"Not since government devoted itself to race biology have such an extreme ideology been deemed clean. But now the racism has returned. Back then niggers were stupid, vagrants were dirty, gypsies were thieves and jews were greedy. Now it is men that are guilty. Only by being men."
- Johan Hakelius, Aftonbladet

Framework 4 (Last updated: October 25, 2019)
Framework 3 (Last updated: February 6, 2017)
Framework 2 (Last updated: October 8, 2006)
Framework (Last updated: October 8, 2006)
Libraries (Last updated: September 16, 2004)
Really old framework (Last updated: September 16, 2004)
Monday, December 12, 2005 | Permalink

Source code
GameEngine2.zip (5.8 MB)
GameEngine2.7z (5.0 MB)


This demo shows a fairly simple way to handle large game worlds. The main problem with large game worlds, as opposed to the regular tech demos I normally do, is that you have way too much data to throw it all on the GPU. Drawing everything is not an option.

There are loads of different techniques out there to handle this, portals, BSPs, PVS etc. In this demo I chose to go with an exemplary simple technique, namely to split the scene into axis aligned cubes. Then in a preprocessing step I compute for each cube, what other cubes it can see. Only points in open space are considered. The preprocessing step is quite expensive. It took about an hour and a half to preprocess the scene in this demo. On the other hand, it's extremely simple to evaluate on runtime and makes checking visibility for dynamic objects easy. Just check what cube(s) it's in and check whether that cube is visible from the cube of the camera. It's a conservative check which could include some hidden objects of course, but that's true for most techniques. I don't know if this technique generally performs better or worse than other techniques, but it works well enough, and it has the most important attribute, it's scalable. It's not the size of the scene that matters, but the amount of simultaneously visible lights and surfaces. The cubes also allows you to cut down on the amount of drawn surfaces for a certain light. Only the cubes that are within light radius (or light frustum for spotlights) and are visible from both the light and the camera need to be drawn.

Each cube also stores the maximum visible distance. This way the Z can be as tightly packed as possible by using only as distant far plane as needed. The advantage of this is that it improves Z precision, but perhaps more importantly, improves efficiency of HyperZ. Speaking of HyperZ, by drawing the cubes in smaller to larger distance order, we get a very good front-to-back draw order in the initial Z-pass, which gives a healthy performance increase.

There are more optimizations possible using only these cube-to-cube visibility check, and not everything is implemented. You may find a few TODOs in the source, which I didn't bother finish up for this release. Maybe I'll add it later on.

The disadvantage of this technique would be that using conventional draw calls you either have to produce an index array dynamically or split things into a lot of draw calls even for the same light/material combination. Fortunately, OpenGL has a glMultiDrawElementsEXT call that can render a range of subsets of the index buffer in a single call. This way the number of draw calls normally stick to 80-150.

This demo should run on Radeon 9500 and up, and GeForce FX 5200 and up. You need to have OpenAL installed to run this demo. You can get it here

Note: The first time you run this demo there will be about 10s delay (depending on your CPU speed) as it precomputes some data (I didn't want to bloat the download). For all runs after that it will use cached results and start much quicker.