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Грант Моррисон

Грант Морисон родился в Глазго, Шотландия в 1960 году. Первыми опубликоваными писательскими работами Моррисона стали короткие рассказы Gideon Stargrave о одноимённом персонаже для журнала Near Myths в 1978 году, одни из первых альтернативных комикс-работ в Великобритании. Его работы появились в четырёх из пяти выпусков Near Myths, после чего он стал думать о профессиональной работе в комикс-индустрии и был принят Near Myths. Во время работы он занимался созданием еженедельного комикса Captain Clyde о безработном супергерое из Глазго.
Следующим крупным проектом Моррисона станет Multiversity — серия комиксов из восьми уан-шотов, действие которых происходит в 52 Мультивселенной. Моррисон работает на книгой о супергероях Supergods: Our World in the Age of the Superhero, публикация которой в издательстве Random House, Spiegel & Grau планируется в Великобритании летом 2011 года. Кроме книг, Моррисон занят в работе над научно-фантастическим сериалом «Bonnyroad» для BBC вместе с режиссером Полом МакГиганом и Стивеном Фраем, а так же работает над сценарием к фильму «Sinatoro» режиссёра Адама Мортимера, релиз которого намечен на 2012 год. Ранее заявленные проекты, например Warcop, The New Bible и финальная часть трилогии Seaguy, которые были анонсированы в 2008 году на New York Comic-Con, еще не вышли в свет и находятся в стадии написания.
[spoiler title='открыть']Библиография
DC Comics:
Superman Annual '86: "Osgood Peabody's Big Green Dream Machine" (text story with illustrations by Barry Kitson and Jeff Anderson, 1986)
Все звезды. Супермен / All-Star Superman:
—Volume 1 (collects #1-6, hc, 160 pages, 2007)
—Volume 2 (collects #7-12, hc, 160 pages, 2009)
— Absolute All-Star Superman
Action Comics v2 #1-18 and #0 (with Rags Morales, Gene Ha and Andy Kubert, 2011–2013) collected as:
Vol. 1: Superman and the Men of Steel (collects #1-8, hc, 256 pages, 2012)
Vol. 2: Bulletproof (collects #9-12 and #0, hc, 224 pages, 2013)
Vol. 3: At The End of Days (collects #13-18, hc, 224 pages, 2013)
Batman Annual '86: "The Stalking" (text story with illustrations by Garry Leach, 1986)
Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth / Бэтмен. Лечебница Аркхем. Дом скорби на скорбной земле
Legends of the Dark Knight #6-10: "Gothic" (with Klaus Janson, 1990) collected as Batman: Gothic (tpb, 96 pages, 1992)
Batman & Son (hc, 200 pages, 2007; tpb, 2008) collects:
"Batman and Son" (with Andy Kubert, in #655-658, 2006)
"The Clown at Midnight" (with John van Fleet, in #663, 2007)
"Three Ghosts of Batman" (with Andy Kubert, in #664-665, 2007)
"Numbers of the Beast" (with Andy Kubert, in #666, 2007)
The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul (hc, 256 pages, 2008) includes:
"Prelude" (with Tony Daniel, in #670, 2007)
"Part 4" (with Tony Daniel, in #671, 2007)
The Black Glove (hc, 176 pages, 2008; tpb, 2009) collects:
"The Island of Mister Mayhew" (with J. H. Williams III, in #667-669, 2007)
"Space Medicine" (with Tony Daniel, in #672, 2008)
"Joe Chill in Hell" (with Tony Daniel, in #673, 2008)
"Batman Dies at Dawn" (with Tony Daniel, in #674, 2008)
"The Fiend with Nine Eyes" (with Ryan Benjamin, in #675, 2008)
Batman R.I.P. Deluxe Edition (hc, 192 pages, 2009; tpb, 2010)
Time and the Batman (hc, 128 pages, 2011; tpb, 2012)
Batman and Robin:
—Batman Reborn (hc, 168 pages, 2010; tpb, 2011) collects:
—Batman vs. Robin (hc, 168 pages, 2010; tpb, 2011) collects:
—Batman and Robin Must Die! (hc, 168 pages, 2011; tpb, 2012) collects:
— Absolute Batman and Robin
"Black Mass" (with Cameron Stewart, Frazer Irving and Chris Burnham, in #16, 2010)
Batman: The Return (with David Finch, one-shot, 2010)
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #1-6 (with Chris Sprouse, Frazer Irving, Yanick Paquette, Georges Jeanty, Ryan Sook and Lee Garbett, 2010) collected as Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne (hc, 224 pages, 2011; tpb, 2012)
Batman Incorporated:
Volume 1
— Batman Incorporated Volume 1 (hc, 264 pages, 2012) collects:
Volume 2 (with Chris Burnham, 2012–2013)
— Batman Incorporated: Demon Star
— Batman Incorporated: Gotham's Most Wanted
Aztek, the Ultimate Man #1-10 (with Mark Millar and N. Steven Harris, 1996–1997) collected as JLA Presents: Aztek, the Ultimate Man (tpb, 240 pages, 2008)
The Flash:
Emergency Stop (tpb, 144 pages, 2009) collects:
"Emergency Stop" (with Mark Millar and Paul Ryan, in #130-132, 1997)
"Flash Through the Looking Glass" (with Mark Millar and Paul Ryan, in #133, 1998)
"Still Life in the Fast Lane" (with Mark Millar and Paul Ryan, in #134, 1998)
"Death at The Top of The World, Part Three" (with Mark Millar and Paul Ryan, in #135, 1998)
The Human Race (tpb, 160 pages, 2009) includes:
"The Human Race" (with Mark Millar, Paul Ryan and Ron Wagner, in #136-138, 1998)
"Flash of Two Worlds" (with Mike Parobeck, in Secret Origins #50, 1990)
Justice League of America:
Secret Origins #46: "Ghosts of Stone" (with Curt Swan, 1989)
JLA Volume 1 (hc, 256 pages, 2008; tpb, 2011)
Volume 2 (hc, 320 pages, 2009) collects:
JLA/WildC.A.T.s (with Val Semeiks, one-shot, 1997)
"Rock of Ages" (with Howard Porter, in #10-15, 1997–1998)
Prometheus (with Arnie Jurgensen, one-shot, 1998)
"Prometheus Unbound" (with Howard Porter, in #16-17, 1998)
Volume 3 (hc, 256 pages, 2010) collects:
"Conquerors" (with Howard Porter, in #22-23, 1998)
JLA One Million (with Howard Porter, one-shot, 1998)
"Executive Action" (with Howard Porter, in #24-26, 1998–1999)
"Crisis Times Five" (with Howard Porter, in #28-31, 1999)
DC One Million #1-4 (with Val Semeiks, 1998) collected as DC One Million (tpb, 208 pages, 1999)
Volume 4 (hc, 368 pages, 2011) collects:
"The Ant and the Avalanche" (with Howard Porter, in #34, 1999)
"World War III" (with Howard Porter, in #36-41, 1999–2000)
JLA: Earth 2 (with Frank Quitely, graphic novel, hc, 96 pages, 2000)
JLA Classified #1-3: "Ultramarine Corps" (with Ed McGuinness, 2004)
Seven Soldiers:
— Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 1
— Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 2
52 (with Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka and Mark Waid, 2006–2007) collected as:
Volume 1 (collects #1-13)
Volume 2 (collects #14-26)
Volume 3 (collects #27-39)
Volume 4 (collects #40-52)
Final Crisis collects:
Final Crisis #1-7 (with J. G. Jones, Carlos Pacheco and Doug Mahnke, 2008–2009)
Final Crisis: Submit (with Matthew Clark, one-shot, 2008)
Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1-2 (with Doug Mahnke, 2008–2009)
— Absolute Final Crisis
Animal Man (with Chas Truog, Tom Grummett and Paris Cullins, 1988–1990) collected as:
—Animal Man (collects #1-9, tpb, 216 pages, 2001)
—Origin of the Species (collects #10-17 and Secret Origins #39, tpb, 225 pages, 2002)
—Deus Ex Machina (collects #18-26, tpb, 219 pages 2003)
— The Animan Man Omnibus
Doom Patrol (with Richard Case, Doug Braithwaite, Mike Dringenberg and Vincent Giarrano, 1989–1993) collected as:
—Crawling from the Wreckage (collects #19-25, tpb, 192 pages, 2004)
— Doom Patrol Volume 2: The Painting That Ate Paris (collects #26-34, tpb, 232 pages, 2004)
—Down Paradise Way (collects #35-41, tpb, 192 pages, 2005)
—Musclebound (collects #42-50, tpb, 256 pages, 2006)
—Magic Bus (collects #51-57, tpb, 208 pages, 2007)
—Planet Love (collects #58-63 and Doom Force #1, tpb, 224 pages, 2008)
Hellblazer #25-26: "Early Warning" (with David Lloyd, 1990) collected in Hellblazer: Rare Cuts (tpb, 160 pages, 2005)
Kid Eternity #1-3 (with Duncan Fegredo, 1991) collected as Kid Eternity (tpb, 144 pages, 2006)
Sebastian O #1-3 (with Steve Yeowell, 1993) collected as Sebastian O (tpb, 80 pages, 2004)
The Mystery Play (with Jon J. Muth, graphic novel, hc, 80 pages, 1994)
Swamp Thing #140-143: "Bad Gumbo" (with Mark Millar and Philip Hester, 1994)
The Invisibles:
—Say You Want a Revolution (Collects Vol.1 #1-8; TPB, 208 pages, 1996)
—Apocalipstick (Collects Vol.1 #9-16; TPB, 208 pages, 2001)
—Entropy in the UK (Collects Vol.1 #17-25; TPB, 232 pages, 2001)
—Bloody Hell in America (Collects Vol.2 #1-4; TPB, 96 pages, 1998)
—Counting to None (Collects Vol.2 #5-13; TPB, 240 pages, 1999)
—Kissing Mister Quimper (Collects Vol.2 #14-22; TPB, 224 pages, 2000)
—The Invisible Kingdom (Collects Vol.3 #12-1; TPB, 288 pages, 2002) collects:
— The Invisibles Deluxe Edition Volume 1 (Collects Vol.1 #1-12; HC, 328 pages, 2014)
— The Invisibles Deluxe Edition Volume 2 (2014)
— The Invisibles Omnibus
Kill Your Boyfriend (with Philip Bond and D'Israeli, one-shot, 1995)
Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery Deluxe Edtion
Weird War Tales #3: "New Toys" (with Frank Quitely, 1997)
The Filth #1-13 (with Chris Weston, 2002–2003) collected as The Filth (tpb, 320 pages, 2004)
We3 #1-3 (with Frank Quitely, 2004–2005) collected as We3 (tpb, 104 pages, 2005, ISBN 1-4012-0495-3; hc, 144 pages, 2011)
—Seaguy #1-3 (with Cameron Stewart, 2004) collected as Seaguy (tpb, 104 pages, 2005)
——Seaguy: The Slaves of Mickey Eye #1-3 (with Cameron Stewart, 2009)
——Seaguy: Eternal #1-3 (with Cameron Stewart, tbr)
—Vimanarama #1-3 (with Philip Bond, 2005) collected as Vimanarama (tpb, 102 pages, 2006)
Joe the Barbarian #1-8 (with Sean Murphy, 2010–2011) collected as Joe the Barbarian (hc, 224 pages, 2011)
Marvel Comics:
Skrull Kill Krew
Marvel Boy #1-6 (with J. G. Jones, 2000–2001) collected as MB (tpb, 144 pages, 2001; hc, 160 pages, 2008)
Fantastic Four: 1234
New X-Men:
—Volume 1 (hc, 384 pages, 2002, ISBN 0-7851-0964-1; tpb, 376 pages, 2008) collects:
Новые Люди Икс. "В" значит Вымирание / "E is for Extinction" (with Frank Quitely, in #114-116, 2001)
"The Man from Room X!" (with Leinil Francis Yu, in Annual '01, 2001)
"Danger Rooms" (with Ethan van Sciver, in #117, 2001)
"Germ Free Generation" (with Ethan van Sciver and Igor Kordey, #118-120, 2001–2002)
"Silence: Psychic Rescue in Progress" (with Frank Quitely, in #121, 2002)
Новые Люди Икс. Империал / "Imperial" (with Frank Quitely, Ethan van Sciver and Igor Kordey, in #122-126, 2002)
—Volume 2 (hc, 368 pages, 2003, ISBN 0-7851-1118-2; tpb, 376 pages, 2008) collects:
"Of Living and Dying" (with John Paul Leon, in #127, 2002)
"New Worlds" (with Igor Kordey, John Paul Leon, Phil Jimenez, Ethan van Sciver, in #128-133, 2002)
"Riot at Xavier's" (with Keron Grant and Frank Quitely, in #134-138, 2003)
"Murder at the Mansion" (with Phil Jimenez, in #139-141, 2003)
—Volume 3 (hc, 336 pages, 2004, ISBN 0-7851-1200-6; tpb, 336 pages, 2008) collects:
"Assault on Weapon Plus" (with Chris Bachalo, in #142-145, 2003)
"Planet X" (with Phil Jimenez, in #146-150, 2003–2004)
"Here Comes Tomorrow" (with Marc Silvestri, in #151-154, 2004)
— New X-Men Omnibus
Marvel UK:
Titles published by Marvel UK include:
Spider-Man and Zoids:
"Old Soldiers Never Die" (with Geoff Senior, in #19, 1986)
"Deserts" (with Geoff Senior and Ron Smith, in #30-31, 1986)
"Bits and Pieces" (with John Ridgway, in #36-37, 1986)
"The Black Zoid" (with John Ridgway, Kev Hopgood and Steve Yeowell, in #40-49, 1986–1987)
"Revelations" (with Phil Gascoine, in #50, 1987)
Captain Britain: "Captain Granbretan" (text story with illustrations by John Stokes, in #13, 1986)[2]
Doctor Who Magazine:
Doctor Who: The World Shapers (tpb, 288 pages, Panini, 2008) collects:
"Changes" (with John Ridgway, in #118-119, 1986)
"The World Shapers" (with John Ridgway and Tim Perkins, in #127-129, 1987)
Doctor Who: A Cold Day in Hell (tpb, 180 pages, Panini, 2009) collects:
"Culture Shock" (with Bryan Hitch, in #139, 1988)
Action Force:
"Meditations in Red" (with Steve Yeowell, in #17, 1987)
"Old Scores" (with Mark Farmer, in Action Force Monthly #3, 1988)
UK publishers[edit]
Titles published by various British publishers include:
Near Myths (script and art, Galaxy Media):
"Time is a Four-Lettered Word" (in #2, 1978)
"Gideon Stargrave" (in #3-4, 1978–1979)
"The Checkmate Man" (in #5, 1980)
Captain Clyde (~150 episodes, comic strip ran in local newspapers, Govan Press, 1979–1982)[1]
Starblazer (DC Thomson):
"Algol the Terrible" (script and art, in #15, 1979)
"Last Man on Earth" (with Keith Robson, in #28, 1980)
"Operation Overkill" (with Enrique Alcatena, in #45, 1981)
"The Cosmic Outlaw" (with José Ortiz, in #86, 1982)
"The Death Reaper" (with Enrique Alcatena, in #127, 1984)
"Mind Bender" (with Enrique Alcatena, in #167, 1986)
"The Midas Mystery" (with Enrique Alcatena, in #177, 1986)
"The Ring of Gofannon" (with Garijo, in #209, 1987)
Warrior (Quality Communications):
The Liberators (with John Ridgway):
"Night Moves" (in #26, 1985)
"Angels and Demons" (in Spring Special '96, 1996)
Sunrise #1: "The Silent Shores" (with Tony O'Donnell, Harrier Comics, 1987)
Skin Two #26: "The Story of Zero" ('ambient, erotic' prose, with Steven Cook, Alexander Brattell and Lisa Sherman, 1987)
A1 #3: "The House of Hearts Desire" (with Dom Regan, Atomeka, 1989)
Trident #1-4: "St. Swithin's Day" (with Paul Grist, Trident, 1989–1990)
Steed and Mrs. Peel #1-3: "The Golden Game" (with Ian Gibson, Eclipse, 1990)
Titles published by Fleetway include:
2000 AD:
Tharg's Future Shocks:
"Hotel Harry Felix" (with Geoff Senior, in #463, 1986)
"The Alteration" (with Alan Langford, in #466, 1986)
"Alien Aid" (with John Stokes, in #469, 1986)
"Some People Never Listen" (with Barry Kitson, in #475, 1986)
"The Shop that Sold Everything" (with John Stokes, in #477, 1986)
"Wheels of Fury" (with Geoff Senior, in #481, 1986)
"Return to Sender" (with Jeff Anderson, in Annual '87, 1986)
The Best of Tharg's Future Shocks (tpb, 160 pages, Rebellion, 2008) includes:
"Curse Your Lucky Star" (with Barry Kitson, in #482, 1986)
"Maniac for Hire" (with Johnny Johnstone, in #507, 1987)
"Fruitcake and Veg" (with Colin MacNeil, in #508-509, 1987)
"Fair Exchange" (with Colin MacNeil, in #514, 1987)
"The Invisible Etchings of Salvador Dalí" (with John Hicklenton, in #515, 1987)
"Big Trouble for Blast Barclay" (with Mike White, in #516, 1987)
"Danger: Genius at Work" (with Steve Dillon, in #479, 1986)
"Candy and the Catchman" (with John Ridgway, in #491, 1986)
Book 1: Tygers (tpb, 88 pages, Titan, 1988) collects:
"Phase One" (with Steve Yeowell, in #535-550, 1987)
Book 2 (tpb, 56 pages, Titan, 1989, ISBN 1-85286-137-1) collects:
"Interlude 1: Whitlock" (with Steve Yeowell, in #558, 1988)
"Interlude 2: Peyne" (with Steve Yeowell, in 559, 1988)
"Phase Two" (with Steve Yeowell, in #589-596, 1988)
Book 3 (tpb, 56 pages, Titan, 1989) collects:
"Phase Two" (with Steve Yeowell, in #597-606, 1988)
"Interlude 3: Maximan" (with M. Carmona, in Winter Special '88, 1988)
"Mandala: Shadows & Reflections" (with Jim McCarthy, in Annual '90, 1989)
Book 4 (tpb, 80 pages, Titan, 1990)
"Phase Three" (with Steve Yeowell, in #626-634, 650-654, 1989)
Book 5 (tpb, 64 pages, Titan, 1990)
"Phase Three" (with Steve Yeowell, in #655-662, 667-670, 1989–1990)
"Phase Four" (with Steve Yeowell, in #791-806, 1992)
"zzzzenith.com" (with Steve Yeowell, in Prog 2001, 2000)
Venus Bluegenes: "The Pleasures of the Flesh" (with Will Simpson, in Sci-Fi Special '88, 1988)
Janus: Psi Division:
"Will o' the Wisp" (with Carlos Ezquerra, in Winter Special '93, 1993)
"House of Sighs" (with Paul Johnson, in #953, 1995)
"Faustus" (with Mark Millar and Paul Johnson, in #1024-1031, 1997)
Really & Truly (with Rian Hughes, in #842-849, 1993) collected in Yesterday's Tomorrows (hc, 256 pages, Xpresso, 2007)
Judge Dredd:
"Inferno" (with Carlos Ezquerra, in #842-853, 1993)
"Book of the Dead" (with Mark Millar and Dermot Power, in #859-866, 1993)
"Crusade" (with Mark Millar and Mick Austin, in #928-937, 1995)
Big Dave (with Mark Millar):
"Target Baghdad" (with Steve Parkhouse, in #842-845, 1993)
"Young Dave" (with Steve Parkhouse, in Yearbook '94, 1993)
"Monarchy in the UK" (with Steve Parkhouse, in #846-849, 1994)
"Costa del Chaos" (with Anthony Williams, in #869-872, 1994)
"Wotta Lotta Balls" (with Steve Parkhouse, in #904-907, 1994)
Dare: The Controversial Memoir of Dan Dare (tpb, 80 pages, Titan, 1991) collects:
"Dare" (with Rian Hughes, in #1-7, 1990)
"Dare (finale)" (with Rian Hughes, in Crisis #55-56, 1991)
"The New Adventures of Hitler" (with Steve Yeowell, in #46-49, 1990)
"Bible John - A Forensic Meditation" (with Daniel Vallely, #56-61, 1991)
Other US publishers[edit]
Titles published by various American publishers include:
Fast Forward #1: "A Glass of Water" (with Dave McKean, Piranha Press, 1992)
Spawn #16-18: "Reflections" (with Greg Capullo, 1993–1994) collected in Spawn: Escalation (tpb, 120 pages, 1997)
Happy! #1-4 (with Darick Robertson, 2012–2013)
Vampirella Monthly (Harris):
The Morrison/Millar Collection (tpb, 176 pages, 2006) collects:
"Blood Red Game" (with Michael Bair and Kevin Nowlan, in Vampirella 25th Anniversary Special, 1996)
"Ascending Evil" (with Mark Millar and Amanda Conner, in #1-3, 1997)
"Holy War" (with Mark Millar and Louis Small, Jr., in #4-6, 1997)
"Queen's Gambit" (with Mark Millar and Amanda Conner, in #7-9, 1997)
The Authority:
"Brave New World, Part Three" (uncredited,[3] with Art Adams, in v1 #28, 2002) collected in Transfer of Power (tpb, 192 pages, 2002)
"Utopian" (with Gene Ha, in v4 #1-2, 2006) collected in The Lost Year (tpb, 168 pages, 2010)
Wildcats v4 #1: "A Halo 'Round the World" (with Jim Lee, 2006)
18 Days (with Mukesh Singh, graphic novel, hc, 120 pages, 2010)
Barry Sonnenfeld's Dinosaurs vs Aliens (with Mukesh Singh, graphic novel, hc, 96 pages, 2012)
"Lovecraft in Heaven" (in The Starry Wisdom: A Tribute to H. P. Lovecraft, Creation Books, 1995)
Lovely Biscuits (collection of short stories and plays, Oneiros Books, 1998, ISBN 1-902197-01-1)
"I'm A Policeman" (in Disco 2000, 1998)
"Pop Magic!" (in Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult, edited by Richard Metzger, Disinfo, 2003)
Supergods (464 pages, hardcover, Spiegel & Grau with the subtitle What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human, July 2011, Jonathan Cape with the subtitle Our World in the Age of the Superhero, June 2011)[/spoiler]
2006 г. — Премия индустрии комиксов имени Уилла Айснера (Лучшая законченная серия / серия с ограниченным количеством выпусков, Seven Soldiers of Victory Volume 1)
dburt про Басьек: Кровь? Горячая! (Ужасы) в 08:29 (+01:00) / 30-01-2018Спасибо!
zzzlooo про Басьек: Кровь? Горячая! (Ужасы) в 09:23 (+02:00) / 18-06-2013
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