds of compassion 四恩

four kinds of conduct kin to the bodhisattva nature 四性行

four kinds of contamination 四漏

four kinds of contemplation practice 四種觀行

four kinds of correct elimination 四正斷

four kinds of correct endeavor 四正勤

four kinds of correct insight 四種正智

four kinds of dhāraṇī

four kinds of dharma 四種法

four kinds of direct disciples 四種聲聞

four kinds of disciples 四部僧

four kinds of entrenchments 四種住地

four kinds of errors 四種謗, 四種顚倒

four kinds of expedient means 四種方便

four kinds of faith 四信, 四種信心

four kinds of faith and five practices 四信五行

four kinds of fearlessness 四種無畏

four kinds of fetters 四種縛

four kinds of flowers 四華

four kinds of food 四種食, 四食

four kinds of forbearance 四忍

four kinds of formlessness 四空

four kinds of great vehicle 四箇大乘

four kinds of guarantee of Buddhahood 四種授記

four kinds of hindrances 四種障

four kinds of indeterminate [perfuming] 四種無記

four kinds of indifference 四忘

four kinds of initiation in esoteric Buddhism 四度加行

four kinds of investigation 四種尋思, 四種求

four kinds of investigations 四尋思觀

four kinds of karmic activity 四種業

four kinds of māras 四種魔

four kinds of meditation 四種禪, 四種靜慮

four kinds of mindfulness 四念

four kinds of necessities, or accumulations 四種資糧

four kinds of nirvāṇa 四種涅槃

four kinds of non-distorted teaching 四種非顚倒

four kinds of non-guards 四事不護

four kinds of non-production 四不生

four kinds of non-retrogression 四不退

four kinds of outlook 四料簡

four kinds of paths 四種道

four kinds of perfuming 四薰習

four kinds of perfuming of dharmas 四種法熏習

four kinds of pervasive purity 四一切種淸淨

four kinds of practitioners 四種行人

four kinds of property of the saṃgha 四種僧物

four kinds of propositions in Buddhist logic 因明四宗

four kinds of pure cognition 四種淨智

four kinds of pure practices 四種梵行

four kinds of reasoning 四種道理

four kinds of rebirth 四種死生

four kinds of reception (or experience) of phenomena 四種法受

four kinds of release 四捨

four kinds of remorse 四悔

four kinds of sages 四聖

four kinds of samādhi

four kinds of seeds 四種種子

four kinds of self-inflicted harm 四自侵

four kinds of self-view 四種我見

four kinds of skillful works [carried out by bodhisattvas] 四種善修事業

four kinds of spells 四持

four kinds of spontaneously occurring afflictions 倶生任運四種煩惱

four kinds of tranquilization 四種寂靜

four kinds of troops 四兵

four kinds of undefiled moral indeterminacy 四無記

four kinds of undefiled morally indeterminate states of mind 四無覆無記

four kinds of unhinderedness [mastery, unimpededness, sovereignty] 四自在

four kinds of unimpeded understanding 四無礙解

four kinds of unity 四一

four kinds of unobstructed cognition 四無礙智

four kinds of unproved statements 四不成

four kinds of wisdom 四慧

four kings 四王

four kings and Indra's heaven 四王忉利

four lands 四土

four large circles of the thirty-seven honored ones 三十七尊四大輪

four legs 四足

four levels of acceptance of reality 四眞實義

four levels of apprehension of reality 四種眞實

four levels of serious crimes 四偸羅遮, 四偸蘭遮

four lives or a hundred eons 四生百劫

four locations 四所

four locations and six assemblies 四處十六會

four locations in the formless realm 四無色界, 四空處

four logographs 四字

four lords 四主

four luminous kings 四大明王

four maladies 四病

four marks 四相

four marks of self 我人四相

four masters of the Vibhāṣā council 婆沙四大論師, 婆沙四評家

four meanings 四義

four means of attaining peace 四安樂, 四安樂行

four meditation [heavens] 四禪

four meditation heavens 四定, 四禪天

four meditation heavens of the form realm 色界四禪天

four meditations 四靜慮

four meditations and eight concentrations 四禪八定

four mental cessations 四意止

four metaphors 四喩

four metaphors for unpardonable crimes 波羅夷四喩

four methods for bringing people into the fold 四攝事

four methods for making amicable association 四種攝事

four methods of preparation 四事法門

four methods of teaching 四化法

four methods of winning (people) over 四攝法

four methods of winning people over 四攝

four minor injunctions regarding meals 四提舍尼法

four minutest forms 四微

four mirror metaphors 四鏡

four mistaken attachments 四執, 四迷, 四邪

four modes of birth 胎卵濕化

four modes of teaching 化儀四教

four monastic heads 四大師

four mountains 四山

four necessities 先陀婆, 四事, 四達

four noble truths 四眞諦, 四聖諦

four non-Buddhist doctrines [regarding causation] 外道四執, 外道四見, 外道四計

four non-Buddhist doctrines 外道四宗

four objects of indestructible faith 四不壞信, 四不壞淨

four oceans 四海

four offerings 四事供, 四施

four ounces 四兩分, 鉢羅

four pairs and eight categories [of śrāvaka practitioners] 四雙八輩

four pārājikas 四夷, 四夷戒

four parks 四園

four part doctrinal taxonomy according to Fayun of Guangzhai 光宅四教

four part doctrinal taxonomy according to Nāgârjuna 龍樹四教

four parts of a renunciant's dole 乞食四分

four paths 四道

four perfect bodhisattvas 四波, 四波羅蜜菩薩

four periods 四世, 四節

four phases of a thought 四運, 四運心

four phrases 四句

four phrases on the attainment of enlightenment 四句成道

four postures 四儀, 四威儀

four powers 四力

four powers of vision 四眼

four practices 四行

four practices and three vows 四法三願

four pratideśanīya 四提舍尼

four prime months 四孟月

four principal disciples 四大弟子, 四大聲聞

four principles 四優檀那

four provisions 四事供養

four pure abodes 四梵住, 四梵堂

four pure concentrations 四淨定

four purposes of the Buddha's appearing 四佛知見

four quarters 拓鬪提舍, 招提

four raging currents 四暴流

four realities 四眞實

four realizations 四果

four realizations of the great vehicle 大乘四果

four realms 四界

four realms of reality 四法界, 四種法界

four reasons 四因緣

four rebirths 四趣

four reliances 四依

four responses 四定記, 四記

four rings of mandala 四重曼荼羅

four rings of wind 四風輪

four rivers 四河

four sages 四仙

four schools of Mahāyāna 四家大乘

four scriptures of Pure Land 四部經

four seals of the dharma 四法印

four seasons 四時

four sections of vinaya 四部律

four seeds of holiness 四依法, 四聖種, 行四依

four sevens 四七

four siddhāntas 四悉, 四悉檀

four sides 四面

four sins of speech 口四

four skandhas outside of form 四無色蘊

four snakes in one basket 一篋四蛇

four sources of attachment 四愛生

four stages 四位, 四階

four stages in moral development 四戒

four stages in reversal of the [saṃsāric] flow 反流四位

four stages in the activation of enlightenment 始覺四位

four stages in the attainment of buddhahood 四階成佛

four stages in the attainment of enlightenment 四階成道

four stages in the path of the direct disciples 聲聞四果

four stages of consciousness 四種識住

four stages of enlightenment 四覺

four stages of meditation 四靜慮地

four stanzas on impermanence 四無常偈, 四非常偈

four statements of attachment 四句執

four states of life 四有

four stūpas 四塔

four subtle marks 細四相

four suns 四日

four supernatural powers 四如意足

four supports and eightfold path 四依八正

four teaching stages 四教地

four teachings 四教

four teachings and five periods 四教五時

four teachings and three contemplations 四教三觀

four teachings and three mysteries 四教三密

four things not to be taken lightly 四不可輕

four thoughts 四心

four times eight marks 四八相

four times eight responses of great compassion 大悲四八之應

four times of worship 四上

four times seven chapters 四七品

four to whom one does not entrust valuables 四不寄附

four treatise school 四論宗

four treatises 四論

four truths 四眞

Four Truths as arising-and-perishing 生滅四諦

four truths as immeasurable 無量四諦

Four Truths as non-arising (and non-perishing) 無生四諦, 無生無滅四諦

four truths as referent 緣四諦

four types of admixture of good and evil karma 四業

four types of content for teaching the dharma [accommodating the capacity of the audience] 化法四教

four types of deluded views 四見惑

four types of monastic community 四衆

four unattainables 四不可得

four unconstructed noble truths 無作四諦, 無作聖諦

four unexplainables 四不可說

four unfathomables 四不可思議, 四事不可思議

four unhindered [abilities in understanding and elocution] 四無礙

four unobstructed knowledges 四辨

four vajra-rulers 四執金剛

four vast vows 四弘誓, 四弘願

four Vedas 四韋

Four Vedas 四韋陀

four vehicle adherents 四車家

four vehicles 四衍

four views 四見

four vinaya and five treatises 四律五論

four vipers 四蚖蛇, 四蛇

four virtues 四德, 四等

four vows 四願

four ways of discerning the same object 一境四心

four ways of gathering in sentient beings 四攝衆

four wheels 四輪

four wheel-turning kings 四輪王

four wholesome roots 四善根

four wisdom signs 四智印

four withered, four teemed 四枯四榮

four world-protecting celestial kings 護世四天王

four yokes 四軛

four-announcement ceremony 白四羯磨

fourfold collection course 四集科

fourfold community 四部大衆

Fourfold Doctrinal Course 四教科

fourfold negation 四句分別

fourfold practice 四事行

fourfold taxonomy of Wonhyo 曉公四教

fourfold teaching classification of Master Yuan 苑公四教

four-line (Chinese) verse 四句偈

four-line verse 四句頌

four-phrase classification 四句推撿

fourteen 十四

fourteen buddha lands 十四佛國

fourteen deities and nine kings 十四神九王

fourteen fallacies possible in the reason 十四過

fourteen inexpressibles 十四不可記, 十四無記

fourteen objections 十四難

fourteen other-world realms of fourteen buddhas 十四佛國往生

fourteen possible errors in the reason 似因十四過

fourteen possible errors or fallacies (in the reason) 因十四過

fourteen transformations 十四變化

fourth 第四

fourth Buddhist Council 第四結集

fourth concentration 第四禪, 第四靜慮

fourth council 第四次結集

fourth ground (bhūmi) 四地

fourth ground 第四地

fourth heaven 第四天

fourth item 第四句

fourth month 四月, 額沙荼

fourth realization 第四果

fourth stage of meditation 第四靜慮地

fowl 矩矩吒, , 鳩鳩吒

fox , 野狐

fox which bewitches 蠱狐

fragment 一片

fragment aloe-wood 惡揭嚕, 沉香, 阿伽嚧, 阿伽樓

fragmentary death 分段死

fragmentary samsāra 分段生死

fragrance 芬氣, 香氣

fragrance of sandalwood 栴檀香

fragrance of the mind 心香

fragrance of virtue 德香

fragrance pervading everywhere 其香普薰

fragrant , 芬郁, 芬馥, ,

fragrant adornment 香光莊嚴, 香嚴

fragrant bath 香湯

fragrant breezes 芳風

Fragrant City 香城

fragrant food 香食

fragrant iris

fragrant ocean 香水海, 香海

fragrant odor 好香

fragrant ointment 澤香

fragrant oleander 羊躑躅, 迦羅毘囉

fragrant pyre 香樓

fragrant substance 芬薰

fragrant water 香水

fraud 誑誘

fraudulent 奸詐, 諂詐

free [oneself] from pollution 離塵

free 自由自在

free and easy 逍遙

free from (false) thought 無念

free from [the extremes of] existence and non-existence 離有無

free from activity 無作用

free from afflictions 離煩惱, 離諸煩惱

free from all attachments 離諸著

free from all darkness 離一切闇

free from all discrmination 離一切分別

free from all distinctive characteristics 離一切相

free from all kinds of overweening pride 遠離一切增上慢

free from all pollution 離諸垢

free from all... 遠離一切

free from anger 不瞋

free from attached love 無愛

free from attachment 無著塔

free from birth 捨生

Free from Bonds 離結

free from both extremes 離於二邊

free from conceptual proliferations 離諸戲論

free from consciousness 離識

free from craving 離欲貪

free from defiled phenomena 離染法

free from defilement 離塵垢

free from deluded thought 離妄想

free from delusion 離癡

free from desire 離欲者

free from desire throughout the three realms 離三界欲

free from desiring existence 遠離求有

free from discrimination 離分別, 離諸分別

free from discrimination/conceptualization 無所分別

free from disease 普去, 無病, 阿伽陀, 阿揭陀, 阿竭陀

free from distress 離憂

free from doubt 無疑

free from error 離諸過, 離過

free from errors 離諸過失

free from existence 離有

free from extremes 離邊

free from fever 無熾然

free from form 離色

free from grief 無愁憂

free from I and mine

free from knitting the brows 遠離顰蹙

free from language 離名言, 離言

free from lassitude/fatigue 無有厭倦

free from marks 離相

free from nature 離性

free from obscuration 離蓋

free from obscurations 無障礙

free from obstructions 離諸障礙

free from perception 離想

free from pride 離於我慢

free from regret 無有悔

free from secondary afflictions 離隨煩惱

free from stains 遠塵

free from the desire of the desire realm 離欲界欲

free from the desire realm 離欲界

free from the marks of thought 離念相

free from the notion of sentient beings, nonetheless saving and protecting sentient beings 救護衆生離衆生相

free from the ocean of cyclic existence 離生死海

free from the six sense bases 離六處

free from the tethers of the afflictive hindrances 煩惱障離繫

free from the tethers of the cognitive hindrances 所知障離繫

free from those hindrances 離彼障

free from ties 無合會

free from trouble 無煩

free from two extreme [views] 遠離二邊, 離二邊

free from various kinds of laziness 離諸懈怠

free of savored tastes 離諸愛味

free oneself from the path of words 出離言語道

freed by faith 信解脫

freed from 得離

freed from all suffering 離一切苦

freed from bondage 出纏

freed from desire 已離欲

freedom from bondage 離縛

freedom from causality or subjection to causality 不落不昧

freedom from defilement 離染

freedom from desire 離貪, 離貪性

freeing [sentient beings] from desire 令離欲

freely 隨心

freely generous 解脫捨

freely manifesting into activity 能現行自在轉

freely partaking of the pleasures created in other heavens 他化自在

freely wander 遊步

frequently 頻數

fresh and clean 鮮淨

fresh ginger 生薑, 阿儞囉迦

fresh[ness] 淸冷

freshly curdled butter 生酥

friend , 密多羅, 心友, , 朋友

friendliness, compassion, joy, and equanimity 慈悲喜捨


friendly words 親言


frighten demons 怖魔

frightened , 框攘, 框欀

frightening 可畏

frightful 怖遑

frightful, awful, formidable difficulties 艱恐

frivolity 掉擧


frivolous age 澆季

frivolous theorizing 戯論

from 從於, 由從, 緣從

from abode this 從此已上

from above 上來

from an agreement 自誓

from another 從他

from beginning to end 端倪

from beginningless [time] 從無始, 無始來

from beginningless time 無始世來, 無始時來

from emission of light to far reaching 故意方行位

from hell-being to god 地獄天子

from here down 以下

from how many kinds of characteristics? 由幾種相

from its own nature 由自相

from nescience 從無明

from now 從今

from one's set 從座

from others 由他

from small 豆許

from that 從彼

from the absolute standpoint 第一義中

from the beginning 從本, 從本來

from the beginningless past 無始世

from the cow comes milk 從牛出乳

from the past time 世來

from the perspective of 且約

from the perspective of reality 據實

from the perspective of sameness 通相

from the perspective of the [capacities of] the person being taught 約機

from the perspective of the former 望前

from the perspective of the latter 望後

from the perspective of the present 約今

from the start 從初

from then on 從此後

from this 從是, 從此, 次後, 由斯

from this, in this, for this 由此於此爲此

from time to time 時時間

from today 從今日

from uncountable ages past 無量世來

from your own wise observation 自以慧見

from... 自從 before 以前

front ,

front hall 前堂

front parlor 寢堂

front room of a monastery 方丈

frontier pass or gate

frost 兜沙,

frost and dew 霜露

frugality 儉約

fruit 果體, , 頗羅

fruit ensues 果遂

fruit in the garbage 糞中穢果, 糞果

fruit in the hand 掌果

fruit lips 果脣

fruit of cultivation 修果

fruit of enlightenment 菩提果

fruit of fruit 果果

fruit of great enlightenment 大菩提果

fruit of knowing 量果

fruit of the bimba tree 頻婆果

fruit of the dharma 法果

fruit of the fruit of buddhahood 果果佛性

fruit of the sandalwood tree 旃檀耳, 栴檀耳, 檀樹耳, 檀耳, 檀茸

fruit of wisdom 智果

fruit syrup 孤落迦

fruit(s) of meditation 靜慮果

fruitarian 木食

fruit-bearing tree 果樹, 菓樹

fruition aspect of practice 果分

fruition consciousness 果熟識

fruition of karma 業異熟

fruition of the buddha-nature 果佛性

fruition of virtues 德果

fruition perfect 果極

fruitional phenomena 果法

fruitless 不果遂, 無果, 空過, 虛棄

fruit-ocean 果海

fruit-rewards 果勝利

fruits and sweetmeats

fruits of karma 果業

fruits of retribution 報果

fruits of the path of discipline 學道果

frustrations of the afflictions 煩惱變異事

fuel consumed, ashes scattered 木盡灰飛

fuel consumed, fire extinguished 薪盡火滅

fulfil and harbor (?) 履懷

fulfill 剋果

fulfilled 已滿, 已滿足

fulfillment 滿足

fulfillment of a vow 滿願, 願成

fulfillment of conditions 具緣, 滿緣

fulfillment of one's intention (resolution, etc.) 思惟圓滿

fulfillment of the conditions for the completion of an action 具緣成業

full 充實, 充足, 已具足, 彌普, 滿

full accomplishment of applied practices 有加行行圓滿

full accumulation 集成

full and partial 滿分

full assembly 滿座

full awakening 了悟

full breast [of a woman] 乳出

full comprehension of things as they are 如實遍知

full edition scripture 大品經

full explanation 普說, 極說

full gamut 萬端

full growth 等生

full house 滿座

full lotus position 全跏趺坐

full mastery 一向自在

full meditative concentration 得定

full monk's robe 大袈裟

full ordainment 全分受

full ordainment upon coming of age 年滿受具

full ordination 受具戒, 受具足

full precepts expediently 具戒方便

full prediction 無餘記

full proportioning of seven places on the body 身上七處皆滿

full proportioning on seven places of his body 於其身上七處皆滿

full realization of stream enterer 須陀洹果

full set of bodhisattva precepts 一切菩薩戒

full set of five implements 五具足

full set of precepts 具戒, 滿分戒

full set of precepts for monks 苾芻律儀

full shoulders 肩善圓滿, 肩善圓滿相

full understanding 全知

full word 滿字

full-moon honored one 滿月尊

full-sleeved gown 大袍, 海靑, 長袍

fully 擧體

fully abiding 具足住

fully accomplishes (?) 具嚴

fully achieved 具足成就, 悉成就

fully acknowledge and respect someone's abilities 器重

fully acquired 具證

fully actualize 圓證

fully actualized view of reality 證見

fully actualizes 能圓滿證

fully arisen 生已

fully arisen from the beginning 從初生已

fully attains the status of non-returner 證不還果

fully attains the status of once-returner 證一來果

fully attains the status of stream-winner 證預流果

fully aware 悉知

fully compassionate 具足悲愍

fully complete 滿成

fully corresponding 具相應

fully cultivate without fail 具足修滿

fully determined stages of the direct disciple 聲聞正性離生

fully effulgent Buddha 熾盛光佛

fully eliminate without remainder 無餘永斷

fully endowed with the nature of... 種性具足

fully equal 等等

fully established reason 理極成

fully explained teaching 了義教

fully express 具顯

fully gather 普攝

fully handicapped 諸根缺陋

fully include 總攝

fully including 圓合

fully instructing 遍開示

fully investigated 如實觀

fully know its depth 窮深

fully knowing and comprehending 遍知通達

fully learned 具足多聞

fully liberated 倶分解脫

fully manifest 等顯現

fully manifested vow(s) 明了願

fully moisten 充潤

fully moistens 充洽

fully nourishes 遂養

fully observe the world 遍觀世間

fully ordained monk 大僧

fully penetrating 普徹

fully perceive the workings of transmigration and the capacities of sentient beings 達輪機

fully possessing raw materials 資糧圓滿

fully realize 了知, 了達, 窮證

fully realized 具證得

fully refined 至精

fully replete 一切具足

fully reveal 能善現等覺

fully revealed 正善開示

fully revealed conventionality 顯了世俗

fully revealed teaching 了義之教

fully understand 了知通達, 曉練

fully understand reality 了知眞實

fully-explained 善解釋

function 作用, 功用, 功能, 德用, 業用, 運用

function concurrently 一時倶轉

function of cessation is profound (?) 寂用湛然

function of the mind to be in accord with goodness 機誼

function of wisdom 智用

function pervasively

function spontaneously 自在而行

functional aspect of the truths 諦相

functional correctness 用正

functional words 虛詞

functioning concurrently with the forthcoming consciousnesses 與轉識倶轉

functioning consciousness 用識

functioning independently 獨行

functions everywhere 遍行一切

functions free from marks 離相而轉

functions of the ten powers 十力作業

fundamental 爲根本

fundamental afflictions 本惑, 本煩惱

fundamental aspect 本地門

fundamental basis 根本依, 根本句

fundamental cause 根本因

fundamental classic 本典

fundamental concentration 根本定, 根本禪

fundamental congruence of the meditative and doctrinal approaches 禪教一致

fundamental matter 一段事

fundamental mental disturbances 根本惑

fundamental mind 本心

fundamental nature is originally pure 自性本來淸淨

fundamental nature is pure 自性淨

fundamental non-discriminating cognition 根本無分別智

fundamental part 本門

fundamental perfuming 根本熏習

fundamental permeation by the karmic consciousness 業識根本熏習

fundamental schism 根本分裂

fundamental teaching 大宗

fundamental unity of the meditative and doctrinal approaches 禪教一元

fundamental wisdom 根本智

fundamental wisdom and subsequently attained wisdom 根後二智

fundamentally empty 本來空

fundamentally lacking in [substantial] Being 本無所有

fundamentally non-existent 自無

funeral 葬法

funeral day 正日

funeral rites

funerary text 祭文, 齋文

further (?) 更卽

further 復更, 復次, 轉更

further lessens 又損

further necessary 復須

further refine 彌精

further retrogression 復退轉

further shows 更顯

furtherance of wholesome roots 續善根

furthermore (?) 曾更

furthermore 加復, 又亦, 又復, 又而, 復加

furthermore, a sentence below says... 又下文言

furthermore, there is... 次復有

furthermore, within this 復次此中

furthest away 極逈

fuse ,

future 來世, 將來, 未來, 未來世, 當來, 當來世

future age 當來之世

future and present 未來現在

future birth 未來生

future Buddha 當來佛

future causes 未來因

future constant 當常

future effect 當果

future existence 未來法, 當來後有

future generation(s) 末世

future has not yet arisen 未來未生

future life 於當來世, 未來有

future marks 未來相

future mind 未來心

future mind is unobtainable 未來心不可得

future phenomena 未來法行

future suffering 未來苦

future time 後際


gabled hall 臺閣

gain 證得

gain and loss 得失

gain and offerings 利供養

gain liberation 證得解脫

gain or loss 利衰

gain property 得物

gain relief 得休息

gained from listening 聞所成

gaining access to a reliable teacher 得善知識, 近善知識

gaining mastery/control 自在轉

gaining the heart 適可其心

gains conviction 得信

gains the patient acceptance based on cognizance of non-arising 得無生忍


gambling 博戲

gamut of paths pursued 遍趣行

gamut of the teachings 宗極

Gandhāra art 健馱羅美術

gandharva 揵達婆

Ganges river 恆伽河, 恆水

Ganges River 恆河


garbhadhātu and vajradhātu 胎金, 金胎

garden , 園林, 苑園, 阿羅磨

garden of birth and death 生死園

garden of enlightenment 覺苑

garden of the dharma 法苑

garden of the sage(s) 仙人園

garden terrace 園觀

gardener 園頭

gardens 阿羅彌, 阿藍麼

gardens behind [the palace] 後園


garland made of beads and flowers 珠花鬘

garland of teeth 齒鬘

garment 泥伐散娜, 泥婆娑

garment of merits 功德衣

garner name and profit 得名利

garner one's sustenance 資養

garuḍa 金剛翅

gate 門戸, 門閤,

gate for going in and out [of sense experience] 輸門

gate gods 門丞, 門神

gate guardian god 守門天, 守門尊

gate keeper 門主, 門首

gate latch 關鍵, 關鑰

gate of birth and death 生死門

gate of cessation 止門

gate of compassion 慈門

gate of death 死門, 死關

gate of devils 鬼門

gate of emancipation, deliverance 脫門

gate of entry 入門, 趣入門

gate of immortality 不死門

gate of interpenetration 圓融門

gate of liberation 解脫門

gate of nectar 甘露門

gate of nirvāṇa 泥洹門

gate of no-conceptualization 無想門

gate of non-duality 不二門

gate of one-pointedness 一向門

gate of perfect completion 圓滿門

gate of perfect interpenetration and mutual inclusion 圓融相攝門

gate of salvation 度門

gate of the four heavenly kings 四天王門

Gate of the Heavenly Kings 天王門

gate of the way 道門

gate of understanding of all teachings 千法明門

gate of wisdom 智門

gate to all phenomena 百法明門

gate to full accomplishment 引發門

gate to nirvāṇa 涅槃門

gate to wholesome rebirths 善趣門

gate tracks 門跡

gatekeeper 門頭

gateless 無門

gateless school 無門宗

gates of the faculties 根門

gateway of Chan (Seon, Zen) 禪關

gateway of the teachings of the Buddha 佛教門

gateway of truth 眞門

gather 取合, 合集, 幷會, , , , 採致, 攝取, 攝殖, 積集,

gather and keep 攝持

gather everyone 集衆

gather oneself 自攝

gather up the garment 拈衣

gathered 已攝

gathering 聚會, 都會, 集者

gathering and scattering 聚散

gathering causes 攝受因

gathering in by selecting 攝取攝受

gathering in sentient beings 有情攝

gathering in with beneficial practices 利行攝

gathering like clouds 雲集

gathering mindfulness 攝念

gathering of clouds 雲凝

gathering of many 多集

gathering of monks 和合僧

gathering of syllables 文身

gathering of two or more phrases 句身

gathering of various elements to create one thing 積聚

gathering of wealth 財攝受

gathers in sentient beings 攝受有情, 攝衆生

gathers wholesome roots 集善根

gauge carefully 審量

gauze filter 水羅

gazing at the moon in the wafting breeze 賞月吟風

geese flying 雁行

gem , , , 迦柘

gem in the hair 頂珠

general (generic) name or term for something 總名

general (inclusive) states of mindfulness 總相念處

general among particulars 不共中共

general and specific aspects 總別

general and specific introductions 通別二序

general attribute 共相

general attribute of all conditioned things 一切行共相

general discrimination 總分別

general distinctions 共相差別

general explanation 總釋

general inventory 資財帳

general name for a Buddhist priest 衆徒

general of the dharma 法將

general of the five destinies 五道將軍

general offering to all spirits 總供

general outline 總標

general outline verse 嗢柁南

general precepts for all disciples 總相戒

general sense of the term 通義

general teaching 總教

general term 泛稱

general theory or explanation 通論

general trend 大運

general/summarized meaning 總義


generalized karmic fruition 引果

generalizing karma 總業

generally 摠相, 總相

generally called... 總名爲

generally classifies 總判

generally explain 總明

generally explained 通說

generally has 凡有

generally shows 總開

generally speaking 大抵, 總說

general's bamboo stick 將軍竹篦

generals of the four directions 四方大將

generated based on causes and conditions 依因緣生

generated by intention 思所造, 思所造作, 起思造作

generated from affliction 煩惱所作

generated from causes and conditions 因緣生

generates (monetary) interest 生息

generates 變生

generates ferocity 發起猛利

generates vigorous effort 發懃精進

generation 世代

generational houses 世家

generative cause 生因, 生因性

generator 能造

generic terminology 世流布名

generosity 施他

generosity and morality 施戒

genitive case 屬格, 所屬聲

gentle 仁和, 和淑, 惠柔, 慧柔, , 柔和, 柔軟, 輕微, 輕徵

gentle and refined 和雅, 柔雅

gentle breeze 微風

gentle speech 軟言

gentle words 柔輭語, 軟語

gentleness and patience 順柔軟性

gentle-sound-flower 柔軟音華

genuine , 淳淑, 誠實

genuine monk 眞僧

genuine practices 誠行

geomancy 風水

gesture of joining one's palms and putting them to the breast as an expression of reverence 合掌

get 得逮

get angry 怨嫌

get distaste for 生厭

get enough 取足

get exhausted and emaciated 疲痩

get hold of 攬攝, 求取, 能策

get into a panic 懅務

get relaxed and pleased 解懌

get rid of 勿親近, 屏除, 棄除, 除屛, 除棄, 除滅

get rid of diseases 除差

get rid of garbage 糞除

get satisfied 厭翫

get sick

get soaked or drowns 漬溺

get the gist readily 簡要

get tired and stop 懈止

get totally scattered and lost 騷散

get used to

gets rid of 屛除

gets the music 知音

getting food 得食

getting married while pregnant (?) 指腹親

ghee 醍醐

ghee lamp 酥燈, 醍醐燈

ghost of the privy 溷鬼

ghost(s) 鬼物

ghosts and animals 鬼畜

ghosts and demons 魑魅魍魎

ghosts seeking offerings 希祀鬼

giant clam shell 車璖

gift 惠捨

gift 財利

gift of four truths 四法施

gift of teaching 法施




girl to be aroused from absorption 女人定, 女子出定

gist 中意, 來意, 合義, 大旨, 指歸, , 義趣, 要旨

gist of the teaching 教意

give 加施, 慧益, , , 施與, 給與, 許付

give a Buddhist sermon

give a scolding 呵教

give aid to [living] beings 濟物

give alms to the saṃgha 施僧

give and let stand on 施立

give benefit to sentient beings 饒益有情

give benefits 惠益

give birth

give care

give explicit instructions 宣喩

give instruction 垂語

give medicine suited to the disease 應病與藥

give nourishing food and purgatives 補寫

give or present with respect 奉授

give out garments 授衣

give profit and joy 利喜

give rise from the depths 深生

give rise in one's mind to pure faith 心生淨信

give rise to 能引發, 能現起

give rise to a rare state of mind 生希有心

give rise to a view of self 起我見

give rise to afflictions 起煩惱

give rise to attachment 起執著

give rise to conceit 起慢

give rise to confidence in the teachings 於法起信解

give rise to craving and aspirations 生愛求願

give rise to deep faith 深生信解

give rise to differences 生起差別

give rise to discrimination/conceptualization 起分別

give rise to discriminations 生分別

give rise to error 生過

give rise to evil 生惡

give rise to faith 起信心

give rise to fear 生怖

give rise to firm belief 起堅信解

give rise to firm conviction 生信

give rise to irritation 遍生憤恚

give rise to mistaken conceptions 生過想

give rise to perplexity 生疑惑

give rise to the desire realm 生欲界

give rise to the first meditation 生初靜慮

give rise to the mind bent on perfect enlightenment 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心

give rise to thought 起念

give rise to wholesome states of mind 起善心

give thanks for being given the precepts 謝戒

given rise to by attention 作意而生

given rise to meditation 起靜慮

gives (alms) 能施與

gives 賜與

gives birth to a child 生子

gives comfort to all sentient beings 安樂一切有情

gives rise to 能發起

gives rise to bases 生所依

gives rise to doubts and confusions 生起疑惑

gives rise to ignorance 能起無明

gives rise to subsequent offenses 生後法罪

gives rise to the great vehicle aspiration 發大乘心

gives rise to the three realms 生三界

gives rise to this mind 生如是心

gives rise to thought 生意, 起心

giving 奉施, 布施, 檀捨

giving benefit to [all] sentient beings 利物, 利生

giving dharma teachings 法施

giving for heavenly rewards 希求施

giving in five stages 贈五重

giving in hope of heaven 希天施

giving of alms 檀施

giving of self (to the Tathāgata) 施身方便

giving rise to rejection 起損減

giving rise to this kind of view 起如是見

giving sand as alms to the Buddha 以砂施佛

giving things 物施

giving with an atmosphere of respect 慇重惠施

giving without reliance 無依惠施

gladden 悅可



glance at

glare angrily 瞋目

gleaming pearl 明珠寶

glimmer of a gem

glint of the eye 眼光

glitter ,



glorify 諮嗟

glorious 榮華, 顯綽

glorious and pure 嚴淨

glorious kalpa 莊嚴劫

glorious pure buddha-lands 嚴淨佛土

gloriously adorned 嚴飾

glow, brightness of the (Buddha-)Path 道明

glow, brightness of the sacred (Buddha-) Path 聖道明

glowing 入嚩羅

glue-pot 膠盆子

gnaw the moon 噉月

go 伽車提, , ,

go against 張乖

go against the flow 反流

go along with 靡然,

go along with and use 隨用

go and seek for 行求, 行索

go and teach 行化

go and visit 往詣, 往造

go around , 周旋,

go away 去來

go beyond 出過

go beyond myriad sufferings 超過衆苦

go beyond person and dharma(s) 勝過人法

go in circular rows 錯行列

go in response to an invitation 赴請

go out 出在, 出外

go out and greet a guest 迎接

go over

go past 能超,

go round and round 廻廻

go through

go to 行至, 行詣,

go to advantageous rebirths 往善趣

go to evil rebirths 往惡趣

go to meet ,

go to pieces 碎散

go to the end of

go to the platform 入壇

go to the toilet 抽脫, 行厠

go toward 往入, 往趣

go up 往上

go upstream

goat cart 羊乘, 羊車

goblins 毘舍闍, 畢舍遮


God 自在作者

god of a privy 溷神

god of gods 天中之天

god of incense and sound 乾闥婆神, 香音神

god of space 虛空神

god of the desire realm 欲界天

god of the oceans and rivers 水天

god of the sacred store 聖寶藏神

god of the wind 三暮多

god of writing 造書天

goddess 天女

goddess of eloquence 辨才天

goddess of the Buddha's eye 佛眼佛母, 佛眼尊, 佛眼部母

goddess of the cesspool 紫姑

goddess of the three poisons 三毒尸利

godlike (or majestic) father 天父

gods and buddhas 神佛

gods and humans 天人衆

gods and men 神人

gods and men scatter flowers on a body 天人散花身上

gods and people of the world 天世人

gods below the earth 囀羅呬

gods of the earth 地居天

gods of the karmic paths 業道神

gods of the land

gods of the sky 空居天

gods of the world 世間天

gods that are a joy to see 喜見天

goe back 還去

going 哦哆也

going against the flow [of transmigration] 與流轉相違

going along with cyclic existence 隨順流轉

going along with different types [of beings] 異類中行

going along with other conditions 隨順他緣

going along with the mundane 隨順世間

going and coming 往來, 徃來

going and returning 往復

going forth or out 能出

going out of the gate 出門

going to the darkness 冥往

going toward 轉趣

going west 西行

gold 素嚩哩拏, 蘇伐刺, , 黃金

gold and silver 金銀

gold and silver coins 金銀錢

gold and silver ornamentation

gold chains 金鎖

gold coffin 金棺

gold colored 金色

gold elixir 金丹

gold figure 金人

gold foil 金箔

gold from the Jambūnadī river 贍部捺陀金

gold great king (?) 金大王

gold mountain 金山

gold ore 鑛金

gold produced from the river running through the groves of the jambu trees 炎浮檀金, 閻浮檀金, 閻浮那提金, 閻浮那提金光, 閻浮那陀金

gold thread 金縷

gold wheel-turning sage king 金輪王

golden 干闍那, 建折那, 金喩

golden abode 黃金宅

golden body 身皮金色相, 金身, 金軀

golden bones 金骨

golden both with an aura that radiates a fathom's distance 身皮金色常光一尋

golden buddha image 金佛

golden Buddha-body tinged with violet 紫磨金身

golden couch 金床

golden crow 金鳥

golden elixirs and jade ambrosia 金丹玉液

golden fowl 金鷄

golden grain tathāgata

golden ground 金地

golden hall 金堂

Golden Hued Renunciant 金色頭陀

golden image 金像

golden light 金光, 金光明

golden lion-seat 師子金床

golden mouth 金口

golden pagoda 金刹

golden recluse 金仙

golden robe 金色衣, 金襴衣, 金襴袈裟

golden sand 金沙

golden skin 身皮金色

golden staff 金杖

golden tortoise 金龜

golden treasury 金藏

golden treasury cloud 金藏雲

golden trees 金樹

golden water 金水

golden words 金言

golden-haired lion 金毛獅子

Golden-hued Kāśyapa 金色尊者, 金色迦葉

golden-hued king 金色王

golden-hued peacock king 金色孔雀王

golden-hued realm 金色世界

golden-hued woman 金色女

goldsmith 金師


gone beyond 得過

gone out or forth 超出

gong 犍地, 犍椎, 犍稚, 犍遲

gong 銅鑼

gong for the deceased 無常磬, 無常鐘

good (insight into) reality 理善

good [roots] serving as causes conducive to liberation 順解脫分善

good 仁賢, , , 善等, , , 好良, , 跋達羅

good actions 善業

good among the celestials 天部善神

good and (or) defiled 善染

good and clear 善明

good and evil (activity) 白黑

good and evil 善惡

good and evil fortune 殃福

good and evil karma 善惡之業

good and gentle 善軟

good and virtuous friend 善知識

good appearance 好色

good at 能善

good bodhisattva 善薩

good by nature 性善

good cause 善因

good causes [bring] good effects, bad causes [bring] bad effects 善因善果惡因惡果

good causes, good results 善因善果

good character already evolved 已生善

good character not yet evolved 未生善

good character that arises from meditation or contemplation 定善

good chariot 好車

good circumstances 福緣

good color 好色者

good day 吉日, 良日

good dedication of merit 善廻向

good deed 善事

good deed(s) 善之行

good deities 善神

good dharma(s) 善法

good doctor 良醫

good eon 善劫, 波陀劫, 賢劫

good explanations of the dharma 善說法

good friend 善親友

good gain 善利

good guidance 善道

good horse 好馬

good in the beginning 初善

good in the end 後善

good intentions 善意, 善意樂

good karma acquired in non-meditative activities 散業

good karma from previous lifetimes 宿善

good men and believing women 善男信女

good merit 善德

good mind 善心

good month 善月

good omens

good or happy condition 善處

good person 善人

good quality 善品

good reputation 善名

good results 善果

good retribution 白報

good root of absence of craving 無貪善根

good sons 善男子

good sons of gods 善天子

good sons, good women 善男子善女人

good teacher 善師

good teaching 善訓

good things and bad things 好惡

good women 善女人

good works 好事

good yields 事善

good-looking 樂見

goodness in nature 性仁賢

goodness in the desire realm 欲界善

goods and so forth 物等

goose 恆亙婆, 賀捺娑, ,

goose and the gem 鵝珠

goose king 雁王, 鵞王

goose king separates the milk 鵝王別乳

gotten rid of 所遣

gourd , 胡蘆, 葫蘆,

gourmet food 美食, 豐膳

govern 化御, ,

govern the world 治世


government official 官司

government temple 官寺

grab under the arm

graceful beauty 婉麗

gracious saver 恩度

graded stages 位次

graded stilling and insight 漸次止觀

gradual [cessation and ]insight 漸次觀

gradual advancement 漸次

gradual and partial observance of the precepts in the lesser vehicle 小乘偏漸戒

gradual and sudden 漸頓

gradual cultivation 漸修

gradual decrease 漸損

gradual elimination 漸斷

gradual teaching 漸教, 漸說

gradual transcribing [of a sūtra] 漸寫

gradual warming 漸熱

gradual-and-successive cessation-and-contemplation 次第止觀

gradually [advance] until 漸次乃至

gradually , 漸漸, 稍漸, 轉漸, 轉稍

gradually abandon (ignorance) 漸捨

gradually attain 漸得

gradually augmenting (increasing, furthering, promoting) 漸增長

gradually chipping away 屈曲教

gradually eliminate 漸次斷

gradually eliminated 次第斷除

gradually enlightened 漸覺

gradually escapes 漸出

gradually get rid of 令漸捨離

gradually increase 漸增

grain , , , 米穀

grain alcohol 穀酒

grains 穀麥

grammar 毘伽羅, 毘何羯唎拏, 毘耶羯剌諵, 聲明記論

Grand Tripiṭaka of the Goryeo 八萬大藏經, 高麗大藏經


grand-disciple 師孫

grandfather 祖父

grandson-disciples 徒孫

grand-teacher 師祖, 師翁

grant , , 許縱,

grant a break 給假, 給暇

granted 等攝

grasp 承攬, , , , 能執持

grasp subtly 妙解

grasp the meaning 得意

grasp to a (certain) understanding 取解

grasp to images 取像

grasp well 善取

grasper 能執, 能攝

grasping , 愛藏,

grasping at imputed phenomena 假有能取分別

grasping one's shadow 捉影

grasping to affairs 事能取

grasping to emptiness 取空

grasps names 取名

grasps the meaning according to language 如言取義

grasps the mind firmly 策心

grasps to the role of teacher 師捲

grass , ,

grass and trees 草木

grass and trees all accomplish buddhahood 草木成佛

grass finger-ring 茅環, 草環, 草茅環

grass mats 茅座, 草座

grass ring 草指

grasses and leaves 草葉

grateful 善知恩, 知恩

gratifies 可悅

gratitude 阿奴謨柁

gratitude to the Buddha 念報佛恩心

gratitude(?) 恩議

grave 墳墓, 黃壚

grave admonition 重誨

grave crime 重罪

grave crimes 重非

grave crimes and heinous crimes 重逆

grave danger 危逼

grave error 大邪

grave offenses 他勝, 斷頭, 波羅夷, 波羅市迦, 波羅闍已迦

grave precepts 重戒

gravely forbidden 重禁

gravestone 墓石

gravity 慇重

great [scriptural] store 大藏

great , , , 弘茂, 恢大, , 磨訶, 磨醯, 麼賀

great ability 高才

great activity 大勢

great adamantine wisdom of the truth of cessation 大滅諦金剛智

great adornment 大莊嚴

great advantage gained from the Dharma 大法利

great afflictions 大惑

great altar 大壇

great ancestor 太祖

great and round 大圓

great and small teaching approaches 大小教門

great and wonderful 弘妙

great and wonderful voice 大妙音

great anointment 大灑

great arhat

great arhat 大阿羅漢

great assembly 大會, 大會衆, 大衆會

great auspicious anniversary 大祥忌

Great Auspicious Bright Bodhisattva 大吉祥明菩薩

Great Auspicious Great Luminous Bodhisattva 大吉大明菩薩

great auspicious indestructibility 大吉祥金剛

Great Auspicious Transformation Bodhisattva 大吉變菩薩

great authority 大威力, 大威德, 大柄

Great Authority of the Benefits of Practice Bodhisattva 大權修利菩薩

great being 大士

great bell 大鐘

great benefactor 大仁

great benefit 大利, 巨益

great benevolence 大慈愍

great bhikṣu

great birth 大生

great bitter sea 大苦海

great blazing perfect light 大熾盛光

great bliss 大樂

great bliss of the Dharma 大法樂

great bodhisattva 大菩薩, 菩薩大士

great body of the buddha 大身

great brahma heaven 大梵天

great brahman heaven 梵覽摩, 波羅賀磨, 跋羅吸摩

great brāhmaṇa

great bright universal illumination 大光普照

great Buddha-Path 佛大道

great buddha-peak 大佛頂

great Buddhist friend 大善知識

great burning hell 大燒炙獄

great capacity 大機

great capacity and great functioning 大機大用

great cart 大車

great castle 大城

great center 大中

great chiliocosm 三千世界

great chiliocosm or universe of the three kinds of thousands of worlds 一大三千世界

great city of meanings 大義城

great clan 族姓家

great clarity 大淸

great cold forest 大寒林

great collection 大集

great commander 大元帥明王

great compassion 大悲, 大悲哀, 大慈哀, 大慈悲

great compassion based on sameness in essence 同體大悲, 同體慈悲

great compassion lacking a specific object 無緣大悲

great compassion of the Tathāgatas 如來大悲

great compassionate one 大悲者

great compassionate universal manifestation 大悲普現

great compassionate vow 大悲願

great compassionate womb-store 大悲胎藏

great completion 大滿

great completion of wish-meaning 大滿願義

great comprehensive dharma-gate 大總法門

great concentration 三昧正取

great concentration, wisdom, pity 大定智悲

great conflagration 大水火, 大水災

great continent 大洲

great crowd 大衆

great deal of anxiety 多慮

great deception 大術

great deer

great destiny 大命

great destructive wind 大災風, 畔喋婆

great deva king 大神王

great dhāraṇīs 大神咒

great dharma 大法

great dharma assembly 大法會

great Dharma-master 大法師

great dharma-rain 大法雨

great Dharma-seat 大法座

great dhyāna-thought 大禪思

great difference 大差別

great disciple 大聲聞

great doctrinal course 大教科

great doctrine 大綱

great donation 大施

great donor 大施主

great dream 大夢

great elephant treasure 大象藏

great eloquence 大辯才

great emptiness 大空

great enlightenment 大悟, 大般若, 大菩提, 大覺

great eon 大刧, 大劫

great equal assembly 無遮大會

great error 大過, 大過失

great essence 大體

great evil 大惡

great excellent seal 大妙印

great expedient means 大方便

great extinction 大入滅息, 大圓寂入, 大寂滅, 大滅, 大般涅槃

great extinction without remainder 無餘依般涅槃

great extinction-salvation 大滅度

great falsehood 大亡語

great fiery pit 大火坑

great fire 大火

great flowered jasmine 修摩那, 須摩那, 須曼那

great flowering jasmine 須曼

great fool 大愚

great form elements (?) 大種色

great freedom 大自在

great fruit 大果

great fruit-retribution 大果報

great function 大用

great gathering for almsgiving 大施會

great good improvement 大善利

great good luck 元慶

great grave precepts 大重戒

great ground 大地

great guide 大導師

great happiness 大慶

great heap of [rare] jewels 大珍寶聚

great hell 大地獄, 大那落迦

great hell of a forest with iron sword leaves 鐵劍樹林大地獄

great hell of excrement 糞屎大地獄

great hell of the iron forest 鐵鍱林大地獄

great hero 大雄

great holy joyful gods 大聖歡喜天

great house 大宅

Great Hymn of Praise 大頌

great illusion 大幻

great impediment to the virtuous way 大障善道

great import 大義

great inclusion 大攝受

great intention to burn the body 大志焚身

great inviter 大召

great is the robe of liberation 大哉解脫服

great jewel 大寶

great jewel lotus king 大寶華王

great jewel lotus king throne 大寶華王座

great joy (delight, rapture) 大歡喜

great kindness 大慈

great king 摩賀羅惹

great king of doctors 大醫王

great king of meanings 大義王

great king(s) 大王

great knowledge, awareness, and insight 大智覺慧

great laughing radiant king 大笑明王

great lie 大妄語

great lion of the śākyas 大釋師子

great lord 尊豪

great lord 豪尊

great lord with sovereign power 自在尊豪

great lotus 大蓮華, 奔茶

great luminous sound heaven 大光音天

great magician 大幻師

great majestic saintliness 大威聖

great man 大丈夫, 大人

great maṇḍala 大曼, 大曼荼羅

great marks 大相

great mass of suffering 大苦蘊

Great Master (Hui-)Ke 可大師

great master 大宗師

great master Cien 慈恩大師

great master Neng 能大師

great master who crossed the ocean 過海大師

great masters who spread the teachings 弘經大士

great matter 大事

great matter for which the buddhas appear in the world 出世大事

great meaning 廣誼

great meditation teacher 大禪師

great mental power 大心力

great mercy 大恩

great mercy and great pity 大慈大悲

great merit 大功德

great mind ocean 大心海

great mind of enlightenment 大菩提心

great mindfulness 大念

great mindfulness and cognition 大念大智

great mindfulness of the Buddha 大念佛

great mirror 大鑑

great monastery 大寺

great monk 大沙門

great mountain(s) 大山

great multitudes 諸大衆

great naked bodies 大露身, 摩訶諾伽那

great nescience 大無明

great night 大夜

great nirvāṇa 大涅槃

great number 揭底

great ocean congregation 大海衆

great ocean of birth and death 生死大海

great ocean of the Buddhist teaching is entered through faith 佛法大海信爲能入

great ocean seal 大海印

great offering 大捨

great offerings 大嚫

great ox cart 大牛車

great oxhead king 牛頭大王

great pacifier 大安慰

great party 大朋翼

great path of buddhas 大佛道

great peace 大安

great peacock king 大孔雀王

great penetration 大通

great perfect enlightenment 大圓覺

great perfect mirror 大圓鏡

great perfect mirror cognition 大圓鏡智

great perfection of wisdom 大慧度

great perfections 大波羅密

great perseverance 大堪能

great pit 大深坑

great pity 大哀愍

great polluted dharma 大染法

great potentiality 大權

great power of all [the armies of] Māra 一切魔怨大威力

great power or energy 大力

great precepts of the thousand buddhas 千佛大戒

great precious flower 大寶華

great precious maṇi

great precious ocean 大寶海

great precious region 大寶坊

great precious treasury 大寶藏

great pre-eminent Buddha-Path 大尊佛道

great pre-eminent Dharma 大尊法

great pre-eminent hero 大尊雄

great pre-eminent path 大尊道

great pride (?) 普慢

great pride in the dharma 大法慢

great protective sign 大護印

great quiescence 大寂靜

great radiance 大光

great reception 大相看

great red lotus 大紅蓮華, 摩訶鉢特摩

great red lotus hell 大紅蓮地獄

great red lotuses 大紅蓮

great reliable brāhmaṇa

great reward 大勝利

great ring of iron 大鐵圍

great ring of iron mountains 大鐵圍山

great river 大河

great robe 大衣

great sagacious emperor 大聖帝

great sage 勝仙, 大仙, 大仙聖, 大聖, 大聖人

great sage 大尊, 大聖尊

great sage guide 大聖導

great sage hero 大聖雄

great sage lord 大聖主

great sage, excellently auspicious 大聖妙吉祥

great salvation 大度

great savior 大度師

great scriptural Dharma 大經法

great scripture 大經典

great scripture roll 大經卷

great sea 巨海

great seeds 大種

great self 大我

great shining kings 大明王

great shrine hall 大殿, 大雄寶殿, 大雄殿

great six-syllable mantra 六字大明呪

great snake 摩睺羅伽

great standard 景則, 景摸, 景模

great strength 大勢力

great subordinate officials 大僚屬

great success 大功

great suchness 大然

great suffering 大患, 大苦

great supernatural powers 大神足, 大神通力

great supernatural powers of the Buddha 大神通

Great Tang 大唐

great teacher 大師

great teacher, the Tathāgata 如來大師

great teaching 大教

Great Teaching 弘教

great teaching 影訓, 景訓

great thief without a sword 無刀大賊

great thorough formation of connections 大通結緣

great transformation 大化

great treatise master 大論師

great tree kiṃnara 大樹緊那羅

great universal wisdom 平等大慧

great universally shining Avalokitêśvara 大光普照觀音

great vast buddha 大方廣佛

great vast wisdom tripiṭaka 大廣智三藏

great vehicle 勝乘, 大乘

great vehicle abhidharma 大乘論, 大乘阿毘達磨

great vehicle aspiration 大乘心

Great Vehicle Celestial 大乘天

great vehicle meditation 大乘禪

great vehicle precepts 大乘戒

great vehicle scriptures 大乘經

great vehicle scriptures and treatises 大乘經論

great vehicle's doctrine of equality 大乘平等法

great venerable 大和尚

great vessel 大船

great victorious vajra 大勝金剛

great virtue 大德

great voice 大音聲

great voice of the enlightened one 正覺大音

great void 天虛

great vow 僧那, 僧那僧涅, 大誓, 大誓願, 大願, 弘誓, 弘誓願, 弘願

great vow of the bodhisattvas 菩薩大願

great waters 大水

great waves in the vast expanse of water 洪波浩渺

great way 大道

great way has no entrance 大道無門

great wealth 大財

great wealth and possessions 大財富

great wealth and rank 大財位

great well-balanced scripture 大方等經

great wheel of the dharma 大法輪

Great Wheel Vajra 大輪金剛

great wheel-turning king 大轉輪王

great white flower 大白團華, 大白華

great white lotus 摩訶缽特摩, 芬利

great white ox cart 大白牛車

great white-bodied bodhisattva 大明白身菩薩

great white-robed one 大白衣

great wholesome roots 大善根

great will 弘意

great wind 吠嵐婆, 毘嵐風, 毘樓那, 鞞藍婆

great wisdom 大慧, 大智, 大智慧, 摩訶般若

great wisdom ocean 大智海

great worthy 大賢

great yellow potion 大黃湯

great zeal 大精進

great, expansive mind 大心

great, supreme wisdom 大上慧

great-curative 大方

greater baptism 大灌頂

greater than the greatest 無上上

greater than the herd 勝群

greater vehicle Buddhism and lesser vehicle Buddhism 大小乘

greater zone 大界

greatest 最上, 最勝, 最大, 最第一, 鬱多摩

greatest aspiration 最上意

greatest cart 等一大車

greatest freedom 最自在

greatest in wisdom 智慧爲上, 智慧第一

greatest number of hundreds of billions 姟限

greatest of the least 下上品

greatest path 上品道

greatest sage 極聖

greatest suffering 第一義苦

greatest, middling, and least 上中下

greatly abundant 甚多

greatly adorned realm 大莊嚴世界

greatly ashamed 大恥

greatly compassionate 具大悲

greatly compassionate armor 大悲鎧冑門

greatly compassionate Avalokitêśvara 大悲觀世, 大悲觀音

greatly compassionate bodhisattva 大悲菩薩

greatly compassionate icchantika

greatly compassionate world-saver 救世大悲者

greatly confused 大迷

greatly elated 心大歡喜

greatly enlightened golden sage 大覺金仙

greatly enlightened world-honored one 大覺世尊

greatly extended 大方等, 毘佛畧

greatly meritorious 大福

greatly pleased; satisfied 深生愛

greatly worthy of offerings 大應供

greatly zealous and brave 大勤勇

greatness 大性

greatness of essence 體大

greatness of function 用大

greatness of the attributes 相大

greed 慳財, 耽嗜

greed, ill-will, and delusion 貪瞋癡

greedy activity 貪行者

greedy as a wolf 貪狼

greedy temperament 貪行

green 靑倉, 靑蒼

green onions 茗葱, 革蔥

green vitriol 迦肆娑

greens 多摩羅,

greet 慰問, 迎逆

greeter 客司, 知客


grey-headed 皓首

grief 愁悲苦憂惱, 愁惱

grieve 愁毒, 慨然, 概然, 痛著

grieve over 慨嘆

grieves , 悼感

grieves and wails 憂哭

griffin 迦樓羅

grind , 研磨

grind a brick to make a mirror 磨磚

groaning hell 阿呼地獄, 阿浮地獄

grope for

groping the elephant 摸象

gross 麤品

gross filth 麤垢

gross form 麤色

ground 依住

ground of absolute truth 眞諦地

ground of burning wisdom 焰慧地

ground of direct appearance 現前地

ground of dry wisdom 乾慧地

ground of endurance 堪忍地

ground of excellent wisdom 善慧地

ground of freedom from defilement 離垢地

ground of immovability 不動地

ground of joy 初歡喜地, 歡喜地

ground of non-retrogression 不退地, 不退轉地

ground of overcoming difficulty 難勝地

ground of overcoming the extremely difficult 極難勝地

ground of pure mind 淨心地

ground of the (Buddha-)Path 道地

ground of the dharma-cloud 法雲地

ground of the emission of light 發光地

ground of the full possession of discipline 具戒地

ground of traveling a distance 遠行地

ground of ultimate bliss 極歡喜地

ground without remainder 無餘依地

ground/stage of the solitary realizer 獨覺地

grounded 有窣堵波

grounds (stages) with residue 有餘依地

grounds 依法

grounds patrol 巡山

grounds prefect 知山

group 一衆, 徒等, 徒類,

group 有衆, 部黨

group of blind people 衆盲

group of direct disciples 聲聞衆

group of disciples 弟子衆, 徒衆

group of disciples of the sage 聖弟子衆

group of heavenly beings 天衆

group of monks 衆僧

group of people 倫品, 倫黨

group of phenomena able to effect meaningfulness 能引有義聚法

group of phenomena that brings about uselessness 能引無義聚法

group of six 六衆

group of six bhikṣus 六群比丘

group of the determined 正位

group which is predestined to follow correct practices and attain the fruits of liberation 正性定聚

group with evil views 邪見聚

groups of bodhisattvas 菩薩衆

grove 叢林,

grove 叢樹

grove of campaka trees 薝蔔林

grove of meditation 禪林

grove of merit 功德叢林

grove of the seven jewels 七寶樹林


grow exuberant 滋茂

grow weary of (affliction) 厭背

growing 漸增盛

growing fruit 增長果

growing out 能長

growing rice

growls, baring its teeth 啀喍

growth 增廣, 長大

grudge 瞋恨

grudging 慳吝

gruel 怛鉢那

gruel-and-rice monk 粥飯僧

Guang and Bao 光寶

guarantee of future buddhahood 受決, 和伽羅那

guard 守護, 將順, 建護, 營護, , 監守, 監守者, , , 護主

guard and protect 衞護

guard and take care of 持衞

guard on duty 守護主

guard oneself 自防護

guard strictly 嚴護

guard the gate of the senses 守根門

guard the mind 守心

guard the one 守一

guarded 密護, 所防護

guarded gates of the faculties 密護根門

guarded thoughts 所防慮

guardian deities 神衆

guardian general of the region 保境將軍

guardian generals 神將

guardian monk 護持增

guardian temple deity(s) 護伽藍神

guardian's altar 神衆壇

guarding 爲護

guarding the gates of the senses 守護根門

guarding the sense-gates 護根門

guarding thought 防慮

guess 推察


guest department 客堂

guest master 客頭

guidance 教化, 示導

guidance that one religious practitioner gives to another 道風

guide (people) along a course suitable for them 順導

guide 唱道, 奬導, , 導師, 導御, 導首, 師導, 教導, 能獎者, 誘誨, 開化, 開導

guide and benefit 導利

guide and transform 化教

guide correctly 正化

guide forward 前導

guide of the world 世導師

guide of the world, a sage hero 導世聖雄

guide skillfully 方便化導

guided by shared position 藉通開導

guides (encourages) correctly 能正勸導

guides 將引, 誘導

guides and encourages 誘立

guides and sympathizes 誘恤

guides the followers 御衆

guiding ceremony for the deceased 遷度齋

guiding friend 師友


Guiyang house 潙仰


gurgling water

gustatory consciousness 舌識

gustatory faculty 舌根

gustatory objects 味塵

ha clear insight 明徹


habit cause 習因

habit energies 習氣

habituate 串習

habituated over a long period of time 長時數習

habituated seeds 習種子

habituated tendencies 習氣

habituation 行蘊

habituation by repetition

habituation of desire 貪習

habituation of desire as cause 貪習因

haggard and dirty(?) 羸穢

hahava hell 臛臛婆

hail! 沙波訶, 蘇婆訶, 蘇波訶

hair (of the head)

hair , 毛髮, 髮毛

hair circles 毛輪

hair in every pore of the body 身諸毛孔一一毛生

hair of a goose 鴻毛

hair of a tortoise and horns of a rabbit 龜毛兎角

hair of one's head in a tousle 頭髮蓬亂

hair on a tortoise 龜毛

hair on the head 頭髮

hair on the temples

hair rope 毛繩

hair that stands straight up 毛上靡

hairline 髮邊際

hairs of tortoises and horns of rabbits 龜毛兔角

hairs on his body point upward 身毛上靡相

halberd of wisdom 般若鋒


half a Chinese ounce 迦利沙, 迦利沙那

half a day's fast 半齋

half a month 半月, 博吃蒭

half deva brahmans 半天婆羅門

half of one's seat 半座

half-leaps 半超

half-lotus posture 半跏趺坐

half-monk 伴僧, 從僧

half-moon on its back 仰月點

half-open lotus 未敷蓮華

half-verse 半偈

hall , 堂屋, 堂舍, 堂閣, 殿舍,

hall for dried-wood 枯木堂

Hall of Eight Phases (of the Buddha's life) 八相殿

hall of extending life 延壽堂

hall of images 影堂

hall of immeasurable life 無量壽殿

hall of impermanence 無常堂, 無常院

hall of incense 健陀倶知, 香室堂

hall of judgment 冥府殿

hall of ordination 戒場

Hall of Perfect Interpenetration 圓通殿

hall of silent illumination 大寂光殿

hall of the [sixteen] arhats 應眞閣, 羅漢殿

hall of the fine dharma 善法堂, 妙法堂

Hall of the Five-hundred Arhats 羅漢閣

hall of the guardian kings 天王殿

hall of the hermit sage 獨聖閣

hall of the patriarchs 祖師殿

hall of the ten kings 十王殿

hall of the three sages 三聖閣

hall of universal light 普光明殿

hall-entering ceremony 庭儀

halls and shrines 堂宇

halls and stūpas 堂塔

hall-straightener 直堂

halo 印光, 背光, 頂光, 頭光

halo and throne (of a Buddha) 光座

halo behind the throne 座光

halo from a Buddha's body 色光


hammer ,

hammer and anvil 槌墩, 槌砧

hammock 繩床

hand , 訶悉多

hand and feet 手足

hand of faith 信手

hand over and check 交點

hand over the hall 交堂

hand symbolism 慕捺囉, 目拏羅

hand-bell 引磬, 手磬

handbell 搖鈴

hand-bell ,

hand-copied text 寫本

handful of food 一揣食, 一摶食

handicraft , 工業

handkerchief 手巾

handle ,

handler of guests 典客

hands and feet 手脚

hands and fingers 手指

hands and knees on the ground 手膝據地

hands folded with interlocking fingers 反叉合掌

hands on top of each other in lotus position 華手, 蓮華合掌

handsome 容色端正

hang ,

hang a picture 掛眞

hang up one's staff 掛錫

hang up one's things 掛單, 掛搭, 掛褡

hang; to attach to

hanging and widespread 懸曠

hanging banner 幢幡

hanging upside down 倒懸

hangs down and spreads out 垂布

hanker after

happily smile 欣笑

happiness 慶喜, 歡喜, 福寧

happiness and prosperity 福祿

happy 快安樂, , 欣心

happy child 福子

happy in body and spirit 身心歡喜

happy in spirit 心歡喜

harassed 逼惱

harbor animosity

harbor in one's mind 心懷

hard , , , 率爾敦逼

hard and soft 硬軟

hard black sandalwood 堅黑栴檀

hard path 險道, 難嶮

hard rocks break rocks 難石石裂

hard to cross over 難度

hard to overcome 難勝

hard to understand and hard to enter 難解難入

hard-pressed by hunger and thirst 飢渴所逼

hardship , 厄難, 艱辛,


haritaki 一訶子

harm (or injury) without reason 邪害

harm 加害, , 惱害, 損害

harm life 傷命

harm others 他害

harmed 所損

harmful 可害, 無利益, 爲害

harmful activity and beneficial activity have no separate director 罪福無主

harmful attachments 魔縛

harmful behavior 罪行

harmful circumstances 魔緣

harmful desires 惡欲

harmful meditation 魔禪

harmful mental state 害心

harmful obstructions 魔障

harmful offerings 魔檀

harmful thoughts 害想, 害覺, 有損害心

harmless 非可害

harmonious sounds 和雅音

harmoniously unified so as to be indistinguishable 冥一

harmonization 和合性

harmonize 剋諧

harmonize differences in teaching 通會

harmonized function 和合轉

Harmonizing Agency 圓融府

harms 中壞

harness the mind to a single point 繋心一處

harp-like instrument and a flute 箏笛

harsh 惱亂, 暴虐,

harsh speech 語麁惡, 語麤惡, 麤惡語

harsh words 惡罵

has a way to be included 有所攝受

has ability 有才

has an ending 有終

has an upper and lower part 有上有下

has aroused the determination [for enlightenment] 發心已

has arrived to 已到

has attained 已證得

has attained freedom from attachment/desire 已得離欲

has attained the noble path 已得聖道

has buddha-nature 有佛性

has cultivated 修習已

has discriminated aspects 有分

has dull faculties 有鈍根

has entered 已入

has established 已立

has gold 有金

has greater and lesser 有高有下

has middling faculties 有中根

has never been... 未甞

has never yet practiced 未曾修習

has never... 未曾

has no obstruction 無有礙

has not cultivated 未修

has reached the terminus 已到究竟

has retrogression 有退

has sharp faculties 有利根

has something to say 有所說

has two kinds 有二種

has undergone consecration 灌頂已

has understood 已知


hasten to

hastens into 趨入


hate (something) like filth 穢厭

hate 惡厭, 慍恨,

hate and abuses 恚罵

hate and affection 怨親

hate and anger 恚怒

hate and attachment 憎愛

hate and despise 惡賤

hate and do harm 惡害

hate and reject 忌難

hate and slander 憎謗

hate killing 惡殺

hateful and envious 憎嫉

hateful temperament 瞋行

hates existence and loves emptiness 憎有愛空

hatred 嫉恚,


haul firewood 搬柴

have (already) explained 已說

have [sentient beings] enter the One Vehicle 令入一乘

have a broad mastery of philosophy and the arts 博覽

have a cup of tea 喫茶去

have a hallucination 有幻

have a relationship with

have a thorough knowledge of 精通

have a vision of the Tathāgata 奉見如來

have a way to be included 有所攝

have affection

have an audience with

have an intention 發意

have confidence 信受

have delusion 有迷

have differences 有異

have doubts 有疑

have effect 有功能

have faith in 信受

have good understanding of the treatises 善知論

have gotten one's fill 參飽

have greater strength 轉更明盛

have no doubts 無所疑慮

have one's head shaved 祝髮

have permanently eliminated 已永斷

have pity and concern for 悲戀心

have previously made offerings 已曾供養

have the honor of meeting 奉面

have the honor of seeing 奉覲, 覩覲

have the infinite Buddha-wisdom 知無邊諸佛智

have the nature of emptiness 有性空

have thoughts 有想

have two kinds of distinctions 有二種殊

having [the nature of] appropriation 有取受性

having a basis 有所依

having a causal basis 有因緣

having a longing 有所悕冀

having affliction 有惱

having already happened 先已生

having an awful lot of free time 甚適

having attachment 有取

having beautiful flowers 華開敷

having been attained 得已

having been reborn 受生已

having cause 有因

having caused to enter... 令趣入已

having characteristics 有相

having compassion for sentient beings 愍衆生

having completed this observation... 如是觀已

having deluded conceptualization 有妄想

having delusion 有癡

having died 沒已

having disease 有疫

having done 修已

having effect 有果

having eliminated the afflictions... 斷煩惱已

having expectation(s) 有所求

having expectations 有所求覓

having experienced direct insight... 入現觀已

having explained this... 說是語已

having faith 有信

having faith in other 他信

having faults 有失

having faults and distress 有過患

having few desires and beings satisfied 少欲喜足

having finished... 於已

having flaws 有橫

having form 并相, 幷相, 有色

having form and formless 色無色

having form and no form 有相無相

having form but being unimpeded 色無礙

having given rise to the mind [of enlightenment]... 旣發心已

having great power 有大勢力

having hands 有手

having heard 聞已

having ill-will 有瞋

having long life 具壽

having loss 有退失

having luminosity 有靈

having made it a basis 爲事

having made it a vehicle 爲處

having many 有多

having maturation 有異熟

having merit 有福德

having natural control of 隨自在轉

having neither strength nor ability 無力無能

having no discrimination 無想所有

having one type 有一類

having overcome uncertainty 越渡惑

having perceived 觀已

having perfected [attained, accomplished]... 得圓滿已

having predetermined capacity of spiritual attainment 決定種性

having pride in one's spiritual superiority 起增上慢

having proclivities [toward afflictive behavior] 有隨眠

having reached the goal 已得究竟

having received... 受已

having remedied this... 對治彼故

having repeatedly cultivated 串習

having residue 有餘依

having said this... 作是語已

having scrutinized 觀察已

having seeds 有種

having settled [his] mind/thoughts 安住其心

having something to do 有所作

having superior strength 有勢力

having supported 於所緣

having taken in sentient beings in the past 曾正攝受

having the characteristics of defilement 墮雜染相

having the nature of karmic maturation 異熟性

having the quality of being created 所作性

having the sharpest faculties 第一利根

having these at the fore... 由此爲先

having thought and activity 有心行

having wisdom 有賢

having woe 有災


hay ,

he ,

he has a total of forty teeth 具四十齒相

he on whom the world relies 世依

he who enters 入者

he who upholds the thread of practice 立繩

he whose mind is free 心自在者

head 元首, 貫主, , , 頭面, , 首領

head administrator of a temple 長吏

head count 頭數

head lecturer 講主, 講伯

head monk 堂上, 長者

head north face west 頭北面西

head of a small assembly 小參頭

head of the family/clan 爲家主

head of the household 倶攞鉢底, 家主

head of the order 大統

head of white hair 白首

head phrase 話頭

head temple 本寺

headdress 麼攞, 麼羅

headed toward the light 趣明白

headquarters of the order 總務院

heads of the meditation and doctrinal schools 禪教兩宗判事

head-sleeve 頭袖

headsman 魁膾

heal , 治差, ,

heal disease 治病

healed , 瘳除, 除愈

healing 鞞殺社

Healing Buddha Hall 藥師殿

healing of the sons 醫子

Healing Tathāgata Buddha 藥師如來佛

healthy 建康

healthy person 健兒


heap 積聚

heap of flowers(?) 華殖

heap of stones 石娶

heaped up 宿有

hear (everything and) penetratingly 徹聽


hear a little 少聞

hear about a Buddha 聞名

hear and accept 聞受

hear and obey 聞服

hear it 聞之

hear just a little bit 纔聞

hear of the power of the light of Amitâbha 聞光力

hear the Buddha 聞佛

hear the Buddhist teaching and retain it fully in the memory without loss 聞持

hear the correct dharma 聽聞正法

hear the dharma 聽聞

hear the same thing and understand it differently 同聽異聞

hear the teachings 聞法

hear the true teaching 聽受正法

heard everywhere 普聞

heard universally 暢聞

hearing and embracing 聞受持

hearing and practice the illumination of the true teaching 聞行正法光明

hearing and practicing 聞行

hearing the truth 正聞

hearing, thinking and practicing 聞思修

hears [Amitâbha's] name and desires to be reborn 聞名欲往生

hears the correct teaching 聞正法

hears this sort of... 聞如是

heart 乾栗陀耶, 乾栗馱, 于栗駄, 干栗太, 干栗馱, , 汗栗馱, 汙栗馱, 汚栗馱, 紇哩娜耶, 紇哩陀耶, 訖利多

heart of all true words 一切眞言心

hearten 慶慰

heat , ,

heaven , ,

heaven 天處

heaven and earth 天地, 霄壤

heaven of (limitless) knowledge 識處天

heaven of extensive rewards 廣果天

heaven of great brahma according to intention 大梵如意天

heaven of infinite consciousness 無邊識處天

heaven of infinite purity 無量淨天

heaven of infinite space 無邊空處天

heaven of lesser light 少光天

heaven of lesser purity 少淨, 少淨天, 波利多首, 波栗多首婆, 約淨天

heaven of little light 廅天

heaven of lovely form 愛身天

heaven of merit production 福生天

heaven of no anxiety 無煩天

heaven of no heat 無熱天

heaven of no torment 無熱天

heaven of play and forgetfulness 戲忘天, 戲忘念天

heaven of radiant sound 光音天

heaven of skillful appearance 善見天

heaven of skillful manifestation 善現天

Heaven of the Attendants and Ministers of Brahmā 梵先行天, 梵前益天, 梵輔天

heaven of the automatic reception of one's sensual desires 樂變化天

heaven of the followers of Brahma 梵衆天

heaven of the god Yāma 夜摩天

heaven of the most brilliant purity 極光淨天

heaven of the most rarefied form 色究竟天, 色頂

Heaven of the Thirty-three (gods) 忉利天

Heaven of the Thirty-three Celestials 三十三天, 多羅夜登陵舍

heaven of universal purity 遍淨天

heaven of unlimited light 無量光天

heaven of unlimited space 空無邊處天

heaven where one can partake of the pleasures created in other heavens 他化自在天

heavenly behavior 天行

heavenly beings 諸天衆

heavenly body 天身

heavenly canopy 天蓋

heavenly darkness 天瞽

heavenly destiny 天趣

heavenly drum 天鼓

heavenly existence 天有

heavenly flowers 天花

heavenly illumination—the sun 天光

heavenly messengers 天使

heavenly music master 音樂天

heavenly musicians 樂天

heavenly organ 天根

heavenly paradise 天上樂世界

heavenly realm 天上, 天上界, 天界

heavenly sages 天仙

heavenly warrior 天力士

heavenly world 樂世界

heavens and hells 天堂地獄, 天獄

heavens in the eight directions 八方天

heavens of desire 欲天

heavens of empty space 虛空天

heavens of the four directions 四天

heavens rained down 天雨

heaven's rule 天則

heaviest 最重

heavy barrier 重關

heavy cloud 重雲

heavy karma 重業

heavy mountains 重山

heavy net 重網羅

heavy obstacles 重障

hedgehog ,

hedonism 快樂主義

heed advice 納諫

heedlessness 放恣


heels 跟趺

heinous and evil 逆惡

heinous crime 逆罪

heinous evil 惡逆

held 所持

held down or back 應調伏

hell 地獄, 奈落, 捺落迦, 那洛迦, 那落

hell Avīci 阿鼻獄

hell beings 地獄趣

hell denizens 地獄人

hell in which beings are restrained with iron chains 黑繩地獄

hell of affection 恩愛獄

hell of black sand 黑沙地獄

hell of boiling water 火湯地獄

hell of burning blisters 尼剌部陀地獄

hell of crushing 堆壓地獄

hell of great heat 大炎熱

hell of great wailing 大叫, 大叫喚地獄, 大叫地獄, 大號叫, 大號呌

hell of hot iron 熱鐡地獄

hell of hunger 饑餓地獄

hell of liquid fire 火湯

hell of pus and blood 膿血地獄

hell of the five-pronged forks 五叉地獄

hell of the repetition of painful life 等活地獄

hell of the womb 胎獄

hell of wailing 叫喚地獄

hell realms 地獄界

hell where the tongue is pulled out 拔舌地獄

hell where they have to drink blood 飮血地獄

hell whose duration is counted by 256 bushels of mustard seeds 泥盧都

hell-bent activity 地獄業, 地獄業力

hell-river 奈河


help , , 救拔,

help each other 相助

helpfulness 攝益

hemp [mourning] garment 麻衣


hemp garments 薜服

hempseed and a grain of rice a day 一麻一米

hemp-seed oil 麻油

hen of mandarin duck

hen roost

hence 去此, 所以, 由此義

hence it is called 是故說名

hence it is said... 故說

hence one directs his attention... 故作意思

hence we know... 故知

hence, the question 故問

henceforth 從此已後, 由彼, 自茲以去

herbal alcohol 藥酒

here 於是, 於此中, 於茲, 此中, 此處, 此間

here and there 彼彼處, 於彼彼處, 處處

here manifested 中現

hereafter 却後, 已往, 過是, 過是已後

heresy 外異學, 破正

heretical followers of Mahāyāna 方廣道人

heretical practices 邪行

heretical sect which believed in the reality of past and future as well as the present 去來實有宗

heretics who believe in a single consciousness 一識外道

heretics within Buddhism 附佛法外道

heretofore 已來

hermit sage 獨修聖, 獨聖

Hermit Sage 那般尊者

hermitage 庵子, 禪居

hermitage gate 庵門

hermitage monk 庵僧

hero 世雄導師, , 雄導師

hero among the two-legged beings 世雄兩足尊

hero of enlightenment 覺雄

hero of the Śākyas 釋雄

hero of the triple world 三界雄

hero-guide of the world 世雄尊師


heroic bestower 無畏授

heroic march samādhi 健行三昧

heroic performance 士夫作用, 士夫功業, 士夫用, 士用

heroic sitting posture 健勇坐

heroic valor 首楞嚴

heuristic designation 建立

hidden , 祕密, 藏密,

hidden and apparent 隱顯

hidden intention 密意

hidden meaning 隱密義

hidden storage 匿藏

hidden teaching 祕密教

hidden track vajras 密迹力士, 密迹金剛

hidden treasure-house (of Dharmas) 奧藏, 祕密之藏

hidden-track vajras 金剛密迹

hide , 藏竄, 隱覆

hide and protect 藏護

hide away

hide oneself 隱身

high , , ,

high and broad 高廣

high and low 高下

high building made of the seven jewels 七寶臺

high minister 大臣

high mountain 高嶽

high, imposing peak

higher abodes 上住

higher and lower eight truths 上下八諦

higher destinies 上趣

higher level 上品, 上輩

higher level bonds 上分結

higher stages of practice 上地

higher vehicle esoteric school 上乘密宗

higher-level bonds 上分諸結

highest [of the eighteen realms] 阿迦尼吒

highest cord 上綱

highest good 至善

highest heaven 有頂天

highest intention 最上意樂

highest level of [material] existence 有頂

highest most sublime Dharma 法尊

highest mundane level 世第一位

highest of the highest stage 上品上生

highest of the nine classes 九品上

highest of the three lowest classes 下品上生

highest rank 第一位

highest realm (of the universe) 極上界

highest truth 第一義悉檀

highest worldly meditative state 世第一法, 頂法, 頂法位

high-level [spiritual] maturation 上品成熟

hill 一山

hill 堆阜

hill of death 死山

hill of swords 劍山

hill with the stone sūtras 石經山

hill-grove for concentrating the thoughts 攝念山林

hills and fields 山野

hills and pits 丘坑

Himalayan eight characters 雪山八字

Himalayan half-verse 雪山半偈

hinder , 妨廢, 留礙, ,

hindered by evil karma 惡業障

hindered by habituated tendencies 習氣障

hinderer 毘那夜加

hindrance , , 限礙,

hindrance of birth 生障

hindrance of detachment 捨心障

hindrance of formless preparatory practices 無相加行障

hindrance of harmful behavior 罪障

hindrance of ignorance 闇障

hindrance of indulgence 放逸障

hindrance of karma 業障

hindrance of laziness 懈怠障

hindrance of no desire to act 不欲行障

hindrance of non-attainment of sovereignty in regard to phenomena 法未自在障

hindrance of regret 惡作障

hindrance of the attachment to self 著我障

hindrance of the lesser vehicle notion of nirvāṇa 下乘涅槃障

hindrance of the obscurations 蓋障

hindrances 蔽礙, 鄣礙

hindrances affecting the unenlightened 異生性障

hindrances by the known 所知障

hindrances due to discrimination 分別障

hindrances of defilement by afflictions in the negative destinies, karma, and rebirth 惡趣煩惱業生雜染障

hindrances of dullness 暗鈍障

hindrances of errant behavior 邪行障

hindrances of principle 理障

hindrances of the afflictive category 諸煩惱品

hindrances of the three defilements 三垢障

hindrances to deep concentration 定障

hindrances to liberation 解脫障

hindrances where both the agent and object are specific in nature 能所倶別障

hindrances where the agent and object are both general in nature 能所倶總障

hindrances where the agent is general and the object is specific 能總所別障

hindrances where the agent is specific and the object is general 能別所總障

Hinduism 印度教

hips , 腰縫,

hips, abdomen, and navel 臗臚臍


his aura illuminating everywhere 光明普照

his eyelashes are like those of a magnificent heifer 牛王睫相

his eyes are deep blue 其目紺青

his male organ is withdrawn 勢峰藏密相, 陰藏相

his name 彼名

his shoulders are broad 兩腋圓滿相

his skin is fine and smooth such that dirt does not stick 身皮細滑塵垢不著相

his teeth are pure white 其齒鮮白

his tongue is broad and flat 其舌廣薄

his tongue is broad and flat, such that when it is extended, it covers his entire face 其舌廣薄普覆面輪

his tongue is flat and broad, such that when extended it can cover his full face 舌廣薄普覆面輪

his words are taken seriously 其言敦肅

historical narratives 尼陀那

historical records 載記

historical remains 遺蹟


hit , ,

hits (with the hands) and stomps (with the feet) 扠踏

hitting novices with a stick 下棒


hoists the dharma-banner 建法幢

hold (?) 將持

hold 執攬

hold a sword 持刀

hold and cultivate 執翫

hold firmly 秉持

hold in 能止息

hold one's anger and not accept another's apologies 瞋不受悔

hold oneself arrogantly 慢擧

hold or twirl in one's fingers 拈來

hold the proper state of mindfulness at the moment of death 臨終正念

hold to [the Buddha's] name 持名

hold to 奉執

hold to the good 總持

holding a flower and merely winking 拈華瞬目

holding a flower, showing it to the congregation 拈花示衆

holding high the hands 擧手高揖

holding of a flower and the subtle smile 拈華微笑

holding on to one's anger and not accepting another person's repentance 瞋心不受悔

holding several confession ceremonies within the same monastic boundary 住處淨

holding the torch 秉炬

holding to the fundamentals 持本

holding with the power of firmness 堅力持

holds up a flower 拈華

hole , , , 間缺

hole for the fire altar 君荼, 軍荼

hole in a floating [log] 浮孔

holy body 聖體

holy conditions 聖緣

holy crowd 聖衆

holy demeanor 尊儀, 聖儀

holy eightfold path 聖八道

holy general (or leader) 聖將

holy guide 聖導師

holy honored one 聖尊

holy illumination 聖明

holy intention 聖旨

holy land 聖方

holy language 聖語

holy lion 聖師子

holy lord 聖主

holy lord of lords 聖主天中天

holy man 聖人

holy mind 聖心

holy monk 聖僧

holy nature 聖性

holy nature, free from birth 聖性離生

holy net 聖網

holy offerings 聖供

holy path 聖道

holy path that has true reality for its objective support 緣眞如境聖道

holy person 善丈夫, 善士, 正善丈夫

holy practice 聖行

holy principle 聖理

holy response 聖應

holy seed 聖種

holy seed-nature 聖種性

holy spirits 聖靈

holy superknowledges 聖神通

holy teaching of the age 一代聖教

holy teaching(s) 聖教

holy teachings and logic, or inference 聖量

holy truth 眞諦

holy truth of the path to the extinction of suffering 苦滅道聖諦

holy truth(s) 聖諦

holy wisdom 聖智

holy words 聖言

homage to Amitâbha Buddha 南無阿彌陀佛, 歸命無量壽覺

homage to the bodhisattva Avalokitêśvara 南無觀世音菩薩

homage to the great master universally illuminating and adamantine one 南無大師遍照金剛

homage to the Lotus Sūtra

homage to the six directions 六方禮

home 室家

home of a white-clothed layman 白衣舍

home of all buddhas 諸佛家

home of the six objects 塵鄕

homogenous production 等流果

honest 質直

honest by nature 性質直

honey 美蜜, 蜂蜜,

honor 供敬, , 承事, 親承

honor one's ancestors with sacrificial rituals 追遠

honor or dishonor 毀譽

honorable 可尊, 尊貴

honorable countenance 尊顏

honored among men 人尊

honored among sentient beings 衆生尊

honored commands 尊敕

honored elder 尊宿

honored guarantee 尊記

honored one 仁尊

honored one descends 光降

honored one of great kindness 大慈尊

honored one of the three worlds 三界尊

honored possessor of the ten powers 十力尊

honored Śākya 釋迦尊

honored victor 尊勝

honorific title attached to the name of a priest of high rank 猊下

honors 供事

hood (of a carriage) 幰蓋

hook , ,

hook a nose 巴鼻, 把鼻

hook an arm 巴臂

hook of desire 欲鉤

hooked and chained 鉤鎖

hooked and chained to pure practices 鉤鎖梵行

hooking and catching 鉤召

hope , , 悕冀, 意樂, 期望

hope for , 渇仰, 盼望

hope for the wind (of Buddha truth or aid) 瞻風

horizontal and vertical 經緯

horn 毘沙拏,

hornless white ox 白牛無角

horns 頭角

horns and conch shells (as musical instruments) 角貝

horns of a rabbit 兎角

horns on a rabbit 兔角

horrifying 恐難

horse 烏落,

horse feed 馬麥

horse park 馬苑

horse picture 甲馬

horse sacrifice 馬祀

horse stable 槽廠

horse-head rākṣasa 馬頭羅刹

horse-like mind 心馬

hortative aspect of the turning [of the wheel of the dharma] 勸相轉

host and guest 主客

host and guest are not two 主客不二

host and guest are the same in essence 主客一體

hostile 恚惱心, 有瞋恚心

hostile attitude 恚恨心

hostile beliefs 怨害諍論

hostile conditions 違緣

hostile situations 惱事

hostility 怨害嫌恨, 憎惡, 憎背, 瞋恚

hostility and delusion 恚癡

hostility toward the holy teachings 憎背聖教


hot hell 熱地獄

hot pursuit 急追

hot water

hot water and medicine 湯藥

hot water manager 湯頭

hottest hell 極熱地獄

hot-water offerer 點湯

hour of death 死時

house , 屋宇

house 舍宅

house of incense 香室

house of prostitution 婬舍

house of purity 淨屋

House of Tai 台家

house of the five aggregates 五蘊宅

house-deity belief 家神信仰


householder 在家者, 居士, 居家, 處家, 長者

householder practitioner 處士

hovenia 木榓, 木櫁, 蜜香

how 何因

how can it be interpreted? 云何通

how can it be posited? 如何得成

how could it be regarded as [more] numerous 何所爲多

how could it happen? 云何得有

how could there be... 何有

how could there be...? 豈有

how could... ? how is it possible? 豈寧, 豈將, 豈當

how do you know 寧知

how many [kinds]? 幾種

how many

how many? 多少, 幾何

how many? how much? 幾所

how much more 況乃, 況復

how much more so in the case of external things? 何況外物

how much more so with other cases... 況餘

how much more so? 況乎

how much more.. 何況

how much time? 幾時

how much? 幾多

how on earth? 何處

how pitiable! 哀哉

how should one abide? 應云何住

how should one subdue one's thoughts? 云何降伏其心

how should we understand... 云何應知

how? 何事


how? in what manner? whence? 如何

how? what? , 作麼

how? what? how about you? 作麼生

how? whence? 以何

how? why?

how? why? where?

however 雖是

however immeasurable the teachings may be, I vow to study them 法門無量誓願學

however inexhaustible afflictions may be, I vow to extinguish them 煩惱無盡誓願斷

however inexhaustible the teachings may be, I vow to study them 法門無盡誓願學

Huanglong 黃龍

Huayan and Tiantai 華天

Huayan Bodhisattva 華嚴菩薩

Huayan Commentator 華嚴疏主

hub [nave] of a wheel

hub of a wheel 車軸

hub of a wheel and its outer ring 轂輞

hug in the bosom and guard 擁護

Huichang persecution of Buddhism 會昌法難, 會昌破佛

human being , 人間

human beings 人類

human birth 人生

human cattle 人身牛

human corpse 母那摩奴沙, 母陀摩奴沙

human emotions 人情

human existence 人有

human flesh 人摩娑, 人莽娑

human healing king 人藥王

human nature and natural laws 性理

human possessions 人物

human race 人種, 衆數

human realm 人世間

human relations 人事

human relationship 人倫

human skull 人頂骨

human vehicle 人乘

humane activities 仁行

humane kings 仁王

humaneness and rightness 仁義

humanistic Buddhism 人間佛教

human-yet-not-human 人非人

humble 下賤, 卑者,

humble and respectful 謙肅

humble oneself 謙下

humbly respectful 謙敬

humility 下心

humility and repentance 慚愧懺悔

humility toward the teachings 尊教

Hun way of kneeling for salutation 胡跪

hundred 一百,

hundred and one rituals 百一羯磨

hundred eyes 百目

Hundred High Seat Ceremony for [the Recitation of] the Sūtra for Humane Kings 仁王百高座道場

hundred merits 百福

hundred patch [monk's] robe 百納衣

hundred patch robe 百衲衣

hundred petaled flower 百葉華

hundred realms 百界

hundred realms and a thousand thusnesses 百界千如

hundred seats council 百高座道場

hundred sites lecture 百座講會

hundred thousand koṭīs 十萬億

hundred thousand times 億倍

hundred thousand years 百千歲

hundred thousandfold 百千倍

hundred years 百年

hundredfold 百倍

hundreds of millions 億萬

hundred-seat dharma assembly 百高座會

hundredth part 百分


hunger for 飢虛

hungry 求食, 虛乏,

hungry and cold 飢寒

hungry ghost 俾禮多, 卑帝利, 畢利多, 畢帝黎, 閃多, 閉多, 閉黎多, 阿毘遮羅, 餓鬼

hungry ghosts and animals 鬼傍生

hungry ghosts of little means 少財鬼


hunter 獵師

hurricane 波樓那, 迅猛風


hurried writing 疾書

hurriedly 怱怱

hurries 孚務


hurrying demons 足疾鬼, 速疾鬼

hurt 有損

husband and wife 夫婦

Husband of the Dame of the Bushel 斗父天尊


hustle and bustle of the world 憒鬧



Hyangga 鄕歌

hymn in praise (of Buddha) 讚唄

hymns and chants 調頌


hypothesize 施設

hyssop 牛膝草

I (the writer)

I ,

I alone am the honored one in the heavens and on earth 天上天下唯我獨尊

I am afraid, Wouldn't it be...? 將無, 將非, 得無

I am Amitâbha, only mind, the Pure Land 己身彌陀唯心淨土

I am right 我是, 我然

I and mine 我及我所, 我我所

I beg you to grant your attention 唯垂聽察

i depressed deeply 憂瘀

i deranged 悶亂

I do 我作

I have already understood suffering 苦我已知

I have heard... 我聞

i interlaced 絞絡

I myself 吾身, 我身

I originally practiced the bodhisattva path 我本行菩薩道

I originally practiced... 我本行

i pleased 勸助

i pregnant 懷軀

I say... 我言, 我說

i sound 伊字

i very pleased 嘉預

I vow to attain supreme enlightenment 佛道無上誓願成

I will articulate... 當辨

I will explain it for you 當爲汝說

I will not attain perfect enlightenment 不取正覺

I will now explain... 我今當說

I worship 滿泥


ice and water 氷水

ice of affliction 煩惱冰

idea 料簡

idealism 唯心論, 觀念論

ideation and non-ideation 有想無想

ideational proliferation 戲論

ideational proliferation in its subtle aspects 細相戲論

identical 全同

identical to emptiness 卽空

identification 相卽

identity 同相, 我慢

identity and difference 卽離, 卽非

identity of phenomena with their underlying principle 卽事卽理

identity of practice and realization 修證一如

idiotic 愚騃

idle , , 慢墮, 懈退

idle chatter 綺言

idle indulgence 逸盪

idleness 懶惰懈怠, 逸慢

if (when) it is completed... (or formed) 若成

if [it, they] are extensively distinguished 若廣分別

if 假當, , 若也, 若令, 若使, 若復, 設復

if even this is not the case... 尚不

if I am forced to translate it... 強翻之

if I were to become a buddha 設我得佛

if it is acknowledged that... 若許

if it is not obtained 若不得

if it is not the case... 若不爾

if it is really carried out... 如實稱遂

if it were 若有

if it's not like this... 若不爾者

if it's the case... 爾者

if not,... 若不

if one differs from this... 若異此者

if one grasps 若執

if someone believes 若人信

if someone... 若人

if that is the case 若爾

if there is no... 若無

if this is the case even here... 尚爾

if this is the case, then how is it that... 若爾云何

if this is the case, then how...? 若爾何故

if we condense (compress, contract, abridge) 若略

if you propose that... 若立

if you say... 若言, 若說

if, in this (situation, etc.) 若於此

ignoble and deficient in virtue 底下薄福


ignorance and pride 癡慢

ignorance in regard to [properly distinguishing various] phenomena 事中無知

ignorance in regard to how karma matures 異熟愚

ignorance of attachment to phenomena 法執無明

ignorance of the mind 曚昧

ignorance of the view of self 我見無明

ignorant 小智, 幼稚, 愚夫, 愚癡無智慧, 無明者, 闇冥, 闇塞

ignorant and dull 闇鈍

ignorant bald-headed one 愚禿

ignorant delusion 愚惑

ignorant fool 毛道, 毛道凡夫, 毛頭

ignorant meditation 癡定

ignorant people 毛道生

ignorant person 無智人

ignore one's own feelings and follow others 違自順他

ignoring kindness 背恩

ill repute 不善名

ill-fated 薄相, 薄祐


illness of the evil attachment to emptiness 惡取空病

illuminate 明白, 照見

illuminate everywhere 周匝遍照

illuminate the principle 照理

illuminate the surrounding area from a high place 照臨

illuminated mind 明光心

illuminates the world 照世間

illuminating and penetrating 明達

illuminating appearance 光觀

illuminating conception 光明想

illuminating everywhere in the ten directions 遍照十方

illuminating function 照用

illuminating universally 普照

illumination by truth 眞實明

illumination from wisdom 慧照

illumination of enlightenment 道光

illumination of the teaching 法光明

illumination of wisdom 慧明


illumine and contemplate thoroughly 反照觀察

illumined 所顯發

illusion 幻事, 摩耶, 麼也

illusion and a dream 幻夢

illusion of the aggregates 陰妄, 陰幻

illusion of the aggregates in one thought moment 陰妄一念

illusion-ending robe 消痩服

illusory 如幻化, 幻者

illusory afflictions 幻惑

illusory and defiled 幻垢

illusory body 幻身

illusory discrimination 幻差別

illusory existence 幻有

illusory marks 幻相

illusory mind 幻心

illusory transformation 幻化

illusory views 沒曳達利瑟致

illustrated sūtra paintings 變相圖

illustration of the twelve limbs of dependent origination 十二緣起圖

ill-will 忿恚, 瞋心, 瞋恚, 瞋恚心

ill-will and folly 瞋癡

ill-will and wrangling 忿害鬥諍

image , 偶像,

image of a buddha inscribed on the face of a cliff 磨崖佛

image of a reclining buddha 臥佛像

image of a saint 尊像

image of heavenly being 天像

image of pure gold 眞金像

image of reclining [Buddha] 臥像

image of the bodhisattva who will help 一生補處菩薩像

images [projections of consciousness] created by language 言說造作影像

images and sūtras 像經

images derived from raw sensate appearance but which are falsely perceived 帶質境

images of saints 御影

images of the fifty-two attendants 五十二身像

images of the fifty-two bodhisattva attendants of Amitâbha 阿彌陀佛五十菩薩像

images of the fifty-two honored ones 五十二尊

images only 獨彰境

images reflected in a mirror 鏡中像

imaginary, dependent, and perfect 遍依圓

imagination 遍計

imagined 遍計所執

imagined as... 計爲

imagined characteristic 分別相

imagined nature 遍計所執自性

imagined through false views 妄見所計

imagines I and mine 計我我所

imagining 起諸分別

imagining everything 徧計

imagining himself having form, he sees large external forms, and overcomes them 內有色想觀外色多

imagining himself lacking form, he sees large external forms, and overcome them 內無色想觀外色多

imagining himself lacking form, he sees small external forms, and overcome them 內無色想觀外色少

imbalanced attachment to the precepts 戒禁取

imbalanced emptiness 偏空

imitation jewel 燕石

immaculate 無垢, 無塵垢, 阿摩勒

immanence 內在

immanent abiding original good seed-nature 本性住種性

immaterial 無形, 無有事, 無色

immaterial body 虛無身

immaterial dharmas 無色法

immaterial reality-body 虛空法身

immaterial realm of reality 無塵法界

immature 未熟者

immeasurable 不可稱量, 不可量, 莫量

immeasurable absorption 無量三摩地

immeasurable and countless 無量無數

immeasurable buddhas 無量佛

immeasurable compassion 慈無量

immeasurable concentration 無量三昧

immeasurable enlightenment 無量覺

immeasurable intention 無量意

immeasurable joy 喜無量

immeasurable life 無量壽

immeasurable meanings 無量義

immeasurable merit 無量功德, 無量福

immeasurable merit(s) 無量福德

immeasurable mind 無量心

immeasurable mind of kindness 慈無量心

immeasurable purity 無量淨

immeasurable wisdom 無量慧, 無量智

immediate 無時

immediate accordance with opportunity 逐機頓

immediate and mediated 頓不頓

immediate or instantaneous, the first impression 卒爾心

immediately 來便, 則尋, 卽尋, 卽時, 尋來, 尋便, 尋則, 尋卽, 尋時, 已卽, 無間, 登時, 鄰近

immediately after this 從此無間

immediately attain 便頓得

immediately following 三摩難呾囉

immediately from this point [in time] 無間卽於爾時

immediately preceding moment 前刹那

immense suffering 大苦惱

imminent 當得

immolating ascetics 赴火外道

immoral 不律, 不道, 毀犯戒, 犯戒者, 突尸羅

immoral behavior and unfair behavior 非法行不平等行

immoral livelihood 破正命

immortal 不死, 仙人, , 哩始, 甘露

immortal among men 人仙

immortality 無死

immortals 神仙, 神僊

immovable 不動, 不可動, 不能動

immovable arhat 不動阿羅漢

immovable liberation 不動解脫

immutability (of thusness) 不變異性

immutable 不變, 無有變易, 無變異

impair 覆弊

impair the meaning 傷義

impaired 不具

impaired intelligence 惡慧, 智慧弊惡

impairment of morality 戒虧損

impart to all sentient beings 轉授諸衆生

impartiality 平等心

impartiality in love to all 冤親平等心

impassioned 愛染, 懷貪欲, 染欲

impassioning 可染著, 所染

impeccable behavior 威儀無缺


impeded 所障隔

impedimentary constituents 障礙依

impedimentary moral indeterminacy 有覆無記

impel 諫誨

impelled 所推運

imperceptible 智外, 無所受

imperfect 不圓


imperial court 朝廷

imperial decree 敕命

imperial edict 詔書

imperial order 奉敕

imperishable 無有滅

impermanence 無常性

impermanence and so forth 無常等

impermanent 無常, 非常

impermanent, suffering, empty, non-ego 非常苦空非我

imperturbability 不移動

imperturbable 無動亂

implements of enjoyment 受用具

implements that cover 覆器

implements used for everyday living 樂具

implicit meaning 未了義


important meaning 要誼

important point 機要

important scripture 要經典

imposing brilliance 威曜

imposing miracles 威變

imposing supernatural power 威神足力

impossible 不得, 無可, 無是處

imposter-monk 賊住

impotence of self-nature 自性羸

impoverished and mean 貧劣

impoverished district 貧里


imprecision 不正確

impregnate , 熏習,

impression of dominance 期剋印


imprint of letters 文像

imprints (on one's mind) 銘著

improper 不如理, 無端正, 非理

improper adherance to 妄有執取

improper discrimination 邪分別

improper mental orientation 非理作意

improper reflection 惡尋思

improper sexual behavior 邪婬

improper time 非時

improper/incorrect mental orientation 不如理作意

improve [the spiritual condition of] sentient beings 利衆生

improve 爲利益

improve oneself and others 自他利

improve the [spiritual] condition of sentient beings 利益諸有情

improve the condition of others 利人

improvement 勝事

improving oneself and bringing benefit to others 自利利他

imps 毘舍闍

impulse is the condition for consciousness 行緣識

impure 不淨

impure and false 塵妄

impure and pure 不淨淨

impure behavior 不淨行, 非梵行

impure body 穢身

impure donation 不淨施

impure goodness 有流善

impure intentiony 不淸淨意樂

impure karma 穢業

impure meat 不淨肉

impure stage(s) 不淨位

impure teaching 不淨說法

impure wheel 不淨輪

impure world 濁世

impurity , 垢穢,

impurity in seed 種子不淨

impurity of afflictions 煩惱濁

impurity of characteristics 自相不淨

impurity of foul discharges 惡露不淨

impurity of human life 命濁

impurity of sentient beinghood 衆生濁

impurity of views 見濁

imputation 遍計

impute 施設

impute a self 計我

impute names 計名字

imputed self 分別我, 施設我

imputing 起諸分別

in (at, by) other teachings 於餘法

in [at] all... 於一切

in [this or that] aspect 門中

in [this] world 界中

in a detailed (fine) manner 巨細道理

in a dream 夢中

in a future life 將來世

in a latter evil age 於後惡世

in a previous life (or previous lives) 往宿命時

in accord with [both] feelings and wisdom 隨情智

in accord with

in accord with one's own thoughts 隨自意

in accord with reason 合理

in accord with the thoughts of others 隨他意

in accord with wisdom 隨智

in accordance with fact 如有

in accordance with non-abiding 應無所住

in accordance with principle 順理

in addition 隨與

in ages gone by 過世

in all forms 遍一切種

in all the buddha-lands of the ten directions there is only the dharma of the One Vehicle 十方佛土中唯有一乘法

in all the ten directions 盡十方

in an age long ago 乃往古世

in an instant (as short as) raising but one single thought 一發意頃, 發心之頃, 發意之頃, 發意頃

in an instant of a sitting 一坐之頃

in ancient times 往古過, 往故

in another life 於餘生

in case 假令

in cognition 緣中

in common 三摩若, 共同

in common with

in common with the direct disciples 共諸聲聞

in conflict with each other 互相違背

in continuous succession without break 等無間

in contradiction with the text 違文

in cyclic existence 生死中

in detail 委曲, 覼縷

in doctrine and expression both thorough 宗說倶通

in each realm 一一界中

in each recitation 於念念中

in every moment of thought 於一一心刹那中

in front 於前

in front of 對前

in front of one's listed name 單前

in full detail 巨細

in great detail 委悉

in groups 部部

in gusts, suddenly

in haste 務速

in its (their his) long night 於其長夜

in meditation 在定

in my own limited view... 余以管見

in name only 有名無實

in one 於一

in one's final lifetime 居最後有

in or to which place 於是處

in order 以次, 如次, 如次第, 展轉, 順次

in order of monastic age 僧次

in order to accomplish 爲成

in order to distinguish 爲簡

in order to eliminate 爲斷

in order to express 以表

in order to refute 爲破

in order to remove 以去

in order to show 爲示

in order to stay 爲留

in peril of extinction 殆盡

in pieces 段段

in place of

in presently manifest existence 於現法

in proper form to confess one's breach of the rules before the Buddha and seek remission 作法懺, 作法懺悔

in recent times 近代

in reference to 緣對,

in reference to the noble truths 緣諦

in regard to all types 於一切種

in regard to perceptual referents 於所緣境

in regard to these objections 於彼問難

in regard to this or that thing 於彼彼事

in short 擧要

in some measure 如許

in substance 實有相

in succession from the golden mouth 金口相承

in terms of momentariness 約刹那

in terms of referents 約所緣

in terms of the truths 於諦

in that place 於此

in that way... 伊麼, 恁麼

in the Buddha's presence 於佛前

in the category defilement 雜染品

in the category of sentient beings 有情數

in the cause 因中

in the condition of pride 慢緣

in the crowd 衆中

in the dark 闇中

in the desire realm 於欲界

in the evening 於夜

in the eye 眼中

in the final rebirth 最後有中

in the fire 火焰中

in the forest 林中, 林間

in the four directions 於四方

in the future 久後, 於未來, 於當來

in the great assembly 在大衆中

in the middle 於中間

in the middle of the road 道中

in the midst of adversity 違背中

in the midst of the flow 中流

in the midst of the great assembly 於大衆中

in the mind 心中

in the morning 朝山

in the mountains 山中

in the palace 宮中

in the past 於過去, 曩昔

in the presence of 阿比目佉, 阿毘目佉, 面現

in the present [world, existence, etc.] 於現在世

in the present world 於現法中

in the secular world 在俗

in the south, Neng, in the north, Xiu 南能北秀

in the stage 位中

in the sun 當陽

in the sūtra(s) 經中

in the ten directions 於十方

in the womb 胎中

in the world 在世

in this 其中, 於是

in this case 乃爾, 如是則, 若斯

in this manner 此是

in this moment, empty, provisional, and in between 卽空卽假卽中

in this present life 於此生

in this sequence 如其次第

in this way , , , 於如是, , 由此道理

in this way understands completely 如是解了

in this way, all... 如是一切

in this world 於今世

in time past 前者

in trouble with the authorities 官難

in truth 就實, 就實論之

in vain 徒然

in whatever place 而於其中

in which manner or way 若如, 隨其

inability 無堪任性

inability to make a living 不活

inaccurate speech 異語

inactive 不轉, 無所作

inadmissible 不信受

inappropriate 不應理, 不應道理, 不當

inappropriate application of practices 非處加行

inauspicious 不吉祥, 非吉

inborn afflictions 任運煩惱

incalculability of sublime aspirations 妙善意樂無量

incalculable 不可稱計, 僧祇, 無數量, 阿僧企耶, 阿僧祇, 阿僧祇耶

incalculable hundreds of thousands of myriads of millions of... 無量百千萬億

incalculable in terms of the number of expedient means of submission 調伏方便界無量

incalculable times 不可計倍

incalculably long eon 僧祇劫, 阿僧祇劫

incalculably long eon(s) 無數劫

incalculably long great kalpa 無數大劫

incantation 呪術, 明呪, 祕密號, 胡蘇多

incantation for [raising] the dead 咒殺

incantation for raising a corpse to kill someone 毘陀羅, 藹吉, 藹吉支, 迷憺羅

incantation for raising ghosts 咒咀

incantation for raising the spirits of the dead 咒起死鬼

incantation power 明咒力

incantations for the cessation of rain 截雨呪

incantations that delude others 迷人咒

incantation-vow 咒願

incapability 無堪能性

incapable 不能, 無堪能

incapable of breadth 未能廣大

incapable of limitlessness 未能無量

incapacitated body 麤重之身

incarnate 托生

incarnation 化色, 垂跡, 現化

incense 突婆,

incense and flowers 香華

incense balls 丸香, 香丸

incense board 香板

incense breeze mountain 香風山

incense from the seashore 海岸香

incense hall 香殿

incense keeper 侍香, 燒香侍者

incense made of magnificent jewels 大寶香

incense mountain 香山

incense of the liquid-ambar tree 膠香

incense stick 線香

incense talk 香語

incense with sections resembling a melon 瓣香

incense[-colored] robes 香服, 香衣

incense-colored 香染, 香色

incense-colored robes 香複衣


inchworm 屈步蟲

incipiency 機先, 機前


inclination 隨眠

inclination for wrongdoing 有過

inclinations of one's mind 心所念

inclinations of the mind 心趣


include 所攝受

include each other 相攝

included 所攝

included in karmic maturation 異熟所攝

included in the category of 品攝

included in the field of conceptualization 法處所攝

included in the three realms 三界所攝

included within 攝在中

includes both 具二

including both with harmful error 二人倶犯, 二倶犯過

including those in the advantageous rebirths 善趣攝

inclusion of [people of various types of] religious faculties 攝機

inclusive to the uttermost 圓極

incoherent talk

income and expenses 入出

incommensurate 不能通

incomparable 不可比, 無喩, 無比, 無等雙

incomparable body 無比身

incomparable dharma 無比法

incompatible 不共

incomplete (teachings) 半字教

incomplete 不具足, 不圓滿, 不成, 不極成, 不滿, 不滿足, 未圓滿, 未成, 未極, 未滿

incomplete ornaments 未作莊嚴具

incomplete understanding 未解了

incompletely attained concentration 未到定, 未至定

incompletely manifested 未等顯現

incomprehensible 不能解, 非思量境

incomprehensible wisdom of the Buddha 不了佛智

inconceivable 不可得思議, 不可思議, 不可思量, 不思議, 不應思, 不能思惟, 無思誼, 阿軫帝也, 難思, 難思議

inconceivable activity 不思議業

inconceivable emptiness 不思議空

inconceivable liberation 不思議解脫

inconceivable mark of activity 不思議業相

inconceivable mind 不思議心

inconceivable objects 不思議境

inconceivable perfuming 不思議熏

inconceivable qualities of the buddhas 佛不思議法

inconceivable realm 不思議界

inconceivable superknowledge(s) 不可思議神通

inconceivable transformations 不思議變

inconceivable vehicle 不思議乘

inconceivable wisdom 靈知

inconclusive reason 不定因

inconclusiveness 不定性

inconsistent (irregular, uneven, unequal) causation 不平等因

inconstant 無恆

inconvertible, 惡刹羅

incorrect 不如實, 不如眞, 非正

incorrect application of practices 不如理加行

incorrect cognition 不正知

incorrect investigation 不正尋思

incorrect meditation 邪觀

incorrect mental orientation 不正作意

incorrect opinion or view 曲說

incorrect teaching 邪說

incorrect thought 不正思惟

incorrigible 一闡提迦, 一顚迦, 斷善根者

incorruptible adamantine body 金剛不壞身

increase , 增上, 增益, 增盛, 增長, 殖積, , 長益,

increase and decrease 增減

increase error 增過

increase of the dharma 法增上

increase up to... 增至

increased [superior, advanced, enhanced] compassion 增長悲愍

increased 已增

increasing (power of prayer for) cessation of calamity 增息

increasing 漸增盛

increasing-by-one tradition 增壹阿含

increasingly bright concentration 明增定

increasingly clear 增明

increasingly purify 轉更明淨

incredibly great 絕大

incredibly profound 甚深

incremental 增一


incur damage 被損害

incurable diseases 殃病

indecent talk with a woman 與女人粗語

indeed 彼言, , 自謂

indefinite karma 不定受業

independence or self-containedness of thusness 無攝受眞如

independent 獨自, 獨頭

independent attainment of Buddhahood 自然成佛道

independent attributes 不共德

independently arising thinking consciousness 獨頭意識

independently functioning ignorance 不共無明, 獨行無明

independently-functioning ignorance 獨頭無明

indescribable 不可定說, 不可稱

indescribable objects 不可稱境

indestructibility of the Way 不壞道性

indestructible 不壞, 金剛

indestructible aspiration 不壞意樂

indestructible dharma 不壞法

indestructible in one's character 不壞相

indestructible mallet 金剛杵

indestructible meditations 不壞法

indestructible syllable 不壞句

indestructible water 跋折囉鄔陀迦, 金剛水, 金剛誓水

indestructible Way 不壞道

indestructible-adamantine 不壞金剛

indeterminate activity 無記業

indeterminate class 不定聚

indeterminate karma 不定業

indeterminate meditation 不定止觀, 不定觀

indeterminate mental factors 不定法

indeterminate mental functions 不定地法

indeterminate moral quality 无記

indeterminate nature 不定性, 不定種姓, 不定種性

indeterminate teaching 不定教

indeterminate transgression of sitting in an open place 露處不定

indeterminate type 不定種

India 信度國, 天竺, 竺乾, 賢豆

Indian Buddhism 印度佛教

Indian crane 娑羅娑

Indian Emperor 梵皇

Indian monk 梵僧

Indian or Central Asian monks 胡道人

Indian philosophy 印度哲學

Indian scriptures 竺經

Indian studies 印度學

Indic writing 梵字

indicate 表示

indicate the subject (of the discussion) 表體

indicating and explaining 略標廣釋

indicative aspect of the turning [of the wheel of the dharma] 示相轉, 示轉

indicative of a different period 別時意趣

indifference 優畢捨, 憂畢叉, 無顧戀, 能捨

indifference to calming and insight 止觀捨

indifference to success and adversity 能安忍

indifferent 不望, 無顧

indifferent regarding one's life 不惜身命

indifferently 摩何

indirect 不現前

indirect cause 遠因

indisposition of superknowledges 遲通行

indisputable 非違

indistinct 無分

individual (or personal) extinction 內滅

individual 補特伽羅

individual confessions 向彼悔

individual existence 補特伽羅

individual karma 不共業

individual liberation 孤調解脫

individual person 別人

individual phenomena 事法

individual self (self) that is attached to 我我

individual self 個我

individual that is ripened 所成熟補特伽羅

individually-based view of self 自依止我見

indivisible 涅迦羅

indolence 危亡, 懈倦, 懈廢, 懈怠, 著弊

indolent , 懈慢

indolent beings 放逸有情

indomitable 不可制伏, 難制伏

Indo-Scythians 月支

Indra's altar 大因陀羅壇

Indra's bow 帝弓

Indra's cave 帝釋巖, 帝釋窟

Indra's hand 因陀羅呵悉多

Indra's Net 因陀羅網, 帝網, 帝釋網

Indra's throne 大因陀羅座

Indra's vase 帝釋甁, 德祥甁

induce 引發

induce realization 引證

induced 所引

induces 勸助化

induces politely 啓勸

inductive causes 牽引因

indulge in 愛樂

indulge in desires 受欲

indulge in various desires 受用諸欲

indulge in worldly pleasures 戲樂

indulged in

indulgence is minimal 逸少


indulging in sexual misconduct 欲邪行

ineffable 不可說, 無說

ineffable light 無稱光

inexhaustible 不可盡, 不能盡, 無盡, 無窮

inexhaustible as the ocean 無盡海

inexhaustible conditioned arising 無盡緣起

inexhaustible lamp 無盡燈

inexhaustible nature of reality 無盡法性

inexhaustible storehouse 無盡藏

inexhaustible teaching 無盡法

inexhaustible treasury of merit 無盡功德藏

inexplicable 不可得說, 不可說, 不可說相

inexpressible (path) 無言說

inexpressible 不可說, 不可說言, 離言

infancy 嬰孩

infant , 赤子

infatuating 所憍

infected 膿爛

infer 准知

inference 比知, 比量, 相屬准, 隨量

inference from action 業比量

inference from appearance 相比量

inference from cause and effect 因果比量

inference from recognized law 法比量

inference from the corporeal 體比量

inferential proof 能立

inferior 下劣, , 劣不, , 卑下, , 羸弱

inferior and shallow 下劣薄弱

inferior and superior 劣勝

inferior candles 下蠟

inferior constituent 劣界

inferior disciple 下士

inferior goodness 下劣善

inferior group 下輩

inferior manifestation 劣應

inferior maturation 下品成熟

inferior mind 下劣心

inferior of the inferior 下下品

inferior patience 下忍

inferior person 劣者

inferior rooms 下間

inferior type 下劣種

inferior vehicle 下劣乘, 劣乘

inferior wisdom 下智, 劣智

inferior, middling and superior 下中上

inferior, middling, and superior 劣中勝, 劣中妙, 耎中上, 軟中上

inferior, middling, and superior classes of expedient means 軟中上品方便

inferior, middling, and superior faculties 軟中上根

inferior, middling, and superior quality 劣中勝品, 軟中上品

infestation by worms 蟲聚

infinite 没底, 無數, 無限

infinite dharma-realm 無盡法界

infinite life of Buddha 壽命無數劫, 壽命無有量

infinite merit possessed by the Buddha 果地萬德

infinitesimal , 阿拏, 阿耨, 阿菟

infinitude of concentration 定無極

infirmary 安樂堂

inflexible 不調柔

influence 威力

influence of incorrect contemplation 不如理作意力

influential and wealthy 勢富

inform by offering incense 吿香

informing 能開

infraction 誤犯

infringe upon and treat unjustly 侵枉

ingenuity 巧慧

inhabit 捿持

inhalation 阿那

inhalation and exhalation of the breath 持息念

inhale 入息,

inherent 倶有, 倶生, 性具, 本來有, 體具

inherent existence 自性有

inherent nature 本性

inherent nature unassociated with language 離言自性

inherent[ly produced] view of the reality of the self 倶生薩迦耶見

inherently arisen self 慢我

inherently empty 生空

inherently existent self 人我執

inherently free from coarse defilement 性離麤垢

inherit 承受

inherit the Buddha's authoritative power 承佛威神

inherit the dharma from one's teacher 嗣法

inheriting the Buddha's spiritual power 承佛神力

inherits 紹逮

initial [Mahāyāna] teaching of characteristics 相始教

initial activation of something 初起

initial arousal of the intention for enlightenment 初發意

initial enlightenment 始覺

initial practice 初修業

initial precepts 初戒

initial production 始生

initial stage of the embryo 羯邏藍

initial stage of the fetus 凝滑

initial stages of spiritual practice 始業初業

initial teaching 始教

initial teaching of emptiness 空始教

initial time 初時

initiate 引化, 發生,

initiate practice 起行

initiated by undistorted cognition 無顚倒智發起

initiates applied practices 發起加行

initiates substantial applied practices 起作不虛加行

initiating and guiding support 開導依, 開導根, 開避法

initiation of action 動發勝思

initiation room 灌室

initiative 發動

initiator 始士

injunctions against stealing 不偸盜, 不偸盜戒, 不盜戒


injustice ,

inlaid gold or silver ornamentation 廁鈿

innate 任運起, 倶生相應, 倶生起, 性得, 有倶生, 稟性

innate afflictions 倶生惑

innate aspiration 倶生意樂

innate attachment to phenomena 倶生法執

innate Buddha-nature 自性住佛性

innate determination for enlightenment 本性正定

innate enlightenment 性覺, 本覺

innate entrenchment (of affliction) 生得住地

innate germs (kernels, seeds) 本性界

innate grasping at the self of a phenomenon 倶生法我執

innate grasping of self and person 倶生人我執

innate hindrances 倶生障

innate ignorance 根本無明

innate joy 倶生喜

innate knowledge 生知

innate mental disturbances 倶生見惑

innate power 倶生威力, 本力

innate proclivity 性種性

innate seeds 本有種子

innate spirits 倶生神

innate vehicle 倶生乘

innate view of self 倶生我見

innate wisdom 生得慧, 自然本智

innately abiding 本性住

innately abiding seeds 本性住種姓

innately endowed 生得

innately endowed meditative absorption (samādhi) 生得定

innately possessing sharp faculties 性利根

innately produced afflictions 倶生煩惱

innately pure mind 性淨心, 本性淸淨心, 自性淸淨心

inner adversary 內怨

inner and secret 內祕

inner appropriation 內執受

inner box of a coffin 內箱

inner buddha hall 內佛堂, 內願堂, 持佛堂

inner capacity and outer conditions 根緣

inner court 內院

inner emptiness 內虛

inner enemy 內敵

inner foe 內忌

inner garbhadhātu 內胎

inner garment 中宿依, 中着依, 內衣, 尼衛, 舍勒, 舍吒迦

inner group 內衆

inner hall 內堂

inner impurity 內垢

inner light 內光

inner meaning 內義

inner mind 中心, 內意, 內懷

inner monk 內乞

inner offerer 供奉, 內供, 內供奉

inner perfuming 內熏

inner practice hall 內道塲

inner realization 內證

inner realm 內界

inner row 內陣

inner scriptures 內經

inner seeds 內種

inner studies 內明

inner study 內學

inner wisdom 內智

inner witness 自內證

inner worldlings 內凡

innumerable and limitless eons 無量無數劫

innumerable bodies 無量身

innumerable characteristics 無量相

innumerable details in and out of saṃsāra 內外塵沙

innumerable differences 千差

innumerable eons 無量劫

innumerable minor marks 無量好

innumerable objective realms 無量境界

innumerable practices 無量行

innumerable skillful means 無量方便

innumerable sufferings 無量苦

innumerable treasures 無量寶

innumerable vehicles 無量乘

innumerable virtues of the Tathāgata 如來無量功德

innumerable worlds 無量世, 無量世界

innumerable, unlimited, incalculable eons 無量無邊阿僧祇劫

innummerable 兆載

inopportune 無暇

inquire 問訊,

inquire about 諮請

inquire after the health of another 致問

inquire for oneself 自以所見

inquire into [the meaning of] names 尋名

inquire into in detail 推求

inquire into the Way 尋道

inquiry 所問

insane 狂心, 癲癇


inscription 墓碑銘, 銘文

insect with a tail 尾蟲

insects (lit. insects and fleas) 蟲蚤


insecure 不安隱

insecurity 不安隱性

insentient become (or are) Buddha 非情成佛

inseparability 不離性


insert incense sticks 答香

insert one's slip 插單

inside the house 屋裏

inside the palace 處宮中

insight (into the dharma) 能通

insight 慧見, 眼力, 觀智

insight accordant with reality 如實知見

insight and cultivation 見修

insight and skillful means 智慧方便

insight arising from hearing 聞所成慧

insight arising from hearing, pondering and cultivating 聞思修慧

insight carried out along with correct practices 行智見

insight into objective conditions 境唯識

insight into the holy truths 聖諦現觀

insight into thusness 眞如智

insight is superior 慧勝

insight meditation 毘鉢舍那

insight of cattle and sheep 牛羊心眼, 牛羊眼

insight that discerns what is the true path and what is not the true path 道非道智見

insignificance 薄小宗葉

insignificant , 於少分, 雜穢

insipid 得微薄

insipid merit 薄福

insoluble union 和合不離

insovereign 不自在

inspect 撿校,

inspection rounds 巡寮

inspector 檢校

inspire sentient beings toward effort 感進

instability and disturbances 動亂

instances of forgetfulness 有忘失法

instant 刹拏, 刹那, 瞥地, , 羅婆, 頃刻, 須臾, 須臾之頃

instant of a single thought-moment 一念之頃

instant of thought 一念頃

instantaneity of the highest worldly meditative state 世第一法無間

instantaneous and perfect 頓頓圓

instantaneous path 無間道

instantaneously 於刹那頃

instantaneously produced karmic impressions 無間生習氣

instantaneousness 勢速


instantly arisen 無間生

instigate debauchery 教人婬

instigate someone to accuse a third party of their crimes 教人說過

instigate to murder 教人殺

instigating another to speak falsely 教人妄語

instigating others to steal 教人盜

instigating someone else to anger 教人瞋

instigating someone to self-praise and disparagement of others 教人讚毀

instill by repeated practice 熏修

instill in the mind by repeated practice 熏修其心

instruct , 導示, 教示, 率化, 示教, 示現, , 誡誨, , 講詔

instruction 教誡, 正授, 能授, 論書

instruction in applied practices 教授加行

instructional preceptor 教授師

instructional text 教文

instructions (or the teaching) of the Dharma 法詔

instructions 傅訓

instructor 能教誡

instrumental case 具格, 具聲

instruments of killing 殺具

insubstantial 不堅, 無實, 無實事

insult 呵擯, 呵罵, 惡口, 訶擯, 驅擯

integrate thoughts with reality (the dharmadhātu) 一念法界

integration of Shintoism and Buddhism 神佛融合

intellectual ability of memory 隨念智

intellectual play 戲論

intellectual play of language 言說戲論

intellectual receptivity (regarding the nature of dharmas) 柔順之忍

intellectual receptivity regarding the nature of dharmas 柔順法忍

intelligence 智性, 有慧性, 知解, 神明, 辨了

intelligence as the fundamental nature of the universe 法界智, 法界體性智

intelligence is vast 慧廣大

intelligence of an ordinary unenlightened person 嬰兒慧

intelligence that cognizes knowable objects (?) 爾炎慧

intelligent 上智, , 叡哲, 慧利, 捷利, 有慧, 有慧者, 有智, 聰睿,

intelligent activity 慧業

intelligent people 有智者

intelligently mindful 委念

intelligible 淸徹

intended 意所許

intended for that 爲此

intense 極猛利

intense about developing wisdom 乘急

intense desire 猛利貪欲, 饕餮

intense forbearance 猛利忍

intense suffering 重苦

intensified mind 增上心

intensive exertion 勤精進

intensive practice 極多修習

intent to harm 謀害

intention 意志, 意樂, , 欲解, 行蘊

intention for control 調伏意

intention for emancipation 出離意樂

intention for enlightenment 道意

intention for great enlightenment 大道意

intention for the unsurpassed, right, and true enlightenment 無上正眞道意

intention of [bringing] benefit [to sentient beings] 利益意

intention produced through mental contact 意觸所生思

intention that is far from purity 遠淸淨意樂

intention that is not for emancipation 不出離意樂

intention to attain nirvāṇa in a future life 於當來世得涅槃意樂

intention to attain nirvāṇa in the present circumstance 現法得涅槃

intention to attain nirvāṇa in the present existence 於現法得涅槃意樂

intention to give benefit 饒益之心

intention to practice the perfections 波羅蜜多意樂

intention to protect the dharma 護法心

intention to steal 盜心

intentional activity 意業

intentional killing 故殺

intentionally 故思, 故意

intentions that are close to purity 近淸淨意樂

inter the bones 入骨

interaction of empathy and response 感應道交

interchange 相間

intercourse in the Four and Tuṣita [Heavens] 四忉利交形

interdependence 相待

interest 息利

interfused 融攝


interlaced 交露幔

interlocutor 對吿衆, 對揚, 機請, 經家

intermediary 媒介

intermediate aggregate 中蘊

intermediate colors 間色

intermediate existence 中陰

intermediate state 中有, 中般

intermediate state of meditation 中間三昧, 中間定, 中間禪, 中間靜慮

interment of bones 納骨

intermingling cause 和合因

internal 於內

internal and external 內外

internal and external are unified 內外打性一片

internal and external disciplinary codes 內外律

internal and external emptiness 內外空

internal appropriation 內執

internal bases 內入

internal cause 內因

internal clarity 內等淨

internal conceptions 內想

internal consciousness 內識

internal emptiness 內空

internal feeling 內受

internal fire ritual 內護摩, 理護摩

internal food 內食

internal hindrances 內障

internal karma 無表業

internal maṇḍala 內心曼荼羅, 內心漫荼羅, 祕密漫荼羅

internal observation 內觀

internal perceptual field 內處

internal perfuming by thusness 眞如內熏

internal phenomena 內法

internal realm 內根

internal referents 內緣

internal self 內我

internal sense base 內入處

internal transformations 內門轉

internal[ly] 內身

internally resident 在肉

internally resident debilitating hindrances 在肉麤重, 肉麤重, 骨麤重

internally resident debilitating hindrances of the cognitive type 在肉所知障品所有麤重

internally resident debilitation 在心麤重

internally resident hindrance of the cognitive type 在肉所知障品

internally witnessing and cultivating the [buddha] nature 內證修性

interpenetrate , 融會, 融通

interpenetrated Buddhism 會通佛教, 通佛教

interpenetrated recitation sect 大念佛宗, 融通大念佛宗, 融通念佛, 融通念佛宗

interpenetration 交徹

interpenetration and non-obstruction 融通無礙

interpenetration of the true and the false 眞妄交徹

interpret the title of a scripture 解題, 開題

interpretation 所通

interpretation on the basis of the teachings themselves 約教釋

interpreting the meaning of the teachings 法義釋詞

interrogatory answer 反問記

interrupted 有間

interruption 間斷


intersections 交道

interval 間隙



intimate servants 近事

intimate with the teachings 親教

intimidated 怯弱, 生怯弱


intone the name of a particular Buddha 別念佛

intoner 唄士, 唄師, 讚頭

intoxicated [by] 所醉

intoxicated 惛醉, 憍醉, 癡狂

intranscendable guardians 不可越守護

intrinsic 堅實

intrinsic attribute 自相

intrinsic buddha 理佛

intrinsic endowment 自體圓滿

intrinsic enlightenment 本覺

intrinsic ignorance 元品無明

intrinsic inclusiveness 性具

intrinsic nature of dharmas 法自性

intrinsic nature of the mind 心自性

intrinsic natures of dharmas 諸法體

intrinsically enlightened character of the original mind 本覺道

intrinsically enlightened mind 本覺心

intrinsically possessed seeds 本性住種子

intrinsically pure 本性淸淨, 本淨, 本淨無漏

intrinsically weak faculties 性軟根

introduce 引入

introducing the simile 開譬

introduction 序品

introspection 內照, 內省, 正知力

intuition 直覺, 直觀


invade and plunder other realms 侵掠他境

inverted , 顚倒

inverted bowl 覆鉢

inverted exc1usion 倒離

inverted view of attachment to the precepts 足上戒取

investigate , , 尋思, 揀擇, 毘遮羅,

investigate the words (of the scriptures) 尋言

investigate thoroughly 探暢, 推究

investigate/discriminate in detail 最極簡擇

investigates in detail 最極思擇

investigates/discriminates in detail 極簡擇

investigating individual existence 簡擇補特伽羅

investigating the meaning 參意

investigating the phrase 參句

investigating true principles 訪求正法

investigation 三彌叉, 隨伺

investigation of designated differences 差別假立尋思, 差別施設求

investigation of names 名尋思, 名求, 隨名求

investigation of principle 理學

investigation of substances (or "given things") 義尋思, 隨事求

investigation of substances 事尋思, 事求

investigation of the designations of essential nature 自性假立尋思, 自性施設求

investigation of the factors of enlightenment 覺分簡擇

investigation of the teaching 擇法

invincible 無勝, 無能勝

invisible 不可見, 不現, 不現見

invisible aid of the Buddha 冥加

invisible and materially insubstantial [or unobstructive] form 不可見無對色

invisible and materially obstructive 不可見有對

invisible blessings 冥福

invisible crown 無見頂

invisible hosts 冥衆

invisible mark on the head 無見頂相

invite 延請, , 招致, 請召

invite a Buddha 請佛

invite disaster 取禍, 招殃

invite happiness 招慶

invite negative rebirth 招感惡趣生

inviter 召請童子, 阿羯囉灑

invocation 口稱, 呪願, 歸敬序, 祝願

invocation of reverence 歸敬偈

invocatory prayer 口稱念佛, 觀念念佛


invoke a Buddha 稱佛

invoke spells over offerings 加持供物

invoke the name 稱名

invoker 咒願師

invoking the name of Amitâbha 讚歎門

involved with evil friends 惡友所攝

involved with the provisional 帶權

involving oneself in the making of offerings 供養攝受

inward and outward flow of the breath 入出二種息

inward rottenness 內朽敗

irascible and muddled 瞋濁


iron bowl 鐵鉢

iron city 鐵城

iron tablets 鐵札

iron wheel 鐵輪

iron wheel-turning sage king 鐵輪王

irrefutable 不可破, 不可破壞

irregular 參差,

irrelevant 不關

irreproachable 不毀訾

irreproachable activity 無罪修作

irresponsibility 不癡毘尼


irritates 逼迫惱亂

is [fully] accomplished 能成辦

is able to purify their abode 所居處能淨修治

is born 爲生

is combined 所會

is confused 有顚倒

is exactly 正是

is exactly the body 卽身

is it not....! 豈非

is it not...? 豈不

is none other than the mean 卽中

is not aware 不及

is not counted together with 不墮其數

is not indifferent to 不捨離

is note carried out after all 畢竟不作

is the best 爲最勝

is well mindful of 善護念

island 提鞞波, 枳吒, 枳擔, 枳擔那, , 洲渚, , 踊出處

isn't it so?

isolated 獨一有

isolation 別住

it is [just] like 只如

it is also like 又如

it is also said that... 且說

it is always called... 遍言

it is called 名爲

it is called the tathāgatagarbha 名如來藏

it is called... 是名

it is determined as normal 法定

it is difficult to tell which of these mental states comes first 如是二心先心難

it is exactly... 是卽

it is here, yet empty (?) 於此而空

it is just as you have said 如汝所說

it is just... 卽爲

it is like 且如, 例如

it is not wrong to do evil 惡無過

it is said in the sūtras 契經中言

it is truly rare, World Honored One 希有世尊

it is unitary and it is eternal 是一是常

it should be understood [that] 當知



items of continual everyday use as the communal property of the monastic community 常住常住, 常住常住物

items of universal everyday use 十方常住, 十方常住物

itinerant monk 客僧, 旦過僧, 禪客, 行脚僧, 野盤僧, 雲衲

Itinerant Monk Lu 盧行者

its [one's] own object 自境

it's [their] associated phenomena 彼相應法

its meaning 其意

its meaning is as explained above 義如前說

its number is increasingly great 其數彌多

its own nature arises 自性生起

jackal 悉伽羅, , 野干

jade and cowries 珂貝

jade Buddha 玉佛

jade ring 玉環

jade ring or bracelet

Jainism 耆那派

jar 甁盆,

jar-shaped 甕形

jar-shaped demon 甕形鬼

jasmine 君那, 末利

jasper (green)

jaundice 黃病



jealousy 妬忌, , 嫉妬, 嫉心, 嫉意, 疾心

jealousy and avarice 慳嫉

jest 謿

jewel 剌那, 勒那, , 羅陀, 羅陀那

jewel hidden under one's cloak 衣裏繋珠

jewel land 寶所

jewel mountain 寶山

jewel net 寶網

jewel of effort 勤財

jewel of faith 信財

jewel of knowledge 慧財

jewel of shame 慚財

jewel treasury 曷剌怛那揭婆

Jewel Water Bodhisattva 寶水菩薩

jewel-bearing sons of Vaiśālī 寶積長者子

jewel-collection 寶聚

jewel-collection absorption 寶積三昧

jeweled bed (or seat) 寶床

jeweled bed 寶床榻

jeweled bell 寶鈴

jeweled bells 寶鐸

jeweled brow 玉豪

jeweled canopy 寶帳

jeweled cart 寶車

jeweled city 寶城

jeweled crown of the five buddhas 五佛冠, 五佛寶冠

jeweled crown of the five celestials 五寶天冠

jeweled crown of the five kinds of wisdom 五智冠, 五智寶冠

jeweled curtain 交露, 寶幔

jeweled dwelling 寶舍

jeweled footstool 寶机

jeweled forest 玉林

jeweled garment 寶衣

jeweled gāthās 寶偈

Jeweled Groves 寶林

jeweled image 寶像, 寶摸像, 寶模像

jeweled lake 寶池

jeweled land 寶地

jeweled lion-seat 師子寶床

jeweled lotus flowers 寶蓮華

jeweled nets and curtains 寶網幔

jeweled pillar of the seven tathāgatas 七如來寶塔

jeweled railings 寶欄

jeweled realm 寶界

jeweled seat 寶座

jeweled shrine 寶寺, 寶廟

jeweled stūpa 寶塔, 寶塔寺

jeweled tower 寶臺

jeweled trees 玉樹

jeweled vessel 寶甁

jeweled-flower throne 寶華王座

jewel-flower 玉花

jewelled bed (or seat) 寶牀

jewels 珍寶

jewels of enlightenment 覺意寶

jewel-seal absorption 寶印三昧

jewel-strewn curtain 交路, 交露帳, 寶交露幔, 珓珞

jewel-strewn curtain made of the seven jewels 七寶交露

jewel-strewn curtain of a two-story building 重閣交露

jewel-trees (of the Pure Land) 寶樹

Jiaoshan code of rules 焦山規約

join , 羅列

join one's palms in sincere reverence 恭敬合掌

join the correctly determined group 入正定聚

joined into one. 一統

joined with each other 互相應

joined, connected

joining 繼屬

joining of the three mysteries 三密瑜伽

joining the two and the two 二二合緣

joint ,

journey 遊行

journeying through birth in the desire realm 欲界生行

joy 喜心, 喜悅, 喜歡, 快樂, 悅意, 慶悅, 摩那埵, , 歡悅

joy and sorrow 欣慼

joy factor of enlightenment 喜覺支

joy is immeasurable 歡喜無量

joy of the first dhyāna heaven 遠離樂

joy regarding killing 隨喜殺

joy, bliss, happiness 生喜

joy-buns 喜團, 歡喜丸, 歡喜團

Joyful 善快

joyful accumulation 樂集

joyful birth 樂生

joyful constituents 適悅依

joyful faith 歡喜信樂

joyful festival 歡喜會

joyful fruit 樂果

joyful giving 喜捨, 樂施, 歡喜惠施

joyful gods 大聖天, 歡喜天

joyful realm 欣界

joyful service 觀喜行

joyful sound 都吒迦

joyful words 慶悅語

joyfully 欣然

joy-grove garden 喜林苑, 歡喜園

joyless hell 泥梨

joyous 歡心

joyous day 歡喜日

joyous mind 心悅, 樂心

judge a case 擬罪

judge of qualifications 教授師, 教授阿闍梨, 教授阿闍棃, 教授阿闍黎

juice 漿

July-August 室羅筏拏, 室羅縛拏

junior 丙丁

junior members of an assembly 會下

junior monk 下臈, 小師, 小阿師

junior teacher 小法師, 小院

just [only] stay 唯住

just a moment's thought 暫思惟

just as

just as if 恰如

just as one pleases 自在隨意

just as one says 如自所言

just as one wishes 隨意所欲

just at such and such an hour 正當恁麼時

just clarity, no holiness 廓然無聖

just like 具如, 猶若如

just like a dream 猶如夢

just like a heavenly drum 猶如天鼓

just like an udumbara flower 猶靈瑞華

just like space 猶如虛空

just like that 如是如是

just like the case of a person who... 猶如有人

just like the case of... 猶如有

just like the prior... 卽如前

just monks 義僧

just risen 盛時

just sitting 專坐

just the same as... 猶是

just three parts of the robe 單三衣

jute bags 布袋

kadamba 迦曇波

kalaviṅka 迦蘭頻伽

kalpa is in the state of disorder and confusion 劫亂

kalpa of destruction 劫災

kalpa of three thousand dust motes 三千塵點劫

kalpa-flames 劫焰

kalpic flood 劫水

karma (activities) that bring about rebirth 感生業

karma (activity) that brings about rebirth 感生之業

karma 一業, 報應, 羊石, 行業

karma accumulated from previous lives 先世業

karma as an object (of contemplation) 業相境

karma complete in one thought 一念業成

karma is terminated 業盡

karma of desire 愛業

karma of disadvantageous rebirths 惡趣業

karma of former intention 故作業, 故思業

karma of the seven sins 七支業

karma of the Way 道業

karma produced from nourishment 潤生業

karma received through the pursuit of behavior that brings pain 順苦受業

karma that is created 所作業, 所造業

karma that is neither good nor evil 非黑非白業

karma that is received as the result of pursuit of behaviors that bring neither pleasure nor pain 順不苦不樂受業

karma that is received from the pursuit of behavior that brings pleasure 順樂受業

karma the thief 業賊

karma-basis 依業

karma-cause 業因

karman 羯摩

karmic (conditioned) wisdom 業智

karmic abilities 業通

karmic activity 業行

karmic activity that is created 所造業行

karmic affliction 業惱

karmic afflictions 業煩惱

karmic bonds 業結, 業縛, 業繩

karmic conditions 業緣

karmic defilement 業垢, 業塵, 業染

karmic demons 業魔

karmic existence 業有

karmic fetters 業繫

karmic fires 業火

karmic fruits 業果

karmic heaven 業天

karmic hindrances 諸業障

karmic illness 業病

karmic illusion 業幻

karmic impressions 習氣

karmic impressions in the flow of continuity of sameness 等流習氣

karmic impressions of affliction 煩惱習

karmic impressions of attraction 愛習氣

karmic impressions of deluded attachment 妄執習氣

karmic impressions of deluded attachment to an imagined self-nature 遍計所執自性妄執習氣

karmic impressions of nescience 無明氣, 無明習氣

karmic impressions of pride 慢習氣

karmic impressions of self-attachment 我執習氣

karmic impressions that are specific in their function 別習氣

karmic impressions that function without specific limitations 通習氣

karmic impressions that link existences 有支習氣

karmic maturation of suffering 苦異熟果

karmic mental function 心作

karmic momentum 習氣力

karmic neutrality of the qualities of objects in the natural world 自性無記

karmic nutrition 業食

karmic power of the great vows 大願業力

karmic remainder 業餘

karmic retribution 業報

karmic shadow 業影

karmic suffering 業苦

karmic troubles 業厄

karmic web 業羂

karmic wisdom of the conventional world 世間業智

kārpāsa 劫波婆

kaṣāya 袈沙野

Kauṇḍinya and the five mendicants 拘鄰五人

Kauṣṭhila 拘瑟底羅

keen longing 猛利欲

keep (or guard) carefully 愼護


keep accounts 紀別

keep company at meals 陪食

keep distance from 遮止

keep in mind 志懷, 持念

keep in one's heart 服鷹

keep records 記識

keep the precepts and break the precepts 持犯

keep views in mind 存見

keepers of the ox precepts 持牛戒

keeping mindful [of the buddha] and not wasting time 心念不空過

keeping the same 等住

kept overnight 內宿

Kern, Johan Hendrik Caspar 克恩


kernel of a mantra 咒心

kernels of nescience 無明界


key for a lock 管籥

key point 大節, 樞要

Khmer 吉蔑族


kick over 踢倒

kidney beans 勿伽, 綠豆, 胡豆, 菉豆

Kikana 稽薑那

kill 斷命, , 殺害,

kill by anger 瞋殺

kill one that many may live 一殺多生

kill, bind in chains, etc. 殺縛

killer 羯恥羅, 羯耻羅

killer of thieves 殺賊

killing 殘害

killing a lamb 殺羊

killing a monk 殺和尚

killing a saint 害阿羅漢

killing an arhat 殺聖人, 殺阿羅漢

killing animals 殺畜生, 煞畜生

killing because of being praised for it 讚嘆殺, 讚嘆煞, 讚歎殺

killing by mind 意業殺

killing by speech 言殺, 言煞

killing by words 口業殺

killing one's father 害父, 殺父

killing one's mother 害母, 殺母

killing one's parents 殺父母

killing one's teacher 殺阿闍梨

killing through curse 呪殺

killing unintentionally 不得故殺

kind 哀憐, 悲哀, , 憐愍, 色類,

kind of coral 牟娑洛, 牟裟羅

kind of coral 牟裟羅寶

kind of gruel 淫湯

kind of large fish 抵彌

kind of mind 心種類

kind of open-work variegated silk

kind of poison 婆蹉那婆

kind of tree 奢弭, 奢彌, 枸杞

kind of white lotus flower 拘物頭華

kind treatment 愛事

kind words of bodhisattvas 菩薩愛語

kindness 恩惠, , 慈惠

kindness and pity 恩憐

kindness and respect 愛敬

kindness that is equal from every perspective 平等憐愍

kinds of scriptures 經品


king 國王,

king and ministers 王臣

king goose 鵝王

king of [one of] the six heavens 六欲天主

king of a myriad dharmas 萬法王

king of all light universally shining 百光遍照王

king of doctors 醫王

king of emptiness 空王

king of enlightenment 覺王

king of gods 天中王

King of Great Power 大力王

king of great quiescence 大寂王

king of healing herbs and trees 藥樹王, 藥王樹

king of heaven 天王

king of immortality 甘露王

king of samādhis 三昧王三昧

King of scriptures 經王

King of the Brahma Heaven 梵王

king of the Brahman-heaven 大梵天王, 大梵王

King of the Buddha-Path 佛道法王

king of the dharma 法主

king of the Dharma 法之王

king of the dharma 法王

king of the diamond mountains 金山王

king of the flock 鴈王

king of the heaven where one has power to convert others (?) 他化自在天王

king of the herd 牛王

king of the monks 牟尼王

king of the river of pain 楚江王

king of the śākyas 釋王

king of the star-flowers 宿王華

King of the Ten Kinds of Nectar 十甘露王

King of the Ten Vows 十願王

King of Treasures samādhi 寶王三昧

king of trees 樹王

king who follows the Buddhist teachings 如法王

kingdom and wealth 國財

kings and thieves 王賊

king's household 王家

kinsmen 親族, 諸眷屬


kitchen account 火帳

kitchen hall 庫院


kitchen-stove god 竈神

knapsack 乞網

knead one's eyebrows and scowl 斂眉



kneel and offer incense 跪爐

kneel and worship 跪拜

kneel in worship 拜跪

kneeling 長跪

kneeling to receive the precepts 戒膝

kneeling with both knees at once 互胡跪, 互跪

kneels down and joins hands 長跪合掌

knit the brows , 顰蹙

knock all into one 打成一片

knot 結網

know (the truth of) suffering and be able to cut off its accumulation 知苦斷集

know [about] something 知有

know , 能了知, , 識慧, 開達

know all dharmas 知一切法, 達諸法

know by calculation

know clearly 識了

know for oneself 自知

know its amount 知其數

know oneself 知自

know people as individuals 知人

know singly or exactly 印解

know suffering 知苦

know that now is the right time 宜知是時

know the Buddha-law 知法

know the capacities 知機

know the number of... 知數

know the stages of progress 知位次, 知次位

know the various classes of people 知衆

know their minds 知彼心

know thoroughly 遍了知, 遍知

know well 正知, 識練

knowable 可了, 可了知, 可知, 得知, 應知, 所知境界, 所量性, 能知

knowable(s) 爾焰

knowables 爾炎, 爾燄

knowables lack characteristics 所知無相

knower 知者, 識者

knower and the known 能知所知

knower of reality 如實知者

knower of the secular world 世間解

knower of the way 知道者

knower of the world 知世間, 路迦憊

knower of the worlds 路伽憊

knowing 能取

knowing agent 能量

knowing right from wrong 處非處智

knowing the amount 知量

knowing the minds of others 他心智者

knowing the right modes of decorum 知禮

knowing through metaphor 譬喩量

knowledge 尾底牙, 明咒, , 毘睇, 毘若底

knowledge abiding in the marvelous dharma 妙法住智

knowledge and compassion extended to their fullest 智悲隨逐

knowledge obtained from seeing 眼智

knowledge of all existent things 盡所有智

knowledge of all forms of previous existence of oneself and others 識宿命通

knowledge of all realms 種種智

knowledge of death, transmigration, and birth 死生智力

knowledge of other's minds 他心智, 知他心通

knowledge of others' minds, knowledge of others' thoughts 他心智證通

knowledge of particular things 隨順智

knowledge of previous lives 宿命明

knowledge of prior lifetimes 宿命智

knowledge of reality in which the sphere of cognitive activity is completely purified of the cognitive hindrances 所知障淨智所行眞實

knowledge of reality universally accepted by accurate logic 道理極成眞實

knowledge of reality wherein the sphere of cognitive activity is completely purified of the afflictive hindrances 煩惱障淨智所行眞實

knowledge of the arts 工巧明, 巧業明

knowledge of the constitutional factors of things 性力, 知性智力

knowledge of the divine ear 天耳智證通

knowledge of the divine eye 天眼智證通, 天眼智通

knowledge of the faculties (of sentient beings) 知根

knowledge of the four 四知

knowledge of the four noble truths 四聖諦智

knowledge of the world 知世

knowledge of various constituent (causal) factors 種種界智

knowledge of when conduct is disease-like 由如病等行智

knowledge of where beings will die and be reborn 死生智

knowledge that correctly discriminates all distinct phenomena 種種知

knowledge that is not shared 彼此互不相知

knowledge-and-vision of liberation 解脫知見

known 所了, 所知, 所量, 起識了別

known as 假說名

known existents 所知事

known for virtue 名德

known with certainty 定知

knows fully 知悉

knows them all exactly as they are 皆如實知

knows when one has eaten enough 食知量

knuckle 指節

komusō 虛無僧

Korean Buddhist Canon 高麗大藏經, 麗藏

Korean Canon 高麗藏

koṭī of nayutas 萬億那由他

kumāra 鳩摩

Kumārajīva translation 什譯

Kustana 豁旦


laborer caste 戌陀羅

lack of confidence [in the truth, dharma, etc.] 無信解

lack of conscience 無慚

lack of conscience and lack of shame 無慚無愧

lack of devoted interest 無勝解

lack of distinction 無差別

lack of interruption in wholesome states of mind 善心無間

lack of practices 無行

lacking (defiled) thought 無心

lacking [the nature of] appropriation 無取受性

lacking , 空缺, 空闕

lacking a cause 無有因

lacking a cause for coming into being 無生因

lacking ability 無有能, 無根

lacking appearance 無影像

lacking associative thought 無想

lacking authoritative presence 無威德

lacking basis 無依

lacking cessation 無有滅

lacking characteristics 無相

lacking complete sexual capacity 提羅

lacking connection 無合

lacking distinctions 無有差別

lacking divine vision 無眼見者

lacking exclusion 無離

lacking expedient means 無方便

lacking hatred 除瞋恚

lacking impairment 無失壞

lacking in reliable religious companions 闕善友

lacking in seed nature 闕種性

lacking in the tendency [nature] to come forth 無流轉性

lacking intelligence 無智慧

lacking knowledge of the minds of others 無他心智者

lacking life 無命

lacking loss (deficiency, retrogression, etc.) 無有退失

lacking mental disturbance 無惑

lacking merit 無福德

lacking perception 無覺受

lacking possessions 無財

lacking reasons in common 無同類因

lacking restraint 無節

lacking seeds 無種子

lacking self 無有我

lacking self-nature 無自性

lacking significance 能引無義

lacking the aspiration for enlightenment 無道心

lacking the dharma of parinirvāṇa 無般涅槃法

lacking the predisposition to attain liberation 無涅槃性

lacking the predisposition toward cessation 無止息性

lacking the same type [of reasons] 無同類

lacking the seeds [for buddhahood] 無種性

lacking the three poisons 無三毒

lacking thorough knowledge 不了知

lacking worldly aspirations 無俗意樂

lacks 乏少, 乏短

lacks birth and death 無有生死

lacks taste 無味

lacquer bucket 漆桶



lady-in-waiting 采女


lake of the eight excellent attributes 功德水, 功德池

lama 喇嘛

lament at an injustice 稱怨

lamentable 可悲

lamp (filled with) hemp-seed oil 麻油燈

lamp (filled with) scented oil 香油燈


lamp as (a symbol of) wisdom 燈慧

lamp flame 燈火

lamp handler 火頭

lamp light 燈光

lamp of delusion 癡燈

lamp of the dharma 法燈

lamp of the wonderful Law 妙法燈

lamp of wisdom 慧燈

lamp to the world 世燈

lamp using butter and fragrant oil 蘇燈

lamp-flame burning 燈焰生

land 國土

land and sea 刹海

land held by the saṃgha 僧地

land of all fragrances 衆香國土

Land of Amitāyus 無量壽國

land of Buddha-reward 實報土

land of Buddha-reward in Reality free from all barriers 實相無障礙土

land of enjoyment by others 他受用土

land of expedient transformation 方便土

land of expedient transformation with remainder 方便有餘土

land of infinite light 無量光明土

land of laziness and pride 懈慢國

land of mysterious adornment 密嚴國

land of no-retrogression 不退土

Land of Peace and Bliss 安樂國土

Land of Purity and Peace 淸泰國

land of remainder 有餘土

land of self-enjoyment 自受用土

land of skillful transformation 方便化土

land of sufferance 忍土

land of the brahmans 婆羅門國

land of the Dharma 法國土

land of the response-body buddha 報佛身土

land of the vow 願土

land of tranquil light 寂光土

land of transformation 應化土, 變化土

land of ultimate bliss 極樂國土

lands like dust-motes 刹塵, 塵刹

language 殊音, 言語, 訓詞

lantern 燈爐, 燈籠

lantern festival at the first full moon 上元燒燈

lantern procession 提燈行列

lantern-lighting ceremony 燃燈會

lapis lazuli 吠琉璃, 吠瑠璃, 吠瑠璃耶, 樓黎, 琉璃, 琉璃寶, 瑠璃, 璢璃

lappet of a monk's robe 衣角

large 恢恢

large and small 大小

large appropriation 廣大執受

large banner painting of a buddha 掛佛

large bronze bowl 大磬

large Buddha-treasure hall 大佛寶殿

large commentary 大疏

large drum 大鼓

large elephant 大象

large embroidered canopy of silk 繪蓋

large grain storage 大倉

large hall made of the seven jewels 七寶大講堂

large hoe

large knees 大膝

large lecture hall 大講堂

large monkey 獼猴

large rock 磐石, 磨石

large state 大國

large stūpa 大塔

large white lotus 大白蓮華, 摩訶曼陀羅華

large, venomous snakes 蚖蛇

lashes with a whip 鞭杖

last assembly of the session 滿座

last day of the meditation retreat 自恣日

last round 下周

last sentence 末句

last year 客歲

latch onto 措着


latent nescience 無明隨眠

latent tendency for enmity 瞋恚使

latent tendency toward doubt 疑使

latent tendency toward egoism 慢使

latently defiled existence 煩惱隨眠有

latently existent 隨眠有

later 後者, 續後

later birth 後生

latitude and longitude 橫縱

latrine 便所

latrine , 後架, 東淨, 西淨, 雪隱

latter age 末代

latter dharma 末法

latter end 後邊際

latter part 後分

latter part of the evening 後夜

latter sages 後聖

latter three 後三


laugh ,

lavatory 溷厠

lavish funeral 厚葬

law 理法, 軌度

law body 法身

law of the four truths 四諦法

law of the king 王法

lax 縵緩

lax in regard to both wisdom and moral discipline 乘戒倶緩

lax regarding the precepts 戒緩

laxity and excitement 惛沉掉擧

lay 布著

lay believers 在家信者

lay Buddhism 在家佛教, 居士佛教

lay Buddhist teacher 在家法師

lay claim to 貪計

lay followers 在家信衆, 在家菩薩

lay male disciple 優婆娑柯, 蒲塞

lay male disciples 優波娑迦

lay male practitioner 伊蒲塞

lay out 敷演

lay out a seat and sit down 敷坐

lay practitioners (householders) group [of bodhisattvas] 在家分

lay practitioners and renunciant practitioners 在家出家

lay the hand on the top of the head 摩頂

layer of grass 草敷

layman 優婆塞, 在家

layman of the pestle: Huineng 負舂居士

Layman Pang 龐居士

Layman Vimalakīrti 維摩居士

laymen 近事男

lay-person 在家者

lay-person 長者居士

laywoman 優婆夷, 優婆私柯, 鄔婆斯迦

laywomen 優婆私柯, 鄔婆斯迦

laziness 厭怠, , 嬾墮

lazy 嬾惰, 慢恣, , 疲懈

lazy monks 稗沙門

lazy-minded 心懈怠

lead 將導, 導引, , 接引, 率領, 鉛錫

lead and convert 導化

lead into life 導生

lead to and show 誘示

leader 仙尊, 勝獎者, 標領

leaf 一葉,

leaf canopy 葉蓋

leaf-clad Avalokitêśvara 葉衣觀音

leakage of mindfulness 念漏

leaking husk 殼漏子

leaking skin and shell 皮可漏子, 皮殼漏子

leaking water 漏水


lean on 倚著

lean to one side

leaning board 依版

leans on 猗著

leap over

learn 習學, 閑習

learn extensively 綜練

learn from somebody 隨學

learn fully 普學

learn much through listening extensively 多聞

learned 明智, 聰明

learned disciples of the sage 多聞聖弟子

learned lay-persons who abide within the Dharma 住內法在家英叡

learned monk who occupies the chief seat 立僧首座

learned ones of the world 世聰慧者

learned person 智者

learned/wise one 聰慧者

learner 有學者

learners and those who have nothing more to learn 學不學

learning wholesome behavior 受學善行

learnt or known or understood 應了知

least 劣薄, 最下

least divergence in the beginning will lead many miles astray 毫釐千里

least of the great 上下品

least of the least 下下

least of the middling 中下品

leather clothes 皮衣

leather sack 皮袋

leather sandals 亟縛屣

leave (something) peacefully as it is 安置

leave , 棄捐

leave affliction 出離煩惱

leave behind

leave birth and death 出離生死

leave cyclic existence and pass over to the other shore of nirvāṇa 過度

leave home 斗擻

leave home and enter the way 出家入道

leave of absence 暫假

leave ones family 辭親

leave out 排拔

leave the chain of rebirth 離生

leave the dust of the secular world 出塵

leave the hall 出堂

leave the provisional and return to the real 泯權歸實

leave the secular life 出夫家

leave the world and enter the path 出道


leaving forever 永出

lecture , 講演, 講說

lecture hall 講堂, 講院

lecture on every fifth day 五參上堂

lecture on the scriptures 講經

lecture seat 講座, 講筵

lecture site 講席

lecture-meeting at which scriptures are expounded 講經會

lecture-meeting at which the Law is expounded 講會

lecturer 講師

led [away] by others [other things] 他所引


leer at 眄睞

left , 已捨, 所餘

left and right 左右

left home at an early age 少出家


leftover food 食殘


leg of goodness 福足

leg of wisdom 慧足

legal systems 法制


leisure moment

lend and collect 出入, 出內

lend assistance (?) 作翼

length and breadth 縱廣

length and shortness of time 久近

length of life as determined by karma 業壽

lentils 小豆

leprosy , 白癩病, 身致癩病

less 減劣

lesser , 狹小

lesser bodhisattvas 小菩薩

lesser capacity 下根

lesser chiliocosm 小千, 小千世界

lesser dharma 小法

lesser eons 別劫

lesser faculties 小根, 小機

lesser five patches 小五條

lesser fruits 小果

lesser hells 遊增地獄

lesser path 小道

lesser practices 小行

lesser precepts 小戒

lesser teachings 小宗

lesser three realizations 下三果

lesser vehicle 下乘

lesser vehicle and the non-Buddhists 小乘外道

lesser vehicle Buddhism 小乘佛教

lesser vehicle meditation 小乘禪

lesser vehicle ordinances 小律儀

lesser vehicle precepts 小乘戒

lesser vehicle treatises 小乘論

Lesser Yuan 小遠

lesser-vehicle abhidharma 小乘阿毘達磨

lesser-vehicle sage 小聖

let (make) someone see 令見

let (someone) escape 免濟, 勉濟, 勉脫

let nature take its course 委順

lethal weapons 殺生具, 煞生具

let's say there is... 設有

letter 書信

letter a 阿字

letter of collecting alms (for Buddha-work) 募緣文

letters and words 文言

letters drawn with powdered incense 香象之文

letters of a scripture 經字

level 位地, , ,

level of accumulation 資糧地

level of application 加行地

level of attainment 至位

level of cultivation 修地

level of effort 有功用位

level of merits 功德位

level of no more applied practice 無學位

level of purity and impurity 不淨淨位

level of the direct practice of the six perfections 正行六度品

level of the first meditation 初靜慮地

level of unenlightened sentient beings 凡夫位

level of worldlings 凡位

liable to become attached 貪求

libationer 祭酒


liberate 救脫

liberate all sentient beings 滅度一切衆生

liberate completely 究竟離

liberate others 度脫

liberated 已得解脫, 已解脫

liberated by wisdom 慧解脫, 智解脫

liberated hearing 解脫耳

liberated in both ways from the notion of individuality 倶分解脫補特伽羅

liberated one 解脫者

liberated person 解脫人

liberated wisdom 慧脫

liberated-ness 解性

liberates all 度脫一切

liberates from myriad afflictions 解脫衆苦

liberates from suffering 脫苦

liberating forms of meditation, including equipoises and absorptions 靜慮等定, 靜慮解脫等持等至

liberating practice 出離行

liberating precepts 解脫戒

liberation 木叉, 木蛇, 毘木叉, 毘木底, 目多, , , 解脫, 透脫

liberation and mental disturbance 解惑

liberation by avoiding evil 別解脫戒

liberation by effort 行般涅槃

liberation by insight 慧善解脫

liberation effect 相離果

liberation experienced by the adherents of the two vehicles 二乘解脫

liberation from [the mistaken notion of] self-nature 自性解脫

liberation from affliction 煩惱解脫

liberation from birth and death 生死解脫

liberation from continuity [of the mind-stream] (?) 相續解脫

liberation from hindrances to samādhi 定障解脫

liberation from suffering 苦解脫

liberation from the cognitive hindrances 所知障解脫

liberation from the continuity of [the mistaken notion of] self-nature [of the mind stream] (?) 自性相續解脫

liberation in every place 處處解脫

liberation not contingent on time 不時解脫

liberation observing external form without internal conceptions of form 內無色想觀外色解脫

liberation of a single taste 解脫一味

liberation of the concentration that brings about the cessation of feeling and perception 滅受想定解脫

liberation of the embodied looking at a form 內有色想觀諸色解脫

liberation of the mind 心善解脫, 心脫

liberation of through concentration and wisdom 心慧解脫

liberation through emptiness 空解脫門

liberation through morality 事度

liberation through signlessness 無相解脫門

liberation through wisdom 惠解脫

liberative views 解知見

librarian 藏主

library 藏司

library of the scriptures 藏殿

lie (on a bed) 床臥

lie ,

lie and sleep 臥寐

lie down

lie on one's back 仰臥

lie on the skin 在皮

life [-span] is exhausted, expired 壽盡

life 一生, , 形壽, 活命, 軀命

life and purity 命梵

life as retribution 報命

life force 命根

life of a monk 方外

life or extent of a period of Buddhism 佛法壽命

life perilous as the (unscaleable) top of the loneliest peak 太孤危生

life power as a metaphor for wisdom 慧命

life span 儞尾單, 壽命, 壽量

life stories 本緣

life[-span] and karma are terminated 壽盡業盡

life-and-death as it is experienced by unenlightened sentient beings 凡夫生死

lifebuoy 浮囊

life-nourishing studies 生命思想

life-releasing pond 放生池

life's hardships 命難

life-size Buddha image 等身佛, 等身像

life-span 處年壽命

lifetime without fault 一生不犯

lift high

lift up

lift up in praise 讚揚

lifting an eyebrow and winking an eye 揚眉瞬目

lifts up and carries 擧持

light (color, flavor)

light (not heavy)

light , 婆頗裟, , 會日, , 輕擧,

light a lamp 點燈

light and darkness 明冥, 明暗, 明闇

light and heavy 輕重

light and sound 光音

light as a hair 輕毛

light clothing 銖衣

light crime 輕罪

light crimes 輕垢罪, 輕非

light emanating from excellent bodily characteristics 相好光明

light from a Buddha's mind 心光

light in the darkness 暗中明, 暗中有明

light of a life 命光

light of faith 信光

light of greed 貪光

light of the Buddha 佛光

light of the dharma 法光

light of the world 世光, 世光明

light of wisdom 智光, 智慧光, 智慧光明

light of wisdom, brilliant and pure 慧光明淨

light the fire 下火, 下炬

light the fire of the funeral bier 執爐

light/pure elements 白品

lighting lanterns 放燈

lightless buddha 無光佛


lightning and flint sparks 電光石火

lightning and shadows 電影

lightning flashes 掣電

light-protecting bodhisattva 護明菩薩

like 似順, 好憙, 愛喜

like a bubble 如泡

like a cloud 如雲

like a dream 如夢

like a flash of lightning 如電光

like a great ocean 如大海

like a jewel 如寶

like a moth flying into the lamp's fire 如蛾趣燈火

like a person 如人

like a phantasm 如幻夢

like a pounder 如杵

like a promissory note 如券

like a raging current 如瀑流

like a sage 如聖

like a shadow 如影

like an apparition 猶如變化

like an echo 如響

like an illusion 如幻

like an illusion, like a bubble, like a shadow 如夢幻泡影

like an illusion, like a dream 如幻如夢

like and admires 樂仰

like and dislike 好忤

like cooking sand for food 烝砂作飯

like dew, also like lightning 如露亦如電

like earth 如地

like fire 如火

like form 如色

like gold 如金

like lightning 如電

like moonlight 如月光

like Mt. Sumeru 如須彌山

like myself 如我

like oneself 如自己

like piling up firewood 積薪

like shooting arrows in the dark 如闇中射

like sickness 如病

like smoke 如焰

like snow 如雪

like sound 如聲

like space 如空, 等虛空, 若虛空

like that 如彼

like the great earth 如大地

like the ocean 如海

like the prior 如前

like the sūtra(s) 如契經

like the top of a palm tree that has had its roots severed 如多羅樹斷截根頂

like this 准此, 如是, 如是者, 如此, 如此比, 爲是, 若斯之比

like water 如水

like what? 何如

likeness 眞容

likewise 亦復然

likṣā 一蟣

lily-root fibers 藕絲

lily-root roasting assembly 炙茄會

limb 應伽

limb of discernment 分決分

limit 制約, 崖底, , 窮極, 節限, 範圍, 邊崖, 邊涯, 邊際, , 限極, 限盡, 限計

limit of a life-span 壽量邊際

limit of suffering 苦際

limited , 所制約, 狹少, 短狹

limited and limitless 有邊無邊, 邊無邊

limited and miraculous saṃsāras 分段變易

limited body 分段身

limited culpability 限分

limited cyclical existence 分段輪廻

limited meaning 狹義

limited to (only) one (more) birth 一生補處

limited wisdom 少智, 少智慧

limitless 無崖, 無極, 無涯, 無邊

limitless and endless 無邊無際

limitless body 無極之體, 無邊身

limitless consciousness 識無處邊, 識無邊

limitless life 壽命無量

limitless light 光明無量, 無量光

limitless realm 無邊刹境

limitless realm of reality 無邊法界

limitless sympathetic joy 喜無量心

limitless three times 無邊三世

limitless world 無邊世界

limitlessly eloquent 辯才無盡

limitlessly vast 廣無量

limits of final enlightenment 究竟菩提邊際

limits of the fifth wheel 五輪際


line by line 句句

line up the shoulders 齊肩

lineage 種類

lineage of the transmission of the precepts 戒脈, 法統

linen garment 芻摩, 菆蒭, 蒭摩, 蘇蒭, 讖蒭, 須蒭

lingual faculty 舌神根

linguistic and grammatical studies 聲明

linguistic convention, or custom 假說

linguistic karmic impressions 名言習氣

linguistic seeds 名言種子

linguistically designated inherent nature 假說自性

link 羅列, ,

linked 聯絡

linking of rebirths 結生相續

lion 僧訶, 呵梨, 師子, , , 獅子, 訶利, 訶梨

lion among men 人中師子, 人師子, 人獅子, 人雄師子

lion aroused to anger 師子奮迅

lion crouching on the ground 踞地獅子

lion king 師子王, 獅子王

lion of silenced karma 寂業師子

lion of the Śākyas 釋師子

lion of wisdom 末底僧訶

lion-like, strenuous absorption 師子奮迅三昧

lion's lute 師子琴

lion's milk 師子乳

lion's play concentration 師子遊戲三昧

lion's right side sleeping posture 右脅師子臥

lion's roar , 師子吼, 獅子吼

lion's seat 師子坐, 師子座, 師子牀, 獅子座

lion-seat 師子之床, 師子之座, 師子床

lion-throne 猊座


lip service 口頭

lip service samādhi 口頭三昧

liquid copper 流漿

liquid scent 香汁

listen [fully] and reflect upon 聽受思惟

listen 諮受

listen and comprehend 聆摻

listen and receive 聽受

listen carefully 諦聽

listen intently 樂聽

listen to 聽承, 聽省

listen to and accept 聽采

listen to sounds 聞聲

listen to the teaching 聽教, 聽法

listen to the teachings on the precepts 聽戒

listen very well

listen with full attention 屬耳

listener 聞者

listening [to the Buddhist teachings] 耳聞

listens respectfully to 聽禀

lit. to cut through nails and steel

litany of Liang [Wudi] 梁皇懺

literal, word for word translation 逐語譯

literalist 文字人

literature and artistic/mechanical skills 文藝

little 少多

little bit of effort 少用功力

little light 少光

little merit 小功德, 少福

little wealth 少財

live 受命

live close to one another 居隣

live grass 生草

live in mountain caves as a recluse 巖燕

live in the experiential world 寧受

live off of 寄生

live together 倶住, 共居

live together often 共住多時




lives a long time 住壽

lives alone 獨住

lives in the world 住世

living 命我, 生活

living being 命者

living Buddha 活佛

living in a leisurely and quiet environment 閑居靜處, 閒居靜處

living in or near a cemetery 塚間

living only on alms 常乞食

living path 活路

living phrase 活句

living together 同居

living together with vile people 鄙惡者同居

living with evil people 惡者共住

living with vile people 鄙者共住

load of night-soil 屎擔子

loathing and aspiration 厭求

loathsome 可厭逆

location 方處

locative case 所依聲, 於格

lock ,

lock and key 鎖匙

locus 他那, 吒那,

locus for the arising of something 生處

locus of mental functioning 行處

locus of neither thought nor no thought 非想

locus of the body 身處所

lodestone 磁石


lofty , , 巍巍

lofty and brilliant 高明

lofty building 樓觀

lofty palace 宮殿

logic using inference 比量道理

logician 尼夜耶

long [and thin] 纖長

long [period of] suffering 長苦

long 地珂, ,

long abiding of the true teaching 正法久住

long ago 乃去往古, 乃往過去, 昔來

long and short 長短

long banner(or flag) 長表

long day 長日

long disciplined 老宿

long dream 長夢

long existing 長在

long for 渴仰

long for better things (states of mind, etc.) and weary of the baser things 欣上厭下

long for higher things 欣上

long gown 長褂

long hem 長裙

long illumination lamp 常夜燈, 長明燈

long in the family of the tathāgata 長如來家

long jacket 長衫

long life , 壽命長, 長命, 長壽, 長生

long life and bliss 壽樂

long life lamp 長命燈

long life thus 如是長壽

long night 長夜

long night of birth and death 生死長夜

long protected 久護

long river 長河

long separated [from] 長別

long since 久已

long time , 曠劫

long way of escape from mortality 竪出

long, slender legs 足跟趺長

long, slim fingers 纖長指

long, very fine hair

long-abiding [one] 久住者

long-continuing 綿綿

long-flowing 長流

longing 僥冀, 僥渇, 希慕, 悕望, 欣欲

longing for 思慕, 觀待

longing for each other 顧戀

longing for the single unadulterated taste 淳淨一味欲樂

longingly thinks of 望想

long-lived celestials 長壽天

long-opposed 永背

longs for 思求

long-staying 舊住

long-term afflictions 長時煩惱

long-term aim 宿願

long-term taking in [of sentient beings by bodhisattvas] 長時攝受

look (at)

look 恣顏, ,

look at , , 瞻覩, , 觀覩, 請看

look at gently 和視

look at one by one 覽歷

look at oneself in a mirror 照鏡

look back at those times 觀彼時

look calmly 平視

look down on 輕蔑

look for 慕係, 慕求

look into and think over 觀念

look up , 瞻戴, 瞻覲, 瞻順

look, look! 看看

look; behold 瞻視

looking for repayment [of favors] 求報恩

looks to obtain 望得



lop off the head sins 斷頭罪

lord , 伊沙, 伽梵, 盧迦委斯諦

lord of a world 世界主

lord of alms 檀主

lord of men 人主

lord of the earth 大地主

lord of the hundred commentaries 百本論師

lord of the intellect 識主

lord of the sahā world 娑婆世界主

lord of the west 西主

lord of the world 世主

lose 沒失

lose correct mindfulness 失正念

lose hope 失望

lose mindfulness 忘失念

lose sight of the precepts 失戒

lose that which one possesses

loses great benefits 失大利

loss 亡失, 債負, 損減, 有退減, 退失

loss in each thought-moment 念念失

loss of mindfulness 念失

loss of one's faculties 根敗

loss of position 失位

loss of the path 道失

loss of what is desired 所欲衰損

lost at an early date 古逸

lot , ,

lotus 般那摩, 芙蓉, , 蔡華, 鉢納摩

lotus among men 人中分陀利華, 人分陀利華

lotus assembly 法華會

lotus bud 屈摩羅

lotus dais 華臺

lotus dais of the highest stage 上品蓮臺

lotus eyes 華目

lotus flower 分陀利, 蓮花, 蓮華

lotus flower of the fine dharma 妙法蓮華

lotus in the body 身蓮

lotus land 蓮華國, 蓮邦

lotus leaves 荷葉

lotus matrix 蓮華藏

lotus pedestal 蓮花臺

lotus pond with eight attributes 八德蓮池

lotus position 加趺坐, 結坐, 結跏, 結跏趺坐, 結跏跗坐, 蓮華坐, 趺坐, 跏坐, 跏座, 跏趺, 跏趺坐, 跏趺正坐

lotus posture 蓮華座, 跏趺坐

lotus robe 蓮華服, 蓮華衣

lotus seat 華座, 蓮座, 蓮花座, 蓮華座

Lotus sect 蓮門

lotus seeds 蓮子

lotus store world 華藏世界, 華藏界

lotus wisdom 蓮華智

lotus womb 華胎

lotus world 蓮刹

lotus-eye 蓮眼

lotus-palace 蓮宮

lotus-pedestal 蓮華臺

lotus-pond 蓮池

Lotus's doctrine of the single vehicle 法華一乘

lotus-samādhi 一切如來諸法本性滿淨蓮華三昧, 蓮華三昧

lotus-store 華藏

lotus-store and paradise 華藏與極樂

lotus-treasury world 蓮花藏界, 蓮華藏世界

lotus-womb 蓮胎

loud noise 嚕多, 大音

loud sounds 洪音

loud voice 高聲

lovable 所親昵

love 寵敬, 親愛

love affectionately 慈愛

love and cherish 慰喩

love and protect 愛護

love life 好生

love of the dharma 法愛

love virtue 好德

lovely 可樂

lovely, excellent, and fine 好上妙

loves emptiness 愛空

loving reverence 慈敬

loving words 愛語

low and high 低仰

low hill 比那, 比那多, 毘那

low; base

lower 低下

lower eight regions 下八地

lower garments 下衣

lower half of the body 下身分

lower level 下品

lower levels 下地

lower or lowest part 下分

lower order 下衆

lower position 下肩, 肩次

lower realm 下界

lower realms 下塵

lower stomach

lower stomach area 丹田

lower three 下三

lower three meditative states 下三靜慮地

lowest 最極下劣, 極下劣

lowest level of gods 天子

lowest of the highest three levels 上品下生

lowest of the lowest class 下品下生

lowing of a great ox 大牛音

loyal , 忠心

loyal and faithful 忠信

loyal and good 忠良

loyalty and filial piety 忠孝

Lucifer 露際弗爾


lucky 僥倖, 僥幸

lucky day 吉日良辰

luminosity of one's nature 性明

luminosity of the precepts 戒光

luminosity penetrating forth 光明徹照

luminous 光喩, 明白

luminous access to the dharma 法明門

luminous and quiescent 照寂

luminous buddha(s) 光佛

luminous entry 明入

luminous king(s) 明王

luminous mind 明心

luminous mind-temple of the indestructible vajra 不壞金剛光明心殿

luminous path 明道

luminous path of the dharma 法明道

luminous queen 明妃

luminous quiescence (of cessation-and contemplation) 明靜, 明靜止觀

luminous ray 光瑞

luminous spirits 明神

luminous virtue bodhisattva 明德菩薩

lump of ink 聚墨

lump of red flesh 赤肉團

lunch 齋食

lust 欲想

lust and anger 淫怒

lust for food 食欲

lust for possessions 財貪喜

luster 光澤, 光色

lustful mind 欲心

lute ,


luxuriantly growing 繁華

lying 妄言

lying about status 詐稱

lying down

M.A. 擧人

mad dog 狂狗

mad elephant 狂象, 醉象

mad wisdom 狂慧

made 已作

made blind 盲瞑無所見

made by both together 共作

made for an extended period of time 久作

made to attain 令成就

made to know 令識

made up of that 彼性

maggot 疽蟲

magic and a dream 化夢

magic formulae 咒文

magical palace 化宮殿

magical techniques 幻法

magically conjured person 變化人

magically conjured-up image 化像

magician 幻人, 幻士, 技人

magician of the five powers 五通仙

magnficent 妙絕

magnificent land 華土


magpie garden 鵲園

magpie's nest 鵲巢

Mahāvairocana, Ratnaketu, Supuṣpita, Padmanetra, and Divyadundubhimeganirghoṣa 日幢華眼鼓

Mahāyāna Buddhism 大乘佛教

Mahāyāna mind 摩訶衍心

mahāyāna path 大乘道

Mahāyāna path 摩訶衍道

Mahāyāna Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra 大乘妙法蓮華經

Mahāyāna sūtras 摩訶衍經

mahāyāna sūtras 衍經

Mahāyāna Vaipulya scriptures 大乘方等經典

Mahāyāna Vinaya Tradition 大乘律宗

mahoraga 牟呼洛

maidservant 侍女,

main [buddha] hall 本堂

main and auxiliary 正助

main causes 能生因

main content section of a sūtra 正宗分

main goal of a monk in meditation [practice] 衲衣下事

main headquarters 總本山

main idea 意旨

main object of veneration 本尊

main point 宗致, ,

main sūtra [to be lectured on] 本經

main tenet 本論

main text 大本

main usage 勝用

maintain 任持, 住持, 能持

maintain awareness 守意

maintain eternal principles 守常

maintain firmly 堅持

maintain pure morality 受持淨戒

maintain repentance 取相懺

maintained 所住持, 自所稱歎

maintained by the power of stabilizing meditation 奢摩他力之所任持

maintained constituents 住持依

maintainer of one's realization 守護相

maintainer of purity 持淨

maintainer of the seeds 持種

maintaining antidote 持對治

maintaining cause 持因

maintaining consciousness 執持識

maintaining one's own aims (?) 防自意樂

maintaining one's practice after awakening 保任行

maintaining power 住持力, 力持

maintaining practice after awakening 保護任持

maintaining the body 持身

maintains all Buddha-teachings 持一切佛法

maintenance of contemplation 運心觀想

maintenance of mindfulness in the six directions 六方護念

maintenance of moral discipline 齋法

Maitreya devotion 彌勒信仰

Maitreya Hall 彌勒殿, 龍華殿

majestic and brilliant 威神光

majestic appearance 威相

majestic power 威神力

majestic sage 威聖

majestic, spiritual radiance 威神光明

major and minor bodily marks [of a tathāgata] 相隨好

major and minor marks of a tathāgata 諸相隨好

major basic factors of affliction 大煩惱地法, 大隨煩惱

major chiliocosm 大千世界

major difference 大殊

major events of the life of the Buddha 佛忌

major king 帝王

major unwholesome factors 大不善地法

make (goodness, etc.) develop further 令增長

make (someone) work (?) 役業

make [sentient beings] realize 令證

make [them] understand 令解

make , 造作

make a connection 結緣

make a correct vow based one one's own resolution 自誓心發正願

make a fire by rubbing two sticks together 鑽火

make a helmet sign 結冑

make a lot of 多作

make a resolution 起正願

make already-produced goodness develop further 已生善令增長

make an accusation 作擧

make by putting together or combining parts 校成

make clear 令明淨, 開解

make constant effort 常精進

make effort 勱勵, 行加行, 進力

make even

make friends 交游, 交遊

make inquiries 打聽

make inquiry 問訉

make it gradually increase 令漸增長

make known 令知, 已宣, 發揚

make light of 輕戲

make manifest 令現在前, 爲顯

make neat and tidy 嚴整

make neatly 理作

make obeisance 作禮, 稽首禮

make obeisance to the Buddha by taking his feet in the palm of one's hands 接足作禮

make offerings 供施, 供給, 供進, 供養, 奉加, 奉納, 打供, 行布施

make offerings respectfully 供奉養

make offerings to buddhas 供養佛

make offerings to the buddhas 供養諸佛

make offerings to the tathāgata 供養如來

make one disillusioned with 令心厭

make or do a transformation 變作

make others aware 悟他

make painful efforts 謙苦

make paper flowers 造花

make perfect sense in one's explanation of a matter 證成道理

make ready 精勤修習

make salutation with the two palms together 合十, 合爪

make straw sandals for a living 蒲鞋

make the rounds inspecting the monk's hall 巡案

make them abandon... 令其捨

make this vow, saying: 作是願言

make to attain 令達

make trouble for others 毀壞他

make use of

maker 作家, 出者

makes a bit of effort 爲少用功

makes a correct vow 發正願

makes by putting together or combining parts 合成

makes great effort 發大精進

makes it less 損之

makes sense 應正道理, 應道理

makes this kind of explanation 作如是說

making 能作者

making a living 治生

making a living by cultivating the land 下口食

making a living by fortune telling 維口食

making an effort to think [about] 策勵思惟

making images 造像

making manifest offerings 事供養

making now 正造

making obeisance to the three treasures 致敬三寶

making of offerings 供養之具

making offerings 加供, 奉獻

making offerings to images 影供

making offerings with material goods and respect 財敬供養

making one-pointed 專注一趣

making one's own 己有

making ornaments 作莊嚴具

making the rounds with a rod 巡錫

making the vow 作願

Malaya in Malabar 摩利伽羅耶

Malaysian Buddhism 馬來西亞佛教


male and female forms 男女形

male and female lay believers 信士信女

male and female lay disciples 婆差優婆差

male and female servants 臣妾

male and female slave(s) 奴婢

male and female unicorns 麒麟

male devotee 信士

male lay disciple 淸信士, 淸信男

male novice 勤策男

male regent of the moon 月天子

male slave or servant 唧吒

malevolent intentions 害意

malevolent spirit 惡靈

malice 恚害心, 恚心, 憤心, 損害心

malicious 無恩

malicious demon 逆魅

malicious thoughts 毒心

malign 毀罵

malignant sore 惡瘡

mallet , , 目竭嵐

mallet and block 槌砧淳朴

man (scholar, knight) of excellence 高士

man 丈夫


man and woman 男女

man comes into this world empty-handed and leaves it empty-handed 空手來空手去

man impotent due to lack of control of emissions 伊梨沙掌拏, 妒黃門

man of a good family 善男

man of great pity 大哀

man of penetration and accomplished scholar 通人達士

man who is impotent for half a month at a time 博叉

man without reproductive capacities 扇搋

manage 提調, 辧得, 領知

manager 典知, 執事

manager of affairs 悅衆

Manchurian language 滿州語

maṇḍala of the adamantine realm 金剛界曼荼羅

maṇḍala of the five supernatural powers 五通曼荼羅

maṇḍala of the five vajrasattvas 五祕密曼荼羅

maṇḍala of the great compassionate womb-store 大悲胎藏曼荼羅

maṇḍala of the seventeen sages 十七尊曼荼羅

maṇḍalas of both realms 兩界曼荼羅, 兩界曼陀羅, 兩部曼荼羅

mandarin duck 斫迦羅婆, 斫迦羅婆迦

mandarin orange

man-drawn carriage 輦輿

mango , 菴摩洛迦, 菴摩羅, 菴摩羅迦, 菴沒羅, 菴羅, 阿摩洛迦

mango flower 菴華

mango grove 菴婆羅園, 菴沒羅園, 菴羅林

Manichaeism 摩尼教

manifest 在前, 照了, 現照, 顯現, 顯轉

manifest activities 有表業

manifest activity 表業

manifest activity perfuming seeds 現行熏種子

manifest afflictions 起纏

manifest and hidden 顯密

manifest and unmanifest activity 作無作, 有表業無表業, 有表色無表色, 表無表業

manifest bodily karma 身表業

manifest characteristic 現相

manifest extinction 示寂

manifest faults 現行過失

manifest form 影現, 現色, 表色

manifest form and unmanifest form 表無表色

manifest heaviness 現重

manifest object 前境, 境事

manifest phenomena 現行法

manifest physical activities and verbal expressions that are based on virtuous mental functions 等起善

manifest teaching 顯教

manifest virtue 表德

manifest world 現法

manifestation 所顯現,

manifestation from the original state 本地垂迹

manifestation in response 應化

manifestation of a body by a buddha or a bodhisattva in response to the mental condition of sentient beings 應現

manifestation of a body in this world by a buddha or high-rank bodhisattva 出現

manifestation of consciousness 識轉

manifestation of dullness (?) 行不明

manifestation of enlightenment 現前等覺

manifestation of marks 相顯

manifestation of phenomena 法現

manifestation of the afflictions 煩惱轉

manifestation of unattached cognition 無著智現前

manifestations of evil activity 惡業現行

manifestations of psychic power 神通變化, 神通變現

manifested 從出, 現前

manifested by the transformation of the basis 轉依所顯

manifested form 垂迹

manifested in an orderly sequence 次第方現在前

manifesting 合說, 變現, 轉現

manifesting consciousness 現識, 顯識

manifesting the correct principle 立法

manifestly 於現在, 運運

manifestly existing 現有

manifestly functioning 現行現起

manifestly increase 運運增長

manifestly perfect (teaching) 開顯圓

manifests for a long time 長時流轉

manifests his body 現其身

manifests in sequence 次第現

manifests passage into nirvāṇa 現滅度

manifests spontaneously 任運現行

manifold 種種現, 非一

manner [form] of the precepts 戒儀

manners 會式

man's body 丈夫身

mansion 殿宇, 館宇

mantle 敢曼

mantra for purification of speech 淨口業眞言

mantra of light 光明眞言

mantra that purifies the dharma-realm 淨法界眞言

mantra vehicle 眞言乘

mantra-wisdom 眞言智

manual sign indicating the putting of a question 問法印

manuscript 經卷, 經本

many , 多體, , , , 衆諸, , 諸可, 諸所

many abodes 多住

many activities 多行

many books 群籍

many days 多日

many desires 多貪

many doubts 多疑

many eons 多劫, 累劫

many hindrances 累障

many kinds of non-Buddhist beliefs (or believers) 多種外道

many lifetimes 多生

many lifetimes in cyclic existence 多生輪廻

many lifetimes of heavy suffering 多生重苦

many lifetimes through innumerable kalpas 多生劫, 多生曠劫

many meanings 多義

many obstructions 多障

many oceans of eons 多劫海

many people 衆人

many seats 衆座

many sentient beings 多有情, 多衆生, 衆情

many things arranged together 森羅

many times 多時

many worlds 諸國

many-footed 多足

many-storied pagoda 多層塔, 多重塔


māra 魔羅

Māra King 魔王

māra realm 魔境, 魔界, 魔道

māra the enemy 魔怨

Māra, the enemy 魔怨敵

māra-country 魔鄕

māra-legions 衆魔

Māra's light 魔光

Māras of the body 身魔

Māra's people 魔民

marauders (headed by) Māra 魔賊

marginal hells 邊獄

mark 標幟, 標記, 狀相,

mark of a great man 大人相

mark of abiding 住相

mark of apparent buddhahood 相似卽佛

mark of arising 生相, 起相

mark of attachment 執取相

mark of attachment to coarse discrimination 麤分別執著相

mark of awareness 智相

mark of being stably grounded 足下善安住相

mark of being stably rooted 安住相

mark of completion 圓滿相

mark of conceptualizing names 計名字相

mark of continuity 相續相

mark of death 死相

mark of effect 果相

mark of emptiness 空相

mark of extinction 滅相

mark of karma 無明業相

mark of liberation 解脫相

mark of mental objects 心境界相

mark of nirvāṇa 寂滅相

mark of personage 丈夫相

mark of producing karma 起業相

mark of seeing 見相

mark of sentient beinghood 衆生相

mark of the great conch of the teachings 大法螺相

mark of the objective world 境界相

mark of the subjective perceiver 能見相

mark of transformation 變相

mark(s) of self-nature 自性相

mark[s] of purity 淨相

marked 可相, 所相

marked superiority in praiseworthy merit 可稱讚功德殊勝, 稱讚功德殊勝

marked superiority in the merit of correct practices 正行功德殊勝

markedly superior in terms of merit 功德殊勝

market , 街方


marketplace(s) 市鄽

markless abode having exertion 有功用無相住

markless abode that has application of practices and exertion 有加行有功用無相住

markless concentration 無相定

markless cultivation 無相修

markless enlightenment 無相菩提

markless equality 無相平等

markless field of blessings 無相福田

markless Great Vehicle 無相大乘

markless mind 無相之心

markless repentance 無相懺悔

markless stages 無相住

markless thusness 無相眞如

markless wisdom 無相慧

marks (signs) of having a life span 壽者相

marks mutually interpenetrate 相卽圓融

marks not arisen 相無生

marks of [compounded] activity 有行相

marks of cognition 了別相

marks of conditions 緣相

marks of defilement 染相

marks of enlightenment 悟迹, 覺相

marks of hundredfold merits 百福相, 百福莊嚴相

marks of increase 增相

marks of indifference 捨相

marks of materiality 色相

marks of meditative absorption 三摩地相

marks of otherness 他相

marks of personhood 人相

marks of practice 修行相

marks of suffering in karmic bondage 業繫苦相

marks of the Buddha's teachings 教迹

marks of the great vehicle 大乘法相教

marks of the mind 心跡

marks of the wind 風相

marks of the world 世相

marks of the world are permanent 世間相常住

marks of thusness 眞如相

marks of transformation 轉相

marks of true causes 如實因相

marks of verbal conventions 言說相

marks that are attached to 所取相

marriage , 婚姻, 結婚

marriage of Śākyamuni 納妃

marriage tree 合婚樹

married Buddhist monk 帶妻僧

marrow 骨髓,

marrow of meditation 禪髓

Mars 火星, 火曜, 火曜日, 阿伽羅伽, 鴦哦囉迦

marsh , ,


marvel of cognition 智妙

marvelous 奇妙, , 曼乳, 曼殊, 殊勝妙, 滿濡, 珍妙, 琦妙, 神妙

marvelous according to the situation 當位卽妙

marvelous activity 妙行

marvelous attributes 妙相

marvelous canon 妙典

marvelous cause 妙因

marvelous cognition of a tathāgata 如來妙智

marvelous cognition that apprehends all kinds of phenomena 一切種妙智

marvelous destiny 妙趣

marvelous dharma 微妙法

marvelous dharma body 妙法身

marvelous dharma throne 妙法座

marvelous dharma-rain 妙法雨

marvelous doctrine 微妙法門

marvelous enlightenment 妙覺

marvelous existence 妙有

marvelous expedient wisdom 妙方便慧

marvelous fruits of practice 妙果

marvelous function 妙用

marvelous functions 神通事業

Marvelous High Mountain 妙高山

marvelous image 靈摸, 靈模

marvelous jewel 異寶

marvelous land 妙土

marvelous meditative absorption 妙定

marvelous mind 妙心

marvelous mind of nirvāṇa 涅槃妙心

marvelous no-self cognition 無我妙智

marvelous observation 妙觀察

marvelous observing cognition 妙觀察智

marvelous peak 妙頂

marvelous provisional 妙假

marvelous psychic powers 微妙神力

marvelous purification 妙善修治

marvelous purity 妙淸淨

marvelous realization of the eternally abiding buddha-nature 佛性常住妙果

marvelous response 妙應

marvelous seats 妙座

marvelous skill 妙術

marvelous sound reaching everywhere 妙音徧滿

marvelous sūtra 妙經

marvelous teaching 妙門

marvelous transformation 妙化

marvelous true nature 妙眞如性

marvelous vehicle 妙乘

marvelous vehicles 妙車

marvelous virtue 妙德

marvelous wisdom 妙慧

marvelous wisdom of the bodhisattvas 菩薩妙慧

marvelous work 妙事

marvelously accomplished 妙成就

marvelously enlightened nature 妙覺性

marvelously transformed heavenly kings 妙化天王

masculinity 男相

mass , 閉尸

massaging [the body with oil] 按摩

masses for the dead on every seventh day for seven times 七七齋

master 主人公, 師主, 師父, 有波弟, 波帝, 祖室, 軌範師, 鉢底

master 阿遮利耶

master and disciple 師學

master of a hermitage 庵主

master of a thousand treatises 千部論主, 千部論師

master of calculation 算師

master of one's self 自在者

master of reality 如理師

Master of sacred words 梵音師

master of the dharma whose focus is on texts 文字法師

master of the hall 堂主

master of the house 屋裏人

Master of the Hundred Commentaries 百本疏主

master of the scriptures 經師

master of the three teachings 三教法師

master of transformation 化主

master of welcoming the [imperial] carriage 引駕大師

mastered 研尋

masters of namaḥ

masters of the Mahāyāna-saṃgraha

masters of the Ten Stages school 地論師

master's teaching 師說

mastery 勢力自在

mastery of equipment 財自在

mastery of karmic activity 業自在

mastery of resolve 勝解自在

mastery over awareness 智自在

mastery over birth 生自在

mastery over the teachings 神力自在, 神通自在

mastery over vows 願自在

mat (or mattress) made of fine cotton (or fine wool) 氎蓐

mat 尼師但那, 座具, 茵褥,

match 冥符, 契合, 欲吃多, 相契

match perfectly 冥合

matched meaning Buddhism 格義佛教

matching a metaphor to its application 合喩

matching the meanings 格義

matchless 絕世

match-making 媒人

matchmaking 媒嫁, 媒稼

material 有形

material body 爲物身, 色像, 色身

material compounds 色聚

material existence 色有, 色法

material food 揣食, 搏食, 段食

material form of the sense faculties 色根

material goods and the teachings 財法

material objects 色具, 色境

material obstruction 質碍, 質礙

material realm 色相土

material sense faculties that are appropriated 執受色根

materialism 唯物論

materialist 世間文章, 路伽耶, 路伽耶陀, 順世間

matrices 字母

matrix 本母,

matrix lists 摩呾理迦

matrix of nescience 無明藏

matrix of the thus come one(s) 如來藏

matrix-principle 藏理

matter 事緣, 實物, , 體事

matter hidden under the robe 衲衣下事

matters that are explained 所言說事

maturation (of causes) of the same type 等流異熟

maturation 成熟, 異熟

maturation of fruits 果異熟

maturation of suffering 受苦異熟, 苦異熟

mature slowly 遲熟

matured sentient beings 成熟衆生

maturing consciousness 果報識

maturity 盛壯

Mauryan dynasty 孔雀王朝

mausoleum , 脂帝浮圖


maybe 或當

meager in virtue 德薄

meal bell 齋鐘

meal drum 齋鼓

meal offered to the Buddha 佛餉

meal sent by temple supporters 檀越送食

meal that lasts an entire evening 宿食

meal-announcing strike 遍食椎

mealtime 食時

mealtime invocation 唱食

mean 卑屈, 狹劣, 鄙惡

mean of subsistence 財用

meaning (?) 伎神

meaning 意說, 義類, 誼歸, 誼理, 誼趣, 議理

meaning and its aspects 義相

meaning and order (or sequence) (of a scripture) 義次

meaning and principle of the teachings 教下義理

meaning from a certain perspective 義邊

meaning is different 義異

meaning is difficult to fathom 意趣難解

meaning not fully disclosed 不了義

meaning of [certain] aspects 相義

meaning of [the passages of] a scripture 經意

meaning of a bodhisattva 菩薩誼

meaning of a bright light of great wisdom 大智慧光明義

meaning of a sentence 句誼

meaning of cause

meaning of concomitant 相應義

meaning of directive karma 引業義

meaning of discrimination 分別義

meaning of emptiness (or voidness) 空誼

meaning of enjoyment 受用義

meaning of immovability 不動義

meaning of middle way 中道義

meaning of pure unchanging unimpededness 淸涼不變自在義

meaning of 'self' 我義

meaning of the (Buddha-)Path 道誼, 道議

meaning of the Dharma 法誼

meaning of the doctrine 法義

meaning of the intrinsically pure mind 自性淸淨心義

meaning of the scriptures 經旨

meaning of the skillful means 方便義

meaning of the text 文意

meaning of unique to

meaning of universal 平等義

meaning of wisdom 慧誼

meaning of words 言趣

meaning unclear 嗇口

meaning which has been revealed 顯發義

meaning? 想著, 憶辨, 枝神, , 殃暴, 省練, 瞻勞, 通履, 響餼

meaningful 引有義, 有義, 能引有義

meaningless 引無義, 無義, 違義

meaningless result 應無其果

meanings and words 義句

meanings of a scripture 典誼

meanings which have not yet been revealed 未顯義

means of the great vow of universal salvation 大願平等方便

meant 意顯

measurable 可稱, 可稱量

measure , 稱度, 稱計, 稱限, 稱限量, , 限量

measure and scales 斗秤, 斗稱, 稱載

meat-eating 肉食, 食肉

mechanical arts 巧業

medially resident debilitating hindrances 在膚麁重, 在膚麤重, 膚麤重

mediate impartially 中直

medical studies 醫方明

medicament 香藥

medicinal herbs 藥草

medicinal stone 藥石

medicinal tree 藥樹

medicine 醫藥

medicine for the mind 心藥

medicine made from the putrid urine (of cattle) 腐爛藥, 陳棄藥

medicine of immortality 不死藥, 娑呵

medicine of the dharma 法藥

Medicine Tree King body 藥樹王身


medicines and remedies 藥療

meditate 修靜慮, 瞑想

meditating monk 理判僧

meditating on impurity 修不淨觀

meditating on the glories of the Pure Land 觀察門

meditation 冥想, 定慧力, 寂定, 理判, , 第耶那, 觀禪, 靜慮

meditation and concentration 禪三昧

meditation and mental equipoise 靜慮等至

meditation and wisdom 定慧, 定智, 禪慧, 禪智

meditation article 坐具

meditation ball 禪毬

meditation by ordinary beings 凡夫禪

meditation cave 禪窟

meditation containing thought (?) 想定

meditation fist 禪拳

meditation grove 禪苑

meditation hall 坐堂, 坐禪堂, 禪堂, 禪室, 禪屋, 禪房, 禪院, 禪齋

meditation heaven(s) 禪天

meditation in which the buddhas of the present stand before one 常行三昧

meditation itself as an object (of contemplation) 禪定境

meditation master 瑜伽師, 禪師

Meditation Master from India 天竺禪師

meditation meeting 修鍊大會

meditation mūdra

meditation of boundless space 識處定

meditation of no interruption 無間禪定

meditation of not forgettiing 不忘禪

meditation of the supreme vehicle 最上乘禪

meditation of thusness 眞如三昧

meditation of vast and universal tranquility 廣普寂定

meditation on achieving the development of self and all others to the utmost 一切禪

meditation on all Mahāyāna practices and actions 一切行禪

meditation on Amitâbha's true body 眞身觀

meditation on Amitâbha's true form 像想觀, 像觀

meditation on Avalokitêśvara's true form 觀音觀

meditation on causes and conditions 因緣觀

meditation on compassion 慈定

meditation on complex concepts (multiple bodies, etc.) 雜想觀

meditation on emptiness 空定, 觀空

meditation on equality 平等觀

meditation on impurity 不淨想, 不淨觀

meditation on its flower-adorned throne 華座觀

meditation on its jeweled palace 寶樓觀

meditation on its jeweled pond 寶池觀, 池觀

meditation on its jeweled trees 寶樹觀

meditation on Mahāsthāmaprāpta 勢至觀

meditation on non-production 無生觀

meditation on one's universal body after rebirth in the Pure Land 普觀

meditation on perfect purity in the termination of all delusion and distress and the obtaining of perfect enlightenment 淸淨淨禪

meditation on ridding all sufferers from the miseries of affliction and delusion 除煩惱禪

meditation on the character a 布字觀

meditation on the difficulties of certain dhyāna conditions 難禪

meditation on the emptiness of the nature of crimes 觀罪性空

meditation on the entrance to all the (superior) dhyāna conditions 一切門禪

meditation on the filth of the body 循身觀, 身念處觀

meditation on the final conflagration 火界定

meditation on the five elements 五大觀, 五智輪, 五輪三摩地, 五輪成身觀, 五輪觀

meditation on the good 善人禪

meditation on the great perfect mirror cognitive faculty 大圓鏡智觀

meditation on the infinite meanings of reality 無量義處三昧

meditation on the lack of existence of a perduring, definitive self or personality of living beings 人空觀

meditation on the land 地想觀

meditation on the original nature of things 自性禪

meditation on the setting sun 日想, 日想觀, 日觀, 日輪觀

meditation on the six elements 六大觀

meditation on the ten illusions 十喩觀, 十緣觀

meditation on the waters (of the pure land) 水想觀

meditation on the way to bring joy to all people both in this life and hereafter 此世他世樂禪

meditation on worldly discrimination 界分別觀

meditation practiced by ignorant sentient beings 愚夫所行禪

meditation practitioner 修觀行者, 觀行者

meditation retreat 坐臘

meditation scepter 禪鎭

meditation school 禪宗

meditation stick 禪杖

meditation sūtra 禪經

meditation that investigates reality-principles 觀察義禪

meditation that takes true thusness as object. 攀緣如禪

meditation trapped in characteristics 相觀

meditation-absorption 定心三昧

meditation-associates 禪和

meditation-as-woman 定妃

meditation-mūdra 定印

meditative absorption 三摩地

meditative absorption lacking intent 無作三昧

meditative absorption of one characteristic 一相三昧

meditative absorption with complete extinction of thought 滅心定

meditative approach 禪門

meditative approach of self reflection 還門

meditative bliss 禪悅, 禪樂

meditative concentration 禪定, 等持

meditative contemplation 禪觀

meditative equanimity 禪寂

meditative equipoise [and] meditative absorption 等持等至

meditative equipoise 三摩越, 三摩鉢底, 有等引, 等至

meditative equipoise containing conceptualization 有想等至

meditative insight

meditative practice of analyzing things to be empty of self-nature 析空觀

meditative practices 禪行

meditative repetition 三摩地念誦

meditative stabilization going as a hero 健行三摩地

meditative stabilization going like a hero 健行定

meditative state in which nothing exists 無所有處定

meditative waves 禪波

meditator 修靜慮者, 靜慮者

medium-length chiliocosm 中千世界

medium-length eon 中劫

medium-sized vegetation 中草

meek 善順

meet 値遇, , 值見, 值覩, 值遇, 契會, 覿,

meet and revere

meet each other 相逢

meet with 覩遇, 遇會,

meeting days for renewal of vows 布薩日

meeting for teaching 教會

melancholic and gentle (sound) 哀和

melancholy 惛沈

meld 鎔融

melon rind 瓜皮

melt , ,

member the same group 流類

members of existence 有支

members of the Buddhist order 僧侶


memorial hall 影閣

memorial tablet 位牌

memorial-stele biography 塔記

memorize and recite 受持讀誦

memorize correctly 正憶念

memorizing the scriptures 念經

memory 記心, 記憶

memory of prior lifetimes 宿住隨念

men and ghosts 人鬼

men and gods 人天

men and gods, the most sublime good rebirths 人天勝妙善果

men and women of pure faith 淸信士女

men of great clans 族姓

men of pure faith and women of pure faith 淸信士淸信女

mendicant 乏道, 乞食者, 功勞, 貧道

Meng family dame 孟婆神

menial 吃栗多

mental 心所有

mental activity 有所緣

mental and thinking consciousnesses 意意識

mental and verbal discrimination 意言分別

mental anguish 鬱蒸

mental approach 心趣入

mental appropriation 心執受

mental attachment 心執

mental attainment 心得

mental attitude of vowing 誓心

mental birth in the intermediate state 意生中有

mental body 意身

mental chatter 意言, 意言分別

mental cognition of the environment 心緣

mental cognitive awareness element 意識界

mental contact 意觸

mental cultivation 意學

mental deliberation 心量

mental direct valid cognition 意現量

mental disease 心病

mental disposition 意懷

mental distress 心擾亂

mental disturbance , 惑心

mental disturbance(s) of nescience 無明惑

mental disturbances (afflictions) [eliminated] in the paths of insight and cultivation 見修二惑

mental disturbances (afflictions) countered in the path of cultivation 修惑

mental disturbances derived from [mistaken] perceptions 事惑

mental disturbances derived from [mistaken] views 見惑

mental disturbances developed from [mistaken] views and perceptions 見思惑

mental disturbances in a specific aspect 別相惑

mental disturbances obscuring virtue 惑障德

mental disturbances of (dealing with) innumerable details 塵沙惑

mental disturbances of innumerable details 塵沙怖, 塵沙無知惑

mental disturbances of the inquiring mind 推理見惑

mental disturbances of the nescience entrenchments 無明住地惑

mental disturbances that lie beyond the (three) realms 界外惑

mental disturbances within the [three] realms 界內惑

mental equipoise 心定

mental factor of conceptualization 想數

mental factors 心所, 心所有法, 心所法, 心數

mental factors not associated with a specific mental function 心不相應行法

mental factors that are contingent on their objects 別境心所

mental faculty 心根

mental fixation/support 心依處

mental focus 作意思惟, 心專注

mental focus on impurity 不淨作意思惟

mental formations 意行

mental function of intelligence 惠數

mental function of knowing 慧數

mental function within a dream 夢中心行

mental functions (factors) directly associated with the mind 心相應

mental functions 心所有法, 心數法, 心行

mental functions of feeling and perception are extinguished 想受滅

mental images derived from what one has seen with the eyes 目想

mental irritation 意憤

mental knowledge (?) 性識

mental level of ordinary people, the same as sheep 異生羝羊心

mental levels of training and post-training 學無學心

mental liberation 心解脫

mental light 心光明

mental luminosity 心靈

mental mastery (flexibility, adaptability, etc) 心有堪能

mental moral discipline 心戒

mental object 對意, 法塵

mental objects 內塵

mental pollution 心垢

mental power 心力

mental quality of the four purified forms of cognition 四智心品

mental resolve 心願

mental serenity 心安

mental state 心住

mental state allowing for equality of view of friend and enemy 寃親平等心

mental state beyond training 無學心

mental state containing the activity of both coarse and pure faith 麤淨信倶行之心

mental state of contemplation 觀察心

mental state of desire 愛心

mental state of detachment 捨心

mental state of disdain for others 輕慢心

mental state of impurity and purity 染淨心

mental state of mundane goodness 世間善心

mental state of shame 慚愧心

mental state of the formless meditation heaven 上心

mental state of turning away 厭離心

mental state of uncertainty 疑惑心

mental states of the three times are ungraspable 三世心不可得

mental suffering 心苦

mental torture 意罰

mental traces 心迹

mental training 心學

mental transformation 心轉

mental unity 正受


mentally arouses the correct vow 心發正願


mentioned 略所說

mentor 至獎者

merchant 商估

merchant caste 吠奢, 吠舍, 毘吠, 鞞吠

merchant chief 商主

merciful light 慈光

merciful rain 恩雨

merciful teaching 恩教

merciful waters 慈水

merciless 無哀

Mercury 部引陀, 部引陁

mere turn 便旋

merely 只是, 如一

merely designation 唯假

merely principle according with conditions 但理隨緣

merely to be perceived by one's own mind 自心現量

merge 總合

merge into one 總合爲一

merges with thusness 合如

merit 功報, 功德福, 功祚, , , 施福, , 福德

merit accumulated in some previous existence 宿福慶

merit and wisdom 福德智慧, 福慧, 福智

merit attained through cultivation 修成德

merit contained in the result 果德

merit of aiding others 利他功德

merit of bringing benefit to others 利他德

merit of converting others 化功

merit of converting others returns to oneself 化功歸己

merit of liberation 解脫德

merit of rejoicing in the progress of others 隨喜功德

merit of the dharma-body 法身德

merit of the three treasures 三寶功德

merit of virtuous roots 善根功德

merit that is accumulated 所得福聚

merit(s) 功德

meritless 無功德

merit-oriented approaches 福德門

meritorious actions 福行

meritorious activity 福業

meritorious exercise 功德遊

meritorious virtues of various phenomena 種種事功德

merits 本德

merits and benefits 功德利, 功德利益

merits and faults 功德過失

merits are limitless 福聚無量

merits of effort 功勳

merits of practice 行德

merits of wisdom 智慧功德

merrymaking 戲行

mesh of a net 網目

messenger 使人, 杜底, 訥多

messenger of the Buddha 佛使

messengers of Akṣobhya 不動如來使, 無動使者

messengers of darkness 冥使

metal 路賀, 金鐵

metal drum 金鼓

metal in the state of ore 礦性

metal ore

metal wheel 金輪

metalworker 工匠

metamorphic devī on the head of Śiva 伎藝天女

metaphor 比喩

metaphor and principle 喩法

metaphor cannot express it 譬喩所不能及

metaphor of the raft 筏喩

metaphorical speech 喩語

meteor 天狗, 流星

method , 方法, 方策, 方道

method for establishing something 成就法

method of [reliance on] words 言法

method of calming 穌息處, 蘇息處

method of contemplating the ten reality realms 觀門十法界

method of counting 算數方便

method of immediacy 頓法

method of luminous entry 法明入

method of observing the mind 觀心法

method of practice of observing the mind 觀行

method of repentance 悔法

method of seeing the function of one's own mind 己心中所行法門, 己心法門

method of study 學法

method of the ambrosial truth 甘露法門

method of the Buddhist teaching 化儀

methods for prolonging life 延命法

methods of enlightenment 菩提方

methods of illusion 幻門

methods of practice 行法

methods of stilling the mind 寂靜法

methods of the correct path 道法

microscopic 微塵

midday meal 中食

midding of the least 下中品

middle (view) that is not one-sided 不但中


middle altar 中壇

middle and border areas of a country 華裔

middle and latter 中後

middle cause 中因

middle chanting 中唄

middle continents 中洲

middle garment in value 中價衣

middle kingdom 中國

middle of a ring 環中

middle of the highest three levels 上品中生

middle of the lowest class 下品中生

middle of the summer 夏中

middle part of words (a speech) 中語

middle path 中途, 中道, 中道行

middle path of consciousness-only 唯識中道

middle rank 中品, 中輩

middle round 中周

middle truth 中諦

middle vehicle 中乘

middle way 中道

middle way as the highest truth 中道第一義

middle way is the reality-realm 中道卽法界

middle way of according with the source 中道應本

Middle Way of Buddha-nature 佛性中道

middle way that uses language 言詮中道

middle years 中年

middle-level constituent 中界

middle-period teaching about emptiness 含中教

middle-rank contemplation 中輩觀


middling and higher classes 中上品

middling and lower [levels] 中下

middling and superior 中上

middling capacity 中根

middling chiliocosm 中千界

middling compassion 中悲

middling disciple 中士

middling level good roots 中品善根

middling level maturation 中品成熟

middling level of tolerance 中忍位

middling of the great 上中品

middling of the inferior 下中

middling of the middling 中中, 中中品

middling patience 中忍

midnight 中夜, 夜半

midwife 養母

might there be...? 頗有

mild visual affliction 輕醫眼

military 有軍, 西儞迦


milk flavor 乳味

milk of cow and ass 牛驢二乳

milk-wood 乳木

millet ,

million 倶利, 拘利, 拘胝, 百萬

million recitations 百萬遍

million recitations of the name of the Buddha 百萬遍念佛

millions of billions 倶胝那庾多, 倶胝那由他

mills back and forth in a crisscross 交橫馳走

mimosa 珂梨羅, 軻地羅, 軻梨羅

mind [of pure] nature 性心

mind , 指多, 質多

mind and consciousness 心識

mind and eye 心目

mind and its mental factors 心心所有法

mind and mental factors 心及心法, 心心所, 心心所法, 心心數, 心心數法, 心心法, 心王心所

mind and mouth 心口

mind as a whole and its various factors 王數

mind as container 心器

mind as it is 心相

mind as master 心師

mind as reality-body 心法身

mind as spirit 心神

mind as still as water 意水

mind as the agent for transformation [of consciousness] 能變心

mind as the moon 心月

mind attached to desire 欲著心

mind attached to doubt 疑著心

mind attached to greed 貪著心

mind attached to ill-will 瞋著心

mind attached to love 愛著心

mind attached to pride 慢著心

mind attains freedom 心得解脫

mind attains internal concentration 心得內定

mind attains mastery 心得自在

mind characterized by straight forwardness 直心

mind compared to an ox 識牛

mind dependent on others 依他心

mind determined for enlightenment that is produced from correct deliberation 正思惟力

mind dust 心塵

mind filled with great compassion 大悲心

mind following rough engagement and detailed examination 意隨尋伺, 意隨尋隨伺

mind free of discrimination 無分別心

mind free to wander in the realm of all things 遊心法界

mind ground 心地

mind in its aspect of arising and ceasing according to causes and conditions 心生滅因緣相

mind in its aspect of suchness 心眞如

mind inherently endowed with enlightenment 妙心體具

mind intent on seeking enlightenment 求道心

mind is authentic 心眞實

mind is empty 心空

mind is focused 心決定

mind is liberated 心解

mind is unsettled 心不定

mind is unsullied 心無雜染

mind lacking defiled attachment 無愛染心

mind lacks a set place of abiding 心無所住

mind liberated at the level of the mundane truth 世諦心脫

mind like a horse 意馬

mind like a horse and a heart like a monkey 意馬心猿

mind like a monkey 意猿

mind like ice 心冰

mind like water 心水

mind not absorbed in meditation 不定心

mind not associated with affliction 不相應心

mind of [karmic] maturation 異熟心

mind of a bodhisattva 菩薩心

mind of affection for... 愛樂心

mind of an old Buddha 古佛心

mind of arising and ceasing 心生滅心

mind of certainty 決定心

mind of correlating and activating 集起心

mind of dependent cognition 緣慮心

mind of enlightenment 覺心

mind of expedient means 方便心

mind of faith is the basis 信心爲本

mind of giving 施心

mind of glowing wisdom 焰慧心

mind of great enlightenment 大道心

mind of great faith 大信心

mind of heaven 天心

mind of mastery 大勝心

mind of meditative concentration 定心

mind of moral discipline 戒心

mind of non-referentiality 無緣乘心

mind of non-retrogression 不退心

mind of omniscience 一切智心

mind of perfect enlightenment 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心

mind of perfect receptivity 受位心

mind of pure faith 淨信心

mind of sentient beings 衆生心

mind of the open way 現前心

mind of the single reality realm 一法界心

mind of the tathāgatagarbha 如來藏心

mind of the ten good qualities 十善心

mind of the triple world 三世心

mind of the unbroken string of rebirths 結生相續無間之心

mind of true thusness 眞如心

mind of wisdom 智慧心

mind of wisdom-radiance 慧光心

mind retaining similar tendencies before and after karmic transformations 等流心

mind that is able to imagine 能遍計心

mind that is associated with 相應心

mind that is removed [from afflictions, etc.] 心遠離

mind that sees and apprehends 見得心

mind to interact and trust 心相體信

mind verse 心偈

mind waves 心波

mind which clings to (things as real) 執心

mind within 內心

mind without interruption 心無間

mind yearning for the Buddha 心懷戀慕

mind, mentation, and cognition 心意識理

mind, the Buddha, and all living beings — there is no distinction among the three 心佛及衆生是三無差別

mind, thought, and cognition 心意識

mind-dhāraṇī 心咒

mind-element 意界

mind-field 心田, 心處

mind-flower 心華

mindful and not vacant 心念不空

mindful of charity 念布施, 念捨, 念施

mindful of kindness 念恩

mindful without forgetting 念無忘失

mindfulness 心念, , 念心, 意思, 憶持, 護念

mindfulness and concentration 念定

mindfulness and wisdom 念慧

mindfulness maintained 念持

mindfulness of (the selflessness of) phenomena 法念處

mindfulness of [external] marks just as they are 如相念

mindfulness of [the inevitability of] death 念死, 念當終亡

mindfulness of body 身念處

mindfulness of breathing 出入息觀

mindfulness of Buddha 佛隨念

mindfulness of Buddhist studies 如來學問念處

mindfulness of compassion 慈悲觀

mindfulness of dependent arising 緣起觀

mindfulness of donation 捨隨念

mindfulness of goodness 念善

mindfulness of in-and outbreathing 安般之

mindfulness of morality 念戒

mindfulness of nature 性念處

mindfulness of positive the local town 都邑聚落念處

mindfulness of sensation 受念處

mindfulness of the buddhas and to be reborn 念佛往生

mindfulness of the Buddhist community 僧隨念

mindfulness of the contemplation of a Buddha 實相念佛

mindfulness of the cultivation of good reputation 名聞利養念處

mindfulness of the dharma 法隨念

mindfulness of the elimination of afflictions 斷諸煩惱念處

mindfulness of the monastery 阿蘭若念處

mindfulness of the objective realm 境界念處

mindfulness of the other power of a buddha 他力念佛

mindfulness of thought 心念處

mind-jewel 心珠

mind-king 心王

mind-king of the eight consciousnesses 八識心王

mind-king tathāgata 心王如來

mind-lamp 心燈

mind-life 心命

mind-made 意成, 意生, 摩奴末耶

mind-made body 意成身

mind-made body(ies) 意生身

mind-made celestials 意成天

mind-mirror 心鏡

mind-nature 心性

mind-nature pervading a trichiliocosm 心性三千

mind-only 唯心, 惟心

mind-only verse 唯心偈

mind-road 心路

mind's (original) purity 心淸淨

mind's extreme 心極

mind's eye 心眼

mind's initial movement 心初起

minds of [unenlightened] sentient beings 有情心

minds of men 人心

minds of others 他心

mind-sea 心海

mind-seal 心印

mind-source 心原

mind-stream 心流

mind-vehicle 心乘

mine 我之, 麼麼

Ming Canon 明藏

Ming edition 明版

Mingkuang's Commentary 明曠疏

mingle with the dust 同塵

minimal zone 小界


ministered to 作修治

ministers of Brahmā 梵富樓, 梵輔

ministers of the dharma 法臣

minor 散小

minor classifications 小段

minor compassion 小悲

minor eon 一小劫

minor falsehood 小妄

minor individual offense to be confessed 提舍尼

minor injunctions regarding meals 提舍尼法

minor kalpa 小劫

minor kings 小王

minor lie 小妄語

minor misdeeds 小過

minor transgression; slight fault 小罪

minute 精詳

minute life [forms] 微命

minute part 哥羅, 迦攞, 迦羅

miracles 神異

miraculous 曷部多, 有神變

miraculous birth-and-death 變易生死

miraculous mind 變化心

miraculous power of expounding the teachings 說法神變

miraculous power of instruction in morality 教誡神變

miraculous power of supernatural cognition 神通神變

miraculously efficacious site 靈場

mirage 熱時炎, 陽炎

mirage palace 蜃樓臺

mire of lust 欲泥

mirror 好照, ,

mirror and valley 鏡谷

mirror cognition 鏡智

mirror of causal permeation 因熏習鏡

mirror of conditional permeation 緣熏習鏡

mirror of heaven and earth 天地鏡

mirror of karma 業鏡, 業鏡臺

mirror of wisdom 慧鏡, 智鏡

mirror that is free from contaminated phenomena 法出離鏡

mirror's surface 鏡面

miscellaneous esoterism 雑部密教, 雜密

miscellaneous or varied practice 雜修

mischievous talk 惡說

misconstrued objects 所迷境

misconstrues the object 迷境

misdeed 惡作

misdeeds 突吉羅, 越毘尼, 輕垢

misdemeanors 突吉羅

miserable and wretched woman 貧賤醜陋女

misery 憂惱, 憂愁

misery of death 死厄

misfortune , , 災患, , 罪患, 苦惱事,

misfortune and fortune 禍福

miss the truth 失理

missing character 脫字

missing text 闕文

missionary center 布教堂

mistake 差違, 差錯, , , 蹉踖, 蹉錯, 錯誤, 錯謬

mistaken [non-Buddhist] applied practices 邪加行

mistaken 所違,

mistaken activity 邪業

mistaken attachment 倒執, 耶執, 迷執, 邪執

mistaken attachment to precepts 戒取見

mistaken behavior 邪行

mistaken brahmanists 邪見婆羅門

mistaken dharma 邪法

mistaken discourse 妄說

mistaken discrimination 妄計, 邪想分別

mistaken evaluation 邪稱量

mistaken forms of liberation 邪解脫

mistaken grasping 邪取

mistaken imputation (discrimination, understanding) 邪計

mistaken knowledge 惡知

mistaken moral discipline 邪戒

mistaken path 邪道

mistaken perception 過想

mistaken perception or cognition 似量, 非量

mistaken prediction 異記

mistaken resolve 邪勝解

mistaken thought 邪思

mistaken views 耶見, 邪倒見

mistaken views of existence and non-existence 有無邪見

mistaken wisdom 邪智

mistakenly conceived self 倒我

mistakenly discriminated attachment 邪分別執

mistakenly inserted and/or unnecessary word 衍字

mistakenly seeing the body as an individual 僞身

mistakenly thinks 橫計

mistakenly understood causes 邪因

mistakenly understood effects 邪果

mitigating cultivation 令薄修習

mix ,

mixed characteristics 雜相

mixed incense 雜香

mixed or confounded with one another 相雜

mixed sensations 雜受

mixed stage 雜地

mixed tentativeness 兼權

mixed together 雜立

moaning 虎虎婆

moat [around a castle]

moat of desire 欲塹

mocks 輕笑

mode of discourse that refutes characteristics 破相宗

model , 稽式, 龜鏡, 龜鑑

model after 像類

model images 塑像

moderation 不得過

modes, and characteristics 行狀相

modest and deferential 謙順

modicum 有少分

modicum of delight in abandonment [of the afflictions] 少分樂斷

modulated teaching 抑揚教

moisten ,

moisture ,

molecule 微聚

mollifies 柔伏

moment 叉拏, 斯須

moment 瞬息須臾

momentarily ,

momentariness 刹那滅, 刹那相

momentary 刹那無常

momentary mind 刹那心

moment-to-moment continuity 念念相續

moment-to-moment extinction 念念滅

moment-to-moment impermanence 念念無常

moment-to-moment production and disappearance 刹那生滅

momentum 勢力, 相續力

momentum of practices 行勢力

monasteries 寺院

monastery 僧坊, 梵苑, 淸淨園, 精舍, 衆園, 衆寮, 金田

monastery 廟精舍

monastery chores 出坂

monastery chores shared by everyone 出普坂

monastery clerk 內史, 內記, 庫頭

monastery controller 維那

monastery cook 油頭

monastery dining hall 齋場

monastery director 都寺, 都監寺, 都總

monastery guard 毘訶羅波羅, 護寺

monastery kitchen 香廚

monastery manager 寮主, 寮元, 寮長

monastery office 總務室

monastery that is the site of lesser vehicle practices 小乘寺

monastery wholly Hīnayāna 一向小乘寺

monastery wholly Mahāyāna 一向大乘寺

monastic deportment 僧儀

monastic family party 一家宴

monastic possessions 僧祇物

monastic prohibitions, the essence of which is compassion 悲體戒

monastic ranks 僧伍

monastic robes 衣服

monastic school room 談林

monastic seniority 臈次, 臘次

monastic year 一臈, 一臘

monetary offerings

monetary offerings for the dead 瘞錢


Mongol or Turkish word implying praise 蘭奢, 蘭闍

monk 室拏, 比呼, 煏芻, 苾芻, 阿師

Monk Designate 大選

monk in a black robe 緇徒

monk in a burning house 火宅僧

monk in charge of pails and tubs 桶頭

monk in charge of pots 鍋頭

monk in charge of prajñā scriptures 般若頭

monk in charge of the latrines 淨頭

monk in charge of the monk's quarters 坊主, 房主

monk in charge of the rice 米頭

monk in charge of vegetarian food 采頭

monk in name only 名字比丘

monk of wooden precepts 木律僧

monk practicing mental purity 心淸淨行苾芻

monk superintendent 僧統, 僧職, 沙門統, 沙門都統

monk tangled up in the grass 草繋比丘, 草繫比丘

monk who has extinguished all contamination 漏盡比丘

monk who lives as a forest dweller 無事比丘

monk who looks after the mill 磨頭

monk who pollutes the path 汚道沙門

monk who supervises grain collection 監收

monk who takes the Way as his life 命道沙門

monkey 摩迦吒, , , , 獮猴,

monkey hour 禺中

monkey-ground 獮猴地

monkey-like mind 心猿

monks 梵衆, 緇門

monks and nuns 僧尼

monks and nuns of Buddhist temples. 寺僧

monks and the laity 僧俗

monks and their followers 僧徒

monk's apartment 寮房

monks attire, as suited to the occasion 時衣

monk's bedclothes 打眠衣

monk's chair 曲彔, 曲祿, 曲錄

monk's clothes 薹衣

monk's community 和僧

monk's community sea 和僧海

monk's dance 僧舞

monk's dormitory 僧房

monks' examination 僧科

monk's garment 山衲, 直掇

monks garment ordinarily worn in the monastery 院內道行雜作衣

monk's hall 僧堂

monk's mourning-dress 腰帛

monks of extensive learning 多聞比丘

monks of little learning 寡淺比丘

monk's or nun's clothes 法服

monk's ordination 比丘戒式

monk's original or proper monastery 本山

monk's patchwork robe 僧伽梨, 僧伽胝, 僧伽黎, 衲伽梨

monks precepts 僧戒

monk's quarters , 房舍

monk's rank 僧位

monk's register 僧簿

monks registrar 僧錄

monks' residence 寮舍

monk's robe 偏衫, 弊衲衣, 方服, 方袍, 水田衣, 直綴, 直裰, 磨納, 稻田衣, , 衲衣, 衲袈裟, 袈裟

monks robe

monk's robe 褊衫

monk's robe as a markless field of merit 無相福田衣

monks robes made from feathers 翅夷羅

monk's staff 錫杖, 隙棄羅

monster fish 大魚, 摩竭羅

month 麼洗

monthly day of remembrance 月忌

months of purification 齋月

months of spiritual marvels 神變月, 神足月, 神通月

moo! 吽吽

moon , 月輪, 波奴

moon chariot 月輦

moon contemplation 月輪觀

moon essence jewel 月精, 月精摩尼

moon eyebrows 月眉

moon in the water 水中月

moon rat 月鼠

moon-bright maṇi 明月摩尼

moon-face Buddha 月面佛

moon-lamp samādhi

moonlight 晴明

moonlight pearl 月光摩尼

moonlit altar 月壇

moonlit night 晴明夜

moon-love pearl 月愛珠

moon-loving samādhi

moon-palace 月宮

moons shining 月明

moon-seed 月種

moon-store 月藏

moon-wheel samādhi 三昧月輪相, 月輪三昧

moral 有戒

moral conduct 德行

moral discipline 尸怛羅, 戒檢

moral discipline and concentration 戒定

moral discipline is complete 戒具足

moral discipline of refraining from evil behavior 止持

moral discipline wherein one lives like a deer 鹿戒

moral indeterminacy in karma 無記

moral indeterminacy of deportments 威儀路無記

moral integriy 氣節

moral life according with the outer form 隨相戒

moral views 戒見

morality and learning 戒聞

morality of natural law is replete 性戒具足

morality, meditation, and wisdom 戒定慧

morally indeterminate hindrances of heterogeneous result 異熟無記

morally indeterminate phenomena 無記法

morally indeterminate quality 無記性

morally indeterminate state of mind 無記心

morally neutral (or indeterminate) seeds 無記種子

morally neutrality and non-impedimentary character of the four modes of deportment 威儀無記

more 轉增

more and more 倍增, 彌多,

more distinct 更明了

more than a hundred 百餘

more than the number of grains of sand in the Ganges river 過恆沙

morning , 朝旦

morning and evening 朝夕, 朝暮

morning and evening ponds 朝夕之池

morning bell 晨鍾

morning devotions 上早殿, 早課

morning dew 朝露

morning hunger 朝餓

morning luan 哀鸞

morning period 晨朝

morning service 朝座

morning-bell hymn 晨鐘偈

mortuary tablet 靈儀

mosquitoes and horseflies 蚊虻


most , 無上

most difficult of all difficulties 難中之難

most distant 最遠, 至遠

most distinguished 最爲殊勝

Most Eminent in Explaining the Dharma 說法第一

Most Eminent in Explicating the Inner Meaning of the Doctrine 論義第一

most eminent in terms of observance of the precepts 持律第一

most eminent in terms of possession of the divine eye 天眼第一

most eminent in terms of subtle observance of the precepts 密行第一

most eminent in the grasp of the truth of emptiness 解空第一

most exalted 最尊

most excellent 上妙, 上首, 勝妙, 勝者, 最勝妙, 最尊妙, 最極殊妙, 最爲勝

most excellent activities 最勝業

most excellent category 最上上品

most excellent dharma 勝義法

most excellent discernment of taste 於諸味中得最上味

most excellent person 上上人

most excellent purification 極善淸淨

most excellent state of non-carelessness 最勝無放逸住

most excellent taste 最上味

most extraordinary 極殊妙

most extreme nihilism 最極無者

most extremely 最極

most extremely long 最極長

most extremely pure dharma body 最極淸淨法身

most extremely subtle 最極微細

most extremely subtle afflictive and cognitive hindrances 最極微細煩惱及所知障

most extremely subtle impedimentary folly 極微細礙愚癡

most extremely vast 最極廣大

most honored 無上尊

most honored among devas 天尊

most honored among human beings 一切人中尊

most honored among tgeh two-legged 無上兩足尊

most honored among the two-legged 二足尊

Most honored Enlightened One 大覺尊

most honored of the world-honored 一切世尊最尊特身

most honored one 最勝尊

most important 緊要

most incredibly pure 最極淸淨

most inferior 底極

most marvelous 極妙

most near 至近

most perfect completion 最極圓滿

most prior 前前

most profound 第一甚深

most profound account 最深密記

most profound meaning of true reality 眞訣

most prominent 最勝者

most pure 最淸淨

most rare 第一希有

most revered 極尊

most revered among men 人中尊

most revered and exalted position 極尊貴位

most revered disciple(s) 尊重弟子

most saintly and venerable one among two-legged beings 兩足聖尊

most severe 最劇

most sublime appropriate offerings 上妙正行供養

most sublime dharma 上妙法

most superior Lotus teachings 法華超八

most transcendent 最極超過

most true awakening 最正覺

most ultimate fruit 上上果

most venerable among sages 聖中之尊

most venerable one among two-legged beings 兩足之尊

most virulent afflictions 煩惱上品

most virulent of the afflictions 上品煩惱

most welcome 極善來, 窣莎揭哆

mostly 多分

mostly abide 多所住, 多所安住

mostly the same 大同

motes in a sunbeam 日光塵, 隙遊塵


mother 女母, 所生母, 摩得伽, 摩憺里迦, , 母親, 阿摩

mother and father 阿摩爹爹

mother and father of nescience 無明父母

mother fish 魚母

mother of all buddhas 諸佛母菩薩

mother of buddhas with the great radiant umbrella 大白傘蓋佛母

mother of enlightenment 覺母

mother of enlightenment in the three times 三世覺母

mother of great enlightenment 大覺母

mother of the Vajra group 金剛部母

mother of virtue 德母

mother of wisdom 智母

motion 傾動

motion and stillness 動寂

motion of the mind 心動

motive 機緣

mound , 倶攞, ,

mounds 陵丘阜


mount a horse and ride away 騰去

mount and sit on (a seat) 升據

mountain 土山, 娜伽,

mountain and water robe 山水衲

mountain cabin 山室

mountain cave 巖穴

mountain demon resembling a tiger

mountain gate 山門

mountain goat

mountain mists

mountain monk 山僧

mountain of enlightenment 覺山

mountain of error 邪山

mountain of form 形山

Mountain of Marvelous Appearance 妙顯山

mountain of nirvāṇa 涅槃山

mountain of pure gold 眞金山

mountain of swords 刀山

mountain of the dharma-nature 法性山

mountain of wisdom 智山

mountain path 嶮道

mountain peak 山頂,

mountain spirit 山神

Mountain Spirit Shrine 山神閣

mountain valley 山谷

mountain world 山世

mountain-king 山王

mountains 山嶽

mountains and forests 山林

mountains and rivers 山水, 山河, 河山

mountains and swamps 山藪

mountains, seas, sky, and marketplace 山海空市


mourning clothes 孝服

mouse , 鼷鼠

mouth , 目佉

mouth sign 口印

movable 可動

move , 起動,

move mountains 移山

move subtly 微動

moved 所動

moved to response through feelings 感應

movement , 動轉, 運動

movement and stillness 動靜

movement of thought 動念

moving and stopping 動止

moving while facing the right shoulder toward the object 右繞

Mr. Dharma 法公

Mt. Heng 衡山

much distraction 多散

much idle chatter 大綺言

much merit 多福

much speech 諸言

much thought 多念

much to do 多有所作

Mucilinda's pond 文池


mud , 泥團, 泥雨

mud of affliction 煩惱泥

muddle-headed 愚憒, 愚聵


muddy water 泥水

mugwort or raspberry found growing sporadically among hemp


multi-colored 斑斕, 斒斕, 種種殊妙

multicolored 衆色

multi-floored high palace or castle

multi-hued 衆彩

multitude of attendants 群侍

multitude of great monks 大比丘衆

multitude of saints 群聖

multitude of sentient beings 有情衆, 群萌類

multitudes of śrāvakas 聲聞大衆

mundane 世間, 凡俗

mundane abode 凡住

mundane affairs 俗事

mundane alms 世間檀

mundane and supramundane 世出世, 世間出世, 世間出世間

mundane and supramundane phenomena 世出世法

mundane and transmundane 塵中格外

mundane causation 世間因果

mundane cause(s) 世間因

mundane causes of suffering 世俗苦因

mundane conventionality 世間世俗

mundane duties 俗務

mundane enjoyment 世間樂

mundane entanglements 俗緣

mundane expression 世俗語言

mundane goodness 世間善

mundane indifference [to objects of desire] 世間離欲

mundane laws 世間法

mundane meditation 世間靜慮

mundane meditative concentration 世間禪定

mundane mentality 世間心

mundane path 世間趣

mundane paths 世間道

mundane paths of cultivation 世間修道

mundane phenomena 世法

mundane precepts 俗戒

mundane pure stillness of thought 世間淸淨靜慮

mundane purity 世間淨, 世間淸淨

mundane reality 俗有

mundane self 俗我

mundane status 世間位

mundane theories 世論

mundane thirst 世間愛

mundane truth 世諦, 俗諦

mundane vehicle 世間乘

mundane virtue 世福

mundane wisdom 世智, 世間般若, 俗智

mundane world 俗世, 凡塵

murder 殺人, 煞人

music 伎樂, 妓樂, , 音樂, 音韶

music and amusement 音伎

music gods 半支迦, 般遮子旬

music of a drum 鼓伎

music of the lute 簫成

music spirit 樂神, 歌樂神, 歌神

music that calms the mind 攝意音樂

music, song, and dance 歌舞伎樂

musical gandharvas 樂乾闥婆

musical sounds 伎樂音聲

musical trees 樂音樹

musk deer 莫訶婆伽

must , 必得, 必須

must again 更須

must be 必有

must be checked against 須勘

must certainly become buddhas 必當作佛

must first... 要先

must not 必無

must wait 須待

mustard [seed]

mustard seed 舍利婆婆, 芥子

mustard seed and rock 芥石

mustard-seed 薩利殺跛

mustard-seed eon 芥子劫

mutual 展轉相望, 更互相

mutual acceptance [of the validity of the proposition] by the protagonist and antagonist in a debate 立敵共許

mutual acceptance of the positive example 共許同品

mutual accordance 相順

mutual arising (of the objects of contemplation) 互發

mutual coalescing of a myriad conditions 衆緣和合

mutual conditioning 更互爲緣

mutual conflict 互相違反

mutual containment of the ten realms 十界互具

mutual correspondence of practice and understanding 行解相應

mutual dependence 囘互, 相依相關

mutual dependence of (fundamental) roots and (phenomenal) branches 本末相依

mutual dependence of subject and object 能所相望

mutual distinction 相對分別

mutual distinction between large and small 大小相對分別

mutual effectiveness 共功

mutual entering 相卽相入

mutual entry 相入

mutual inclusion 遍收

mutual intercourse 道交

mutual oppression in a war between neighboring states 鄰國戰諍互相逼惱

mutual protectors 蓮祐

mutual security 安危共同

mutually , 互爲, 共相, 更相, 相互, 迭相

mutually acting 互起

mutually caused imaginary character of existence 相因分別相

mutually condition each other 相望互爲增上緣

mutually divergent 更互乖離

mutually inclusive 不相離

my mother 我母

my objective realm 我境界

my point 我意

my present mind 今我此心

my room 我室

my school 今家

myriad (mundane) affairs 衆事

myriad affairs 萬事

myriad attributes 萬德

myriad conditions 衆緣

myriad crimes 衆罪

myriad details and from nescience 恆沙無知

myriad faults 衆過, 衆過患

myriad forms dense and close 森羅萬象

myriad mental disturbances 衆惑

myriad phenomena 萬像

myriad phenomena are unarisen 萬法無生

myriad practices 衆行

myriad practices subsumed in the six perfections 六度萬行

myriad sins that are committed 所犯衆罪

myriad streams 萬流

myriad varieties 萬種

myriad virtues 衆善

myriad wonders 衆妙

myriad[s] 千萬

myself ,

mysterious adornment 密嚴

mysterious and deep 幽深

mysterious benefit 冥利, 冥益

mysterious crux 祕要

mysterious depths 密深

mysterious existence 密有

mysterious hall 玄堂

mysterious merge 玄會

mysterious perfuming 冥熏

mysterious power 冥通

mysterious response 冥應

mysterious traces 妙迹

mysterious virtue 神德

mysterious way 玄軌

mysterious wind 玄風

mysteriously tallying with 妙契

mystery of speech 語密

mystery of the mantra 眞言祕密

mystery within mystery 玄玄

mystic (or beautiful) garment of accordance with Buddha-truth 應法妙服

mystical invocation

mystics of yore 古昔諸仙


nail reliquary 爪塔

naked , 裸露, 露形, 露身

naked mendicant 尼揵子, 尼犍子

name 句義, 娜麽, 字名, 曇麼, 立名, 那摩

name and embodiment 名體

name and form 名字, 名相, 名色

name and robe 名衲

name of a constellation 別枝, 鼻奢佉

name of a demon burnt up by the fire it eats 阿剡底詞羅

name of a disciple of the Buddha 海迦葉

name of a medicine 阿陀

name of a river in Henan.

name of a single Buddha 一佛名字

name of Nāgârjuna 伽那馥力刃

name only 唯名

name plates 照牌

name spread far and wide 名稱高遠

name that has been slandered 譏嫌名

name that is established (settled, arranged, designated) 所爲立名

named 受名

named as 稱爲

named by convention 呼召假名

named together 通名

namely 卽是


names are provisional 名假

names differ 名異

names, concepts, and designations 名想施設

naming of the obscurations (hindrances) 障名

narrative in praise (?) 讚敍

narratives in regard to the present life 此土著述

narrow ,

narrow and inferior-mind 狹劣心

narrow and long 狹長

narrow approach 別門

narrow-minded and quick-tempered 褊促

national elder 國老

National Preceptor of Doctrinal Harmonization 和諍國師

national superintendent of the clergy 國僧正

national teacher 國師

national treasure 國寶

natural 任運, 天然

natural abilities 天機

natural and conventional sins 性遮

natural and semblance 生像

natural color 生色

natural death 命盡死

natural endowment

natural moral law 性戒

natural morality (?) 性種戒

natural or fundamental quality 機性

natural outcome 等流果, 隨流果

natural wisdom 自然慧, 自然智

natural world 世器, 器世間, 器界

naturalism sickness 任病

naturally (spontaneously) manifested 自性顯現

naturally 自爾

naturally able 自能

naturally breeze of virtue 自然德風

naturally immaterial body 自然虛無身

naturally manifest 自然在前

naturally manifests 自在而轉

naturally ordained years 天壽, 天年

naturally pure 性淨

naturally pure intrinsic enlightenment 性淨本覺

naturally shut down 自然閉

naturally so; effortless 任性

naturally unarisen equal nature 自然不生平等性

nature [of phenomena] is empty of self 性空無我


nature as cause 性因

nature determined for solitary realizer's attainment 定性緣覺

nature determined for śrāvaka attainment 定性聲聞

nature free from rebirth 離生性

nature horizontal, practice vertical (?) 性橫修縱

nature is complete 性成就

nature of afflictions is emptiness 煩惱性空

nature of causal arising 因生性

nature of consciousness 識性

nature of consciousness-only 唯識性

nature of dependent arising 依他起性, 依他起自性

nature of existence according to the discriminating mind 分別性

nature of existence produced from attachment to all-pervasive discrimination 遍計所執性

nature of fire 火性

nature of form 色性

nature of human beings 人本

nature of non-emptiness 不空之性

nature of ordinary beings 凡夫性, 凡性

nature of pervasive imagination 徧計所執性

nature of phenomena 諸法性

nature of reality as it is 眞實性

nature of suffering 苦性

nature of the dharma, which is like sweet nectar 甘露法界

nature of the elements 大種性

nature of the mind is originally pure 心性本淨

nature of the mind neither arises nor ceases 心性不生不滅

nature of the Tathāgata 如來性

nature of the tathāgatagarbha 如來藏性

nature of water 水性

nature possessing the seed of Buddhahood 道種性

nature school 性宗

nature that is not false 不虛妄性

nature that is quiescent 性靜

nature-buddha 性佛

nature-desires 性欲

naturelessness 無性性

naturelessness of the person 補特伽羅無性

nature-realm 性土

natures of sentient beings 衆生性

nature's original goodness 性自仁賢

nature-self 性我

nave 輪臍


near 於彼

near to perfect enlightenment 隣圓

near to wisdom 隣智

neat and nice 嚴好

necessarily 要當

necessary 必然, 爲要

necessary consequence or result 勝流

necessary consequences 勝等流

necessary manifestation 須現

necessary preparations for attaining enlightenment 菩提資糧

necessities [for daily life] 諸資生, 資生具

necessities 資生, 資身什物

necessity 合用, 所須

neck , , 頸項

necklace of precious stones 瓔珞

nectar 游藍, 甘露

nectar of immortality 不死甘露, 阿密哩多

nectar of the gods 天甘露食

nectar realm 甘露界

nectar-like dharma 甘露法

need not be taken as reality 不必如義


needle and mustard seed 針芥

needle hair ghosts 針毛鬼

needle-mouth ghosts 針口鬼

Neemb tree 任婆, 絍婆

negate 損滅, ,

negating 撥無

negating perspective 減見

negating statement 遮詮

negation of past and future 前後際斷


negative destinies 冥道

negative example 異品, 異喩

negative example in regard to the thesis 宗異品

negative example is fully applicable 異品有

negative example is fully inapplicable 異品非有

negative example used by the opponent 他異品

negative rebirths 諸惡趣

negative tendency for nescience 無明使

neglect the summer retreat 破夏, 破安居

negligence 放逸, 油斷


neighbor(s) 隣近


neighboring countries 鄰國


neighbour's pearls 隣珍

neither [position] is accepted 倶不許

neither annihilated nor arisen 不滅不生

neither arising nor ceasing 不生不滅

neither arising nor cessation 無生無滅

neither as it is nor not as it is are held to 恁麼不恁麼總不得

neither associative thought nor non-associative thought 非想非非想

neither coming nor going 不來不去

neither conscience nor shame 無慚愧

neither delighted nor disappointed 不喜不憂

neither empty nor non-empty 非空非不空

neither evident nor non-evident 非作非無作業

neither existent non-existent 非有非無

neither existent nor empty 非有非空

neither form nor mind 非色非心

neither formed nor disintegrated 無成無壞

neither going nor coming 無去無來

neither identical nor different 非一非異

neither impediment nor obscuration 無滯無障

neither increase nor decrease 不增不減

neither interrupted nor constant 不斷不常

neither merged nor scattered 不合不散

neither one nor many 不一不多

neither permanent nor impermanent 非常非無常

neither produced nor extinguished 非生非滅

neither real nor existent 非實非有

neither self nor person 無我無人

neither speech nor silence 非言非默

neither suffering nor pleasure 不苦不樂

neither talented nor pure 不才淨

neither the same nor different 不一不二, 不一不異, 不卽不離

neither thought nor no-thought heaven 非想天, 非想非非想天, 非非想天

neither three nor one 非三非一

neither two nor different 不二不異

neither two nor three [vehicles] 無二亦無三

neither two nor three 無二無三

neither vertical nor horizontal 不縱不橫

neither walking nor sitting samādhi 非行非坐三昧

neither-thought-nor-no-thought concentration 非想非非想處

Nepal 尼泊爾, 尼波羅國

Nepalese Buddhism 尼泊爾佛教

nescience 無明, 無黠

nescience and dharma nature are one in essence 無明法性一體

nescience and so forth 無明等

nescience as a flowing current 無明流

nescience as condition 無明爲緣

nescience as entrenchment 無明住地

nescience as father 無明父

nescience concomitant with the afflictions 相應無明

nescience entrenchment 無明地

nescience entrenchments 無明住地

nescience in regard to manifest phenomena 事無知

nescience in regard to materiality 色中無知

nescience in the form of obscuration of underlying principles 迷理無明

nescience is the father and passions the mother 無明貪欲父母

nescience vanishes 無明滅

nescience, karma, and attached love 無明業愛

nescient 無明者

nescient attachment 癡取

nescient consciousness 無明識

nescient views 無明見


nest on the head 頂巢

Nestorian Christianity 景教

net , 網羅, , 羅網

net 網縵

net of afflictions 煩惱網

net of delusion 癡綱, 癡網

net of desire 愛羂

net of harmful influences 魔網

net of karma 業綱

net of lust 婬羅, 淫羅

net of nescience 無明網

net of non-Buddhism 邪網

net of pearls 眞珠羅網

net of sexual desire 婬羅綱

net of suffering 苦網

net of the great teaching 大教網

net of the six sense fields 塵綱

net of the teaching 教網

net of views 見網

neuter human 扇提羅, 闡提羅

neutral 無記差別

never 卒不, 曾不, 曾無

never afraid 不生驚畏

never again 無復

never again manifest 不復現行

never again retrogress 無復退轉

never again subject to affliction 無復煩惱

never becomes buddha 永不成佛

never before experienced 奇特法, 希法, 阿浮陀達磨, 頞浮陀達磨

never departing from the vision of the buddhas 不離見佛

never despise 常不輕

never experienced 未曾得

never explained a single word 未曾說一字

never forget [one's vow; the path, etc.] 常不忘失

never in disuse 無廢時

never lying down to sleep 長坐不臥

never tiring and never faltering 無厭無劣

never turning-back wheel 不退輪

never turning-back wheel of the dharma 不退轉法輪

never wearies [of] 曾無厭倦


new and old translations of the Buddhist canon 新舊兩譯

new commentary 新疏

new insight or understanding one reaches oneself 自悟

new moon and full moon 旦望

new perfuming of seeds in the store consciousness 新熏

new seeds 新種

new treatise 新論

new year 新歳

new year's eve 分歲, 歲夜

newly arisen 新生

newly awakened 新發

newly awakened bodhisattvas 新學菩薩

newly built stūpa or other temple structure 草創

newly cultivated good qualities 新修善品

newly formed 新成

newly perfumed seeds 新薰種子

newly practicing 新修

newly resolved 新發意

newly-perfumed seeds 新熏種子


next and the following one after that 後後勝

next Buddha 補處

next day 來日

next explains... 次說

next is the same 次同

next life 當生, 順次生

next life in paradise 順次往生

next lifetime 來生

next to nothing 隣虛

next, one arrives to 次至

next, there is (was) 次有

nice sounding bird 好聲鳥


night and day 日夜等位

night before a fast day 宿忌

night before the funeral 宿夜

night before the sending-off 贈別夜

night guardian 主夜神, 婆珊婆演底

night light 夜光

night of arrival 迨夜

nightmare demon 厭鬼

night-shade 楞祇芒

nighttime 夜分

nighttime darkness 夜闇

nihilism 執著斷論, 損減見, 斷滅見, 斷滅論, 斷見論, , 無見, 空見論, 都無論

nihilism and eternalism 斷常

nihilist 無者, 都無論者

nihilistic theories 斷論

nimble horse 快馬

nimbus 光焰, 光相, 光背, 背光

nine (meditations on) the unconditioned 九無爲


nine abodes 九居, 九門

nine abodes of sentient beings 九有情居, 九有情處, 九衆生居

nine ascents to the hall 九參上堂

nine assemblies 九會

nine assemblies maṇḍala 九會曼陀羅

nine bonds 九結

nine categories of lesser vehicle writings 小乘九部

nine causes and one effect 九因一果

nine character maṇḍala 九字曼荼羅

nine classes of karma 九品行業

nine contaminations 九流

nine days of fasting 九齋日

nine difficulties 九難

nine divisions of scriptures 九部法

nine divisions of the canon 九分教, 九部, 九部修多羅, 九部經

nine divisions of the great vehicle teaching 大乘教九部

nine divisions of the meaning 九轍

nine elements (of the Vaiśeṣikas) 九陰

nine eons 九劫

nine evolutions 九心輪

nine examples 九句因, 九喩

nine existences 九有

nine expedient methods 九方便

nine fallacies in the proposition 宗九過

nine fallacies in the pseudo-proposition 似宗九過

nine forms of Amitâbha 九品彌陀

nine forms of complete awareness 九徧知

nine forms of pride 九慢

nine grades of affliction 九品煩惱

nine grades of the great robe 九品大衣

nine grades of the Pure Land 九品安養, 九品淨刹, 九品淨土

nine graduated concentrations 九次第定

nine groups (of disciples) 九衆

nine heavens 九天, 九梵

nine heavens of the fourth meditation heaven 四禪九天

nine honored ones 九尊

nine kinds 九種

nine kinds of affliction 九品惑

nine kinds of birth 九類生

nine kinds of delusion 九上緣惑, 九惑

nine kinds of ghosts 九鬼

nine kinds of irregular death 九橫死

nine kinds of karma 九業

nine kinds of Mahāyāna meditation 九種大禪

nine kinds of meditation (on a corpse to quell desire) 九想, 九想觀

nine leakages 九漏

nine levels 九品

nine levels of existence 九地

nine levels of lotus seats 九品蓮臺

nine levels of nine classed of delusion 九地九品思惑

nine liberations 九解脫

nine lotus stands 九蓮

nine luminaries 九曜

nine marks 九相

nine marshes 九皐

nine mountains 九山

nine mountains and eight seas 九山八海

nine non-obstructions 九無礙

nine orifices 九入, 九孔, 九瘡, 九竅

nine part canon 九經

nine parts of the sequence for accomplishing thought 九心成輪

nine paths 九道

nine paths of liberation 九解脫道

nine patriarch lineage 九祖相承

nine patriarchs 九祖

nine patriarchs of Tiantai 天台九神

nine penetrations 九徹

nine pitfalls 九厄

nine post-learners 九無學

nine postures 九儀

nine realms 九域, 九界

nine realms are none other than the buddha-realm 九界卽佛界

nine realms of retribution of afflictions 九界情執

nine schools of Korean Seon 九山禪門

nine sects 九宗

nine stages of meditation 九住心

nine states of bondage and the one state of liberation 九縛一脫

nine teaching assemblies 九會說

nine ten day periods in summer 一夏九旬, 九夏

nine time periods 九世

nine track dharma master 九轍法師

nine truths 九道

nine types of afflictions 九種煩惱

nine types of mental stabilization 九種心住

nine uninterrupted paths 九無間道

nine unobstructed paths 九無礙道, 九無間道

nine upholders 九執

nine vexations 九惱, 九橫, 九罪報

nine ways of showing respect in India 天竺九儀

nine wheels 九輪

nine words 九字, 臨兵鬪者皆陳列在前

nine worlds 九世間

nine years facing the wall 九年面壁, 面壁九年

nine yogas 九瑜伽, 九種瑜伽

ninefold future life 九品往生

nineteenth vow 第十九願

ninety 九十

ninety offenses requiring expiation 九十單墮, 九十單提

ninety prāyaścittikāḥ 九十波逸提

ninety-eight 九十八

ninety-eight declivities 九十八使

ninety-eight latent afflictions 九十八隨眠

ninety-six 九十六

ninety-six arts 九十六術

ninety-six kinds of non-Buddhist philosophy 九十六種外道

ninety-two offenses requiring expatiation fruits and sweetmeats 單墮九十二事法

ninth 第九

ninth class 第九品

ninth consciousness 九識, 第九識

ninth ground 第九地

ninth rank of the patch-robe 九條衣, 九條袈裟

nirarbuda 尼刺部陀

Nirgrantha adherent 離繫子

nirvāṇa 湼槃

nirvāṇa allotment 涅槃分

nirvāṇa and bodhi 涅槃菩提

nirvāṇa as attained by practitioners of the great vehicle 大乘所得涅槃

nirvāṇa as one's nature 自性涅槃

nirvāṇa assembly 涅槃忌, 涅槃會

nirvāṇa buddha 涅槃佛

nirvāṇa food 涅槃食

nirvāṇa form 涅槃像

nirvāṇa free from distinctions 寂滅無二

nirvāṇa hall 涅槃堂

nirvāṇa image 涅槃圖

nirvāṇa is perfect tranquility 涅槃寂靜

nirvāṇa is pleasant 寂滅爲樂

nirvāṇa island 涅槃洲

nirvāṇa nature 涅槃性

nirvāṇa nectar 甘露滅

nirvāṇa of abiding in neither saṃsāra nor nirvāṇa 無住處涅槃

nirvāṇa of innate purity 性淨涅槃

nirvāṇa of no abiding 不住涅槃, 無住涅槃

nirvāṇa of no-abiding 無住處涅槃

nirvāṇa of the originally pure self-nature 本來自性淸淨涅槃

nirvāṇa palace 涅槃宮

nirvāṇa with practice 有行般

nirvāṇa with remainder 有餘依涅槃, 有餘涅槃

nirvāṇa without basis 無依涅槃

nirvāṇa without practice 無行般

nirvāṇa without remainder 無餘依涅槃, 無餘涅槃, 無餘湼槃

nirvāṇa without subject 無依湼槃

nirvāṇa-bliss 涅槃樂

nirvāṇa-color 涅槃色

nirvāṇa-realm 涅槃界


Niutou Chan 牛頭禪

no [false] conceptualization 無妄想

no [law of] cause and effect 無因果

no [such] fallacy 無此過

no 不也, , , ,

no abandonment 無退捨

no accurate cognition 無如實知

no affliction 無煩惱, 無雜染

no anger 無忿

no appropriation 無受, 無執

no attachment 無所著

no attachment to dharmas 無法執

no barrier 無關

no beginning or end 無始終

no binding 無縛

no buddha 無佛

no buddha-nature 無佛性

no cessation 無止息

no charity 無施

no compassion 無悲

no conceptual proliferations 無戲論

no consciousness 無識

no continuity 無相續

no contradiction 無相違

no craving 無貧

no defiled attachment to hopes and dreams 無有顧戀希望染著

no delusion 無妄, 無癡

no difference 無差

no difference between name an meaning 名義不離

no difficulty 無難

no diminution 無減少

no direction, no location 無方無處

no disappearance 無朽

no discrimination 無別, 無有分別

no discrimination of the characteristics of the container world 無分別器相

no discrimination of the container world 無分別器

no dispute 無訟

no distinctive properties 無別相

no distortion 無亂倒

no doubt about killing 不疑殺

no dualistic explanation 無二說

no effort 無功

no emnity 無恨

no essence 無體

no establishment of words and letters 不立文字

no evil 無惡

no expectation 無所悕

no expectation(s) 無所悕望

no experiencer 無受者

no extinction 無斷盡

no failure to observe the precepts 無失戒

no faith 不信, 無信

no faltering 無怯

no fault 無犯

no fear of death 無死畏

no fear of not being able to earn a living 無不活畏

no fear that contamination won't be permanently extinguished 漏永盡無所畏

no fears 無諸怖畏

no fixed amount 量不定

no forgetfulness 無忘失法

no forgetting 無忘失

no function 無用

no gap 無間隙

no gaps 無隙

no goodness 無善

no hearing [of the Buddha's teachings] 無聞

no heat 無熱

no hindrance 無障, 無障閡

no hustle-bustle (of the world) 無憒鬧

no idleness 無懈退

no impediment in regard to the dharma 法無礙

no indolence 無厭怠

no injury 無損

no lack of equality 非不平等

no lassitude 無怯劣

no laxity 不放逸, 無緩

no legs 無足

no liberation 無脫, 無解脫

no limit to cognition 識無有量

no loss [e.g., of one's meditative state] 無退失

no luck 無福

no marks of form 無色相

no means of... 無以

no misery 無憂惱

no mistake 無違

no moment of thought can be apprehended 念念不可得

no moral discipline 無戒

no more applied practice 無學

no more birth and death 無後生死

no name 無名

no non-conception 非非想

no non-existence [of...] 非無

no nose to lay hold of 沒巴鼻

no object 無境, 無所

no objection 非難

no objects of self 無我所

no obstinacy 無違逆

no obstruction 無梗澀, 無滯

no obstruction among the six elements 六大無礙

no obstruction between composition and decomposition 成壞無礙

no obstruction between concealment and disclosure 隱顯無礙

no obstruction between essence and function 體用無礙

no obstruction between manifest phenomena 情事無礙

no obstruction between principle and phenomena 理事無礙

no obstruction between subject and object 主伴無礙

no obstruction in multiple manifestations 重現無礙

no obstruction in mutual entry 相入無礙

no obstruction in mutual identity 相卽無礙

no obstruction in time and place 時處無礙

no obstruction of meaning 義無礙

no old age 無老

no one to teach 無所化

no one who attains Buddhahood 果頭無人

no path 無道

no patience 無忍

no phenomena 無事

no place 無處

no place that it does not reach 無所不遍

no place to abide 無所住

no place to function 無所能爲

no pride in spiritual superiority 無增上慢

no principle 無理

no prior or subsequent 無前後

no protection 無有救護, 無防

no quality 無德

no reasons 無因緣

no refuge 無所歸依

no refutation 無破

no relation 沒交涉

no relationship 無交涉

no religious ceremonies 無祠祀

no remainder 無有餘, 無遺, 無餘

no removal 無捨

no retrogression 不退失

no room 無容

no self-nature 無性

no sentient being(s) 無衆生

no sexual excessiveness 不婬

no spaces between his teeth 其齒無隙

no spaces between the teeth 齒無隙

no special place 無方

no spiritual essence 無神我

no stepping out 禁足

no stinginess 無慳

no such coming into existence 無等生起

no suffering 無苦

no suffering and distress 無艱難

no support 無所依

no taking part in, or watching, singing, dancing, or plays 不歌舞倡伎不往觀聽

no teaching 無教

no thing 無物

no thought 無念無想

no turning back 無退轉

no understanding 無解

no unwholesomeness 無不善

no violation or retrogression 無毀犯退屈

no wisdom 無惠, 無慧

noble , 妙聖, 阿梨耶, 阿犁耶, 阿離耶

noble and base 尊卑, 尊卑者, 貴賤

noble awareness 聖慧

noble eightfold path 八支聖道, 八聖道

noble family 豪貴家

noble lineage 豪姓

noble man with pure faith 淸信高士

noble one 聖者

noble ones not yet free from desire 未離欲聖

noble position 貴位

noble schools and pure land schools 聖淨

noble truth of suffering 苦聖諦

noble truth of the arising of suffering 集聖諦

noble truth of the cessation of suffering 滅聖諦, 滅諦, 苦滅諦

noble truth of the Way 道聖諦

noble usages 賢聖族

noble wisdom 妙聖智

noble woman 梵女

nobody but the buddhas 唯佛與佛

nod in approval 首肯

no-enmity 無瞋

no-evil vehicle 不惡乘

noise 諠雜

nominal Chan 口頭禪

nominal distinctions 名之差別

nominal position 借職

nominative case 業格, 體格, 體聲

non existent 無法

non-abiding 無住

non-accomplishment 應不得成, 應不得有

non-acquisition 非得

non-acquisition prior to the mental factor 法前非得

non-acquisition subsequent to the mental factor 法後非得

non-acquisition that is neither prior nor subsequent to the mental factor 非前後非得

non-agreement on both 倶不極成

non-analytical cessation 非擇滅無爲

non-apparent form 假色

non-appearance of a buddha in the world 出無佛世

non-application 不作行

non-arising 無有生, 無起

non-associative thought 非有想

non-attachment to the dharma 無法愛, 離法愛

non-backsliding in terms of faith 信不退

non-backsliding in terms of location 處不退

non-backsliding in terms of mindfulness 證不退

non-buddha 非佛

non-Buddhist 外道, 教外

non-Buddhist attachments 外執

non-Buddhist doctrines 外法

non-Buddhist fanning 邪扇

non-Buddhist meditation 外道禪

non-Buddhist practices 外道行

non-Buddhist speculation 異計

non-Buddhist studies 外學

non-Buddhist teachings 外教, 外邪, 異學, 異端

non-Buddhist texts 外典

non-Buddhist who took time as the origin of existence 時外道

non-Buddhist who understood time to be the origin of existence 時論外道

non-Buddhist wholesomeness 異善

non-Buddhist wisdom 異慧

non-Buddhist writing 外書

non-Buddhists who deny materiality 色空外道

non-Buddhists who eschew cultivation 不修外道

non-Buddhists who focus on the deeds of past lives 宿作外道

non-Buddhists who took time as most fundamental 時散外道

non-canonical, yet admissible interpretation 容有說, 容有釋

non-causation and mistakenly understood causation 無因惡因

nonconceptual heaven 無想天

non-conceptual realm 無想界

nonconceptual wisdom 無念智

non-confusion 不迷亂

non-contradictory causes 不相違因

non-craving 無貪

non-debauchery 不邪

non-decay 無壞

non-deception 不誑

non-decreasing 不減

non-deviant 無邪

non-dharma 非法

non-difference between enlightenment in the nature of sentient beings 衆生無差別

non-difference between the minds [of buddhas and sentient beings] 心無差別

non-difference of impurity and purity in thusness 無染淨眞如

non-differentiation 無遮

non-disappearing consciousness 無沒識

non-discernment 不正知

non-discriminated equality 無遮平等

non-discriminating cognition 無分別智

nondiscriminating insight 無分別慧

non-discriminating markless mind 無分別無相之心

non-discriminating, innate wisdom 如理智

non-discursively imagined character of existence 無覺分別相

non-distinction between buddhas 佛無差別

non-dual and yet not distinct 不二不別

non-duality 不二, 無二

non-duality of body and mind 身心不二

nonduality of existence and non-existence 有無無二

non-duality of practice and realization 修證不二


none of them exist 皆無所有

none other than provisional 卽假

none that are not 莫不

none who are not joyous 靡不歡喜

none who have not... 靡不

non-empty dharmas 不空法

non-empty tathāgatagarbha 不空如來藏

non-empty thusness 不空眞如

non-enlightenment 不覺

non-escaping 不出離

non-eternal 不常住

nonetheless 然而

non-excessive activity 無越作用

non-existence of a enduring self 補特伽羅無我

non-existence of Buddha after passing into nirvāṇa 如來死後非有

nonexistence of cause 無因

nonexistence of hatred 無怨

non-existent 未有,

non-falsity 不虛

non-god 無天

non-harmonization 不和合性

non-hatred 無瞋

non-householder 非家

non-humans 非人

non-impedimentary moral indeterminacy 無覆無記

non-inflammable robe 火浣布袈裟

non-injurious 無害

non-karmic 無業, 無業用

non-learners 非學者

non-living 無壽, 無壽無命

Non-living 非壽非命

non-manifest karma 無表業

non-meaning 非義

non-metaphor 非喩

non-metaphorical 無譬, 無譬喩

non-nature of arising 生無性

non-nature of marks 相無性

non-nature of ultimate reality 勝義無性

non-necessary manifesation 不須現

non-nirvāṇic dharmas 不般涅槃法

non-obstructed morally indeterminate mental states 無覆無記心

non-obstruction between individual phenomena 事事無礙

non-offense 非罪

non-parsimony 不慳

non-perfection 非波羅蜜

non-perishing 無沒

non-production of afflictions 不生雜染

non-productivity 無生性

non-propelling activity 不動業, 不動行

non-recitation of the precepts 不誦戒

non-remembrance 不念

non-result 非果

non-retrogressing bodhisattva 不退菩薩

non-retrogressing bodhisattvas 阿毘跋致菩薩

non-retrogressing Wheel (of the Dharma) 不退轉輪

non-retrogressing Wheel of the Dharma 不退法輪

non-retrogression 不退, 不退轉, 無退, 維越, 跋致, 阿惟越政, 阿惟越致, 阿惟越致地, 阿毘跋致, 阿鞞跋致

non-retrogression in terms of accordant practice 行不退

non-retrogression in terms of level attained 位不退

non-retrogression in terms of mindfulness 念不退

non-returner 不來, 不廻, 不還, 不還者, 那含, 阿那含

non-self 非身

non-sentient 無情, 非情, 非有情

non-sentient form 非有情數色

non-sentient objects 無情物

non-separation of the mind and its functions 心行不離

non-substantial hypothesis 無體隨情假

non-substantiality 無有性

non-suffering 不苦

non-thought heaven and the heaven of the non-returners 無想五那含

non-training 不修治

non-transgression 無違犯

non-vegetarian foods and wine 葷酒

non-violation [of precepts] 不犯

non-worldlings 非異生

noon , 正中, 當午

noon offering 午供

noose , 羂索

normal remembrance of the buddha 尋常念佛


north and south 南北

north-east 東北

northern and southern dynasties (1336-92) 南北朝

Northern Buddhism 北方佛教

Northern Canon 北藏

northern continent 北拘盧洲

northern direction 北方

northern pillow 北枕

Northern Qí dynasty 北齊

northern school 北宗

northern tradition 北道

Northern Wei 北魏

northwest 西北


nose and tongue 鼻舌

nose, tongue, and body 鼻舌身

noseless meditation master 鼻隔禪師

no-self 無我

no-strife concentration 無諍三昧

not (yet) arousing the intention for enlightenment 未發心

not (yet) liberated 未解脫

not [a] cause(s) 非因

not [actual] extinction 非滅

not [along] with afflictions 不與煩惱

not [completely] fettered; partially fettered 不具縛

not [held] in common with direct disciples 不共聲聞

not [yet] attained the dharma 未得法

not [yet] departed 未出

not [yet] explained 未明, 未說

not [yet] made [accomplished] 未作

not [yet] named 未名

not [yet] necessary 未必

not [yet] overcoming 未伏

not [yet] permanently disabled 未永害

not [yet] realized 未證

not [yet] removed 未離

not [yet] well purified 未善淸淨

not , , 非是

not a [proper] vessel 非器

not a crime 非犯

not a field of merit 非福田

not a fully explained teaching 不了義說

not a mark 非相

not a referent 非所緣

not a saint 非聖人

not a scripture 非經

not a sentient being 非衆生

not a single person 無一人

not a single thing 無一物

not a single type 非一種

not a son of the Buddha 非佛子

not a universal function 非遍行

not abandoning birth and death 不捨離生死

not abiding in form 不住色

not able to fully... 不能究竟

not able to understand 不能知

not absolutely true 非眞諦

not accepting food after having risen from one's seat 先止後食

not advancing 不進

not afflicted 非煩惱

not afflicting 不惱

not afflicting others 不惱於他

not again 不復, 不更

not agreeing to 不誓受

not alarmed 不驚

not all the time 非一切時

not always 非恆

not an ordinary man 非凡夫

not applicable to 不向

not appropriating 不受

not arisen 非生

not arising from the sixth consciousness 非六生

not as good as this 不如是

not as one wishes 不如意

not assented to 不許

not associated with 不應

not at all 全未

not at odds with the characteristics of the teachings 不違法相

not awake 未覺

not aware on one's own 不自覺

not based on other(s) 不由他

not become a buddha 未成佛

not being faint-hearted 無所怯懼

not being fully prepared 資糧未圓滿

not being so is not held to 不恁麼也不得

not believing in 不信重

not bending over 不低, 不低下

not beneficial 不利, 不利益

not bent over 不僂曲

not blaming 非毀

not blazing 無熾

not bodhisattvas 非菩薩

not called 不名

not called... 不名爲

not calm 不寂靜

not carried out 非行

not carrying out punishments 不行黜罰

not causality 非因果

not chanting 不誦

not coming to greet 不來迎

not complete 不成立, 非究竟

not completely 不畢竟

not comprehending 不了

not concomitant 非相應

not concomitant with 不相應

not concomitant with karma 業不相應

not concomitant with mind 心不相應

not conditioned 非有爲

not confused 無亂, 無癡亂, 非迷

not connected 不續

not consummated 不成實

not contingent 不緣

not contradictory 不乖

not counted among sentient beings 非有情數

not covered 無蓋

not covered up again 不覆藏

not coveting 無貪

not cultivating 非修

not cultivating; not practicing 不修習

not cut off 不絕

not deceiving 不行虛誑

not deceptive 不欺, 無虛妄

not declining 無廢

not defiled 非雜

not delaying 不遲

not delighting in 不愛樂

not depending (on) 不因

not despising 不輕

not determined 非定

not deviating 不異違越

not different 不異, 非異

not different from 無異

not different from emptiness 不異空

not differing 不違

not differing from 不殊

not difficult 不難

not discarding 不棄, 不棄捨

not discordant 不違逆

not discriminated 非分別

not discriminating [differences] 無異分別

not discussed 不論

not disjointed 無雜

not disparaging 不毀呰

not disputing about existence or non-existence 不爭有無

not distinguished 不別, 未分, 非別

not distorted 非顚倒

not distracted 不流散

not doing evil 諸惡莫作

not doing evil, doing all good things 諸惡莫作衆善奉行

not done 不遂

not done at all 都未

not drinking 不飮

not easy 不易

not easy to count 不易可數

not eliminated 非所斷

not embrace 不該

not embraced 不周

not empty 不空

not engaging in licentious sexual behavior 不婬慾

not engaging in trivial chit-chat 不綺語

not enjoying 不喜, 不樂, 不歡喜

not enlightened 非覺

not equipped 不備

not established 非安立

not established in a spiritual family 住無種姓

not even a hundredth 百分不及一

not even abiding for an instant 刹那不住

not everywhere 非一切處

not excluded 不遣

not exhaust 不窮

not expecting 不待, 不悕, 不悕望

not expressed verbally 非說

not failing to take a superior rebirth 無倒勝生道

not falling into evil rebirths 不墮惡道

not falling into partiality 不墮偏黨

not falling under the law of cause and effect 不落因果

not false 不妄, 非虛

not fast 不速

not few 無少

not finished 阿娑摩補多

not firmly (rigidly) attached 不堅執

not first, nor middle or last 非初非中後

not food proper 不正食

not for a long time 未久

not forgetting 不忘, 不忘失, 無忘

not forming 無成

not free from affliction 非離煩惱

not free from desire 未離欲者

not free from error 不離過

not fully comprehended 未通達

not fully investigating 不善觀察

not gentle 不柔和

not getting irritated 不生憤, 不生憤發

not given 不與

not giving 不施

not giving rise to afflictions 不生煩惱

not going forth 不往

not gotten from the outside 非從外得

not grasped 無攝

not grasping to the role of teacher (?) 不作師捲

not guarding 不護

not guilty 無罪

not harming 不損

not harsh 不澁, 無諸獷悷

not having any differences 無有異

not heard in the past 昔未聞

not held in common with sentient beings 有情不共

not hot 不熱

not ignoring the law of cause and effect 不昧因果

not immediately 不頓

not in order of age 不臈次, 不臘次

not in vain 不空過

not inauthentic 無虛

not included 不攝

not indifferent 不離欲

not investigating well 不善觀

not killing 不殺, 不煞

not knowing 無智, 無知, 非知

not large 非大

not lasting 不正安住

not leaving 不出, 未捨

not liberated 不解脫

not like 不如

not like having children 不如無子

not like that 不然

not like this 不如此

not long 不久

not long before visiting the site of enlightenment 不久詣道場

not lying 不妄語

not made up of that 非彼性

not many 不多, 無多

not merely empty 不但空

not mixed 不雜

not mixed up 不雜亂

not momentary 非刹那

not mundane 無俗, 非俗

not mutually conflicting 互不相違

not mutually inclusive 不相攝

not necessary 不須

not obscured 不昧

not obstructing 不遮

not of the nature of form 非色性

not one 不一, 無一

not one, nay, a myriad kinds 非一衆多種種

not one, nay, many 非一衆多

not only 不但, 非唯, 非直

not only... 非但

not opposing 不逆

not own-nature 非自性

not paying homage 不拜

not penetrate 不通達

not perfect nirvāṇa 不般涅槃

not pervading 不遍

not polluted 不汚

not poor 非貧

not posited 不立

not practicing 不修, 不習, 不行

not praising 非讚

not precepts 非律

not prior 非先

not produced by causes 無因生

not produced from causes and conditions 不從因緣生

not pure 非淨

not pure cognition 非淨智

not pure in terms of the precepts 尸羅不淸淨

not quite 不到

not quite ripe 未成熟

not real 非實, 非眞實

not real, but discriminated 非眞分別

not really existing 非實有

not reborn [into the Pure Land] 不往生

not reborn 不更生

not reborn into evil destinies 不更惡趣

not refuted 不破

not rejecting 不捨

not relying 不依

not relying on sentient beings 無依有情

not remaining 不存

not requested 不請

not requesting 不請求

not resenting 無爲逆行

not respect 不尊

not resting 不息

not restraining 不遮止

not retrogressing 不退還

not returning 不返

not sad 不憂

not saying a single word 一字不說

not scattered 不散

not seeing 非見

not seeking 不求

not seeking after anything 無所求行

not seen 不見

not sensing all phenomena 不受一切法

not separate from 非離

not separate from the body 不離身

not shared with either the positive or negative examples 不共不定, 不共不定過

not sharing [the same basis] with the world 不共世間

not showed 不可示

not shown 不示

not skilled 非巧

not skillful in undertaking 不巧便所引

not skillful means 非方便

not slack 不緩

not so; (or, at the end of a sentence:) is it not so? 不爾

not something that is produced 非所生

not something thought or that will be thought 非已思應思

not speaking divisively 不兩舌

not speaking harshly 不惡口

not stealing 不盜

not still 不靜

not stingy about teaching others 於法無慳

not storing 不畜

not studying 不學

not subsequent 非後

not substantial 無厚

not subsumed 不融

not terminated 不究竟

not the buddha's teaching 非佛說

not the center 非中

not the future 非未來

not the moon 非月

not the same 不卽, 不同

not the true Dharma 不正法

not the wind 非風

not thinking 不思, 不思量, 非思量

not thinking correctly 不起正思惟

not thus 非如

not to be clung to 不應貪著

not to mention

not to possess uncoined or coined gold and silver, or jewels 不捉持生像金銀寶物

not to sit on a high, broad, large bed 不坐高廣大牀

not to slander 不重舌

not together with 不倶

not transgressing 不違越

not transmundane 非出世

not treated with disrespect 不輕陵

not true 非眞

not truly existent/real 非眞實有

not two 莫二, 非二

not two realms 無二際

not unassociative thought 非無想

not uncaring 不恣

not understanding 不解

not unitary, but various 非一種種

not urgent 不急

not using 不用

not using swords and staves 不用刀杖

not visible 不顯現

not wasteful 不唐捐

not wearying 無厭倦

not with different marks 非異相

not with marks 非有相

not without 不無

not without limit 非無邊

not without marks 非無相

not words 非言

not workable 無所堪能

not yet

not yet achieved fruition 未至果

not yet at peace 未安

not yet attained freedom from attachments 未得離欲

not yet avoided 未免

not yet be satisfied with 不生喜足

not yet capable of 未能

not yet ceased 未滅

not yet complete 未得究竟

not yet eliminated or disabled 未斷未害

not yet established 未建立

not yet finished 未遂

not yet free from desire 未離欲

not yet liberated 未度, 未度者

not yet permanently eliminated 未永斷

not yet purified 未淨

not yet realized 未悟

not yet received 未曾受

not yet setting out for the destination 未發趣

not yet so; not yet occurred 未然

not, is not 不是

notebook 簿

notes and [overall] commentary 註疏

notes of the pentatonic scale 五音聲

nothing (exists) except the aggregates 唯有諸蘊

nothing after 無後

nothing besides this 除此無

nothing beyond 不能超過

nothing but 無非

nothing but non-existence 唯無

nothing but talk 但有言說

nothing but the manifestation of consciousness 唯識所現

nothing but the products of my own physical, verbal, and mental misdeeds 從身語意之所生

nothing but the transformations of consciousness 唯識所變

nothing else 更無所餘

nothing else to attain 無別可得

nothing exists outside of the mind 心外無法

nothing explained, nothing shown 無說無示

nothing further to add 更無有增

nothing is more difficult than this 無過此難

nothing is produced by itself 不自生

nothing is produced from other things 不他生

nothing is produced of itself or both other things 不共生

nothing is produced without cause 不無因生

nothing left over 無遺

nothing lies outside 無出

nothing missing and nothing in excess 無缺無餘

nothing superfluous and nothing to be added 無有若過若增

nothing to appropriate 無所執

nothing to be anxious about 無所憂

nothing to be attained 無所得

nothing to be enjoyed 無可樂

nothing to lose 無有失, 無有失壞

nothing to see 無所見

nothing to store 無所藏積

nothing to teach 無所說

nothing whatsoever 都無所有

nothing whatsoever is seen 都無所見

nothing whatsoever to be grasped 都無所得

nothingness 不用處, 虛無

no-thought meditation 無念禪定

notion of a discriminated self 分別我想

notion of remedying 治想

notion of the pleasurable 樂想

not-nature 非性

not-two 不二

not-yet arisen seeds 未起種子

noumenal is fully present 理具

noumenal meditation 理禪

nourish 沃閏, 滋潤, , , 養育

nourish the body 養形


nourishing life by supporting karmic impressions 扶習潤生, 誓扶習生

nourishing or strengthening cause 養因

nourishment 潤生

nourishment from meditative bliss 禪悅食

nourishment from thought 念食, 意念食, 意思食

nourishment of desire 愛潤

novice 新學者, 新戒

novice bodhisattvas 初修觀菩薩

novice monk 勤策, 室羅末尼羅, 沙彌, 童眞

novice nun 沙尼, 沙彌尼

novice practitioner 初行者

now , 今時, 今者, 卽今, 如今者, 甫便, 而今

now exists 今有

now is the right time 今正是時

now we will end this digression 且止傍論

nowadays 于今

nowhere 無所

nowhere it does not reach 無所不至

number can't be counted 數不能數

number fifty 第五十

number of dust particles 塵數, 微塵等

number of grains of sand 沙數

number of grains of sand in the Ganges river 恆河沙數, 河沙數

number of living beings 衆生多少

number of years a monk has been ordained 戒臘

number of years after ordination 年戒

number ten 第十

numberless and immeasurable 無數無量

numberless and incalculable 無量阿僧祇

numberless eons 無央數劫

numberless lands 塵塵刹土


numerical calculation and metaphor 算數譬喩

numerous 衆多, 雲海

numerous as the sands in the Ganges 數如恆沙

numerous as the sands of the Ganges 數如恒沙

numerous phenomena 多法

numinous abode 靈宅

nun 乞士女, 女僧, , 尼僧, 尼姑, 師姑, 師娘, 比丘尼, 比呼尼, 法尼, 苾芻尼, 薰女, 除女

nun's altar 尼壇

nuns' precepts 比丘尼戒

nun's skirt 瞿修羅, 篅衣

nuns' vinaya 尼戒


nurse the sick 看病

nurture 愛養, 長養

nurtures 能長養

nurtures seeds 增長種子

nurturing the seeds 長養種子


oar of wisdom 智楫


obedient 孝順,

obedient mind 順心

obeisance (?) 我禮

obeisance 伴題, 和南, 婆南, 槃淡, 煩淡, 畔彈南, 畔睇

obey 率伏, 順伏, 順服

obey and keep 遵守

obey and respect 委敬

obey respectfully 欽順

obeys 遵倚

obfuscate 覆弊

object 事境, , , 對象, 爲境界,

object and consciousness are both denied 境識倶泯

object as conditioning factor 緣緣

object is general 所總

object of derision 所笑

object of discrimination 分別體

object of intention (devotion) 所樂事

object of joy 樂義

object of knowledge 義識

object of purifying behavior 淨行所緣

object(s) 塵境

object(s) of intelligence 慧境界

object-contingent [mental factors] 別境

objective 意致

objective aspect 相分

objective images 緣影

objective indifferentiation of thusness 法無別眞如

objective phenomena exist 法有

objective realm is empty, consciousness exists 境空識有

objective realm of devoted interest 勝解界

objective realm of the mind 心境界

objective realm of unenlightened people 凡夫境界

objective realm that is discriminated 分別所執境界

objective realm that is known by the consciousnesses 所知境

objective realms 塵境界

objectively discriminated 所遍計

objects 諸境界

objects and cognition 境智

objects and consciousness; object-consciousnesses 境識

objects and their cognition are not two 境照不二

objects are not real 境不如實

objects as they are in themselves 性境

objects of cognition; the knowable(s) 知所

objects of consciousness 所緣境

objects of gustatory consciousness 舌識界

objects of perception 所緣

objects of quiescent observation 靜慮境

objects of the five sense organs 五塵

objects of the mind that are included as material dharmas 法處所攝色

objects of the mind which are included as material 法處色

objects provisionally manifested from a subjective view 獨影境

objects that are agreeable to oneself 順境

objects that are conditions 緣塵

objects that are natural results 等流事

objects that are visible and materially obstructive 可見有對色

objects(s) 事義

obligation 應恭敬

obliged to 必也

obliterate 摧滅

obliterated 摩滅, 磨滅

obscuration 罣礙

obscuration of desire 貪欲蓋

obscuration of lethargy and sleep 惛沉睡眠蓋

obscuration of nescience 無明蓋

obscuration of torpor and drowsiness 惛沈睡眠蓋, 惛眠蓋

obscurations 蓋覆

obscure , 昏晦, 迷闇

obscured 隱蔽

obscured indeterminacy 有覆無記性

obscures cognition 障智

obscures the truth 妨眞

obscures thought 闇昧心

obscuring gloom 昏闇

observance 軌則

observance of all precepts 攝律儀

observance of the full gamut of precepts 攝律儀戒

observances and restraints 淨戒律儀

observances of the day of the winter solstice 冬齋

observation 觀察

observation of inferiors 下輩觀

observation of mindfulness of the buddha 念佛觀

observation of self 自觀

observe (?) 謂觀

observe 覩察

observe affairs 照事

observe and know 觀知

observe in a general way 總觀

observe precepts 持戒

observe the key phrase 觀話

observe the law 守法

observe the mind 觀心

observe the precept of abstinence from eating after noon 齋持

observe the precepts 戒行, 持律, 自戒

observe the precepts strictly 堅持禁戒

observe the rules of restraint of eating 持齋

observe the three realms equally 等觀三界

observe the world 觀世

observe/analyze with insight 以慧觀察

observed 可觀

observed in its coarseness 觀爲麤性

observed object and observing subject 緣觀

observer and the observed 能觀所觀

observes all phenomena as being empty 觀一切法空

observes clearly 照覽

observes minutely 諦觀

observes well 善觀

observing awareness 觀察覺

observing dharmas as empty 法空觀

observing the key phrase 看話

observing the precepts of stopping [evil activity] 止持戒

observing wisdom 觀察智, 觀慧

obsessed with

obstacles 覆蓋

obstruct 三嚩, 三婆, 三跋羅, , ,

obstruct independence 自在障

obstruct the mind 障心

obstructed 所礙, 有礙, 有障,

obstructed and unobstructed 有障無障

obstructed by affliction 煩惱所障

obstructed by drowsiness 睡眠所覆, 睡眠蓋

obstructing 障礙相

obstructing factors 障法

obstructing materiality 色蓋

obstructing moon 障月

obstruction 吒婆, 所防, 滯礙, , , 能礙, 覆障, 障礙, 障隔

obstruction and affliction 障礙雜染

obstruction by restlessness and remorse 掉悔蓋

obstruction due to the [notion of] self 我障

obstruction of asceticism 苦障

obstruction of attachments 執障

obstruction of doubt 疑蓋

obstruction of knowing 知礙

obstruction of one's retribution 報障

obstruction of views 見障

obstruction to bodhi 菩提障

obstruction to conviction 信解障

obstructions 諸蓋

obstructions from innumerable details 塵沙障

obstructions of affliction 煩惱礙

obstructions to [correct] understanding 礙解

obstructions to cognition 所知礙

obstructive defilements 障垢

obtain [re-]birth 得生

obtain , , 爲有, 獲至, 獲致, 獲逮, 逮得獲, 逮獲

obtain a hearing 獲聞

obtain a prediction [for future buddhahood] 獲得授記

obtain an encounter with a buddha 得值遇佛

obtain benefit[s] 得益

obtain Buddhist cultural articles 請來

obtain by connection 接得

obtain sovereignty (unimpededness) 獲得自在

obtain the dhāraṇī 得陀羅尼

obtain the marrow 得髓

obtain the pure dharma-eye 得法眼淨

obtainable 可得

obtainable or not 得不

obtained 所執, 所獲得, 隨得

obtained by all saints 正法藏

obtained cause 得因

obtaining 有所得

obtains omnipotence (sovereignty) 得自在

obvious meaning 顯了義

occasion 便

occasional assemblies 時衆

occasionally 一時間

occult abilities 隱術

occult incantations 祕密咒

occupation 業處

occupation of artisan 工巧業

occupations based on worldly mechanical skills 世間工巧業

occupations including the practical arts 工巧業處


occupies [a, the] seat 在座

occurrence of discriminations 分別現行

occurrences of affliction 煩惱事

occurrences of own-nature 自性事

occurring 現行

occurring immediately (?) 現來

ocean 三慕達羅, 三母捺羅娑誐羅, 大海, 娑竭羅, , 海水

ocean assembly 海衆

ocean hard to cross 難度海

ocean of accumulated merits 福聚海

ocean of affliction 煩惱海

ocean of consciousness 識海

ocean of desire 愛欲海, 愛海, 欲海

ocean of faith 信海

ocean of kalpas 劫海

ocean of karma 業海

ocean of kindness 恩海

ocean of liberation 解脫海

ocean of mortality 死海, 生死海

ocean of original (true) nature 性海

ocean of pure enlightenment 淸淨覺海

ocean of suffering 苦海

ocean of the dharma-nature 法性海

ocean of the Tathāgata's wisdom 如來智慧海

ocean of the thusness of the dharma-nature 法性眞如海

ocean of the wheel of suffering 苦輪海

ocean of thusness 眞如海

ocean of virtue 德海

ocean of wisdom 智慧海

ocean seal samādhi 海印三昧

ocean-assembly 海會

ocean-like mind of great faith 大信心海

ocean-seal 海印

ocean-supporting wheel gem(s) 持海輪寶

ocean-tide voice 海潮音


odor 伽羅尼, 香境

odor and taste 香味

odor, taste, and tactile objects 香味觸

odors 香臭


of dependent nature 性緣

of help/benefit to oneself 利自

of how many kinds? 有幾, 有幾種

of its own accord; innately 任自

of little virtue 薄德

of many kinds 多種

of old

of such a form or kind 如是如實

of the nature of cognition 智所攝

of this 斯之, 是之

of what kind? 相云何

offences of the precepts related to sexual contact with women 女犯

offend 侵毀, 怨害, 違毀

offender 損者, 犯者

offending 破者

offenses requiring expiation 單墮

offenses which are to be confessed 波羅提提舍尼

offenses which require expiation and forfeiture 捨墮

offensive and pleasing 逆順

offer [expedient] explanations according to the understanding of others 隨他意語

offer , 供上, , , 授與, 貢上, 進上

offer a prayer for the longevity and good health of the king or emperor 祝聖

offer an argument 言論

offer and fill up (the shortage) 供足

offer both together 雙擧

offer flowers 行華

offer for charity 持用布施

offer incense 行香

offer one's life 投身

offer tea 奠茶

offer to Buddha 供佛

offer up 上供, , ,

offer up one's body as a sacrifice 爐身

offer up one's life in all the ten directions 歸命盡十方


offered goods 捧物

offered meal 供饍

offered song 施頌, 特欹拏伽陀

offering [to Buddha] 摩旨

offering 給施

offering box 福田函

offering clothing to others 施他衣服

offering food to the temple 齋會

offering of [good] conduct 行供養

offering of a meal to the Buddha 佛飯

offering of boiled water 奠湯

offering of desire 與欲

offering of incense 獻香

offering of opening the eye 開眼供養

offering of placing earth on the grave 土砂供養

offering of reverence 恭敬施

offering of reverence and worship 恭敬供養

offering of tea 點茶

offering of tea or boiled water 點茶湯

offering of the three karmic activities 三業相應

offering through verbal action 口業供養

offering to spirits at the river 川施餓鬼

offering to the humane king 仁王供

offering with three activities 三業供養

offerings 供具, 供物

offerings and faith 檀信

offerings at a monastery 暖寮

offerings between 9-11 am 巳時供養, 巳時摩旨

offerings bowl 生盤

offerings for the gods 神供

offerings of flowers and incense 香華供養

offerings of food 餉供

offerings of food to the three treasures 齋筵

offerings of goods 財供養

offerings of mandarāva flowers 曼供

offerings of the dharma 法供養

offerings of the five families 五家所共

offerings received from pilgrims and visitors 香錢

offerings table 生臺

offerings to Buddha after the summer retreat 臘佛

offerings to relics 生身供

offerings to the living 生飯

offerings to the Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra

offerings to the spirits 靈供

offerings to those still in bondage 在纏供養

offerings to those who have escaped from the toils, e.g. buddhas 出纏供養

offerings to Varuṇa 水天供, 水天法

offers 能施, 能與

office building

office head 官長

office of hell 冥府

office of the dark realms 幽冥府

office of the director of duties 紀綱寮

officer 知事

officer of the hells of the five destinies 五道冥官

officers 官屬

official name of a monk in charge of cleaning 甲幹

official process of expulsion 滅羯磨

officially, a needle cannot fit 官不容針

officially, a needle cannot fit, but privately a cart and horse can get through 官不容針私通車馬

officials (or subordinates) of Māra 魔官

officials of hell 冥官

often (mostly) do not... 多不

often 數數


oil , 膏油

oil and light 膏明

oil and wick 膏炷

oil butter 油蘇

oil of butter

oil rubbed on the feet 塗足油

oily 如膏,

old (veteran) monk 老長

old 久故, ,

old age 衰老, 蹎蹶

old age and death 老死

old age and sickness 老病

old and new methods of healing 新舊醫

old and new standards for the translation of Indic scriptures into Chinese 舊譯新譯

old and rotten 朽故

old awl 老古錐

old graves 古墳

old house 故宅

Old Hun 老胡

old lady

old language 舊言

old master 老師, 老禪師

old monk 老僧, 老衲

old person 老人

old pestle 老橊槌

old standard 舊譯

old suffering 故苦

old times 曩時, 曩者

old treatise 古論, 舊論

old woman , 老婆

old writings 舊經

old; old man

older perfect doctrine 昔圓

olfactory consciousness 鼻識

olfactory faculty 鼻根

oṃ maṇi padme hūm 唵麼抳鉢訥銘吽

omen 奇瑞

omission 通釋

omnipotent 平等力, 無所不能

omnipresent 徧一切處, 遍在, 遍現, 遍行

omnipresent causes 徧行因

omnipresent mental functions 遍行心所

omnipresent response 應用

omnipresent response to need 應用無邊

omniscience 一切敏, 一切智, 一切智慧, 一切智智, 一切智相, 徧智, 普知, 智智, 正徧智, 正徧知, 種智

omniscient mind 一切相智

omniscient one 一切智者

on duty 當直

on the mountain and off the mountain 山家山外

on the spot (?) 一座上

on the spot 座上, 於一座上

on the water 水上

on what basis 何由

onanism 故出精

once (something should happen...) 一旦

once [it] has already arisen [occurred, happened] 旣得生已

once 適曾

once again 二往, 再往

once at great intervals of time 時時

once one dies 死已

once one has spoken 言下

once the fish is caught, forget about the trap 得魚忘筌

once there is movement there is suffering 動則有苦

once you have... 汝旣

once you know that you are already enlightened yourself 旣自覺知已

once you know this... 如是知已

once you know... 知已

once-returner 一來, 息忌伽彌, 息忌陀伽迷, 頻來果

one [act of] goodness 一善

one [who, which]


one after another 轉次

one after the other 次第而

one age 一代

one and only 其一

one and sole Vehicle and Path 一乘道

one and the same 等一

one and the same enlightenment 同一覺

one another 互相, 彼此, 更互

one appearance 一貌

one approach includes all approaches 一門普門

one aspect 一相

one aspect of the sequence 一門次第

one being recognized mean then all is of the mean 一中一切中

one billion worlds 三千大千世界

one breath at half a step 一息半步

one buddha 一佛

one buddha land 一佛土

one Buddha or many buddhas 一佛多佛

one Buddha's Pure Land 一佛淨土

one burning of incense 一炷

one butt 一觸

one by one 一一

one character and one taste 一相一味

one circle 一圓

one complete true [teaching] 一圓實

one consciousness 一識

one contemplation 一觀

one corner 一隅

one day [transcribing of] a sūtra 一日經

one demon a myriad arrows 一魔萬箭

one dhāraṇī 一明

one does exactly what one says one will do 如自所言卽如是作

one does not accurately understand that... 不如實知

one does not hang things on an inch of thread 寸絲不掛

one drop 一渧

one essence for three treasures 一體三寶

one existence 一有

one flower 一華

one four phrase [verse] 一四句

one four-line verse 一四句頌

one great house 一大宅

one great tripiṭaka 一大藏教

one great vehicle 一大車

one hair in each pore of the body 身毛孔一一毛生, 身諸毛孔一一毛生相

one hand 一手

one heap (mass, group, pile, etc.) 一聚

one heap 一積

one hundred [proper] modes of behavior [for monks and nuns] 百衆學

one hundred [proper] modes of behavior for monks and nuns 百衆學戒

one hundred and eight 百八

one hundred and eight beads 百八珠

one hundred and one implements 百一衆具

one hundred and one kinds of suffering 百一十苦

one hundred and ten (110) 百一十

one hundred and twenty-eight kinds of afflictions 百二十八煩惱

one hundred come, one hundred live 百卽百生

one hundred dharmas 百法

one hundred eight kinds of samādhi 百八三昧

one hundred elements (dharmas) 唯識百法

one hundred eons 百劫

one hundred flavors 百味

one hundred forty distinctive characteristics of a Buddha 百四十種不共佛法

one hundred forty distinctive characteristics of a tathāgata 百四十不共佛法

one hundred kinds of behavior 百衆學法

one hundred lecture sites 百座道場

one hundred negations 百非

one hundred seats 百座

one hundred thousand 十萬, 百千

one hundred thousand eons 百千劫

one hundred thousand in number 百千數

one hundred thousand rays of light 百千光明

one hundred twenty-eight fundamental afflictions 百二十八根本煩惱

one hundred years 百歲

one hundred yojanas 百由旬

one instance of good fortune 一慶

one interruption 一間, 翳迦鼻至迦

one is (or includes) three 一卽三

one is all 一卽一切

one is all and all is one 一卽一切一切卽一

one is many 一卽多

one is many, the many are one 一卽多多卽一

one is ten 一卽十

one kalpa 一劫

one leaf Avalokitêśvara 一葉觀音

one life 一世, 一命

One Life Bodhisattva 一生大士

one life's teachings 一化

one lotus 一蓮

one lotus bearing all the living 一蓮托生, 一蓮託生

one manifestation 一轉

one man's untruth is propagated by a myriad men as truth 一人作虛萬人傳實

one mark implies no marks 一相無相

one mass 一團

one meal a day 一食

one meal per day 日中一食

one meeting 一會

one middle way 一中

one mind 一心

one mind and three aspects of knowledge 一心三智

one moon and three boats 一月三舟

one moon, three bodies 一月三身

one mouth[ful] 一口

one night (stopover, lodging) 一宿

one night 一夜

one of the four gates to a cemetery 菩提門

one of the seven wives (?) 玉耶

one or two 一二

one out of a hundred 百一

one part 一端

one penny 一錢

one period 一期

one phenomenon 一法

one phrase of the teaching 一句法

one pillar gate 一柱門

one pointed concentration 一三昧

one practice for the talented, seven for the middling, ten for the inferior 上根一法中根七法下根十法

one practice includes all practices 一行一切行

one principle 一理

one prostration to a footstool 觸禮一拜

one puff 一吹

one question to check 一拶

one real truth 一實諦

one reality 一眞

one realm 一境, 一界

one recollection (or recitation) of the [Buddha's] name 一念稱名

one round 一匝

one school 一宗, 一家

one scroll 一卷

one seed-nature or another 性位

one set 一雙

one side 一方

one sided view of reality 偏眞

one sound 一音

one summer retreat 一夏

one taste Chan 一味禪

one teaching 一教

one thing 一物, 一義

one thought not arising 一念不生

one thought-moment 一心刹那

one thought-moment of correct enlightenment 正覺一念

one thousand kalpas 千劫

one time 一時

one topknot Mañjuśrī 一髻文殊

one topknot rakṣa-king bodhisattva 一髻羅刹王菩薩

one touch with its horn 牛角一觸

one true mark 一實相

one true realm 一實境界

one true realm of reality 一眞法界

one true unconditioned 一眞無爲

one type 一種, 一類

one type of perceptual referent 一類緣境

one ultimate 一極

one unobstructed path 一無礙道

one untrained 不能正解

one vehicle 一乘

one vehicle ocean 一乘海

one vehicle of the fine dharma 妙法一乘

one vehicle teaching 一乘教

one wave following another (what is this?) 隨波逐浪

one way 一道

one who accords with righteousness 隨順義人

one who acts as a mentor 至導者

one who asserts eternalism 執著常論

one who attains final nirvāṇa when being reborn in the form realm 生般涅槃

one who attains liberation in between 中般涅槃

one who attains liberation without effort 無行般涅槃

one who bestows fearlessness 施無畏者

one who deserves offerings 應供

one who dwells in a husk 殼居者

one who engages in the same pure practices 同梵行

one who expects 求者

one who gives rise to confidence (in the Buddhist teachings) 起信解者

one who goes from clan to clan 家家

one who guides 能導者

one who harms 有怨

one who has a tranquil mind 寂志

one who has become a youth 童眞

one who has clearly cognized the [four noble] truths 見諦者

one who has crossed over to the other shore 度者

one who has entered upon the course of the (Buddha-)Path 道迹

one who has fully attained the stage of the stream-enterer 預流果

one who has fully consummated the stage of the once-returner 一來果

one who has just begun the activity of religious cultivation 始業

one who has knowledge of the minds of others 有他心智者

one who has not [yet] perceived the [four noble] truth[s] 未見諦者

one who has scabies (or leprosy) 疾癩

one who has scabies 自賴

one who has seen the truth(s) 已見諦者

one who has the dharma of parinirvāṇa 般涅槃法者

one who has the infinite clear eye 無極明目

one who has transcendental ability of great sages 大聖通

one who has understood 已解了者

one who indulges in objects of desire 受欲塵者

one who inspires 能開悟者

one who is benevolent towards the world 世仁

one who is capable of sudden awakening 頓機

one who is content with lesser vehicle teachings 樂小法者

one who is entering onto the stage of the once-returner 一來向

one who is free from desire 已離欲人, 已離欲者

one who is grateful 知報

one who is headed toward the light 趣明白者

one who is perfect in knowledge and conduct 明行成

one who is the origin of the world 世原

one who lacks the expedient means for seeking the path (?) 無求道方便

one who leads 勝導者

one who maintains the retraints 安住律儀

one who possesses great wisdom and virtue 大智德

one who possesses the expedient means for seeking the path 有求道方便

one who practices (the Buddhist teachings) self-composedly 由己行者

one who raises 使起者

one who receives and memorizes [the sūtras] 受持者

one who reflects on subtle objects 能思微義

one who stays at home 家居

one who studies and retains (the scripture) in his mind 學持者

one who takes pity on the world 世愍哀

one who teaches 教主

one who wants to stay alive 求有者

one word 一字, 一言, 一語

one yojana 一由旬

one-colored robe 平袈裟

one-day Buddha 一日佛

one-eyed person 眇目

one-eyed tortoise 一眼之龜

one-finger Chan 一指頭禪

one-foot diameter flat jeweled ornament. 尺璧

one-foot pole (straight stick) 尺木

one-letter golden wheel 一字金輪

one-nature schools 一性宗

oneness 一如

oneness of persons 人一

oneness of practice 行一

oneness of reality 理一

oneness of teaching 教一

one-part school 一分家

one-pointed concentration without scattering 一心不亂

one-pointed mind/thought 專一趣心

one-pointed recollection 一境念

one-pointedness of the mind 心一境性

one-practice absorption 一行三昧

one's [its, their] own seeds 自種子

one's basic religious capacity 根機

one's being at the beginning, middle, and end 自體初中後位

one's body and others' bodies 自他身

one's dependants 其眷屬

one's essential nature 己性

one's fate (karma) in this lifetime as determined by the effects of the activities in previous lifetimes 定命

one's father who is a king 父王

one's favorite things 愛物

one's fellow practitioners, who practices the same Brahma-conduct or chastity 同梵行者

one's group, companions, peers

one's heart's joy 意車

one's long-cherished desire 本望

one's long-cherished wish 本志

one's mind is busy with one's worldly occupation 心營世務

one's momentum [energy] naturally acts 勢力自在而轉

one's neighboring monks 隣單

one's original intent 素懷

one's original land 本國, 本土

one's original thesis 本宗

one's own [original] territory 本土田

one's own [personal] cognition 自內智

one's own 自家

one's own afflictions 自煩惱

one's own assent 自許

one's own assets 自家財

one's own attached views 自見取

one's own bodily flesh 自身肉

one's own body 自己身

one's own body is Buddha 自身自佛

one's own child(ren) 己子

one's own crime(s) 自罪

one's own enjoyment 自樂, 自用

one's own family 自親屬

one's own house 己舍宅

one's own karma 自業

one's own liberation 自解脫

one's own mind 己心, 自心

one's own name 我名

one's own negative example 自異品

one's own objective supports 自境緣

one's own objects 自事義

one's own position, thesis 自宗

one's own purpose [benefit, sake] 自事

one's own seed 自種

one's own tenets 自教

one's own theory 自論

one's own thesis 自悉彈多

one's own type 自種性

one's own understanding 自解

one's own virtue 己德

one's own wife 自妻

one's own words 自語

one's self 親自

one's spiritual abilities and one's access to the dharma are not two 機法不二

one's type of birth 如是生

one's wealth 財物

one's whole mind 擧心

one's youth 少時

oneself 己身, 自己, 自親

one-sided middle 但中

one-sided preference for philosophical negation 起損減執

one-sided rejection of saṃsāra and pursuit of nirvāṇa 生死涅槃一向背趣

one-vehicle adherent 一乘人

one-voice teaching 一音教

one-word barrier 一字關

one-word Chan 一字禪

only , 但唯, 但是, , 唯但, , 如一,

only able to abide temporarily 暫時得住

only after... 而後

only associated with enlightenment 唯證相應

only conditions [not causes] 唯緣

only consciousness and no [external] objects 唯識無境

only consciousness exists 唯有識

only discriminated 唯分別

only emptiness 頑空

only empty 但空

only except for... 唯除

only expresses 獨顯

only form 唯色

only formless 唯無色性

only has 但有

only objects, no consciousness 唯境無識

only one 唯一

only one abode 唯一住

only one great matter 唯一大事

only pure 一向淨

only removes afflictions 唯除煩惱

only says... 但言

only seeing... 唯見

only sitting and not lying down 但坐不臥

only suffering 一向苦

only the meaning of the word (?) 少句義

only the tathāgatas are able to understand 唯如來能知

only this (?) 唯有爾所

only this one mind 但是一心

only true 唯眞

only unwholesome 唯不善


open , 開通, ,

open and clear 廓然

open and illumine 開曉

open and make clear 開闡

open and spread 闡弘

open hand

open path 通行

open space 閑曠

open the hall 開堂

open-handed 常舒手

opening and sealing 開合

opening chant of the sūtra 開經偈

opening statement 啓白, 開啓

opening sūtra 開經

opening the eye 開光, 開明, 開眼, 開眼光

opening the glint of the eye 開光明

opening the near and revealing the distant 開近顯遠

opening the nectar-gate 開甘露門

opening the provisional to disclose the real 開權示實

opening up with the provisional approach 開方便門

opening with the provisional 開權

openly denigrate 顯顯呵擯

open-minded and warm-hearted 弘懿

opens the gate 開門

operate in mental states of all three [karmic moral] qualities 通三性心

operation of causation 因業

operation of knowing 能識

operative cause of [re-]birth [into the Pure Land] 作生因

opinion 見解

opponent [in a debate] 敵論者

opponent 他論

opponent of the noble teaching 聖教怨敵

opportune and suitable 機宜

opportune words 機語

opportunism in obtaining a living 方口食

opportunity 容有, 緣便

oppose 反逆

oppose defiled behavior 反染

oppose each other 敵對

oppose, compete

opposed 所對

opposing 不順, 相違

Opposing Mountain 案山

opposing the rules and methods 不順法度

opposite 對反,

oppositely-impeding hindrances 相違障

opposition 上煩, 乖反, 恚惱, 相違背

opposition and affirmation 敵證

oppress ,

oppressor 害者

optional garments 聽衣

oral activity 口業

oral reading of the scriptures 讀誦

oral teaching 言教

oral transmission 口授, 口決, 口訣

oral transmission of the buddhadharma 口傳

orchid and chrysanthemum 蘭菊

orchid fragrance 蘭香

order 教命, 次第, 次緖, 規律, 階降

order and doctrinal quality 部教

order for seats at the table for Chan monks 鉢位

order of discovery 逆觀

ordered 所統

ordinarily 平生

ordinary (unenlightened) person 凡夫人

ordinary [unenlightened] sentient beings 凡夫衆生

ordinary 世俗, 家常, 尋常, 平常, 日常, 日用, 有等

ordinary appearance 俗形

ordinary consciousness 凡識

ordinary ears 常耳

ordinary eye 常眼

ordinary human love springing from desire 欲愛

ordinary intentions 素意

ordinary language 邇言

ordinary man and sage 凡聖

ordinary merit 凡福

ordinary mind 凡夫心, 凡心, 平常心

ordinary mind is the way 平常心是道

ordinary monk 凡僧

ordinary people 諸異生

ordinary person 凡人, 異生

ordinary practices 凡習

ordinary principles 常途

ordinary sentient beings 凡異生

ordinary suffering 世俗苦, 苦苦

ordinary suffering in the evil destinies 惡趣苦苦

ordinary teacher 凡師

ordinary thought 凡慮

ordinary type 凡種

ordinary unenlightened people 凡小

ordinary unenlightened person 凡夫異生

ordination 作法得, 作羯磨得, 授戒, 進具

ordination ceremony 受戒儀式

ordination licensing 度牒, 度牒制

ordination name 戒名, 法號

ordination platform 戒壇


organ and object 根境

organs and their powers 根力

orient one's attention to impurity 作意思惟不淨

orient one's thoughts on loving kindness 作意思惟慈相

oriented toward śrāvaka practices 求聲聞

origin , 根源, 由緣

origin of the teaching 化源

origin of the way 道元

original , 性自, 本來

original abode 本住

original and traces 本迹

original attachment 本執

original body 本地身, 本身

original buddha 天眞佛, 本佛

original Buddhahood 本來成佛

original Buddhahood is the only illumination 天眞獨朗

original cause 元因, 原因

original condition of purity 淸淨本然

original consciousness 天識

original data source 本據

original dharma-wheel 根本法輪

original enlightenment 本覺

original essence 性種, 性緖, 本際

original essence of all being 法性

original face 本來面目, 本地風光

original intention (of the Buddha) 本意

original intention 本懷

original life star 本命星

original location 本處

original luminosity 元明, 本明

original manuscript 底本

original mind 元心, 本來本心

original nature 本性

original nature of sentient beings 衆生本性

original nature of the dharma realm 法界性

original plan(?) 本計

original purity 自性淸淨

original reality 本際

original realm 本境界

original seed-nature 性種子

original share 本分

original share master 本分宗師

original share person 本分人

original star 元神星, 元辰星

original state 本地

original state or condition 自分

original teacher 本師

original teaching 本教

original time 本時

original vow 本誓

original vow arising from great compassion 大悲本願

original wisdom 本智

originally 先來, 本自

originally eliminated 本來斷

originally enlightened mind that is tending toward defilement 隨染本覺

originally established 本立

originally existent 本有

originally existent and produced by cultivation 本有修生

originally existent, but now comes into being 本無而今得生

originally great manifesting itself as something lesser 本高迹下

originally inexistent 本來無

originally inexistent, now exists 本無今有

originally non-existent 本無

originally not a single thing 本來無一物

originally possessed by all people 人人本具

originally pure 本來淸淨

originally quiescent 本來寂靜, 本寂

originally so 本來法爾

originally unarisen 本來無生

originally unborn essential nature 本來無生法性

originally venerated one 本門本尊

originary Buddhism 根本佛教

origination of suffering 苦集

Orion and Mercury 參辰

ornament 嚴具, 校飾, 莊嚴具

ornament of pearls 珠瓔

ornamentation 金寶

ornamented implements 莊嚴之具

ornamented short boot 富維跋陀羅, 富羅, 布羅, 福羅, 腹羅

orphan 孤獨

orphaned 孤露

orthodox scripture 正經

ossuary 納骨堂, 骨堂

other , , 諸餘, 餘異

other beings 他有情

other counties 他國

other days 他日, 餘日

other dharmas 餘法

other doctrines 他義

other ground 餘地

other lands 他方

other masters 餘師

other matters 他事

other minds 餘心

other object [s] 他境

other objects 餘境

other person(s) 餘人

other persons 他身

other power approach 他力門

other power teaching 他力宗, 他力教

other powers 餘力

other practices 餘行

other referents 異緣

other schools 餘宗

other scriptures 餘經

other shore 到岸, 彼岸

other sources 別依

other teachings 他說, 他說法

other vehicle 異乘

other vehicles 餘乘

other world 他界

other worlds 餘世

other-dependent 依他

other-dependent in nature 依他性

other-dependent nature 依他自性

other-dependent view of self 緣他依止我見

other-power 他力

others 他者, 自餘

others of such type 所餘等

otherwise 不爾者, 他所

our child(ren) 吾子

our imperial court 國朝

out of confusion, born into the Pure Land 狂亂往生

out of order 紛紜

outcast 旃陀利

outcaste 賤人

outcome of one's own karma 自業自得

outer box of a coffin

outer hall 外堂

outer ocean 外海

outer robe 上著衣, 鬱多羅僧伽, 鬱多羅僧衣

outer wisdom 外智

outer wordlings and inner worldlings 外凡內凡

outline 略示, 要略

outline of a doctrine, text, etc. 綱要

outline verse 嗢拖南

outline verse says... 嗢拖南曰

outlined like this 如是略說

outshining the sun and moon 日月戢重暉

outside 在外,

outside of the mind 心外

outside of the mind there is noo Buddha 心外無佛

outside of the secular 塵表

outside the cave 窟外

outside the gate 門外

outside the realms 界外

outside worldling 外凡

outstanding (lit. fierce) wisdom 猛慧

outstanding 出隊, 爲殊勝

outstanding in terms of longevity and so forth 壽等殊勝

outstanding intelligence 忍俊

outstanding person 勝人

outward perception of the receptacle world whose aspects are not clearly delineated 了別外無分別器相

overall ,

overcome (negative) habituation 侵習

overcome 剋捷, ,

overcome by 所能映奪

overcome by others 爲他所勝

overcome by specific sin 他勝罪

overcome demons 破魔

overcome extreme difficulty 極難勝

overcoming doubt 度疑

overflow 流溢


overflowing 彌滿, , , 瀾漫, 盈溢

overnight 一朝

overpower 勝伏, 摧伏

overpowering 能映奪

overpowering concentration 勝三摩地

overpowering thought 勝意


overturning cognition that follows from non-discriminating cognition 隨無分別智轉智

overturning cognition that follows from the three cognitions. 隨三智轉智

overturning cognition that follows the cognitions of those who are self-masters 隨自在者智轉智

overturning condition that follows from observation and investigation 隨觀察者轉智

overturning delusion is none other than the real 翻妄卽眞

overturns one's own thesis 失本宗

overturns the proposition 倒立

overweening pride 甚慢

overweening pride as an object (of contemplation) 增上慢境

overwhelmed 所映奪

oviparous 卵生

owing to 因從, 因由

owl ,

owls 鵄梟

own affair or cause 自義利

own discrimination 自分別

own effect 自果

own power of discrimination 自分別力

own state 己法

own type of seed 自類種子

own-nature 自性

own-nature of enlightenment 菩提自性

own-nature of expressions 言說自性

own-nature of kind words 愛語自性

own-nature of the objective world that is discriminated 分別所執境界自性

own-nature of what is formulated by non-discriminating cognition 無分別智所行自性

own-natures of all phenomena 諸法自性

ox ,

ox cart 牛車

ox head 牛頭

ox horns 牛角

ox out in the open 露牛

ox turning the millstone 磨牛

oxcart 牛車

ox-head penalty 阿傍, 阿防

ox-head sandalwood 牛檀栴檀, 牛檀香, 牛頭栴檀

ox-head torturers (?) 不群

oxherd 牧牛

ox-herding pictures 牧牛圖

ox-hide 牛皮

ox-taming practices 牧牛行

ox-tracks 牛跡

pacify the land 安土地

padded cushion 坐蒲, 蒲團

pagoda 柱塔

pagoda of dharma body relics 法身舍利塔

pagoda over a hair of Buddha's head 髮塔

pagoda with shrines 龕塔

pagoda with the Buddha's relics 生身舍利塔

pagodas 塔廟

pain 惱患, , , 苦毒, 苦痛

pain and pleasure 苦樂

pain and suffering 痛苦

pain caused by being beaten with a staff 杖痛

painful 爲苦, 酷苦

painful and slow attainment 苦遲通行

painful and slow spiritual powers 苦遲通

painful contact 苦觸

painful feeling 苦受

painful karma 苦業

painful retribution 苦果

painting of a rock 畫石

painting of the protective deities 神衆幀, 神衆幀畵

pair ,

paired bands 鴛班

palace , 殿, 殿堂

palace chamber 宮室

palace eunuch 犍黃門

palace for doubters outside Amitâbha's heaven 疑域胎宮

palace of Brahmā 梵王宮

palace of Mahêśvara 大自在宮

palace of the dharma realm 法界宮

palace of the luminous mind 光明心殿

palace of the seventh (heaven) 第七宮

palace of the wonderful Law 妙法宮

palace of Victory 勝殿

palace temples 內寺

palace-born 宮生

palace-womb 宮胎

palanquin 輿

Pali 巴利

Pali language 巴利語


palm [leaf / tree] 多羅


palm leaves 紙葉

palm of the hand 手掌

palm tree 多羅樹, 高竦樹

palm-leaf scriptures 梵夾, 梵挾, 梵筴, 梵篋, 經夾

palms of his hands and feet are smooth and tender 手足細軟相

pan ,

panacea 阿伽陀藥

Panchen Lama 班禪喇嘛

panic seed

paper [bedding] 紙被


paper clothing 紙衣

paper flowers 紙華, 素華

paper money 寓錢, 擬錢, 紙錢, 陰錢

parable 譬喩

parable of the burning house 火宅喩

parable of the conjured city 化城喩

parable of the excellent physician and his sick children 醫子喩

parable of the gem in the robe 衣珠喩

parable of the poisoned arrow 毒箭喩

parable of the priceless gem in the topknot 髻珠喩

parable of the three carts 三車喩

parable of the three kinds of medicinal herbs 藥草喩

parable of the wealthy man and the prodigal son 窮子喩

parables 阿波陀那

paradigm 軌範

paradise 安樂世界, 安樂國, 安養, 樂土, 樂邦

Paradise Constellation King Samadhi 樂宿王三昧

paradise hall 極樂殿

paradise of cessation of rebirth 定生喜樂地

parameter 簡言

paramount 第一最

paramount existence in the realm of form 色究竟處

paramount sage 無上聖賢


parents 二親

parishioner 檀家

park 烏仗那, 烏杖那

park of the sages 仙人鹿園, 仙苑

parrot 戌迦, , 鸚鵡

parsimony , 慳惜

part 支分, , 隔別

part 部分

part by part 類分

part coarse, part subtle 一塵一妙

part of the path to enlightenment that is based on merit 福分

partake 豫及

partial (one-sided, incomplete) truth 偏眞理

partial 一分, 少分

partial and complete [Buddhist teachings] 半滿

partial and complete 偏圓

partial and inferior 偏小

partial and lesser discrimination 偏小情

partial and perfect teachings 方圓

partial blindness 翳障

partial bodhisattva 一分菩薩

partial eunuchs 博叉半擇迦, 博叉般荼迦

partial realization 分證

partial similarity 少分相似

partial teaching 偏教

partial teaching of the one vehicle 一乘分教

partial teachings and complete teachings 半滿教

partiality 偏黨

partiality to a particular person with the hope of receiving a donation 家擯謗違僧諫

partially applicable metaphor 分喩

partially blind

partially eliminated and quelled 分斷伏

participation in affairs 等利

particle 一個半個, 一塵, 極微

particle of dust 一微塵

particle of dust on a hare's down 一兎毛塵

particles of form 色微

particular doctrinal approach 義門

particular forms of karma 定業

particular thing 一事境

particular wisdom 比智

particularized 所別

particularizing karma 別報業, 滿果, 滿業, 生業

partisanship 宗性, 朋翼

partridge 迦頻闍羅, , 鷓鴣

parts of the body 身分

party 枝黨


pass away 背喪

pass away and die 過往遷謝

pass away from this world 逝世

pass away while sitting in meditation 坐亡, 坐化

pass directly 直過

pass from hand to hand 轉轉

pass over , , 逾越

pass the summer 過夏

pass through (the Way) smoothly 通塞

pass through ,

pass through an eon 歷劫

pass through the world 度世

passage 經歷

passed away 已謝, 過往

passed down 相嗣

passing away while in meditation 坐脫入亡

passing away while sitting in meditation 坐亡入脫, 坐脫

passing circumstances and the objects of the senses 歷緣對境

passing of time without interruption 時量無間

passing of time, with no break or interruption 時量無閒

passing through a long period of time 經久時

passing through eons of religious cultivation 歷劫修行

passing through much time 經多時

passing through numerous eons 經劫數

passing through three great incalculable eons 經三無數大劫

passion 欲情, 等染

past 乃往, 爲過, 超越, 過去

past activities 過去業, 過去行

past and future 過去未來

past and future do not have real existence 過未無體

past and future phenomena 去來法

past and present 古今

past deeds 本行

past karma 宿業

past life image 本生圖

past mind is unobtainable 過去心不可得

past the time limit 過期

past time 前際, 過去世

past vows 本願

past, future, and present 去來現在, 曾當現, 過去未來現在

past, future, and present time 曾當現時

past, future, present 去來今

past, present and future 過現未

past, present, future 已今當

paste stūpa 泥塔

pastry 漫荼迦


patched-robe monk 衲僧

patch-robe 條衣, 田相衣, 田衣

patch-robe monk or nun 衲子

patchwork 波利迦羅

patchwork garment , 納衣

pate 頂上

paternal city 父城

path 末伽, , 行迹

path aimed for extinction 一向趣寂

path and cessation 道滅

path and its realization 道果

path as referent 緣道

path conducive to liberation 出離道

path leading to the destruction (of all suffering) 盡道

path of [meditative] cultivation 修道

Path of a perfectly enlightened one (i.e. a buddha) 正覺道

path of accumulation 資糧道

path of affliction 煩惱道

Path of an arhat 羅漢道

path of annihilation [of suffering] 寂滅道

path of application 勤加行道

path of applied practices 加行道

path of belief and practice 信行道

path of bodhisattva training 菩薩學道

path of completed karma 圓滿業道

path of conceptualization 思議路

path of contemplation 觀道

path of difficult practice 難行道

path of direct cutting 徑截門

path of elimination [of illusion] 斷道

path of endeavor 勤道

path of equality of the karmic agents 三摩耶道

path of expedient means 方便道

path of freedom from desire 離欲之道

path of holiness 聖道門

path of insight 見道

path of insight and path of cultivation 見道修道

path of instantaneous liberation 無間解脫道

path of karma 業道

path of language 言語道

path of liberation 解脫道

path of meditation 禪法

path of nirvāṇa 涅槃路

path of no more applied practice 無學道

path of overcoming of afflictions 治道

path of purity 梵道

path of reversing the flow 逆流道

path of seeing 見道

path of seeing the truth 見諦道

path of suffering 苦道

path of superb advancement 勝進道

path of the four noble truths 四眞道

path of the gods 天道

path of the living 生途

path of the Nirgrantha 尼犍道

path of the non-returner 阿那含道

path of the three vehicles 三乘道

path of training 學道

path of unconditioned nirvāṇa 無爲泥洹之道

path of unwholesome activity 不善業道

path of virtuous behavior for a woman 婦道

path of words 言道

path of words doesn't reach it 意路不到

path that is practiced 所行之道, 所行道

path that lies beyond verbal explanations 無言說道

path through the wilderness 曠野嶮道

path to nirvāṇa 涅槃道

path to the cessation of suffering 苦滅道

paths of seeing and cultivation 見修道

patience [based on the non-arising of] dharmas 法忍

patience 安忍, 忍攝, 忍辱

patience and wisdom 忍智

patience as armor 忍辱鎧, 忍鎧

patience based on the realization of the non-arising of phenomena 不起法忍, 無起法忍

patience developed from the thorough scrutiny of phenomena 觀察法忍

patience in regard to the varieties of suffering 苦類忍

patience of cessation 寂滅忍

patience of enlightenment 悟忍

patience of joy 喜忍

patience of not retaliating against someone who harms you 耐他怨害忍

patience that endures enmity and injury 耐怨害忍

patience through the understanding of emptiness 空忍

patience towards all sentient beings under all circumstances 衆生忍

patience under suffering 安受苦忍

patient acceptance based on awareness of the non-arising of phenomena 無生忍, 無生法忍

patient cultivation of goodness 忍善

patient like water 忍水

patient prince 忍辱太子

patiently and willingly enduring sufferings 安受衆苦忍

patiently harmonizing 忍調

patiently put up with difficult questions 堪忍問難

patriarch , 祖師

patriarch who founds a sect or school 鼻祖

patriarchal intention 祖意

patriarchal teaching 祖宗

patriarch's hall 祖師堂

patrol ,

patrol the hall 巡堂

patron 檀越

patron of a monastery 寺主


pattern after

patterns traced by birds in the empty sky 鳥跡空文

pavilion 堂殿,


pavilion of the mind 心亭

pay a visit 造詣

pay attention 看方便

pay close attention 至心

pay homage to 頂禮

pay one's dues

pay respect 致敬

pay respects to 瞻奉

paying attention to the ugly (impure) 不淨作意

paying homage to the king 向國王禮拜

pays accurate attention to 能正觀察

peace 安泰

peace and comfort 安穩

peace and stability (in the world) 淸寧

peace of mind 安樂

peace of the unconditioned 無爲之安

peaceful and refined 平雅

peaceful dwelling 安居

peaceful in mind and body 安樂色心

peacock 孔雀, 摩廋囉, 摩由羅, 摩裕羅


peak meditation 頂禪

peak of existence 有頂處, 第一有

peak of Mt. Sumeru 須彌山頂

peak of the great wheel-turning buddhas 大轉輪佛頂

peak result buddha 果頭佛

peak samādhi 頂三昧

Peak that Flew Here 飛來峰


pearl [at the bottom of] the ocean 海珠

pearl , 眞珠

pearl fastened in a man's garment 繫珠

pearl flowers 眞珠華

pearl in the garment 衣寶, 衣珠

pearl of faith 信珠

pearl of the single vehicle 一乘之珠

pearl on the forehead 額上珠

pearl-strewn curtain 珠交露幔

pearly moon 珂月


peculiar marks of enlightenment 覺自相

pecuniary aid (for funerals) , 賻儀

pedagogic device 教諦

pedestal stone 地台石

peel off 褫落


peep through a tube 管窺, 管見

peer 倫匹

peer out 窺看

peerless 無倫匹

peerless cognition 無上智

peerless correct perfect enlightenment 無上正等菩提, 無上正等覺

peerless correct true enlightenment 無上正眞道

peerless great vehicle teaching 大乘無上法

peerless perfect enlightenment 等覺無上菩提

peerless possessor of the ten powers 十力無等

peerless vehicle 無上乘, 無等乘

peg for hanging the monk's robe 掛子


pellucid [sound] 淸美

pen , ,

pen and cage 牢籠

pen name 道號

penetrate , 能入, 貫暢, 通逹, 通達,

penetrate clearly 通曉

penetrate completely 遂通

penetrate in essence 體達

penetrate the mind 徹心

penetrate unobstructed through affairs 通利

penetrate, practice, and train 貫綜縷練

penetrated 至誠

penetrates both 通二

penetrating , 洞達

penetrating and sharp 洞徹

penetrating insight 決擇分

penetrating intelligence 通敏

penetrating meditation 了徹禪定

penetrating mind 通達心

penetrating understanding of reality 達眞實義

penetrating wisdom 敏慧, 達智

penetratingly 亙然

penetration of contemplation 觀達

penetration of sensitivity 感通

penis 勢峰, 生支, 男莖

pent-up feelings 弊結

people 人人, 人等倫,

people of a certain kind 輩類

people of a prefecture (?) 郡種人

people of the world 世人

pepper 末栗者

perceive 了別, 探覩

perceive distinctive characteristics 了相

perceive objects 了別境

perceive the cognitive sphere without distortion 非錯亂境界

perceived 所領

perceived phenomena 想事

perceives 採覩

perceives phenomena such as form (sound, odor, etc.) 色等想事

perceiving meaning 義想

perceiving that the five aggregates are empty in their own-nature 照見五蘊皆空

perception 了別, 僧若, 能見, 覺受

perception and sensation 想受

perception of distress 過患想

perception of inner appropriation 了別內執受

perception of pure and attractive objects 緣淨妙可意事境

perception of the eye 眼想

perceptions of form and so forth 色等想

perceptive mental disturbances 思惑

perceptual attributes of a referential object 所緣相

perceptual object 見境

perceptual objects 境界

perceptual referent 所緣

percussion instruments used for chanting 唄器

perfect 兼備足, , , 悉備足, 究達

perfect and real 圓實

perfect and sudden 圓頓

perfect and sudden cessation and contemplation 圓頓止觀

perfect and sudden contemplation 圓頓觀

perfect and sudden precepts 圓頓戒

perfect and sudden school 圓頓宗

perfect and sudden single vehicle 圓頓一乘

perfect and sudden teaching 圓頓教

perfect and sudden uncreated great precepts 圓頓無作大戒

perfect awareness 糝帽地

perfect awareness of the threefold truth 圓覺三諦

perfect bliss 究竟樂

perfect buddhahood 圓佛

perfect completion of correct practices 正行圓滿

perfect contemplation 圓觀

perfect dharma-body 究竟法身

perfect enlightenment 成佛道, 圓覺, 平等覺, 正盡覺, 正眞之道, 正等菩提, 正等覺, 等菩提, 等覺, 等覺悟

perfect enlightenment long acquired 久成正覺

perfect extinction 圓寂, 永盡究竟涅槃

perfect faith 圓信

perfect freedom from discrimination 究竟無分別

perfect fully without any oversight 曲成

perfect in appearance 形色具足

perfect in establishing sentient beings 圓建立衆生

perfect in overcoming 圓伏

perfect in sufficiency 圓足

perfect in the adornment of mastery 圓自在莊嚴

perfect interfusion of the three truths 三諦圓融

perfect interpenetration of the reality realm 法界圓融

perfect interpenetration of the three truths 圓融三諦

perfect interpenetration without obstruction 圓融無礙

perfect liberation 圓滿解脫

perfect meal 具饍

perfect mental clarity 妙淨信心

perfect mind 圓心

perfect one's capacity and experience the Buddha 成機感佛

perfect path 圓道

perfect person 圓人

perfect precepts 圓戒

perfect principle 圓理

perfect purity 徧淨

perfect quiescence 最上涅槃

perfect reliability in what one says 信言具足

perfect school 圓宗

perfect sentient beings 成就衆生

perfect sincerity 專誠

perfect sovereignty 自在具足

perfect supreme enlightenment 等正覺

perfect teacher 大師圓滿, 師圓滿

perfect teaching of consciousness only 唯識圓教

perfect tranquility 善寂

perfect tranquility and extinction 善寂滅度

perfect transmission of the single taste 一味瀉甁, 瀉甁

perfect truth 至眞

perfect understanding of past, present, and future 三世智

perfect vehicle 圓乘

perfect vehicle of the single reality 一實圓乘

perfect voice 圓音

perfect wisdom 圓智

perfect words 至言

perfected awakening 成道

perfected in knowledge and conduct 明行圓滿

perfected in merit 功德成就

perfected in wisdom and action 明行足

perfected person 至人

perfect-entering distinctive 圓入別

perfection 圓果, 成滿, 波羅蜜

perfection in the practices of improving oneself and bringing benefit to others 自利利他圓滿

perfection of bodily characteristics 具足相, 身滿足

perfection of concentration 禪到彼岸, 靜慮到彼岸, 靜慮波羅蜜

perfection of concentration/stillness of mind 禪波羅蜜, 靜慮波羅蜜多

perfection of constancy 常波羅蜜

perfection of effort 精進到彼岸, 精進波羅蜜, 精進波羅蜜多

perfection of expedient means 方便到彼岸, 方便度, 方便波羅蜜, 漚波耶波羅蜜

perfection of faith 信成就

perfection of forbearance 忍到彼岸, 忍波羅蜜多, 忍辱波羅蜜, 羼提波羅蜜

perfection of generosity 布施波羅蜜

perfection of giving 施到彼岸, 檀度, 檀波羅蜜

perfection of joy 樂波羅蜜

perfection of knowing 知見波羅蜜

perfection of meditation 禪定波羅蜜, 禪波羅密, 禪滿

perfection of moral discipline 尸滿, 尸羅波羅蜜, 持戒波羅蜜

perfection of morality 尸羅婆羅蜜, 戒到彼岸, 戒波羅蜜, 戒波羅蜜多

perfection of omniscience 智到彼岸, 智波羅蜜

perfection of one's powers of discernment and cultivation 力波羅蜜

perfection of patience 安忍波羅蜜多, 忍波羅蜜

perfection of powers 力到彼岸

perfection of purity 淨波羅蜜

perfection of right livelihood 正命圓滿

perfection of the vow 願到彼岸, 願波羅蜜

perfection of wisdom 明度無極, 智度, 般若到彼岸, 般若波羅蜜

perfection of wisdom produces great extinction 般若波羅蜜出大涅槃

perfection of zeal 毘梨耶波羅蜜, 精進度, 進滿

perfections 諸波羅蜜

perfections assembly 彼岸會

perfectly accomplished nature of reality 圓成實性

perfectly and fully enlightened buddha 三藐三佛陀

perfectly clean 妙淨

perfectly clear 了了

perfectly complete 圓成, 徧成, 悉成滿, 極成滿

perfectly correct 全正

perfectly effective 功功

perfectly empty 圓空

perfectly enlightened one 正覺者

perfectly fair 至公

perfectly free 畢竟離

perfectly fused, in itself, with the truth 本自圓融

perfectly logical 道理極成

perfectly noble or eminent family or clan 族姓具足

perfectly outstanding 圓滿殊勝

perfectly penetrating 圓通

perfectly penetrating concentration 圓通三昧

perfectly penetrating vision 了了見

perfectly practice 圓修

perfectly proportioned body 圓身相

perfectly pure 明淸, 淨極

perfectly pure and unadulterated 淳一無雜

perfectly pure level 淸淨位

perfectly real aspect 圓成實相

perfectly sincere mind 至誠心

perfectly steadfastness 具足安住

perfectly sublime 圓妙

perfectly succeeding; perfection, excellence 皆悉成就

perfectly true 實實

perfectly unconditioned 究竟無爲

perfectly unobstructed 一切無障礙

perfectly void and still 空空寂寂

perfectly-formed body [of the Buddha] 具足色身


perform actions 造業

perform all buddha-works 作一切佛事

performance 行緣



perfumable 所熏性

perfume 熏成, 熏習,

perfume eater 食香

perfume seeker 尋香行

perfume spirit 香神

perfumed by illumination (?) 明薫

perfumed by speech 言熏

perfumed oil 薰油

perfumes 能熏, 能薰

perfuming 薰習

perfuming by karma 業熏習

perfuming by morality 戒香

perfuming by nescience 無明熏習

perfuming by pure dharmas 淨法熏習

perfuming by the essence and attributes of suchness itself 自體相熏習

perfuming by verbal expressions 言說熏習

perfuming from hearing the correct 正聞熏習

perfuming from hearing what is correct 正聞薫習

perfuming from speech 言熏習

perfuming of seeds 熏種, 熏習種子

perhaps 或恐, 方有


perilous castle 危城

period between two buddhas 二佛中門

period of [the teaching of] the Dharma Flower [Lotus] and Nirvāṇa Sūtras 法華涅槃時

period of going forth 出期

period of the expedient teaching 方等時

period of the increase of the five pollutions 五濁增時

period of the semblance dharma 像運

perish and be reborn 沒生

perish together 倶滅

perishes 烏殟

perishes in a fire 燒喪

perishes utterly 沒盡

perishing 終沒

perishing from [existence in] the desire realm 欲終沒

permanence 常性

permanence, bliss, self, and purity 常樂我淨


permanent elimination of seeds 種子永斷

permanent expulsion 滅擯

permanent extinction 永寂滅

permanent separation 常離

permanently counteracts 永對治

permanently disables latencies 永害隨眠

permanently done away with 永滅離

permanently eliminate 永斷

permanently eliminate all afflictions 永斷一切煩惱

permanently eliminates attachment to phenomena 永斷法執

permanently eliminates karmic impressions 永斷習氣

permanently emancipated 永出離

permanently extinguished without remainder 無餘永滅

permanently impair the karmic impressions 永害習氣

permanently liberated 永解脫

permanently sever 永絕

permanently stilled 永寂

permeability 可熏性

permeable 可熏

permeate 充遍, 熏習, , 通入

permeate the mind 熏修心

permeated by hearing much 多聞薰習

permeation by hearing 聞熏習

permeation by the function of suchness 用熏習

permeation by the power of the dharma 法力熏習

permeation by thusness 眞如熏習

permeation by what is heard 聞薰習

permeation into mind 意熏習

permeation into the object discriminating consciousness 分別事識熏習

permeation of essence into function 體用熏習

permeation of the deluded mind 妄心熏習

permeation of the erroneously conceived objects of the senses and the mind 妄境界熏習

permeation that intensifies [deluded] thought 增長念熏習

permeation which accelerates (the activities of) the object-discriminating consciousness 增長分別事識熏習

permeation which intensifies (deluded) attachment 增長取熏習

permit 許可, 開許

permutations of the changing world 有爲轉變

perpetual abodes 恆住

perpetual eon of millions of years 兆載永劫

perpetually 恆常

perpetuate 紹隆

perplexed 迷謬

perplexity 疑惑,

persevere on one's own initiative 自勉

persevering cultivation 密合修習

Persian incense 安息香, 拙具羅, 掘具羅, 求求羅

Persian Incense 窶具攞

persimmon , 鎭頭迦

person 一人, 人者, 人身, 補特伽羅

person and dharma 人法

person appropriate to receive the esoteric teaching 密機

person at an intermediate/interim stage 處中者

person before one 前人

person from far away 遠人

person from the Dilun tradition 地人

person in charge of making offerings 供養主

person in the desire realm 欲界人

person in training 學者

person not yet liberated 未度人

person of extensive learning 士人

person of low social status 下賤人

person of middling capacity 中根之人

person of omniscience 一切智人

person of sharp intelligence 先陀客

person of the Way who is without thoughts 無心道人

person who has burnt the seeds of the possibility of awakening 焦種

person who has fathomed the great death 大死底人

person who has lost his/her way 迷人

person who is free of desire 離欲人

person who owes a debt 負財人

person who rides 能乘人

person who teaches 能說之人

person whom one hates 逆人

person with discernment 有智人

person(s) 士夫補特伽羅

personal advantage 己利

personal affairs 我事

personal belongings of each monk or nun 現前現前, 現前現前物

personal enjoyment body 自受用身

personal identity 個我性, 弗伽羅, 福伽羅, 補伽羅

personal instruction 面授

personal name 人名

personal peace and realization of enlightenment 安身立命

personal property 有主物

personal realization 自內所證

personal realization through the elimination [of afflictions] 於斷作證

personal sexual misconduct 自婬

personally 自內

personally create 親造

personally experience final enlightenment 作證

personally understood 內自所證

persons from latter generations 後世人

person's hand 人手

persons of dull intelligence 鈍慧士夫補特伽羅

persons of indeterminate religious practitioners 不定性人

persons with the proclivity for bodhisattvahood 菩薩性人

perspective of dependent arising 緣起門

perspective of flavor 約味

perspective of the three natures 三性對望

perspective of time-period 約時

perspective that admits of both existence and emptiness 亦有亦空門

perspicacious 黠了

perspicacity 融識

persuade 勸請

pervade 具分

pervade all places 遍一切處

pervade universally 普徧, 普遍

pervades the experiential realm 遍法界

pervading 遍轉

pervasive and specific hindrances 通別障

pervasive hindrances 通障

pervasive mental factors 大地法

pervasive purity 遍淨

pervasive vision 普眼

pervasively connect to 普緣

pervasively connected 通緣

pervasively discriminated 遍計所執

pervasively discriminated objects 遍計所執境

pervasively fathom 徧探

pervasively imagined phenomena 偏計所執法

pervasively refute 徧破

perverse , , 邪反戾

perverse mind 心鬼

perverse views 僻見

perverted discipline 惡律儀, 惡戒, 非律儀

perverted thoughts 邪想

petal-leaves 華葉

petty king 城王


phantasmic birds 變鳥

pheasant 迦迦婆迦頻闍邏,

pheasant which busied itself in putting out the forest on fire and was pitied and saved by the fire-god 雉救林火

phenomena (dharmas) are devoid of inherent nature 法無我

phenomena (dharmas) not associated with mind (or matter) 不相應行

phenomena (dharmas) truly exist 法實有

phenomena and functions 事用

phenomena and principle 事理

phenomena appearing to be essences 法體相

phenomena are no different from reality 卽事而眞

phenomena are none other than emptiness 當相卽空

phenomena are none other than reality 當相卽道

phenomena exist but the self does not 法有我無宗

phenomena in their true aspect 如實相

phenomena produced from causes 因所生法

phenomena that really exist 實有法

phenomena-discriminating consciousness 分別事識

phenomenal 緣成

phenomenal activities 事造

phenomenal buddha 事佛

phenomenal consciousness 事識

phenomenal existence 有事

phenomenal fire 事火

phenomenal hindrances 事障

phenomenal impurity 相染

phenomenal wisdom 事智

phenomenal world 現象界

phenomenon 事相, , 現象

phenomenon of desire 欲法

philosophers 諸家

philosophers believing the primacy of water 服水論師

philosophers who understand things from the perspective of arising and ceasing 生滅家


phoenix , 鳳凰, 鳳皇

phoenix-world 鳳刹

phrase 一句, ,

phrase 一句子

phrase that contains the dhāraṇī

phrase-observing meditation 看話禪

phrases 言句

physical (or ordinary) aural faculty 肉耳根

physical [sense] organs 扶根

physical appearance 身色

physical bodhisattva 肉菩薩

physical body 肉團, 肉身

physical body and the spiritual body of the Buddha 生法二身

physical exhaustion 身疲

physical existence of a living being 有身

physical heart 肉團心, 肉心

physical light 色光明

physical organ 扶塵根

physical serenity 身安

physical strength 身力

physical suffering 身苦

physically tormented 逼迫身

physician 阿迦雲

pick flowers 採花, 採華

pick up 拾得, 擧取

pick up and compose 提綴

pick up and handle something with the fingers

pick, pinch


picks up and puts 擧著

picture 彩像


piece of 一片


pierced-ear monks 穿耳僧

piercing 斷壞

pigeon 迦布德迦, , 鴿

pig-headed monk 猪頭和尚

pile (heap, mass) of [rare] jewels 珍寶聚

pile 積聚

pile of stones 石聚

pile up 成重

pilfer 竊盜


pillar , ,

pillar couplet 柱聯

pillory and chains 枷鎖


pimples (on the face) 平鼻,

pincers 鑷子


pint measure 斗量


pipes, strings, and preaching 管弦講, 管絃講

pissing ghost 尿牀鬼子

pit 坑壙

pit of arrogance 憍坑

pitch-black 黧黮

pitch-black night 陰闇夜

pitcher 君持, 君遲, 据稚迦, 据穉迦, 澡甁, 軍持

pitfall of pride 慢坑

pitiable 可哀愍

pitilessness 無哀愍

pits 坑坎

pity (for those) in the world 哀愍世間

pity 哀愍, 憂念, 憐愛, 矜哀


pivot of the way 道樞

place , 境界處, 如是處, , , 等位, , 處所

place and time 處時

place for disposal of corpses 深摩舍那

place for disposing of corpses 棄死屍處

place for the rite of prayer for the Adamantine Immeasurable Life Buddha 金剛無量壽道場

place for walking up and down 經行處

place in a monastery for grinding corn 磨司

place in a monastery for grinding grains 磨下, 磨院

place like this 如處色像

place of abiding 居處

place of comfort and stability 安隱處

place of enlightenment 道場

place of immortality 不死處

place of lodging 所止

place of purity 梵刹

place offerings on the altar 上祭, 下祭

place one's foot on 足履

place one's seal (of approval) (?) 印印

place to which one is proceeding 所趣

place to which one travels 所遊履

place where it exists 所存

place where jewels are produced 寶生

place where the Buddha attained full enlightenment 覺城

placenta 兒衣, 闍樓

plain 素樸

plain dharma body 素法身

plain food 素食


plait the hair 編髮, 辮髮

plait; enroll; compile

plan 欲規,


plant , ,

plant all roots of virtue 植衆德本

plant in a previous lifetime 宿植

plant roots of virtue 殖德本

plant seeds 殖種

plant wholesome roots in a prior lifetime 宿殖善根

plantain 芭蕉

plantain tree 茂遮

planted on the earth in a balanced way 等案地

planting and harvesting 稼穡

planting, ripening, liberation 種熟脫

planting-seed causes 種殖因

Plaque of Dragons and Elephants 龍象榜

plaster 泥塗

platform , , 臺座

platform or terrace of the Path (enlightenment) of the Buddha 佛道場

Platform Sūtra of the Dharma Treasure 法寶壇經

play (a musical instrument) 拊弄

play 則劇, , 嬉戲, , 與戲, 遊戲

play of the king of the constellations 宿王戲

play of the spirit 神游

play of the Tathāgata 如來舞

play with

playful birds 遊禽

playing 翫好

playing free in the spiritual powers 遊諸神通

playthings 戲樂具

plead politely 啓諫

pleasant [karmic] fruit 愛果

pleasant 快然, 所樂, 能悅衆意

pleasant and unpleasant (karmic) fruits 愛非愛果

pleasant countenance 和顏, 溫顏

pleasant functioning of the mind 意安樂行

pleasant odor 香潔

pleasant practices 安樂行

pleasant state 樂處

pleasant to hear 樂聞

pleasant words 快言

pleasant, happy countenance 舒顏平視

please! 倖願

pleased 起隨喜心

pleasing (appearance) 形貌端嚴

pleasing 可意, 愛樂, 適意

pleasing effects 可愛之果

pleasing speech 美語

pleasing taste 所愛味

pleasing things 樂事

pleasing to the touch 好觸

pleasure , 快意, 欲樂, 用事, 適悅

pleasure exceeds 樂勝

pleasure produced by touch 觸樂

plenitude of abilities and great function 全機大用

plenty and poverty 豐儉

pliable jade 玉柔

pliancy (?) 伏意

pliancy (flexibility, gentleness) of the mind 心調柔

pliancy 輕安

pliant , 柔輭, 調柔

plotting 謀謗

plum ,

plum grove 李園

plumb the principle 窮理

plunder 剋賊, 劫奪, 劫掠, 強奪, 抄劫

plural 等倫

pocket-knife 刀子


Poems of Hanshan 寒山詩

poetic verse , 偈他

point 義意

point directly 直指

point directly at the minds of men (so that they might) see the nature and achieve buddhahood 直指人心見性成佛

point of a needle 針鋒

point of cessation of mental activity 心行處滅

point of confusion 所濫

point of liberation 解脫處

point out 指摘

point out distinct forms 指方立相

point to one's palm 指掌

point to the moon 標月

point to the rabbit 指兎

point to the west and posit a form 指方立相

pointing to the moon 指月

points of defeat in the debate 論墮負

poisionous 殺毒

poison , 毒藥, 蠱毒

poison of attachment 愛毒

poison of desire 貪毒

poison of grief 憂毒

poison of ignorance 癡毒

poison of touch 觸毒

poison of views 見毒

poison tree 毒樹

poison vessel 毒器

poison-drum 毒鼓

poisoned arrow 毒箭

poisonous and non-poisonous fruits 迦羅鎭頭

poisonous breath 毒氣

poisonous dragon 毒龍

poisonous snake 毒蛇

poisons of the three defilers 三垢毒


poke around for 揩摸


policy of oppressing Buddhism and encouraging Confucianism 排佛崇儒政策

policy of suppressing Buddhism 抑佛政策

policy of suppression of Buddhism 斥佛政策

polish , , , , 陶練

polish one's abilities 練根

polished celestial (or heavenly) red-gold 紫磨天金

polished red-gold 紫磨黃金

polishes well 能善修瑩

polite and respectful behavior 修和敬業

politely order or request 唯願

political teaching 政教

pollute 染惱,

polluted , 染垢

polluted by desire 貪染

polluted desire 穢欲

polluted eon 濁劫

polluted phenomena 染法

pollution 垢染, , 穢濁

pollution from evil activity 罪垢

polytheism 多神教

pomegranate 子滿果, 石榴


ponder 惟忖

ponder in bed 寢念

pool 浴池

pool of blood 血汚池

pools of water with the eight attributes 八功德池

poor 有貧, 貧乏, 貧劇, 貧窮, 貧窶

poor man 苦人

poor spirit 窮鬼子

poor woman who dwelt in a treasure house 貧女寶藏

poor, in poverty, without possessions

porcelain crockery

pore 毛孔

porridge 怛缽那

portable incense burner 手爐

portfolio 文來

portrait or statue of a man of years while still alive 壽像

portraits 畫像

posit a personal identity 建立補特伽羅

posit a self 立我

posit a self when there is no self 無我立我

posit an argument 竪義

posit and refute 與奪

posit this kind of thesis 立如是論

posited 所安立

posited differently according to the level 依位別立

posited reality 安立眞實, 安立諦

posited teaching of suchness 安立眞如

positing a nature while in delusion in regard to characteristics 迷相立性

positing a self 我執

positing based on the grounds 地施設安立

positing statement 表詮

positing what appertains to a self 計我所

position 位居, 地位

positive example 同品, 同法喩

positive example is completely applicable 同品有

positive example is not applicable 同品非有

positive or open exposition 表銓

posits continuity 建立流轉

posits extinction 建立還滅

possess 載有

possess defilement 有垢

possess supernatural powers 得神足

possessed of the eye [of the buddhas] 具眼

possessing consciousness 有識

possessing defilement 有點

possessing goodness 有善

possessing intelligence 具足聰慧

possessing jewels 有寶

possessing mind 有心, 有意

possessing specific or characteristic qualities 有差別

possessing the objects of consciousness 有緣

possessing undeclining aspiration 志欲無退

possessing undeclining memory 無忘失念

possession of true causal marks 有如實因相

possessions 所有, 資財

possessions and household goods 資產什物

possessor of latent hindrances 有隨眠者

possessor of the dharma of parinirvāṇa 有般涅槃法者

possible 可令

posthumous (canonical) name

posthumous title 師號, 敕諡, , 諡號,

post-learner liberation 無學解脫

post-learning arhats 無學聖人

postulate 施設



potency 勢用

potent afflictions 利使

potentiality and response 機應

potion for making the body invisible 翳身藥

potter 瓦師, 陶家

potter's wheel 陶家輪

pottery 瓦器,

pounded incense 搗香, 擣香


pounds (medicine) and mixes (it) 搗和

pounds and sifts 擣曠, 擣篩

pouring 灌灑

poverty 匱乏, 貧賤

powder 碎末, , 細末, 諄那

powdered incense 抹香

powdered scent 末香

power [or virtue] of cognition 智德

power , , 威力, 威勢, 威神

power generated through the practice of a certain path 道力

power of (the Buddha's) wisdom 智慧力

power of [knowledge of] previous lives 宿命力

power of [one's] compassionate vow 悲願力

power of a former vow 宿願力

power of a great vow 大願力

power of affliction(s) 煩惱力

power of analytical thought 思惟如意足

power of antidotes 對治力

power of aspiration 志願力

power of attention 作意力

power of Avalokitêśvara 觀音力

power of beneficial practices 福德力

power of benevolence 慈力

power of concentration 念如意足

power of conditioning factors 緣力

power of constancy 常力

power of cultivation 修力

power of discerning [the right] place (?) 處智力

power of discerning right from wrong 處非處智力

power of discrimination 擇力

power of expedient devices 善權道力, 方便力

power of faith 信力

power of firmness 堅力

power of giving 惠施威力

power of great faith 大信力

power of great sages 大聖力

power of great tolerance 堪忍力

power of illusion 幻力

power of impressions 熏習力

power of inconceivable manifestation 化神力

power of individual merit 我功德力

power of insight 知見力

power of karma 業力

power of knowing [one's own] karma 業智力

power of knowing one's own karma 自業智力

power of knowing the greater and lesser religious capacities of sentient beings 根上下智力

power of knowledge of all forms of liberating meditation 靜慮解脫等持等至智力

power of knowledge of remembrance of past lives 宿住隨念智力

power of knowledge of the relative capacities of sentient beings 根勝劣智力

power of listening 聽聞力

power of longevity 命自在

power of meditation 定力

power of mental application 加行力

power of mindfulness 念力

power of nescience 無明力

power of one's vow 願力

power of people's meditation 坐禪人力

power of perfect tranquility 大善寂力

power of perfumation 薰習力

power of perfuming 熏力

power of perfuming by external conditions 外緣熏力

power of practice and performance 修習力

power of preaching with joy and eloquence 樂說辯力

power of sages 聖力

power of sovereignty 自在力

power of stable abiding meditation 奢摩他力

power of supernatural penetrations, (acquired through the practice) of the (Buddha-)Path 神通道力

power of the buddhas 諸佛力

power of the Buddha's grace 加持力

power of the correct vow 正願力

power of the divine eye 天眼力

power of the knowledge of afflictions and the methods for their elimination 漏盡智力

power of the knowledge of karmic maturation 業異熟智力

power of the knowledge of the gamut of paths pursued (leading into and out of cyclic existence) 遍趣行智力

power of the knowledge of the varieties of causal factors 種種界智力

power of the knowledge of what sentient beings desire 種種勝解智力

power of the merit gained through religious practice 功德力

power of the mind (manas) 意力

power of the noble paths 聖道勢力

power of the nose 鼻力

power of the past vow 本願力

power of the precepts 戒力

power of the roots of merit 善本力

power of the transformation of the basis 轉依力

power of the way 道通

power of thought in choosing (right principles) 思擇力

power of transference of merit 迴向力

power of ubiquity 如意足

power of unimpeded bodily action 神境通

power of virtuous roots 善根力

power of will 志力

power of wisdom 慧如意足

power ofgreat tolerance 大忍力

power to distinguish right from wrong 是處非處力

power to eliminate 斷德

power to teach and guide 化導力

power-born 力生

powerful 具大勢力, 力強, 強盛, 有勢

powerful delusion 猛利癡

powerful demon 勢力鬼

powerful family 豪族

powerful fragrance 芬烈

powerful intention 猛利欲樂

powerful thirst 猛利貪

powerless 非能

powers and fearlessness 力無所畏, 力無畏

powers of extension 展轉力

powers of incantation 咒力

powers of the six faculties 六根功德

powers, awarenesses, and wisdoms 通明慧

practicable 可行

practical Buddhism 實踐佛教

practice (the perfection of) wisdom 修智慧

practice 修業, 建修, 習行, , 行修, 起行

practice according to faith 隨信行

practice according to reality 如實修行, 法行

practice according to the Buddha's teachings 如法修行

practice according to the teachings 隨法行

practice according to, and cleave to a certain scripture 修持

practice and realization 行證

practice and study [of Chan] 參學

practice and understanding 行解

practice and vow 行願

practice and vow of Samantabhadra 普賢行願

practice and wisdom 行智

practice as instructed 如說修行

practice as one preaches 如說行

practice austerities 修苦行, 苦節

practice both śamatha and vipaśyanā side by side 止觀倶行

practice calming meditation 修奢摩他

practice continuously 修習相續

practice everywhere 普行

practice for liberation from suffering 苦解脫行

practice founded on doctrine 依教修行

practice giving 修惠施

practice in keeping with a former vow 本願行

practice is the feet 行足

practice meditation 習禪

practice method of cessation and clear observation 止觀法門

practice mindfulness of the buddha during daily activities 散業念佛

practice of (acceptance of) retribution of enmity 報怨行

practice of [acceptance of] retribution of enmity 報冤行

practice of analytical meditation 修毘婆舍那

practice of charity 施行, 施門, 行施

practice of clear observation 修觀

practice of compassion 慈悲行

practice of contemplating the provisional truth 安立諦作意門

practice of contemplation appropriate to the vehicle of the direct disciples 聲聞乘相應作意修

practice of continuous chanting of sūtra text 持經

practice of correctly cultivating the dharma and following the dharma (?) 正修行法隨法行

practice of emptiness 空行

practice of faith and understanding 信解行

practice of forest-dwelling 阿蘭若行

practice of freedom from sensory pleasures and scrutiny of reality 離諸愛味簡擇諦行

practice of giving joy 歡喜行

practice of good deeds 善行

practice of indomitability 無屈撓行

practice of no pride in spiritual attainments 無增上慢行

practice of non-confusion 無癡亂行, 離癡亂行

practice of no-obstinacy 無違逆行

practice of not despising others 不輕行

practice of recitation 諷行

practice of Samantabhadra 普賢行

practice of self-improvement 自利行

practice of silence 啞法

practice of superior concentration 增上心學

practice of supernatural powers 神足行

practice of that which is difficult to attain 難得行

practice of the (Buddha-)Path 佛道行

practice of the presence of the invisible dharmakāya in the esoteric word 不思議眞言相道法

practice of the proper enjoyment of purity 正淸淨受用行

practice of the scrutiny of the truth 簡擇諦行

practice of the skillful apprehension of thought 善受思惟行

practice of the tolerances 習忍

practice oneself and teach others 自行化他

practice properly 順修, 順行

Practice Site of Mysterious Adornment 密嚴道場

practice supernormal cognition 神通行

practice the bodhisattva path 修菩薩道

practice this dharma 行此法

practice through devoted interest 勝解行

practice through the approach of mind-observation 觀心法門

practice together 同行

practice with features 有相安樂行

practice with sincerity and reverence for the Buddha, for the teachings, etc. 奉行

practice without [substantial] features 無相安樂行

practice without attachment 行無著行

practiced 可修, 已修, 已修習, 所習, 曾修

practiced and not-practiced 行非行

practiced by bodhisattvas 菩薩所行

practiced or performed 應行

practices (behavior) of purity 淨行

practices (something) to perfection 修成

practices and dedications 行向

practices are not initiated 諸行不生

practices based on wisdom / practice of wisdom 慧行

practices deception 行欺誑

practices distinctive to a certain group 所有諸行

practices for treatment of the spirit during the intermediate stage 中陰法事

practices forbearance 行忍, 行忍辱

practices in a [impenetrable] forest 稠林行

practices in accord with principles(?) 秉修

practices in accordance with (teachings) 遵習

practices in the perfect teaching 圓行

practices meditation 修觀行

practices of bringing sentient beings to maturity 成熟有情行

practices of detachment 遠離行

practices of herbal medicine 藥方

practices of mental purification 心淸淨行

practices of preventing evil 止惡門

practices of quiescence 寂靜行

practices of the bodhisattva 菩薩行

practices of the disciples (of the Buddha) 弟子行

practices straightaway 直向

practices that bring about salvation 能出離行

practices that bring about wholesome roots that are induced by cultivation 修所引善根生起行

practices that do not lead to liberation 不出離行

practices that eliminate 斷行

practices that one is applying 所作加行

practices to improve the condition of self and others 自他利行

practices, modalities, and characteristics 諸行狀相

practicing Chan and learning the way 參禪學道

practicing correctly 應理行

practicing five [supplementary] methods 行五法

practicing harmoniously 和敬行

practicing in a nearby forest (?) 近稠林行

practicing monk 學僧

practicing purity 淸淨行

practicing reality attaining to the true principle 眞實行

practicing the Dharma in accordance with the Dharma 法隨法行

practicing the expedient and the real 行權實

practicing the precepts 律行

practicing the straight way 質直行

practises intensively 精修

practitioner 修行人, 能行, 行人, 行者

practitioner and the dharma [to which he avails himself] 機法

Practitioner Neng 能行者

practitioner not yet ordained 未受具人

practitioner of austerities 苦行者

practitioner of Chan 禪侶

practitioner of meditation 修靜慮者

practitioner of meditative equipoise 修等至者

practitioner of remembrance of the buddha's name 念佛者

practitioner of the Way 道者

practitioner with hair 有髮

practitioners of sharp faculties and dull faculties 利鈍

praise 勸讚, , 恭敬作禮, 揄揚, 歎詠, 煩談, , 稱揚, 稱揚讚歎, 稱歎, 稱美, 稱詠, 稱讚, , 諮稱, , , , 讚善, 讚嘆, 讚歎, 讚歎善, 讚美, 讚詠, 讚譽,

praise and blame 稱譏

praise and condemnation 襃貶

praise and disparagement 讚毀

praise and glorify 歎譽

praise and worship 讚禮

praise Buddha 嘆佛, 讚佛

praise in song 歌歎

praise of the kinds of cognition 四智讚

praise others 讚他

praise publicly 宣譽

praise the Buddha 歎佛

praise the dharma 歎法

praise the spirit of the departed 嘆靈

praise the Tathāgata 稱歎如來

praise the virtue of others 嘆德

praise widely (or in detail) 廣讚

praise, fame, renown 聲頌

praised 所讚

praised and disparaged 所讚毀

praiseworthy 可稱讚, 應可稱讚

praising oneself and disparaging others 自讚毀他

prajñā 槃若

prājñā of contemplation 觀照般若

Prajñā Period 般若時

prajñā section 般若部

prajñā that relies on words 文字般若

pratyekabuddha 緣覺佛, 辟支佛人

pratyekabuddha stage 支佛地, 辟支佛地

pratyekabuddha-body 辟支佛身

pray , 祈念, 祈禱, 祈請, 祈願

pray before the gods and buddhas 參詣

pray for

pray for rain 祈雨, 請雨, 雨乞

pray to avert

prayer for cessation of calamity 加持祈禱

prayer for divine guidance 起請

prayer for good fortune 祈福

prayer for happiness cerebration 祈福道場

prayer for the universal dedication of merit 普囘向文, 普廻向文

prayer rite for the emperor's birthday 天壽聖節

prayer tablet 祝禱

praying for the Buddha-nature in self and others for entry in the Pure Land 奉請法身方便

preach 暢說, 言誨, 說教, 論講, 講專, 開演

preach and teach 講化

preach before one's eyes 現說

preach broadly 廣演

preach to people and lead them to conversion 唱導

preacher 唱導師, 唱道師, 都講

preacher of the Dharma 法講

preaching and teaching 宣教

preaching by means of the stories of the lives of past Buddhas 宿世因緣周

preaching by parable 譬說周

preaching by theory 法說周

preaching mūdra 說法印

preaching sects 講宗

preceded by reflection 先尋思


precedent teachings of former masters

precedents 先蹤, 遺跡

preceding instant of thought 前念

precept (forbidding) dealing in alcohol 酤酒戒

precept (forbidding) killing 殺戒, 煞戒

precept (forbidding) stealing 偸盜戒

precept (forbidding) the consumption of alcoholic beverages 飮酒戒

precept against blaming others 謗毀戒

precept against harming others by one's own stinginess (parsimony) 不慳戒, 慳加毀戒, 慳惜加毀戒, 慳戒, 慳生毀辱戒

precept against stinginess with one's material assets or with the dharma 慳惜財法戒

precept forbidding dealing in alcohol 不酤酒戒

precept forbidding false speech 亡語戒, 妄語戒

precept forbidding profit by praising oneself and disparaging others 利讚毀戒

precept forbidding sexual misconduct 不婬戒

precept forbidding speaking of the faults of one's fellow practitioners 說同法人過戒

precept forbidding speaking of the faults of others 說他罪過戒

precept forbidding speaking of the faults of the four groups of renunciant practitioners 說四衆名德犯過戒, 說四衆過戒, 說在家出家菩薩戒, 說過戒

precept forbidding the consumption of alcohol 不得飮酒戒

precept forbidding the denigrate [of the three treasures] 誹謗戒

precept forbidding the denigrate of the three treasures 助謗三寶戒, 毀謗三寶戒

precept forbidding the denigration of the bodhisattva's dharma 謗菩薩法戒

precept forbidding the denigration of the three treasures 謗三寶戒

precept forbidding the denigration of the true dharma 謗亂正法戒

precept forbidding the holding of anger and not accepting the apologies of others 瞋不受悔戒

precept forbidding the holding of resentments and not accepting the apologies of others 故瞋戒, 瞋不受謝戒, 瞋心不受悔戒

precept forbidding the taking of life 不殺生戒, 殺生戒

precept forbidding wrong views and wrong teachings 邪見邪說戒

precept of not killing 不煞戒

precept of not-killing 不殺戒

precept protecting spirits 護戒神

precept regarding sexual misconduct 婬戒

precept(s) 禁戒

preceptor 和尚, 律師, 戒師, 門師, 阿闍梨

preceptor monk 戒和尚

preceptor monk or nun 授戒師

preceptor of the emperor 天師


precepts accompanied by both concentration and the path 戒定道共

precepts aimed at the improvement of the situation of sentient beings 饒益有情戒

precepts collection 律藏

precepts concerned with cultivation of positive behavior 作持門

precepts for attaining immediate enlightenment 大乘圓頓戒

precepts for bhikṣuṇīs 尼律

precepts for faults that require special restraint 遮戒

precepts for novice monks 勤策律儀, 勤策擁護, 室羅摩拏洛迦三跋羅

precepts for novices 沙彌十戒, 沙彌戒

precepts for the cultivation of good mental states 攝正法戒

precepts for the improvement of one's own spiritual condition 自利戒

precepts for the self-reflective 囘心戒

precepts for the three activities 三事戒

precepts meeting 布薩

precepts of prohibition 止持門

precepts of the enlightened mind 菩提心戒

precepts of the esoteric sect 祕密戒

precepts of the great sage 大仙戒

precepts of the original source of the self-nature 自性本源戒

precepts of the true teaching 眞法戒

precepts outlining the need for restraint 遮制

precepts path 戒躅

precepts regarding stealing 盜戒

precepts related to the cultivation of good phenomena 修善門, 受善法戒, 攝善法戒, 攝持一切菩提道戒

precepts that accompany dhyāna concentration 定共戒

precepts that accompany the path 道共戒

precepts that are aimed for the improvement of other beings 接生戒, 攝衆生戒

precepts that are free from characteristics 離相戒

precepts that engage the cultivation of good behavior 作持戒

precepts that engender the wisdom that is unimpeded in regard to the three times 三世無障礙智戒, 三平等戒, 三昧耶戒

precepts that have been received 所受戒

precepts tradition 律派

precepts vehicle 律乘

precepts-governed repentance 律懺

precepts-ocean 戒海

precincts 境內

precious 妙珍,

precious continent 寶洲

precious flowers 寶華

precious gem 大摩尼寶

precious hand 寶手

precious incense 寶香

precious islet 寶渚

precious jewel 奇寶, 寶珠, 末尼珠寶

precious judgment 寶決

precious land 寶國

precious maidens 寶女

precious name or title 寶號

precious nature 寶性

precious place 寶坊

precious raft 寶筏

precious region 珍域

precious seal 寶印

precious stone that takes on the color of its surroundings 隨色摩尼

precious stone worn in the topknot 髻寶, 髻珠

precious treasures 妙珍財

precious vehicle 寶乘

precisely (correctly) inquire 能正推求

precisely then 正當

pre-dawn temple ground chanting 道場釋

predecessor 前行

predetermined 已定

pre-dhyāna preparations 未至到地定

predicate 後說, 後陳

predicate phrases 能成句

prediction of future buddhahood 和羅那, 弊迦蘭陀, 授決, 毘耶佉梨那, 記說

prediction with remainder 有餘授記

prediction without remainder 無餘授記

predominant characteristics 勝相

predominating condition 爲增上緣

pre-eminent (Buddha-)Path 尊道

pre-eminent Buddha-Path 尊佛道

pre-eminent designations 最上施設

pre-eminent Dharma 尊法

pre-eminent Path of a buddha 佛尊道

pre-eminent right dharma 尊正法

pre-eminent right path 尊正道

pre-eminent scripture 尊經

pre-eminent tree 尊樹

preface 序分

preface, main text, and exhortation (dissemination, circulation) 序正流通

pregnant 懷胎


prejudiced and impartial 偏正

prelate 座主

preliminary inducements 弄引

preliminary statement 初總序

premature death 中夭

preparation 資糧

preparation of the five conditions 具五緣

preparatory 未至

preparatory cultivation 熟治修習

preparatory practices for engaging in meditative absorption 等持資糧

prepare 悉修

prepared 素具

preparing the ground 治地

prescribed 分明說

prescription 醫方

presence in similar instances and absence in dissimilar instances 同品有異品非有

presence in similar instances and presence in dissimilar instances 同品有異品有

presence in similar instances, both presence and absence in dissimilar instances 同品有異品有非有

presence of a crack 有間隙

presence of the Buddha 佛前

present (at parting)

present 今現在, 提起, 現在

present and future 現法當來

present and past 今昔

present at a monastery 暖寺, 暖席

present benefits 現益

present body 今身

present buddha 今佛

present conditions 現在緣

present constant 現常

present contaminated evil world 濁惡處

present fruition of previous causes 宿執開發

present has both provisional and real dharmas 現通假實宗

present in reverence 崇進

present life 現生

present object(s) 前塵

present of the future 現在未來

present of the past 過去現在

present portion 現在分

present retribution 現報

present time 現時

present with all respect 奉進

present world 現世間, 現在世

present world and future world. 現當

present, past, and future 現在過去未來

present, past, future 現過未

presentation phrases 摽句

presently manifest 今現, 現在前, 起現前

presently manifest existence and subsequent existence 現法後法

presently manifested affliction 現縛

presently perfect (?) 絕待圓

presently perfect 今圓

presents at a monastery 暖洞

preserve life 存生

preserve this scripture 特留此經

preserving salt in a horn 角鹽淨

president 首座

press , 敦逼

press down

press oil out of sand 壓沙油

press one's head against (something) and receive (something) 頂受

pressure and constraint 逼迫

presume 惻度

preta 闍黎哆

prevailing explanation 勝說

prevent (evil, etc.) from being produced 令不生

prevent , 遮斷

prevent dissipation 不令流散

prevent evil 禁惡

prevent evil and generate good 止惡生善

prevention of disasters and calamities 息災

prevents [for others] 爲除

previous day 隔宿

previous life 前世

previous life(s) 宿命

previous lifetime 前生

previous reason 前因

previously 先已,

previously acquired 先所得

previously active 先行

previously created 先所作

previously cultivated tranquility 先修止行

previously cultlivated 先數習

previously existent 先有

previously unexplained 先所未說

previously, already 旣已

previously-arisen karmic impressions 前生習氣


priceless 無價

priceless treasure 無價之寶

pride , , 慢心, 憍慢, 自高心

pride as high as a mountain 慢山

pride in feeling superior to manifest superiors 慢過慢

pride in one's (spiritual) superiority 增上慢

pride in regarding oneself as only a slightly inferior to those who far surpass one 卑慢

pride in superior [spiritual] attainment 上慢

pride in the dharma 法慢

pride in the purity of one's body 身淨慢

pride of [insufficiently understood] inferiority 卑下慢

pride of not being inferior 不如慢

pride of superiority 過慢

pride of superiority among superiors 慢慢

pride of thinking myself not much inferior to those who far surpass me 我劣慢

pride of thinking oneself equal to those who surpass us 我等慢

pride of thinking oneself superior to equals 我勝慢

priest 和尚

priest in charge of novices 引請闍梨

priestling 童子僧

primal man or spirit 原人

primal mystery 元妙

primary afflictions 上首煩惱

primary and secondary 本隨

primary and secondary marks of the Buddha's body 相好

primary recipient of the teaching of a scripture 經家

primary role 前番

primary task of a patched-robe monk 衲僧家本分事

primordial 元始, 波羅赴, 鉢利部

primordial chaos 混元, 混沌

primordial material nature 冥初, 冥性, 冥諦

prince 拘摩羅, 王子, 矩摩羅, 童子, 鳩摩羅伽

Prince Dharma Ability 法才王子

prince of the dharma 法王子

princely almsgiver 能施太子

princess 王女

principal 勝性

principal and secondary 主伴

principal character 本所得性

principal deity 娑也地提嚩多

principal or first 最第

principle , 理數, 理致, 道理

principle according with conditions in the specialized teaching 別理隨緣

principle and doctrine 理教

principle and example 法喩

principle and phenomena 理事

principle being expressed here 此中道理

principle for making distinctions 差別道理

principle is complete throughout the chiliocosm 理具三千

principle is found in cutting off language 理在絕言

principle of change 化理

principle of consciousness only 唯識理

principle of cyclic existence 生死流轉法

principle of dependent origination 緣起道理

principle of emancipation 解脫義

principle of emptiness 空理

principle of extinction 滅理

principle of generality 同句義

principle of karma 業句義

principle of production 生起道理

principle of selflessness 無我理

principle of silence 默理

principle of the emptiness of all phenomena 萬法空理

principle of the lotus 蓮理

principle of the selflessness of phenomena 法空理

principle of the truth(s) 諦道理

principle of transmigration 動法

principles of a school 宗元

principles of things 物理

principle-water 理水

prior action (karma) and subsequent effect 先業後果

prior event 前事

prior exists, but no subsequent 先有後無

prior faults 本罪

prior five consciousnesses 前五識

prior four flavors 前四味

prior four time periods 前四時

prior habituation 先習

prior karma 先業

prior lifetime 先世

prior mental state 前心

prior mistake(s) or error(s) 前非

prior proposition 前則

prior skillful means 前方便

prior stage 前住

prior time 前時

prior to 爲先

prior to a precise position 正位前

prior to birth 生前

prior two 前二

prior world 宿世

prior worthies 先賢

prioritize 以爲其先

prioritizing the practice of repetition of the buddha's name 念佛爲本

prison 牢獄,

prison of desire 愛獄

private interview 獨參, 獨參入室

private seal 私印

privately a cart and horse can get through 私通車馬

privy 起止處, 隱所

prized gem 瑟瑟, 瑟石

prizes one's own life 惜身命

probably 多是

probationary nun 學法女

proceed from darkness into (deeper) darkness 從冥入冥

proceed from the light into the (greater) light 從明入明

proceed to

proceed to the great vehicle 向大乘

proceed toward 趣向

proceeding to darkness 趣黑闇者

proceeding to extinction 趣寂

proclaim , 吿敕, 宣傳, 宣吐, 宣發, 宣行, 布露, 散示, 班吿, 班宣, 言詔, 頒吿, 頒宣, 顯布

proclaim and guide towards 顯導

proclaim and keep 宣持

proclaim and teache 顯化

proclaim verbally 聲詔

proclaim widely 宣流, 廣宣

proclaimed 所稱, 所稱歎

proclaims , 宣言

proclaims the correct teaching 宣正法

proclamation 吿示

proclivities (seeds) which are cultivated in the present lifetime 習成, 習成種姓, 習所成種姓

proclivities 使

proclivity acquired by practice 習種性

procure 能致

prodigal son 窮子

produce 發出, 發得, 發生, 興發, 造立

produce a correct understanding 生正解

produce an understanding 生解

produce each other 相生

produce goodness 生善

produce goodness that has not yet been produced 未生善令生

produce karma 發業, 起業

produce virtues 生貴

produce wisdom 發智

produced 所起

produced as the result of practice 修生

produced by activity 行所作

produced by activity and born from fertility 發業潤生

produced by causal conditions 緣生

produced by contingently overwhelming factors 增上所生

produced by discrimination 分別生

produced by maturation 異熟生

produced causes 生起因

produced for a short time (?) 假生

produced from cause(s) 因所生

produced from causes 因生

produced from causes and conditions 從因緣生

produced from conditions 緣所生

produced from karma 業所生

produced from meditation 修所成

produced from one's own mind 自心所作

produced from oneself 自起

produced from prior habituation 先習起

produced from seeds [in the ālaya] 種子所生

produced or coming from the female black antelope 瑿泥耶

produced together 倶成

producer of mercy bodhisattva 慈生菩薩

produces benefit 作利益

produces faith 生信心

produces the conceit 'I am' 起我慢

produces the non-beneficial 作不利益

produces three kinds of circumstances 能生三事

producible 可生

producing 令成

producing causes 能生因

producing longing for 生樂欲

production 成辨, , 生起

production from self 自生

production from thusness through the action of causation 眞如緣起

production of [karmic] formations 行生

production of fruits 果生

production of other phenomena 餘法生

production of various karmic formations 諸行生

production of wholesome roots 善根生起

profess 標趣

proffer the hand 授手

profit (or benefit) and meaning 利誼

profit , 利潤, 利養, 有利

profit and honor 利養恭敬, 財敬

profiting through praise and disparagement 利讚毀

profits and happiness 利慶

profound [teaching] 深密

profound , , 深奥, 深妙, 深秘, 深遠,

profound and subtle 深細

profound and wonderful principle 深妙理

profound approach 玄門

profound belief and understanding 深信解

profound bliss 深生歡喜

profound canon 深密藏

profound commentary 玄疏

profound concentration 深定

profound delight 深生愛樂

profound dependent arising 甚深緣起

profound dhāraṇī 深總持

profound dharma 甚深法

profound doctrine 玄宗

profound essential points 深要

profound grace 潭恩

profound implications 玄旨

profound import 深義

profound insight 深智慧

profound matter 深事

profound meaning 密意趣義, 深密義, 玄義, 甚深義理, 解深密

profound mind 深心

profound non-existence 妙無

profound patience 深法忍

profound practice 深行

profound principle 深理, 玄則

profound principle of dependent arising 甚深緣起道理

profound realization 玄悟

profound resonance 玄應

profound scriptures 深經, 深藏

profound sense of loathing and disgust 深心厭離

profound teaching 妙教, 密意說言, 深法, 深法門

profound teaching style 玄風

profound tenet 妙宗

profound thought 冥思, 冥慮

profound tolerance based on awareness of non-arising of phenomena 甚深法忍

profound virtue 玄德

profound way 玄道

profound wisdom 深慧, 深智

profound words and meanings 甚深義句

profoundly addicted to worldly pleasures 深著世樂

profoundly delighted 甚歡喜

profoundly delighted in one's heart 心甚歡喜

profoundly intimidated 深生怯弱

profoundly learned 遠達

profundity of reality 眞妙

profundity on which all things depend 依止甚深



progress in the Way and reduction of rebirths 增道損生

progressive advancement 行布次第

progressively further purified 轉復明淨

prohibit 禁止

prohibit the butchering of animals— on special occasions 斷屠


prohibition against sexual misconduct 不邪淫

prohibition and exhortation 誡勸

prohibition from engaging in intercourse 默擯

prohibition of debaucher 不邪婬

prohibitions of the path 道禁

prohibitions of thirteen crimes against the saṃgha 十三僧殘戒

project 能引

projection into rebirth 引生

projections of consciousness 影像

proliferate 種種

proliferation 分開

proliferation that engenders conceptual errors 見論

prolixity 文多


prolonged life 延命, 延壽, 延年

prolonged years and returning anniversaries 延年轉壽

promise that one will hear the Buddha's name and see his form 聞名見佛願

promise that the effect will follow 果遂願

promised or assented to 應稱歎

promissory note

promote 勸益

pronouncements of non-authoritative teachers 有餘師說

proof 能成

propagation tea 化茶

propagation-charcoal 化炭

propel 推運

propensity towards nescience 癡使

proper antidote(s) 正對治

proper application toward religious cultivation 正勤修學

proper carrying out of all destinies 遍趣正行

proper conditions 正緣

proper demeanor 端身

proper limits (?) 限節

proper sitting meditation 兀坐

proper thought 正治

proper vow 正願

properly abide 能正安住

properly attired and prepared 具威儀

properly carried out 如理作

properly commit 正安住

properly define 正施設

properly direct 正御

properly enter 入正, 正入

properly establishes 正立

properly fulfilling 正廣恣

properly gather disciples 正攝徒衆

properly grasped 正取

properly making offerings 正行供養

properly practice 能正行

properly raise it for discussion 正擧

properly understand 正通達

properly uplifting 正安慰

properties of the negative example are completely absent in the proposition 異品遍無性

properties of the negative example are not consistently applicable 異品有非有

properties of the positive example are not consistently applicable 同品有非有

property , 財産, , 資賄

property of the resident saṃgha 現前僧物

property of the saṃgha 僧物

prophecy 懸記,

prophecy of Asita (regarding Gautama's eventual accomplishments) 阿夷決疑

prophesy of the Brahman (regarding Gautama's religious capacities) 梵志占相

propitiatory ceremony 訕底

proponent 立者, 立論者, 竪者

propose a thesis 立論

proposition of continuity 相續假

proposition, reason, example 宗因喩

prose sentences 長行

proselytizing rice 化米

prospectus 化疏

prosper 興盛

prosper on the path 三拔諦

prosper on the way 三跋致, 三跋諦

prospering 漸增盛

prospering and progressing 興行

prosperity 所資, 祿

prosperity and adversity 盛衰, 興盛衰損, 興衰

prosperous , 豐足

prostitute 婬女

prostrate fully 伏膺

prostrate one's hand to a stool 觸禮

prostrating in homage 歸命禮, 歸命頂禮

protagonist and antagonist in debate 立敵, 竪敵

protect , 守護, 將護, 攝護, , , 防護

protect and support 護助

protect goodness 護善

protect the dharma 護法

protect the state 護國

protected or defended or saved from 應拔濟

protecting ones own... 防自

protection of life 護命

protective amulet 護符

protector of the dharma 持法者

protocol 儀式


protruding lips(?) 騫脣

protruding teeth 迦羅邏

protuberance on the brow 頂相

protuberance on the crown of his head 其頂上現烏瑟膩沙

protuberance on the crown of the head 頂上現烏瑟膩沙

protuberance on the frontal crown 烏瑟, 烏瑟膩沙, 肉髻相, 頂髻

proud 憍奢, 自大, 貢高, 顢頇,

proud and arrogant 奢婬

proud of something and treasure it 矜惜

proud temperament 慢行

proud thoughts 慢想

prove clearly 證明

prove through the use of a positive example 順成

proven in common 共所成立

proverb 世諺

proves the opposite of a specific [aspect of] the subject 有法差別相違, 有法差別相違因, 有法差別相違因過, 有法差別相違過, 法差別相違因過

provide ,

provide a meal for monks 齋僧

provide fully 備足

provided with

providing [people] with [necessary] possessions 財攝

providing [sentient beings] with the dharma 法攝受

providing others with comfort 與樂

providing with food and drink 肴饌飲食

proving 能成立, 能立

provisional and real are not two 權實不二門

provisional and the real 假實

provisional and ultimate truths 安立非安立諦

provisional approach 權門

provisional approach of expedient means 方便假門

provisional coalescing of the five aggregates 五蘊假和合

provisional conventionality 假世俗

provisional existence 假有

provisional explanation (?) 橫論

provisional explanation 假設, 方便說

provisional head of the order (?) 權僧正

provisional knowledge 未究竟智

provisional Mahāyāna 權大乘

provisional manifestation 化現, 化者, 權示, 權者, 權跡

provisional methods 權方

provisional phenomenon 假法

provisional practice 假修

provisional self 假我

provisional stratagems 權謀

provisional synthesis 假合, 假和合

provisional teaching 方便語, 權教, 權說

provisional teachings 假門

provisional term 假名字

provisional truth 權理

provisional use of language 假用言說

provisional words 假名言相

provisionality or actuality of the things in the three times 三世假實

provisionally acknowledged 假許

provisionally discriminates 方便分別

provisionally establish 假施設

provisionally established 假設安立, 施權, 施設建立

provisionally established teaching 施設開示

provisionally existent but not truly existent 假有實無

provisionally explained 施說

provisionally explained self 假說我

provisionally offer 且擧

provisionally-named bodhisattvas 假名菩薩, 假者菩薩

provisionally-named existence 假名有


provisions of cognition 智資糧

provoke and disturb 鬪亂

provost 都監

proximate causal referent(s) 親所緣緣

proximate conditions (?) 餘緣

proximate entry 近門

prudence 常委, 操身


pseudo-proposition 似宗, 似立宗

pseudo-propositions, reasons, and examples 似宗因喩

pseudo-reason 似因

pseudo-reference 似比量

pseudo-refutation 似能破

psychic power


public case 公案

public confession and repentance 披陣懺悔

public meal 大衆供養

public realm 公界

public repentance 對首懺悔

Puhua' ringing of the bell 普化搖鈴

pull , , 牽引

pull out of the water

pulled 所牽

pulling one's students 御徒衆

pulverize particles 析微塵

punctuations (or divisions) into sentences and phrases 句逗

pungent herbs , 葷辛

punishment , 刑罰, 治罰, , 黜罰

punishment and reward 罪福

pupil 僮儒

puppet 傀儡子

pure 梵淨, , 淨妙, 淨無垢, 淳淨, , 淸淨, 淸淨者, , 潔淨, 白淨, 精粹, , 純淨, 阿摩勒, 阿摩羅, 阿末羅

pure abode 淨住, 淨居, 淨處, 精室, 精廬

pure adornment(s) 淸淨莊嚴

pure and defiled 淨穢

pure and good state 淳善地

pure and impure 淨不淨

pure and impure activities 淨不淨業

pure and impure defilements 染淨垢

pure and indeterminate 淨無記

pure and mixed 純雜

pure and nice 淨好

pure and outstanding 淸淨勝

pure and serene 淸凉

pure and undefiled 淸淨無穢

pure ascent 淸昇

pure aspiration 淨意樂

pure assembly 淨衆

pure bodhisattva precepts 菩薩淨戒

pure body 梵身

pure buddha 淨佛

pure buddha-land 淸淨佛土

pure charity 淨施

pure cognition 淨智, 淸淨智

pure cognition and seeing 淸淨智見

pure cognition at the mundane level 世間淨智

pure conditions 淨緣

pure consciousness 淨識, 淸淨識, 菴摩羅識

pure contemplation 淨觀

pure crystal realm 淨瑠璃世界

pure dharma 淸白之法

pure dharma body 淸淨法身

pure dharma of thusness 眞如淨法

pure dharma realm 淸淨法界

pure dharma-eye 淸淨法眼

pure dharma-palace of liberation 解脫淸淨法殿

pure dharmas 淸淨法

pure divine eye 淨天眼, 淸淨天眼

pure doctrine of ambrosia 甘露淨法

pure effects 淸淨果

pure enlightenment 淨菩提心

pure esotericism 純密

pure esoterism 正純密教

pure essence 淸淨體

pure eye 淨眼

pure eye of the Dharma 淨法眼

pure factors/phenomena 白法

pure faith 淨信

pure flesh 淨肉

pure flower multitude 淨華衆

pure flowers 淨華

pure food 淨食

pure function 淨用

pure gold 眞金

pure gold with a violet tinge 紫磨, 紫磨金

pure heart 白心

pure heaven 淨天, 淸淨天

pure in the precepts 尸羅淸淨

pure intention 淨意, 淸淨意, 淸淨意樂

pure karma 淨業

pure land 淨國

Pure Land 淨土

pure land 淨方, 淨邦

Pure Land master(s) 淨家

Pure Land of abandonment of thought 捨念淸淨地

Pure Land of Mysterious Adornment 密嚴淨土

pure land of paradise 安養淨土

pure land of the western direction 西方淨土

pure land of ultimate bliss 極樂淨土

Pure Land teaching 淨土教, 淨土門

pure land(s) 淸淨土

pure lapis lazuli 淨琉璃, 淨瑠璃

pure liberation 淨解脫

pure lineage 淨裔

pure livelihood 淨命

pure luminous body 淸淨光明身

pure marks 淸淨相

pure marvelous land 淨妙國土

pure mass of suffering 純大苦聚, 純大苦蘊

pure material existence 淨色

pure mind 梵心, 淨心, 淸淨心

pure mindfulness 念淸淨

pure moon 淸涼月

pure observance of eating regulations 淸齋

pure observance of the precepts 持戒淸淨

pure path 淨道, 淸淨道

pure person 淸淨人

pure place 淨地

pure practices 梵行, 淸淨之行

pure practitioner 淨行者

pure precepts 淨尸羅, 淨戒

pure precepts that are received 所受淨戒

pure realm of reality 淨法界

pure realms of existence 淸淨世界

pure realms of the great vehicle 大乘純界

pure region 淨域

pure resolve 淸淨勝解

pure robe 梵服

pure root of unobscured cognition 無障智淨根本

Pure Rules of the Chan School 禪門淸規

pure saint 淨聖

pure senses 淨諸根

pure sound 梵響

pure sounds 雅音

pure stage of superior intent 淸淨增上意樂地

pure state 淨法

pure stilling of thoughts 淸淨靜慮

pure suffering 純苦

pure superior aspiration 淨勝意樂, 淸淨勝意樂

pure superior intent 淸淨增上意樂

pure superior intention 淨增上意

pure thusness 淸淨如

pure truth 精眞

pure vehicle 梵乘

pure vow 白淨願

pure white 充潔, 淸白

pure white garments 鮮白衣

pure white teeth 齒鮮白

pure wisdom 淨慧

pure words 淨語

pure world 淨刹

pure worldly knowledge obtained after (non-discriminative knowledge) 後得淸淨世智

pure, marvelous cognition 淸淨妙智

pure, perfectly enlightened mind 淨圓覺心

purely 純一

pure-minded aspiration 淨心意樂

purgatives 布儞阿偈, 瀉藥, 腐爛食藥, 腐爤藥

purgatory 地獄, 那落

purgatory of caldrons of molten iron 鑊湯地獄

purge , 肅淸

purifiable 可修治

purifiable seeds 可修治種子

purification 修治, 淨修治, 齋戒

purification of all kinds of cognition 一切種智淸淨

purification of all kinds of mentation 一切種心淸淨

purification of all kinds of perceptual referents 一切種所緣淸淨

purification of all kinds of supports 一切種所依淸淨

purification of aspiration 意樂淨

purification of cognition 智淨

purification of faith and resolve 信勝解淨

purification of the cognitive hindrances 所知障淨

purification of wholesome roots 善根淸淨

purified 已淨, 已淨修治, 成淨, 淸淨, 鮮白

purified body 身淨

purified by fire 火淨

purified cognition and vision 淨智見

purified of afflictive hindrances 煩惱障淨

purified through removal of pollution 離垢淨

purified water 閼伽

purifies 淨治

purifies the abodes 修治諸住

purifies the mind 令心淸淨

purify 令淨, 令淸淨, 淨修, 脩斷, 脩治,

purify buddha-lands 淨佛國土

purify by sprinkling 灑淨

purify hindrances 障淨

purify karma 修治業, 能修治業

purify the body 淨身

purify the mind 淸心

purifying one' own mind 自淨其意

purifying practice 淨修行

purifying stages 淨修地

purity 淨性, 淸淨, 淸淨性

purity and pollution 淨垢

purity in actions 行淸淨

purity in the three activities 三業淸淨

purity of activity 業淸淨

purity of applied practices 加行淸淨

purity of cognition 智淸淨

purity of intention 意樂淸淨

purity of mind 心淨, 心澄淨

purity of nature 性淸淨

purity of perceptual referents 所緣淸淨

purity of spirit 神淸

purity of the dharma-eye 法眼淨

purity of the land 國土淸淨

purity of the precepts 戒淨

purity of the sense organs 根淨

purity of the six senses 六根淨, 六根淸淨

purity of the support 所依淸淨

purity of views 見淨

purity, self, bliss, and permanence 淨我樂常

purple robe 紫服, 紫衣, 紫袈

purple-gold 紫金

purport 旨歸, 曷攞多, 阿施

purposive rhetorical power 義辯

pursue , 追求

pursue cultivation 進修

pursue discovery and examination 隨尋隨伺

pursue goodness 追善

pursue on a fast horse

pursue the bodhisattva path to its end 究竟菩薩道

pursue the making of offerings 追薦



pushing a gourd on top of the water 水上按胡蘆


put a snake in a tube 納蛇於筒

put an end to 消滅

put ashes on the head and dust on the face 灰頭土面

put aside 捨除

put aside and forget 廢忘

put away one's clothes and bowl 收衣缽

put away one's robe 收衣

put down 安下

put forth a body 出體

put in

put in a stūpa

put incense into a censer 裝香

put into words 起說

put on 在身

put on a robe and have a meal 著衣喫飯

put on armor 著鐙

put on clothes 着衣

put one's trust in and beg 歸請

put the hands together and fold the fingers 合掌叉手

put to flight 落在他後

putting it down 放下着

putting together again 和好

Qingyuan 靑原

qualified 所別

qualities inherent in one's mind from previous lifetimes 宿執

qualities of understanding of phenomena 法智品

qualities of understanding of phenomena in the path of insight 法智品見道

quality 功德

quality of (moral) goodness 善性

quality of [the reason] broadly encompassing the subject 遍是宗法性

quarrel , 諍訟

quarrelsome 好鬪

queen 可賀敦

queen and maids of honor 妃后

Queen of Heaven 天后

quell 治斷

quelled 所伏

quelling-elimination of seeds 種子伏斷

quells active afflictions 伏現纏

quells afflictions 伏煩惱

question , 問難, , 諮問

question and answer 問答, 敲唱

question in sincere language (?) 先言問訊

question mark. How? Why?

question, saying... 問言

questioning ritual 求聞持法

quick [transcribing] of a sūtra 頓經

quick transcribing [of a sūtra] 頓寫

quickly ,

quickly accomplishes 速疾能辦

quickly attain penetrating wisdom 速證通慧

quickly attains fruition 速得成立

quickly change 速疾轉變

quickly disappear 速滅沒

quickly manifest (change, alter) 速疾轉

quickly realize 疾證, 速證

quickly realizes unsurpassed perfect enlightenment 速證無上正等菩提

quickly witness completion 速證圓滿

quiescence 寂靜

quiescence defining a position 寂靜施設安立

quiescent 奢多, 安靜, 寂寞, 寂然, 賒多, 賖多, 靜性

quiescent activity 寂靜業

quiescent liberation 寂靜解脫

quiescent nirvāṇa 寂靜涅槃

quiet , 寂淨

quiet forest 閑林

quiet place 靜處

quiet room 讌室

quiet sitting 靜坐

quietly understands what is beneath the surface 冥會

quietly withdraw inwards 能閑居

quilt and a pillow 被枕

quinennial assembly 五年大會, 五年會

quinquennial assembly 般遮于瑟

quite 澄靜

quite ripe 已成熟

quite satisfied or contented 生喜足

quits 香去

quote 引說

rabbit , , 舍舍迦

rabbit in the moon 月兎

radiance 光明, 暉曜

radiance of a gem 珠光

radiance of the true teaching 正法光明

radiant 顯赫

radiant absorption 放光三昧

radiant and awe-inspiring 光明威相

radiant eyebrow 光毫

radiate 發光

raft , 船筏

raft of practice 行筏


rafters and eaves 椽梠

rafters and pillars 椽柱

rage and anger 瞋恚怒

ragged clothes 朱羅波梨迦羅, 雜碑衣

raging current , 瀑流

raging current of (false) views 見暴流

raging current of attachment to existence 有暴流

raging current of desire 欲暴流

raging current of nescience 無明暴流

raging storm 毘藍風, 藍風

rag-wearing, garbage-eating ascetics 殊微伽


railing(s) 欄楯

rain 一雨, 伐里沙, 行雨, 跋利沙,

rain down on

rain equally 等雨

rain of compassion 慈霪

rain of flowers 雨華

rain of the fine dharma 微妙法雨

rain sweet dew 雨甘露

rainbow 帝釋弓,

raining flowers 雨花

rainy season 雨安居, 雨時

rainy season of retreat 婆利師

raise , 爲高, , 興擧

raise a corpse through magical spells for purposes of killing 起尸鬼, 起屍鬼

raise a matter for question and analysis 拈提

raise a question 興問難

raise and show 擧似

raise oneself up 自高

raise the ancient precedent 拈古

raise the fly whisk 豎拂

raise the hands to the head in making obeisance 膜拜

raise the newly dead to slay an enemy 起死人

raise the world 興世

raise up for attention 擧示

raised 策擧

raised mound 塡陵

raises one hand 擧一手

raising one, covering all 擧一蔽諸


rampart 垣牆

ram's horn 羊角


range (of living beings with whom) one is on intimate terms 親近處, 近處

rank , 品位,

rank and emolument 爵祿

rank of five

rank of sage 仙尊位

rank of sentient beings 衆生等

rank of the bodhisattva grounds (bhūmis) and above 地上

rank of the ten abodes 十住位

rapid 急速

rapid as an arrow cleaving (the air) 劈箭急


rapidly advances to realization 速疾趣證

rapidly and completely realize 速疾圓證

rapidly consummates 速圓滿

rapture 自慶

rare [religious] state of mind 希有心

rare 奇特, , 珍異, 阿奢理兒, 阿奢理貳, 難有

rare and difficult to encounter 希有難遇

rare and marvelous flowers 珍妙華

rare and precious thing 瑰異, 璝異

rarefied aspect of the store consciousness 細輕相識

rather 寧當

ration bowl 乞食鉢

rational 有道理義, 道理義

rationale for two paths 二道理


Ratnaketu 寶星佛

rat-squeakings and cuckoo-callings 鼠喞鳥空

rattling staff 鳴錫

raw materials 資本, 資粮, 質本

raw sensate appearance of something that impinges on our consciousness 本質

ray from the tuft between the eyebrows 眉間光

ray of light (or a mirage) and an echo 焰響

ray of light from the tuft of white hair (between the eyebrows) 白毫相光

ray of light from the tuft of white hair between the eyebrows 眉間白毫相光

razor 剃刀

reach , 能遍, , , 逮得, 達盡, 達至, 鄰逼, 隣逼

reach completion 得圓滿

reach its limits 至究竟

reach out and extend blessings 舒手惠施

reach the end 至竟

reach the end of one's life 命終

reach the final moment of life 臨命終時

reach the other shore 到彼岸

reach the terminus 爲究竟

reach to ,

reaches the other shore 度彼岸, 能度彼岸

reaches to

reaching everywhere 普通


read aloud and studies 習誦

read and bear in mind (or memory) 讀持

read and recite 讀說

read and study the scriptures 看經

read the Buddhist texts 看教

read the scriptures 讀經, 轉經

reader 讀師

real , 實者, 爲實

real and eternal 眞常

real and mundane 眞俗

real and the provisional 眞假

real and unreal 法非法

real being 實是有

real dharma 眞實法

real dharma(s) 眞法

real form 實色

real intelligence 眞明

real intention 本期

real mind with which all sentient beings are endowed 堅實心

real natures of the six elements 六大法性

real path 如實之道

real phenomena 實法

real quality 實德

real referent 實義

real regretrossion 實退

real Samantabhadra 眞普賢

real self 實我

real self and real dharmas 實我實法

real teaching 實教

real things 實事

real time 實時

real truth 實諦

real views 實見

real virtues 眞德

real way of being of all phenomena 諸法眞如

real wisdom 實智

real woman 實女

reality 眞實義, 眞理, 眞諦理, 諦義

reality as accepted by the people of the world 世間所成眞實

reality as formulated by accurate reasoning 道理所成眞實

reality as it is accepted by people of the world 世間極成眞實

reality body 法身

reality body of the Tathāgata 如來法身

reality body subject to transformation 變化法身

reality formulated by accurate reasoning. 道理眞實

reality has no marks 實相無相

reality of essential nature 自性眞實

reality of phenomena 法眞

reality of the present life 正生

reality of the single lotus 一蓮之實

reality of the three chiliocosms 三千實相

reality realm of great forbearance 大忍法界

reality realm of the solitary realizers 緣覺法界

reality that is free from language 離言之法

reality-body as principle 理法身

reality-body of thusness 眞如法身

reality-realm 法界

realizaters 果人

realization 實現, 現證, , 證悟, 證果

realization as result [of practices] 果證

realization gained by no-thought meditation 無想果

realization of elimination [of afflictions] 斷果

realization of extinction of contamination 漏盡證明

realization of non-returning 那含果

realization of the accomplishment (or the Buddha's enlightenment) 成果證

realization of the arhat 羅漢果

realization of the buddhas 諸佛證

realization of the complete dharma body 圓滿法身證得

realization of the equality of all things 入一切平等

realization realm 證境

realizations, or fruits held in common 共果

realize [one's inherent Buddha-]mind 契心

realize 取證, 得證, 證會

realize clear contemplation 入現觀

realize enlightenment 證菩提

realize for oneself 自覺

realize full comprehension of all theories 證得一切論智

realize nirvāṇa 能證涅槃

realize supreme perfect enlightenment 證阿耨多羅三藐三菩提

realize the dharma by oneself through (personal) experience 無師獨悟

realize the provisional 入假

realized 已證, 所解

realized by the Tathāgatas 如來所證

realized for oneself 自所得

realized on one's own 自所證

realized truth 所證法

realizes that they are nothing but a pure mass of suffering 證得唯有純大苦蘊

realizes the perfect liberation of those still in training 證有學圓滿解脫

realizes unsurpassed perfect enlightenment 證無上正等菩提

realizes, in order 次第證

realizing emptiness by contemplation of form 卽空觀, 體色入空觀

realizing emptiness by embodying form 體色入空

realizing emptiness from the provisional 從假入空

realizing the [true] aspects [of reality] 證相

realizing the conventional from emptiness 從空入假, 從空出假


really have (enlightenment) in such a way that one naturally expresses its attainment 道得

really his (theirs, etc.) 彼所有

really is 乃是

realm , 刹境, 國界, 彊界, , 疆界, 馱都

realm of an atom 一塵法界

realm of birth and death 生死際

realm of constant quiescence 常寂光土

realm of desire 愛界, 欲有, 迦摩馱都

realm of dharma 法域

realm of enjoyment after death 離生喜樂地

realm of enlightenment 悟刹

realm of existence 有界

realm of experience is mind only 法界唯心

realm of extinction 滅法界

realm of great vehicle good roots 大乘善根界

realm of human existence 人界

realm of hungry ghosts 餓鬼界

realm of illusions 幻野

realm of incense—a monastery 香刹

realm of infinite perception 識無邊處地

realm of infinite space 空無邊處地

realm of laziness and pride 懈慢界

realm of neither perception nor non-perception 非想非非想處地, 非有想非無想處

realm of nirvāṇa 涅槃際

realm of non-obstruction between phenomena 事事無礙法界

realm of non-obstruction between principle and phenomena 理事無礙法界

realm of nothingness 無所有處地

realm of ordinary people 凡境

realm of paradise 安養世界

realm of phenomena 事法界

realm of principle 理界

realm of pure reality 實際理地

realm of result [of practice] 果上

realm of reward 果報土

Realm of Samantabhadra 普賢境界

realm of saving others 化他境

realm of self-realized wisdom 自覺慧境, 自覺慧境界

realm of sentient beings 衆生界

realm of separation from ordinary enjoyment in favor of sublime bliss 離喜妙樂地

realm of solitary realizers 獨覺境界

realm of space 虛空界

realm of the aggregates 陰境

realm of the bliss of the four virtues 四德樂邦, 四德波羅蜜

realm of the enlightened 聖境

realm of the enlightened ones 聖境界

realm of the hundred qualities 百法界

realm of the hungry ghosts 鬼法界, 鬼界

realm of treasure 寶刹

realm of truth 眞境

realm of ultimate bliss 極樂世界, 蘇訶嚩帝

realms 諸界

realms and destinies 界趣

realms and thusness 界如

realms brought under submission 調伏界

realms of delusion 迷界

realms of desire, form, and formlessness 欲色無色界

realms of the ten directions 十方刹

realms of true reward, lacking obstruction 實報無障礙土

realms that are brought under submission 所調伏界

realms that have correspondence with the desire realm 欲界同分界

realms with material form 有色界

realness 所有性

reappear 復現

reappears 還起


rearise 更起

rearises 還起

reason , , 條理, 義理,

reason and authority 因內

reason for 所以然

reason is this: 所以然者

reason must definitely have same qualities as the proposition 同品定有性

reason shared by both the positive and negative examples 共不定

reason that is contradictory (to another reason that the proponent accepts) 相違決定不定過

reason that is contradictory due to its differences with the premise 法差別相違因, 法差別相違過

reason that is uncertain due to its sharing in both positive and negative examples 共不定因

reasonable 應理, 有理

reasoning 比量

reasoning according to natural law 法爾道理

reasoning based on causality 作用道理

reasoning consciousness 思量能變識, 思量識

reasoning for oneself 自比量

reasoning for others 他比, 他比量, 爲他比量

reasoning on principles 理論

reasons 理由

re-avail (oneself to) 更承

rebirth [in the Pure Land] due to other-power 他力往生

rebirth 更生

rebirth as a human being 人道

rebirth as an animal 傍生, 傍生趣, 旁生, 畜生, 畜生趣, 畜生道, 血途

rebirth as an asura 修羅趣, 修羅道

rebirth as defilement 生雜染

rebirth as hungry ghost 餓鬼趣

rebirth for the purpose of stopping suffering 息苦生

rebirth in a superior circumstance 勝生

rebirth in grades of kingship 增上生

rebirth in the Pure Land 一九之生

rebirth in the pure land 往生淨土

rebirth in the Pure Land 淨土往生

rebirth in the temporary land 便往生

rebirth in Tuṣita Heaven 兜率上生

rebirth into a higher stage of existence 往上地生

rebirth into a lower stage of existence 還下地生

rebirth into nirvāṇa 生般

rebirth into the existence of hungry ghost 餓鬼道

rebirth with great influence 大勢生

reborn [in another world] 往生

reborn from mindfulness 意念往生

reborn into a higher level of existence 生上

reborn into a new body 受身

reborn into a superior state of existence 上生

reborn into desire 欲生

rebuke 呵責

rebuke severely 責難

recall [completely] 具足憶念

recall previous lives 識宿命

receive (?) 受獲

receive (from a superior) 見蒙

receive , 攝受, , 納受,

receive a favor 蒙賴

receive a name 受名

receive a prediction from 與授記

receive a transmission 傳受

receive a vision 奉見

receive and follow 受隨

receive and make one's own 享受

receive and master 領受堪能

receive and practice respectfully 尊修受

receive and put into practice 受行

receive and recite (the Buddha's teaching) 受誦

receive assurance 得受記

receive assurance of future enlightenment 得受記莂

receive attention to oneself 自擧

receive by oneself 自受

receive contributions 收鉢

receive full ordainment 受具足戒

receive instruction 禀學, 稟學

receive instruction in worldly arts 受學技藝

receive kindness 蒙恩

receive later 後受

receive offerings 受供養

receive offerings of food [properly] before the noon hour 受齋

receive permission to preach the dharma 轉教付財

receive the Buddha's teaching with conviction and understanding and then truly practice them 信受奉行

receive the complete precepts 受具

receive the dharma 受法

receive the fruits 受果

receive the living 接生

receive the precepts 受戒, 得戒, 稟戒, 納戒

receive the precepts and follow them 受體隨行

receive the teaching 禀教, 稟教

receive with both hands

receive with respect 奉受

received (experienced) earlier 先所受

received 有受

receiver of alms 所奉

receives and maintains 能受能持

receives and practices respectfully (?) 修受

receives assurance 得記

receives defilement 被染

receives the robe 受衣

receives with joy 代勸助

receiving assurance 受記

receiving causes 攝因

receiving donations through an intermediary 說淨

receiving retribution 受報

receiving the dharma of the three refuges 三歸受法

receiving the five precepts 受五戒


receptacle fruit 器果

reception of [karmic] experiences 法受

reception of karma 業受

receving the pure precepts 受淨尸羅

reciprocal conditionality 更互爲緣性

reciprocal loving care between children and parents 慈孝

reciprocally 互爲

recitation 頌念

recitation of the precepts 誦戒

recitation of the scriptures. 諷頌

recitations 衆誦

recite (chant) the scriptures 諷誦

recite [the precepts] every fifteen days 半月半月誦

recite , 諷受, 諷讀

recite and keep (in one's mind) 誦持

recite and praise 讀誦讚

recite and study (the scriptures) 誦學

recite poetry along with the blowing of the wind while enjoying a beautiful view of the moon 吟風弄月

recite repeatedly 數數誦

reciter 隨說

recites a mantra 誦咒

reciting preceptor 羯磨師, 羯磨阿闍梨, 羯磨阿闍棃, 羯磨阿闍黎



reckoning 籌量

reclining buddha image 睡佛像

recluse 茂泥

reclusive sage 仙聖

recognition of what has been accomplished 知報恩

recognize 念知

recollect 憶識, 隨念

recollection of death 死隨念

recollection of the deity 天隨念

recollection of the dharma 念法

recollects , 追憶


recommended and accepted as an employee 申敍


recompense for good or evil activity 善惡報應

recompense power 報通

reconciling differences 和諍

recondite 深祕

recondite and the manifest 幽顯

recondite scriptures 微妙經典

record 注記, 筆受, , , , 註記,

record and differentiate 記別

record of behavior 行業記

record of behavior 行狀記

record of one's sayings and doings 行述

record of souls 鬼錄

Record of the Chan Master Linji Huizhao 臨濟慧照禪師語錄

recorded 所記

recorded Chan [Seon/Zen] sayings 禪語錄

recorded sayings 語錄

red , 盧醯呾迦, 盧醯多迦, , , 路伽多

red and blue painting 丹碧, 丹靑

red and white copper 赤白銅

red bird 朱雀

red color 赤色

red demons 赤鬼

red flower (used for dye) 大赤華

red flower 摩訶曼珠沙

red heavenly flower 曼陀羅華

red lotus 紅蓮花, 紅蓮華, 鉢曇摩, 鉢特, 鉢頭摩

red lotus flower 波頭摩, 赤蓮華

red lotus hell 紅蓮地獄

red sandalwood 赤栴檀

red socks

red-colored incense 阿盧那跋底

redeem life 贖命

red-eye 赤眼

red-light district 婬坊

red-moustached (or bearded) Vibhāṣā 赤髭毘婆沙

redo 重修

red-plum incense (?) 赤梅檀

reduce to submission 討伐, 討罰

reduction of desires 寡欲

redundancy 煩重


refectory 食堂


referent as [causal] condition 所緣緣

referential object 依緣, 所依緣, 所緣, 所緣事, 所緣境界, 緣境

referents are absent 緣無


refined and beautiful 微妙好

refined butter 蘇蜜

refined canon 雅典

refined meaning 雅誼

refined silk gauze 羅縠

reflect 反復, 省錄

reflect and become aware 省悟

reflect back on , 剋識

reflect on one's own mind 自悔責

reflect upon 周遍尋思, 追省

reflect upon oneself 惟省

reflecting on 顧念

reflection 所顧錄,

reflection in a mirror 鏡像

reflection of forms 像現

reflection of the moon in the water 水月

reflective and cognitive mind 慮知心

reflects color 明色

refrain (stop) for the time being 且止

refrain from 防禁

refraining from taking life 離殺

refrains from discriminating 不起分別

refreshed 安息

refreshing 安慰

refuge 所歸依

refuse , 違拒

refutation 厭壞, 能破, 能破者

refutation by supposition 縱破

refutation of objections 遮救

refute [falsely] attached [views] 破執

refute , 破斥

refute each other 相破

refute error 破邪

refute the lesser 析小

refuted 所破

refutes attachment to being 破取有

refuting [the false] and manifesting [the correct] 破顯

refuting and establishing 破立, 遮照

refuting the false and manifesting the correct 破邪顯正

regard as 以爲

regard or look at respectfully 覲瞻

regarded as strange 可怪

regarded as the definitive doctrine 爲宗

regarding all phenomena 於一切法

regarding all these phenomena 於是諸法

regarding as object [to be attained] 爲得

regarding bodhisattva practices 於菩薩修

regarding the true teaching(s) 於正法中

regardless (of person, class, kind) 不拘

regardless 不惜

regardless of 不顧

regardless of whether a buddha appears, nature and characteristics abide eternally 有佛無佛性相常住

region , 境域, , 界分

region of India 印域

region of the dharma-nature 法性土

region of the wind-wheel 風輪際

register of [monk's] names 名籍

register of monks according to length of time in the saṃgha 輪差僧簿

regress and fall 退墮

regret 悔愧, 憂悔, 追悔

regret and fear 悔懼

regretted 應懺, 所悔

regretting midway 中悔

regular people 庶類

regulate 調伏

regulated times [for eating] 齋時

regulates parsimony 調伏慳吝

regulating the five matters 調五事

regulation clothing 制衣

regulation dress 章服

regulation of monk and nun ordination by the government 度僧

regulations 科律

rehabilitation 出罪

reification of doubt 疑執

reifying perspective 增見

rein in one's senses 撿情, 歛情

reindeer and deer 麋鹿

reiterate 重說

reject 拒逆, , 棄背

reject cyclic existence 背捨

reject the limited [teaching] 彈偏

reject the one-sided and extol the perfect (teachings) 彈偏襃圓

rejected 所棄, 所棄捨

rejection 隨離

rejection of flavor 訶味

rejection of form 訶色

rejection of fragrance 訶香欲

rejection of sound 訶聲

rejection of tactile sensation 訶觸

rejection of the five desires 訶五欲

rejects 彈斥

rejoice 慶幸, 欣悅豫, 欣豫

rejoice in faith 信心歡喜

rejoice in gratitude 隨喜

rejoice over luck 僥慶

rejoices in one's heart 心生歡喜

rejoicing (in all good) 隨喜方便

rejoicing deer 鹿喜, 鹿杖

rejoined 更互相應

relapse 衰退

relate completely 述成

related school 寓宗

related to 待對

related to hearing 聞性

relationship encompassing many lifetimes 多生之緣, 多生緣

relative 親人

relative capacities [of sentient beings] 根勝劣

relative subtlety 相待妙

relative truth 世俗諦

relatives 親屬, 親戚, 親眷, 親里

relax rules on prohibited food and drink 開素, 開葷

relaxed and stressful situations 閑不閑

relaxed both in the observance of precepts and the cultivation of wisdom 戒乘倶緩

relaxed in the observance of the precepts and also relaxed in regard to the polishing of wisdom 戒緩乘緩

relaxed in the observance of the precepts and zealous in the development of wisdom 戒緩乘急

release ,

release from fettering to manifest objects 相縛解脫

release or liberate the power by magic words 解界

releasing caged animals for merit 放生

relentless 阿毘至

reliable 可依, 有依怙

reliable Buddhist patron 外護善知識

reliable Buddhist teacher 教授善知識

reliable fellow-practitioner 同行善知識

reliable friends 善友

reliable master 師家

reliable support 依趣

reliance for impermanence 無常依

reliance on the objective realm 託境界

reliance upon the letters 依文字

reliance upon the meaning 依義

reliant on the marks of phenomena 依法相

relics 設利, 遺形, 靈骨

relics container 舍利容器

relics of a cremated body 碎身舍利

relics of the dharma body 法舍利, 法身舍利

relies on 恃怙

relieve 濟拔, 賑給

relieved 寛泰

religion 宗教

religious ceremony performed for the attainment of prosperity 增益法

religious community 教團

religious devotion for the sake of good fortune 祈福信仰

religious mendicancy 托鉢

religious practitioner 求道人, 求道者, 道人

religious ritual 祠祀

religious site 法場

religious training or discipline 練行

religious vow 法誓

relinquish 捨滅, 能棄捨

relinquish all desires associated with the worldly life 棄家諸欲

relinquishment 還離

reliquary 舍利塔

rely on 依怙, 依憑, 依賴, , ,

rely on the mind 依心

rely on what is correct 歸正

rely on words 寄言

rely on yourself, using the Dharma as your lamp 自燈明法燈明

rely upon ,

relying on faith 歸信

relying on the dharma 法依

relying on the fully explained teachings and not on the incomplete teachings 依了義經不依不了義經

relying on the instruction [that one has received] 依教

relying on the meaning and not on the words 依義不依語

relying on the teachings and not on the person 依法不依人

relying on the ultimate truth 依第一義

relying on wisdom and not on the ordinary mind 依智不依識

remain 居止

remain in non-retrogression 住不退轉

remain nearby and assist 毘贊

remaining basis 餘依

remaining disciples 遺弟

remaining in meditative concentration 處定心

remaining in the sitting posture 常坐不臥

remaining karma 宿緣

remaining karmic impressions 殘氣, 殘習, 餘習

remaining masters 有餘師

remaining suffering 苦餘

remaining... 其餘, 其餘所有


remains in the world 住世間

re-manifest 重現前

remedied 所對治

remedied by a good understanding of the treatises 善知論所對治

remedied by a sense of shame and conscience 慚愧所對治

remedy 消息

remember 念識, 憶念, , 識念

remember and write 持書

remember the past 憶念過去

remember what one hears 憶聞

remembered 能隨念

remembering 發起隨念, 隨起憶念

remembrance 記念, 隨記念

remembrance of the buddha in this thought 卽心念佛

remembrance of the Buddha['s name] 念佛

remembrance of the past [lifetimes] 前際隨念

remnants of affliction 煩惱餘


remonstrate with a king 諫王


remote 懸逈, 懸遠, 懸邈

removal of externally resident debilitating tendencies 在皮麤重斷

removal of karmic hindrances 業障除

removal of medially resident debilitating tendencies 在膚麤重斷

removal of nescience 除無明

remove 息滅, , 消竭, 滅除, 能蠲除, , 除去

remove all evil 除一切惡

remove and disperse 除散

remove delusion 除癡

remove doubt 除疑

remove habituated tendencies forever 永拔習氣

remove harm 除害

remove obstructions 斷障

remove one's clothes 脫衣

remove oneself from evil 離邪

remove permanently 永拔

remove suffering and give joy 拔苦與樂

remove the coffin 移龕

remove the three defilements 除三垢

remove the weeds and look for the breeze 撥草瞻風

remove the weeds and look for the profundity 撥草參玄

removed 已遠離

removed from all marks 離衆相

removed from conditions 離緣

removed from word 離言

removes 能除去

removes it 斷之

removes uncertainties 除疑惑

removing 斷者

removing evil and cultivating goodness 斷惡修善, 止惡修善

removing obstructions 除障

removing the suffering [of others] 拔苦

removing want 除饉


rends asunder 摑裂, 裂破


renewed appearance 復生

renounce the secular life 出家

renounce the worldly life and abandon desire 捨家棄欲

renouncing 無所顧

renouncing the five sensual desires 呵五欲

renovate 修葺

renown and age 名臈

renown, profit, and respect 名譽利養恭敬

rent asunder 分離


renunciant bodhisattvas 出家菩薩

renunciant group [of bodhisattvas] 出家分

renunciant monk 出家者

renunciant practitioner 修行者, 喪門, 桑門

renunciant practitioners 出家修行

renunciation 出離, 放棄

reoccur 復轉

reorientation to the Buddhist path 囘趣

repair 修葺, ,

repair the thatched roof 修葺

repay , 酬還

repaying kindness 報恩

repeat a lesson 覆講

repeat what one has heard 承說

repeated 重重

repeated activity 數數起

repeated chanting of the Buddha's name 多念念佛

repeated cultivation 多修, 數數修習

repeated detailed consideration 數數思擇

repeated donation 數數惠施

repeated expansion 轉復

repeated practice

repeated verse 重頌

repeatedly arise 數起

repeatedly contemplate 數思惟

repeatedly done 數現行

repeatedly eliminate 數數除遣

repeatedly enact the same habit or custom; to be habituated by repetition 數習

repeats the versified explanation, saying... 重說偈言

repent 咎悔, 後悔, 改悔, 改過, 變悔

repent inwardly 心悔

repentance 叉磨, , 懺悔, 懺摩, 能悔

repentance according to marks 取相悔

repentance and confession 出罪方便

repentance of Mañjuśrī 文殊悔過

repentance of transgressions 悔過

repentance through activities 事懺, 事懺悔

repentance through principle 理懺, 理懺悔

repenting crimes to others 可呵法, 各對應說, 對他說, 悔過法, 波羅底提舍尼, 波胝提舍尼

repetition 多言, 慣習

repetitive practice of meditation 禪習

replete 悉具

replete in wisdom 智慧具足

replete with 圓具, 悉備

replete with all merits 功德聚

replete with insight 慧具足

replete with kindness 具憐愍

replete with learning; fed full with study 飽學

replete with merit 具足功德

reply 報答,

reply by ignoring the question 置答

reply by signs 示相答

reply by words 言答

repose 輕安覺支, 除覺支

reposeful at ease 寧安

repository for precious treasures 寶藏

repository of all wisdom 一切智藏

representation 表了, 表象

reprimand and expel 訶責擯罰

reproaches 剋責


reputation 名望, 名譽

request 貿

request a leave of absence 請假

request and reject 請折

request instruction 參請

requesting an answer 索話, 索語


rescue 免救, 拔濟, 拯濟, 救援, 救濟, 行救

rescuing and releasing 勉出

rescuing from sickness and suffering 救諸病苦

resemblance 相似


resemble closely 仿佛

resembles 相類

resembling external objects 似外境

resembling objects 似塵

resembling seeds that are produced from a given intention 勝解所起相似種子


resentful celestial 意憤天, 意憤恚天

resentful spirit 怨靈


reside on the inside 在實

residence for monks or nuns 僧舍

resident monks/nuns 現前僧

resides at the edge 在邊

resides here 在此

resides in a town(or country) other than one's own 僑亭

residing within 在內

residual influence 餘熏

residue , 餘殘

resilience 勇銳

resin 膠漆布


resistance 有對

resisting the dharma 不順法

resisting the flow (of saṃsāra) 逆流

resolute 堅正

resolute and diligent 志勇精進

resolute cognition 勝解智

resolute correction 堅固對治

resolute strenuous effort 堅固勇猛

resolution , 決意

resolution of obstructions 解妨

resolve 能決, 解斷, 阿地目多, 阿提目多, 阿提目多伽

resolve difficulties 防難

resolve doubt 決疑

resolve doubts 决疑, 解疑

resolve experienced as a natural outcome 等流受用勝解

resolve for realization 證發心

resolve for unhindered power 願自在力

resolve to be or become 願作

resolve to consummate faith 信成就發心

resolve to save all beings 起慈悲心

resolve to understand and to practice 解行發心

resolves (doubts) 決除

resonant (sound of) an echo 深山響

resounds throughout the ten directions 響流十方

resources 財事

respect (?) 欽效

respect 信用, 奉敬, 宗仰, 宗敬, 宗重, 尊奉, 尊戴, 尊重, 恭敬, 愛重, 敬宗, 敬重, 欣仰, 欽仰, 欽羨

respect and believe in 欽信

respect and obey 敬順

respect and protect 敬護

respectable 可重

respected 所敬, 所重

respectful 恭肅, , 肅恭

respectful and harmonious activity 和敬業

respectful nickname 美稱

respectful salutation 省問

respectfully 殷重, 簫然, 肅然

respectfully follow the teaching 隨順教誨

respectfully salute 先語省問

respectfully submitted 承之

respecting the god of fire 重火

respects 起尊重, 遵崇

respiration 出入息

respite 休息

resplendent 綺麗

responding [to an inappropriate question] with silence 捨置記

responding to a foolish or improper question with silence 默置記

responds gently 往返和好

responds with joy 代喜, 代歡喜

response [body] buddha 應佛

response and protection 應護

response aspect of a buddha 加持門

response body 化身, 應形, 應身

response body buddha 應身佛

response body connected to both inferior and superior 帶劣勝應身

response land 應土

response to capacity 機感

response, transformation, and dharma-bodies of the Buddha 應化法身

response-body enlightenment 應佛菩提

response-transformation body 應化身

rest , , 寧息, , 遺餘

rest are as explained above 餘如前說

rest of the text 餘文

rest the spirit 棲神

restart 復起

rest-house 安下處

resting in quietude 西山

resting on or in

resting upon 由依

restlessness 掉擧

restlessness and remorse 掉悔

restores 悔除

restrain , 律儀, , 遮遣

restrain one's mind 持心

restraining rules 制戒

restraining teachings 制教

restraint 制止, 尼夜摩, 律儀, 律防

restraints and difficulties (?) 遮難

restraints of morality 尸羅律儀, 戒律儀

restraints of the way 道檢

restricted 有所制約

restriction 邊量

result 報應,

result 果應

result and maturation 果及異熟

result exists within the cause 因中有果

result in sickness 成患

result nature 果性

result of exinction 滅果

result of maturation 毘播迦, 異熟果

result of the donation 施果

result of the practices of each vehicle 自乘果

result that is produced 生果

result that is sought 感果

resultant pain 果患

resultant truth body 果法身

results of non-conceptualization 無想報

results of skillful means 方便果

results that are attained 所得果

retained 應攝受


retaining what has been written down 書持

retains the final body 任持最後身

retaliate 報復

retention of meaning 義陀羅尼

retention of what is heard 聞持陀羅尼, 聞陀羅尼

retinue 眷屬圍遶

retinue of Brahmā 梵身天

retinue of Indra 日天衆

retire (from the secular world) 退隱


retire from one's position 退位

retire from one's seat 退席, 退座

retired abbot 老和尚, 退居和尚

retired former monastery officials 蒙堂

retractable penis 陰藏, 馬陰藏

retranslation of sūtra that has already been translated 重翻本

retribution , 報生, 應報, 果報, 異熟, 與果, 酬報

retribution for evil acts 罪報

retribution for the actions in prior lifetimes 宿報

retribution in the next rebirth 生報

retribution of good and evil karma 善惡業報

retribution-bond 果縛

retributive events 報事

retributive hindrances 異熟障

retrogress 退, 退屈, 退轉

retrogress from the great vehicle 退大

retrogress from the mind of enlightenment 退菩提心

retrogressing mind 退心

retrogression 鞞跋致

retrogression by those who are free from the desire realm 離欲退

retrogression from that which was cut off (?) 斷退

return (to one's original place)

return (to the beginning) 還歸

return (transfer) one's merit to another 廻向, 迴向

return , 復還, 歸化, , , , 還來, 還復, 還淨

return a courtesy 囘禮

return hastily 遽返

return home 歸家

return of courtesy 還拜, 還禮

return to 還到

return to extinction 歸寂, 還滅, 還滅門

return to lay life 歸俗

return to one's original place 還至本處

return to purity 歸淨

return to the grave 覆墓

return to the lay life 還俗

return to the origin 歸元, 歸本

return to the secular world 復飾

return to the source 反本, 還源

return to the truth 歸眞

return to the world 還相

return, after all, to cyclic existence 却入生死

returning from conditioned appearances to the original nature of true thusness 歸性

returning payment 囘祭, 囘財

returning propriety 復禮

returning the merits of the original vow 本願力迴向

returning to the monastery 歸山

returns to the origin 歸源

reveal 彰現露, 爲開顯, 現見, 現露, 等開示, 能顯發, 開誘, 顯示

reveal and confess 發露懺悔

reveal and unite 開廢會, 開會

reveal openly 披陳

reveal the understanding of one's own phenomenal situation 展事投機

reveal, relying on the meaning 依義顯示

revealed (or complete) doctrine scripture 了義經

revealer of the way 開道者

revealing cause of buddha-nature 了因佛性

revealing the true intention 顯眞實義

revealing themselves as matched according to type 隨類應同

revelatory cause of (buddha-) nature 了因性

reverberating sound 鯨音

revere 宗奉, 尊重, 崇敬, , 恭敬, 瞻仰, 瞻敬, 遵尚

revere virtue 崇德

reverence 末捺南

reverence and faith 崇信, 崇敬信仰

reverent harmony 和敬

reverent harmony in bodily unity in form of worship 身和敬

reverent harmony in doctrinal unity in views and explanations 見和敬

reverent harmony in mental unity in faith 意和敬

reverent harmony in moral unity in observing the precepts 戒和敬

reverent harmony in oral unity in chanting 口和敬

reverential 肅焉, 蕭焉

reverential attitude 敬心

reverential mind 尊重心

reverently believe in 仰信

revering the dharma 敬法

reverse metaphor 逆喩

reversion to the desire realm 還來欲界

revert 退還

revert downwards 還下

reviewing and inspecting 顧視

revile 毀辱, 生誹謗

revile the true dharma 謗正法

reviling the noble ones 謗賢聖者

revival 中興

revival of Buddhism 佛教復興

revive 等活

revived 復活

revolution 轉作

revolve 運轉

revolving 廻轉

revolving incantation 旋陀羅尼

reward , 恩報, 惠報,

reward and punishment 賞罰

reward body 報身

reward body of enjoyment 他受用報身

reward of the pure land as a result of the vows of Amitâbha 大願淸淨報土

reward-body 三菩伽迦耶

reward-body buddha 報佛, 報身佛

reward-body buddha and transformation-body buddha 報化佛

reward-land 報土

reward-name 果名

rewards of the six perfections 六度果報

rewitnessing aspect 證自證分

rhetorical skill 辯才

rhinoceros 佉加, 渴伽,

rhinoceros horn 犀角

rhythm of music 音節

rice 稻穀

rice and hemp 稻麻

rice broth 羹飯

rice gruel

rice straw 稻稈

rice-gruel 乳粥

rice-pan on the belly 鍱腹


rich ,

rich and poor 錢財

rich man 富士

rich man who owns a charity hall 慈室長者

riches 財寶

ride (on a vehicle)

ride [a horse or chariot, carriage; vehicle] 騎乘


ride the tide 乘潮

rides 能乘

ridgepole 梁棟

ridicule 形笑, 謿話, 謿讛

riding the thief's horse, chasing the thief 騎賊馬逐賊

right ,

right and true 正眞

right and true enlightenment 正眞覺, 正眞道

right and wrong 處非處

right behavior 正業, 等業

right behavior of post-learners 無學正業

right concentration 正定

right concentration of post-learners 無學正定

right disciplines (of Buddhists) 正戒

right effort of post-learners 無學正勤

right emancipation as held by the adepts 無學正解脫

right endeavor 正懃

right hand 右手

right here 卽此

right knee 右膝

right livelihood 正命

right livelihood of postlearners 無學正命

right mindfulness as held by the adepts 無學正念

right place and the wrong place 是處非處

right recollection 正隨念

right shoulder 右肩

right side

right side of the body 右脅

right speech of post-learners 無學正語

right speech, actions, and livelihood 正語業命

right thought of post-learners 無學正思惟

right time 宜時

right view 正見

right view of post-learners 無學正見

right wisdom of post-learners 無學正智

righteous Dharma 誼法

righteous guide 正導

righteous monk(s) 義士

rightful heir 嫡子

rights 權利

rigid attachment 堅執

rigidity 剛強相

rigidly attached, unable to relinquish 堅著不捨


ring a bell 振鈴

ringing the mealtime bell 打鍾食

rinse 析水

ripe 成熟者, 有報


ripened 所成熟, 所成熟修證圓滿

ripened phenomenon 異熟法

ripened skillful means 成熟方便

ripened wisdom 成熟智

ripeness of the faculties of sentient beings matched with the teachings of the Buddha 機教

ripening 能成熟, 調熟

ripening cause 異熟因

ripening essential nature 成熟自性

ripening individual 能成熟補特伽羅

ripening of causes into effects 異熟因果

ripening of fruits 果熟

ripples 微瀾,

rise above 超上, 高出

rise and fall 昇降

rise up and dance (with joy) 歡喜踊躍, 踊躍

rising 能起, 蓬勃

rising and falling 升沈, 起墮

rising from one's seat to welcome a visitor 起迎

rising numbers 上數

rising of thoughts in the mind 心起

rising sun first shines on the highest mountains 先照高山

ritual 修法, , 法式

ritual body 羯磨身

ritual dance 作法舞

ritual for selecting the space of the altar 結界法

ritual for the deceased 遷度

ritual for the selection of sacred space (for an altar, etc.) 擇地結界法

ritual for the Sūtra of Golden Light performed at the Imperial Palace 御齋會

ritual implements 支具, 支度

ritual of destruction 壞法

ritual of the Great Vehicle 大乘會

ritual of the one word golden wheel 一字金輪法

ritual wand 加持杖

ritual worship statement praising Avalokitêśvara 觀音禮文

ritual-enacting monk 法僧

rituals for the protection of children 護童子法

rituals of a school 宗儀

rituals of the ten realms 十界修行

river , , 那他

river bank 河岸

river burial 河葬

river current 川流

river god 河伯

river god as slave 河神小婢

river Hiraṇyavatī 煕連

river of affliction 煩惱河

river of bondage 結河

river of desire 愛河, 欲河

river of kindness 恩河

river of meditation 禪河

river of suffering 苦河

river(s) 川河


rivulet 涓流

road , , 道路


roam about freely 逍遙自在

roam through the heavens 遊虛空天

roaming pneumas 遊氣

roar of the true lion from within the great assembly 大衆中正師子吼

roar of the world 世吼

roars 皥吠

roast 炙燎


robber indolence 懈怠賊

robber> 死賊

robber-grass 朱利草


robe and bowl 衣鉢

robe and the dharma 衣法

robe for entering the palace or the town 入王宮聚落衣

robe free of dust 離塵服

robe free of taint 離染服

robe of compassion 慈悲衣

robe of liberation 解脫幢相衣, 解脫服, 解脫衣

robe of patience 忍辱衣

robe of the field of merit 福田衣

robe sack 三衣袋, 盛衣, 衣囊, 衣袋, 袈裟行李, 袈裟袋

robe, seat, and room 衣座室

robes made of rubbish-heap rags 糞掃衣

robe-wearing bunch 衲衆


rock eon 磐石劫


roll up ,

roller for a scroll

rolling of waves 瀾翻

rolling one's food 團食


roof body 屋身

room at Vaiśāli 毘耶窟

room entry 屋門

room made out of stone 石室

room of good causes 善因室

room of the Buddha 佛室

roost ,

root 慕羅, , 根本

root aggregate 根本蘊

root consciousness 本識, 根本識

root of all defilements 一切雜染根本

root of coming-about 生起根本

root of defilements 雜染根本

root of desire 愛根

root of pride 慢根本

root of suffering 苦本

root of the nose

root of transgressions 罪根

roots and branches 本末

roots are immature 根未熟

roots of one's present circumstance 宿根

roots of suffering and distress 勤苦之本

roots of the wholesome [factors] are immature 善根未熟

roots of virtue 德本

rope (made of straw or hemp)

rope , ,

rope of life 命藤

rosary 咒珠, 念珠, 數珠, 誦珠, 鉢塞莫

rosary bead seeds 木樂子

rosary of 108 beads 百八數珠

rot 爛壞

rotating book table 輪藏

rotten 朽穢, 爛魚,

rotten and tattered clothes 朽故弊壞衣

rough , ,

rough and disturbed 麤散

rough and evil park 麤惡苑

rough speech 麤言

rough view of the buddhas 麤見諸佛

roughness , 澁觸, 獷悷, 麤惡


round and again round 雙圓

round and smooth like a pearl 圓陀陀

round cloth 圓布

round face 面輪

round grain bin

round mirror 圓鏡

round ocean 圓海

round platform 圓壇

round sun 日輪


roving latrine 行廁

rows of trees 行樹

royal affairs 王事

royal Buddha of shining flames 光燄王佛

royal days 王日

royal death commemoration 國忌

royal family 國王家

royal feast 王膳

royal palace 王宮

royal preceptor 王師

royal sage 王仙

royal samādhi

royal samādhi of numberless referents 無量所緣三摩地王

ṛṣi possessing the dhāraṇī


rub the body with fragrant herbs or oils 敷擧

rub the body with incense or scent to worship Buddha 塗香

rub with unctuous substances 塗身

ruby 火珠, 赤光珠, 赤珠, 鉢摩羅伽, 鉢曇摩羅伽


ruffian 太麤生


ruination of the way 敗道

ruined and vacant 羸曠

rule , , , 統領, 軌儀

rule and restraint 範衞

rule of equality for entering buddhahood 入佛平等戒

rule of law

rule of the lesson 科儀

rule of the three white foods 三白法

rule the four continents 王四大洲

ruler 主上, 君主, ,

ruler and ministers 君臣

ruler of Mars 火德星君

ruler of the five officials 五官王

ruler of the herd 人尊牛王

ruler of the state 爲國王

rules 戒珠, 方軌, 法律, 軌持

rules adapted for special circumstances 隨方毘尼

rules and disciplines 戒律

rules and laws 律法

rules and methods 法度

rules and prohibitions 戒禁, 誡禁

rules collection 戒藏

rules for confession and pardon 懺儀

rules for public observance 皇極

rules for repentance and confession 悔懺法

rules for settling disputes 滅諍法

rules of a school 宗規

rules of action 行儀

rules of behavior 作法

rules of conduct for bodhisattvas 菩薩法式

rules of forfeiture of the things that a monk or nun possesses superfluously 三十尼薩耆波逸提法, 尼薩祇貝逸提, 尼薩耆波逸提, 尼薩耆波逸提法, 棄墮, 泥薩祇波逸底迦, 盡捨墮

rules of the monastery 叢規

rules regarding leather 皮革犍度

rules tablet 戒壇石, 結界石

run ,

run about in play 走戲

run across by luck 僥會

run away 逃逝

rungs of a ladder 階梯

running (agitatedly) 馳騁

running about for ever 波波劫劫

running and jumping 騰躍

running hither and thither 波波

runs quickly 疾走

rupture of friendship 破壞親友

rushes 馳邁

rushes to 馳造

rushing about in the six destinies 忙忙六道




sacerdotal robes 僧服, 僧衣, 法衣

sacred buddha relic temple 寂滅寶宮

sacred canon 聖典

sacred king of the Dharma 聖法王

sacrifice or make offerings to one's ancestors

sacrifice to one's natal star 星供, 星祭

sacrificial animals 犧牲

sacrificial ceremonies 犧牲祭

sacrificial grain vessel 瑚璉

sacrificial service 致誠

sad , 悲憂

sad and distressed 悲酸

sad cry 哀鳴

sad face 悲顏, 憂色

sadness 哀歎

sadness and happiness 憂喜

safeguard 隨守護

safeguarding 隨護

safflower 倶遜婆, 紅藍花

saffron 茶矩磨, 茶矩麼, 荼矩磨, 鬱金, 鬱金香

sagacious ministers as one of the seven valuables 七寶聖臣

sagacity 聰叡

sage , 聖仙, 聖者

sage and (unenlightened) worldling 聖凡

sage deer king 仙鹿王

sage of the Nirvāṇa Sūtra 涅槃聖

sage who goes from clan to clan 家家聖者

sage who is in control of the three activities 三牟尼

sagehood 聖果

sagely abode, heavenly abode, and brahma abode 聖住天住梵住

sagely benefit 聖福

sagely intention 聖意

sagely teacher 聖師

sages abode 聖住

sages of the three vehicles 三乘聖人

sages of yore 先聖

sages still in the stage of discipline 有學聖人

sages who are free from desire 已離欲聖者

sages who are not yet free from desire 未離欲聖者

sages with one interval remaining 一間聖者

said 宣說開示, 所宣

said to arise 說生

said to be a thousand[fold] 說千數

said to be one hundred thousand-fold 說百千數

said to be ten million-fold 說倶胝數


saindhava 先陀

sainika 先尼

saint 牟尼, 聖人, 聖者, 阿羅訶

saint who is fond of wisdom 樂慧聖

saintly bodhisattvas 菩薩聖衆

saintly Father 聖父

saintly host 聖衆來迎

saints and trainees 聖有學

Śakra Heaven, Brahma Heaven, and World-protecting King's Heaven 釋梵護世

Śakra's wheel 釋輪

Śākya Palace 釋宮

Śākya teacher 釋師

Śākyamuni Buddha Sculpture of Seiryōji Temple 淸涼寺釋迦如來像

Śākyamuni, world-honored one 釋迦世尊

Śākyamuni's death 佛滅

Śākyamunis of other lands 他方釋迦

Śākyamuni's pure voice 淸梵

Śākyamuni's putting his foot out of his coffin 槨示雙趺

Śākya-seed 釋種

Śākya-stūpa 釋迦塔

sāla 沙羅

sale of ordination certificates 鬻度, 鬻牒

sale or purchase of alcohol 酤酒

saliva and tears 吐涙

salt ,

salt water 鹹水

salty , 鹹味

salty ocean 鹹海

salutation to the universal Triratna 作禮方便

salutations to 南摸

salvation 解脫

salvation of sentient beings 衆生救濟

salvation through the complete removal of the obstruction of illusion 障盡解脫

salvation through the vow 願度

samādhi and prajñā society 定慧社

samādhi of attaining light 明得定

samādhi of being in the presence of all buddhas 諸佛現前三昧

samādhi of cessation 滅盡三昧

samādhi of continuous sitting 常坐三昧

samādhi of emptiness 空三昧, 空無相無願三昧

samādhi of following one's own thoughts 隨自意三昧

samādhi of no sensation 不受三昧

samādhi of no-marks 空無相無願三昧

samādhi of non-contrivance 空無相無願三昧

samādhi of nonexistence-only 唯無三昧

samādhi of transcendent joy 越喜三昧

samādhi of universal equality 普等三昧

samādhi of universal illumination 普光三昧

samādhi powerful like the dragon 龍奮迅三昧

samādhi produced from retribution 報生三昧

Samantabhadra after the Buddha 佛後普賢

samāsa 三摩娑

same 一般, , 同一, 與等者

same as the buddhas 與諸佛同

same as the prior 同前

same as this 亦復如是

same body 同體

same cause, same effect 一因一果

same class 一流, 同品, 同級, 同類

same class of sentient being 有情同分

same color 同一色

same conditions 同緣

same crowd 等侶

same day 同日

same destination 同趣, 等趣

same destination as direct disciples 等趣聲聞

same destination of the great vehicle 等趣大乘

same dharma 同法

same effect 一果

same essence 同體

same family 同姓

same in essence 當體卽是

same in name, but the meaning is different 名同義異

same in type 類同

same method 一揆

same mind 同心

same origin 同源

same precepts 同戒

same rank 同位

same realm 一際

same single basis 一依, 一依止

same spot 同處

same taste 等味

same teaching of the single vehicle 同教一乘

same time 一時, 同時, 等時

same, without difference 等無異

sameness 平等性

sameness and difference 一異

sameness in the lack of conceptual elaboration 無戲論平等性

sameness of movement and stillness 動靜一如

same-type cause 同類因

saṃgha and the monastery 僧寺

saṃgha as a harmonized group 和合衆

saṃgha college 僧家大學

Saṃgha Jewel Monastery 僧寶寺刹

saṃgha treasure 僧寶

saṃsāra and nirvāṇa are not two — they lack distinction 生死涅槃無二無別

saṃsāra is no different from nirvāṇa 生死卽涅槃

saṃsāra of escape 反出生死


sand and pebbles 沙礫

sand as grain 土麨

sandalwood (which grows) by the seashore of this side 海此岸栴檀

sandalwood 旃檀, 旃檀娜, 栴檀, , 檀香

sandal-wood incense 贊那曩

sand-grains of the River (Ganges) 江河沙

sands of the Ganges 恆伽沙, 河沙

sands on the riversides of the Ganges 恆邊沙

Sanskrit 天語,

Sanskrit alphabet in fifty letters 五十字母

Sanskrit texts 梵本

Sanskrit vowels 字緣

sap or juice of plants

sap-bearing tree 差利尼迦, 研枝

sapience 慧性

sapphire 大靑珠

Śāriputra's Verse on the Dharma-body 法身舍利偈, 法頌舍利


satiated 有厭

satisfaction 喜足

satisfied 寧樂, 知足, 飽足

satisfies 心安具足

satisfy 充滿悅

Satyasiddhiśāstra masters 成論師

savable 得滅度者

save 得度, , , 救援, 救濟, 開度

save and convey (someone) to deliverance 救度

save and protect 救護

save and protect sentient beings 救護衆生

save beings 濟生

save from suffering 救苦

save others 他度, 度他

save sentient beings 度生

save sentient beings below 下濟衆生

save the world 救世

save without limit 度無極

saver 能度

saver from the burning rock 度沃焦

saves sentient beings 度衆生, 爲度有情

savor 味著, 生味著

savors 珍著

savory food

say , 名名, , 言曰, 語言, , 謂言, 陣言

say it's not the Buddhist teaching 言非佛說

say like this 作是言

say once 一稱

say together 相謂言

says in this way... 作如是言


scabby 疥癩

scabby fox 疥癩野干

scabby pariah 惡癩野干心

scabies 癩病


scale for measuring weight 權衡,

scales 鱗甲

scales of karma 業秤

scarecrow 驅烏

scared 征營


scatter ,

scatter as offerings 散供

scatter everywhere 普散

scatter flowers 散花

scatter offerings 花錢, 野布施

scatter with respect 奉散

scattered 擾亂

scattered kings 粟散天子, 粟散王

scattered millet 粟散

scattered mind 失心, 散亂心

scattering paper money as an offering 散錢, 賽錢

scatters flowers 散華

scavenger 尼提, 尼陀

scavenger caste 卜羯姿, 補羯姿


scent from the bishopwort plant 藿香

scent of a Big-Mind-flower 大意香

scent of cassia 桂香


schism 分裂

scholar 博士

scholar of the tripiṭaka 三藏學者

scholars of the Dilun

scholars of the She-lun

school 宗門

school of Asaṅga and Vasubandhu 無著天親宗

school of Bodhidharma 達磨宗

school of calming and insight 止觀宗

school of concomitance 相應宗

School of Correct Logic 正量部

school of Śākyamuni 釋門

school of the mean 中宗

school of the single, real perfection 一實圓宗

school of the unabandonable son 大不可棄子部

school that responds rationally 應理宗

school that responds to all doctrinal problems with correct theoretical reasoning 應理圓實宗

schools 諸宗

schools of Buddhism that are based on śāstras 論宗

schools that hold to the doctrine that all naming is provisional 假名宗

science of aphorisms 娑摩吠陀

science of arts 工業明

science of arts or engineering 巧智

sciences of engineering, crafts, etc. 工巧智

scold ,


scolding the buddhas and vilifying the patriarchs 訶佛罵祖

scolds 訶責

scoop out

scoop out and turn into a lamp 剜燈

scoop out the ocean 抒海

scoop out water with the hands

scooping the moon out of well water 井中撈月


scorching hell 火焚地獄

scorching hot hell 炎熱地獄, 焦熱地獄

scornful 輕蔑心

screened 所障隔

scribe 筆受

scribe's assistant 書狀侍者

scriptural commentary 經疏

scriptural hymns 典頌

scriptural study and meditation practice 教觀

scriptural teachings 典詔

scriptural text 經文, 經籍

scripturalist(s) 經者

scripturalists 教宗, 教家

scripture , 經典

scripture itself 經身

scripture of great sages 大聖典

scripture of the great Dharma 大法典

scripture of the great vehicle 大乘經典

scripture of the single vehicle 一乘經

scripture of the true Dharma 正法典

scripture reading at the door 門經

scripture that is broad [in scope] 廣經

scripture(s) 契經

scriptures 契線, 教典

scriptures and path perish 經道滅盡

scriptures and rules collections 經律

scriptures and rules for behavior 經戒

scriptures containing stories of the Buddha's previous lives 本生經

scriptures of Buddhism 釋典

scriptures of doubtful authenticity 疑經

scriptures of the esoteric sect 祕密經, 祕經

scriptures of the lesser vehicle 小乘經

scriptures that do not reveal the complete teaching 不了義經

scriptures written on palm leaves 貝文

scriptures written on tree-leaves or bark 樹經

scriptures, vinaya, and treatises 契經調伏本母

scroll painting that is hung behind the main altar 上壇幀畵


scrutinize all phenomena 觀察諸法

scrutinize phenomena (dharmas) 法循觀

scrutinize the body 身循觀

scrutinized 所觀

scrutinizes thusness 觀眞如

scrutiny of the causes of one's error 觀因緣

sculptured image 形像

Scythian 塞迦


sea of all karmic hindrances 一切業障海

sea of birth and death 生死之海

sea of blood 血海

sea of enlightenment 道意海

sea of existence 有海

sea of suffering through birth and death 生死苦海

seal 一印, , ,

seal of a monastery 大衆印

seal of a mystical charm, magical formula, spell (?) 總持印

seal of Buddha truth 一法印

seal of determined wisdom of all experiential realms 一切法界決定智印

seal of nirvāṇa 涅槃印

seal of omniscience 一切遍智印

seal of one true mark 一實相印

seal of reality-marks 實相印

seal of the Buddha-mind 佛心印

seal of the great sword of wisdom 大慧刀印

seal of the quiescence of nirvāṇa 涅槃寂靜印

seal with wax 蠟印

sealed with the sign of adulthood 大人相印

seals a body 封體

sea-monster 鯨魚

seamstress 裁縫女, 防那

search , 探索, 訪求

search for 採求, ,

search for your ass while riding it 騎驢覓驢

searching for the ox 尋牛

seas and islands 海島

sea-shore 海岸

seasonable herbs 時食

seat , 座位, 阿薩曩

seat of a sage 聖座

seat of enlightenment 菩提座

seat of the abbot, or head monk, in the monk's hall 首座板

seated in 安立深固

seating 單位

seats and mats 床褥, 牀褥

seclude oneself 辟屏, 辟屛

second , 第二

second abode 第二住

second attached consciousness 第二執識

second attainment of the śrāvaka path 第二果

second bodhisattva ground 二地

second Buddhist Council 第二結集

Second Buddhist Council 第二集, 第二集法藏

second category of violations of the vinaya 第二篇

second concentration 第二禪, 第二靜慮

second consciousness 第二識

second council 第二次結集

second fruit 二果

second ground 第二地

second head 二頭, 第二頭

second instant 第二刹那

second item 第二句

second meaning

second meditation 二禪

second meditation heaven 二禪天

second month 薜舍佉

second moon 二月, 第二月

second of eight stages of the human fetus 額部曇

second one (or) a superior one 二上

second patriarch 二祖

second patriarch severed his arm 二祖斷臂

second roll 下卷

second stage of applied practices 第二加行位

second transformer [consciousness] 第二能變

second turn of the Buddha's wheel 勸轉

secondary affliction(s) 隨煩惱

secondary afflictions 小惑, 少分煩惱, 枝末惑, 隨惑

secondary and fundamental [precepts] 遮性

secondary feature 隨好

secondary non-enlightenment 枝末不覺

secondary sons 庶子

secret (dharma) store 祕蜜藏

secret , , 祕奥, 祕密, 隱密

secret desire 悕求

secret incantations 祕決, 祕訣

secret initiation 密灌

secret instruction 密授

secret intention 密義

secret mantra vehicle 密咒乘

secret repository 祕密藏

secret rules whispered in the ear 耳語戒

secret store 祕藏

secret teaching 隱密門

secret yoga 祕密瑜伽

secretary 記室

secretly and alone 竊獨

sect outside the mountains 山外宗

sect that believes that Mahêśvara created the first woman 女人眷屬論師

sect, or branch of a religious tradition 部派

section 一品

section ,

section by section 節節

section on causes and conditions 因緣分

section on positing the meaning 立義分

section pertaining to the [bodhisattva] grounds 地分

sects 宗派

sects or teaching of adaptable philosophies not revealed by the buddhas and 隨轉理門

sects which maintain the emptiness of all things 一切皆空宗


secular classics 世典

secular clothes 俗服

secular family 俗家

secular family name 俗姓

secular name 俗名

secular person 俗人

secular world 世間, 塵道

security 安保, 安危

security and danger 安厄


seduce 引奪

seduced by other things 他所引奪

see 睹見, , 覩眄, , 觀見

see a self 見我

see and believe 覩信

see and know 覩知

see clearly 分明, 明見, 洞視

see color 見色

see deeply 深見

see excellent attributes 見勝功德

see from afar 遠睹

see from up close 近睹

see joyfully 喜見

see off distantly 遠送

see one's own mind 見心

see one's own nature and (directly) accomplish buddhahood 見性成佛

see purity 見淸淨

see roughly 麤見

see the (buddha-)nature 見性

see the buddha 見佛

see the tathāgata(s) 見如來

see the truth 見眞, 見眞諦, 見諦

see thoroughly and clearly 達見

see through 觀穿

seed , 種子, 鼻致迦, 鼻鼓迦

seed and fruit 子果

seed bond 子縛

seed consciousness 種子識, 種識

seed nature 種性

seed nature of śrāvaka 聲聞種性

seed of buddhahood 佛種

seed of desire 愛種

seed of faith 信種

seed of the Way 道種

seed-basis 種子依

seedless icchantika

seedlike 種子性

seed-nature developed from habituation 習所成種性

seed-nature of pratyekabuddha

seed-nature of the foolish 愚夫種性

seed-nature of the two vehicles 二乘種

seeds [that aid in] the production of form 造色種子

seeds accumulated by habituated tendencies 習氣積集種子

seeds arisen from previous habituation 先習起種子

seeds developed through the habituation that occurs in the present lifetime 習成種子

seeds engendering manifest activity 種子生現行, 種生現

seeds generating seeds 種子生種子

seeds of a fruit 果子

seeds of affliction 煩惱種, 煩惱種子

seeds of all consciousnesses 一切識種子

seeds of all phenomena 一切諸法種子

seeds of cognitive hindrances 所知障種子

seeds of consciousness 識種子

seeds of defiled phenomena 染法種子

seeds of formless phenomena 無色法種子

seeds of karma planted in prior lifetimes 宿種

seeds of material phenomena 色法種子

seeds of mental disturbance 惑種

seeds of mind 心種子

seeds of mind and mental functions 心心所種子

seeds of nescience 無明種

seeds of the [great] elements 大種種子

seeds of the hindrances 障種子

seeds of the two hindrances 二障種子

seeds of wholesome factors 善法種子

seeds that [the ālaya] possesses 所有種子

seeds that are not purifiable 不可修治種子

seeds that exist by the nature of things 法爾種子

seeing 眼見, 觀視

seeing a cane and thinking it a snake 藤蛇

seeing a counterfeit body 僞身見

seeing correctly 見正

seeing each other 互相見

seeing faults 見過失, 見過患

seeing from the viewpoint of a particular doctrine 約教

seeing ground 具見地

seeing one's true nature and awakening to the Way 見性悟道

seeing or hearing 見聞

seeing subject 能現

seeing the Buddha and hearing the dharma 見佛聞法

seeing the traces 見跡, 見迹

seeing the traces of the sages 見聖跡, 見聖迹

seeing things as they are 如實見

seeing with wisdom 知見

seeing, hearing, cognition, and knowing 見聞覺知

seek (practice for, strive for) enlightenment 求道

seek 乞求, 伺求, 尋求, 志求, 念索, 推覓, , 求乞, 求救, 發求

seek after 悕仰, 根求, 求覓, 趣求, 遵求, 願求

seek and attain 求得

seek bodhi above 上求菩提

seek desperately(?) 厄求

seek enlightenment 求菩提

seek enlightenment above, transform sentient beings below 上求菩提下化衆生

seek fame 求名

seek gain and respect 求利養恭敬

seek hastily (or eagerly) 趣欲

seek instruction 參問

seek liberation 爲求解脫

seek merit 求福

seek mundane indifference to objects of desire 希求世間離欲法

seek out 求索

seek profit 求利養

seek the above original source 上求本來

seek the occult 索隱

seek what is above and save those that are below 上求下化

seeker 乞求者

seeker of existence 求有

seeker of quiescence 求寂

seeking (?) 阿賒迦

seeking [re-]birth 求生

seeking existence 有求

seeking for 欲貪求

seeking long life 命求

seeking the dharma 求法

seeking the path of the Buddha above, and saving sentient beings below 上求佛道下化衆生

seeking the path with expedient means (?) 方便求道

seeking the path without expedient means (?) 無方便求道

seeking the way 訪道

seeking to cultivate wholesome factors 善法欲

seeking to get (e.g. pleasure) 得求

seeking to liberate 求解脫

seeks 專求

seeks after 進求

seeks broad learning 求多聞

seeks joyfully 欣求

seeks nirvāṇa 求涅槃

seeks the true teaching 求正法

seeks to attain the unsurpassed way 志求無上道


seeming buddhahood 相似佛

seeming to manifest 相似轉

seemingly valid proposition 似能立

seems to be the same as... 似同

seen 世現見, 已見

seen in a dream 夢想, 夢所見

seer 仙人, 見者

seer and seen 能見所見

sees 覩見

sees the beginning 見始

sees various colors and shapes 覩衆色像

seize ,

seize the mat 薦得

seize the opportunity 投機

seized 有得

select (the good part)

select , 擇取, 攝取, 簡取, 簡擇

select a site 擇地

select and reject 簡擇捨離

select and study (?) 採習

select the essentials 撮要

selecting and rejecting 取捨, 取舍

selecting associates 擇交

selecting the sacred space (for an altar, etc.) 擇地結界

selection 决擇

selection of a worthy 選賢

selective examination 推尋

selectively and skillfully 決擇善巧

selects words 拈語

self 吾我, , , 我者, , 自身, 自體

self admonition for beginning practitioners 初發心自警文

self and other 自他

self and phenomena 我法

self and phenomena are both empty 倶空

self and property 身財

self and the objects of self 我塵

self in phenomena 法我

self is empty but phenomena are real 我空法有

self is unobtainable 我不可得

self love 我愛

self nature precepts 自性戒

self power teaching 自力教

self that is posited 所立我

self, others, together, or separately 自他共離

self-[attached] mind 我心

self-adjustment 自調自淨自度

self-adorned 自莊嚴

self-aggrandizement 作高勝

self-arranging 孤調

self-asserted position[s] 自稱歎處

self-attained 自成就

self-authenticating 自證

self-authenticating aspect 自證分

self-benefiting 自利

self-corroborated body 自證身

self-craving 我貪

self-created 自作, 自造

self-creation and self-reception 自作自受

self-cultivation 修身, 脩身, 自修, 自行

self-dependence 依自

self-dependent 自依, 自依止

self-deprecation 作下劣, 自毀

self-discipline 治身

self-enjoyed 自受用

self-enlightened one 辟支佛

self-established 自成, 自由

self-evident 不立自成

self-existent 自有

self-fulfilled 自如

self-harm 自害

self-identity 我體

self-indulgence 自恣, 自逸

selflessness 我無性, 無我性

selflessness of person 人無我, 補特伽羅無我性

selflessness of persons and dharmas 人法無我

selflessness of phenomena 法無我性

self-love 自愛

self-manifest 自顯

self-motivated sermons 蘊馱南

self-nature 自性

self-nature body 自性身

self-nature of the three treasures 自性三寶

self-natureless-ness 無自性性

self-negating 自遣

self-ness 我性

self-ordination 自誓受戒

self-perfection 我波羅蜜

self-possessed 坦然, 由己

self-power 自力

self-praise 自讚

self-proclaiming 自揚

self-protection 護身

self-rage 自瞋

self-realization 己證

self-realizing holy wisdom 自覺聖智

self-reflection 自悔

self-salvation 自度

self-satisfaction 自謙

Self-so Śākyamuni 自然釋迦

self-training 私習

self-view 我見, 自見

self-witnessing aspect 自證分, 自體分

self-witnessing platform 自證壇

sell , ,

sell alcohol

semblance 假寄, 相似顯現

semblance and degenerate [periods of the dharma] 像末

semblance dharma 像法

semblance enlightenment 相似覺

seminal text(s) 要文

send ,

send a message 遣信

send a proposal of marriage(?) 娉索

send back 令還

send off for burial 送葬

send off the dead 送亡

send, and to call 遣喚

sending off the dead 送終

senior 先生

senior disciple 師兄

senior monk (a teacher-monk) who has the authority to administer the precepts 和上

senior monk 上臈

senior practitioner of the path 先達

senior rank 先進


sensation and perception 受想

sensation associated with [a particular form of cognition] 相應受

sensation of cold 冷觸

sensation of cold gradually arises 冷觸漸起

sensation of neither pleasure nor pain 不苦不樂受, 捨受

sensation of pleasure 樂受

sensation, conception, volition, consciousness 受想行識

sense base 阿也怛那, 阿耶怛那

sense faculties of form and the bases of the faculties 諸色根根依

sense faculties with their material bases 諸根根所依處

sense field of odor 香入

sense field of smell 鼻入

sense of a causal basis for sensation 受因緣義

sense of conjunction 和合義

sense of conjunction of the three 三和合義

sense of the result of contact in the wake of the conjunction of the three 三和合觸果義

sensory ability 勝義根

sensory food 更樂食, 觸食

sensual passion 欲貪

sensually enticing 欲所引

sent food 送食


sentence order is reversed 句倒

sentient 有情者

sentient being 有情

sentient being and Buddha 生佛

sentient being and Buddha are provisional terms 生佛假名

sentient being in the intermediate state between death and rebirth 將生

sentient being(s) 衆生

sentient beings 含識, 禪頭, 群萌, 萌類, 衆生類

sentient beings and buddha are of the same essence 生佛一如, 生佛一體, 生佛不二

sentient beings and buddhas neither increase nor decrease 生佛不增不滅

sentient beings and so forth 有情等

sentient beings and the dharma are essentially the same 機法一體

sentient beings are limitless [in number] 衆生無邊

sentient beings are without beginning or end 衆生無始無終

sentient beings as object 有情緣, 衆生緣

sentient beings born spontaneously 化生衆生

sentient beings in the dharma realm 法界有情

sentient beings lacking [religious] faculties 無根有情

sentient beings lacking the capacity for buddhahood 無姓有情

sentient beings of little wisdom 少智衆生

sentient beings of the ten directions 十方衆生

sentient beings of the undetermined class 不定聚衆生

sentient beings who have no relationship 無緣衆生

sentient beings who lack the nature of buddhahood 無性有情

sentient beings with greatly enlightened minds 大道心衆生

sentient beings with shallow merit 薄福衆生

sentient beings with sharp faculties 利根衆生

sentient beings with the sharpest faculties 第一利根衆生

sentient form 有情數色

sentient realm 有情界

sentiments are unattached 情無所係

Seon (Chan, Zen) temple 禪閣

Seon Buddhism 禪佛教

Seon students 修行僧

separate 隔歷,

separate biographies 列傳

separate dwelling 四摩, 四摩室

separate entity 別體

separate essence 異體

separate from language and cut off thought 離言絕慮

separate from the body 離身

separate into groups 部分差別

separate oneself from defilement and attain purity 離垢淸淨

separate oneself from something that one has come to dislike 厭離

separate refutation 離破

separate teaching 別法

separate transmission 別傳

separate transmission outside of the teaching 教外別傳

separate(ly) 歷然

separate, or be separated from defilement 離垢

separated 可離, 所間

separated by a distance as vast as that between heaven and earth 天地懸隔

separated by birth 隔生

separated from each other 相隔, 相離

separated from the saṃgha 別衆

separated from the things that one loves 愛別離

separately 獨得

separately distinct natures 自性各別

separately distinguished 各別

separately establishes 別立

separately shown 別顯

separating consciousness 分離識

separation 別離, 剖析, 離別

sequence of the Tathāgatas' ten powers 如來十力次第

sequential applied practices 次第加行

sequential cultivation 次第修

sequential order of observing the twelve limbs of dependent origination 順觀

sequential relationship of the ten powers 十力次第

serene 恬怕

serene extinction 宴寂

serene room 寂室

serious crime 偸羅遮, 偸蘭遮耶, 土羅遮, 大罪, 窣吐羅, 窣吐羅底也, 粗惡, 粗罪, 粗過, 薩偸羅

serious illness 重病

seriousness of a crime 罪輕重

sermon hall 說法場

serpent-medicine 薩裒煞地

serpent-sandal 憂陀伽娑羅旃檀, 烏洛迦旃檀, 蛇心檀

serrated seal 齒印

servant 侍使, , 戌捺羅, 戌達, 戌陀

servant(s) 僕使, 僕從, 僕隸

serve [one's superiors] 奉事

serve , 給侍

serve as a hindrance 爲障

serve as an obstruction (obscuration, etc.) 爲障礙

serve as obstruction 能爲障礙

serve the Buddha 事佛

serves 事敬

serves as referent for the production of thought 爲緣生意

serves as the leader 爲上首

service 走使

service for seeing the king 見王齋

service of felicitation 慶懺, 慶讚

service to the king as occupation 事王業

service to the rulership 事王

services 法事, 行事

serving as mutual causes 展轉爲因

sesame 胡麻

set 安施

set an example 垂範

set dharma-flower samādhi 定法華三昧

set fire to 焚燒

set forth an explanation 竪說

set group 結衆

set nature 決定性

set of five cognitive awarenesses 五識身

set of precepts 戒品

set out (food) richly 廣設

set out in words 言陳

set principle 定理

set teaching 定教, 定法

set time

set up 安立, 張設, ,

set up a teaching tradition 立教開宗

set-amount temple 定額寺

sets loose 令脫

setting of the debate 論處所

setting the mind 內住

setting up a single altar 一檀構

settle 定攝

settled 安其所,

settled argument 定論

settled mind and distracted mind 定散

settling disputes 滅諍

seven [factors of ] enlightenment 七覺

seven [stages of] goodness 七賢

seven , 薩不荅

seven abodes 七住

seven abodes of consciousness 七識住

seven ancestors 七祖

seven and eight practices 七八行

seven appurtenances of a monk 七事隨身

seven arrow medicine kings 七躬醫王

seven aspects of thusness 七眞如

seven bases of fortuitous karma 七有依福業

seven branches 七支

seven branches of enlightenment 七等覺支

seven buddhas of the past 過去七佛

seven calamities 七災難, 七種災難, 七難

seven cases and nine conjugations 七例句, 七轉九例

seven categories 七科

seven categories of the factors conduces to enlightenment 七科道品

seven celestial bodies 七曜

seven characteristics of bodhi 七聖覺

seven circumstances for bringing into the fold 七攝受事

seven common (hermeneutical) steps 七番共解

seven components of awakening 七覺意支

seven consciousnesses 七心, 七識

seven constellations and deities 北方七曜衆

seven contaminants 七垢

seven contemplations 七作意

seven correctives 七治

seven days 七日

seven destinies 七趣

seven dharma assets 七法財

seven dharmas 七法

seven distortions 七顚倒

seven divine mothers 七摩怛里, 七母天

seven dreams 七夢

seven elements 七大

seven emotions 七情

seven emptinesses 七空

seven evil karmas 七惡

seven evil physical and verbal acts 七身口七支

seven excellences 七善

seven existences 七有

seven expedients 七方便

seven factors of enlightenment 七菩提分, 七菩提寶, 七覺分, 七覺意, 七覺支

seven feet 七尺

seven flowers 七華

seven forms of Avalokitêśvara 七觀音

seven forms of kindness 七相憐愍

seven forthcoming consciousnesses 七轉識

seven fragrant oceans 七香海

seven gold mountains 七金山

seven groups (of Buddhist disciples) 七衆

seven groups of beings who fall into the water 七衆溺水

seven groups of people 七衆人

seven groups of precepts 七聚

seven healing buddhas 七佛藥師

seven heinous crimes 七逆, 七逆罪

seven holy treasures 七聖財

seven hundred sages 七百賢聖

seven jewels 七寶

seven kinds 七種

seven kinds of almsgiving 七種布施

seven kinds of birth and death 七種生死

seven kinds of bodhisattva stages 七種菩薩地

seven kinds of Buddha worship 七種禮佛

seven kinds of clothing 七種衣

seven kinds of contemplation 七種作意

seven kinds of detachment 七種捨

seven kinds of eloquence 七辯

seven kinds of food 七種食

seven kinds of impermanence 七種無常

seven kinds of impurity 七種不淨

seven kinds of latencies 七種隨眠

seven kinds of nihilism 七種斷滅

seven kinds of non-returning 七種般

seven kinds of peerlessness 七種無上

seven kinds of pride 七慢

seven kinds of re-incarnation 七種結生

seven kinds of repentant mental states 七種懺悔心

seven kinds of self-nature 七種自性

seven kinds of stages 七種地

seven kinds of thusness 七種眞如

seven kinds of vinaya for ending disputes 七滅諍

seven knowledges 七知

seven latent afflictive tendencies 七使, 七隨眠

seven layers 七重

seven lifetimes 七生

seven limbs of enlightenment 七菩提寶, 七覺支

seven lotus stalks 七莖蓮華

seven means 七種方便

seven mental realms 七心界

seven metaphors 七喩

seven modes of discourse 七種語

seven monks 七僧

seven monk's endowment 七僧齋

seven parables 七譬

seven parables of the Lotus Sūtra 法華七喩

seven part invocation 七支念誦

seven particles; seven particles 七微

seven parts 七分

seven parts of the body are perfectly proportioned 七處皆滿

seven past buddhas 七佛

seven perfections 七最勝

seven periods of masses for the dead 齋七

seven phases of affliction 煩惱七位

seven places 七處

seven places are fully proportioned 七處皆滿相

seven powers 七力

seven preparatory practices 七加行

seven punishments 七羯磨

seven pure flowers 七淨華

seven rhetorical powers 七種辯

seven riches 七財

seven rows of trees 七重行樹

seven rules for settling disputes 七滅諍法

seven schools 七宗

seven sisters 七姉妹

seven sons 七子

seven sounds(?) 七聲

seven stages of application 七加行位

seven stages of goodness and seven stages of holiness 七賢七聖

seven stages of holiness 七聖

seven stations of expedient means 七方便位

seven step snake 七步蛇

seven steps 七步

seven surpassing qualities 七勝事

seven tathāgatas 七如衆

seven texts of the Pali abhidhamma canon 七部論

seven treasures 七珍, 薩不荅羅的捺

seven treatises 七論

seven unavoidables 七不可避

seven unsurpassed paths 七無上道

seven views 七見

seven vinaya 七毘尼

seven virtuous stages 七賢位

seven witnesses 七證

seven witnessing teachers 七證師

seven worthies 七丈夫

sevenfold repetition of masses for the dead 累七齋

seven-hall temple 七堂伽藍

seven-jewel stūpa 七寶塔

seven-jeweled palace 七寶宮

seven-jeweled trees 七寶諸樹

seven-leaf cliff 七葉巖

seven-piece garment 鬱多羅僧

seven-piece robe 七條, 七條衣, 七條袈裟

seventeen dhyāna heavens of the form realm 十七天, 色界十七天

seventeen stages 十七地

seventh [bodhisattva] ground 第七地

seventh 第七

seventh astrological sign

seventh bhūmi 七地

seventh consciousness 七識, 第七識

seventh sage 第七仙

seventh sense 第七情

seventy 七十

seventy-five 七十五

seventy-five dharmas 七十五法

seventy-five dharmas in five categories 五位七十五法

seventy-three honored ones 七十三尊

seventy-two devas 七十二天

seventy-two words 七十二字

seventy-two years old 七十二歳

sever 斷絕

sever effects 果斷

sever the bonds of constructed views 斷見縛

sever the bonds of the afflictions 斷結

severe affliction 上煩惱

severing bondage to desire 斷欲縛

severing of association 相應斷

severing of delusion 迷斷

severing of the bonds to existence 斷有縛

severs all the bonds of existence 盡諸有結

severs the ninth 斷第九

sewing 裁縫

sexual attraction to carriage, or deportment 威儀欲

sexual attraction to color 色欲

sexual attraction to form 形貌欲

sexual attraction to human features 人相欲

sexual attraction to softness, or smoothness 細滑欲

sexual attraction to voice 言語音聲欲

sexual desire 女情, 婬欲, 淫欲

sexual excess 邪淫

sexual intercourse 交會, 婬逸

shackles 檢繫

shadow 光影,

shadow and echo group 影響衆

shadow of the whip 鞭影

shadow phenomena 影事

shadow response group 影向衆

shadow-guardian 影護

shadowless 無影

shadows and echoes 影響

shadowy phantom 魍魎

shady and cool 陰涼

shaft, or stem, of a bird's wing 羽翮

shake 傾搖, , , , , , 震動

shake and split 震裂

shake off 抖擻

shake one's head 搖首

shake one's sleeves 拂袖

shake the earth 振地

shaker of the rings on the metal staff 錫杖師

shakes, trembles 振動

shallow , 淺近

shallow and deep 淺深

shallow and mundane 薄俗

shallow in dharma-time 淺臘

shallow in merit and weak in virtue 薄福少德

shallow kind of wisdom 淺智

shallow merit and dull faculties 薄福鈍根

shallow realization 薄證

shamaness 女巫, 巫女, 神女

shame , , 慚愧, 慚羞, ,

shame for one's faults 有愧

shameless 無恥, 無有羞恥, 無羞恥

shameless heretics 裸形外道

shamelessness 無愧

shape 形狀,

shape and form 形色

shape each other 相形

shape is like... 形如

shape of the face 面像

shape or object that serves as a symbol or emblem 三昧耶形

shaped clay and carved wood 泥塑木雕

shapes of the five great elements 五大形

share equally 等事, 齊通

share the same realm 共境

shared [religious] action or performance 共事

Shared advancing to Distinct 別入通, 別接通

shared and distinct 共不共, 通別

shared approach 通門

shared base 共依

shared base of mindfulness 共念處

shared bases 倶有依

shared basis 倶有所依

shared bonds 共結

shared dharma 共法

shared doctrine 共宗

shared experience 共感

shared karma 共業

shared mental disturbances 通惑

shared precepts 通戒

shared precepts of the seven Buddhas of the past 七佛通戒

shared retribution 共報

shared teaching 通教

shared ten stages 共十地

shared terminology 共安立

shared wisdom 共般若

shared with the prior 通前

shared with the prior Tripiṭaka Teaching 通前藏教

Shared, Distinct, and Perfect [Teachings] 通別圓

shares his seat 分座

shares one's seat 分坐

shares the same essence 共體

shares the same objects with the [thinking] consciousness 與識同境

sharing [the same basis] with the world 共世間

sharing with the subsequent Distinct and Perfect Teaching 通後別圓

sharp , , ,

sharp capacity 根利

sharp discernment 利辯

sharp discipline 利鋤

sharp faculties 利根, 利根者, 利機, 明利根, 鋭利

sharp point

sharp precipice 懸岸

sharp spiritual faculties 速通

sharp sword 利劍

sharp sword that would sever a falling feather 吹毛劍, 吹毛劒

sharp wisdom 利智

sharpest [faculties] 最利

shave , 剃除

shave one's hair and moustache 剃除鬚髮

shave one's head 落髮

shave the hair 剃髮

shave the head 剃頭

shave the head and dye the clothing 落染, 落髮染衣

shaves one's beard and hair 除鬚髮

shed a buddha's blood 出佛血


sheer cliff 懸岸, 懸崖



shelter , ,

shepherd 屠養羊

shield and spear 干戈

shielded 所障隔

shifting sands 流沙

shimmering waters 焰水

shine 放光明, 明曜, 明白, , 炎照, 照耀

shine brightly 昱鑠

shine brilliantly 晃曜

shine finely 顯好

shine on 照曜

shine out 映徹

shines 光照, 耀

shining 光曜, 澤光, 煒曄, 煜爚, 爲光麗

shining brightly 發光明

shining brilliantly 煒燁煥爛

shining face 光顏

shining face is glorious 光顏巍巍

shining gold buddha-land 金光佛刹

shining hill 光明山

shining white 光白

Shinto faith centered on shrines 神社神道

ship 船舫

ship of the fine dharma 妙法船

shit-stick 乾屎橛

shoot an arrow

shore ,

shore of cessation 寂岸

shore of delusion 迷岸

shore of enlightenment 覺岸

shore of the ocean of suffering 岸頭


short and ugly 矬陋

short break 暫暇

short cut

short gown 短褂

short life 短命

short memorial-stele biography 略傳

short text 小本, 略本

short time 短促

shortcut 徑截, 捷徑

short-cut expedient means 徑截方便

shorten as one wishes 脩短自在

shortness of breath 短氣

short-term taking in [of sentient beings by bodhisattvas] 短時攝受

should (?) 應是

should 宜應, , 會當

should all be fully understood 皆應了知

should arise 應起

should avoid 當遠離

should be 應須,

should be abandoned 應捨

should be directly experienced 應作證

should be eliminated 所應斷

should be embraced 應習近

should be fully explained 應善解釋

should be learned 應學

should be practiced 應習

should be safeguarded 應隨護

should be so 應然

should be understood accurately 應如實知

should be understood in order 次第應知

should be understood like this 應如是知

should be understood to be the same [as the above] 當知亦爾

should be well understood 應當了知

should believe 應信

should explain like this 應如是說

should fall 應墮

should go 當行

should know 須知

should not be 應無, 無然

should not be reborn 應不更生

should not dwell together 不應共住

should not receive 不應受

should not say... 不應說

should not... 應非

should observe the relative seriousness 應觀輕重

should permanently annihilate 應永滅

should practice 應修

should realize 當證

should remain 應在

should seek 當求

should stimulate 應發

should understand [their] characteristics... 應知其相

should, must 應當

shoulder (blade, bone)


shoulder blade

shoulder to shoulder 肩下

shout 一喝, 唱揚

shout loudly 嚾呼

shout praises 發聲讚歎

shouts loudly 大喚

show 表章, 顯出

show a resemblance 示同

show and awaken 示寤, 示悟

show and exhort 勸示

show off 賣弄

show one's brightness 明朗

show the truth 顯正

show the whole thing 全提

show to someone else

show universally 暢現

showing 指示, 能示

shown 已顯, 所宣說, 所顯, 所顯示

shows 略顯

shows the true characteristics 示眞實相

shrewd 審悉, 明智


shrine (of a buddha) 廟寺

shrine (of a buddha) made of the seven jewels 七寶寺, 七寶廟寺

shrine 偸婆, 塔婆, 天寺

shrine cover 屋蓋

shrine hall for the seven stars (big dipper) 七星閣

shrine of a buddha 佛廟, 佛神寺

shrink 怯軟

shrink from 怯畏


shrunken 褰縮

shugen practitioner 修驗者

shut in a room 掩室

shut off 閉塞

shut up in a dark room 幽閉

shut-off place 閑處

shutting the door 閉關

sick 有疾

sick child 病子

sick person 病人

sick-bed of the triple world 三界牀


sickness 有病, , 疾病, 疾病者, 病氣, 病者,

sickness and death 病死

sickness caused by ghosts 鬼病

sickness is healed 疾病除愈, 病除愈

sickroom 省行堂

Siddhaṃ alphabet in fifty letters 五十字門

side , 黨類

side door 偏門

sideburns (?) 角鬢


sigh of praise 結嘆


sign 一印, , 契印, 幢相, , 標幟

sign for overcoming all hindrances 一切無障法印明

sign of defining activity 羯磨印

sign of mail and helmet 甲冑印

sign of omniscience 一切偏智印

sign of the assurance of attaining Buddhahood. 一切如來必定印

sign of the circle 一圓相

sign of the dharma-realm 法界印

sign of the production of all realms of reality 一切法界生印

sign of the wheel 相輪

sign of the wisdom of all buddhas 一切如來智印

sign on a Buddha's breast 一切佛心印

signature of the head monk to a verse 僉疏


signless buddha 無相佛

signless meditative absorption 無相三摩地, 無相三昧

signs and things 相事

signs of a great man 大丈夫相

silence 語默, 默言

silenced thought 寂念

silent absorption 默照三昧

silent and listen 默然而聽

silent and luminou 寂照

silent illumination 寂光, 默照

silent illumination meditation 默照禪

silent sitting 默坐

silent transmission 默傳

silk pongee

silken and flossy fabric 繒纊

silken banners 繒幡

silken canopy 繒蓋

silken mat 繒褥


silkworm's cocoon 蠶繭

Silla Buddhism 新羅佛教

silver 白銀, , 阿路巴

silver coin 銀錢

silver wheel 銀輪

silver wheel-turning sage king 銀輪王

silver-color 銀色

similar 像似, 等類

similar and different 等不等

similar and immediately antecedent conditions 等無間緣

similar to 方如,

similarities and differences 同異

similarity of characteristics 相相似

similarly attained 同得

similar-partial, dissimilar-whole 同品一分轉異品遍轉

simile of the bunched akṣa seeds 惡叉聚喩


simple , 淳一, 淺略,

simple and dull 淳愚

simple fare 素饌

simple transmission of direct pointing 直指單傳

simply 一往, , 直爾

simultaneity of seeds and their manifestations 果倶有

simultaneous alteration 倶轉

simultaneous apprehension of objects 頓緣

simultaneous apprehension that it is as it is and as it isn't 恁麼不恁麼總得

simultaneous arising and ceasing 同生同滅

simultaneous cessation 同滅

simultaneous liberation 倶解脫

simultaneous offering 等供

simultaneously 一處, 倶時

simultaneously born deity 同生天

simultaneously with and without marks 有無倶相

sin 吉羅, , 罪業, 罪釁

sin of the oil-presser 壓油輪罪

since 已還,

since becoming buddha 成佛已來

since beginningless time 無始以來, 無始已來

since it is like this... 由如是故, 若如是者

since long ago 夙夜, 從昔來

since oneself and all things are not different, when one pursues things s/he finds the self 逐物爲己逐己爲物

since the beginning 從本以來

since there is... 旣有

since... 以來

sincere 純眞,

sincere mind 誠心

sincere words 誠信言

sincerely 崎嶇, 欵欵, 款款

sincerely desire to be born in the [pure] land 至心發願欲生


sinful nature 罪性

sing 歌咏, 歌唄, 歌嘆, 歌頌, , , 讚頌

sing a song 歌詠

sing and dance 謌舞

sing hymns of praise 唄讚

sing in verse 偈讚

sing or warble, as birds do

sing praises of 唱唄

singers 倡伎, 倡女, 倡妓, 倡婦, 娼女

singing bhikṣu

single [wisdom] eye at the top of the head 頂門具眼

single , , 有一

single abode 一住

single absolute purity 一究竟淸淨

single appearance 一發

single aspect of the dharma realm 法界一相

single basis for views 見一處

single body 一體

single Buddha-realm 一佛世界

single Buddha-vehicle 一佛乘

single candle of a poor person 貧者一燈

single color 一色

single dharma of the middle way 一法中道

single dharmadhātu 一法界

single entity 一事

single gate 一門

single great matter 一大事

single ground 一地

single hair 一毛

single hempseed 單麻

single lamp 一燈

single marvelous pure path 一妙淸淨道

single mental disturbance 一惑

single moment 一瞬

single nature 一性

single page is printed at one time 印紙同時

single particle of dust containing the whole trichiliocosm 微塵含千

single person 一身

single pore 一毛孔

single practice 一行

single reality 一實

single reality of thusness 眞如一實

single reality realm 一法界

single reality without marks 一實無相

single seat 一堂, 一座

single speck 一點

single substance of water is perceived in four different ways 一水四見

single suchness of all things 萬法一如

single taste 一味

single thought moment 一念心

single thought penetrating everywhere 一念多通

single title 一目

single true great way of the past vows 本願一實大道

single truth 一諦

single truth of the Lotus Sūtra 法華一實

single type of cognition 一智

single unadulterated taste 淳淨一味

single vehicle and three vehicles 一乘三乘

single vehicle bodhisattva 一乘菩薩

single vehicle enlightenment 一乘菩提

single vehicle of Huayan 華嚴一乘

single vehicle teaching that expresses the nature 一乘顯性教

single verse 一偈

single vow upon which [Pure Land] is established 一願建立

single-arm vajra

single-layer base of red and blue 丹靑基壇

single-minded (sect) rebellions 一向一揆

single-minded adherence to Confucianism 儒專

single-minded meditation 專念

single-minded practice 專修

single-mindedly 專心

single-mindedly chanting the Buddha name 一心念佛

single-mindedly joins palms 一心合掌

single-realm-ness 一境性

single-vehicle theory 一乘論

Single-word Mañjuśrī 一字文殊

sings hymns of praise 歌唄頌

singular emptiness 一空

singular eye 一隻眼

singular goal 一趣

singular treasure 一寶

singularly chant 專稱

sink , 沈沒, 沈淪, , , ,

sink down 陷下

sink in 沒在

sink into emptiness 沈空

sinking and floating 沈浮

sinless birth 無罪生

sins 罪孽

sins already committed 已作之罪


sit calmly 燕坐

sit cross-legged 結加趺坐, ,

sit erect 端坐

sit erect in mindfulness of reality 端坐念實相

sit for meditation 打坐

sit immediately 當坐

sit stably 安坐

sit stably and motionless 安坐不動

sit straight 方坐

sit with folded legs 盤坐

site 滿荼

site of enlightenment 妙菩提座, 菩提場, 菩提道場, 道場

site of extinction 滅場

site of the attainment of extinction [of afflictions] 寂場, 寂滅道場

sits on the throne of enlightenment 坐菩提座

sitting buddha 坐佛

sitting calmly as (meditative) practice 燕坐行

sitting in meditation 坐中, 禪坐

sitting meditation 坐禪, 坐證, 安禪, 宴坐

sitting meditation before the evening sermon 坐參

sitting on the seat of enlightenment 坐道場

sitting together 共坐

sitting under a tree 坐樹下

situation 事況

six [ascetic]

six [Hīnayāna] perfections [at the level of phenomena] 事六度

six [incarnations of]

six [mundane] destinies, and four holy rebirths 六道四聖

six [non-Buddhist]

six [primary] afflictions 六煩惱

six [teaching] phrases of the Linji school 濟宗六句


six affairs of completion 六事成就

six animals 六畜

six arhats 六羅漢

six arrows 六箭

six articles for worship 六供具

six attributes 六德

six bases of mindfulness 六念處

six bases of the senses 六入, 六阿也怛那, 六阿耶怛那

six basic mental defilements 六根本煩惱

six boats 六舟

six bodhisattva stages 六種住

six categories (padârtha) of existence 六句義

six chapters 六品

six characteristics of conditioned phenomena 六相, 六相圓融

six characteristics of seeds 種子六義

six classes of contact 六觸身

six classes of craving 六愛身

six classes of ideation 六想身

six classes of intention 六思身

six classes of perception 六想

six coarse aspects 六麤相

six coarse marks 六麤

six combinations 六合, 六和合

six consciousnesses 六識

six contacts 六觸

six correct practices 六正行

six data fields 六塵

six days of purification 六齋, 六齋日

six days of purification in the month 月六齋

six decayers 六衰

six decisions 六裁

six defilements 六染

six defiling factors 六垢, 六垢法

six deluders 六妄

six desire heavens and four meditation heavens 六欲四禪

six desires [of a woman]

six desires 六欲

six destinies [of transmigration] 六道生死

six destinies 六趣, 六道

six determinations 六决定

six dharmas that practitioners are to be mindful of 六法

six difficult attainments 六難

six directions 六方

six earthquakes 六反震動, 六種震動

six elements 六大, 六大界, 六界

six elements in their greater whole 六大體大

six enlightened and four unenlightened 六凡四聖

six excellent approaches for practicing meditation 六妙門

six external sense bases 外六處

six external sense-fields 六外處

six faculties 六根

six fallacies of inconclusiveness in the reason 六不定過

six faultless ways of gathering in sentient beings 六種無倒攝受

six feminine attractions 女人六欲

six flavors 六味

six forbidden crimes 六夷

six forms of Avalokitêśvara 六觀音

six grades of crimes 六篇, 六聚戒, 六聚罪

six grave rules 六重法

six great afflictions 六大煩惱

six great Mahāyāna scriptures 六部大乘經

six grounds 六地

six heavens 六天

six heavens of the desire realm 六欲天, 欲界六天

six hours 六時

six hours of the day and night 晝夜六時

six identicals 六卽

six intentions 六意

six internal sense bases 內六處, 六內入處, 六內處, 六處

six interpretations of compound terms 六合釋, 六種釋, 六離合釋

six kinds 六種

six kinds of attachment of mind 六著, 六著心

six kinds of bad fortune 六極

six kinds of blood relations, for which there are various definitions 六親

six kinds of cases concerning crime related to killing 六殺

six kinds of cases concerning fault related to killing 六種殺

six kinds of causes 六因, 六種因

six kinds of certainty 六決定

six kinds of circumstances related to killing 六種殺生

six kinds of clouded mind 六蔽心

six kinds of contemplations 六觀, 六觀法

six kinds of correct practice 六種正行

six kinds of defiled mind 六染心

six kinds of defiled thought 六種染心

six kinds of deluded conceptual bondage 六種妄想縛

six kinds of earthquake 六變震動

six kinds of earthquakes 地動六變

six kinds of innate afflictions 六種倶生惑

six kinds of intentions (concerning liberation) 六種意樂

six kinds of mindfulness 六念, 六念法, 六隨念, 戒隨念

six kinds of non-Buddhist asceticism 六種苦行外道, 六苦行外道

six kinds of non-Buddhist philosophers 六種外道

six kinds of offenders 六罪人

six kinds of positive determination 六種決定

six kinds of sensation [in the body] 六受身

six kinds of skillful means 六種巧方便

six kinds of supernormal powers 六種神通

six kinds of taking in [of sentient beings] 六種攝受

six kinds of transcendent practices 六種波羅蜜多

six kinds of trembling 六震

six kinds of wisdom 六慧

six knots 六結

six latent tendencies 六隨眠

six living beings 六衆生

six logical categories 六諦

six manifestations of Kṣitigarbha 六地藏

six marvelous practices 六妙行

six metaphors 六喩, 六如, 六譬

six metaphors for impermanence 六無常六譬

six minor marks 六種隨好

six moats 六塹

six movements 六動

six mysterious approaches for practicing meditation 修禪六妙門

six mysterious dharma gates 六妙法門

six natures 六性, 六種性

six non-Buddhist masters 六師外道

six non-Buddhist paths 六外道

six non-Buddhist teachers 外道六師

six non-enlightened realms 六凡

six objective realms 六塵境界

six objects 六境

six obstacles 六蔽

six pada [treatises] 六足

six Part Abhidharma 六分阿毘曇

six perceptual bases of contact 六觸處

six perfections [at the level] of non-arising 無生六度

six perfections 六到彼岸, 六度, 六成就, 六波羅蜜, 六波羅蜜多

six periods of confession 六時懺

six periods of mental focus 六時三昧

six periods of the day 六甲

six periods of unremitting devotions 六時不斷

six periods of worship 六時禮讚

six perpetual abodes 六恆住

six personal belongings of a monk 六物

six phrases 六句

six portents 六瑞, 六般神足

six practices 六行

six precepts 六法事, 六法戒

six primary afflictions 根本煩惱

six principles of the Vaiśeṣikas 六句義勝論派

six schools 六宗, 六宗教

six scriptures 六經

six seals 六種印

six sects of the southern capital (Nara) 南都六宗

six sensations 六作, 六受

six sense faculties 六依, 六情依

six senses 六情

six sovereign rulers 六自在王

six stages 六位

six supernatural powers 六神通, 六通

six swords 六劍

six syllable dhāraṇī of Mañjuśrī 六字文殊

six syllable name 六字名號

six syllables 六字

six systems of classical Indian philosophy 六派哲學

six thieves 六賊

six thousand 六千

six time periods of the day 日夜六反

six times 六反

six tolerances 六忍

six transcendent practices 六度, 六波, 六種波羅蜜

six treatises of the Sarvâstivāda school 六足論

six tusked white elephant 六牙白象

six types of contemplation 六行觀

six unconditioned [factors] 六無爲

six ways of clearly perceiving presently existent objects 六現觀, 六種觀

six ways of taking in 六種攝

six ways that Buddhist practitioners should live in harmony and be sensitive and caring towards each other 六和敬

six ways that monks harmonize with each other 六和

six wheel-turners 六輪

six windows and one monkey 六窗一猿

six years 六年

six years of austerities 六年苦行

six-faced honored one 六面尊

six-legged Honored One 六足尊

six-syllable mantra of the great luminous king 六字大明王眞言

sixteen 十六

sixteen arhats 十六羅漢

sixteen bodhisattvas 十六大士, 十六正士, 十六菩薩

sixteen celestials 十六大天, 十六天

sixteen characteristics of emptiness 十六空

sixteen contemplations 十六想觀

sixteen defining activities [of the noble truths] 十六行相

sixteen defining activities 十六行

sixteen feet 丈六

sixteen foot form of the Buddha 一丈六像

sixteen good deities 十六善神

sixteen great arhats 十六大阿羅漢

sixteen great powers 十六大力

sixteen holy functions 十六聖行

sixteen itinerant hells 十六遊增地獄

sixteen kingdoms (of ancient India) 十六國王

sixteen major states 十六大國

sixteen meditations 十六觀

sixteen meditations on the truths 十六諦觀

sixteen mental states 十六心

sixteen necessities 十六資具

sixteen observances of practice 十六行觀

sixteen practices 十六心行

sixteen princes 十六王子, 十六王子佛

sixteen śrāmaneras 十六沙彌

sixteen states 十六國

sixteen superior [forms of meditation] 十六特勝

sixteen teachers 十六師

sixteen truths 十六諦

sixteen views (of self and self-objects) 十六神我

sixteen views of the self and its roles 十六知見

sixteen-foot body 丈六身

sixteen-foot Buddha 丈六佛

sixteen-foot diamond-body 丈六金身

sixth 第六

sixth aggregate 第六陰

sixth blood relative 六親眷屬

sixth consciousness 第六識

sixth ground 第六地

sixth heaven 第六天

sixth patriarch 六祖

sixth stage of abiding 六住

sixth superknowledge 第六神通

sixth, thinking consciousness 第六意識

sixty 六十

sixty fascicles 六十卷

sixty mental states 六十心

sixty thousand verses 六萬藏

sixty-four brahmanic sounds 六十四梵音

sixty-four eyes 六十四眼

sixty-four writings 六十四書

sixty-six occasions for the training of behavior 六十六衆學法

sixty-two (mistaken) views 六十二見

sixty-two mistaken views 六十二邪見

skanda 嗹菫

skeleton 枯骨, 骨人, 骨鎖, 骨鏁, 骨骸, 骸骨

skilful means derived from the teaching 於說所作方便善巧

skilful means for bringing to maturity 成熟方便善巧

skilful means such as these 如是方便

skilfull karmic wisdom 工巧業智

skill , 伎巧, 伎藝

skilled 善巧

skilled artisan 善巧工匠

skilled smith conducting his occupation 世間善巧工匠

skillful , 巧妙, 資助

skillful appearance 善現行

skillful at entrusting 善付囑

skillful correction 善修治

skillful cultivation of expedient means 善修方便

skillful determination 善決定

skillful discrimination 善巧差別

skillful in regard to the ultimate truth 善於勝義

skillful interpretation 善釋

skillful knowledge of all mundane matters 善知一切世間

skillful liberation 巧度

skillful lucid analysis of the stages 諸地決擇善巧

skillful means 善方便, 善權方便, 方便, 方便善巧

skillful means for bringing under submission 調伏方便

skillful means for taming the mind 調心方便

skillful means of non-abandonment of birth and death 不捨離生死方便

skillful means that develop good roots 善根增長方便

skillful means within the essence 體內方便

skillful phrasing 文巧

skillful practice 善修習

skillful remedy 疾病除愈方便

skillful single-pointedness of mind 善心一境性

skillfully accords 巧順

skillfully amasses 善積集

skillfully analyze (ascertain, observe, contemplate) 善觀察

skillfully and boldly contemplate according to reality 善勇猛如理觀察

skillfully applied practices 善加行

skillfully apprehend(ed) 善受

skillfully calm the mind 善巧安心

skillfully calming the mind with calm abiding and observation 善巧安心止觀

skillfully discriminates 善分別

skillfully establishes 善立

skillfully grasps the marks [of an object] 善取其相

skillfully practice calm abiding and clear observation 巧安止觀

skillfully pure intention 善淸淨意樂

skillfully questions and answers 善能問答

skillfully scrutinizes 方便觀察

skillfully shows 方便示現

skillfully teach 善化

skillfully teaching the dharma 善法行

skillfulness in regard to the truths 於諦善巧, 諦善巧

skills are superior 善巧勝

skin , 身皮,

skin color 姿色

skull 劫波杯, 劫波羅, , , 髑髏

sky 空中, 虛空中

sky-flowers 空花, 空華, 虛空華

slack 慢緩

slacken 懈息

slander 毀謗, , , , 謗訕, , 讒言, 離間

slant 傾倚

slanted 傾斜

slaughter 殺戮

slave , 奴僕, 奴隸, 小婢, 馱索迦, 駄索迦

slaves 僮僕, 僮隷, 童僕

slaves and menials 奴婢作使

slaves and so forth 奴婢等

slay demons 殺鬼

slayer 殺者

sleep , , 眠寐, 睡夢


sleeping and dreaming 眠夢

sleeping on the right side of the body 右脅臥

sleeping place 寢處

sleeping room 眠藏

sleeping with one's sword attached 帶刀卧

slender 細軟

slender calves 伊泥延腨相

slight 小微, , 微少, 稍輕, 薄弱, 輕毀

slight difference 小異

slight misery 微苦


slightly distracted 小亂

slightly move one's seat 據坐

slingshot spear 頻尼波羅

slip of wood

sloth 懶惰

slow 遲鈍

slow penetration 遲通


sluggish 惛耄

slumber in concealment 眠伏

small ,

small amount of effort 少用功

small amount of goodness 小善

small appropriation 狹小執受

small area

small bell 半鐘, 喚鐘

small bell or gong

small courts and buildings 子院

small cymbals 鉦鼓

small division 小品

small gate 軒闥

small gathering 小參

small house

small intention 小志

small Maudgalyāyana 小白華

small meal 小食

small part or portion 髣髴

small sea 小海

small stake or stick

small stone

small trees 小樹

small vehicle 小乘

smaller herbs 小草

smallest perceivable matter 極略色


smash into tiny bits


smear one's body with mud 抹土

smeared with mud and drenched with water 和泥合水, 拕泥滯水, 拖泥帶水

smell 健杜, 健達, 健陀

smell an odor 聞香

smell of salt 鹽香


smells and identifies 聞知

smells out 嗅別


smelt gold 銷金

smile 微笑, 舒顏

smiled 卽便微笑

smite 能摧伏

smith 工匠

smoke ,

smooth, fancy talk that is used to conceal the truth 綺語


snake , 薩跛,

snake movement 蛇行

snake spirit 摩睺羅伽

snake-medicine 蛇藥

snake's legs 蛇足

snake-seeming rope 蛇繩麻

snake-shaped demigod who brings clouds and rain

snap of the fingers 一彈指

snap the fingers 彈指

snatch 取盜,

snatch quickly 輒取

snatch quickly without asking 不問輒取

snatching and destroying the illusory views [of the student] 把住

sneak away quietly 逃竄


snow goose 水潦鶴, 水白鶴, 水白鷺, 水老鶴


so be it 且喜

so far 齊此

so kind as to teach 惠誨, 慧誨

so many 爾所

So Taesan 少太山


soap 澡豆

soapberry 木槵子, 無患子

soapberry tree

soar 翺翔


soft , 柔軟音, ,

soft and gentle in body and mind 身心柔軟

softens one's light 和光

soiled clothing 垢衣

sole great purpose for the Buddha's appearance in this world 一大事因緣

sole path 一向趣

sole purpose for appearing in the world 出世本懷

solely 一向專


solicitation for the donation of a big house 有主僧不處分房

solid 凝然常, 堅固

solid mass 健男, 凝厚, 堅厚, 羯南, 鍵南

solidification of doubt at the bottom of one's mind 疑團

solitary , 貝支迦, 辟支, 辟支迦

solitary dwelling 獨居

solitary hells 孤地獄, 孤獨地獄

solitary realizer 支佛, 獨覺, 畢勒支底迦, 畢勒支底迦佛, 畢支佛, 緣覺界, 辟支佛, 辟支佛陀, 辟支迦佛陀

solitary realm of reality 獨一法界

solve 銷釋

solve and explain 消釋

soma plant 稱意華, 須末那

some 有處, 若有一

some object(s) 同境

some place[s] 若所

some places 幾處

some say... 或言


someone [whose religious capacities are] fully matured 已成熟者

someone 有人

someone newly learning 新學

someone or another 某甲

somersault 斤斗

something 少物, 有少

something further to say 有餘說

something pure 淨者

something that is done 所爲作

something to be added 若過若增

something to be done 所爲

something with which to be combined 所合

sometimes 或於一時, 或時, 於時時間

sometimes increasing 若增

sometimes there are [there is] 或有

somewhat ,

somewhat resembling 依俙

somewhere 或處

son (of the Buddha 不退轉子

son 兒子, 男子

son of a great clan 族姓子, 族姓男, 矩羅補憺羅

son of the adamantine Buddha 金剛佛子

son of Vaiśravaṇa 赦儞娑

song ,

song and dance 歌舞

Song Canon 宋版

Song dynasty 宋朝

Song of Dharma Nature 法性偈

song of praise of the Buddha 讚佛歌

song or verse praising the virtues of the Buddha 梵唄

Song period translation 宋譯

song praising the virtues of the Buddha

songs and sports (or plays) 歌戲

sons and daughters of great clans 族姓子女

sons and grandsons 孫息

sons born from the Buddha's mouth 佛口所生子

sons of Maitreya 慈子

soon afterwards 便卽, 便復


sorcery 咒術

sore 儞伽

sores and ringworm 瘡癬

sorrow 悲惱, , , 憂受

sorrow and distress 憂悲

sorrow of parting 愛惜

sort 部別

sought 求已

sought after 所希求, 所求欲

soul 士夫, 富樓沙, 布路沙, 神我,

soul of the dead 亡魂

soul-snatching demon 奪魂鬼

sound 聲境, , 音聲, 音詞

sound for depth 探水

sound is considered impermanent 聲爲無常等

sound is eternal 聲爲常

sound is impermanent 聲無常

sound mind 實心

sound of drumming 鼓音

sound of great compassion 大慈悲聲

sound of hymns 誦音, 頌音

sound of music 樂音

sound of non-activity 無所作聲

sound of selflessness of person 空無我聲

sound of shivering tongues 阿波波

sound of song 歌聲

sound of the dharma 法聲

sound of the great Dharma 大法音聲

sound of the saṃgha 僧聲

sound of tranquility 寂靜聲

sound of which is like thunderous a heavenly drum 其聲雷震猶如天鼓

sound of wisdom 慧音

sound state of mind 心調善

sound that neither arises nor ceases 不起滅聲

sound the drum 鳴鼓

sound the wooden fish to announce a meal time 鳴魚

sounding block 音木

sounding board at the abbot's office 方丈板

sounding or rattling staff 聲杖

soundless traces 無聲漏

sounds consisting of eight parts 八部之音

sounds made by frozen throats 嘔侯侯

sounds of the superknowledges 諸通慧聲


sour 酪味

sour scriptures 酪經

source of the flow 源流

south , 南方

south-east 東南

Southern Buddhism 南傳佛教, 南方佛教

Southern Canon 南藏

southern course 南行

southern division of India 象主

Southern India 南天

southern India 南天竺

southern pure land 南方無垢世界, 南無垢

southern tradition 南道

southwest 西南

southwest direction 涅哩底方

sovereign 持國者

sovereign in regard to the dharma 法自在

sovereign of desire (?) 欲自在

sovereign of great compassionate teaching 大恩教主

sovereignty 自在

sovereignty of being unimpeded by form 色無礙自在


sow the seed 下種

space 太虛空, 空中, 空界, 虛空, 虛空中, 迦迦那, , 阿迦奢

space between the shoulder blades 髆間

space between the shoulders 膊間

space has no limit 虛空無邊

space-like 如虛空

spacious without limit 空無邊


sparing of

sparkling good factors 熾然善法

sparkling red gem 玫瑰

sparrow 遮吒迦,

speak 唱言, ,

speak a verse, saying... 說頌曰

speak critically 怨字語

speak eloquently 便言

speak of the result before the cause has fully matured 因中說果

speak sincerely 先言

speak softly

speak straighforwardly 直言

speak the truth 實言, 白眞

speaker 能說

speaking and hearing together, or at the same time 齊說齊聞

speaking and silence, movement and stillness 語默動靜

speaking discriminatingly 分別說

speaking out 釋詞

speaking sincerely 發誠信言

speaks the truth 所言誠諦

spear , 爍訖帝

special 有勝,

special achievements 異迹

special binding 別縛

special characteristics of a body 身相

special explanation 別說

special features 殊勝事

special invitation 別請

special meaning 別義

special skillful means 異方便

special vows 別願

specialized and perfect 別圓

specially functioning 別行

specially honored 特尊

specially prejudiced 別偏

species retribution 惣報, 總報, 總報業

specific 別別

specific and general 別總

specific explanation 別論, 別釋

specific hindrances 別障

specific karma 別業

specific mental disturbances 別惑

specific teaching of three separate vehicles 三乘別教

specifically practiced 別修

specified 所別

speck of dust on a hare's down 兎毛塵

speck of dust on the hair of a sheep 羊毛塵

speculate 思辯

speculate about and attach to 計著

speech 言說, , ,

speech and silence 說默

speech constituted by teachings that accord with the truth 如理說語

speech is elegant 言詞哀雅

speedily obtain 速得

Speed-of-the-Wind Samādhi 風奮迅三昧

speedy 奮迅,

speedy wisdom 捷慧

spell 呪言, 辭呪

spell 密咒, 持明, 符呪, 符咒,

spell for healing sickness 阿那耆智羅


sphere (of nirvāṇa) without residue 無餘界

sphere of activity 所行境界

sphere of Buddha 佛界

sphere of consciousness 識界

sphere of ideation and non-ideation 有想無想處

sphere of limitless consciousness 識無邊處

sphere of nothingness 無所有處

sphere of quiescence 寂然界

sphere of the earth 土界

sphere of the infinity of space 無量空處, 空無邊處, 空無邊處定, 空處定

sphere of the world-honored one 世尊界

spheres of the expedient means for bringing under submission 調伏方便界

spill the Buddha's blood with evil intent 惡心出佛血

spilling a buddha's blood 出佛身血

spilling the blood of the buddha with evil intent 惡心出佛身血


spirit (of the dead)

spirit 精神, 精魂, 靈神, 靈魂, , 鬼神, 魂靈

spirit in the transitional stage 中有之旅

spirit kings of the ten mountains 十山王

spirit of the dead 死靈

spirit of the departed 過去聖靈

spirit of the living 生靈

spirit remains 神存

spirit who causes agitation 埠惕鬼

spirit, vital energies, and consciousness 魂神精識

spirit-enfolders 懷靈

spirits 神鬼

spirit's canopy 精靈棚

spirits controlling [all] directions 主方神

spirits of the dead 輕捷, 野叉, 閲叉

spirits of the six elements 六大神

spirit-temple 靈祠


spiritual bird 靈禽

spiritual capacity 域心, 域懷

spiritual efficacy 靈驗

spiritual guide 拔底耶

spiritual images 靈像

spiritual luminosity 靈明

spiritual luminosity of the single path 一道神光

spiritual or heavenly part of the soul

spiritual path 神道

spiritual peace and realization of enlightenment 安心立命

spiritual power of diligence 勤神足

spiritual power of effort 進如意足

spiritual powers 神足

spiritual powers of non-impediment 自在神力

spiritual realm 靈界

spiritual response 靈感, 靈應

spiritual root 神根

spiritual teache 優婆馱耶

spit or a puff 一唾一吹

spite 怨恨

splendor 加尸, 加私, 迦奢

splendor and majesty 威德巍巍

split ,

split apart 分破

split like a lotus 缽特摩

split second 須臾之間

spoil 敗壞

spoiled roots 敗根

spoiled seeds 敗種

spoke marks 輻輪相

spoke, saying 白言

spoked wheel 輻輪

spoken 所言

spoken norm 話則

spoken words 所發言

spokes of a wagon wheel

spontaneous activity 自然業

spontaneous compassion 自然慈

spontaneous enlightenment 自然悟道

spontaneous karmic wisdom 自然業智

spontaneous phenomena 倶生法

spontaneous wisdom 自然智慧

spontaneously 任運自然, 自然, 親自

spontaneously appearing 現成

spontaneously arisen 任性而起, 任運而起

spontaneously enlightened mind 自覺悟心

spontaneously meets 自會

spontaneously occurring 倶生任運

spotless 上妙淸淨,


spotted like a partridge 鷓鴣斑

spread [something] everywhere 普流

spread , 張施, 流散, 流行

spread a report 用聲

spread above 羅覆

spread all over 布遍

spread flowers 開敷

spread one's hair 布髮

spread open

spread out

spread out like clouds in the sky 雲布

spread the teaching 弘化

spread the teachings 弘法

spread widely 弘通

spreading 馳散

spreading of the teachings 發揮

spreads out and stays still 貯布

spring 機關,

spring ancestral sacrifice

spring and autumn 春秋

spring forth 地涌, 涌出, 踊出

springing out of the earth 從地踊出

sprinkle , ,

sprinkle water 灑水

sprinkled 灌灑其頂

sprites 毘舍闍, 畢舍遮


sprout of the dharma 法芽



sprouts of the way 道芽

sprung forth 所生起


spurious scriptures 僞經

square shape 方相


squat on the heels 嗢倶吒, 嗢屈竹迦, 蹲踞

squeeze ,

śrāmaṇera course 沙彌科

śrāvaka precepts 聲聞戒

śrāvaka teachings 聲聞法

śrāvaka who dedicates his mind to enlightenment 迴向菩提聲聞

śrāvakas on the path to extinction 一向趣寂聲聞


stability 安定, 定相

stabilize 安止

stabilize the mind 安止其心

stabilized mind 攝住心

stabilizing 攝住

stabilizing meditation 奢摩他, 等靜

stabilizing the mind 停心

stable 馬房

stable mind 安心

staff 喫棄羅, 怛荼, 拄杖, 拄杖子, , , 竿, 策杖, 錫丈

staff or pole held by the god Yama 人頭幢

stage [or abode] of extreme bliss 極歡喜住

stage 境地, 階位

stage completed by thought 思所成地

stage in which one engages in the five practices 觀行五品位

stage in which one rids oneself of illusions and perceives reality a bit at a time 分眞卽

stage of [investigation of] the five bodily consciousnesses 五識身相應地

stage of abiding 住位

stage of accomplishment 已辦地

stage of accumulation 資糧位

stage of activity of non-enlightenment 不覺現行位

stage of analysis 簡擇住

stage of anointing of great wisdom 大智灌頂地

stage of applied practices 加行位

stage of arhat 阿羅漢位

stage of arriving to completion 到究竟地

stage of association with innate morality 性戒相應住

stage of being in the lineage 種性位

stage of being undaunted 難伏地

stage of Buddhahood 佛果位

stage of complete enlightenment 究竟卽

stage of completion 已作地

stage of completion/discernment 已辨地

stage of consciousness in the aspect of form 色趣識住

stage of consciousness in the aspect of impulse 行趣識住

stage of consciousness tending toward perception 想趣識住

stage of consciousness tending toward sensation 受趣識住

stage of consecration 灌頂位

stage of conviction 願樂位

stage of correct practices 行正行地

stage of determination 決定地

stage of determined practice 定行地, 決定行地

stage of difficult attainment 難得

stage of effortlessness 無功用位

stage of elimination 斷處

stage of enhanced insight that is associated with the factors of enlightenment 覺分相應增上慧住

stage of enlightenment 聖地

stage of equipment 資糧位

stage of gentle harmony 調柔地

stage of illumination 明地

stage of inner worldlings 內凡位

stage of insight 見地, 見道位, 通達位

stage of investigation and analysis 尋伺地

stage of joy 極喜地

stage of latency 隨眠位

stage of learners 學地, 有學地

stage of lesser tolerance 下忍位

stage of markless expedient means 無相方便地

stage of marvelous enlightenment 妙覺位, 妙覺地

stage of nature 性地

stage of no more applied practice 無學果

stage of non-regression 不退轉位

stage of non-retrogression 不退位

stage of observing joy 觀喜地

stage of omniscience 一切智地

stage of outer worldlings 外凡位

stage of partial realization 分證卽

stage of patience 忍位, 忍地, 忍辱地

stage of patience ensures that there will be no falling into the lower paths of transmigration 忍不墮惡趣

stage of patience in regard to phenomena 忍法, 忍法位

stage of perfect enlightenment 覺位

stage of practice 修習位, 行地

stage of practice of the six perfections while practicing contemplation 兼行六度品

stage of practicing the virtues of the middle path of noncontamination, and seeing that good and evil are not two 隨順平等善根

stage of preparation 資粮道

stage of pure superior intent 淨勝意樂地, 淸淨勝意樂地

stage of realization 果位, 果地, 證位

stage of realization of the absolute 一眞地

stage of recitation 讀誦品

stage of seeming Buddhahood 相似卽

stage of separation from desires 離欲地

stage of special qualities 勝德位

stage of stabilized joyful mind 定性喜樂地

stage of submission 調定地

stage of subtle analysis 妙簡擇住

stage of superior insight 增上慧住

stage of superior morality 增上戒住

stage of superior tolerance 上忍位

stage of suppressing tolerance 伏忍位

stage of supreme attainment 最上大悉地

stage of tathāgata 如來地

stage of tathāgatahood 如來住

stage of teaching 教化地

stage of teaching the dharma 說法品

stage of the adamantine absorption 金剛心位

stage of the adamantine absorption and below 金剛以還

stage of the appearance of virtual enlightenment and great bodhi 現前等覺大菩提住

stage of the completion of the bodhisattva path 菩薩盡地

stage of the dharma-body 法身位

stage of the eighth person 八人地

stage of the five bodily consciousnesses 五識身地

stage of the four wholesome roots 四善根位

stage of the non-returner 阿那含果

stage of the path of cultivation 修道位

stage of the practice of meditation 觀行卽

stage of the purity of the six faculties 六根淸淨位

stage of the thinking consciousness 意地

stage of thinning out (of afflictions) 薄地

stage of training 學位

stage of turning the wheel of the law 轉法輪相

stage of ultimate bliss 極喜住

stage of understanding and practice 解行地

stage of unimpeded form 色自在地

stage of unimpeded mental function 心自在地

stage of virtual enlightenment 等覺位

stage of warmth 煖位, 煗位, 煗法

stage of worldling 異生位

stage of worldlings 異生地

stage produced from cultivation 修所成地

stage that has neither marks nor effort 無功用無相住

stage where faith is applied 信相應地

stage where one sees that the good and evil actions of all sentient beings are not different 隨順等觀一切衆生

stage(s) in the deliverance of the great vehicle 大乘出離位

stage(s) of faith 信位

stages 諸地

stages in the bodhisattva path that are prior to the ten grounds 地前

stages in the path 道位

stages of attainment of the way 道次

stages of name-and-form 名色位

stages of practice 行位

stages of repeated practice 多修習住

stages of resolute practice 勝解行位, 勝解行地

stages of subtlety 位妙

stages of the three kinds of worthies 三賢位

stages of understanding and practice and before 解行已前

stages of yoga practice 瑜伽師地


stain 垢汚,

stain from immoral action 犯戒垢

stain of afflictions 煩惱垢

stain of sentient beings 衆生垢

stain of violating the precepts 毀犯戒垢

stained mind 染心

stained thusness 眞如有雜垢

stainless tolerance 無垢忍

stains of stinginess 慳垢

staircase 階陛


stalk of hemp with the skin peeled 麻幹, 麻殼, 麻蒸


stand 倚住, 停在, 立住, 跱立

stand clearly 明立

stand firmly 足善安住

stand on tiptoe 翹足

stand or burn incense 上香

stand out from the class or rank 出陣

stand tall 偃蹇

standard 典摸, 常倫

standards of action 行爲規範

standing 所依住

standing straight up 上靡

standout 角立

stands 住立

stanza 室盧迦, 室路迦, 首盧, 首盧柯, 首盧迦


stars 星辰

start a fire by drilling into wood 攢火

start from zero 開白

start over again 反覆

start to practice 發行

starter 起者

starting board 催板

starting from... 始從

starting point

starting point of practice 發趣位

starting with the expedient teachings and revealing the truth 開權顯實

starting with the traces to disclose the source 發迹顯本, 開迹顯本

startle , 驚動

startled 驚愕, 驚鄂


starved 饑虛

starved and exhausted 飢羸

state (stage) of great enlightenment 大覺位

state 分位

state a case 下語

state a proposition 立量

state fully 究暢

state of active binding 纏位

state of being unmoved by pleasure or pain 不動滅無爲

state of being very complicated 槃結, 盤結

state of birth 生有

state of carelessness 放逸處

state of concentration of thorough cessation 滅盡定位

state of concentration that reaches total cessation of mental activity 滅定

state of dormancy 睡位

state of enlightenment 悟處

state of existence 得轉

state of existence of asuras 阿修羅道

state of extinction (of suffering) 滅度地

state of full attainment of arhatship 阿羅漢果

state of great extinction without remainder 無餘依般涅槃界

state of meditation 靜慮地

state of mental concentration 統一心

state of mental equipoise 安定心

state of mind as one approaches death 命終心

state of mind such as the various kinds of deportment 威儀等心

state of no ideation 非想地, 非想處

state of no non-conception 非非想處

state of no-thought 無心地

state of production 生位

state of pure karma 淸淨業處

state of remainderless nirvāṇa 無餘涅槃界

state of the non-arising of dharmas 無生法

state of the precepts 戒相

state of the state of nirvāṇa without remainder 無餘涅槃界位

state of thoughtless fainting 無心悶絕位

state of thoughtless meditative concentration 無想定位

state of thoughtless sleep 無心睡眠, 無心睡眠位

state of wrong views 見處

state or abode of all wisdom 一切智句

state preceptor 國師家

state protecting Buddhism 護國佛教

state which is formless, purposeless 無相願

stated succinctly 謂略

stately mansion 殿閣

statement 標說

statement of dedication of merit 廻向文

statement specific to a particular time 黑教

states of meditative concentration 定地

states of mental activity 心位, 有心位

states of mental inactivity 無心位

states of non-meditation 不定地

states which lack mental stability 不靜地

stating 可示

station for bodhisattvas 菩薩住持

station of sagehood 聖位


status 寺格


stay (overnight) in the same place 共宿

stay 居跱, , 隨住, 頓止

stay a long time 久住

stay in the womb 住胎

stay over for two nights 信宿

stay overnight 宿

stay with resolve in the meditation retreat 結制

staying for religious practices 參籠

stays in a hermitage 住庵

steadfast 安詳

steadfast thought 堅固想

steadily expands and increases 轉復增廣

steadily intensify 轉劇

steadiness 常准

steady and correct 貞幹

steal , , ,

steal by one's own hand 自盜

steal quietly 竊取

steal valuable goods 盜重物

stealing 偸盜

stealing by deception 方便盜

stealing the property of the saṃgha 盜僧物

stealing through charms, spells, etc. 呪盜

steam ,

steaming sand to make cooked rice 蒸沙作飯

steep bank ,

steep precipice 坑澗

steep valley 險谷


stele 碑石


step by step 步步, 歩歩

step on

step over

steps 梯隥

sterile 唐捐

steward 別當, 執事

stick 杖捶

stick and shout 棒喝

stick to 安處, 循執

sticking to one thing 一持

sticking to the nature of the basis 依附依止性

stiff , 剛強

stiffening 起強

stifled 悶愊

stifling [afflictions] by distancing [oneself from them] 遠離損伏

stifling [the afflictions] by calming the mind 奢摩他損伏

stifling by permanent impairment of concomitants (?) 永害助伴損伏

stifling of [the afflictions] due to disillusionment [with them] 厭患損伏

still 猶故, , 靜然

still and unmoving 寂然不動

still mind 靑心

still more 倍復, ,

still remains 尚在, 猶存

still unsure 猶未定

still waters 定水

stilled thought 靜思

stilling thought 禪靜

stillness of breath (as a yogic discipline) 靜息

stimulate cultivation 策修

stinginess 吝惜, , 慳心, 慳惜, 末嗟羅

stinginess with dharma assets 法慳

stingy and arrogant 慳慢

stingy with the dharma 慳法

stingy with the teachings 法惜


stinking hungry demon 富單那, 布怛那

stinky hair demons 臭毛鬼

stock of merit 福資糧

stock up

stockings ,

stocks and pillory 杻械

stomping 舞踏


stone box 石凾

stone Buddha 石佛

stone carved sūtras 石壁經

stone chime

stone honey 石蜜

stone lantern 石燈

stone niche 龕室

stone on the head 頂石

stone stele 石碑

stone tablet

stone-brick pagoda 模塼石塔

stool 尼師檀,

stop [your] deluded thought! 莫妄想

stop 休歇, 停止, , , , , , ,

stop conceptual proliferation 絕諸戲論

stop eating 絕食

stop suffering 息苦

stop teaching 息化

stop up 留礙

stop; give up 休廢

stoppage 所不行

stopped up 塞齆

stopping a litigation by confession 自發露止諍律

stopping a litigation by confrontation 面前止諍律

stopping a litigation by covering over with grass 棄糞掃止諍律

stopping a litigation through (a verdict) of restored sanity 不癡止諍律

stopping board 站板

stopping breath 止息

stopping evil 止惡, 能止

stopping mind heavenly king 息心天王

stopping thought 息心

storage place

storax 杜魯瑟劍, 突縮迦, 蘇合香, 都盧瑟迦, 酥合香

store 停儲, , 藏積, 阿賴耶

store appropriator 能執藏

store away 收撿

store consciousness 宅識, 梨耶, 梨耶識, 藏識, 賴耶識, 阿梨耶識, 阿賴耶識

store consciousness that contains all seeds 一切種子阿賴耶識

store of all afflictions 一切煩惱藏

store of dust 藏塵

store of faith 信藏

store of fearlessness 無畏藏

store of great wisdom 大智藏

store of immeasurable merit 無量功德藏

store of merit 功德藏

store of rare treasures 珍寶藏

store of the canon 比吒迦倶舍

store of the Dharma of bodhisattvas 菩薩法藏

store of the eternal spiritual nature, free from earthly errors 出世藏

store of the realm of reality 法界藏

store up

store-[consciousness] 阿利耶, 阿黎耶

storehouse 室藏

storehouse of brilliance 光明藏

storehouse of miraculous words 妙語藏

storehouse of the buddha-dharma 佛法藏

storehouse of the dharma treasure 法寶藏

storehouse of the dharma-body 法身藏

storehouse of the pure Buddha-nature 自性淸淨藏

storer 能藏

storeroom 倉舍

stores 邸店

stories of previous lives 社得迦

stories of the Buddha's previous lives 本生說, 本生譚

stories of the lives of saints 一曰多伽, 一目多伽



stout and robust 肥壯



straddling the connection 跨節


straight and tall 洪直

straight mind and proper intention 端心正意

straight path 直道

straight vajra 金剛針, 金針


strain ,


strange tale 奇聞

strategy 方謀

straw , 藁幹

straw hermitage 蒲庵

straw mat

straw shoes 捽鞋, 芒鞋, 草鞋

stream enterer 窣路多阿半那

stream of activators 諸行相續

stream of consciousness 意識流, 識相續

stream of mind 相續心

stream winner 蘇盧多波

stream/continuity of cause and result 因果相續

stream-enterer 入流, 溝港, 預流

stream-winner 須陀洹人


street which splits in four directions 四衢道

street which spreads in four directions 四徼道

strength , 強力

strength is weak 力微劣

strength of reliance 依止力

strength of suchness within 法力

strength of the disease 病力

strengthen 增強

stress 勞患

stretch 舒展

stretch out 展舒,

stretching or spreading not

strew upon 供散

strews everywhere 遍布



strict maintenance of awareness 尅識

strictly controlling and allowing free reign 把住放行

strictly speaking 子細而論

strike , 征服,

strike a bell 觸鐘

strike a board 打板

strike once 一下

strike the bell 打鍾

string instrument 琵琶

string of 108 beads 百八念珠

string of flowers 貫花

string of gems 寶瑛, 寶瓔

stringed and woodwind instruments 絲竹

strip away

strive 力精, 努力, 勉勵, ,

strive for 勤求, 希求

striving 勤行, 毘梨耶


strong , 勇健, , 強者, , ,

strong 剛毅

strong anger 猛利瞋

strong attachment 愛著

strong in wisdom 堅固慧

strong man 婆里旱

strong points 所長

strong scent 蓬馞

strong-smelling things 香物

struggle with each other 共諍

stubborn stones nod their heads 頑石點頭

stuck in one place 留滯

stuck to the trees 附木

student [of the way] 學人

student 學匠, 學徒, 學生, 弟子

studies thoroughly

study , 式叉, 翫習

study by reciting (a scripture) 諷學

study of Buddhism 梵學

study of nature and characteristics 性相學

study or teaching of [one's own] sect 宗學

study well 善學

studying repentance 學悔

studying the doctrine, yet creating misunderstandings 學教成迷, 學教起迷


stumps 株杌

stūpa (of a buddha) made of the seven jewels 七寶塔寺

stūpa for a buddha-relic 法身塔

stūpa hall 塔頭

stūpa of a buddha 佛塔寺

stūpa of a buddha made of the seven jewels 七寶浮圖


stupid and blind 騃瞶

stupid and callous 曚冥抵突

stupid and confused 愚濁

stupid and deluded 蒙惑

stupid and intelligent 愚智

stupid child 愚騃子

stupid man 騃夫

stupid wish 愚願


style of a school 宗風

style of the school 門風

style oneself 自號

subdivision of a city

subdue (demons, perverse views, etc.) by authoritative power 威制

subdue , , 制伏, 制持, 威伏, 折伏, 折服, 能降, 能降伏

subdue and receive 折伏攝受

subdue and teach 降化

subdue dragons 降龍

subdue Māra 降伏魔怨

subdue the mind 伏心

subdue the obstructions [to enlightenment] 障治

subdue the three worlds 降三世

subduer of dragons 降龍

subduer of fiery dragons 降焰魔尊

subduer of lions 伏虎

subdues and extinguishes 能伏滅

subduing forbearance 伏忍

subduing-elimination 損伏斷

Subhūti and Śāriputra 空生身子

subject (of a king) 臣下

subject (or agent) is general 能總

subject 先陳, 前陳, 能觀

subject and object 一機一境, 能所

subject of the example 喩依, 實例

subject or text exposed on a slip 篇目

subject to cessation 滅壞法

subject to decay 有沒法

subject to exhaustion 有盡法

subject to karma 繫業

subject to the triple realm 屬三界

subjection 依屬

subjective and objective grasping 能所取執

subjective aspect 見分

subjective condition(s) 能緣

subjective discrimination 能遍計

subjective experiencer of faith 能信

subjective grasping 取能

subjective indifferentiation of thusness 無別眞如

subjects (of the king) who are ruled 所統僚庶

subjects 臣民

subjugated 所伏, 被伏

sublime 嚴妙,

sublime and pleasant — but worldly — state of meditative concentration 世間可愛妙定

sublime aspiration(s) 妙善意樂

sublime bliss 妙樂

sublime level[s] [of awakening] 妙位

sublime middle 妙中

sublime sounds 微妙音

sublime words 妙言


submerged in ignorance 沈冥

submersed in birth and death 沒生死

submit 屈伏, 歸伏

subnormal 不逮

subordinate officials 僚屬

subordinates 寮屬, 寮屬吏

subsequent age 後世

subsequent chant 後唄

subsequent cognition of suffering 苦類智

subsequent cognition of the path 道類智

subsequent dharma 後法

subsequent discursive investigation 隨尋伺

subsequent forbearance with suffering 苦類智忍

subsequent instant of thought 後念

subsequent pain 後苦

subsequent rebirth 生下

subsequent retribution 後報

subsequently 已終

subsequently arises 後起

subsequently attained 後所得

subsequently attained conventional wisdom 後所得世間智

subsequently attained knowledge 後智

subsequently attained mundane cognition 後得世間智

subsequently attained purified conventional wisdom 後所得世間淨智

subsequently attained wisdom 後得智, 後所得智

subsequently attained worldly wisdom 後所得諸世間慧

subsequently-attained non-discriminating cognition 後得無分別智

subsequently-existent [thinking] consciousness 後有意

subsequently-existent myriad sufferings 後有衆苦

substance 地臈脾, 實質, 實體, 正體, 跋窣堵,

substance of the example 喩體

substance of the reason 因體

substantial 實有, 有體

substantial afflictions 實煩惱

substantial dharma 體法

substantially established 實質存在

substitute lecture 代講

substitution of function of the sense faculties 六根五用

subsumes all 攝一切

subsuming three 會三

sub-teacher 優婆馱耶

subtle [deluded] thought 微細念

subtle [marvelous] expedient means 妙方便

subtle , 幽玄, 幽致, 廉纖, , 微妙, 微細, 玄妙, , 細品

subtle activity 微行

subtle afflictions 微煩惱

subtle analysis 妙簡擇

subtle and coarse 細麤

subtle and light 微薄

subtle and mysterious 微密

subtle body 微細身

subtle consciousness 細識

subtle contemplation 妙觀

subtle dharma of the One Vehicle 一乘妙法

subtle discernment 妙辯才

subtle discrimination 細分別

subtle form 妙色, 細色, 蘇樓波

subtle hindrances regarding manifest activity 細惑現行障

subtle marks 細相

subtle mental consciousness 細意識

subtle mental disturbance 細惑

subtle object 微義

subtle positive factor 細德

subtle seed-syllable 微妙字

subtle wisdom 微妙智

subtle wrong notions 心顚倒

subtle, difficult to conceive 妙難思

subtlest 最妙, 最細

subtlety of objects 境妙

subtly active 微細現行

subtly produced (karma) or unmanifestly produced karma 牽生

suburbs 聚落邊

subverting or disrupting monks 破羯磨轉法輪僧

succeed 得勝, 成事

success 修利, 室利, 室哩, 室離, 尸利, 悉利, 昔哩

success and failure 成敗

successfully concluded 尅終

successfully repentant monk 得戒沙彌

successive continuity 相續常

successive undertaking cultivation 上事修習

successively inherited 展轉傳來

succumb totally to the confusion of the world 總猥憒擾

such 如斯, 比像

such a thing 爾所事

such as that 彼等

such as these 如是像類

such as this 如其色像, 如是比像, 如是比者, 如是比類, 如此像, 如此比像

such kind of thoughts 等想

such kind of words 等言

such kinds of form 等色

such things and others of the same kind 等種種

such-and-such genealogy 如是種姓

such-and-such nutriment 如是飮食

suchness , 如眞, 眞如

suchness as defiled and pure 染淨眞如

suchness in the flow of transmigration 流轉眞如

suchness of arising 生眞如

suchness of characteristics 相眞如

suchness of consciousness 識眞如

suchness of evil behavior 邪行眞如

suchness of phenomena 法如, 法眞如

suchness of purity 淸淨眞如

suchness of the bases of practice 依止眞如

suchness perceived through the emptiness of phenomena 法空眞如

sudden , ,

sudden and gradual 頓漸

sudden and great enlightenment 廓然大悟

sudden and perfect 頓圓

sudden and universal taking in of sentient beings 頓普攝受

sudden attainment 頓得

sudden awakening 頓悟

sudden consummation of all practices 頓成諸行

sudden enlightenment and gradual cultivation 頓悟漸修

sudden faculties 頓根

sudden great [teaching, vehicle] 頓大

sudden in the south, gradual in the north 南頓北漸

sudden period 頓部

sudden realization of thusness 一如頓證

sudden teaching 頓說

sudden, gradual, esoteric, and indeterminate 頓漸祕密不定

suddenly , , 卒暴, 忽然, 忽爾, 欻然, 歘然

suddenly a thought arises 忽然念起

suddenly appear 頓生

suddenly apprehends 頓取

suddenly arise into flurried activity 率爾

suddenly arise(s) simultaneously 同時頓生起

suddenly arrive 暫到

suddenly eliminate large amounts of afflictions in a single instant 頓斷

suddenly enlightened 頓覺

suddenly enlightened bodhisattva 頓悟菩薩

suddenly gives rise to 暫發

suddenly understands 暫發悟

suffer 勤苦, , 患厭, 損惱

suffer from great hardship 苦劇

suffer from the bondage of karma 業繫苦

suffer in poverty 貧苦

sufferer in the niraya hell 泥人

suffering 惱痛, 懃苦, , 苦具, 苦患, 苦惱, 苦惱患

suffering and despair 憂苦

suffering and despair of body and mind 身心憂苦

suffering and distress 艱難

suffering and emptiness 苦空

suffering caused by impermanence 無常苦

suffering due to the five aggregates 五陰盛苦

suffering experienced when we are forced to associate with people and things that we dislike 怨憎會苦

suffering experienced when we are separated from the persons and things which we love 愛別離苦

suffering from acne and ugly 痤陋

suffering from illness 病苦

suffering from innumerable details 塵沙苦

suffering from the flourishing of the five skandhas 五盛陰苦, 五陰盛

suffering in the desire realm 欲界苦, 欲苦

suffering induced by the changes that occur in conditioned existence 行苦

suffering of being born 生苦

suffering of birth, age, sickness, death 生老病死苦

suffering of calamities 苦厄

suffering of cyclic existence 生死之苦, 生死苦

suffering of death 死苦

suffering of not-getting 求不得苦

suffering of old age 老苦

suffering of poverty and destitution 貧窮困苦

suffering of the five aggregates 五陰苦

suffering of the negative rebirths 惡趣苦

suffering that people experience when they lose things that they are attached to 壞苦

suffering, origination, cessation, path 苦集滅道

sufficient food and clothing 衣食具足

sufficient to grasp the point 可以意知

sugar 沙糖

suicide 自煞

suitability 堪任性

suitable 其所應, 可爾, 奧箄迦, 如應如宜, 所堪能, 有堪

suitable recipient 田器

sulks 顰蹙而住

Sumeru platform 須彌壇

Sumeru throne 須彌座

summarize 以要言之, 略攝, 略言, 總辨

summarize by speaking a verse 略說偈

summarize it... 取要言之

summarized here 此中總義

summarized in one 略爲一

summarized precepts 略戒

summary 總結

summary of the contents of a large book

summary of the dharma 法要

summary of the point 略義

summary of various perspective 攝異門

summary verse 總嗢拕南


summer assembly 夏衆

summer meditation retreat 坐夏, 夏坐

summer retreats during the rainy season 夏安居, 結夏安居

summit of Mt. Sumeru 須彌頂

summit stage 頂位


summon a spirit 招魂

summon the spirits 降神

sun 玄曦, 須梨耶

sun and moon 日月

sun is exactly at the noon position 日輪當午

sun of wisdom is able to extinguish 慧日能消除

Sun of Wisdom, Most Venerable of the Great Saints 慧日大聖尊

sundry treasures 雜寶

sun-faced buddhas and moon-faced buddhas 日面佛月面佛

sunk in delusion 迷沒

sunlight 日光, 陽光

sunny land 日域

sun-palace 日宮

sun-ruler 日天, 日天子

suns, stars, and constellations 日星宿

sun-seed 日種

sun-store 日藏

superb concentration 勝定

superb dharma (teaching) 勝妙法

Superb Power 威德自在

superb purity 堪淨

superb taste 上味

superbly careful analysis 極善思擇

superfluous talk 饒舌

superintendent 監院

superintendent monk 僧綱

superintendent of monks 僧官

superintendent of the gynaeceum or harem 內人

superior 上勝, 優多梨, , 勝增上, 增上, 鬱多羅

superior accomplishment 增上所感

superior and inferior [spiritual] capacities 諸根勝劣

superior and inferior 優劣, 勝劣

superior and middle-level 上中

superior applied practices 勝加行

superior attainment 勝行處

superior class 增品

superior class of sentient beings 上品衆生

superior cognition 增上智

superior constituent 妙界

superior contemplation 上輩觀

superior disciple 上士, 上足

superior disciples 高足

superior eloquence 道勝行

superior faculties 上根

superior foods 上饌

superior indifference 上捨

superior insight 增上慧

superior intent 勝意樂, 增上意, 增上意樂

superior intention (?) 上意

superior man 君子

superior marks of cultivation 勝修行相

superior morality 增上戒

superior part 勝分

superior perceptual referent 增上所緣

superior power 勝勢

superior power and function 勝勢用

superior practices 勝行

superior purity 淨勝

superior reward (for good karma) 勝報

superior rooms 上間

superior vehicle 上乘, 上衍

superior, middle, and lower grade 上中下品

superior, middling, and inferior teachings 上中下法

superiority of thusness over all else 最勝眞如

superior-vehicle Chan 上乘禪

superknowledge of the past lifetimes of oneself and others 宿命通

superknowledge that penetrates the minds of others 他心智通

supernal 超然

supernally transcending the world 超然出世

supernatural ability to read the minds of others 他心通

supernatural dhāraṇī spell 陀羅尼神咒

supernatural faculties 神通力

supernatural knowledge of the past lifetimes of oneself and others 宿住通

supernatural light 神通光

supernatural power 神足

supernatural power of divine hearing 天耳通

supernatural power of interpreting all the language of all beings 解一切衆生言語

supernatural power of knowing the past lifetimes of oneself and others 宿命智通

supernatural power of the complete extinction of afflictions 漏盡通

supernatural power of unimpeded bodily action 身如意通

supernatural power of unimpeded bodily function 神足通

supernatural powers 大神力, 神力, 神足力, 通力

supernatural powers of the thus-come one 如來神力

supernatural spell 神呪

supernatural transformation(s) 神變

supernatural vehicle 神通乘

supernormal abilities 神通事

supernormal aspiration 欲神足

supernormal cognition 勝通, 神通, 通慧

supernormal power of aspiration 欲如意足

supervisor 照拂

supervisory clerk 庫司


support , 依持, 依止, 所依, , 持力, 支持, 能任持, 與力

support 爲依止

support as immediately antecedent condition 等無間依

support derived from an immediately antecedent condition 等無間緣依

support in terms of condition as direct cause 因緣依

support of the dharma realm 法界加持

support of the knowable 應知依止

supported 所任持, 所據, 能依

supported world 加持世界

supporter of a Buddhist temple 檀那

supporting basis 依止處

supporting cause 依因, 方便因

supporting commentary 扶疏

supporting conditions 依事, 方便緣

supportive cause 建立因, 建立因性

supports an objection 救難

supports defining a position 依施設安立

supposing 若是

supposing we explain it this way... 設作是說

suppress 辟除

suppress demons 辟鬼

suppress unwholesome behavior and promote wholesome behavior 制業開業

suppressed 所伏

suppression 抑止

suppression and acceptance 抑止攝取

suppression and elimination 伏斷

suppression of Buddhism 抑佛

suppressive elimination 伏斷

supramundane 出世, 出世間

supramundane abode 出世舍

supramundane activities 出世業

supramundane attainments 出世成就

supramundane causation 出世間因果

supramundane causes of suffering 勝義苦因

supramundane clothing 出世服

supramundane cognition 出世智

supramundane dharma(s) 出世間法

supramundane dharmas 出世法

supramundane holy path 出聖

supramundane indifference [to objects of desire] 出世間離欲, 出世離欲

supramundane insight 出世間慧

supramundane insight of the noble ones 聖出世間慧

supramundane manas 出世末那

supramundane path 出世趣

supramundane paths 出世道, 出世間道

supramundane rewards 出世果

supramundane suffering 勝義苦

supramundane wisdom 出世間智, 出世間般若

supreme (Buddha-)Path 上尊道, 道尊

supreme 上尊, 尊上, 尊妙, 殊勝分

supreme among gods and men 天人尊

supreme among two-legged creatures 兩足尊

supreme attainments 最上成就

supreme benefactor 無極仁

supreme bliss 第一義樂

supreme Buddha within 佛頂尊

supreme Buddha-Path 上佛道, 上尊佛道, 尊上佛道

supreme code 弘摸

supreme contemplation 第一義觀

supreme correct enlightenment 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提

supreme deva-king 伊迦波提羅那

supreme Dharma 上法

supreme dharma 無上法

supreme enlightenment 尊覺, 無上菩提

supreme equipoise 最勝等持

supreme eye 無上眼

supreme field of merit 勝福田

supreme garment of sensitiveness to the shameful 無上慚愧衣

supreme great sage 無極大仙

supreme great saint 無極大聖

supreme marvelous enlightenment 無上妙覺

supreme mind 第一義心

supreme nirvāṇa 第一寂滅

supreme one who has imposing supernatural dignity 威神之尊

supreme path 上道

supreme sage 無極仙

supreme scripture 無極典

supreme sentence 上句

supreme trainer 調御丈夫, 調御師

supreme truth 第一義

supreme vehicle 最上乘, 最勝乘, 第一乘

supreme way 無上道

supreme wisdom 上慧, 無極慧, 第一義智

supreme wisdom of saints 無極聖慧

supreme, perfect enlightenment / awakening 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提

supremely real mind 勝眞心

Śūraṃgama-samādhi 楞嚴三昧

sure enough 果然


surface and underneath 表裏

surface of a clear mirror 淸淨鏡面

surpass , 勝過, , 映蔽

surpassed bodhisattva 有上士

surpassing body 勝應身

surpassing the eight 超八


surplus of virtue from accumulated good behavior 積善餘慶

surprised , 愕如,


surrounded by a great crowd 大衆中

surrounded by a great multitude 大衆圍遶

surrounded by one's entourage 眷屬圍繞

survive in the world 給濟


suspicious 疑心, 疑慮

sustained 住立支持

sūtra 修多羅, 修多闌, 修妬路, 綖經, 蘇多羅

sūtra block 藏經板

sūtra case 經笥

sūtra chanting 經唄, 諷經

sūtra collection 修多羅藏, 經藏

sūtra copying 寫經

sūtra copyist 經手, 經生

sūtra desk 經床

sūtra eye 經眼

sūtra hall 經堂

Sūtra of the Deathbed Injunction 遺教經

Sūtra of the Lotus of the Wonderful Dharma 妙法蓮花經

sūtra publication 刊經

sūtra reading desk 經案

sūtra recitation 轉讀

sūtra repository 一切經藏, 大藏經樓, 法寶殿, 經庫, 經廚, 經房, 經閣, 藏閣

sūtra robe 經帷子, 經衣

sūtra room 經樓, 藏經閣

sūtra says 經言

sūtra stūpa 經塔

sūtra tablet 經石

sūtra that has only one translation 單本

sūtra title 經題

sūtra translation 譯經

sūtra, vinaya, śāstra 經律論

sūtra-opening mantra 開法藏眞言

sūtras and regulations 經軌

sūtras and śāstras 經論

sūtras and śāstras that are cited 所引經論

sūtras of ripened cheese 熟酥經

sūtras taught during the expedient period 方等部

Suyāma celestial kings 夜摩天王


swan 恆亙婆, 恆婆, 白鵠

swastika 卍字

swastika 卍 on the Buddha's chest 胸字

swaying 叵我

swear and promise 誓約



sweep the ground 掃地

sweepings 糞掃

sweet alcoholic beverages 甘酒

sweet and uncommon 甘奇

sweet dharma-rain 甘露法雨

sweet sound 美響

sweet[ness] 甘美


swelling 膨脹

swept by a celestial garment once every thousand years 天衣拂千歲

swift 輕便

swiftly 疾疾

swiftly as Lu-ling runs 急施如律令

sword , , 竭誐


sword of death 死刀

sword of the mind 心劍

sword of wisdom 慧劍, 智刃, 智慧劍

swords and staves 刀杖

sword-wind 刀風

syllable 惡察羅

syllable(s) 文辭

syllogism 論式

syllogism that combines the thesis and reason positively 合作法

syllogism that uses the dissimilarities of the actual example with the thesis or reason in a negative way to isolate it from the thesis or reason 離作法

symbolic function 想蘊

sympathetic reponse 應感

sympathetic toward sentient beings 愍有情

sympathize with

sympathizing with 性哀愍

sympathy 憐念,

sympathy for the sufferings of others 惻隠

syncretism of Shintoism and Buddhism 神佛習合

synonym 異因緣, 異門義

synonymous 名同

Syria 大泰

system of indicating the initial and final sounds of a character by two others 反切

system of revolving swords for subduing demons 劍輪法

system of this school 宗途

systematic refutation of the alternatives of the tetralemma 四句推檢不得

systematize the precepts 結戒

table 几案

table of food for monks or nuns 齋席


tablet for all the spirits of the triple world 三界萬靈牌

tablet informing monks to go to the lecture hall 上堂牌

tablet of sūtra titles 經單


tactile field 身入

Tai and Heng 台衡


taint of desire 欲染

tainted 汚染

tainted and untainted 漏無漏

tainted retribution 有漏果

tainted seeds 有漏種子

tainted with delusion 惑染

taints , 諸漏

Tajiks 條支

take [up] one's [begging] bowl 持缽


take a bath 入浴

take a life 有生

take a wife 納娶

take all to oneself 薦取

take an image (of Buddha) in procession 行像

take an inventory of implements 開具

take as a name 爲名

take as an object 以爲境界

take as one group 爲一聚

take back 奪還

take care not to... 愼莫

take care of 將迎, 珍重

take charge of 執作, 繕治, 領知

take delight in 樂爲, 生愛樂

take form 成形

take hold of 能攝持

take lightly

take nescience as its root 以無明爲本

take one's rest 棲身

take part in

take pity on 愍哀

take pity upon, please! 加哀

take possession of 現正攝受

take refuge 歸命

take refuge in , 歸仰, 歸依, 皈依

take refuge in the Buddha 歸佛

take refuge in the three treasures 南無三寶, 歸依三寶

take sentient beings into consideration 顧念有情

take the truth of the path as referent 緣道諦

take this as an example 例此

take turns 輪差, 輪番

taken 當受

taken as essential nature 爲自性

taken to be the same 爲同

takes a rest 休懈

takes as a basis 爲所依, 爲所依止

takes delight in immoral behavior 樂行惡行

takes on [re]birth as one pleases 隨樂受生

takes seven steps 行七步

takes the lead 爲首

taking as cause 取緣

taking as condition 取緣

taking birth 出生

taking in sentient beings from a superior position in a power relationship 增上攝受

taking of life 殺生

taking residence in the womb 託胎

taking that which has not been given 不與取

taking the Buddha as refuge 歸依佛

taking the dharma [teachings] as refuge 法歸依

taking the dharma as refuge 歸依法

taking the full precepts 具足戒

taking the principle (as...) 以理

taking the saṃgha as refuge 歸依僧

taking the view of the reality of the individual as one's basis 薩迦耶見以爲根本

taking the whisk 秉拂

taking this...[that...] 以彼

taking very good care of 瞻侍

taking wisdom as a substance 以智爲體

talisman for long life 長生符

talismanic pearl of all buddhas 一切如來寶

talismanic vase 如意甁

talismanic wheel 如意輪

talk 槃遮

talking in one's sleep

tall and straight body 身分洪直

tall or erect staves 卓錫

tally of karma 業簿

tally with each other 偶諧

tamarisk indica 菴弭羅

tame 制御, 調, 調定, 調御, 調練

tamer of people who need to be trained 丈夫調御士

Tang and Ran 騰蘭

Tang register 供帳

Tang Register of Monks 僧帳, 僧籍

tangible goodness 事善

tares , 稊稗, 稗稊

tarnishable 可染

tasks that are undertaken 所作事

tassel made of flowers 華纓


taste 味道, , 嘗知

taste of medicinal herbs 藥味

taste of meditation 禪味

taste of sex 色味

taste that has been corrupted, erased, etc. 變壞味

tastelessness 沒滋味, 没滋味

Tathāgata appearing in this world 如來興世

Tathāgata as originally arisen 如來本起

tathāgata body 如來身

tathāgata consciousness 如來識

Tathāgata day 如來日

tathāgata family 如來乘種性, 如來種

tathāgata meditation 如來禪

tathāgata messenger 如來使

tathāgata practices 如來行

tathāgata teaches 如來說

tathāgata vehicle 如來乘

tathāgata who clearly understands the true law 正法明如來

Tathāgata who has omniscience and is worthy of offerings 如來應正遍智

tathāgata, worshipful, omniscient 如來應供正偏智

tathāgata-garbha thought 如來藏思想

tathāgatagarbha which is itself empty 空如來藏

tathāgata-hood 如來果

tathāgatas 諸如來

Tathāgata's appearance in the world 如來出世

tathāgata's characteristics 如來相

tathāgata's cognition 如來智

Tathāgata's emitted and returned light 如來光明出已還入

Tathāgata's epithets 如來名號

tathāgatas in the ten directions 十方諸如來

tathāgatas in the three time periods 三世如來

Tathāgata's noble lineage 如來聖種

tathāgatas' pure meditation 如來淸淨禪

tathāgata's sphere 如來境界

tattered clothes 弊衣

taught 應說

taught by the Tathāgata 如來所說

taught truth 所說法

taxonomy of doctrine based upon time period 時教

Tchakas 赭羯


tea and Chan/Seon are of one and the same taste 茶禪一味

tea and Chan/Seon meditation are one 茶禪一體

tea and hot water 茶湯

tea bowl 茶器

tea ceremony 煎點, 茶禮

tea house 茶坊

tea room 茶室

teach (the dharma) appropriately 隨宜說法

teach , , 垂示, 指南, 教授, 教訓, 教誨, 爲宣說, 示教, 訓誨,

teach about reality 實唱

teach according to the capacities of the audience 赴機

teach according to the level of the practice of the bodhisattva 寄位

teach and guide

teach and transform sentient beings 化道

teach in direct response to the needs and abilities of the audience 隨宜

teach in the midst of 中說

teach others 化他, 教人

teach the appropriate dharma 說相稱法

teach the correct dharma 宣說正法

teach the cultivation of good activities 教修諸善

teach the cultivation of... 教修

teach the dharma [to someone else] 爲說法

teach the way 教道

teach those connected 緣化

teach you 吿汝

teachable sentient beings 可化衆生

teacher , 師教, 師父, 珍敬, 能化

teacher and donor 師檀

teacher and student 師佐, 師弟, 師徒, 師資

teacher of a junior monk or nun 依止師, 依止阿闍梨

teacher of both phenomena and principle 事理禪師

teacher of gods and men 天人師

teacher of men 人師

teacher of the celestials 天人道師

teacher of the dharma 法師

teacher who imparts the precepts and/or intimately guides the student 親教師

teachers 師長, 諸匠, 諸師

teacher's closed fist 師拳

teaches others 教他

teaches the doctrine of gradualism 說漸

teaches the sudden doctrine 說頓

teaching 提唱, , 教說, 法門

teaching about the scriptural Dharma 經法教

teaching about the unsurpassed, right, and true enlightenment 無上正眞道教

teaching according to one's own intention, while also paying heed to the attitude of the audience 隨自他意語

teaching and application 宗用

teaching and conduct 教行

teaching and cultivation 教修習, 教習

teaching and listening 說聽

teaching and meaning 教義

teaching and realization 教證

teaching and saving 提舍

teaching appropriately to the spiritual capacities of the audience 對機說法, 應機接物, 隨機散說, 隨機說, 隨機說法

teaching dealing with phenomena 事教

teaching for humans and gods 人天教

teaching for the group 示衆

teaching given by the Buddha 佛所說法

teaching hall 法殿, 說法殿

teaching in a state of meditative equanimity 念住中說

teaching in his stead with non-obstructed penetration penetration 轉教融通

teaching methodologies 化法

teaching of characteristics 相教

teaching of consciousness-only 唯識學說

teaching of elimination without eliminating the path 開示壞不壞路

teaching of emptiness 空教, 空門

teaching of emptiness in nature 性空教

teaching of equality 平等教

teaching of extinction 寂滅法

teaching of no characteristics 無相宗, 無相教

teaching of phenomena within the [three] realms 界內事教

teaching of sudden enlightenment 頓教

teaching of the 100 dharmas 百法門

teaching of the character of the middle way 中論性教

teaching of the container world 器界說

teaching of the Dharma 法訓, 法誨

teaching of the dharma from the insentient 無情說法

teaching of the dharma through listening and hearing 音教

teaching of the lesser vehicle 小乘教

teaching of the middle way 中道教

teaching of the phenomenal appearances of dharmas 法相教

teaching of the pre-eminent Dharma 尊法訓

teaching of the principle within the realms 界內理教

teaching of the sage 聖說

teaching of the scriptures 經教

teaching of the single vehicle 一乘法

teaching of the Tathāgata 如來教

teaching of the temporal Buddha 迹化

teaching of the three levels 三階教

teaching sentient beings 衆生教化

teaching stole 納播

teaching taxonomy 判教

teaching that acknowledges the existence of characteristics 有相教

teaching that admits the existence of characteristics 有相法

teaching that allows for the existence of characteristics 有相法輪

teaching that carries 所乘法

teaching that cleans up after the harvest 捃拾教

teaching that conceals the truth 覆相教

teaching that deals with phenomena matters beyond the [three] realms 界外事教

teaching that deals with principle beyond the realms 界外理教

teaching that does not establish words and letters 不立文字教

teaching that encompasses all vehicles 普爲乘教

teaching that goes beyond the [three] realms 界外教

teaching that is explained 所說教

teaching that is extremely profound and difficult to see 甚深難見法

teaching that is received 所受法

teaching that negates (attachment to) non-existence 非無門

teaching that refutes phenomenal appearances 破相教

teaching that reveals the nature 顯性教

teaching that self and elements both exist 我法倶有宗

teaching that the self is empty but dharmas exist 有教

teaching the essentials 提綱, 提要

teaching through expedient means 方便門

teaching through images 像化

teaching tradition 法門流

teaching using images 像教, 象教

teaching which supports the rules and speaks of the eternal 扶律談常

teaching, from the perspective of its position in terms of temporal sequence, and from the perspective of its relative profundity. 約教約部

teaching, practice, and actualization 教行證

teaching, seen from the perspective of its place in temporal sequence 約部

teaching, theory, practice, and reward 教理行果

teachings 教授者, 經要, 餘教

teachings and practices that arise in accordance with the capacity 對根起行法

teachings and precepts 法戒

teachings based on the approach of marklessness 無相法, 無相法輪

teachings of a scripture 經訓

teachings of all buddhas 諸佛法

teachings of Buddhist scriptures 佛經教

teachings of emptiness that are practiced and experienced only by bodhisattvas 不共般若

teachings of great sages 大聖教

teachings of the buddhas 諸佛所說

teachings of the entire life of the Buddha 一代教

teachings of the great vehicle 大乘教

teachings of the sūtras 經說

teachings of the swan [king] 雁門, 鴈門

teachings of the three vehicles 三乘教

teachings of the three Vehicles 三乘法

teachings of the three vehicles in terms of their commonality 三乘通教

teachings of the unexcelled (Buddha-)Path 無上道教

teachings of wrong views 邪見法

teachings that acknowledge the existence of characteristics 有相宗

teachings that are conducive to ruin 順退法

teachings that support the precepts and expound the eternal 扶律談常教

teak tree 娑羅

tears 涕淚,

technique , 技術

techniques of practicing the path 道術

technology 工業明處

teeth with spaces in between 露齒

teeth-bearing bodhisattva 牙菩薩

teeth-cleaning sticks and pure water 楊枝淨水

tell , ,

tell and indicate 說示

tell of an event 述事

telling some else to commit an act 教他作

tells 對說


temple 僧院, 寺刹, 庵寺, 梵宇, 精舍, 香界

temple administration 宗務

temple administrator 寺務

temple banner 寶幢

temple basin 千手桶

temple bell 梵鐘,

temple building 造寺

temple business office 庫房

temple chef 典座

temple deity(s) 伽藍神, 寺神

temple dining room 後院

temple executor 執行

temple for worship of the emperor's birth-star 本命道塲

temple halls 寺舍

temple kitchen hall 廚庫

temple meal 點心

temple museum 寶藏展

temple of the Sleeping Buddha 卧佛寺

temple office 宗務所

temple or monastery 僧伽利依

temple pole 刹柱

temple superintendent 寺監

temple toilet 解憂所

temple warden 殿主, 殿司, 知殿

temples 緇林

temples of the three treasures 三寶寺刹

temporal traces 權迹

temporally 竪望

temporarily ,

temporary 臨時

temporary appearance 假相

temporary manifestation 權現

temporary skillful means 臨時方便

temporary transformation 權化

ten [negative] tendencies 十隨眠

ten [stages] of propensity 十解


ten abodes 十住

ten abodes, ten practices, ten dedications of merit 十住十行十迴向

ten advance, nine fall back 十進九退

ten advantages of staying in a hermitage 閑居十德

ten afflictions 十惑, 十煩惱

ten analogies [for emptiness] 十喩

ten armies 十軍

ten aspects (of Huayan doctrine) 十門

ten aspects of contemplation on universal inclusion 周遍含容觀十門

ten aspects of non-obstruction between principle and phenomena 理事無礙十門

ten aspects of the ocean 大海十相

ten aspects of thusness 十如, 十眞如

ten bases of meditation 十處定

ten basic [afflictions] 十根本

ten basic afflictions 十根本煩惱

ten billion 百億

ten bodhisattva precepts 菩薩十戒

ten bodhisattva stages 菩薩十住, 菩薩十地

ten bodies of the Buddha 十身

ten bonds 十纒

ten boundless stores 十無盡藏

ten buddhas 十佛

ten buddhas of the realm of understanding 解境十佛

ten buddha-works 如來十事

ten completions of the great vehicle standards 十法

ten continuous thoughts 十念相續

ten courts of the Yama kings 十殿閻王

ten day account 旬單

ten day period

ten days 旬日

ten days and ten nights 十日十夜

ten days of fasting 十齋, 十齋日

ten decisions of inclination 十發趣心

ten declivities 十使

ten dedications (of merit) 十廻向

ten dedications [of merit] 十向

ten dedications 十迴向

ten dedications of merit 十囘向

ten dharmas of luminous entry 十法明入

ten diamond-like states of mind 十金剛心

ten dichotomies 十對

ten directions 十方

ten directions in the three times 十方三世

ten directions of space 十虛

ten disciples 十弟子

ten disrupters 十惱亂

ten doctrines 十教

ten eons 十劫

ten epithets 十名

ten epithets of the Buddha 十號

ten epithets of the Tathāgata 如來十號

ten evil [immoral] deeds 十不善

ten evil activities 十惡業

Ten evil deeds 十惡

ten evils 十惡

ten examples of other-dependence 依他十喩

ten excellent bodhisattvas 十善菩薩

ten excellent terms 十殊勝語

ten expressions of thusnesses

ten eyes 十眼

ten fallacies in the example 似喩十過

ten faultless... 十種無倒

ten faults 十過

ten feet

ten fetters 十結

ten firm states of mind 十堅心

ten firmnesses 十堅

ten good powers of the precepts 十善戒力

ten good precepts 十善戒

ten good principles 十善正法

ten good stages 十善位, 十善王

ten grave crimes 十重罪

ten grave precepts 十不可悔戒, 十重戒

ten grave prohibitions 十重, 十重禁, 十重禁戒

ten great vows 十大願

ten grounds 十地

ten grounds and virtual enlightenment 十地等覺

ten guardians 十護

ten heavy obstacles 十重障

ten hindrances 十障

ten immoral practices 十事, 十事非法, 十非事

ten impurities 十不淨

ten indestructible [minds] 十金剛

ten inexhaustible prohibitions 十無盡戒

ten invocations bringing about completion 十念成就

ten irate deities 十忿怒明王

ten jewels 十寶

ten joys 十快

ten kinds 十種

ten kinds of affliction 十種煩惱

ten kinds of causation 十因

ten kinds of cognition 十智, 十種智

ten kinds of contemplations 十想

ten kinds of demonic armies 十種魔軍

ten kinds of dharmas that are the subject of meditation 十種所觀法

ten kinds of expedient means 十種方便

ten kinds of giving 十布施

ten kinds of great vows 十種大願

ten kinds of illumination through wisdom 十種智明

ten kinds of illusions produced from conditions 十緣生句

ten kinds of impurity 十種不淨

ten kinds of joy 十樂

ten kinds of kindness 十恩

ten kinds of mastery 十自在

ten kinds of mind 十心

ten kinds of moral behavior 十道

ten kinds of non-obstruction 十無礙

ten kinds of observation of dharma 十種觀法

ten kinds of pernicious views 十種惡見

ten kinds of vows of practice 十種行願

ten kinds of well-nourished mind 十長養心

ten kinds of wholesome behavior 十善, 十善業, 十善業道

ten kinds of wisdom and power 十種智力

ten kinds of wrong precepts 十種非律

Ten Kings 十王

ten lakhs 度洛叉

ten layers 差別正行

ten lesser afflictions 小煩惱地法

ten levels of discernment 十觀

ten major mental disturbances 十大惑

ten major ordination vows 十大受

ten marks 十相

ten marvels 十妙

ten masters [of the Indian Yogâcāra school] 十大論師, 十論匠

ten masters of the Indian Yogâcāra school 唯識十大論師

ten mental conditions for cultivation of goodness 大善地法

ten mental stages 十住心

ten merits 十功德

ten million 倶胝, 兆倶胝, , 阿由他

ten million-fold 倶胝數

ten moments of mindfulnes 十念

ten mysterious aspects of dependent origination 十玄緣起

ten mysterious gates 十玄, 十玄門

ten names of the seventh consciousness 七識十名

ten nights (of mindfulness of the Buddha) 十夜

ten nights of mindfulness of the Buddha 十夜念佛

ten non-dualities 十無二

ten no-regret precepts 十不悔戒

ten nurturings 十長養

ten objects 十境

ten objects of mindfulness 十念處

ten obstructions 十障礙

ten pāramitās 十勝行, 十波羅蜜

ten perfect buddha-bodies 佛具十身

ten perfections 十到彼岸, 十度, 十波羅蜜多

ten periods [in a human life] 十時

ten pernicious views 十惡見

ten possible fallacies in the example 喩十過

ten powers 十力, 十自在

ten powers and ten understandings 十力明

ten powers of a buddha 佛十力

ten powers of the Tathāgatas 如來十力

ten practices 十行

ten preceptors 十師

ten precepts 十戒, 十誡

ten precepts taken by the śrāmaṇerikā 沙彌尼戒

ten precious mountains 十寶山

ten principal disciples 十大弟子

ten principal Yogâcāra treatises 十支論

ten principles 十眞實

ten profitable things 十利

ten profound approaches 十玄門

Ten Purifying Days of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva 地藏菩薩十齋日

ten questions 十問

ten rākṣasīs 十羅刹女

ten realizations of diamond-like mind 十金剛心向果

ten realms 十法界, 十界, 十重法界

ten recitations at the end [of one's life] 最後十念

ten recollections 十隨念

ten reposes 十止

ten rhymes in lai

ten rules for translation 十科

ten sage [levels] 十聖

ten schools 十宗

ten serious errors of worldlings 凡夫十重妄

ten skills 十善巧

ten stages 十位, 十地

ten stages common to all three vehicles 三乘共十地

ten stages of faith 十信, 十信位

ten stages of mind 十地心

ten stages of the arousal of clear destiny 十發趣

ten subtle aspects of the first half of the Lotus Sūtra 迹門十妙

ten subtle aspects of the second half of the Lotus Sūtra 本門十妙

ten supernatural powers 十通

ten tathāgata stages 十如來地

ten teaching practices 十法行

ten thousand 十千, ,

ten thousand distinctions and a thousand differences 萬別千差

ten thousand eons 萬劫

ten thousand li 萬里

ten thousand million 千倶胝

ten thousand million Buddha-realm land 十萬億佛土

ten thousand million-fold 千倶胝數

ten thousand years 萬年

ten tolerances 十忍

ten totally pervasive concentrations 十遍處

ten transcendent practices 十波羅蜜

ten types of [upholding] the precepts 十種戒

ten types of minute dharmas 十種細法

ten universal practices 十普門

ten universally operating mental factors 十大地法

ten universals 十一切處, 十禪支, 十遍處定

ten unpardonable crimes 十波羅夷

ten unwholesome kinds of behavior 十不善業

ten unwholesome paths 十不善道

ten vehicle (meditation) 十乘, 十乘觀

ten vehicle breeze 十乘風

ten vehicle couch 十乘床

ten vehicles of meditation 十觀成乘, 十乘觀法, 十法成乘觀, 十法止觀

ten views 十見

ten virtues 十德

ten virtues of a disciple 弟子十德

ten virtues of a teacher of the dharma 法師十德

ten wheels 十輪

ten works' merit 十事功德

ten wrong precepts 十非律

ten years (old) 十歲

ten years 十年

tenable 可立, 應言

tenacity 力持性, 堅力持性

tend toward ,

tend toward the good 趨善

Tendai as esoteric school 台密

tendencies for affliction 煩惱隨眠

tendency 從化, 隨眠

tendency to abide 住性

tendency to lack cognition (?) 無明了性

tendency toward desire in the form realm 有貪性

tender compassion in all things 慈悲萬行

tending toward defilement 隨染

tending toward difference 趣異方

tending toward non-returner 阿那含向

tending toward perception 想趣

tending toward the path 向道


tenet 立宗

tenfold 十倍

ten-foot halo around him 常光一尋相

tentative capacity 權機

tenth ground 第十地

tenth-stage bodhisattva 十地菩薩

term is provisionally established 名假施設

terminate 死滅

terminated 永變吐

terminus 終竟

terms and words indicating a referent through which one is immediately able to express meanings 義 by the differentiation of vocal sounds 表義名言

terms and words revealing perceptual fields 顯境名言

terrace of the potation of forgetfulness 醧忘臺

terribly fatigued 極疲厭性

terrified at 佈畏

terror 大怖, 大怖畏, 驚怖

test ,

test the scriptures 試經

testify 證知

testimony 徵言

tether of desire 貪縛


tethered by anger 瞋纏

tethered by craving 貪纏

tethered by delusion 癡纏

tethers in the higher realms 順上分結

tethers in the lower realms 順下分結

tethers in the realm of form 色界繫

tethers of desire 愛結, 愛繫

tethers to the [three] realms 界繫

text , 文詞, 本文

text and its meaning 文旨, 文義

text and principle 文理

text and sounds 文字音聲

text expressing the three modes not being on guard 三不護文

text having multiple translations 重翻

text of the three bases of mindfulness 三念住文

text of the three refuges 三歸文

text praising the Buddha 禮文

text that has been translated (into Chinese) twice 二重翻

texts 典籍, 文章

texts of the precepts 戒文

texts on the unprecedented 未曾有經

textual evidence 文證

textual explanation 文句

textual sources for morality 律本母

textual study track 看經派

thanks to 依蒙

that (?) 其是

that , , 彼所, 甚麼

that created from expounding the dharma 說法所作

that is to say 所謂

that person 其身, 彼人

that place 彼處

that time 彼時

that to be accomplished/proven 所成立

that way 恁麼也

that which can 所能

that which comes into being attached to, accompanying, or according to something else 隨轉

that which exists based upon one's knowledge 量有

that which has past 已去

that which has the nature of production 能生

that which holds 所攝持

that which I do 我所行

that which is apprehended 所取

that which is attached to by discrimination 分別所執

that which is being specified is not agreed upon by the adversary 所別不極成

that which is counteracted (corrected) 所治

that which is counteracted by pity 悲所對治

that which is counteracted, and the counteracting agent [practice, antidote, etc.] 所治能治

that which is created or conditioned

that which is cut 所斷

that which is defiled 所染汚

that which is depended upon 所歸

that which is dicriminated 所分別

that which is done 所作

that which is established 所立

that which is established according to causes and conditions 因成

that which is explained 所說

that which is explained in the sūtras 所詮

that which is felt (experienced, etc.) 所受

that which is forgotten 所忘失

that which is gathered 所集

that which is imagined 所計

that which is induced 所引發

that which is latent 所隨眠

that which is later existent 後有

that which is learned 所學

that which is liked and that which is disliked 愛不愛

that which is misconstrued 所迷

that which is mistakenly adhered to by the false self 我所執

that which is not seen 所不見

that which is obstructed 所障

that which is perceived by the mind 心所見

that which is perfumed 所熏, 所薰

that which is practiced 所修行, 所行

that which is produced 所生

that which is produced naturally 任運所起

that which is radiated [by] 所放光明

that which is realized 所證

that which is received and studied [practiced] 所受學

that which is related to the deportments 威儀路

that which is ridden 所乘

that which is said 有所言

that which is sought after 所求

that which is stifled 所逼切

that which is stored 所藏

that which is taught 所教

that which is to be done or caused 所應作

that which is transformed 所化

that which is transformed by the teaching 所被

that which is violated [a precept] 所犯

that which is wrought is boundless 所作無量

that which is wrought is firm 所作決定

that which is wrought is flawless 所作無缺

that which is wrought is vast 所作廣大

that which one desires 所願

that which one hears 所聞

that which should be attained 所應得

that which should be practiced 所修

that which should not be thus 無不然

thatch 覆苫

thatch enough to cover one's head 茅蓋頭

thatched house 草堂

thatched hut , 草庵, 草廬, 草菴

thaumaturge 師公, 蠱道符呪

the [afflictive] phenomena that are remedied (corrected, counteracted) 所對治法

the [bodhisattva's] markless stage that has neither applied practices nor exertion 無加行無功用無相住

the abode of limitless consciousness 識處

The contemplation of severing afflictions 斷想

the end of life 至命終

the end of the sentence 文末

the improvement of self and others 利自他

the meaning is stressed 義強

the middle and latter portions of the evening 中後夜

the mind is fully concentrated 心得定

the profound approach of a11 things influencing one another as the jewels of Indra's net reflect on one another endlessly 因陀羅網法界門

the profound approach of all things producing one another at the same time 同時具足相應門

the profound approach of one and many influencing each other, without losing their own peculiarities 一多相容不同門

the profound approach of the coexistence of explicitness and implicitness 隱密顯了倶成門

the profound approach of the greater and lesser influencing each other 廣狹自在無礙門

the profound approach of the mutual influence, and maintenance of order among all things 微細相容安立門

the profound approach of the past, present, and future influencing one another without confusion 十世隔法異成門

the profound approach the interdependence of all things, so that one is all and all is one 諸法相卽自在門

the profound approach wherein anything can be made an example for the explanation of the truth of interdependence of all things 託事顯法生解門

the profound approach wherein anything can be regarded as the center of the others 主伴圓明具德門

the purity of overcoming doubt 度疑淨

the recognition [tolerance] of the truth of the cause of suffering 集法忍

the scriptures say... 契經說

the state of death 死有

The supernatural power of unimpeded bodily function 身通

the three realms are only mind, and all things are consciousness 三界唯心萬法唯識

the tolerance of kinds of cessation 滅類忍

the tolerance of the dharma of suffering 苦法忍

the virtues of the (Buddha-)Path 道德

theft 盜竊

their [his/her] mind is focused 其心專注

their faculties are sharp 諸根明利

their minds are not attached 其心無繫

their minds enter into 其心趣入

their place of birth 彼生處

theirs and mine 彼我

theme , 論題

then (it) prospered 方盛

then , 乃復, , 則乃, 爾乃, 爾能, 輒復

then attains 方得

then gives rise to... 方起

then one attains... 方證

then this is ... 則有

then(?) 乃更

then, thereupon

then... 然則

thenceforth 方乃, 然乃, 然始

theoretical Chan/Seon 義理禪

theoretical position that all dharmas are only names 諸法但名宗


theory falsely positing a self 妄計我論, 計我論者

theory of dependent co-arising 緣起論

theory of newly perfumed seeds 新熏說

theory of originally existent seeds 本有說

theory of the deed as cause and the result as effect 業因業果說

theory that human beings are intrinsically good 性善說

theory that humans are intrinsically evil 性惡說

theory that the self is empty but phenomena exist 我空法有論

there 彼間

there are bhikṣus 有比丘

there are few people 希有人

there are many kinds 有多種

there are sentient beings 有衆生

there are some who say... 或有說者

there are such and such forms of coming into being 有等生起

there are times when... 或有時

there are two of each 各有二

there are, briefly, two kinds 略有二種

there are... 曲有

there has never been (a case of) 未嘗

there is a buddha. 有佛

there is a problem that has been stated thus... 謂有難言

there is also 復有

there is also another interpretation 復有異門

there is an explanation 有說

there is an offense 有所犯

there is an unchanging truth that is the essence of all things, and which is not empty 眞德不空宗

there is benefit 有饒益

there is defilement and purity 有染淨

there is difficulty in talking [about it] 有難言

there is disagreement on both sides 有倶不成

there is disappearing (ceasing) 有終盡

there is longing for 有所顧戀

there is more 有增

there is neither prior nor subsequent 無有前後

there is no possibility that..... 無有是處

there is no second... 更無第二, 無第二

there is no truly existent self 無實有我

there is one person 有一人

there is only... 唯有

there is originally nothing to attain 恁麼也不得

there is retrogression from what is attained 所得有退

there is some difficulty 有難

there is something that is done 有所爲作

there should be... 應有

there was in the past... 昔有

therefore [one] makes [does]... 故作

therefore 其故, 所以故, 於焉, 是故, 由是義故,

therefore it is called... 故名

therefore it is not discussed 是故不論

therefore it is not talked about 是故不說

therefore it is said 是故說

therefore it should be explained 是故應說

therefore you should know that... 是故當知

therein , 於中

thereupon 故而

thereupon attain birth [in the Pure Land] and remain in the state of non-retrogression 卽得往生住不退轉

these 此輩

these categories 如是等類

these causes 彼因

these features 彼行相

these major and minor marks [that are under discussion] 如是相好

these things 是事

these two kinds 如是二種

thesis 命題

thesis states... 宗說

they all have 皆有

thick (dense) forest 菀林

thick ,

thick and thin 厚薄, 濃淡

thickets of non-Buddhists 邪見稠林

thief 劫賊, 朱利, 盜賊,

thief hatred 怨賊

thieving media 賊媒

thigh ,

thin metal plate

thin silk 憍世耶, 憍奢耶, 憍舍耶, , 高世耶

thin veil 輕縠

thing which one seeks 所求事

things 事物

things and affairs as conditions—as karma 緣事

things and self 物我

things and the self are one 物我一如

things and the self form a single body 物我一體

things as they are 如是實相, 如相, 當相

things belonging to the Buddha 佛物

things in general 什器, 什寶, 什物, 十物

things in principle are enlightened 理卽, 理卽佛

things left behind at death by the five kinds of Buddhist adherents 亡五衆物

things of like kind 物類

things that are actually present 現見事

things that are not real 不實事

things that can [should] be given 可施物

things which make one comfortable 施安

think (of someone) with compassion 慈念

think , 思惟, 思想, 思案, 思量, , , ,

think about it 思之

think and talk about 思論

think cautiously 思愼

think deeply about 熟思

think like this 作如是念, 作是念, 如是思惟

think of 係念, 志存

think oneself equal to one's betters 如慢

think secretly in this way 竊作是念

thinkable 可思, 可思議

thinker and the thought 能念所念

thinking according to language 如言而思義

thinking consciousness 意識

thinking consciousness and concept 意法

thinking consciousness that arises with the five sense consciousnesses 五倶意識

thinking is not straight 心不正

thinking mind 思量心

thinking that is the perceptual referent 所緣慮

thinking through language 念言

thinks of the doctrine 思惟法義

third (in order)

third 第三

third attainment 第三果

third bhūmi 三地

Third Buddhist Council 第三結集

third concentration 第三靜慮

third council 第三次結集

third ground 第三地

third group of offenses 第三聚

third hand 第三手

third item 第三句

third meditation [heaven] 第三禪

third meditation 三禪

third meditation heaven 三禪天

third of three progressive contemplations of emptiness 第三心

third rank of offenses in the vinaya 第三篇

third realization 三果

third transformer 第三能變

third turning of the wheel of the dharma 第三法輪

thirst , 渇愛, , 渴愛

thirst for the dharma 渴法

thirst-hell 渴地獄

thirsty and exhausted 渇乏, 渇極

thirsty deer 渴鹿

thirteen 十三

thirteen abodes 十三住

thirteen buddhas 十三佛

thirteen crimes against the saṃgha 十三僧殘

thirteen major Buddhist sects 十三宗

thirteen powers 十三力

thirteen practices 十三行

thirteen saṃghāvaśeṣa dharmas 十三僧殘法

thirteen saṅghāvaseṣa

thirteenth base of perception 十三入

thirty 三十

thirty productions 三十生

thirty prohibitions regarding possessions 三十捨墮

thirty stages of worthies and ten stages of sages 三賢十地

thirty two marks of a great personage 三十二種大丈夫相

thirty whacks 三十棒

thirty-five buddhas 三十五佛

thirty-four 三十四

thirty-four enlightened mental states 三十四心

thirty-second heaven 三十二天

thirty-seven 三十七

thirty-seven aids to enlightenment 三十七分法, 三十七助道品, 三十七品, 三十七菩提分法

thirty-seven days' fetus 蔽尸

thirty-seven days' foetus 箄尸

thirty-seven factors of enlightenment 三十七種菩提分法, 三十七菩提分, 三十七覺支, 三十七道品

thirty-seven honored ones 三十七尊

thirty-seven kinds 三十七種

thirty-six 三十六

thirty-six departmental guardian deities 三十六部神

thirty-six guardian deities 三十六神

thirty-six parts of the human body 三十六物

thirty-three 三十三

thirty-three celestials 三十三天

thirty-three fallacies 三十三過

thirty-three forms of Avalokitêśvara 三十三身

thirty-three representations of Avalokitêśvara 三十三尊觀音, 三十三觀音

thirty-two 三十二

thirty-two adaptations 三十二應

thirty-two bodies 三十二身

thirty-two bodily marks of a great personage 大人三十二相

thirty-two marks (of a buddha) 三十二表

thirty-two marks 三十二大人相, 三十二相

thirty-two signs of a great being 三十二大丈夫相

this [group of] sentient beings 彼衆生

this [kind of] karma 如是業

this [kind of] mind 如是心

this [kind of] truth (reality) 如是實

this , , ,

this also... 此亦

this and that 彼彼

this and that activity 彼彼業

this and that name 彼彼名

this and that support 彼彼依

this and that world 此世他世

this body 此身

this explains. 彼說

this interval 其間

this is called... 如是名, 如是名爲, 是謂, 說此名

this kind 如是色, 如是色類, 此色類, 此類

this kind of arousal of mind 如是發心

this kind of conception 如是想

this kind of exertion 如是精進

this kind of intent 如是欲樂

this kind of matter 如是等事

this kind of place 如是處所

this kind of scripture 如是經典

this kind of view 如是見

this kind of... 如是等, 如此等

this land 此土

this life 此生, 現世

this matter 底事, 當事

this means that... 謂如

this mental attitude 此心

this mind is Buddha 是心是佛

this mind is in itself buddha 卽心是佛

this mind is precisely buddha 卽心卽佛, 卽心成佛

this ordering 如是次第

this person 是人

this place here 這裏

this position [doctrine, meaning] 是義不然

this shore 此岸

this shore of birth and death 生死岸

this single... 此一

this sort 如是類

this stage 此位, 此住, 自地

this teaching 彼法, 是法, 此說

this thing 此事, 此法

this thought occurs to me... 我心念言

this time 是時, 當時

this type 如是種類, 自類

this way 此如

this world 今世, 此世, 此世界, 此世間, 此國土, 此方

this world, where ordinary beings and sages dwell together 凡聖同居土

this! 這箇




thorn of attachment 愛刺

thorn of desire 欲刺

thorn of doubt 疑剌

thorns 刺蕀

thorny bushes

thorough infallibility 一向無失

thorough joy 一向樂

thorough selective examination 最極推尋

thoroughfare , 通途

thoroughly and permanently eliminate 皆悉永斷

thoroughly extinguish 能盡除遣

thoroughly extinguished 究竟滅盡

thoroughly master 專達

thoroughly pacify 最極寂靜

thoroughly penetrate with meditative insight 參禪

thoroughly understand 了達

thoroughly, leaving nothing out 究竟無餘

thoroughness 徹底

those having minds 有心者

those in the category of the sentient 有情類

those in the lineage of weak faculties 軟根性

those of later generations 後世者

those on the path 道衆

those practicing close observation 隨觀察行者

those purified wholly or in part 滿分淸淨者

those remaining at the level of unenlightened worldling 居異生位者

those two 彼二

those who adhere to non-Buddhist paths 諸外道

those who are able to see 能見者

those who are attached to a destructive view of emptiness 惡取空者

those who are bound 具縛者

those who are in accord with the Dharma 同法者

those who are not yet at peace 未安者

those who are proud of their spiritual/intellectual attainments 增上慢者

those who are saved 所度

those who are taught 室灑

those who can be gently lead 應攝受者

those who cause to remember 令憶念者

those who do not understand 未解者

those who don't follow the rules of discipline 不律儀輩

those who fish 漁捕

those who have already entered into [the Buddhist teachings] 已趣入者

those who have attained nirvāṇa 得涅槃者

those who have but newly begun to follow and have awakened the mind (for enlightenment) 新學發意

those who have but newly begun to follow the (Greater) Vehicle 新學乘者

those who have established a connection 結緣衆

those who have not understood 未解了者

those who inquire 有問者

those who meet must eventually part 會者定離

those who nature is determined for enlightenment 定性聚

those who neither seek existence nor run away from it 不求彼二

those who singly perceive causation 緣一覺

those who want to repent 若欲懺悔者

those who wear black robes 緇流

those whose nature is determined for evil 邪定性聚

those with the appropriate faculties 當機衆

thought 心頭, 念慮, 思慮, 情量, 所思, 所思惟

thought arises 念起

thought as [mere] semblance 思假

thought determination 想念

thought in the mind 心想

thought intent on bringing benefit and joy to the object [sentient beings] 依義心

thought of hatred 瞋覺

thought of having gained something 有所得心

thought of mine

thought over or reflected upon 應思惟

thought-free concentration 無心三昧, 無心定

thoughtless concentration 無想定

thoughtless swoon 無心悶絕

thought-moment 一念, 介爾, 心刹那

thoughts 心思

thoughts of anger 瞋想

thoughts of attachment to that which is attractive 愛想

thoughts of disgust 厭背之想, 厭逆想

thoughts of pity 愍念

thoughts of transgression 犯心

thoughts of yearning 戀慕

thoughts on the dharma 法想

thoughts towards the rank of voice-hearers 聲聞意

thousand [re]births 千生

thousand 一千,

thousand buddhas 千佛

thousand buddhas assembly 千佛會

thousand buddhas in each of the three eons 三劫三千佛

thousand buddhas of the bhadra kalpa 賢劫千佛

thousand differences and ten thousand distinctions 千差萬別

thousand eyed deity 千眼天

thousand generations 千代

Thousand Handed Avalokitêśvara 千手觀音

thousand hands 千手

Thousand Hands 千手千眼觀音

thousand hands and thousand eyes 千手千眼

thousand hands bodhisattva 衆手菩薩

thousand hands dhāraṇī 千手陀羅尼

thousand koṭīs 千億

thousand million eons 百千萬劫

thousand petals 千化

thousand sages 千聖

thousand spoked wheel sign 千輻輪相

thousand thusnesses 千如, 千如是

thousand years 千年, 千歲, 千歳, 千載

thousandfold 千倍

thousand-li colt 千里駒

thousand-spoked wheel 千輻輪

thousand-spoked wheel marks on the bottom of his feet 足下千輻輪相

thousand-spoked wheels on the bottom of [a buddha's] feet 雙足下現千輻輪相

thread 一縷一觸, , , , , ,

thread incense 香炷

thread of the way 道倫

threaten with force 迫脅

threatening 期剋

three (evil) states of existence (of sentient beings) 三趣

three (gates of) liberation 三脫

three [kinds of supernormal] awareness 三明

three [points of] goodness 三善

three [realms of] life and death 三生死

three [types of] liberations 三種解脫

three [who are] worthy of offerings 三應供養

three , 底哩

three abodes 三住

three abodes of ascetics 三處阿蘭若

three activities 三業

three activities and four comportments 三業四威儀

three activities that incur punishment 三罰業

three acts 三羯摩

three adornments 三莊嚴

three affairs 三事

three afflictions 三煩惱

three afflictions of the body 三種身苦

three Amitâbha images as principal deities 彌陀三尊, 彌陀三聖

three animals 三獸

three animals crossing a river 三獸渡河

three antidotes 三治

three approaches to emptiness 三空觀門, 三空門

three aspects 三相

three aspects of the teaching 三種教相

three assumptions 三假施設, 三攝提

three auras 三精氣

three awarenesses and six supernatural powers 三明六通

three barriers 三關

three bases of mindfulness 三念住, 三種念住

three baskets 三篋, 三藏

three boats contemplating on the moon (?) 三舟觀月

three bodies 三身

three bodies and three merits 三身三德

three bodies of the Buddha 三佛身

three bodies of the buddha-nature 三身佛性

three bodies produced by each of the five kinds of wisdom 五智所生三身

three bodies, the own-nature of the buddha, in one body (?) 一體三身自性佛

three bodies: dharma, reward, and transformation 法報化三身

three bodily karmas 三身業

three bodily sins 身三

three bonds 三結, 三縛

three bows for each word 一字三禮

three Brahma heavens 三梵

three buddha-lands 三佛土

three buddhas 三佛

three calamities 三災

three capabilities and three incapabilities 三能三不能

three capacities 三根

three carts 三車

three categories 三科

three categories of precepts 三戒

three causes 三因

three causes and conditions 三因緣

three causes and three effects 三因三果

three causes of buddha-nature 三因佛性

three celestials 三天

three celestials and four sages 三天四仙

three certainties 三堅, 三堅法

three classes 三品, 三聚

three classes of attainment 三品悉地, 三品成就

three conceits 三慢類

three conditioned phenomena 三有爲法

three connotations of the store (consciousness) 藏三義, 藏識三義

three constant insufficiencies 三常不足

three container worlds 三世間

three contemplations 三觀

three contemplations of equality in nature 三平等觀

three contemplations of the aspect of emptiness 三空門觀

three cords 三綱

three cryptic sayings of Haojian 巴陵三轉語

three degrees of worthies 三賢

three delusions 三倒

three delusions in regard to the same essence 同體三惑

three demons 三魔

three desires 三欲

three destinies 三塗, 三途

three deteriorators 三衰

three determined groups 三定聚

three dhāraṇī 三陀羅尼

three difficulties 三難

three diseases 三病

three distresses 三熱

three disturbances in one thought 一心三惑

three divine messengers 三天使

three divisions 三節, 三自, 三部

three divisions of a day 一日三時

three divisions of the great pantheon 三部大法

three dots 三點

three dots of the letter i 伊三點, 伊字三點

three doubts 三疑

three eliminations 三斷

three eons 三劫

three equal characteristics 三等

three equal essentials of the sacrifice 三平等護摩壇

three evil (destinies) 三惡

three evil destinies 三惡道

three evil forms of awareness 三惡覺

three evil paths 三惡趣

three evil states of existence (of sentient beings) 三惡之趣

three evils of the mind 意三

three expedients 三方便

three experiences of karma 三受業

three exposures 三擧

three external techniques 外三術

three eyed 三目

three eyes of Mahêśvara 天主三目

three fallacies 三似

three faults 三過

three feelings 三受

three felicitous acts 三福

three fields 三田

three fires 三火

three flavors 三味

three forms of giving 三施

three forms of reverence 三禮

three garments 三衣

three gates 三門

three gates of liberation 三脫門, 三解脫門

three gates to nirvāṇa 三涅槃門

three good destinies 三善趣, 三善道

three good roots 三善根

three grades of listening to the teaching 三品聽法

three grades of śrāmaṇera 三品沙彌

three gradual teachings 三漸

three grasses 三草

three grasses and two trees 三草二木

three great [Seon] masters 三大和尚

three great calamities 大三災

three great eons 三大劫, 三祗百大劫

three great esoteric rituals 三大祕法

three great incalculable eons 三大僧祇

three great works 三大部

three groups of Mahāyāna precepts 三聚圓戒

three groups of Mahayana precepts 菩薩三聚戒

three groups of pure precepts 三聚淸淨戒

three groups of sentient beings 三聚衆生

three heavens of the second meditation 二禪三天

three heavens of the third meditation 三禪三天

three heinous crimes 三逆

three hindrances 三障

three holy paths 三道

three honored buddhas 三尊佛

three honored ones 三尊

three honored ones in one light or halo 一光三尊

three honored ones who come to greet 三尊來迎

three horses 三馬

three Huayan kings 華嚴三王

three hundred 三百

three illuminations 三照

three illuminators 三光

three implementations of each of the ten perfections 十度三行

three implements for worship 三具足

three in the south, seven in the north 南三北七

three incalculable eons 三僧祇, 三僧祇劫, 三大阿僧祇劫, 三無數劫, 三阿僧祇劫

three incalculable eons and one hundred eons 三祗百劫

three incalculable... 三無數

three incalculably eons 三大劫阿僧企耶

three incalculably long 三阿僧祇

three incalculably long great kalpas 三無數大劫

three incapacities 三不能

three insights in one thought 一心三觀

three jewels of the transformation aspect 化相三寶

three joys 三樂

three karmas (activities) of bodily action, speech, and thought 身語意, 身語意業

three karmic activities 三行

three karmic activities carried out by me 我所行三業

three karmic agents are equal 三平等

three Kāśyapa brothers 三迦葉, 迦葉三兄弟

three kinds 三種, 三類

three kinds of abodes 三種住

three kinds of afflictions 三種煩惱

three kinds of aggregates 三蘊

three kinds of appearance 三種相

three kinds of attachment 三愛

three kinds of bodies 三種身

three kinds of buddha-nature 三佛性

three kinds of buddha-sons 三佛子

three kinds of categories 三種分別

three kinds of causes (or conditions) 三緣

three kinds of causes/conditions for rebirth 三種緣生

three kinds of cognitive distortion 三顚倒

three kinds of compassion 三慈, 三種慈悲, 三種緣慈

three kinds of conditions 三種緣

three kinds of consecration 三種灌頂

three kinds of constancy 三種常

three kinds of contamination 三漏

three kinds of continuities 三等流

three kinds of control over one's conduct 三律儀

three kinds of convention 三世俗, 三種世俗

three kinds of desire 三種欲

three kinds of dharma 三法

three kinds of dharma-wheels 三種法輪

three kinds of disciples (of Amitâbha) 三輩

three kinds of discrimination 三分別

three kinds of elimination 三種斷

three kinds of enlightenment 三覺

three kinds of entrenchments 三種住地

three kinds of equality 三種平等

three kinds of existence 三有, 三種有

three kinds of form 三種色, 三色

three kinds of fragrance 三種香

three kinds of giving 三檀

three kinds of good roots 三種善根

three kinds of great wisdom 三種大智

three kinds of greatness 三大

three kinds of heavens 三種天

three kinds of hells 三種地獄

three kinds of hindrances 三種障

three kinds of icchantika 三種闡提

three kinds of imaginary character of existence 三種分別相

three kinds of interpenetration 三種圓融

three kinds of light 三種光明

three kinds of matter 三種之色

three kinds of medical diagnosis 三醫

three kinds of mental disturbances 三種見惑

three kinds of mental suffering 三種心苦

three kinds of meritorious behavior 三福業

three kinds of mind 三心, 三種心

three kinds of mind-made bodies 三種意生身

three kinds of nature 三種自性

three kinds of non-distinction in principle 三法無差

three kinds of objects 三類境

three kinds of observances 三種律儀

three kinds of offerings 三種供養

three kinds of penetrating insight 三達

three kinds of perfections 三種波羅蜜

three kinds of perfuming 三種熏習

three kinds of phenomena 三聚法

three kinds of practices of forbearance 三種忍行

three kinds of prajñā 三般若

three kinds of proclivities 三機

three kinds of production 三種生

three kinds of pure activities 三種淨業

three kinds of pure flesh 三淨肉

three kinds of pure meat 三種淨肉

three kinds of purity 三種淸淨

three kinds of quantity 三多

three kinds of reasoning 三比量

three kinds of refinement 三練磨

three kinds of remorse 三懺

three kinds of repentance 三種悔法, 三種懺悔, 三種懺法

three kinds of stilling and insight 三種止觀

three kinds of subjective transformers [consciousnesses] 三能變

three kinds of suffering 三苦

three kinds of support 三所依

three kinds of teaching according to Tiantai 天台三教

three kinds of the three times 三種三世

three kinds of thusness 三眞如

three kinds of tolerance 三忍

three kinds of training 三事練磨

three kinds of wisdom 三惠, 三慧, 三明, 三明智, 三種智

three kinds of wisdom of hearing, contemplating, and meditating 聞思修三慧

three kinds of wisdom; three cognitions 三智

three lands 三國土, 三土

three leaders and seven witnesses 三師七證

three letters 三字

three levels of apprehension of emptiness 三空

three levels of the debilitating hindrances 三種麤重

three levels of the first concentration 初禪三天

three levels of the twofold truth 三種二諦, 二諦三觀

three liberations 三解脫

three links 三相續

three lives 三生

three loci of thought 三念處

three lower destinies 下三途

three luminous heavenly bodies 三光天

three main monastic officials 三門三大侍者

three main stems 三株

three major commentaries of the Tiantai school 天台三大部

three major commentaries on the Lotus Sūtra 法華三大部

three major events of the life of the Buddha 三佛忌

three manifestations of a single essence 一體三分

three marks 三落叉

three marvelous activities 三妙行

three marvels of the dharma 三法妙

three masters of Qi 三岐

three means of guidance 三示導, 三種示導

three meditation periods 三時坐禪

three meditative states 三靜慮地

three mental disturbances 三惑

three mental states of entering, abiding, and departing 入住出三心

three messengers 三使

three metals 三金

three miraculous powers 三示現, 三神足, 三種無倒神變, 三種神變

three mistaken views 三見

three modes of discourse 三語

three modes of the Buddha's discourse 三佛語

three monkeys 三猿

three months of abstinence 三齋月

three months of the summer retreat 三安居

three months of the year when purity is practiced 年三, 年三長齋月

three most minute 三極少

three most wicked among men 人尊三惡

three mysteries 三密, 三祕密

three mystic things and the six elements 三密六大

three mystical associations 三密相應

three mystical utterances 三道眞言

three natureless natures 三無性性

three natures 三性

three never lost 三不失

three nirvāṇas 三涅槃

three non-differences 三無差, 三無差別

three non-faith, three faith 三不三信

three non-natures 三無性, 三無自性

three non-retrogressions 三不退

three not enoughs 三不足

three objects of compassion 三緣慈悲

three obstacles and four demonic forces 三障四魔

three of the eight groups of beings 天龍夜叉

three own-natures 三自性

three part syllogism 三支作法, 三支比量

three parts 三分

three parts of a syllogism 三支

three people 三人

three period teaching taxonomy 三時教判

three periods 一代三段

three periods of the dispensation 三時年限

three periods of the teaching 三時教

three periods of the teaching of existence, emptiness, and the mean 有空中三時

three phrases 三句

three places of liberation 三處木叉

three places of mind-to-mind transmission 三處傳心

three poisons 三毒

three poisons and [their derivative] afflictions 三毒煩惱

three pollutions 三垢, 三雜染

three pounds of flax 麻三斤

three powers 三力

three practices 三學

three preceptors 三師

three pretenders and one real 三僞一眞

three principal scriptures 三部經

three principal scriptures of the Maitreya sect 彌勒三部經

three principal texts of the Pure Land tradition 淨土三經, 淨土三部經

three principal texts of the school of Mahāvairocana 大日三部經

three principles 三軌

three prostrations 三拜

three provisional and one real 三權一實

three provisional phenomena 三假, 三波羅聶提

three qualities of the reason 三向, 因三相

three realms (of transmigration) 三處

three realms 三界

three realms and nine levels 三界九地

three realms and six destinies 三界六道

three realms are nothing but suffering 三界皆苦

three realms are only mind 三界唯心

three realms are quiescent 三界寂靜

three realms as objective condition 三界緣

three realms as the matrix for all of the afflicted karma of sentient beings 三界藏

three realms of existence 三界有

three refuges 三歸, 三歸依, 三皈

three reliable Buddhist associates 三善知識

three remainders 三餘

three repetitions 三契

three repetitions of a verse 三唱伽陀

three reports 三覆

three reports and eight investigations 三覆八校

three requests 三請

three resolves 三發心, 三種發心

three retributions 三報

three rituals of the northern capital 北京三會

three rituals of the southern capital 南京三會

three rooms of silence 三默堂

three rounds 三周

three rounds in the explanation of the dharma 三周說法, 法華三周

three sages 三聖

three sages and two celestials 三仙二天

three salutations at each (use of the) pen 一筆三禮

three samādhis 三三摩, 三三摩地, 三三昧, 三三昧地, 三定, 三等持, 三重三昧, 三重等持

three saṃsāric destinies 分段三道

three schools 三宗

three scriptures and one treatise 三經一論

three scriptures that are considered definitive for a given tradition 三經

three seals of the dharma 三印, 三法印

three seals of the lesser vehicle 小乘三印

three seasons 三季, 三際時

three seasons of the Indian year 天竺三時, 天竺三際

three sets of precepts 三聚戒

three sets of pure precepts 三聚淨戒

three sons 三子

three stages 三位, 三階

three stages of birth 咥哩若底

three stages of development 三益

three stages of freedom from desire 三離欲

three stages of reality-realms 三重法界

three stages of thought 三思

three stages of worthies and ten stages of sages 三賢十聖

three stages teaching 三階法

three state protecting scriptures 鎭護國家三部經

three states of meditation 三靜慮

three subordinations 三從, 三監

three subtle and six coarse aspects 三細六麤

three subtle defilements 三細染

three subtle marks 三細, 三細相

three subtleties 三細

three successive phenomena bringing about cause and effect simultaneously 三法展轉因果同時

three superior methods of cultivation 勝三修

three supernatural powers 三通力

three sweets 三甜

three teachings 三教

three teachings of Nanshan 南山三教

three teachings of the south 南中三教

three techniques 三術

three textual divisions of a sūtra 三分科經

three things associated with the three treasures 三寶物

three thoughts 三想

three thousand 三千

three thousand buddha (worlds) 三千佛

three thousand buddhas of each of the kalpas 三世三千佛

three thousand phenomenal activities and three thousand principles 事理三千

three thousand regulations 三千威儀

three time periods 三際

three times 三世, 三時

three times are contained in a moment 刹那三世

three times are real, as are the essences of phenomena 三世實有法體恆有

three times ceremony 三羯磨

three times of karma 三時業

three tolerances 三法忍

three transcendental kinds of knowledge 三達智

three transformations 三變

three treasure garments 三寶衣

three treasure-bodies 三寶身

three treasures 三寳, 三寶

three treasures are the same in essence 同體三寳

three treatises 三論

three truths seen in one object 一境三諦

three turns of the wheel 三轉

three turns of the wheel of the dharma 三轉法輪

three twenty-fourths of a tael 三銖

three types of bodhisattvas 三種菩薩

three types of consciousness 三識

three types of contemplation 三種三觀

three types of human and divine beings 三種人天

three types of practitioners 三士

three types of retrogression 三種退屈, 三退屈

three types of worlds 三種世間

three uncertain phenomena 三不堅法

three unclean kinds of flesh 三不淨肉

three unconditioned phenomena 三無爲, 三無爲法

three uncontaminated forms of training 三無漏學

three undefiled faculties 三無漏根

three unguarded (activities) 三不護

three universal positions 三平等地

three unwholesome roots 三不善根

three vehicles 三乘, 三衍

three vehicles are real and the single vehicle is an expedient 三乘眞實一乘方便

three views of Nanshan 南山三觀

three virtues 三德

three ways of cultivation 三修

three ways of knowing 三量

three ways of not being on guard 三種不護

three ways of seeing reality in the distinct teaching 別相三觀

three wheels 三輪

three wheels of guidance 三輪化導

three wheels of purity 三輪淸淨

three wheels of purity within the the three realms 三世三輪淸淨

three wheels of the dharma 三法輪

three wheels of the teaching 三輪教

three white foods 三白食

three whole months of abstinence 三長月, 三長齋月

three worlds are (nothing other than the) one mind 三界一心

three worthies 三賢

three Wus 三武

three years 三年

three, six, and nine people worshipping together 三六九

three-bodied tathāgata 三身如來

three-cornered altar 三角壇

three-faced great black deva 三面大黑

threefold cessation 三止

threefold truth 三諦

threefold truth is fully included in a single moment of thought 一念心中具足三諦

Three-part Lotus Sūtra 法華三部經

three-piece robe 三事衣, 三事衲

three-wheel condition 三輪相

three-wheel world 三輪世界

thriving 養育者


throatless yakṣa 尼延他柯, 尼建他迦

throne 王座

throne of Buddha 佛座

throne of the wheel-turning king 輪座

through [its] intrinsic nature 由自性, 由自性故

through [its] results 由果故


through referential objects 所緣故

through supports 所依故

through the body 隨身

through the realization of the four noble truths 現觀四諦

through their intrinsic natures 自性故

throughout all of space 盡虛空

throughout the ten directions 遍於十方

throughout the world 普於世間

throw [one's body] to the ground 投地

throw ,

throw a coverlet (over an image) 覆帛

throw a robe over the shoulder 覆肩

throw away

throw far away 投盡

throw off all hindrances 離一切障

throw oneself into [a pit of flames, etc.] 投身入

throwing five parts of the body to the ground 五體投地

throws far away 捉盡

thrust away 托開, 拓開

thumbprint 指印

thunder 辟雷,

thunder of dharma 法雷

thunder-crash 霹靂

thundering 雷震

thus 則是, 多他, , 如斯比類, 彼爾, 是則

thus abiding a long time 如是久住

Thus Come One 如來尊

Thus Come One's robe 如來衣

thus have I heard 如是我聞

thus shaped 如其像, 如斯像, 如斯色像, 如是像, 如是色像, 如色像

thus the limits of a lifespan peculiar to a certain person 如是所有壽量邊際

thus we know... 是知

thus-come 如來

Thus-come, Worthy [of Offerings], Perfectly Omniscient 如來應正遍知

thus-come, worthy of offerings, perfectly enlightened 如來應供正遍知

Thus-come, Worthy of Offerings, Perfectly Enlightened 如來應供等正覺

thus-gone (one) 如去

thusness (suchness) and the mundane world 眞如世間

thusness 如如, 眞如, 眞如理, 重如

thusness abiding in all things 法住

thusness according with conditions 眞如隨緣

thusness activity of phenomena 如是作

thusness and corrective wisdom 眞如正智

thusness and the buddha-nature 眞如佛性

thusness as absolute 絕待眞如

thusness as neither increasing nor decreasing 不增減眞如

thusness as objective support 眞如境

thusness as removed from language 離言眞如

thusness as the basis of all sovereign activity and all power 業自在等所依眞如

thusness as the basis of all unimpeded wisdom 智自在所依眞如

thusness as the essence of characteristics 相體

thusness as unconditioned 眞如無爲

thusness aspect 眞如門

thusness Buddha 如如佛

thusness conditions of phenomena 如是緣

thusness effects of phenomena 如是果

thusness in two aspects 二如

thusness marks of phenomena 如是相

thusness nature of phenomena 如是性

thusness of correct practices 正行眞如

thusness of intrinsic enlightenment 本覺眞如

thusness of primary causes of phenomena 如是因

thusness of the emptiness of person 人空眞如

thusness of the nature of things 如所有性

thusness of the power of phenomena 如是力

thusness of the rewards and retributions of phenomena 如是報

thusness of the two kinds of selflessness 二空眞如

thusness of unwholesome phenomena 不善法眞如

thusness substance of phenomena 如是體

thwart 橫截

Tiantai path 台道

Tiantai precepts 天台律

Tiantai teachings 台教

Tibet 西藏

Tibetan Lamaism 西藏嘛教

tick 壁虱, 壁蝨

tides 潮汐

tidy the appearance 整容


tie up


tied up in the grass 草繫

tiger 大蟲, 弭也竭羅,

tiger's tendons as lute strings 師絃



tiles and stones 瓦石

till the end of one's life 終身

time (and tide) 光陰

time [of the preaching of] the true dharma 正法時

time , 時世, 時間, ,

time division 時分

time for [a certain] activity 時作

time fulfilled 滿期

time is uncountable 時無量

time it takes for a meal 一食頃

time of accomplishment 成就時

time of awakening 覺時

time of birth 生時

time of combination 和合時

time of connection 合時

time of development 轉時

time of dying 命終時

time of fruition 果時

time of initial attainment 初證得時

time of regular birth 正生時

time of the approach of death 臨終時

time of the conflagration 劫盡時

time of the feeding of ghosts and spirits 鬼神食時

time of the snake 禺中時

time of traveling 行時

time restrictions 時分量

time spent on a single meal 食頃

time to die 涅槃時

time when people are asleep 人定

timely 以時

timely applied practices 應時加行

timely arising (?) 時生

timely rain of the Dharma 時法雨

timely speech 時語

times of the three natures 三時性

timid 怕怖

timid and anxious 恇汲恇汲

timid and perplexed 怯亂

tin or solder 白鑞

tinder 石火

tinkling of jade or metal pendants 鏗鏘

tiny 碎小

tiny particle of the dharma 一微塵法

tiny particle(s) 微塵

tip of a hair 一毛端

tip of a very fine [rabbit's] hair 毫端

tire , 羸頓

tire of 病倦

tire of suffering 厭苦

tired 疲憊

tirelessly 亹亹

titan 羅須倫, 阿修倫, 阿修羅, 阿素羅, 阿蘇羅

title 名目, 題目, 首題

title of a scripture 經目

title of a text 題名

title of the monk in charge of the grain 穀頭

to be borne 應持

to be discriminated 應分別

to be entwined 綢繆

to be grasped 可取

to be separated from 應當遠離

to be taken up 應取

to begin to commit (a crime) 初作

to draw a line 條然

to emit radiance 能發光明

to fix the mind, attention, or thought on 繫念

to follow proper behavior 隨順正行

to give rise to the great aspiration 發大心

to have doubts 生疑

to love universally without discrimination 博愛

to notice an auspicious sign 感徵

to perfume in reverse 還熏

to practice seated and ambulatory meditation for a specified period to remove bad karmasamādhi

to praise the great [vehicle] and laud the perfect [teaching] 歎大襃圓

to prevent evil that has not yet arisen from being produced 未生惡令不生

to put together ,

To resolve to attain enlightenment and save all beings 發眞正菩提心

to the Buddha for refuge I go 南無歸依佛

to the dharma for refuge I go 南無歸依法

to the saṃgha for refuge I go 南無歸依僧

toad-Chan 蝦蟆禪

today 今日, 如今

toenail's amount of dirt 爪上土, 爪土

together 倶共, 倶同, , 共倶, , , 與共, 與共倶

together return to the origin 同歸本原

together with 與倶

together with...

toil 營務

toilet , , 東司

toilet jar 觸甁

toilet pail 觸桶

Tokharestan 月支國

tolerable 可忍

tolerance 忍力

tolerance of accordance 順忍

tolerance of kinds of arising 集類忍

tolerance of kinds of the way 道類忍

tolerance of suffering 苦忍

tolerance of the dharma of cessation; 滅法忍

tolerance of the path 道法忍

tolerant and gentle 忍辱柔和

tomb 冢埌

tomb ,

tombstone 墓碑

tomorrow 明日

tomorrow morning 來早

tongue 時乞縛,

tongue-characteristic 舌相

tongue-unconsumed 舌不爛

tonsure 削髮


tooth 娜多, 彈多, 憚哆, ,

tooth stick 彈多抳瑟搋, 憚哆家瑟詫, 憚啄家瑟多

toothless tiger 無齒大蟲

toothpick 木揩牙

top of the eyebrows 眉頂

top of the head 頂門, 頭頂, 首頂

topic heading 標句

topic of training 學事

topic phrases 所成句

topknot 一髻, 周羅,

torch of the true dharma 正法炬

torch of wisdom 慧炬, 智炬

torment , 楚毒, 熱惱

torment and vex 擾惱

torn and dirty 弊垢

torn and dirty clothes 弊垢衣

torn robe 裂裳

torpor 惛沈

torpor and drowsiness 惛眠

tortoise 毘囉拏羯車婆,

tortoise conceals six 龜藏六

tortoise not daring to speak 鼈不愼口

tortoise used in divination

torture 拷掠, 拷治

total darkness 極闇, 至冥

total purity 畢竟淸淨

total response 應應

total tranquility (tranquilization) 極寂靜

totality of all phenomena that exist 如其所有

totality of existent phenomena 盡所有性

totality of phenomena 盡所有

totally desolate, with nothing to grasp onto 簫然無據

totally empty and quiescent 畢竟空寂

totally enjoy 歡樂

totally inexistent 一向無

totally miserable 極下賤

totally obscure

touch [something] 觸著


touch a man's body anywhere below the level his armpit 摩觸

touch anything unclean and become unclean 觸穢

touch cause 觸因

touch one's right knee to the ground 右膝著地

touch the feet [of the Buddha] with one's head 頭面接足

touch the feet 接足

touch the knee to the ground 膝著地

touched 所觸

touched into activity 點化

touches the ground 著地

touching of five parts of the body in esoteric ritual 五處眞言

touching of the five points of the body 五處加持

touching touching a woman's body 摩觸女人

tour 巡行


toward others 於他

towards 於所

towel 衣裓

tower 樓閣, ,

tower of many children 千子塔, 多子塔, 多子支提

Tower of Prabhūtaratna[-tathāgata] 多寶塔

tower or pile of charcoal 樓衆

towers and mansions 臺館

town 聚落,

toys 娯樂

traceable 可尋

traces ,

traces of the teachings 化迹


trade ,

trader 商賈

tradesman 賈客

tradition of a particular school 門派, 門流, 門葉

traditional or accepted viewpoint of one school or sect 正義


train 修學, , 調習

trained/disciplined 所調

trainee liberation 有學解脫

trainees 所化有情

training 修鍊, 化導, 學處

training and post-training 學無學

training in higher discipline 增上戒學

training in higher meditative stabilization 增上定學

training in superior insight 增上慧學

training through meditation 定學

training through precepts 戒學

training through wisdom 慧學

trample 踐蹋,

tramples 踐踏

tranquil 三摩呬多, , 淡泊, 淸涼

tranquil and inactive 憺怕

tranquil and settled state 寂定地

tranquil extinction 寂滅度, 寂靜寂滅

tranquil true dharma 寂正法

tranquility 寂止, 破薩堤

tranquility meditation 勝奢摩他

tranquilization by types of teachings (?) 數教寂靜

tranquilization of afflictions 煩惱寂靜

tranquilization of all bases 一切依寂靜

tranquilization of each base of suffering 依依苦寂靜

tranquilization of indifference 捨寂靜

tranquilization of painless sentiency 不損惱有情寂靜

tranquilization of suffering 苦寂靜


transact affairs 辦事

transcend 超度, 超越, 越度, 跳出

transcend body and mind 昇出色心

transcend name and form 超名相

transcend names 絕名

transcend projections of consciousness 超過影像

transcendence and subtlety 離微

transcendent practice (perfection) of giving 施波羅蜜

transcendent practice of cognition 智波羅蜜多

transcendent practice of contemplation 禪波羅蜜多

transcendent practice of donation 施波羅蜜多

transcendent practice of expedient means 方便波羅蜜多

transcendent practice of skillful means 方便善巧波羅蜜多

transcendent practice of the vow 願波羅蜜多

transcendent practice of vigor 力波羅蜜多

transcendent practice of wisdom 慧波羅蜜, 智慧波羅蜜

transcendent practices 波羅蜜多行

transcendent wisdom 慧波羅蜜多

transcendental ability 聖通

transcendental ability of realizing well 善證智通

transcendental powers and transformations 神足變化

transcending samādhi 超越三昧

transcends all objects of discursive thought 超過一切尋思境

transcends the ordinary 超凡

transcription for the Sanskrit nir

transcription of Sanskrit u sound

transcription of Sanskrit vi sound

transference 移轉

transference of merit 施福移轉

transferring one's own accumulated merit to all sentient beings 迴向門

transform [evolve, manifest, alter] effortlessly 任運而轉

transform , 轉變

transform according to causes and conditions 隨緣轉變

transform into a nun 化尼

transform or change into something better 轉勝

transform others according to the Way 道化

transform sentient beings below 下化衆生

transform the condition of the worldling into that of a sage 轉凡入聖, 轉凡成聖

transform those below 下化

transformable 可轉

transformation and response to benefit sentient beings 應化利生

transformation aspect 化相

transformation body 化身, 法化生身, 變化身

transformation body is not the true buddha 應化非眞佛

transformation buddha 化佛

transformation in accordance with the fruition of karma 熟變

transformation land 化土

transformation of myriad phenomena 萬化

transformation of the basis 轉依

transformation of the environment 化緣

transformation of things 變化

transformation realm 化境

transformation(s) 所轉變

transformation-body 應迹

transformation-body realm 應身土

transformation-disciples 應化聲聞

transformations of the ālaya consciousness 梨耶所變

transformations of the root consciousness 本識所變

transformations without production 無記化化

transformative workings 化用

transformed according to reality 實化

transformed beings 化人

transformed bodhisattva 化菩薩

transformed by authoritative power 威化

transformed by consciousness 識所變

transformed by mind 心所轉

transformed female 化女

transformed life 轉身

transformed mind 化心

transforming body 變易身

transforming character of Chan 禪化

transforming consciousness 轉識

transforming the basis 得轉依

transforms at will 化自在

transgress 過犯

transgress the precept against killing 犯煞戒

transgress the precepts 犯戒

transgressed 有違犯

transgresses 越背

transgression [of vinaya rules] 越罪

transgression 破戒

transgression of uncertain penalty, of staying with a woman in a hidden place 屛處不定

transgression of vinaya rules 越毘尼罪

transgressions and evil 罪惡

transient 遷流

transient conventionality 行世俗

transient mansions 逝宮

transition 代謝, 轉易

transition of mental states 轉想

transitive verb 般羅颯迷

translate 翻譯

translate from Sanskrit 翻梵

translate the Buddhist scriptures 翻經

translate; opposing

translated text 翻本

translation activities 譯經活動

translation center 翻經院

translation requested or sanctioned by the emperor 詔譯

transliteration of dha, ta, etc.

transmigration 輪廻, 輪廻轉生, 轉生

transmigration after transmigration through the realms 世世生生

transmigration of the dharma body 法身流轉

transmigration through birth and death 流轉生死, 生死流轉

transmission 囑累

transmission and spreading of the Buddha's teachings 流通

transmission from mind to mind 以心傳心

transmission of robe and dharma 衣法相傳

transmission of the Buddhist teachings 付法藏

transmission of the lamp 傳燈

transmission of the robe 傳衣

transmission of the teaching from master to disciple 師資相傳, 師資相承, 相承

transmission of the Way from master to disciple 相傳

transmission to Ānanda 囑累阿難

transmit , 傳持, 流傳, , 紹繼

transmit one's mind 傳心

transmit the teaching 傳教, 轉教

transmitted 傳來, 所傳

transmitted teachings 遺化, 遺教, 遺法, 遺訓

transmitter 傳說

transmundane saints 出世聖人

transparency and cleansing 融通淘汰


transport by waterway

transport to a future rebirth by the ten invocations 十念往生

travel 遊歷

travel around to various teachers to engage with them on questions of enlightenment 徧參

travel by sea 走海

travel far 遠行

traveling consciousness 行識

traveling imperial court 行朝

traveling outfit 旅裝

traverse upwards against the flow 上流, 上流般

treacherous course of cyclic existence 生死曠野嶮道

treacherous thieves 輭賊

treachery 兩舌

tread ,

tread on ,

tread on the path 履踐

treasure and guard 寶護

treasure box 寶篋

treasure house 庫藏

treasure of life 命寶

treasure of men 人寶

treasure of moral discipline 戒財

treasure of wisdom 慧寶

treasured classics 寶典

treasure-house of the sacred Dharma 聖法藏

treasures of merit 功德寶

treasure-torch dhāraṇī 寶炬陀羅尼


treasury of the eye of the true law 正法眼藏

treasury of the fine dharma 妙法藏

treasury of the sūtras 天宮寶藏

treasury of the three inexhaustible adornments 三無盡莊嚴藏

treasury of the three jewels 三寶藏

treat 治療, 療治,

treat disease 對病

treat people in a fraternal way when out in society 出弟

treating sickness 瞻療

treatise 因論, 奢薩擔羅, 舍薩擔羅

treatise master 論師

treatise that explicates a sūtra 釋論

treatises 書論, 諸論

treatises and commentaries 論疏

treatment 處分

treatment of feverish ailments by tantric measures 瘧加持, 瘧病法

treats illness 救療疹疾

treble 有三

tree , 毘利差, 畢利叉, 畢剌叉, 畢洛叉, 童籠磨

tree among men 人中樹, 人樹

tree branches 樹枝

tree groves 樹林

tree of nescience 無明樹

tree of no sorrow 無憂樹

tree of sinlessness 無罪樹, 阿說他

tree on a river's brink 岸樹

tree with the roots all twisted up and the knots all pushing into each other 盤根錯節

tree-like 如木

trees and rocks 木石

trees of seven jewels 七寶樹

trees transformed 林變

tremble 動搖, 動震

trembling 搖動

trembling hands 搖手

trembling with fear 忪忪, 驚畏

tremulous 嘶掉

trespass 入來

tribulations 苦難


trichiliocosm 三千世

trident 三古, 三股, 三胡, 三鈷

trident bodhisattva 鉤菩薩

trifling 尟少,

trifling activities 淺行

trifoliate orange.

trillion 倶胝百千

trillion bodies 千百億身

trillionfold in number 倶胝百千倍數

trim 瑩飾

tripartite 三番

tripartite explanation 三番釋

Tripiṭaka [Master] of Da Cien [Temple] 大慈恩三藏

tripiṭaka 大藏經

tripiṭaka and shared teachings 藏通

Tripiṭaka Compiled at the Council of Mahākāśyapa 迦葉結集法藏

Tripiṭaka of the Lesser Vehicle 小乘三藏

Tripiṭaka school 藏教

tripiṭaka teachings 三藏教

tripiṭaka, shared, distinct, and perfect 藏通別圓

triple mirror knowledge 三明鑒達

triple realm 得羅盧迦

triple realm is nothing but the one mind 三界唯一心

triple transformation of the earth 三變土田

triple truth 三諦

triple universe 三世界

triple world 三世

triple world is unobtainable 三世不可得

triple-thousand great one-thousand (worlds) 三千大千

trivial 少下, 齷齪

trivial parable 微喩

trouble 厭煩, 災厄,

trouble(s) 勞亂

troubled by demons 勞怨

troubles and hindrances 弊礙, 蔽碍

troublesome 可患, , ,

troublesome companions 勞侶


true 如實, 審諦, , 貞實

true abiding in comfort 眞安樂住

true and correct arousal of the aspiration for enlightenment 眞正發菩提心

true and pure 眞淨

true and trustworthy 誠信

true aspect of the middle way 中實

true aspect of the realm of reality 法界實相

true aspect of thusness 眞如實相

true awareness 如實覺, 實覺, 眞覺

true basis 實依處, 實本

true body 眞身

true buddha 眞佛

true causes 眞因

true character of the middle way 中道實相

true characteristic(s) 眞實之相

true characteristics of dharmas 法實相

true child [disciple] of the buddha 佛眞子

true child of the tathāgata 眞子

true cognition 眞實識知

true consciousness; real consciousness 眞識

true constant 眞常

true conversion 眞化

true cultivation 眞修

true dharma 正法, 藏法

true dharma realm 眞法界

true east 正東

true emptiness 實空, 眞空

true emptiness is marvelous existence 眞空妙有

true essentials 眞要

true eye 實眼, 正眼

true face 眞面目

true field of merit 眞實福田

true form 眞色

true form body 實色身

true form of something 眞實

true form of things as they are 實相

true great vehicle 實大乘教

true insight 實相般若

true knowing 實知

true liberation 眞解脫

true lion's roar 正師子吼

true man 眞人

true marks of all dharmas 諸法實相

true meaning 正歸

true merit 眞實功德

true mind 眞實心, 眞常心, 眞心

true mother 眞母

true nature 實性, 眞性

true nature of consciousness-only 唯識實性

true nature of dharmas 諸法實性

true nature of phenomena 法實性

true nature of the mind 心眞

true nature of the object that gives rise to the objective aspect of consciousness 疎所緣

true nirvāṇa 眞涅槃

true one 眞一

true path of seeing 眞見道

true person of no status 無位眞人

true practice 如實行, 實修

true practice(s) 諦行

true praise 如實讚

true principle 實理, 正法

true principle of consciousness-only 性唯識

true quiescence 眞寂

true reality 正法

true reward 實報

true samādhi of the Buddha-mother 佛母眞三昧

true scriptures 實經

true sect 眞宗

true self 眞我

true shape 眞影

true sons 道子

true sons of the buddha 眞佛子

true speech 眞實言, 諦語

true stage 實地

true teaching 如是法, 如語, 眞說

true texts 眞文

true thusness 實相眞如

true thusness aspect of the mind 心眞如門

true untainted wisdom 眞無漏智

true vehicle 眞乘

true way 實道, 眞道

true wisdom 眞慧, 眞智

true wisdom of the adepts 無學實慧

true word 眞言

true word that responds everywhere 一切處無不相應眞言

true words 實語, 眞實語, 眞語, 諦句

true, authentic marks 眞實相

true, non-discriminated emptiness 如實不分別空

true, semblance, and degenerating 正像末

truly 眞成

truly attained in the distant past 久遠實成

truly does not exist 實無有

truly empty 如實空

truly empty mirror 如實空鏡

truly enlightened 三佛陀, 眞覺者

truly existent 實有性

truly manifested nature 眞發明性

truly nonempty 如實不空

truly non-existent 實無

truly pure great dharma 眞淨大法

truly resembling 眞似

trunk carried on the back

trust (in the three treasures) 歸依方便

trust 任信

trust in absolutely 歸依

trust in and revere 信重

truth 如理, 娑底也, 應得義, 正諦, 理實, 眞相, 眞際, 誠諦, , 諦實, 諦理

truth and falsity 眞妄

truth based upon scriptural evidence 聖教道理

truth body 法身

truth expressed in language 依言眞如

truth of accumulation 聚諦

truth of cessation as referent 緣滅諦

truth of emptiness 無諦, 空諦

truth of material existence 色諦

truth of provisionality 假諦

truth of suffering 苦諦

truth of the arising of suffering 集諦

truth of the reality of all things 實相義

truth of the two kinds of selflessness 二空眞理

truth of the Way 道諦

truths and dependency 諦緣

truths awaken 諦能覺

truths of cessation and the path 滅道諦

truths of suffering and arising of suffering 苦集諦

trying to escape 求出

trying to escape is extremely difficult 求出良難

tub ,

tuft 佛頂印, 嗢瑟尼沙, 肉髻, 鬱瑟尼沙

tuft of hair between the eyebrows 眉間毫相

tumor 癰腫, , , 癰痤

tumor of pus 癰瘡

tumoral 如癰

tumors 頞浮陀

tumulus 制多, 制底, 舍利塔


turbidity and evil 濁惡

turbidity of the mind 心混濁

Turkic tribes 塞外民族

turn (a wheel) 轉輪

turn , , 撥轉,

turn against 叛逆

turn and awaken 囘悟

turn and catch a glimpse of 顧眄

turn and enter the single vehicle 廻大入一

turn from the lesser to the greater 囘小向大

turn in reverence 歸敬

turn like a wheel 輪轉

turn one's back on the true teaching 背正

turn one's back on the way 背道

turn one's mind to 能修作

turn over and impart 轉授

turn right 右旋

turn the noble or pure wheel 轉梵輪

turn the wheel of the dharma 轉法輪

turn to and enter 歸入

turned 所轉

turner of the wheel of the dharma 轉法輪者

turning (spiraling) to the right 螺文右旋

turning of the dharma-wheel of unsurpassed signlessness 無相無上法輪

turning round 迴轉

turning toward 轉向

turning word 一轉語

turnings of the heart-moon 心月輪



Tuṣita and the Yama heavens 兜夜

Tuṣita Heaven 兜率陀天, 兜術天, 知足天, 都率天

tutelary deities of Buddhist religious places 道場神

twelfth 第十二

twelve 十二

twelve abodes 十二住

twelve animals 十二獸, 十二禽

twelve applications in the three turns of the wheel of the law 三轉十二行, 三轉法輪十二行, 三轉法輪十二行相

twelve aspects [of the four truths] 十二行相

twelve aspects of emptiness 十二空

twelve aspects of the unconditioned 十二無爲

twelve aspects of thusness 十二眞如

twelve binding views 十二見縛

twelve bodhisattva abodes 十二菩薩住

twelve buddhas 十二佛

twelve buddhas of light 十二光佛

twelve celestials 十二天

twelve classes 十二品

twelve classes of nescience 十二品無明

twelve conditions 二六之緣

twelve deities (who serve Bhaiṣajyaguru) 十二神

twelve deities 十二神明王

twelve disciplines of restraint concerning food, clothing and shelter 十二頭陀

twelve dividing lines 十二部線

twelve divine generals 十二神將

twelve divisions 十二部

twelve divisions of the Buddhist canon 十二分經, 十二部經

twelve evil occupations 十二不律儀, 十二惡律儀

twelve fire celestials 十二火天

twelve fire deities 十二火尊, 十二種火法

twelve great vows 十二大願

twelve great yakṣa generals 十二藥叉大將

twelve hundred and fifty people 千二百五十人

twelve hundred merits 一千二百功德

twelve hundred merits of mind 千二百意功德

twelve hundred merits of the ear 千二百耳功德

twelve hundred merits of the tongue 千二百舌功德

twelve kinds of ascetic practices 十二頭陀行

twelve kinds of bodhisattva abodes 菩薩十二種住

twelve lamps 十二燈

twelve limbs of dependent arising 十二支緣, 十二有支, 十二棘園, 十二率連, 十二緣起, 十二輪, 十二重城

twelve limbs of dependent origination 十二因緣, 十二支

twelve links of dependent arising 十二緣

twelve parts of the teaching 十二分教

twelve practices of the ascetics 十二法人

twelve sense fields 十二入, 十二處

twelve stages 十二地, 十二種住

twelve states of meditation 十二禪

twelve superior vows 十二上願

twelve vows 二六之願, 十二願

twelve vows of the Buddha of Medicine 藥王十二誓願

twelve vows of the Healing Buddha 藥師十二大願, 藥師十二誓願

twelve zodiacal mansions 十二宮

twelvefold scriptures 十二部法

twelve-vow king 十二願王

twenty 二十

twenty celestials 二十天

twenty chapters 二十犍度

twenty kinds of emptiness 二十空

twenty kinds of wisdom 二十智

twenty koṭīs 二十億

twenty minor marks 二十隨好

twenty nikāya schools 二十部

twenty schools of lesser vehicle Buddhism 小乘二十部

twenty secondary afflictions 二十隨煩惱

twenty types of [mistaken] views of the body 二十種身見

twenty-eight 二十八

twenty-eight constellations 二十八宿

twenty-eight forms of existence 二十八有, 二十八生

twenty-eight groups 二十八部衆

twenty-eight heavens 二十八天

twenty-eight patriarchs 二十八祖

twenty-eight yakṣas 二十八藥叉

twenty-five (stages of) existence (s) 二十五有

twenty-five 二十五

twenty-five bodhisattvas 二十五菩薩, 五五菩薩

twenty-five checkpoints 二十五點

twenty-five deities 二十五神

twenty-five expedient preparations 二十五方便

twenty-five kinds of perfect understanding 二十五圓通

twenty-five methods 二十五法

twenty-five patch garment 二十五條

twenty-five samādhis 二十五三昧

twenty-four 二十四, 廿四

twenty-four factors not associated with a specific mental function 二十四不相應法

twenty-four factors not associated with mind 廿四種不相應

twenty-four grave precepts 二十四重戒

twenty-four non-associated compositional factors 二十四心不相應行法

twenty-four transmissions 二十四流

twenty-one 二十一

twenty-one days 三七日

twenty-one days of thought 三七日思惟

twenty-seven sages 二十七賢聖

twenty-six 二十六

twenty-thousand 二萬

twenty-thousand eons 二萬劫

twenty-three 二十三

twenty-three scholars [of the Liang] 二十三家

twenty-two 二十二

twenty-two aspects 二十二門

twenty-two components of enlightenment 二十二品

twenty-two faculties 二十二根, 廿二根

twenty-two kinds of folly 二十二愚, 二十二愚癡, 二十二種愚癡

twice as good 倍勝


twilight ,

twin śāla trees 沙羅雙樹

twin streams of teaching and mystic contemplation 雙流

twin trees 雙木, 雙林, 雙樹

twin-bodied 雙身

twist 絞加

twisted explanations of the dharma and moral code 惡說法律

twisted teachings of the dharma and moral code 惡說法毘柰耶

two [kinds of] teachers 二師

two , ,

two activities 二行

two afflictions of views and emotions 見著二法

two approaches 二途, 二門, 兩門

two approaches of doctrinal and meditative 教觀二門

two aspects of cause and effect 二種因果

two aspects of contamination 兩垢

two aspects of original and derivative 本迹二門

two aspects of the mind as taught in the Awakening of Faith 起信二門

two aspects that complete each other 二義相成

two assets 兩財

two attachments (extremes) of increase and decrease 增減二執

two attachments 二執

two attachments to self and phenomena 人法二執, 我法二執

two attachments: to emptiness and to existence 空有二執

two attendants 二挾侍, 二脇士

two beginnings 二始

two benefits 二益

two birds 二鳥

two bodies 二身

two bodies of birth and death 生死二身

two bodies of real and material 實相爲物二身

two bodies of real and transformation 眞化二身

two bodies of reality and response 眞應二身

two bodies, physical and transformation 生化二身

two buddha-bodies 二佛身

two buddhas 二佛

two buddhas sitting together 二佛竝坐

two canons 二藏

two categories 二品

two categories of affliction of affliction of primary and secondary 本隨二惑

two categories of affliction of greater and lesser 大小二惑

two causes 二因, 雙因

two causes and conditions 二因緣

two celestials 二天

two celestials and three sages 二天三仙

two characteristics 二相

two currents 二流

two defilements 二雜染

two deluded views of attachment to self and attachment to extremes 身邊二見

two divisions and five divisions 二部五部

two divisions of the lesser vehicle 小乘二部

two drops of red and white 赤白二渧, 赤白二滴

two drums, poisonous and divine 毒天二鼓

two endurances 二忍

two entrances to enlightenment 二入

two esoteric aspects 二密

two essences 二體

two essences of a scripture 二經體

two events 二事

two evil actions 二吉羅

two evils 二惡

two excellent realizations 二勝果

two excellent things 二美

two explanations 二釋

two explanations of the doctrine 二義

two extremes 二邊

two extremes of belief in existence and belief in non-existence 有無二邊

two faculties 二根

two fields of merit 二福田

two form bodies 二色身

two forms of selflessness 二無我

two gates of entering and leaving 入出二門

two grounds 二土

two groups 二聚, 二衆

two groups of bodhisattvas 二分菩薩

two groups of five kinds of food 二五食

two groups of three 二三

two guardian kings 二王

two hands 兩手

two heads 兩頭

two heavy hindrances 二重障

two hindrances 二鄣, 二障

two hindrances are both eliminated 二障雙斷

two hindrances of afflictive and cognitive 煩惱所知二障

two honored ones 二世尊二師, 二尊

two honored ones, one teaching 二尊一教, 二尊一致

two honored ones, two teachings 二尊二教

two hundred and fifty precepts 二百五十戒

two hypotheses 二假

two jewels 二寶

two karmas of generalizing and particularizing 總別二業

two karmic retributions of direct and circumstantial 依正二報

two karmic rewards 二報

two kinds 二種, 二類

two kinds of [no-thought] absorption 二定

two kinds of abhiṣeka 二種灌頂

two kinds of accomplishment of buddhahood 大乘二種成佛

two kinds of accumulated spiritual resources 二種資糧

two kinds of adornment 二種莊嚴

two kinds of affliction 二種煩惱, 二輪煩惱

two kinds of afflictions 二煩惱

two kinds of afflictions of views and emotions 見愛二煩惱

two kinds of aid 二加

two kinds of attachment to phenomena 二法執

two kinds of attachment to self 二我執

two kinds of awakening 二悟

two kinds of benefit 二利, 兩益

two kinds of birth 二種生

two kinds of bodhisattva bodies 二種菩薩身

two kinds of bodhisattvas 二種菩薩

two kinds of Buddha-nature 二佛性

two kinds of buddha-realms 二種佛境

two kinds of causes-conditions for rebirth 二種緣生

two kinds of characteristics 二種相

two kinds of characteristics of mind 二種心相

two kinds of charity 二種布施

two kinds of classifications of precepts 篇聚

two kinds of clothing 二衣

two kinds of cognition 二智

two kinds of conditions 二緣

two kinds of consciousness 二識

two kinds of crimes 二罪

two kinds of death 二死, 二種死

two kinds of defining activities 二種行相

two kinds of dharma-body 二法身

two kinds of disciples 二種聲聞

two kinds of discipline 二持

two kinds of discrimination 二分別

two kinds of distinctions 二種差別

two kinds of donation 二檀, 二種施

two kinds of elimination 二斷, 二種斷

two kinds of emptiness 二空

two kinds of enlightenment 二覺

two kinds of extinction 二滅

two kinds of fetters 二縛

two kinds of folly 二愚

two kinds of food 二食

two kinds of fortune 二福

two kinds of fruits 二種果

two kinds of goodness 二善

two kinds of grasping 二取

two kinds of harmony 二和

two kinds of hindrances 二種障

two kinds of icchantika 二種一闡提, 二種闡提

two kinds of ignorance 二無明, 二種無明

two kinds of impermanence 二無常

two kinds of improvements 二利行

two kinds of karmic activity 二業

two kinds of liberation 二解脫

two kinds of light 二種光明

two kinds of love 二愛

two kinds of manifestation 二現

two kinds of meditation 二觀

two kinds of mental disturbances 二惑

two kinds of monks 二種比丘

two kinds of morally indeterminate obstructions to enlightenment 二無記

two kinds of nirvāṇa 二涅槃, 二種涅槃

two kinds of no-thought absorption 二無心定

two kinds of not-knowing 二無知

two kinds of objective referents 二種所緣

two kinds of offerings 二種供養

two kinds of patience 二種忍辱

two kinds of pollution 二依

two kinds of poverty 二貧

two kinds of practice 二修

two kinds of precepts 二戒

two kinds of predictions 二種授記

two kinds of preface 二序

two kinds of provisions 二資粮

two kinds of purity 二種淸淨

two kinds of quiescence 二種寂靜

two kinds of reality 二際

two kinds of rebirth (in the Pure Land) 二類各生

two kinds of rebirth 二結

two kinds of relics 二種舍利

two kinds of reply 二答

two kinds of response body 二應身

two kinds of sages 二種聖

two kinds of samsāra 二種生死

two kinds of seed-nature 二種性

two kinds of seeds 二種子, 二種種子, 二類種子

two kinds of seeking 二求

two kinds of selflessness of person and phenomena 人法二空

two kinds of self-view 二種我見

two kinds of sickness 二種病

two kinds of statements 二詮

two kinds of stinginess 二慳

two kinds of study 二學

two kinds of suddenness 二頓

two kinds of suffering 二苦

two kinds of teaching 二教

two kinds of thusness 二眞如

two kinds of transgressions 二犯

two kinds of wisdom 二惠, 二慧, 二般若, 權實二智

two kinds of wisdom of hearing and thinking 聞思

two kinds of wisdom: perfect and complete 二智圓滿

two kinds of worldlings 二凡, 二凡夫

two kinds of worlds 二種世間

two legs 二足

two letters 二字

two levels 二重

two lights 二光

two lines of the teaching 化行, 化行二教

two loci of reliance 二依處

two manifest maṇḍalas 現圖曼陀羅

two marvels 二妙

two matters 二事

two meditations on emptiness 二空觀

two mental states of truth and falsity 眞妄二心

two mice 自黑二鼠

two minds 二心

two mistaken views 二種邪見

two modes of escape 二出

two monks 兩僧

two moons 兩月

two necessary provisions for the path to enlightenment 二資糧

two noble truths of arising and cessation 集滅

two nostrils 鼻二孔

two observances of doing and not-doing 止作二持

two obstructions 二礙

two organs of mouth and anus 口大行二道

two parts 二分

two paths 二趣, 二道

two perfect doctrines 二圓

two phrases 二句

two points 二處

two powers 二力

two propensities 二隨眠

two protectors 二護

two provisional approaches 兩權

two rats 二鼠, 兩鼠

two realms 二界, 兩界, 兩部

two recording spirits 兩肩神

two rivers 兩河

two rivers and the white path 二河白道

two rows [of officers] 兩班

two rows 兩序

two rules for indeterminate behavior 二不定法

two sages 二聖

two schools 二宗

two schools of discipline 律禪

two schools of the Jade Fountain and Jade Flower 玉泉玉花兩宗

two schools: emptiness and existence 空有二宗

two schools: meditation and doctrine 禪教兩宗

two sects 兩宗

two sensations 二受

two sets of eight 二八

two sets of precepts for lay practitioners 在家二戒

two sets of six 二六

two sisters 二女

two states in regard to contamination 二漏

two superior bodhisattvas 二增菩薩

two teachings of enlightenment and discipline 化制二教

two teachings of expedient and true 權實二教

two teachings of half and full word 半滿二教

two thousand 二千

two time periods 二時

two times removed 倍離

two transcendences 二超

two transformations 二轉

two transgressions with uncertain penalties 二不定

two truths of absolute and mundane 眞俗二諦

two truths of suffering and arising 苦集二諦

two types of consciousness 二種識

two valid means of knowledge 二量

two vehicle proceeding to nirvāṇa 趣寂二乘

two vehicles 二乘

two vehicles attain buddhahood 二乘作佛

two vehicles of greater and lesser 大小二乘

two vehicles of śrāvaka and pratyekabuddha

two vehicles of the three and the one 三一二乘

two venues and three assemblies 二處三會

two views 二見

two views of existence and non-existence 有無二見

two views of nihilism and eternalism 斷常二見

two views of self 二我, 二我見

two virtues 二德

two wheels 二輪

two wings 二翼, 兩翅, 兩翼

two world-honored ones 二世尊

two worlds 二世, 二世間

two-character Mañjuśrī 二字文殊

twofold causality spanning the three periods 三世兩重因果

twofold truth 二諦

two-storied temple 重閣

two-story temple 重閣精舍

type , 品類

type of birth 生類

type of cause(s) 因類

type of consciousness 識類

type of demon 吉蔗

type of dhāraṇī 薩怛多般怛羅

type of distinctive characteristic 種相

type of fragrant plant 必栗迦, 畢力迦, 畢栗迦, 目蓿香

type of owl 休留

type of spear 羯諾耶, 羯諾野

type of striving 希求品類

types of causal factors 界種類

types of non-Buddhism 外道類

ubiquity of thusness 勝流眞如

ugly , 醜者, 醜陋

Uighur 囘鶻

ulcer , 癰疽

ulcerating orifices 瘡門

ulcers 疽癘

ulcers on the lips 瘡胗

ullambana 烏藍婆, 盂蘭, 盂蘭盆, 盂蘭盆會

ullyeok 運力

ultimate [truth] 勝義

ultimate 究竟

ultimate bliss 極樂, 極歡喜

ultimate buddha 究竟佛

ultimate deliverance 究竟出離

ultimate emptiness 勝義空

ultimate enlightenment 畢竟覺, 究竟覺

ultimate in phenomena 事究竟

ultimate nothingness 畢竟無

ultimate own-nature 勝義自性

ultimate path 究竟道

ultimate principle 至理

ultimate profundity 玄極

ultimate reliance 畢竟依

ultimate result 極果

ultimate stage 極地

ultimate truth 勝義諦, 波羅末陀, 究竟義, 至道

ultimate truth of non-production 本不生際

ultimate truth that all is emptiness 勝義皆空宗

ultimate way is not difficult 至道無難

ultimate wisdom 畢竟智, 邊際智

ultimate, paramount Dharma 至法

umatched throughout the world 超世希有

umbilical cord 衣那

unable 無力能, 無能

unable to attain independence 不得自在

unable to be independent while operating within marks 於有相不得自在

unable to come forth 不能發

unable to do (become, make) 不能作

unable to do 不能行

unable to eat and drink 不得飮食

unable to eliminate 未能斷

unable to endure 不堪

unable to feed 不得食

unable to give rise to 不能發起

unable to liberate 不能解脫

unable to make up one's mind 沈吟

unable to produce 不能現起

unable to prosper 不得興盛

unable to relinquish 不能捨

unable to see its head (?) 無能見頂

unable to think critically 不能思擇

unaccomplished 不成就

unachievable 不可得

unadulterated sublime flavor of the dharma 淳淨上妙法味

unafflicted 無熱惱

unafraid 不畏

unafraid of birth-and-death 不畏生死

unanimously accorded 三末多

unanticipated misfortune 橫難

unarisen 不生, 不生起, 未生, 未發, 未起

unarisen four noble truths 無生四眞諦

unarisen mind 無生心

unarisen phenomena 不生法

unarisen wholesome mental states 未生善法

unarrived 未到

unasked 無問

unassailable 不能斷壞

unattached 不愛, 無所著, 無著

unattached and unimpeded 無著無礙

unattached cognition 無著智

unattached practice 無著行

unattached unhindered omniscience and insight 無著無礙一切智見

unattainable 無巴鼻

unattained 所不得, 所未得, 未得

unattained loss 未得退

unattended 不審

unattractive 不可意

unaware 不識, 夢夢, 未識

unawares 不感

unblemished light 無垢光

unblemished radiance 無垢光明

unborn 未已生, 無生

unborn and undying 不生不死

unborn body 無生身

unborn Dharmas 無從生, 無所生法

unborn essential nature 無生法性

unborn jeweled land 無生寶國

unborn life 無生之生

unborn repentance 無生悔

unbound emancipation 無縛解脫

unbound, unattached liberation 無縛無著解脫

unbounded power 力自在

unbreakable 不能斷, 不能斷滅

unbridled 不羈

unbroken continuity 不斷常

unbroken mindfulness 不斷念佛

unceasing 不斷, 不止, 無滅

unceasing great joy 大樂不空

unceasing radiance 不斷光

unceasing recitation of the sūtras 不斷經

uncertain 非決定

uncertainty 猶豫疑惑

unchanged 無變, 無變易

unchanging 不變易

unchanging nature 不改性, 不變易性

unchanging thusness 不變眞如

unchanging, and according with conditions 不變隨緣

uncircleable mountain 不周之山

unclean food 穢食

unclean places 不淨處

unclear 不明, 不明了, 不顯了, 非明

uncommonly 久久

unconcerned 無所顧戀

unconditional kindness 無緣憐愍

unconditioned 無作, 無條件, 無爲, 無緣

unconditioned abode 無爲舍

unconditioned and spontaneous 無爲自然

unconditioned birth-and-death 無爲生死

unconditioned by externals 外無爲

unconditioned concentration 無緣三昧

unconditioned cyclic existence 無爲世間

unconditioned dharma of a single taste 一味無爲法

unconditioned liberation 無爲解脫

unconditioned mind of the single path 一道無爲心

unconditioned nirvāṇa 無爲涅槃, 無爲湼槃

unconditioned phenomena 无爲法, 無爲法, 無爲行

unconditioned precepts 無爲戒

unconditioned reality body 無爲法身

unconditioned vehicle 無緣乘

unconditioned, eternally abiding 無爲常住

unconnected stūpa

unconquerable 阿嗜多, 阿夷哆, 阿恃多

unconscious 無覺

unconstructed 無作

uncontaminated thusness 兩垢如如

uncontaminated wisdom 漏盡智

uncontaminated wisdom that observes the essence of suchness 現觀智諦現觀

uncontented exertion 無喜足精進

uncountable 不可數, 不墮數, 無量

uncover 廣開

uncover enlightenment 開悟

uncreated 無作, 無爲, 無造

uncreated region 無生際

undaunted 不下, 不怯

undaunted exertion 不下精進, 無下精進

undecaying 無窮盡

undecided 無定

undefiled 不染, 不染汚, 唵摩羅, 無垢, 無染, 無染汚, 阿摩勒, 非染汚

undefiled activity 去行

undefiled consciousness 無垢識

undefiled garment 無垢衣

undefiled giving 無雜染施

undefiled ignorance 不染愚, 不染汚無明, 不染汚無知, 不染無明, 不染無知

undefiled learners 無漏有學

undefiled mind 無染心, 無染汚心

undefiled nescience 無漏無明

undefiled neutral 無覆無記

undefiled phenomena 不染法

undefiled stage 無垢地

undefiled worldly phenomena 不染世間法

undefiled-ness 無垢性

undegraded 無下劣

undemonstrated both 倶不成

undemonstrated middle 能立法不成

undemonstrated predicate 所立不成過, 所立法不成

under a tree 樹下

under both feet 於雙足下

under three rafters 三條椽下

undergarment 作衣, 安呾婆娑, 安多婆裟, 安多會, 安憺婆沙, 安陀會, 安陀衣, 裏衣

undergo 還受

undergo continual [re-]birth 受生相續

undergo discipline 受學

undergo negative rebirth 感惡趣

undergo perfuming 受熏

undergo the retribution of being born in a hell 地獄受, 順地獄受

undergo uninterrupted suffering 受無間苦

undergoes correction 得對治

underlying body 理身理土

understand 悟解, 會通, , 能悟, 解了, 解念, 解知, 識理

understand and awaken 解悟

understand and explain 會繹

understand clearly 曉了知, 曉悟, 豁然

understand correctly 正了知

understand deeply 深解

understand emptiness 解空

understand internally 內解

understand more than half 思過半

understand much 多解

understand reality 達眞如

understand separately 別解

understand the dharma 解法

understand the mind 體心

understand the profound 解深

understand the treatises well 善知諸論

understand the world 善解世間

understand things as they really are 如實知

understand thoroughly 解暢, 解達, 解達知

understand through wisdom 慧解

understand thusness 通達眞如

understand well 善解

understanding (karmic) results 知果

understanding 覺慧, 諦察

understanding and practice 解行

understanding cause(ation) 知因

understanding differentiations that are nominally established, just as they are, by analysis 差別假立尋思所引如實智

understanding names, just as they are, based on analysis 名尋思所引如實智

understanding of emptiness 空解

understanding of omnipotence 住持一切世界智

understanding of omniscience re all living beings 知一切衆生智

understanding of ubiquity 充滿一切智

understanding phenomena to be existent 有解

understanding self-natures that are nominally established, just as they are, by analysis 自性假立尋思所引如實智

understanding things just as they are, based on analysis 事尋思所引如實智

understanding-obstruction 碍解

understands 能信解, 解了知

understands as it truly is in reality 如實了知

understands easily 易悟

undertake 勤修正行, 勤修習, 勤加, 正攝受, 造修

undertake applied practices [of meditation] 起加行

undertaken 所應行

undertaken by the bodhisattvas 菩薩所作

undertaking 奮發

under-teacher 烏波儞也

underworld 冥土, 冥路, 冥途

undeserved 非分

undeveloped wings 翅未成就, 翅羽未成

undifferentiated reality-body 平等法身

undiminished 不刊, 無減

undimmed 無闇

undiscriminated 不分別

undiscriminated phenomenon 無分別法

undiscriminating great assembly 無礙大會, 無蓋大會

undistinguished 無簡別

undistorted 無顚倒

undistorted attention 無倒作意

undistorted cognition 無顚倒智

undistorted cultivation 無倒修

undistorted overpowering concentration 無倒勝三摩地

undistorted-ness 無顚倒性

undisturbed 不亂, 不動無爲

undoubted 無所疑

undue denunciation of a good monk by an indirect and allegorical method 假根謗

undying [nescience] 無没

undying 不死

unease 不安隱性

uneasy 不安隱

unenlightened beings and bodhisattvas 異生菩薩

unenlightened beings and direct disciples 異生聲聞

unenlightened fake Chan master 暗禪

unenlightened mental state 凡情

unenlightened mind 不覺心

unenlightened mind arises 不覺心起

unenlightened people 凡愚, 癡凡

unenlightened person 愚夫

unenlightened sentient beings and adherents of the two vehicles 異生二乘

unenlightened stage 凡地

unenlightened thought arises 不覺念起

unenlightened worldlings and adherents of the two vehicles 凡夫二乘

unenlightened, fake Chan master 暗證

unequal 不平等, 不等, 錯亂

unequal karma 不平等業

unequal works 不平等事, 不平等事業

unequalled 無等, 無等等, 無與等, 阿娑弭, 阿裟摩娑摩

unequalled enlightenment 無等覺

unequalled study 無等學

unequalled vehicle 無等等乘

unequalled, most excellent cognition 無等無倫最上勝智

unequalled/peerless Buddha qualities 不共佛法

unerring lasso 不空羂索

unerring quickness 無倒速疾

unerring teaching 無倒教授

unestablished reason 不成因

uneven 不平

uneven behavior 不平等行

uneven teeth

unexcelled Buddha-Path 無上佛道

unexcelled great (Buddha-) path 無上大道

Unexcelled Honored One 無上世尊

Unexcelled Knower of the Secular World 無上世間解

unexcelled land 無勝國

unexcelled supreme (Buddha-) path. 無上尊道

unexcelled thought (of enlightenment) 無上心

unexcelled thoughts 無上意

unexcelled, right and true Path (or enlightenment) 無上正眞之道

unexcluded both 倶不遣

unexcluded middle 能立不遣

unexcluded predicate 所立不遣, 所立法不遣

unexplained 不記, 所未說

unexpressed 無表

unexpressed activity 無作業

unexpressed precepts 無表戒

unextinguishable 不滅

unextinguished 未滅沒, 未盡

unfaithful 未信者

unfathomability of the dharmadhātu 法界無量

unfathomability of the dharma-realm 入法界無量

unfathomable 莫測

unfathomable Radiant Tathāgata 不可思議光如來

unfathomably deep 幽邃

unfathomably deep principle of the Way 玄理

unfathomed 不測

unfavorable circumstance 惡因緣

unfearing 非怖

unfelt 無執受, 非執受

unfettered 不繫, 無繋, 無繫

unfettered body 不繫身

unfettered mind 心無繫

unfettered thusness 出纏眞如

unfilial 不孝

unfold (develop, evolve, manifest) with a similar name 名相似轉

unfold a clear destiny 發趣

unfortunately 可惜

ungraspable 不可取

ungraspable emptiness 不可得空, 無所有空

unhappy 不悅

unheard 未聞

unhindered 無礙, 無覆

unhindered knowledge of all languages or terms 辭無礙智

unhindered one 無礙人

unhindered understanding of words 辯無礙解

unhurt 不損惱

unicorn with its single horn 麟角

unified 和合

uniformly afraid of suffering 一向怖畏衆苦

uniformly deficient in compassion 一向慈悲薄弱

uniformly unsullied 一向無垢

unifying opposing forces, allowing complete freedom 圓融自在

unimpaired 無傷, 無損害

unimpeded 無滯礙

unimpeded cognition 無滯智, 無礙智

unimpeded eloquence 樂說, 辯才無礙, 辯無礙

unimpeded eloquence in expounding the teachings 樂說辯才

unimpeded in the world 世自在

unimpeded intelligence 無礙辯才

unimpeded supernatural powers 自在神通力

unimpeded understanding of meaning 義無礙解

unimpeded understanding of the dharma 法無礙解

unimpeded understanding of the whole dharma-realm 法界無礙智

unimpeded wisdom 智慧無礙, 無礙智

unimpededness 虛通

unimpededness by non-discrimination 無分別自在

unimpededness of the pureness of one's land 淨土自在

uninclined 無轉

unintelligible 難了

unintentional 不爲

unintentional offense 不故犯

uninterrupted 無斷, 無斷絕

uninterrupted and faultless 無間無缺

uninterrupted application of practices 無斷加行

uninterrupted chanting 不斷輪

uninterrupted chanting of the sūtras 不斷讀經

uninterrupted cultivation 無間修, 無間修習

uninterrupted manifestation 相續流轉

uninterrupted path 無間道

uninterrupted practice 無間行

uninterrupted samādhi 無間三昧

uninvited friend 不請之友, 不請友

union of causes and conditions 因緣和合

union of the three 三和

unique sounds 不共法聲

unitary self 一我

unitary taste 同一味

unite ,

unite three into one 會三歸一

united altar 合壇

united with in an instant of thought 一念相應

unity 體一

unity of body and mind 身心一如

unity of the believing and the believed 信心不二

unity of the meditative and doctrinal approaches 教禪一致

unity of the three teachings 三教一致, 三教合一, 三教融合

unity of the three truths 三諦相卽

unity of voices 口和

universal (or impartial) wisdom 普智

universal 三曼多, 三曼陀, 三滿多, , 普達, 毘濕婆, 遍一切, 遍周

universal and partial 通局

universal awareness 徧覺

universal Buddha 普佛

universal cognition 一切種智

universal compassion 等慈

universal conflagration 火一切處

universal equality 普等

universal gate 普門

universal giving 遍施

universal illumination 徧照, 普光

universal king 普王

universal knowledge 遍智

universal manifestation 普現

universal obeisance 普禮

universal powers of teaching 通化

universal radiance 普明

universal reality-realm 周遍法界

universal realm of living beings 等衆生界

universal salvation 普渡

universal teachings 普法

universal truth 平等法

universal vows common to all buddhas 總願

universality of thusness 遍行眞如

universally 悉普, 普悉,

universally address 能遍告

universally auspicious 徧吉

universally compassionate 普慈

universally fragrant 三曼陀犍提, 三曼陀犍陀, 三萬陀犍陀, 普熏

universally illumine 遍照

universally include 普容

universally reaching 遍至

universally release 普放

universally shared personal belongings 十方現前, 十方現前物

universally shining Tathāgata 遍照如來

universe 宇宙

universe consisting of a triple-thousand great one-thousand seven-jeweled worlds 三千大千七寶世界

unjust 不義

unjust(ness) 抂橫

unkind 不仁

unknowable 不可知

unknown 所不知

unlawful 不法

unlikeable 不可愛樂

unlimited 無際

unlimited six perfections 六度無極

unlocalized consciousness 無所住識

unlock 略開

unloosen the bonds 懸解

unmanifest 不現行, 不顯, 無表

unmanifest elimination 不現行斷

unmanifest form 無作色, 無表色

unmanifest great vehicle extensive precepts 大乘無作大戒

unmanifest precepts 無作戒

unmatched 不合

unmistaken 無誤

unmoved internally 內無爲

unmoving 不動, 無動

unmoving is life and death 不動生死

unmoving self-nature 自性不動

unnecessary 不必

unnecessary words 閑塵境, 閑文字

unobstructed 不妨, 不障, 無對, 無所障, 無礙, 無閡, 離障

unobstructed action 無礙行

unobstructed cognition 無障智, 無障礙智

unobstructed freedom 無礙自在

unobstructed illumination 無礙光

unobstructed intelligence 無礙辯

unobstructed liberation 無礙解脫

unobstructed mental transformation 心自在轉

unobstructed mind 心自在, 無礙心, 無障心

unobstructed path 無礙道, 無間道

unobstructed pure cognition 無障淨智

unobstructed understanding 無礙解

unobstructed wisdom 無礙解慧

unobtainable 不可得, 無得

unobtainable nature 無所得性

unopened 未開

unpaid debts 宿債

unparalleled 無侶, 無等倫

unpatterned cloth

unperishing 不盡

unperturbed 不能傾動, 從容

unpleasant mental disposition 意懷不悅

unpleasant results 非愛果

unpolluted 不染, 無染

unpolluted giving 無染惠施

unposited reality 非安立眞實

un-posited reality 非安立諦

unposited teaching of suchness 非安立眞如

unprecedented 未曾有, 未曾有法

unproduced 不生

unproduced collection 無生藏

unproduced experiential realm 無生法界

unreal 不實

unreasonable 不合理

unrefined 未精

unrefined alcoholic beverages 糟酒

unrelated 無倫

unremitting application of reverence 殷重加行, 無間殷重加行

unremitting hell 無間地獄

unremitting karma 無間業

unrequested teaching 不請法

unresolved 不決, 未決

unrestful 不安隱

unrestricted activity 成所作

unrestricted cognition 成事智

unretrogressive faith 不退信, 不退信心

unrevealed truth 未開顯, 未顯眞實

unripe 未熟

unripened 不熟

unsatisfied 無厭足

unseen aid 冥感, 冥護

unseparated 不離

unsettled mind 亂心

unshakable exertion 無動精進

unshakable faith 決定信

unshared fruits 不共果

unsought kindness 無求憐愍

unstable 不安, 不安住

unstained 阿摩羅

unstained cognition 無垢智

unsteady 掉散, 非一向

unsullied dharma 淸白法

unsupported 無所緣

unsurpassable excellence 無上最勝

unsurpassed [by]; insuperable 不能映奪

unsurpassed 無增, 無有上, 無能及者, 無過, 阿耨多羅

unsurpassed and true one 無上眞

unsurpassed correct enlightenment 無上正等正覺, 無上正覺

unsurpassed correct universal wisdom 無上正徧智, 無上正遍智

unsurpassed enlightenment 無上覺

unsurpassed garment of the field of merit 無上福田衣

unsurpassed king of the dharma 無上法王

unsurpassed lamp 無上燈

unsurpassed marklessness 無相無上

unsurpassed mind of enlightenment 無上菩提心

unsurpassed nirvāṇa 無上涅槃

unsurpassed perfect enlightenment 無上正遍道

unsurpassed perfect teacher 無上大師圓滿

unsurpassed person 無上士

unsurpassed person and supreme tamer 無上士調御丈夫

unsurpassed purity 無上淸淨

unsurpassed skillful means 無上方便

unsurpassed stage 無上住

unsurpassed teacher 無上大師

unsurpassed tolerance 無上忍

unsurpassed virtue 無上功德

unsurpassed way 無上道

unsurpassed wheel of the dharma 無上法輪

unsurpassed wisdom 無上慧

unsurpassed, excellent 無上殊勝

unsurpassed, right, and true (enlightenment) 無上正眞

unsurpassed, utmost true, right enlightenment 無上至眞正覺

untainted 無流, 無漏, 阿那籬攞嚩, 阿那藪囉嚩, 非染

untainted absorption 無漏定

untainted and conditioned 有爲無漏, 無漏有爲

untainted body 無漏身

untainted cause 無漏因

untainted contemplation 無漏觀

untainted dharma nature 無漏法性

untainted entry 無漏門

untainted factors 無漏法

untainted faculties 無漏根

untainted final body 無漏後身, 無漏最後身

untainted karma 無漏業

untainted kindness 無染憐愍

untainted meditation 無漏靜慮

untainted mind 無流心, 無漏心

untainted mind liberated by insight 無漏心慧解脫

untainted noble path(s) 無漏聖道

untainted noble truth of arising 無漏集諦

untainted path 無漏道

untainted realm 無漏界

untainted result 無漏果

untainted seeds 無漏種子

untainted subsequently attained mundane cognition 無漏後得世間智

untainted thinking consciousness 無漏意識

untainted thusness 無垢眞如

untainted true character 無漏實相

untainted wholesome roots 無漏善根

untainted wholesomeness 無漏善

untainted wisdom 無漏慧, 無漏智

untaught monk 無聞比丘

untaught wisdom 無師智

untenable 不可立, 不應言, 義不然

unthinkable 不可思

untie the bonds 解縛

until [he] becomes a buddha 乃至成佛

until I am enlightened 乃至菩提

until the attainment of buddhahood 至于成佛

until the end of one's life 乃至命終

untiring 無惓

untiring kindness 無倦憐愍

untiring skilful means 無厭倦方便


untreated 不治

untrue 不正

unvexed 無惱

unwavering 無散亂, 無有怯劣

unweakening 無劣

unweakening, unfaltering application of practices 無厭無劣加行

unwearing 無倦

unwearying 無厭

unwholesome [states of] mind 不善心

unwholesome 不善, 惡性

unwholesome activity 不善業, 非福行

unwholesome and obstructing 不善有覆

unwholesome circumstances 不善處

unwholesome conceptual activity 意惡行

unwholesome deeds 鄙惡所作

unwholesome physical actions 身惡行

unwholesome qualities/phenomena 不善法

unwholesome roots 不善根

unwholesome verbal activity 語惡行

unwholesomeness 不善性

unwise and unvirtuous behavior 非賢善行

up till now 從來

up to [their] achievement of nirvāṇa 乃至涅槃

up to 乃至

up to ten remembrances 乃至十念

up to the highest level of [material] existence 乃至有頂

up to the task 能堪忍

up too... 上至

upāsaka-upāsikā 優婆塞優婆夷


upheld by reason 道理所攝

uphold 受持

uphold or maintaining (in memory) by chanting 持誦

upholding Confucianism and suppressing Buddhism 崇儒抑佛

upholding or establishing cause 立因

upholding pure precepts 持淨戒

upholding the precepts in deed 事戒

upholding the precepts in principle 理戒

uplifting speech 安慰語

upon attaining buddhahood [the mental disturbances, etc.] are eliminated 至佛乃盡

upper 嗢呾羅

upper altar 上壇

upper and lower four heavens 四天上下

upper and lower garments 袍服, 袍裳

upper body 上身

upper half of the body 上身分, 身上半

upper half of the body is like a lion king 身上半如師子王, 身上半如師子王相

upper part (of the body) 上分

upper part 從上

upper realms 上界

upper robe 上衣, 鬱多羅僧衣

upper shoulder 上肩

upper two groups of practitioners 上二衆

upper two realms 上二界

uppermost mind 頂心

upright in thought 端心

upright thought and proper action 端心正行


upside-down and delusive ideas 顚倒忘想

upward 於上

upward turn 上轉

upwards 向上

urbane 圓上

urbane speech 先首語


urge to transform 勸化

urgent 切切,

urgently desired 求欲

urinal 尿闥

urinate 尿

urination 小使, 小便, 小解, 小遺

urine 尿

Ursa Major 七星, 北斗, 北斗七星

usage of a high, wide bed 坐高廣大牀


use a simile 假喩

use as a standard

use of one thing for two or more purposes 兼帶

use the twofold truth to reveal the middle way 二諦用中

useful 義妙

useless 徒施, 徒設, 無利, 無義利

useless thing 無利益事

using a mat without a border 無緣坐具淨

using language to negate language 因言遣言

using mind 以心

using one's power to force others into submission 降伏

using skillful means 以方便

using the dharma 以法

using the strength of their vow 由願力

using the teachings to properly correct 以法正治

usual 本常

utensils 道具

utmost 極致,

utmost enlightenment 極覺

utmost quiescence 極靜

uttara 溫陀羅

utter 暢發, 爲說, 發言

utter praises 白贊

utterance of a vow 誓言

uttered 說言, 讚言

utterly devoid of a so-called self-nature 所言自性都無所有

utterly fearless 都無驚懼

utterly intoxicated 極憍醉

utterly purged and purified 畢竟斷對治

utterly transcends 迢絕

vacant (or uninhabited) place 空閑地

vacant hall 虛堂

vacant place 空閑

vacillation 進退

vacuous and contingent 虛假

vacuous, contingent, and unreal 虛假不實

vaguely resembles 髣髴相似

vaipulya precepts 方等戒

vaipulya scriptures 方典

Vairocana Buddha 毘盧舍那佛, 盧舍那佛

Vairocana Hall 毘盧殿

Vairocana in the garbhadhātu 胎大日

Vairocana meeting 大日供

Vairocana the original body 本身盧舍那

Vairocana, the king of enlightenment 大日覺王

Vairocana-samādhi 一切如來眼色如明照三摩地

Vaiśālī Council 毘舍離城結集

Vaiśeṣika teacher or philosopher 勝論師

vajra bell 金鈴

vajra group 金剛部

vajra maṇḍala 金剛曼荼羅

vajra of great power 大力金剛

vajra spirits 金剛神

vajra store 金剛藏

vajra-holder 伐折羅陀羅, 持金剛

Vajrapāṇi 金剛手

vajra-warriors 金剛力士

vajra-wielding gods 執金剛神

vajra-wielding guardian spirits 仁王尊, 那羅延金剛

valid cognition of direct perception 現證量

valid inference 眞比量

valid perception 眞現量

valid proposition 眞能立

valid reason 正因

valid refutation 眞能破

validate 證成

valley ,

valleys and ditches 溪渠

valuable 可貴,

valuable object 重物

valuables 寶物,

value morality 敬重戒

valued 所貴

vanish 化沒, 失壞

vanity 放縱

variant edition 異本

variant rendering of a term 名別

variant samādhi 不共三昧

variation analysis 校異

variation in the faculties and abilities of sentient beings 機類

variegated ,

variegated coloring 雜色

variegated flowers 那婆, 那婆摩利

variegated mind 雜心

variegated silken fabric 繒綵

variety of causal factors 種種界

various [early Indian] schools 諸部

various [logical] problems 諸妨難

various 各各異, 異類, 若干, 諸雜

various affairs 諸事

various afflictions 種種煩惱

various and sundry activities 種種業

various and sundry offerings 種種供養

various arguments articulating non-causation or mistakenly understood causation 無因惡因種種諍論

various beliefs 種種諍論

various beliefs in the transfer of merit 施福移轉種種諍論

various bodies 彼彼身, 身身

various causes which contribute to a things coming into being 生緣

various concepts 諸想等想假用言說

various deities 諸尊

various derivative afflictions 諸隨煩惱

various dharmas that are explained 所說諸法

various differences 種種異

various directions 諸方

various divergent views 種種異見

various evil [activities] 諸惡

various expositions 種種宣說

various faults 種種過患, 諸過

various flowers 雜華

various forms 色色

various forms of 種種相

various intentions; various inclinations 種種意樂

various karmas 諸業

various kinds of causes 種種因

various kinds of causes and conditions 種種因緣

various kinds of consciousness 諸識

various kinds of devoted interest 種種勝解

various kinds of distinctions 種種差別

various kinds of effulgence 種種光明

various kinds of good [activities] 諸善

various kinds of good factors [phenomena, dharmas] 種種善法

various kinds of negative discursive thought 諸惡尋思

various kinds of seed natures 種種種性

various kinds of sentient beings 群品類

various kinds of slaves and servants 奴婢等類

various kinds of suffering 衆苦

various meditations 諸靜慮

various merits 諸功德

various merits; various rewards 種種勝利

various mountain [monasteries] 諸山

various names 種種異名

various natures 種種性

various negative activities in which I engaged in the past 我昔所造諸惡業

various non-Buddhist practices 種種邪行

various objects 種種境界

various odors 衆香

various parties 種種黨類

various paths 諸道

various phenomena 種種事

various practices 種種行

various quarters 諸寮

various sensations 諸受

various sounds 衆聲

various sufferings and distress 種種苦惱

various tastes 衆味

various temples 諸寺

various things 種種物

various types 雜類

various vehicles 諸乘

various views 種種見, 諸見

various wholesome roots 種善根

variously 種種諸

variously excellent 種種殊勝


vase 君荼利

vase initiation 甁灌

vase of virtue 善甁, 德甁, 賢甁

vast , 廓如, 廣多, 廣大無邊, 弘普, 弘衍, 恢廓, , , 蕩蕩, 開廓

vast and deep 弘深

vast and exceedingly deep 廣大甚深

vast and immeasurable good dharmas 廣大無量善法

vast and marvelous 廣大微妙, 浩妙

vast and perfect 廣大圓滿

vast area 萬頃

vast assembly 廣大會

vast benefit 廣利

vast charity 廣大施

vast cloud 大雲

vast darkness and heavy rain 大陰雨

vast gateway 弘門

vast kindness 廣大憐愍

vast medicine king bodies 廣大良藥王身

vast merit 廣大福

vast mind 廣大心

vast number 萬億

vast ocean 大海水, 滄海

vast remorse 方等懺, 方等懺悔

vast separation 懸隔

vast sky 長空

vast space 大虛

vast sympathy 廣大哀愍

vast vow [to save sentient beings] 廣大願

vast vow of the bodhisattva 菩薩弘願

vast wisdom 廣大慧, 廣大智, 廣大智慧, 廣慧, 廣智

vast without measure 廣大無量

vast, spreading boundlessly 恢廓曠蕩

vastly charitable 廣大施性

vastly extensive 浩漫

vastly ornate 廣嚴

vastly superior 高勝

Vasubandhu 筏蘇盤豆

Vasumitra 筏蘇蜜呾多羅

vedic fire sacrifices 火祠法

vegetable food 林藤

vegetables ,

vegetarian 持素

vegetarian food , 蔬食, 采蔬

vegetation 諸草木

vehicle , , 車乘

vehicle for fording the river of cyclic existence 乘津

vehicle of a sect 宗乘

vehicle of designations 增語路

vehicle of non-Buddhist views 邪見乘

Vehicle of the Buddha-Path 佛道乘

vehicle of the Buddhist disciples 聲聞乘

vehicle of the celestials 天乘

Vehicle of the disciples (of the Buddha) 弟子乘

vehicle of the greatly enlightened one 大覺乘

vehicle of the self-enlightened ones 緣覺乘

vehicle of the single reality 一實乘

vehicle of the solitary realizers 辟支佛乘

vehicle of those who singly perceive causation 緣一覺乘

vehicle path 乘道

vehicles of men and gods 人天乘

vehicle-seed 乘種

veil 極覆,

veil of nescience 無明覆



venerable 可遵, 尊貴, 老年, 長老

Venerable Ānanda 尊者阿難

venerable guide 尊導

venerable hero 尊雄

venerable one who possesses universal (or impartial) wisdom 普智尊


venerate as a master 師宗

venerating the patriarchs 尊祖

veneration 恭敬愛重

vengeful ghosts 厲鬼

venom of the afflictions 煩惱諸毒

venomous insect(s) 毒蟲

venomous snakes 蚖蝮

Venus 太白星, 戌羯羅, 明星, 金星, 金曜

verb endings 丁岸哆

verbal (or symbolic) convention 名字假設

verbal activity 語業

verbal and mental activities (karmas) 語業意業

verbal designations that follow upon discriminating sensations 分別受隨言說義

verbal discriminations 言分別

verbal esoteric rituals 言修法

verbal expression 言說

verbal expressions 名言

verbal expressions coming forth 言說轉

verbal identity 名字卽

verbal misdeeds 惡語

verbal silence 宴默


vermilion and purple 朱紫

vermilion pillow 丹枕

verse 伽他, 偈頌, 讚曰

verse of praise, or tribute 製疏

verse of repentance 懺悔偈

Verse of the Shared Morality of the Seven Buddhas 七佛通戒偈

verse of the three powers 三力偈

Verse on the Dharma-body 法身偈

verse on the four bests 四第一偈

verse praising the merits of the buddha 歎佛偈, 讚佛偈

verse says: 偈言

verses 偈經

verses for singing 歌偈

Verses of the Elder Nuns 長老尼偈

Verses of the Elders 長老偈

versified incarnation stories 本生鬘, 社得迦摩羅


very , 極究

very aged 老弊

very beginning 源底

very beginning and very end 前後際

very clear and precise

very fatigued 疲極

very fine 善妙

very first arousal of the intention for enlightenment 初始發心

very full 善得圓滿

very good 大善

very large number 戈追

very last body 最末後身

very last instant 最後刹那

very little 極少

very long (time) 長遠

very long time 久遠

very pleased 甚快

very poor 下極

very stupid 下愚

very tiny bit 毫釐

very vigorous one 大雄猛

very weary 羸憊

very well-examined 極善思

very young 稚小

vessel of omniscience 一切智舟, 一切智船

vessel of the dharma 法舟, 法船

vessel of the great vow 大願船

vessel of the precepts 戒器

vessel of the vow 願船

vessel of the Way 道器

veteran practitioner 久參, 久習, 久行者

vexations 結滯

vexed 困惱, , 燠惱

Vibhāṣā council 婆沙會

vice 非惡

vicinity of the river 漢陰

vicious 抵突

victor 勝士, 耆那, 視那

victorious 能勝

victorious mind 勝心

vie 謀略

Vietnam 越南

view 臨眄

view of a life span 壽者見

view of a spiritual soul 士夫見

view of apprehensibility 有所得見

view of assuming a single basis 見一處住地

view of attachment to an inherently existent self 人我見

view of attachment to discipline 戒盜見, 戒禁取見, 戒禁見

view of attachment to extremes 邊執見

view of attachment to self 有身見

view of body-as-real and extreme views 身見邊見

view of dharma 法見

view of disintegration 壞見

view of emptiness 空見

view of identity in dharmas 法我見

view of perverted morality 果盜見

view of possession 我所見

view of pride 慢見

view of reality of the individual 薩迦耶見

view of self 薩迦耶

view of self that are given rise to 所起我見

view of sentient beinghood 衆生見

view of the dharma realm as the perception of all things in the universe as true thusness 理法界

view of the existence of a self 有我見, 身見

view of the non-existence of marks 無相見

view that the production of things has its own substance 自然生

view-based [mental] activity 見行


viewing of theatrical performances and listening to music 歌舞觀聽


viewpoint that all phenomena are nothing but emptiness 獨空

views (of self) and pride 見慢

views 意見

views about existence and nonexistence 有無見

views and conceptions 見想

views and desires 見愛

views and thoughts 見思

views concerning equality and non-discrimination 平等無分別見

views in the three realms 三界見

views of self and pride 見我慢

views of the outsiders 外道見

views, doubts, and delusion 見疑惑

vigilant 不放逸行

vigor 勇猛, 精進, 精進力

vigorous, pre-eminent guide, i.e. a buddha 猛尊導

vigorously applied to exertion 勇猛精進

vigorously undertakes 勤精進者

vile (or filthy, foul) thought 穢慮

vile person 鄙者

village 丘聚, 墟聚, , 聚落, ,

village-dwelling monk 人間比丘

villages 村營, 村落

vinaya of the five schools 五律

Vinaya Piṭaka 戒律藏

Vinaya school of the southern mountain 南山律宗

vinaya teachings 戒法

vinaya temple 律寺, 律院

vindictive 恚害


violate [the precepts] 毀犯

violate 侵易, 反戻, 反戾

violate and retrogress 毀犯退屈

violate and slander 逆謗

violate the peace 安住違犯

violate the precepts 毀犯淨戒

violating human norms 邪人法

violating rules 犯制

violation of moral discipline 壞戒

violation of the precepts 缺漏

violation of the saṃgha community 破僧違諫

violence 凶力


violent afflictions 猛利煩惱

violet ,

violet eyebrows 紺睫

violet hair 紺頂, 紺髮

vipers and scorpions 蝠螫, 蝮蠍

virtual [enlightenment] and marvelous [enlightenment] 等妙

virtual enlightenment 等覺

virtually enlightened bodhisattva 等覺大士, 等覺菩薩

virtually enlightened nature 等覺性

virtue 功德, 品德

virtue based on present effort 修得善, 加行善, 方便善

virtue of faith 信德

virtue of purity 淨德

virtue of the components 支分功德

virtue of the precepts 戒德

virtues as vast as an ocean 海德

virtues of Samantabhadra 普賢之德

virtues possessed by nature 性德

virtuous 德者, 有德者

virtuous ancient(s) 古德

virtuous conduct 調柔行

virtuous roots 善根

virtuous roots that are possessed 所有善根

virtuous scholar 德士

Virūḍhaka and Śiva 增長廣目

visibility 有見

visible 可見, 應見, 所見, 相見

visible and invisible 見非見

visible evidence 現前知

visible manifestations of great compassion 現行大悲

vision according to natural capacity 機見

vision of the buddhas 見諸佛

visit 拜見

visit everywhere 遍訪

visiting card 參狀, 門狀


visual consciousness 眼識

visual sphere 眼界

visualization protocol 觀想法

vital pneuma of the way 道氣

vitality 精氣


viviparous 胎生

vocal intonation 聲念誦

vocal teaching 聲教

vocative case 呼格

voice 擧聲, , 音響

voice a difficulty 難言

voice of a sage 聖音

voice of liberation 毘目多羅, 毘目瞿沙

voice of the Buddha 仙音

voice of the tathāgata 梵聲

voice power non-Buddhist 口力外道

voice-hearer 聲聞

voice-hearer 聲聞人

voice-hearers as children (of the Buddha) 聲聞子

voices of discontent 怨聲


void and tranquil 空寂

volition 思數,

voluntarily 親自

voluntarily attained 隨欲成

voluntary addresses 隨自意語, 鬱陀那

voluntary confession 自言毘尼, 首悔


vow , 誓願

vow and practice 願行

vow body 願身

vow for skillful determination 善決定願

vow for the attainment of the wisdom of the divine eye 天眼智通願

vow for the full attainment of virtue 具足德本願

vow for the obtaining of clothing according to one's wishes 衣衣隨念願

vow not to attain perfect enlightenment 不取正覺願

vow not to become a buddha until all sentient beings attain the divine ear 天耳智通願

vow of coming to receive 來迎引接願

vow of non-abandonment 不捨誓約

vow of the Sūtra on the Thirty-two Marks 三十二相經願

vow regarding women's rebirth 女人往生願

vow that those who remember the Buddha's name will be reborn in the Pure Land 念佛往生願

vow to attain the ten bhūmis 十地願行

vow to not hear of evil repute 不聞惡名願

vow to prevent rebirth in the evil destinies 不更惡趣願

vow to save all living beings without limit 衆生無邊誓願度

vow water 誓水

vowed 所應願

vowing rebirth 願往生, 願生

vowing to be reborn in the Pure Land 作願門

vowing to devote the mind to bodhi 發菩提心方便

vowing to eliminate inexhaustible afflictions 煩惱無數誓願斷

vow-ocean 願海

vows and wisdom 願慧

vows based on compassion 悲願

vows in common 等願

vows of Amitâbha 彌陀本願

vows of individual liberation 別解脫律儀

vows of the bodhisattva 菩薩行願

vows unsurpassed in the world 超世願

vow-sustenance 願食

vow-wheel 願輪

vulture 吉利, 耆闍

Vulture Peak assembly 靈山會

Vulture Peak Hall 靈山殿

Vulture Peak rite 靈山齋


wailing avīci hell 阿鼻喚地獄

waistcoat 安多婆沙, 安怛婆沙, 安陁會, 掛絡, 掛羅, 掛落

waist-robe 腰衣,

wait , ,

wait on 侍從

wait upon 供侍, 奉侍, 接待

wait upon respectfully 敬侍

Wakhan 薄健

walk around 經行

walking meditation 行禪

walking scripture case 有脚經笥

walking, standing, sitting, lying down 行住坐卧, 行住坐臥

wall 垣屛

wall , 壁障

wall painting 壁畵

wall(s) 牆壁

wall-gazing brahman 壁觀婆羅門

wall-meditation 壁定, 壁觀

wander , 遊履, 遊詣

wander about 槃桓, 流宕, 盤桓, 遊方

wander about teaching 遊化

wander aimlessly 流浪, 竛竮

wander around 跉跰, 遊處

wander broadly 普遊

wander through the mountain [monasteries] 遊山

wanderer 遊行者

wandering (?) 行行

wandering 遍歷

wandering like clouds and water 雲水行脚

wandering monk 行僧, 行脚

wandering monks 雲水, 雲納

wandering Seon monk 雲衲衲子

wanders around 伶俜

wanders back and forth 往返遊行

want 欲志願, 欲願,

want to cause 欲令

want to get rid of 欲捨

want to see the Buddha 欲見佛

wanted 意取

wanting 缺減

wanting something 有希求

wanting to allow others to know 欲令他知, 爲欲令他知

wanting to show 欲顯

wanton 盈逸

wants to attain 欲得

wants to dominate 欲勝

wants to establish 欲建

wants to harm 欲害

wants to kill 欲殺

wants to remove 欲除

wants to show 欲示

war , 戰諍

war between neighboring states 鄰國戰諍

ward off 能免

ward off evil 護惡

warden of the monastic abodes 知寮

wardens 防羅

warding off negative phenomena and stopping evil action 防非止惡

warehouse , 倉庫

warm , , , , ,

warmth and the pinnacle 煖頂

warn , , 警覺

warn and punish 誡罰

warning staff 警策

warped, clumsy, ashes, and near 曲拙灰近

warrior of the heavenly realm 天界力士

was usually (in such-and-such a place) 緣在

wash , , ,

wash a Buddha's image 灌洗

wash away 洗除, 蕩除

wash one's feet 洗足

washed away 所漂

washing 浣濯

washing implements 浴具

washing of the image 灌臘

waste paper 故紙

wasted 痟痩

wasted away 衰熟

wasteland 曠野

wasting disease 珊若婆

watch comedy (?) 笑睇

watch everywhere 遍觀

watchman's rounds 巡更

water 優陀伽, 婆利, 婆梨, 憂陀伽, , 波尼, 波抳, 波耶, , 烏娜迦, 鬱持, 鬱持迦

water altar 水壇

water and fire 水火

water and milk 水乳

water and waves 水波

water bag 水囊

water bubble

water burial 水葬

water concentration 水定

water contained in a great ocean 如大海水

water crystal 塞頗胝迦, 婆致迦, 水玉

water element 水大

water filter 漉囊, 漉水囊, 濾水囊

water globule 水圓

water infested with snails 水生蝸螺

water lantern 水燈

water lily 睡蓮

water meditation 水想, 水相觀, 水觀

water of enlightenment 道水

water of faith 信水

water of love 愛水

water of the dharma-nature 法性水

water of the Thus Come One 如來水

water of wisdom 智慧水

water pot 羯攞賖, 羯羅舍, 迦羅舍

water vessel 水器

water wheel 水輪

water wheel concentration 水輪三昧

water wheel for drawing water from a well 汲井輪

water, dry land, and sky 水陸空


water-cap 水冠

water-god 水神


water-lily root

waterman 水頭

waters of delusion 癡水

waters with eight attributes 八功德水, 八定水, 八支德水

waters with eight tastes 八味水

Water-Subtlety Heaven 水微天

wave , ,

wavering due to a sense of awareness of the difficulty of realizing the enlightenment of the buddha. 轉依難證屈

wavering due to a sense of the difficulty in completing a myriad practices 萬行難修屈

wavering due to awareness of the vastness of the enlightenment 菩提廣大屈

waves 波浪, 波濤

waves of [the seven] consciousnesses 識波浪

waves of consciousness 識浪

waves of suffering 苦浪


waxing and waning observances 白黑布薩

waxing phase of the moon 戌迦羅博乞史, 明分月

way 方道,

way 由路

way and contemplation 道觀

Way and the non-Way 道非道

way of being , 相狀

way of causation 因道

way of enlightenment 覺道

way of sitting 坐法

way of tea 茶道

way of teaching 方言

Way of the Pratyekabuddhas 獨覺乘

way of Universal Worthy (Samantabhadra) 普賢道

way of utmost Chan/Seon 格外禪旨

wayward doctor 邪醫

we 余徒, 余類, 余黨, 我疇, 我等, 我等輩, 我輩, 我黨, 餘類

we listen with great anticipation 願樂欲聞

we stop here 且止斯事

weak (light, insipid) defilements 性薄塵穢

weak 勢力微, 困劣, , 性薄, , 羸劣, , , 脆劣

weak faculties 軟根

weak in compassion 慈悲薄弱

weak point 所短

weak type 耎品

weakness 怯劣, 羸劣性, 衰患

wealth 富貴, 財富

wealth and [feminine] beauty 財色

wealth and possessions 珍財

wealth and property 財業

wealth and rank 財位

wealthy 豐財, 豪富

wealthy family 富族

wealthy ghosts 多財鬼

wealthy man 富長者

wealthy person 財主

weapon , 器仗

weapons 兵戈

wear (on the head)

wear ,

wear clothes 著衣

wear clothes according to ritual or the propriety of the situation in Buddhism 如法衣

wear soft [garments] 著柔

wear; put on; wrap around

wearied of [saṃsāra] rejoicing in [nirvāṇa] 厭欣

weariness , 疲厭

wearing armor 被甲

wearing robes made of rags 著弊納衣

wearing robes made only of wool 但持毳衣

wearing the three dharma robes 但三衣

wears the armor of great vows 被弘誓鎧

weary 勞廢, 疲怠, 疲殆

weary of 厭倦

weary of cyclic existence and abide in nirvāṇa 背念

weary of the base things 厭下

weary of the suffering of birth and death 厭生死苦

weary of the world 厭世

weary-looking 憔悴

weasels and raccoon dogs 狖狸

weave ,

web of doubt 疑網

webbed fingers and toes 手足指縵網相, 手足網縵, 指網縵相

week 微劣

weep , 哭泣, 啼哭,

weep and wail 哭啼

weep with sadness

weeping Buddha 啼哭佛

Wei period translation 魏譯

weigh 稱量, 能稱

weigh things 稱物

weight equal to the twenty-fourth part of a tael

weight of a mountain 山斤

welcoming 來迎

welfare 福利, 福址

well , 調善

well accomplished 善周備

well and the river 井河

well aware 善識

well explained 善權

well gone 善逝

well on a hill 丘井

well purified 善淸淨

well rounded 善圓滿

well understand the mundane world 善知世間

well understands the effects [of conditioned activity] 善知酬報

well up

well, let's just say it. 且道

well...just like 猶如

well-appearing 善現

well-applied 善發起

well-balanced scripture 方等經

well-balanced scripture consisting of hymns of praise 方等頌經

well-come 善來

well-composed 善緝綴

well-concluded 善攝受

well-considered 善思惟

well-expounded 善說

well-gone 修伽多, 騷揭多

welling fount 涌泉

welling up out of the earth 從地涌出

welling-up of the dharma 法涌

well-polished 修瑩

well-proclaimed 善覺

well-purified 善淨

well-reflected upon 善黠慧

well-settled 善安, 善安其所

well-situated 善安住

well-understood 善知

well-versed 貫練

west 西, 跛室制麼

West Asian race 胡種族

western direction 西方

western group 西序, 西班

western hall 西堂, 西庵

Western Heaven 西天

Western Jìn Dynasty 西晉

western light 西光

western maṇḍala 西曼陀羅

western paradise 西方極樂, 西方極樂世界

western regions 西域

Western transmission 西傳

wet 澤洽

wet Buddha 濡佛

wet clothes 濕衣

wet nurse 乳母

wetness 濕性


what [is the] hidden meaning (?) 何密意

what , , 何所, 所可, , 諸所可,

what a joy! 快哉

what are its (their) characteristics? 其相云何

what are the two? 何等爲二

what can be done...? 無奈, 爭奈

what causes and conditions? 何因緣

what conditions? 何緣

what contains and covers heaven and earth? 函蓋乾坤

what do we call... 云何名

what do you think? 於意云何, 汝意云何

what does this furthermore mean? 此復云何

what does this mean? 是義云何, 此義云何

what has been disclosed 所制立

what is 何等

what is altered 所變

what is desired and what is not desired 愛非愛

what is followed or accompanied by the nature of the basis 依止性所隨

what is it that stops the flow of all transmigration? 截斷衆流

what is it? 何似生, 是何

what is meant by...? 何謂

what is said is true 所言眞實

what is sought/wanted 爲求

what is the hidden meaning of this? 此何密意

what is the reason? 其故何耶

what is this? 是什麼

what is to be done? 何爲

what is to be explained 所應說

what kinds of differences are there? 有何差別

what marks...? 何相

what point? 何義

what rank? 何位

what should not be done 不應作

what? 什麼, 有何

what? how?

what? how? why?

whatever 於彼彼, 若事

whatever appears 隨所生起

whatever matter one engages in he runs into a wall 觸事面墻

whatever one has 隨有所得

whatever one takes delight in 隨所愛樂

whatever place 是處

whatever words are uttered, all are expressions of faith 凡所發言衆咸信奉

wheat 小麥

wheat porridge 迦師, 錯麥

wheel 庶迦, 庶迦羅, 爍迦羅,

wheel of birth and death 生死輪

wheel of desire 愛輪

wheel of existence 有輪

wheel of karma 業輪

wheel of knowledge of thoughts 意輪, 憶念輪, 記心輪, 記說輪

wheel of production which is caused by conditions 緣生輪

wheel of salvation 救世輪

wheel of space 空輪

wheel of speech 口輪

wheel of suffering 苦輪

wheel of the dharma 法輪

wheel of the fine dharma 妙法輪

wheel of the five destinies 五道輪

wheel of the five destinies of birth and death 五趣生死輪

Wheel of the scriptures 經輪

wheel of words 字輪

wheel on the head 頂輪

wheel sign 輪相

wheel turning sage king 轉輪聖王

wheel-flower 輪華

wheels of the [mental activities] 機輪

wheel-spokes 輪輻

wheel-treasure 輪寶

wheel-turning Indra and Brahma 輪王釋梵

wheel-turning king 輪王, 轉輪王

Wheel-Turning Sage King Above the Moon 月上轉輪聖王

when (or until) I attain Buddhahood 至成佛道

when [it, they, that] is/are present 現在前時

when [it] ceases 滅時

when [one is] confused 顚倒時

when 若時

when a thought arises wisdom is obstructed 情生智隔

when abiding... 住時

when about to undergo birth 將受生時

when eliminated 斷時

when it actually appears 正現前時

when it appears 現前時

when it is cold 寒時

when it is hot 熱時

when it is raining 風雨時

when it is windy 風時

when it was completed 旣成

when making effort toward cultivation 勤修行時

when one [illusion] is severed, all are severed 一斷一切斷

when one is consummated, all are consummated 一成一切成

when one is free from desire 離欲時

when one is not yet free from [re-]birth 未捨生時

when one practices goodness, the hindrances appear 行善障生

when one sits in meditation 坐時

when practicing correctly... 正修行時

when the correct dharma is taught 說正法時

when the forthcoming consciousnesses are active 轉識轉時

when the mind is soiled, O monks, sentient beings are soiled; when the mind is purified, sentient beings are also purified 心垢衆生垢心淨衆生淨

when the six are untied, the one disappears 六解一亡

when the sun rises it first shines on the highest mountain 日出先照高山

when the time arrived... 洎乎

when the Way is raised, the demons are aroused 道高魔盛

when there is an offense 犯於所犯

when undergoing birth 受生時

when undergoing training 正修學時

when you turn your head, your face turns 囘頭換面


whence 所從

whence? 依何, 於何

where buddhas abide 佛所住

where it comes down 落處

where the Tathāgata is 如來所

where? 在何處, 於何處

wherever 某所, 若處

wherever it is produced 在在生處

whether attainment or birth 若定若生

whether internal or external 若內若外

whether it exists or not 若有若無

whether two or three 若二若三

which [prohibits] the lashing out in anger and formation of grudges 瞋打結恨戒

which adheres to seeds 種子之所隨逐

which all the worlds much resent with incredulity 一切世間多怨難信

which cannot be eliminated 所不能斷

which has been abandoned 已斷

which has been investigated 所觀察

which is not included 所不攝

which is yet to be abandoned 未斷

which one 那箇

whip , 楚撻,

whip and beat 捶打


whipping and beating 鞭打

whirling wave 迴波

whirling wave that resembles a black mountain 黑山迴波

whirlwind 旋嵐

white 枳羅娑, 枳羅蘇, ,

white aster 枸蘇摩

white canopy 悉怛多般怛羅, 白蓋

white canopy over the Buddha's head 白傘佛頂, 白繖佛頂

white China aster 倶蘇摩, 拘蘇摩

white curl between the eyes 素豪

white elephant 白象

white flower 白花, 白華

white hair 白髮

white hair and wrinkled skin — old age 髮白面皺

white jade shell

white karma 白業

white light 白光

white lotus 奔荼, 拘勿頭, 拘牟頭, 拘物度, 拘物陀, 拘物頭, 拘貿頭, 白蓮, 白蓮華

white lotus flower 分荼利華, 分荼利迦, 分陀利迦, 奔荼利迦, 奔荼利迦花, 本拏哩迦, 白蓮花, 芬陀, 芬陀利華

White Lotus Society 白蓮之交, 白蓮華社

white lotus throne 白蓮華座

white lotus vegetarians 白蓮菜

white ox 白牛

white path 白道

white sandalwood 白檀

white sash 腰白

white teeth 白牙, 皓齒

white tuft between the eyebrows 毫相, 毫眉, 眉間白毫

white tuft of hair between the eye-balls 白毫相, 眉間白毫相

white willows 雪柳

white yak-tail fan 白拂

white-colored 白色

white-haired 髮白

white-haired and wrinkled 皓皺

who 何物

who can know...? 誰能知

who knows? 誰知

who on earth? 當復

who or what touches or feels 能觸

who? ,

whole body 擧身

whole family 擧家

whole gamut of teachings 一切法門

whole night 通夜

whole world 擧世

whole-body relic 全身舍利

whole-hearted 專意

whole-hearted taking of refuge in the Buddha 至心歸命禮

wholeheartedly transfer merit 至心迴向

wholesome [behavior, even in a] state of distraction 散善

wholesome activities 善修作, 善業道

wholesome activity 善業者

wholesome and indeterminate 善及無記, 善無記

wholesome and unwholesome 善不善

wholesome and unwholesome activity 善惡業

wholesome and unwholesome karma 善不善業

wholesome development 善轉

wholesome mental states in the desire realm 欲界善心

wholesome or defiled 若善若染汚

wholesome power 善力

wholesome root of no folly 無癡善根

wholesome root of realizing equality among all things 入一切平等善根

wholesome roots 善本, 善根

wholesome roots conducive to right ascertainment 順決擇分善根

wholesome roots of correct ascertainment 決擇分善根

wholesome roots that are conducive to liberation 順解脫分善根

wholesome seeds 善種, 善種子

wholesome thinking 善思

wholesome thinking consciousness 善意識

wholesome, unwholesome, and indeterminate 善不善無記

wholesome, unwholesome, and indeterminate moral quality 善不善無記性

wholesomeness in states of meditation as well as distraction 定散二善

wholesomeness of morality 戒善

wholly pure 一向淸淨

whorls 手輪

why 緣何

why is it 云何

why is it necessary... 何須

why is it so...?

why is it so? 何以故, 所以者何

why isn't it explained? 何故不說

why? 何必, 何故, 何者


why? 爲何

why? how? 怎生, 怎麼

wick , 燈炷

wicked beings 惡有情

wicked doubt (?) 邪疑


wide and narrow 寬狹

wide silk fabric


widely and universally 廣普

wider interpretation 婆沙

widespread transmission 傳通

widower and widow 鰥嫠


wield the mallet 拈椎, 拈槌

wield the mallet and raise the fly whisk 拈椎豎拂, 拈槌豎拂

wife 夫人, , 婆利耶, 婆哩野, 婆梨耶, 婦人

wife 妻婦

wife and children 妻子

wild behavior 亂行

wild deity 荒神

wild deity of the three treasures 三寶大荒神, 三寶荒神

wild fellow 孟八郞

wild fields 荒郊, 荒野

wild fox Chan 野狐禪

wild goose

wild grasses

wild hemp


will , 意趣, 方當, 行蘊, 遺言

will attain... 當得成

will be aware of 當念

will be correctly taken in [in the future] 當正攝受

will be deprived of 當捨

will be explained at length 當廣說

will be reborn 當往生

will become [buddha] 當成

will become buddha 當成佛

will become buddhas 當得作佛

will cease 當滅

will come to pass 應至

will definitely attain nirvāṇa 必至滅度

will die 將死

will enter 當入

will exist 當有

will explain 當說

will extinguish 欲滅

will give rise to 當發

will give up 當離

will go [on, via] 當往

will now explain 今當說

will quickly vanish 當速滅沒

will say 當言

will, or aim, of immediate attainment 頓旨

willful effort 動勇, 動發

willing (or vow) to grant 與願

willing and deliberating 思量

willing to proceed 樂往

willing to proceed by the mundane path 樂往世間道

willingness 阿世耶, 阿奢也

willow ,

willow branches 柳枝

willow twigs 楊枝

willow-leaves 楊葉

win 鬭勝

wind 婆牖, 婆瘦, 縛叟,

wind and rain 風雨

wind arises 風起

wind concentration 風三昧

wind element 風大

wind god 嚩庾, 婆庾, 縛臾, 風大神, 風天, 風神

wind knife 風刀

wind of compassion 慈悲風

wind of death 死風

wind of karma 業風

wind of liberation 解脫風

wind of nescience 無明風

wind of nirvāṇa 涅槃風

wind of reality 實相風

wind of virtue 德風

wind round

wind, floods, and rain (?) 風水雨

window 軒窗

winds of ignorance 妄風

winds of the objective realms 境界風

wind-wheel 風輪

Wind-wheel of Impartial [Abode] 平等風輪

wine 修羅酒, 般若湯

wine and meat 酒肉

wine-cup , 螺酌

wines 草酒

wing , ,

wings 翅羽

winning and losing 勝負


winnowing fan


winter morning 冬朝

winter retreat 冬安居

wipe away the superficial and enter the profound 拂迹入玄

wipe off sweat 擦汗

wisdom (of one who is) compassionate 愍慧

wisdom (which proceeds to enlightenment) without regression 不退智

wisdom [at the stage of] application 加行智

wisdom [attained by] hearing 聞惠

wisdom [understanding] principle 理智

wisdom , , , 智分, 智慧, 智覺, 機智, 般羅若, 般若, 菩提

wisdom acquired through meditation 修所成慧

wisdom and acuity 聰明利根

wisdom and compassion 智悲, 智慧慈悲

wisdom and elimination 智斷

wisdom and eloquence 智辯

wisdom and its associated practices 智行

wisdom and mental disturbance 智惑

wisdom as the mother of all buddhas 般若佛母

wisdom attained as the transformation of the consciousnesses 轉識得智

wisdom attained by listening 聞所成智

wisdom attained by the efficacy of one's religious practice in prior lifetimes 宿智

wisdom attained by thinking 思所成慧, 思所成智

wisdom attained through contemplation 思慧

wisdom attained through hearing 聞慧

wisdom based on contemplation 般若觀慧

wisdom based on correct preparatory practices 正加行智

wisdom based on tranquility 靜慧, 靜智

wisdom body 慧身, 智身

wisdom concerning emptiness (and) nothingness 空無慧

wisdom concerning emptiness 空智

wisdom concerning expedient devices 善權慧

wisdom eye 惠眼, 慧目, 慧眼

wisdom gate 智慧門

wisdom hammer 智杵

wisdom hand 智手

wisdom light 慧光

wisdom meditation 智慧觀

wisdom ocean 智海

wisdom of divine hearing 天耳智, 天耳智通

wisdom of expanding and shrinking eons 延促劫智

wisdom of illumination and quiescence 照寂慧

wisdom of inconceivable emptiness 不思議空智

wisdom of leaving 出慧

wisdom of liberation 解脫智

wisdom of mental factors 心法智

wisdom of mind 心智

wisdom of neither arising or nor ceasing 無生滅慧

wisdom of no impediment in regard to the dharma 法無礙智

wisdom of penetrations 諸通慧

wisdom of right views 見慧

wisdom of silence and illumination 寂照慧

wisdom of suchness 如如智, 如智

wisdom of the (Buddha-)Path 道慧

wisdom of the divine eye 天眼智

wisdom of the extinction of contamination 漏盡明, 漏盡智明, 漏盡智證明

wisdom of the great lotus samādhi

wisdom of the holy truths 聖諦智

wisdom of the mind 心慧

wisdom of the Thus Come One 如來慧

wisdom of unhindered speech 詞無礙智

wisdom perceiving the emptiness of phenomena 法空智

wisdom power 慧力

wisdom power based on [the awareness that] all beings have the same original nature 同體智力

wisdom power of the concentration of cesstation 滅定智通

wisdom realm 智界

wisdom regarding phenomenal matters 相智

wisdom retribution 慧報

wisdom that apprehends emptiness 空慧

wisdom that comes from attaining nirvāṇa 涅槃智

wisdom that discerns the character of unity of existence 一相智

wisdom that gets reality 實相慧

wisdom that is free from conceptual elaboration 絕戲論智

wisdom that observes the essence of suchness 諦現觀智

wisdom that understands all mundane phenomena 一切世俗智

wisdom united with in an instant of thought 一念相應慧

wisdom using great expedient means 大方便智

wisdom vehicle 慧乘

wisdom-cognition 般若智

wisdom-eye 智慧眼

wisdom-eye of the Tathāgata 如來智眼

wisdom-flame 智火

wisdom-flow 慧流

wisdom-illumination 慧照明, 智光明

wisdom-illusion 慧幻

wisdom-mind 智心

wisdom-power 智力

wisdom-restrainer 慧縛

wisdom-seal 慧印, 智印

wisdom-seal absorption 慧印三昧

wisdom-store 慧藏

wise 叡智, 爲智, 聖賢, , 聰悟, 聰慧, 聰敏, 賢明

wise and bold 智慧勇猛

wise and brave 賢猛

wise and elegant 慧雅

wise and honest ruler 明主

wise and keen 聰慧利根

wise and virtuous man 賢人

wise elephant 智象

wise father 明父

wise men of old 先哲

wise one 慧者, 智慧者, 聰叡者, 黠慧者

wise ones who practice the same celibacy 有智同梵行者

wise person 智人, 賢聖

wise practice 智慧行

wise sayings 格言

wise thoughts 慧心

wisely conducted skillful means 智方便

wish 僥願, 志願, 思願, , 願樂欲

wish 希欲, 意望, 意願

wish earnestly 思僥

wish-granting jewel 如寶, 如意寶珠, 如意珠

wish-granting jewels 如意之珠, 如意寶

wishing 薩羅縛奢

wishing for [their] happiness 安樂意樂

wishing the emperor a happy life 祝釐

wishing to be [re-]born in his (Amitâbha's) [pure] land 願生彼國

wish-knowledge 願智

wishless samādhi 無願三昧


with (having) karmic activity 有業用

with 以持, 以用, 持以, 持用

with a great assembly of monks 與大比丘衆

with a single mind 普心

with almost no trouble 無有艱苦

with application of practices; with effort 有加行

with confidence 有信解

with effort 有功用, 有勤

with mind 以心

with one word to make clear the whole Law 一句道盡

with one's own eyes 目自

with remainder 有餘

with ripening 與異熟

with suffering 有苦

with that 與彼

with these as the conditions 由此爲緣

with this [these] as condition (objective support) 以此爲緣

with thusness as objective support 緣眞如境

with undivided mind to call on the name (of Avalokitêśvara) 一心稱名

with words 有言


withdraw and reflect on one's original nature 囘光返照

withdraw from the world 遁世

withdrawn propositions 負門


withered 朽壞

within , 於其中間

within all phenomena 一切法中

within an eon 劫中

within human realms 衆生界中

within phenomena 事中

within seven days 於七日中

within the assembly 會中

within the belly 腹中

within the bird's path 鳥道裏

within the bodies of sentient beings 衆生身中

within the Buddhist teaching 於佛法中

within the cave 窟內

within the condition of suffering 苦下

within the grounds 地中, 地內

within the land 國中

within the present world 現法中

within the range of cognition 智所行

within the reality that is the basis for all things and situations, all distinctive aspects are included 攝相歸性

within the saṃgha 僧中

within the temple grounds 寺中

within the text 中文

within the world 境上, 界內

within their supports 於所依中

within this 於其中

within this aspect 於此門中

within this kind of doctrinal tradition 如是法門流中

within, there is... 內有

within-the-realms teaching 界內教

without 不有, 無所有

without a teacher 無師

without agitation 無掉

without agitation or perturbance 無掉無動

without any remaining basis 無餘依

without application [of purposive cultivation] 無加行

without attachment 無着, 無繫著

without being intimidated 無怯弱

without being led by others 非餘所引

without cognitive distortion 不顚倒, 無倒, 離顚倒

without conception or intent 無想願

without concern for body and life 不顧身命

without confusion 無雜亂

without confusion or doubt 無惑無疑

without deceit 無諂曲

without deception 無誑

without defilement 無雜穢

without dissipation 無有放逸

without doubting 不疑

without duality or distinction 無二無別

without dust 無塵

without ever being cut off or exhausted 終無斷盡

without ever changing 曾無變易

without ever retrogressing 不復退失

without exception 非所餘

without expectation 無求

without expectation(s) 無所悕求

without expecting reward 不望其報, 不望報

without fault 無到

without formation 無所爲

without gap 無隔

without gap or break 無間無斷

without having posited [the existence of] the store consciousness 未建立阿賴耶識

without hindrance or impediment 無障無礙

without ill-will 離諸忿恚

without interruption 無有間斷

without invitation 無誘

without lapse or gap 無缺無間

without laziness 無懈

without limit 無屈撓

without lineage 無姓

without linkage 不相續

without loss 無失

without mental application; without analytical thought 非數

without mistaken thinking 無倒思惟

without object 無緣

without overstepping 無越

without plotting against each other 不相謀略

without reason 無有因緣

without regret 不悔, 無悔

without relying upon others 非緣於他

without remainder 無遺餘, 無餘殘

without respite 無有休息

without retrogression 無有退

without stain 無穢

without strife 無諍

without thought 無思, 無思慮

without trickery 無諂

without using critical analysis 不由思擇

without worldly attachments 無愛染

witness 目睹, 目覩, , , 證義者, 證者

witnessing of distinctions 差別證

witnessing the mind 心證


wolf , 豺狼

wolf hell 豺狼地獄

woman , 女人

woman , 母人

woman as chain 女鏁

woman as thief 女賊

woman in poverty 貧女

woman of pure faith 淸信女

woman of virtue 女德, 有德女

woman sickness 女病

woman's salutation 女人拜

womb 哥羅羅, 產生, , , 胞胎

womb 母胎

womb of space 虛空孕

womb of suffering 苦胎藏

womb of the sages 聖胎

womb of the Tathāgata 如來藏

womb world maṇḍala

womb world maṇḍala born from great compassion 大悲曼荼羅

womb world maṇḍala of great compassion 大悲胎藏生曼荼羅

womb-container world 胎藏界

women of pure faith who adhere to the five precepts 五戒淸信女

women of the Śākya clan 釋女

women-forbidden zone 女人結界

women-state 女國

wonder 疑怪

wonderful 奇特, 快善, 快妙, 絕妙

wonderful and profound 妙玄

wonderful body 妙身

wonderful curtain 妙帳

wonderful features 奇相

wonderful jewel 妙寶

wonderful law 妙法, 薩達摩

wonderful lotus 妙蓮華

wonderful power 妙力

wonderful sentences(or phrases) 奇句

wonderful supernatural faculty 妙通

wonderful valuables 奇財

wonderful voice 妙音

wonderful-voice bird 妙音鳥

wondrous enlightenment 妙悟

wondrous object 妙境

wondrous practice rooted in innate realization 本證妙修

wondrous principle 妙理

wondrous vision 妙見

wondrous way 妙道


wood for the fire ritual 護摩木

woodblock edition 刻本

woodblock sūtra hall 藏經板殿

woodcut canon 刻藏

wooden bell 打木

wooden board at the practitioners' quarters 衆寮前板

wooden bowl 木鉢

wooden buddha 木佛

wooden elder 木上座

wooden fish 木魚

wooden gate 板門

wooden gong 木鐸

wooden horse 木馬

wooden placard announcing sūtra-chanting 諷經牌

wooden plate

wool carpet 氍毹

woolen mantle 欽婆羅


word and meaning 語義

word-form and word-meaning 字相字義

wordless 無言

wordly success 世間富樂

words 名義, 文字, , 言詞, 言語, 言辭

words and deeds 言行

words and features 言辭相

words and phrases 名句

words and speech 名想言說

words do away with words 言遣言

words fail to describe 言詮不及

words for actual things 實事名

words linked to universals/categorical sets 同類相應名

words of a mystical charm, magical formula, spell 總持句

words of correct discourse 正言論語

words of correct joy 正慶悅語

words of instruction 教語

words of praise for the buddhas and patriarchs 疏語

words of refutation 遮言

words of the bodhisattvas 菩薩之言

words of the Buddha 佛語

words of the proposition 立宗言

words of the scriptures 經句

words of the truth 法言

words of verbal expressions 言說句

words which are clear 顯名

words which are not well-known 非同所了名

words which are unclear 不顯名

words which are well-known 同所了名

words with a concealed intent 密意言義, 密意語言

words, phrases, and sentences 名句文

wordy seon 文字禪

wordy Seon 葛藤禪

work 功夫, 工夫

work for the benefit of sentient beings 利衆生事

work hard 刻苦

work that is classified as non-Buddhist 外經

work toward enrichment 作饒益

workable 有所堪能

workman 作使

works are not firm 所作不定

works engaged in by sentient beings 有情所作事

works for the benefit of sentient beings 爲諸衆生作利益

works of a tathāgata 如來所作

works of enrichment [of others] 饒益之事

works that are undertaken 所作事業

works to be done 應作事

works to bring comfort 安樂事

works unremittingly 造無間

workshop 修造局

world [requiring] patience 忍界

world 一刹, , 世界, 刹土, 嚧迦, 天下, 娑訶樓陀, 掣多羅, 路伽, 路迦

world as objective reference 世界緣

world free from impurity 離垢世界

world hero 世英, 世雄

World Honored Buddha teaches 佛世尊說

World Honored One says... 世尊說

world of every kind of thing 種種色世界

world of four great continents surrounding Mt. Sumeru 一四天下

world of human beings 人間界

world of lands 國土世間

world of objects in front of one 前境界

world of provisional names 假名世間

world of sentiency 情有

world of sentient beings 有情世間, 衆生世間

world of suffering 苦界

world of the abhirati 妙喜世界

world of the dharma treasure of the great lotus 大蓮華法藏界

world of the five aggregates 五蘊世間, 五衆世間, 五陰世間

world of the lotus king 華王世界

world of trouble and sorrow 憂世

world of various beings 雜生世界, 雜生界

world on the lotus blossom 蓮華上世界

world protectors 護世

world stained with the five defilements 五濁世

world system consisting of (a triple-thousand great) one-thousand worlds 千世界

world system consisting of a triple-thousand (great one thousand) worlds 三千界

world system consisting of a triple-thousand great one-thousand worlds 三千大千國土, 三千大千土, 三千大千界

world that must be endured 堪忍世界, 娑婆世界

world without limit 無際土

world-honored Buddha 佛世尊

world-honored one 世尊, 薄伽梵

world-honored ones 諸世尊

worldling , 凡夫, 外凡, 婆羅必利他伽闍那, 婆羅必栗託仡那, 必栗託仡那, 獨生, 異生

worldling and sage are the same in essence 凡聖不二

worldling and sentient being are the same in their basic buddha-nature 凡聖一如

worldling bodhisattva 凡夫菩薩

worldling-nature 異生性

worldlings 諸凡夫

worldly 如世間, 諸世間

worldly activities or business 俗業

worldly affair 世事

worldly affairs 世間事, 世間事業

worldly age 世壽

worldly and supernatural powers 威力神變

worldly chatter 世談話

worldly clamor 世間喧

worldly customs 習俗

worldly customs and conventions 世俗串習

worldly defilement 俗穢

worldly discourse and affairs 世間言說事

worldly entanglement 塵累

worldly eyes 世眼

worldly fame and material profit 世間名利

worldly goodness 世善

worldly injustice 諸界錯亂

worldly language as cause 流布因

worldly occupation 世務

worldly occupations concerned with the mechanical arts and sciences 世間工巧業處

worldly path 世路

worldly people 世間人

worldly pleasures 世樂

worldly pollution 俗塵

worldly possession 世財

worldly possessions 世資財

worldly prosperity 世榮

worldly realm 世俗界

worldly rewards 世間果

worldly signs 世間相

worldly trends 俗流

worldly truth 世俗諦, 世界悉檀, 世諦, 等諦

worldly truth of no arising and ceasing 世諦不生滅

worldly ways 世道

worldly wisdom 世俗智, 世間智, 等智, 黠慧

world-protecting kings 護世王

world-protector(s) 護世者

worlds (realms) are countless 世界無量

worlds as numerous as atoms 塵洲

worlds as numerous as the sands of Ganges 沙界

worlds of all beings 一切有情界

worlds of all sentient beings 一切衆生界

worlds of the dead and living 冥顯兩界

worlds of the ten directions 十方世界, 十方法界

world-saving bodhisattva 救世菩薩

world-saving icchantika

world-transcending 超世

world-transcending mind 出世心

worms (lit. maggots and eggs of ants) 蚳蛆

worms within that eat the lion 師子身中蟲

worn-out donkey cart 壞驢車

worry 恐患

worry and fear 憂懼

worship 供養事, 對觸禮, 崇拜, , 敬禮, 禮拜, 禮敬

worship and repentance 禮懺

worship by bowing one's head to the Buddha's feet 稽首

worship of the image of Amitâbha 禮拜門

worship on the fifth day 五參日

worship the Buddha 崇佛, 拜佛

worshipper 供養者

worshipping Buddha 禮佛

worth 價直

worthies adhering to the five precepts 五戒賢

worthies and sages of the eight directions 八方賢聖

worthy 尊者, 賢善, 賢者

worthy of greeting 應和敬

worthy of hospitality 應奉請

worthy of offerings 應招延

worthy of salutation 應合掌

worthy sentient beings 賢善異生

would rather 寧可


wounded and rotten 傷爛

wounded severely (?) 創礙

wounded severely 創楚


wrangle with each other 互相違諍

wrangling 鬥諍

wrangling over views 見諍

wrap , ,

wrapped up in 纏裹

wrapped up with the inferior [response body] 帶劣

wrath 威怒, 忿害, 瞋怒

wrathful king(s) 威怒王

wreath 華鬘

wreath of finger bones 盎窶利魔羅

wrestling 相撲

wriggle, etc 蠕動


wrinkled skin 面皺

wrinkled surface 皺面


write 執筆, , ,

write a commentary ,

write predictions of future events 讖記

writing 手筆, 文筆, 書寫, 補薩多迦

writing brushes as numerous as mountains 山毫

writing with the blood 血書

writings on fearlessness (?) 無畏文

written incantations 疏頭

written prayer 祝願文

written records 書記

written vow 發願文, 願文

wrong (evil) livelihood 邪命

wrong and dark (view) 邪冥

wrong and right 邪正

wrong awareness 惡覺

wrong by nature 性罪

wrong direction 邪方

wrong eating 非食

wrong explanations of the dharma 惡說法

wrong path 非道

wrong thoughts 邪心

wrong understanding 惡解

wrong view 惡見

wrong views or theories 見倒

wrong way 僻路

wrongdoing 作罪, 造惡

wrongful death 枉死

wrongly created 惡所作

Xiao temples 蕭寺

yak , 犛牛

Yama Heaven 焰魔天

yamabushi 山伏

Yamani 野寐尼

Yama's judgment hall 琰魔王廳

Yama's lictors 琰魔卒

Yama's messengers 琰魔使

yang and yin aspects of the spirits of animate things 魂魄

year ,

year 年臘

year in the Buddhist order

year in training in the Buddhist order

yearn for 希望, , 戀懷

yearning , 樂意

yellow ,

yellow amaranth 倶蘭吒

yellow dragon potion 黃龍湯

Yellow Faced Old Master 黃面老子

yellow leaves 黃葉

yellow Myrobalan 訶梨勒, 訶梨怛鷄, 訶梨憺雞

yellow paper 黃紙

yellow paper streamers 黃幡

yellow poplar 黃楊木

yellow poplar meditation 黃楊木禪

yellow potion 黃湯

yellow robes 黃衣

yellow springs 黃泉

yellow-brown [robe] 壞色

yellow-brown robe 壞色衣, 壞衲

yellow-faced 黃面


yes and no 是非, 適莫

yes, please do so 唯然

yet if... 然猶

yet to be passed 未去

yield , ,

yoga of dreams 夢觀

yoga practice 瑜伽行

Yoga school 瑜伽派

yoga stage 瑜伽處

Yogâcāra philosopher 唯識家

yogis 諸瑜伽師

yogis who have achieved contemplation 得作意諸瑜伽師


you 仁者, 仁輩, , , 諸人, 諸仁, 諸賢, 諸賢者, 賢等

you cannot say... 不可得言

you people 仁等, 汝輩, 汝黨

you should know 汝應知

you should know that they are beyond calculation 當知無量


young ascetic of the Himalayas 雪山童子

young Brahman 年少淨行

young child 嬰兒

young monk 鐸曷攞

younger brother

your own name 自己名

yourself 汝身

youth 儒童, 少年,

youthful celestials 倶摩羅天

youthful stage 童子地, 童眞地, 鳩摩羅伽地, 鳩摩羅浮多

youth-restoring medicine 還年藥

Yuan Canon 元版

Yuan Canon 元藏

Yuan dynasty 元朝

Yunmen house

Yunmen's one-word barrier 雲門一字關

zeal 毘梨耶

zeal as the bow, wisdom the arrow 精進弓智慧箭

zealous 慇懃

zealous about discipline and relaxed about wisdom 戒急乘緩

zealous for wisdom and loose regarding morality 乘急戒緩

Zhejiang 浙江

Zhixian 智賢

zone 結界

zone of assembly for ceremonial purposes 作法界

Zoroastrian temple 祆寺

Zoroastrianism 火教, 火祆教, 祆教