
Job Details

Software Engineer

Software Engineers participate in the design, development, and operation of LY Corporation’s services and the infrastructure systems that support them such as those for data management and ad serving. Additionally, they work to ensure the security of these services. This is an environment which will expose you to a wide range of technology stacks and provide many opportunities to grow as an engineer.

Server-side Engineers are responsible for the development of web applications and back-end systems in addition to commonly used shared platform features, such as data management and operational environment infrastructure, that they depend on. Their work includes the development and design of features which are provided directly to users (ad delivery, authentication, video delivery etc.) as well as underlying platform components and distributed systems designed to securely handle large amounts of data with high throughput.
Front-end Engineers are responsible for the front-end development of each of LY Corporation’s services. They build web applications that run in a variety of environments, such as traditional browsers and iOS/Android WebView. In addition to this, they participate in SDK/Framework development and do performance tuning.
Client (iOS/Android)
Client Engineers are responsible for developing client applications for the iOS and Android platforms to support a variety of LY Corporation services. In collaboration with planning, design, and other organizations, the team performs tasks such as functional development, performance tuning, build improvement, and UX (User Experience) improvement.
Data Engineers are responsible for the design, development, and operation of a variety of data-related products to maximize the value of data for each service. The team pursues modern data stacks, and utilizes the latest big data technologies to achieve scalable and efficient data processing.
Security Engineers work to solve security challenges that arise in large-scale and highly complex environments for a variety of service and global business environments. For example, they analyze and assess the impact of vulnerabilities, threat events, and security weaknesses. The result of that analysis is used to design, implement, and improve countermeasures which are optimized for domain tiers such as user, application, network, system, data, and device.
Infrastructure Engineer

Infrastructure Engineers build and operate the infrastructure that supports LY Corporation’s services. This is an environment which provides the opportunity to grow as an engineer by working on one of the largest infrastructure systems in Japan.

System Engineers automate the design, construction, and operation of an infrastructure of over 100,000 physical servers used in each of LY Corporation’s services. Mainly this position is responsible for technical verification and cost optimization related to OS provisioning and the selection of server and storage hardware for large-scale infrastructures. This position also covers system development work related to server management, operation, and monitoring.
Network Engineers are responsible for the planning, design, construction, and operation of large-scale networks that support the communication of tens of thousands of servers across LY Corporation’s services. The domain of work covers network equipment such as routers, switches, and load balancers as well as internet and leased lines. This position works on network types including data center server farms, domestic and international DCI networks, high-security individual service networks, transit lines, IX and PNI. The team also validates new products and technologies and develops automation tools to improve operational efficiency and accuracy.
Database Engineers are responsible for the operation and management of the RDBMS (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server) and NoSQL (Redis, Cassandra, MongoDB, HBase) used for each service. These DBMS are provided in the form of DBaaS on the company's private cloud system. You will work as a DBA contributing an environment with over 15,000 instances of MySQL and 20,000 instances of Redis. It is one of the largest scale operational environments in Asia. In addition to operations, you will contribute to DBRE and DBaaS development mainly using Golang, Python and K8S to improve productivity. Finally, the team is also involved in original DBMS research and the development of technologies such as FractalDB and LEO Storage Engine.
Cloud Platform
Cloud Platform Engineers are responsible for the development of infrastructure provisioning and operational automation using software technologies and methodologies for cloud platforms that seamlessly connect infrastructure and applications. Specifically, they develop and operate private cloud platforms that leverage OSS, such as OpenStack and Kubernetes, as well as network control and data planes.
Corporate Internal Network
The Internal Network team is responsible for the design, construction, operation, and improvement of stable internal networks for use by LY Corporation. The work mainly covers improving internal network access methods, investigating and validating new technologies, responding to inquiries from users, investigating the causes of problems caused by equipment failure and communication failure, and replacing equipment. In this department, you will be able to contribute to LY Corporation’s business growth by using networking technology to realize stable network communication at all times.
Data Science

Positions related to Data Science are responsible for constructing and improving large scale AI and machine learning systems, analyzing data and making proposals. This work utilizes a vast amount of data from a wide variety of LY Corporation’s services.

Applications for the Data Scientist course will be closed for the 6th Round. We will announce on this page when we resume accepting applications.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The AI team is responsible for research and development in the technical areas of natural language processing, speech processing, and image/video processing. This team engineers solutions to user issues across a wide variety of LY Corporation’s services through writing papers, presentations and discussions at international conferences, and research and development of high-quality, general-purpose fundamental technologies.
Machine Learning
This team is involved in development focused on machine learning. They contribute to the introduction and application of new technologies and service implementation as well as maintenance operations and continuous improvement of LY Corporation’s services. Machine Learning Engineers are responsible for providing advanced data analysis and machine learning solutions for each service, including search systems such as web search and product search, content recommendation and filtering, and user targeting. Additionally, they are involved in data utilization across services and developing machine learning platforms for the entire company.
Data Scientist
Data Scientists have the mission of maximizing the value of LY Corporation’s services, and are responsible for data analysis operations. In order to support business decision making, they implement the process from issue discovery to solution application in a single step.
Privacy & Trust
This team is responsible for research, development and societal application of privacy, security and trust within the domain of data and AI utilization. Through basic research on advanced technologies such as differential privacy and secret computation and the development of applied technologies targeting services and infrastructure, the team aims to realize privacy protection, data utilization and trustworthy AI.

Application and Job Summary


We welcome those who can join us in 2025 (joining months are April and October).
There are no minimum education requirements, but only those without full-time working experience can apply for this role.

Work Location

Remote work would be possible on the condition that you have a stable internet connection.
By realizing a work style that provides flexibility in where you work, we aim to create services that bring "WOW" and surprises ("!") to our users. We will provide an allowance called the LY Corporation Working Style Allowance (11,000 yen/month) to support your working environment. - An application is required before working outside of your home or office.

You can live anywhere as long as you reside in Japan.
- We recommend residing in an area where you can easily commute to the office if you were instructed to do so the day before, as well as follow any office attendance rules set by your department.

LY Corporation headquarters
Tokyo Garden Terrace Kioicho Kioi Tower, 1-3 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8282
- The rules and frequency of working at the office is different for each organization and job role.
- Commuting allowance to and from the office is provided for up to 150,000 yen/month, which includes commuting by bullet train or airplane. Each month's commuting allowance will be paid in the following month according to the actual number of days you have commuted to the office.
- Depending on your job placement, you may be assigned to work at a different office.

Work Hours

Flextime system (no core hours)
Standard work hours: 7 hours 45 minutes

Holidays and Leave

Two days off per week (Saturdays and Sundays*1), national holidays, New Year's holiday (December 29 to January 4)
Paid leave, special paid leave (for condolence, maternity, sick childcare, nursing care, legally-designated communicable disease, etc.), Happy Friday*2, sabbatical leave
*1 May differ depending on department.
*2 When a public holiday falls on a Saturday, employees will be given the Friday before off.


Standard monthly salary: From 336,000 yen/month
(includes a base salary from 259,616 yen/month + 35 hours fixed overtime allowance from 76,384 yen/month)*1
Standard annual salary: From 5,040,000 yen (includes standard monthly salary × 12 + 2 time bonus (standard monthly salary × 3 months))*2 *3
*1 If your overtime exceeds 35 hours a month, you will receive a separate allowance to cover the extra hours.
*2 Amount you will earn if you achieve standard results in performance reviews for the year.
*3 Bonuses are granted a maximum of two times a year. The amount is determined by factors including the company's and your department's performance.

Salary Revision

(Twice a year)


LY Corporation Working Style allowance: 11,000 yen/month
Commuting allowance: Granted for actual expenses paid (maximum of 150,000 yen/month)


Optional Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Plan, Comprehensive Welfare Group Term Insurance, Group Long-term Disability, Employee Savings Program, Cumulative Stock Investment Program, subsidy for re-examination after regular basic/comprehensive health checkup, LY Corporation Working Style allowance, in-house massage room, club activities, subsidy for employee social events, and more

Selection Information

*Regarding Application Rounds
Please note that recruitment may close at any time without prior notice once the positions have been filled, or for any other reason.
If you are interested, please apply.

Selection Process

  • Step1


  • Step2

    Coding Test

  • Step3


  • Step4


Re-Challenge System

The Re-Challenge System lets applicants who do not pass the coding test to retake it during a following round. We offer unlimited retakes until the end of the final round with the aim to lower the psychological barrier of the exam. Whether you've only recently started job hunting or are already determined to work at LY Corporation, we welcome anyone interested to take our coding tests.
*The Re-Challenge System also allows applicants to apply for different positions each round. (e.g., an applicant who takes the coding test for an Infrastructure Engineer position during Round 1 can take the coding test for a Software Engineer position in Round 2)
*There is no Re-Challenge system for interviews.

We are no longer accepting applications for 2025 New Graduates.

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