Work Environment

Working Style

Here at LY Corporation, we offer flexible working styles that help our employees maintain a work-life balance and support their ongoing career throughout any life events they might encounter.


You can work from home as long as your duties allow it, and you have a stable internet connection. There are also no restrictions on where you can live within Japan. Unbound by physical locations, this working style aims to help our employees create services that are "WOW" and "!" The company also provides monetary support with the LY Corporation Working Style Allowance (JPY 11,000/month) and covers commuting costs for the days you head into your main office (up to JPY 150,000/month)—even if you come by bullet train or plane. Reimbursements are paid out the following month.

- Place of residence must be within Japan.

- An application is required before working outside of your home or office.

Full Flextime

At LY Corporation, we use a flextime system that does not have any core hours (though some departments may work in shifts).

What is flextime?

  • You are free to choose when you start and finish work within a specific time frame.
  • As long as you meet your prescribed working hours every month (7.75 hours × the number of business days), you can decide your start and finish times for the day.

Use the system to fit your working hours around your lifestyle.

Inside the Office

You can also do your work at the office if you wish. The office-wide hot desking system gives employees the freedom to use their surroundings as they see fit—meaning that you can put down your laptop anywhere and start working. There are also a variety of workspaces to choose from: the usual desks, standing desks, quiet booths, and more (may only be available at some offices).
To facilitate top performance at the individual and organizational level day-to-day and deliver next-level innovative and convenient services to our users, we are always striving to stay up-to-date based on global conditions and employee feedback. Lunch and drinks are also on offer at affordable prices.

Happy Friday (substitute public holidays)

When a public holiday falls on a Saturday, employees will be given the Friday before off.

Accumulated Leave

Under this system, you can save up to 30 days' worth of any expired paid leave that you have not yet used.
Feel free to use it when you are injured or ill, needing to take care of your child or nurse a family member, when attending a school event, or for any other reason.

LY Long Service Award

Employees that have been with the company for 20 years will receive a long service award in recognition of their hard work and the exemplary example they have set for others.


We make every effort to ensure that our employees remain safe and healthy while they work. In addition to a variety of social insurance programs, we also provide peace of mind through emergency support systems such as comprehensive welfare group term insurance and group long-term disability (GLTD) (some programs may only be available for permanent employees).

Programs Supporting Communication

Subsidy for Social Gatherings

Aiming to support communication among employees, this subsidy can be used once a month to help with the costs (up to a certain amount) of getting together with the team or other colleagues from your department and projects.

Club Activities

Anyone can join the many clubs active at the company. Clubs get a subsidy every six months based on their member numbers and activities.

Supporting Good Health

Improving and Maintaining Employee Health

We pay the full cost of medical checkups required by law for employees as well as several other examinations. The company will also foot the cost if you need a follow-up visit (up to JPY 20,000/year).

Special Paid Leave for Infectious Diseases

Should you fall ill with one of the infectious diseases listed by the company (e.g. influenza, COVID-19), you can use special paid leave for a certain number of days.

Supporting Life Plans

Optional Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Plan

Under this plan, you can contribute/invest part of your bonus alongside the contribution paid by company. The amount of pension you get from this in future depends on how your investment performs. As DC pension plans become more important amid the growing burden on the public pension system from Japan's declining birth rate and aging society, we aim to help our employees in setting up and enjoying their retirement.

- Available only for permanent employees.

Employee Savings Program

Decide an amount you want taken out of your bonus or monthly salary and we will deposit it at a supporting financial institution. Build up your savings over time and the company will also give you an incentive. Choose from three types of savings programs: general, property, and pension.

- Available only for permanent employees.

Cumulative Stock Investment Program

Another of our employee benefits, this program can help you with your long-term asset building goals. You can decide on a set amount of money to use each month from your salary and make ongoing purchases and investments in LY Corporation stocks. The company also offers an incentive.

- Available only for permanent employees.

Group Long-Term Disability (GLTD)

If an illness or injury prevents you from returning to work even after your exemption period ends, you can continue receiving 60% of your standard monthly salary under GLTD up until the month you turn 60. As health insurance societies will provide two-thirds of your pay for only up to 18 months when you miss work or take a leave of absence, GLTD can continue supporting you even after these insurance payments end.

- Available only for permanent employees.

Comprehensive Welfare Group Term Insurance (A Livelihood Security Program for Surviving Families)

We are enrolled in the SoftBank Group's group term insurance system to stand ready if something unexpected happens to an employee. LY Corporation pays the full premium and will give the insurance payout (a total of JPY 10M) to the bereaved family if the worst should happen. We will also provide additional financial support for your children (JPY 5M for each child of elementary school age or younger, and JPY 2.5M for middle school and high school-aged).

- Available only for permanent and fixed-term employees.

Talent Development/Support Systems

Training for Employees

Business skill training and the GLOBIS Unlimited program is available for free for anyone interested. By getting a better understanding of themselves and a picture of their future career through these courses, we help employees take the initiative in thinking about their careers and how they can grow further.
Depending on where you are in your professional life, look back on your experience and assets and figure out the direction you want to take and the person you want to be.

LY Corporation Academia

Our in-house university LY Corporation Academia offers learning for next-generation leaders. Courses center around "independence" to help you become someone who can lead teams and be a driving force in society. Current corporate officers will engage wholeheartedly as class mentors, providing direct guidance and support to potential leaders of the future.

Language Courses

Courses fully paid for by the company are available if you find yourself needing English, Korean, or Japanese for your work.

Management Training

With management being central to maximizing organizational performance, we provide training to support their development.

Internal Recruitment

For those looking to take their career or skills to the next level, this system makes internal job postings available to all employees who have worked a certain length of time at the company. Your current manager will only be informed of your transfer if you pass the screening process, after which you can start working on handing over your duties and putting your affairs in order before making the move.

Sabbatical Leave

Use this as an opportunity to take time off and think about your career, experience, working style and personal growth. Sabbatical leave can be taken for 2–3 months and is available to permanent employees who have worked here for at least ten years. During your time off, the company will also provide you with financial support for a certain amount of time.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I)

At LY Corporation, we are dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion and creating a work environment that respects those values. Here, everyone has equal opportunities and people from different backgrounds work together to promote creativity and innovation. Our programs are available to all genders to support personal growth and help you perform to the best of your abilities.

Selectable Work System

This working arrangement offers more choice to employees with childcare and nursing responsibilities, allowing them to work worry-free while caring for their family at the same time.

You can choose from either shortened (five hours of work a day) or staggered working hours (a flexible window of 1.5 hours each day). If you have children, you can use this system up until they finish middle school.

If you are raising a child of elementary school age or younger in your home or taking care of a family member, you can apply for another day off (unpaid) once a week in addition to the weekends. Sick childcare leave (paid) is also available if your kids are in elementary school or younger: five days of leave a year for one child, or 10 days if you have two or more children.

Childbirth and Childcare Support

You can take seven days of unpaid leave—which we call pre-delivery maternity leave—before you go on the statutory maternity leave of 42 days leading up to delivery. Five days of paid leave for expecting mothers is also available for when you give birth. If your partner is the one who is pregnant, you can take three days of paid leave when your child is born. We offer childcare leave for parents—even if you have been with the company less than a year—up until the day before your child turns one, although this can also be extended to the age of two years at most.

Babysitting Support

When you find yourself needing a babysitter due to work commitments, this program will subsidize half of the costs of a babysitter or provide you with discounts on services that send a babysitter to your home.

F Leave

This paid leave (one day a month) is for employees with gynecological conditions/illnesses or who are undergoing fertility treatments. You can take more days off if needed although these will be unpaid.

Pregnancy Support

If you are having trouble juggling between work and your fertility treatments, this support system lets you take time off or a leave of absence while keeping your employment.
Available to employees of all genders who are undergoing fertility treatments, you can take up to 10 days of paid leave or alternatively, take a leave of absence for up to a year (unpaid and only available to employees who have worked at the company for more than a year). With the second choice, you are also free to divide your leave into a maximum of three chunks over the one year starting from your first day of absence.
We also offer financial support of up to JPY 100,000 per year for the costs of fertility treatments you or your partner are undergoing, with no limit on how many times you can use the program.

Support for Nursing Care

Nursing care leave is available if you need it—giving you five days of paid leave a year if you are looking after a family member, or 10 days if you are caring for more than one. You can use this leave even if you have been at the company for less than six months.
You can also take a nursing care leave of absence if you need a longer time off (unpaid, up to one year).

Same-Sex Partners and Common-Law Marriages

We recognize same-sex partners and registered common-law marriages as spouses. You can take days off, a leave of absence (for marriage, mourning, nursing care, or childcare), get financial support for a relocation within Japan or overseas (when living apart from your family or being relocated), and receive congratulatory/condolence money from the company (celebrating a marriage or birth, or for bereaved family after a loss).

Special Leave for Employees with Disabilities

This system aims to make it easier for you to take the steps you need to maintain your health and perform at your best. After registering your disability certificate with the company, you can take six days of paid leave a year whenever you need to visit the doctors, stay at hospital, or when you find working to be significantly tougher.

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