- Colour by word, printable from here

- Tracing C and c with felt card
Alphabet felt cards are from ibabiesclub

- Tracing with salt tray

- Preposition practice, printable from 1+1+1=1

Eva一边看着preposition的小书,我则一边把preposition念出来。当说到up上面的时候,她竟然把chameleon放得好高 xD

当学到between的时候,我说我们一直有一粒柠檬哦,Eva竟然把柠檬拆成两半,然后说:“诺,这样就可以了”。小孩果然比我们还会变通 :P

- Chameleon craft, inspired by tippytoe craft


然后再另外一个纸盘上割出chameleon的样子,并用pins & clips固定中间。这样就可以在转动纸盘的时候,让变色龙也有不同的颜色。可惜的是,我的变色龙割到很难看,而且也太小只了 :P

- Shape matching, printable from bearlim

- Missing number, printable from 1+1+1=1

- Couting Fun, printable from bearlim

- Letter Cc maze, printable from bearlim

- Cutting practice, printable from bearlim

- Colour by number, printable from 1+1+1=1

- Pre-writing practice, printable from bearlim

- Water transfer tray activity

这个是什么表情?xD 因为我坐着看她玩的时候,肚子的弟弟突然动得很厉害,我不舒服的掀起衣服,让肚子出来透气。她看了竟然叫“弟弟~~~” xD

- Pattern practice, printable from bearlim

- Upper and lower case alphabet matching, printable from bearlim

- Letter matching, printable from bearlim

此worksheet是我自己设计的,所以只能下载并自行使用,不能转售。另外,若爸爸妈妈们喜欢我设计的printable,请把我这篇文稿整个share出去,让其他爸爸妈妈能够在下载的同时也参考这款worksheet是怎么介绍给孩子的,而不是只是share下载点(download link),谢谢 :)
can u please share abc softcopy (in last picture)? i wish to do the abc which enable me to keep in box like u...
ReplyDeleteby the way, where u buy the box to keep the abc?
hi, I only got file in A3 size wor, which i send to printer shop for printing, here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B58UvB9vhF31dlJIZU53VzhSMUU/view?usp=sharing
Deletethe box i bought from taobao, but I don't like the box, as the depth is too deep for us to take out the movable card, still thinking how to modify them :)