Respecting Diversity

This page contains some information as of September 30, 2023.

The Z Holdings Group aims to create new value and continue sustainable growth by respecting the corporate culture and corporate value of each Group company, which operates diverse businesses, and by creating synergy among them. The Group respects diversity in terms of gender, race, and the corporate culture of each group company, and aims to accelerate the creation of new value throughout the Group.

Basic Policy on Human Rights (Human Rights Policy)

In accordance with international human rights principles*, the LY Corporation Group works to maintain a safe and secure working environment and respect the human rights and individuality of each and every employee by forbidding the use of forced labor and child labor, prohibiting discrimination and harassment, managing working hours, and recognizing labor unions and the right to collective bargaining, and others.

In addition to regularly providing educational content to raise employee awareness and promote human rights due diligence, the Company held a seminar on business and human rights in 2023 that included AI-related topics.

The seminar provided timely information on human rights issues as they change over time, with the aim of preventing human rights Problems from arising in the course of business activities.

To achieve this, the Company has formulated the Human Rights Policy, and the Risk Management Committee, chaired by the President and Representative Director, has organized the Human Rights Working Group to conduct human rights due diligence (risk assessment). In an effort to reduce risks, the risk assessment is used to identify/assess risks, and the formulation and implementation of response plans at each Group company.

The Company establishes an internal contact point dedicated to human rights issues, and while giving consideration to the privacy of the person consulting, the Company respects the person's wishes as to how to proceed and handle the consultation in a confidential and discreet manner. If an investigation confirms that a human rights violation has occurred, the Company will promptly provide relief to the victim and work diligently to resolve the issue.

*Refers to: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Children's Rights and Business Principles, and the eight conventions constituting the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

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The basic concept of DE&I at LY Corporation

LY Corporation has “Create an amazing life platform that brings WOW! to our users.” as its mission and has always been oriented to be product-driven. We believe that promoting DE&I is very important to accelerate our product-driven approach and to realize our mission. This is because we believe that in order to create products that generate innovation and inspire users, it is essential for us, as creators, to be diverse ourselves, and to understand and respect diversity.

For this reason,

・To understand and respect the attributes, personalities, and cultures of the people we work with.
・To have open communication, knowing our differences in order to achieve the same goals.
・To create an environment where everyone, regardless of their attributes or life stage, can maximize their abilities.

This is the basic concept of DE&I at LY Corporation.

Promoting women's empowerment in the workplace

As of fiscal year 2023, the gender ratio of employees at LY Corporation is approximately 33% female and 67% male.*

In contrast, the gender ratio of management positions is approximately 18% female and 82% male. While the results of the company-wide DE&I awareness survey did not reveal any significant discrimination, prejudice, or unconscious gender bias within the company, we have recognized the facts, such as the existence of a discrepancy between the gender ratio of employees and the one of managers, and the existence of a wage gap between male and female employees. We will analyze and explore the causes from various angles and work to raise awareness and lay the foundation for such awareness.

With regard to the ratio of female managers, we aim to achieve equal gender ratios for both employees and managers by 2030.

* Based on the information provided by the individual on legal documents at the time of joining the company

Initiatives to Promote Diversity

The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

Yahoo Japan conducts "Diversity & inclusion management training" as a mandatory training to all persons in managerial positions. The program supports the understanding and practice of diversity and inclusion in management through case studies as well as basic knowledge.
From fiscal 2016, the "Diversity Week" is held once a year, for the whole company. The human resources department, corporate officers and employee volunteers collaborate to hold an awareness-raising event to promote diversity within the company. Lectures and workshops are held as an occasion for all the employees to give a thought on diversity.
As part of Yahoo Japan's efforts to promote gender equity, the company launched a mentor system for female managers in fiscal 2022. The program supports the success of the female managers through dialogues with external mentors, and also trains employees to become in-house mentors.

In addition, Yahoo! JAPAN Academia, an in-house corporate university aimed at generating the next-generation leaders, began the "Female leader class" from fiscal 2019, which is a program geared towards female employees interested in management and aiming to go up the career ladder. From fiscal 2020, a similar program is offered in Z Academia, an in-house corporate university for Z Holdings. Furthermore, in order for management to share the basic knowledge and understanding of the promotion of gender equity, all officers took the "Women's Health Certification Test" in fiscal 2022, and other initiatives are being undertaken at all levels.

At LINE, the promotion of diversity and inclusion is positioned as an important part of creating the value "WOW," which is forever pursued. To this end, LINE has conducted diversity and inclusion training for managers since fiscal 2020. In addition to classroom lectures on the basics of diversity and inclusion and the perspectives that need to be held in order to create an environment where people can understand each other's diversity, the training is designed so that participants can think about cases where there is no single right answer. The participants' answers are shared so that they, as managers, can recognize the diversity of each other.

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The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

In the Z Holding Group, childcare leave is used by 100% of eligible female employees, and 36.8% of eligible male employees (fiscal 2022). Each Group company provides various support programs to enable employees to have and raise children without anxiety, and the rate of utilizing the childcare leave has increased compared to the previous year for both male and female employees.

Yahoo Japan promotes a work style that enables employees to autonomously manage their work locations and schedules according to their various life stages. In addition to shorter working hours, staggered working hours, and childcare & nursing care leave, Yahoo Japan introduced a "selectable work system" in fiscal 2017 which allows employees to take leave one day per week in addition to weekends. The targets of this system are employees with a resident child at elementary school age or younger, or those that need to provide nursing care to family members. Through these measures, Yahoo Japan supports the performance of employees who are balancing work with childcare and nursing care.

Picture of information exchange & consultation lunch meetings

In addition to various systems such as shorter working hours, staggered working hours, and childcare and nursing care leave, LINE subsidizes the use of babysitters and expands the use of accumulated paid leave so that it can be used to care for children and family, or for children’s school events and other purposes. In these ways, LINE supports employees, regardless of gender, in balancing work and childcare.

Sexual Minorities (e.g., LGBTQ)

The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

Since fiscal 2016, Yahoo Japan applies the same welfare to same-sex partners and common-law spouses as it does to spouses.
As opportunities to promote understanding of sexual minorities such as LGBTQ within the company, Yahoo Japan also carries out diversity management training for all managerial personnel as mandatory training, as well as study groups and lectures hosted by volunteer sexual minority employees including LGBTQ. In addition, in response to requests from departments engaged in the construction and operation of Yahoo! JAPAN services, the volunteer project of LGBTQ employees is working to improve services by providing reviews from the perspective of sexual minorities.
Yahoo Japan also actively participates in awareness-raising activities outside the company and advocacy efforts, including participation in awareness-raising events such as Tokyo Rainbow Pride, and advocating campaigns to encourage companies to support marriage equality (legalization of same-sex marriage) in Japan, such as "Business for Marriage Equality," and "Business Support for LGBT Equality in Japan." 
Through these activities, Yahoo Japan received gold rating (highest rank) on PRIDE Index, which is an evaluation index on companies' inclusivity efforts towards LGBT and other sexual minority employees.

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For many years, LINE has included same-sex marriages and de facto partners in its welfare programs, such as congratulation and condolence leave and fertility support, placing importance on diverse values.
In addition, as part of the training for employees newly assuming management positions, LINE provides time for them to acquire basic knowledge about LGBT issues and to develop the awareness necessary to manage a variety of members.

Persons with Disabilities

The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

Yahoo Japan's recruitment policy is based on individual ability and ambition, regardless of whether the person has disabilities or not. Employees with disabilities work in a wide range of areas including sales and services planning, engineering, web design, customer support, corporate management, and more. The human resources department manages concerns that employees with disabilities may have on employment, work or life in general. Yahoo Japan also has a special leave program for employees with disabilities in place, which grants special leave of six days per year.
In addition, a volunteer project within the company is continuously working to make service improvements in collaboration with Yahoo Japan's service teams, utilizing the perspectives of persons with disabilities.
Yahoo Japan currently satisfies the statutory employment ratio of persons with disabilities and will continue to actively employ such persons and establish a workplace environment where employees with disabilities can perform to their full potential.

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In 2019, LINE established a special subsidiary company, LINE Business Support Corporation, where employees with disabilities are playing an active role in service monitoring, health keeper (massage) room operation, mail delivery, cleaning, administrative support and others.
LINE aims to create a work environment that is welcoming to all employees by providing work assignments and support that match the characteristics and growth aspirations of each person with disabilities, and strives every day to create a company where people with disabilities themselves can experience growth.


The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

Yahoo Japan has para-athletes who are working to acquire work experience and skills while balancing athletic activities and work.
In addition to supporting these athletes by adjusting their work hours and workloads according to their wishes, a volunteer employee project has taken the lead in organizing events that promote exchanges with para-athletes and the understanding of disabilities, thereby fostering a culture in which employees can work with peace of mind and demonstrate their abilities.

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LINE employs athletes with disabilities who are aiming for the Paralympics and actively supports their athletic activities. Their main job is to compete in competitions, and they practice daily, attend training camps, and participate in competitions held not only in Japan but also around the world. Some participated in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games in 2021, and their activities give courage and inspiration to other employees.

Globally Hired Employees

The information contained herein is current as of September 30, 2023.

LINE has set up a specialized organization to provide support to its foreign employees, and works to help resolve various issues they may face when working in Japan.
This includes arranging a monthly apartment for the first two months after arrival in Japan, assistance with opening bank accounts, signing contracts for cell phones and housing, etc. LINE also provides support for cross-cultural exchange events for family members, visa procedures, consultation on daily living, medical and other emergencies, consultation on procedures necessary upon returning to their home country, such as cancellation of housing contracts, so that foreign employees and their families do not have to worry about living in an unfamiliar country.

The Korean and English interpreting and translation team supports communication among foreign employees by interpreting and translating documents using the company's own expressions and technical terms.

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