Recruitment (Human Capital Acquisition)

This page contains some information as of September 30, 2023.

In order to realize the LY Corporation Group's (the "Group") growth strategy, it is important for each Group company to hire talented personnel and have them play an active role. To this end, the Group works on various initiatives for talent acquisition.

Please click here for LY Corporation new recruitment information.

Flexible Recruitment Approach

The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

Yahoo Japan Corporation ("Yahoo Japan") believes respect for employees 'individuality and fair evaluation of their growth, evolution and performance are important in allowing employees to demonstrate their maximum potential.

It offers opportunities to employees with ambition and desire for their growth and evolution, in order to enhance their performance, regardless of their age, gender, and nationality. Yahoo Japan employs individuals from various countries and regions including India, Indonesia, U.K., South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Germany, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Vietnam, Hungary and others, including Japan. Its work force comprises of roughly 70% male employees and 30% female.

Name Details
U30 Recruitment (*) Yahoo Japan abolished the conventional recruitment system of hiring new graduates en masse at a certain time of the year, and since October 2016 has adopted what it calls "U30 Recruitment," whereby people aged 30 and younger are hired throughout the year regardless of their backgrounds, whether they are new graduates, previous graduates with and without job experience, or others. Yahoo Japan believes that the conventional approach of hiring only either new graduates or those who already have desirable work experience is not adequate for offering fair job opportunities to applicants who are neither, such as previous graduates with and without job experience. Also, with the timing of job searching diversifying among students outside of Japan, seeking doctoral degrees, etc., Yahoo Japan decided to introduce a recruitment framework that is more flexible than before.
Recruitment of people with disabilities Yahoo Japan operates over 100 services, which means that there are that many arenas where its employees can bring out their potential. This is true to all people, with or without disabilities.
Yahoo Japan is a place where one can take up a lot of new challenges, and it recruits talent according to its recruitment policy for people with disabilities.
Recruitment Policy for People with Disabilities
1. We hire talent who, with or without disabilities, are willing to bring out their potential at Yahoo Japan.
2. We pay attention to one's circumstances but do not hesitate to treat equally.
3. All employees will work in the same field and have equal opportunities.

In LINE Corporation ("LINE"), recruitment of people with disabilities is promoted mainly by its special subsidiary company. The jobs include cleaning, internal delivery, massaging, service monitoring, and others at LINE Corporation and its Group companies.
Internship Yahoo Japan's internship programs provide students with hands-on job experience opportunities. To cater to students with different fields of specialization, several courses of internship are offered. Interns are provided with PCs and assigned real-life programming work at Yahoo Japan, just like its employees. With the support from the mentor, they experience the joy of working at Yahoo Japan, a rewarding sense of job satisfaction, and the culture of Yahoo Japan.

LINE offers two types of internship programs. One is the on-the-job program that provides students with opportunities to experience firsthand what it is like to work at LINE, and the other is the hackathon program in which students tackle their assigned problems in a team. To accommodate different needs of the students, there are also remote internship programs that can be participated entirely online. Some of the students who participated in the internship programs chose to become LINE employees.
Gig Partner In October 2020, Yahoo Japan launched a side job system "Gig Partner" in the hope of removing the restrictions on time and place, transcending the organizational and corporate boundaries, and creating open innovation together with people with whom Yahoo Japan would not have been able to interact in the past. Currently Gig Partners use their expertise and expertise in a variety of fields in Yahoo Japan, such as business brand advisers and strategy advisers.

Evaluation System

The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

Yahoo Japan

At Yahoo Japan, goals are set for each unit at the beginning of the term, and employees are evaluated and their bonuses and pay raises determined semiannually, based on the achievement of the goals and contribution to the unit in relation to their expected roles.
The performance evaluation system adopts the concept of "pay for performance," i.e. employees are evaluated and paid according to their achievement and contribution to the company, regardless of age, history of service at the company, nationality, etc.
For appropriate execution of the entire process from setting of the goals to appraisal and feedback, performance evaluation follows the cycle outlined below.
In addition to performance evaluation, peer feedback is conducted twice a year to encourage employees' professional growth and improved performance for achieving goals. Employees are given candid feedback from multiple colleagues closely involved in their jobs, and based on the feedback, they review their performance through 1 on 1 meetings with their supervisors and others.

Cycle from Setting Goals to Evaluation

With a focus on bringing about larger business impact from a medium- to long-term perspective, goals are set for the fiscal year. During the term, the progress is shared in routine 1 on 1 meetings, and there is a period during which necessary adjustments and corrections are made to the goals in light of social conditions and external environment.

  • Setting goals ― After annual goals are determined, goals for the half-year period (KPIs) are set
  • Midterm feedback ― Taking peer feedback results and other things into account, progress against the pre-agreed goals and actions for achieving the goals are reviewed
  • Goal adjustment period ― Adjustments and corrections of goals are made in light of changes in the market and social conditions, etc.
  • End-of-term evaluation ― Achievement of half-year KPIs is evaluated

Feedback on Evaluation Results

The purpose of the feedback is to present the half-year evaluation results to the evaluated employee appropriately based on concrete facts so as to motivate the employee to perform even better in the next term and onward. Careful advice and motivators are given to employees so that they find their own aspirations for the future; for example to do their best or achieve better results in the next term.


LINE's personnel system is characterized by "evaluation that rewards the employee's achievement" and "dynamic and balanced reward." To ensure these, the company gives each division substantial discretion so that the division can make its own evaluation decisions according to its operational goals and situations. Evaluations are made twice a year so that the results can be evaluated more quickly and reflected in compensation. LINE also believes that role expectations change on a daily basis, so it does not position the setting of goals at the beginning of the term as part of the evaluation process. LINE communicates expectations during daily 1 on-1meetings and when assigning work, and conducts evaluations based on the accumulation of actual results.

Types of Evaluation

Evaluations consist of performance evaluation made by the supervisors on the employee's performance during the period under review, and the 360 degree evaluation made by the supervisors, peers, and direct reports. The 360 degree evaluation is positioned as a reference to the performance evaluation, and the results of the performance evaluation will determine incentives, compensation revisions, and other treatment. After the evaluation is completed, the evaluation results are fed back to the employees.

・360-Degree Evaluation

Based on the indexes aligned with LINE STYLE, employees receive evaluations and candid feedback from their peers, supervisors, and direct reports closely related in work. The results are used by the supervisors as a reference for the employees' performance evaluation, and by the employees, to recognize early where they stand now, confirm their issues, and think how they can further develop their strengths.

・Performance Evaluation

Each employee prepares a self-evaluation report describing how much he/she achieved in the previous six-month period. Up to four supervisors oversee the evaluation, which is then submitted to the personnel committee for final confirmation in the presence of the company's officers.

To Realize a Motivating Work Environment

The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

Quantitative and Qualitative Pulse Check on Organizational Healthiness and Employee Condition

Engagement Survey
*Online questionnaire
・Conducted once a month with corporate officers, general permanent employees, special permanent employees, contract employees and fixed term employees (including those seconded to other companies)
・Employees can immediately check the analysis of their own responses, and managers the analysis of the organization's responses, and the results can be used for self-management and organizational management.
Average response rate for fiscal 2020:90%*

Yahoo Japan and LINE work to create a motivating work environment as an essential element in achieving the high business targets. In fiscal 2020, the companies shifted from a semi-annual Employee Satisfaction Survey to a monthly Engagement Survey in order to quantitatively understand the condition of the organization and employees and to make constant improvements. By measuring the engagement score quantitatively on a regular and continuous basis, the companies can visualize whether individuals and the organization are in a state where they can easily maximize their performance, and what factors, if any, are preventing them from demonstrating their performance. This information is useful for employee self-management and organizational management by managers.

Related link

Consultation Desk for Employees

Various Assessments

Harassment Check* ・Conducted once a year
・Aimed at early recognition of personal and organizational problems
・Hotline for reporting harassment, etc.
・FY2022 response rate: 88.7%
Stress Check* ・Conducted once a year
・Aimed at early recognition of personal and organizational problems
・FY2022 response rate: 81.9%

In 2002, Yahoo Japan established its Compliance Program, and has clarified the code of conduct to be followed by its employees to meet the expectations and trust of its customers. It has also positioned the eradication of harassment as an important theme in its Compliance Program. The director in charge sends messages to the entire company to eradicate harassment, and the related departments work to raise awareness and prevent harassment through regular surveys, analysis, and training.
In addition, Yahoo Japan has established a dedicated harassment consultation desk in the division in charge of human resources. Furthermore, another harassment consultation desk has also been established within the Good Condition Promotion Office. Together with the Compliance Hotline, there are three contacts points. It strives to create a good working environment free from harassment by providing careful consultation and earnestly working to resolve problems.

In addition to the compliance division, LINE has a labor consultation hotline available within the personnel division for employees to bring up their issues. The consultations are not limited to harassment, but cover a wide range of issues that employees face in their work. The privacy of the hotline users is protected, and careful actions are taken according to the details of the consultation, such as reaching out to the industrial doctor when there is a concern about the employee's health. LINE endeavors to ensure a good work environment for its employees.

Related link

Developing a Motivating Work Environment through Labor-Management Cooperation

The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

Yahoo Japan has an employee representative system that allows employees to express their opinions on various company rules and regulations. One employee representative is elected for each office by a majority vote of confidence of the employees in the office for a term of one year. In fiscal 2022, 11 employees from 11 offices were elected to work on the employees' behalf. The representatives are actively involved in submission of opinions upon revisions of internal regulations, signing of the "36 agreement" and other agreements, participation in the Committee to Improve Health Conditions, exchange of opinions with the personnel division on personnel-related measures, etc. Through these, the labor and management are working together to develop a motivating work environment.

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