Those with Disabilities

By eliminating commuting and workplace barriers, telework offers a bevy of benefits, particularly for professionals with disabilities, by allowing them to harness their full performance potential in a more accommodating space. At LY Corporation, we offer a full range of accessibility and support services with the aim of minimizing barriers and building an inclusive work environment wherein everyone can work comfortably and productively.

Our Policy on the Employment of Those with Disabilities

1. We are looking for talented professionals who will be assets to the company, regardless of whether disabled or not.

2. We believe in accommodating, not creating unfair advantages and disadvantages.

3. We create a level playing field wherein everyone has a fair chance to excel.

Our Supportive Environment


Speech recognition software
Employees who are visually impaired can make use of assistive technologies such as speech recognition software to maximize their work performance as well as to communicate more easily with colleagues in meetings and other daily activities.

Speech recognition software

Screen readers and magnifiers
We lend laptops equipped with screen magnifiers to employees with visual impairments. Furthermore, our efforts to reduce paper are also helping to create a more accessible work environment in which employees only need a computer to complete most work-related tasks.

Screen readers and magnifiers

Communication tools
At LY Corporation, we mainly use Slack to communicate with colleagues as well as clients and partners whenever necessary. By using Slack, distributed teams can work together smoothly online thanks to timely, hassle-free communication.

Online meeting tools
As remote work remains the norm, we now have daily standups, one-on-one meetings with our bosses, and meetings with business partners, all on Zoom. Zoom is a convenient online meeting tool that allows for quick voice or video calls whenever you need to talk with anyone working from anywhere.

Office Environment

Accessible restrooms (ostomy-friendly)
On every floor of LY Corporation's Kioicho Office , there is an accessible restroom equipped with an easy-to-use sliding door. Inside, you will find handrails, a wall-mounted step stool for changing, and ostomy-accessible facilities.

Accessible restrooms (ostomy-friendly)

Whiteboard walls
Dry-erase whiteboards installed in meeting rooms and walls on every floor enable group brainstorming on the fly as well as written communication for employees who are hearing impaired.

Whiteboard walls

Height-adjustable desks
Those who prefer a standing desk can choose one of the electric height-adjustable desks at our Kioicho Office. They not only help to promote better posture for better health and productivity, but also allow employees who use wheelchairs to adjust the height of their desks to suit their preferences.

Height-adjustable desks

All floors of our Kioicho Office are step-free and provide unrestricted movement for wheelchair users. Elevators and handrail-equipped staircases also make it easier to move between floors.


Priority elevator for wheelchair users
Of the four double-deck elevators at our office, one always operates as a priority elevator. In addition to giving access to all floors, our priority elevator is designed to be more accessible for wheelchair users and so include lower call buttons for easier reach.

Priority elevator for wheelchair users

Safety mirrors
Convex mirrors installed in blind corners help to prevent collisions, particularly for wheelchair users and those with visual and/or hearing impairments.

Safety mirrors

Support Services

Consultation with occupational physicians and nurses
Occupational health services are made available through the company intranet. Employees can speak with occupational healthcare professionals to ensure their health and wellbeing as well as to alleviate any concerns about work.

Special leave for employees with disabilities
In addition to normal annual paid leave, special paid leave is offered to employees with disabilities for purposes such as doctor's visits, hospital stays, and other medical emergencies. This system aims to enable employees with disabilities to better manage their health as well as their work performance.

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