Education and Awareness-Raising Activities to Create the Future

The LY Corporation Group understands the importance of education in the environmental area and continuously works to raise awareness both internally and externally.

Promoting Sustainability Activities Throughout the Group

The LY Corporation Group educates and enlightens its employees so that each and every one understands the importance of environmental issues to improve its services and create innovations that are environmentally friendly.

LY Corporation

LY Corporation Academia

In 2022, the LY Corporation Group (the Z Holdings Group) established a Sustainability Academia within its in-house university, LY Corporation Academia. The Sustainability Academia invites lecturers internally and externally to hold seminars and field work for the employees of the LY Corporation Group.

In order to increase the corporate value of the LY Corporation Group over the long term and for the Group to grow by incorporating sustainability into its businesses, the Sustainability Academia creates various forums for the employees to learn about sustainability. Through the Academia, the Group aims to balance solving social issues with business growth.

Seminars/Field Work on Environmental Issues

Seminar title
Cumulative no. of participants
2022 "What is an ESG Mindset? Close Connection between Sustainability and Management" 1,152
"Possibilities of Japan; Learning from the Circular Economy in Europe"
"What is Zero Waste? From Lifestyle to Business"
"Climate Crisis and Major Social Transformation"
2023 "Our Existence Hinges on Earth’s Future"
Field work
Cumulative no. of participants
Santome Konjaku Mura (Santome Past & Present Village), Ishizaka Inc.

Related Links

Distribution of Newsletters

Using the intranet, LY Corporation distributes “ESG/SDGs News” every month, introducing information, a glossary of terms, and internal initiatives on sustainability.

In addition, a Sustainability Newsletter is distributed every month to all Group companies for the purpose of sharing information on ESG and SDGs in the world as well as initiatives within the Group.

ESG Awareness-Raising Activities Within the Company

LY Corporation conducts e-learning on environmental issues for all employees (including temporary staff and consigned employees) to promote understanding on sustainability within the Company and survey the awareness level of the employees.

Environment-Related E-Learnings Conducted

Name of e-learning
No. of participants
2021 CSR Training
Basics of CSR and Yahoo Japan's Initiatives
2022 CSR Training
1st Session Thinking About Environmental Issues
2023 CSR Training
2nd Session Thinking About Environmental Issues
Sustainability Essentials in 10 Minutes: for LINERs—The World's Call for Corporate Power 4,262

ASKUL Corporation ("ASKUL")

Environmental Training

For all employees within the company, including employees of partner companies and temporary staff, ASKUL provides environmental education that suit their roles and job descriptions.

On-board training On-board training is provided to new employees to equip them with basic environmental knowledge and ASKUL's environmental activities.
General training General environmental training is provided to all those who work at ASKUL to raise their understanding of environmental issues that are of high social concern and ASKUL's environmental activities
Specialized training E-learning on hazardous materials under the Fire Service Act and the environment within the company was conducted for those in charge of products, logistics, etc. involved in operations related to hazardous materials under the Fire Service Act. In addition, study sessions on manifest slips and training on internal environmental audit were conducted for newly appointed waste managers and staff in charge of issuing manifest slips at each site, and forklift training was conducted at each distribution center to reinforce thorough safety awareness.

Related Links

Providing Study Materials on the Environment and Disaster Prevention

LY Corporation

Yahoo! JAPAN Kids

Yahoo! JAPAN Kids provides learning contents in the form of videos and websites, the environment and disaster prevention, on topics such as environmental issues, global warming, pollution and natural disasters. The learning pages are useful for elementary school classes and homework.

Related Links

Information & Disaster Prevention Education by LINE MIRAI Foundation

LINE MIRAI Foundation works on "Information & Disaster Prevention Education" which focuses on how to handle information in times of disaster so that people can use information properly to protect their lives. As part of this effort, a series of educational materials to learn how to identify false rumors and fake news, how to properly disseminate information, and how to obtain necessary information and resource in times of disaster are provided as "Information & Disaster Prevention Drill." This material can be downloaded free of charge and can be used freely in classes and other settings.

Related Links

Communicating Sustainability Activities to External Parties

LY Corporation will continue its awareness raising activities to provide as many people as possible with opportunities to learn and think about issues in the environmental field.

LY Corporation

Yahoo! JAPAN SDGs /Sustomo (Sustainability Friend)

Yahoo! JAPAN SDGs is a medium launched in September 2021 with an aim to communicate information on various SDGs-related social problems and initiatives. A LINE Official Account, Sustomo (Sustainability Friend), was launched in November 2023 to deliver sustainability-related information. By leveraging these in-house internet media capabilities ,and by referring traffic to fundraising and e-commerce websites, LY Corporation endeavors to raise people's awareness of social problems and addresses these issues by supporting people and organizations working on the problems as well as backing the users' problem-solving actions.

Related Links


In response to the growing interest in social contribution, ASKUL offers products that enable customers to choose the activities they want to support.

Air and Water Environment Project

A portion of the purchase price of participating products will be used to support the activities of organizations working to improve the air and water environment. (Joint project between S.T. Corporation and ASKUL)

Related Links

TSUSHIMA×ASKUL Project - For a Circular Economy and Countermeasure for Marine Plastic Waste

This is an initiative jointly conducted with Tsushima City for a circular economy and countermeasure for marine plastic waste.

Related Links

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