A couple of small multi parter series on Facebook
Changes I
In the 60s John Lennon and Bob Dylan were moving the whole world away from the little Box 1 "socialisation" stage of psychological development.....our first understanding that authorities and infrastructures need obeying in order that society works, but on its own has a tendency to produce filing clerks, rather robotic individuals and middle manager-types, all submitting to the patronising voice of Pathe News. remember that? Or if not Harry Enfield's take off?
Well in the 90s we got more of a clarification of earlier psychological work done at MIT and other places in the 60s, and the term IQ now had a twin - EQ.
What had been vague and fuzzy before....ART and philosophy and LETTERS, now could be articulated enough that schooling now be graded into "what we know and our ability to learn IQ" and "how we relate and mature as fully rounded persons" EQ
For threequarters of us....Matthew Mark and Lukes....they have weathered these discoveries without batting an eyelid.
For one quarter of us JOHNS....we started to live and breathe!!!!
There weren't any options for us if we weren't famous. Society didn't know what we were for, so they humoured us and generally found us some humdrum job that had nothing to do with our personality traits or gifting. I stepped sideways and became a piano tuner.....which isn't quite withdrawing....but it's darned better than a filing clerk!!!!!
Changes II
Nearly everything on the planet is now more balance brained.
One Last main area is outstanding
here are two points.
Firstly in its favour, LAW has to be complicated and sentences constructed in incredibly precise ways with very little punctuation but spelling out the truth from many angles....
IN ORDER that it prevent people subvertiing LAWS.
Second point not in its favour...well a series but based on the leftbrain.
Law as regards you, the individual, is a fiction.
The fiction is based upon a fictive character that your parents signed up to on your birth certificate constructed in capital letters.
When they agreed to "understand"
They were signing you to "stand under" the new corporate and bankable commodity known as YOUR NAME in capital letters.
So many things could be said here....but the YOU addressed in court is not the real you.
They have to get you responding in the leftbrain.
So many court cases are won and lost on this simple trick
Mr SO and So.....just answer yes and no.
But many times the answer isn't yes and no and would make perfect sense if you were allowed out of the binary nonsense of the Court . This is an extreme, but often worked trick.
Not only do they force you into leftbrain fiction land
they do this in the name of the Crown, but the Crown isn't who you think it is.
The Crown is not the Queen.
The Crown is the catholic Church's imagination of Jesus Christ ruling and reigning.
Via who they call His sub agents
The Black Pope
The Jesuits
The order of Malta
The Pope
The Queen of England
Her agent representatives Barristers and Lawyers and Court underlings, both here and USA.
Every USA Barrister is signed off from accountability to US Sovereignty and is serving the Queen
Now Jesus Christ DOES rule and reign but the Bible declares how, and there is not one reference to an "organisational body or infrastructure" anywhere.
He rules directly only those hearts willingly submitted to Him
He rules otherwise Proverbs 1 indicates, by setting up an order that doesn't work properly outside of people living IN GOD.
That's why Romans 8 says the whole of Creation is waiting for the sons of God to come into their inheritance....
While people are messing around trying to function outside of the realms of His saving power we get the stupid order we see around us which is the Schoolmaster equipped with cane to bring us to Christ....
Namely the whole Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil existence
which is almost universally underpinned by a very LEGAL but stupid as a donkey LAW realm.
We leave that Law realm as soon as we speak from the heart spontaneously....errrr....like humans
So the lawcourts are still fashioned to keep you leftbrain locked
Old Covenant and New Covenant 1
If you look into any secret society they are a mirror of what is in this status. The irony is now that the secret societies know this stuff, but nobody in churches does.....FOR WHOM IT WAS INTENTIONED.
Jews, many of whom are on Facebook, to this day will regale you with Moses :Law.
Its what they understand. It's a kind of "super" version of what every human goes through from the time they are born to the first stage of maturity. Socialisation.Obeying parents schoolteachers, , policemen,politicians, royalty and military.
The Torah.
God was preparing a people for Himself. He had found for himself the most incredible consecutive family that had sought His Name for three straight generations. God was pleased to say "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He will abbreviate that to I am the God of Abraham, but otherwise it's all three. Why? Because to have the whole package that you can reasonably pass on requires three STAGES of revelation.
But the ONE FAMILY was then rolled out as a nation from one big family.
But in NATION FORM, as I say, they only really got to Box 1.
To the outer courts of the Tabernacle.
Others went in for them.
Then Jesus came....and in the next status we will learn why?
Old Covenant and New Covenant II
Why did the Jews "Miss" Jesus?
They were there in the tabernacle areas of God. No other nation was. If anybody should have been ready for God's own Son, surely they would?
Well yes and no. And some were ready.
But here is the thing about Box 1.
Box 1 or outer tabernacle courts people maybe expecting a Messiah but think about it?
A Box 1 conforming type
who looks to others to "go up for him"
and for whom God is an out there Policeman of the Universe
is going to find Jesus Message difficult and most did.
Beginning with Himself in Jordan River (and John wondered what on earth he was doing baptising Him since he was without sin)
and onto Matthew 5 Jesus begins to describe what a race of priests looks like.
Jesus message is to take this Outer courts people initially by way of a Holy Place or 1st covered area of the Tabernacle into being a race of Kings and Priests.
And notice He was doing this mostly without a synagogue to be seen, in and around the shores of Galilee. So Jesus was moving them beyond the stones and buildings form of priesthood into being the real thing.
But if your mindset is a Box 1 socialisation mindset
If your idea of God is out there or God in a stone box with priests who are other than you going up for you.....
You are going to have great problems with your Messiah....if He turned up
And Jesus did turn up.
So what were all the miracles about? On to Part III
Old Covenant and New Covenant 1II
If you are leftbrain
If you are somewhat leftbrain locked
If you are in the socialisation stage and
doing your job faithfully, to earn money, to pay for food to supply your family then taking the family to the synagogue or festivals....
the quickest way a Messiah can break into your neat little "cause and effect " life and begin to introduce you to a whole new life of "flow" as the later 60s hippies called it.....
is to introduce you to the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit and His gifting.
Jesus even instructed them on the gospel they were to preach:
be baptised in water
and be filled with the Holy Spirit : implication.....first day stuff.
He healed the sick and taught his disciples to heal the sick and perform other miracles.
This is a huge risk because the disciples don't know who they are yet,,,,
they still think of themselves according to Genesis 3....as autonomous gods in their own rights....
how dangerous is that?
But Jesus does this to blast them out of their leftbrain locked, socialisation oriented, "working for your salvation" existence....
Into the Truth.....the truth that life is NOT
Arbeit Macht Frei
Be good and Santa will give you presents
but that life is BY FAITH, and the Faith of the Son of God....
but they don't know that yet.
Jesus also PUSHES THEM to break out of their mindsets by sending them out early first as the 12 then as the 70
WITHOUT MONEY....with only one set of clothes and they were to report back.
But this, and all the teaching on
see the flowers and birds....the father clothes and feeds them
and Give and it shall be given you.....which also from a cause and effect point of view doesn't make direct sense.....
ALL THIS was to blast them out of mere socialisation living....out of dutiful leftbrain locked tree of the knowledge of good and evil living.....
to position them for learning the true Kingdom.
But we are not there yet at BOX 3
All this was to blast people out of Box 1 into Box 2 so there, in that Place they could learn what was necessary to be blasted into the 1 John 2 Father stage or Box 3.
When Jesus says I am the Way He means you to go down it
to suck it and see
which leads to the real Truth that you can't even enter into if you haven't left Box 1.....
once you are experimenting with the freefall of faith in Box 2
you are now actually into the lecture theatre proper where you can learn the real lessons
to prepare for Box 3.
Now you can do some of this in Darkness, getting yourself demonised instead, until you reach the point of total possession.
This article is written on the understanding that you don't want to destroy your life now and in the life to come.
Monday, 31 July 2017
Sunday, 30 July 2017
Who are the wise virgins?
I think I've seen something that I have been puzzling over since Selwyn Hughes preached on Matthew 25 and the wise and foolish virgins.
It's not actually spelled out how come the wise ones have more oil.But it is spelled out you can't get that amount of oil quickly or with ease, or else they would have been able to go down the oil shop.
So I think it's something that connects with these two things.
1. Jesus first 30 years
2.going back and being like.a.child
It's to do with the first flask we are given. Who is Jesus? He is alien. In the likeness of flesh but without sin. Without mother or father.....but injected into the human line as though of that line. He was truly in the world but not of it. The only begotten Son of.God. He called Himself.Son of.Man. Which when you were present at the creation of the world is pretty darned humble....unless you have a Christ elevated view of.what Man is.....and what man is for. Out of the mouths of babes and.ducklings have you brought forth perfect praise......to still....Or.knock dead the Avenger....
What is in that first flask? Jesus own supernatural life. We as.wise virgin's must go back into our whole life experience.and begin as babes again......doing everything we ever did but now with the flask of.Jesus own 100% pure eternal brand of LIFE. That's why it can't be done quickly. It took the disciples three and a half years to have their whole lives reprogrammed. It has taken us way longer, because.we had no models.of.thirdlevellers and we found it so darned.hard just simply trusting the Holy Spirit to show us, without adding loads of junk.
But yes.....this way we end up.with enough oil. This time when we speak we.aren't spouting forth Genesis 3 dualistic consciousness of the Pentecostal Charismatic movements.....
We.Are.now just Jesus going on.
It's not actually spelled out how come the wise ones have more oil.But it is spelled out you can't get that amount of oil quickly or with ease, or else they would have been able to go down the oil shop.
So I think it's something that connects with these two things.
1. Jesus first 30 years
2.going back and being like.a.child
It's to do with the first flask we are given. Who is Jesus? He is alien. In the likeness of flesh but without sin. Without mother or father.....but injected into the human line as though of that line. He was truly in the world but not of it. The only begotten Son of.God. He called Himself.Son of.Man. Which when you were present at the creation of the world is pretty darned humble....unless you have a Christ elevated view of.what Man is.....and what man is for. Out of the mouths of babes and.ducklings have you brought forth perfect praise......to still....Or.knock dead the Avenger....
What is in that first flask? Jesus own supernatural life. We as.wise virgin's must go back into our whole life experience.and begin as babes again......doing everything we ever did but now with the flask of.Jesus own 100% pure eternal brand of LIFE. That's why it can't be done quickly. It took the disciples three and a half years to have their whole lives reprogrammed. It has taken us way longer, because.we had no models.of.thirdlevellers and we found it so darned.hard just simply trusting the Holy Spirit to show us, without adding loads of junk.
But yes.....this way we end up.with enough oil. This time when we speak we.aren't spouting forth Genesis 3 dualistic consciousness of the Pentecostal Charismatic movements.....
We.Are.now just Jesus going on.
The Ex Waiting Room
Some posts are all the more powerful as one short idea
Jesus was shocking.
From the first sentence of 8 words
Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing
He was winding up the " waiting period" of the Kingdom and bringing in the actual Kingdom.
Somehow , oddly,now the Kingdom is here we went back to waiting again and now as Jesus in our forms we are to tear through the waiting houses again and wind them up by demonstrating we are it. And some will like it, but many who like waiting rooms and indeed profit greatly by the concept are going to be just as sorely upset.
Put your seatbelt on about NOW
Pete Cabrera Facebook Thread on Casting out Demons
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Pete Cabrera Jr
22 hrs · Hutchinson, KS, United States ·
People always say demons manifest in believers is this correct? But what does the Bible say after the cross towards a born again believer.. ask your self this question what is manifesting in this passage of scripture?
Is it a demon or flesh..? Just a question ?
Gal 5:19-21
19 Now the works of the flesh are MANIFEST, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,...
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78 Cathy Rheeder, Matthew Couch and 76 others
Miguel Angel Perez Jr.
Miguel Angel Perez Jr. There are things that are demonic and works in the flesh! "For jealousy and selfishness are not God's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic." James 3:15
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Cyndi Millett
Cyndi Millett I see that scripture like this: Acting like a devil doesn't mean you "have one" possessing/oppressing. When Jesus addressed Peter was he saying Peter was suddenly or temporarily hosting Satan himself? Or was He saying, Peter- you are thinking like the adversary-you have the mindset of a carnal man saying that. Jesus knew that thinking was not sourced of the Father or HS but of a lower carnal basis (earthly/sensual-senses; devils were cast down to earth, lower plains; carnal is demonic "influenced" or inspired, "natural")
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Miguel Angel Perez Jr.
Miguel Angel Perez Jr. Cyndi Millett I see what you are saying. It doesn't say that demons are hosting but it also doesn't say they aren't
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Chris Welch
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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta What about infirmity Pete?
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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta If a believer can be sickness possessed then it can also be demon possessed?
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Marlyne Cooper
Marlyne Cooper Amen!
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead To piggyback on the above comments- I love how you are developing this idea more and more as you refine it by talking about it but what has not yet been addressed in any of this are "manifestations" that do not fall into what Galatians that have anothe...See more
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Cyndi Millett
Cyndi Millett Hope you don't mind my commenting here Chris. The soul and physical flesh can certainly manifest in such ways without a demon being present- fogginess and cloudiness of mind, dizziness can come by strongholds (belief systems not demons present) shiftin...See more
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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta I don't think Pete is saying christian believers can't be demon possessed but that if the book of Corinthians Paul only addresses the flesh its because we are missing something. In other words Pete is pointing to something that obviously we didn't see and it kind of make you think. Cheers
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley I experience this too even on a Christion I'm wondering ...lol but usually they are just figuring out who they are and the demons are fighting them but once they know who they are and know as a son. They know authority and that stuff is gone usually Wi...See more
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Chris Welch
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David Waite
David Waite Pete, all I can say is that God destroyed the earth with a flood because of the works of the flesh. There is no evidence in Scripture of a Christian being possessed. Christians want to associate the works of the flesh with the demonic which takes the responsibility of them for their behavior.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Some Christians may want to associate the works of the flesh with the demonic to displace responsibility but most do not. Christians are demonized (i.e. they have demons attached to their body and soul) and it is ignorant to automatically dismiss something because it is not thoroughly detailed in any books of the Bible. Talk to someone experienced in deliverance and they will probably detail it's reality to you. I have seen demonization is many people and even friends who were clearly born again Christians but had made opportunity for demons to attach to them. For example, a strong Christian friend of mine from Bible college was an mk and manifested demons that attached to him on the mission field through an "open door." It took over an hour of intense deliverance until they finally left him.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley It's not totally black and white....that's why Jesus says cast out demons...use your decernment.a had an innocent person with demons from being molested...that was not their fault or responsibility this is however my responsibility to do what Jesus did....too many people concerned with what people deserve...the truth is if you see someone on the same mountain as you climbing up but you see vultures pulling them down....and you have a gun you take the vultures out....to free your brother Wich is a part of your own body. Be like simple.
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David Waite
David Waite Joy Sturley so if a so called Christian who is the Temple of God, Jesus lives in their heart and the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in them, you believe they can be possessed? This new creation in Christ whom the Son Set free is free indeed. So give me Scripture where this happened if you are talking Biblical truth.
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David Waite
David Waite Todd Tyszka please give Biblical evidence for your premise? Paul didn't bring in the deliverence team for the Corinthians so where in Scripture is evidence.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley No I don't think that but I think if demons have had a door open know or unknown they can manifest on there way out leading to full freedom...and they can attack and manifest this doesn't mean somebody is fully possessed...this however should not happen at all when you are a like you said sold out...but saying and doing Christianity are two different animals...
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley Are we following Paul or Jesus?
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley I don't get confused or over analyse stuff..the mind is at Emity...I'm not concerned with convincing people of things I just hang out with Jesus .
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley You have already given yourself enough scriptures
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Dan Jones
Dan Jones Yes.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka David, everything isn't in Scripture and we don't know little about how Jesus and the disciples ministered. However, I know ministry and the reality of Christian demonization.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka David, demonization isn't possession but it's very real, you need to participate in some deliverance to understand what we mean.
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David Waite
David Waite Todd Tyszka Everything isn't scripture. WOW so Jesus who is the Way the Truth and the Life and is the essence of the word is not the foundation of who we are to be do and act like (sons of God John1:12) to grow up into Him in all things Eph 4:15. So, ...See more
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Chris Welch
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Charity Liane
Charity Liane I know a sister in Christ who manifested the spirit of Jezebel in a restaurant. You can see it in the eyes. I got up & went to the restroom, bound it & came back & the manifestation was gone.
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Roy Van Rijn
Roy Van Rijn Look it up in the Greek. Look at all instance where the word oppressed is used, and where the word possessed is used. It's the same word in Greek.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Pete, Christians can ABSOLUTELY have demons manifesting without it being the flesh. Demons can be attached to our soul and/or flesh. Next time one manifests, why don't you talk to it, command it to tell you how it entered and how it has authority to stay. Then you can actually help these people rather than send them away bound and tormented like most people do because "it's not in the Bible." Jesus spoke to demons and even the Devil himself, so it is Biblical and practical, as well as experientially prudent. We are complex creations and need deep deliverance when possible.
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I see what you are saying but I don't see any benefit in talking to them since they are liars. I don't see Jesus talking to them other than to say "leave." When he was with the man at the tombs I believe it was his compassion asking the man what his name was and the demon answered with a lie.
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Amar Patil
Amar Patil Well said I agree 100 percent with pete. I have often said that pastors can have demons.
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Amar Patil
Amar Patil demons r subject to us in Jesus name so v can always command them to speak the truth.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Chris, if you command them to tell the truth, they usually do. To my knowledge, I haven't seen otherwise. Keep in mind you are asking how they entered and what gives them the right to stay. These details can usually be confirmed by the subject or people with them. You also need to know how many, who is the leader, what all they are doing to the body (sickness) and soul so they can be completely delivered... Do you want these people completely delivered and free or not? If you have time to do more, you should.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Amar, they can.
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Chris Welch
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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Outer court (Body)
Inner court (Soul that is mind, will and emotions)
Holy of Holis (Spirit)
Once your born again the holy spirit comes into the holy of Holis and dwells, since that which is born of flesh is flesh, but that which is born of spirit is spirit.
So demons cannot enter into the holy of Holis of a person who's born again.
But demons can oppress a person's body or soul (also referred to as demonized, but not demon possessed) , thereby causing the person torment, pain, sickness, battles of the mind, spirits of addiction, perversion, rejection, pride,lust etc etc..
The only instance where a believer can become demon possessed is when they continue to ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit, which continuously reminds and convicts them of truth from error. When a believer refuses this conviction continually and over a period of time, is turn over to a reprobate mind, thereby at that stage, there is no more room for the spirit of God to dwell in the holy of Holis in that person, and the demons that is already tormenting this person's body and soul, crosses over into their spirit man...
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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Deliverance is a real....
Jesus gave us power to cast out devils or demons..
To dispossess them, repel them, forbid them, rebuke them, eject them out of people....
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I do think see how it ever crosses over into the spirit of a man. When Paul delivered the unrepentant brother over to the Devil he said that it was so that he would experience destruction in the FLESH so that his SPIRIT would be saved. In the original Holy of Holies NOTHING unclean could enter. The same is still true for the inner court for the SPIRIT in our temple.
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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Agreed brother
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Chris Welch
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Nancy Smith-Williams
Nancy Smith-Williams As a born again believer, I had to be brought to the place by God to renounce and evict a demonic stronghold in my life. We can be saved, yet still have strongholds.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh Consider this: who is a "believer" but a Son of God (Gal3:26). That's who we are in Christ. So does the Son of God have a demon? Is He sick? NO!!! So NEITHER IS THIS ONE, because I BELIEVE GOD. Who said a "believer" can have a demon? Who said the Sons will be afflicted? Who told you you were naked? "who" said it, that's who. Stop talking to "who" and talk to Him instead. Listen to "who" and all you get is lies anyway. Its the TRUTH, the Son, that makes you free!! Whatever you're listening to, you gonna be livin' what you believe in. BELIEVE GOD ABOUT YOU, not "who." This is what "believers" need to be hearing and saying, rather than basing our understanding on our experiences in this fallen reality.
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David Light
David Light I do remember the who, 😂
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh Miss you D
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Chris Welch
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Kathryn Daniel
Kathryn Daniel Don't demons prey on the flesh? I'm not saying your wrong, but I've personally seen spirits and I'm not 'positive' whether they were people or demons, but I have seen them. Not a shadow, not a hallucination, like a full body with facial features spirit, so... I believe they are definitely still here and plus once someone told me maybe I was being attacked by one and at first I was offended, but then I commanded it to leave and it's like I just felt back to normal. Anyways, not saying your wrong, this is just my understanding. Jesus cast them out and said He gave us authority over them, so I would think we still have authority over them, but I'd like to learn more about it.
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy Get out of the flesh. The spirit is completely saved. However continue to renew your mind.
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto What about when you encounter a healing in a believer and then the pain moves?? Isn't that a Spirit of infirmity? I know it's in the fleshly or soul arena. I get that the Spirit can't be touched. I've seen many demonic spirits that have been either the...See more
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy No such thing as a spirit of Jezebel. Smile.
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto Actually, it's the character of Jezebel... That's why it's called that.
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Chris Welch
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Pete Cabrera Jr
Pete Cabrera Jr This is an awesome subject.. let's edify and dig into the word great discussion !!
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto Thanks Pete!! 😄
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I would actually love to see a Facebook live, round-table discussion of many people with differing opinions/experiences with the Word and hash it out that way. That way we can we can all see the process of working through finding the truth in this area.
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Chris Welch
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Brad J. Penner
Brad J. Penner Chris Whitehead people get what they believe and demons are more than happy to oblige the lie being believed. When we manifest Sonship and authority, and then teach people to stay in the Spirit (In Christ)... those types of manifestations cease. I've lived both sides of that experience bro
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Chris Whitehead replied · 1 Reply
Michele Kelly
Michele Kelly The flesh is the character of the demonic.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley The simple answer is no matter what know who you are and don't complicate things with your brain remain engaged. With the Holy Spirit.....He is ur teacher....demons are not that a big of deal they have to listen to you even if they are in a piG
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David White
David White How about before the born again experience a demon causes it but after the born again experience you need to break the habit with the help of the Holy Spirit. Crucifying the flesh (carrying the cross) follows being born again in my opinion. After you a...See more
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James Wrench
James Wrench . I had a speech problem my whole life. In 2002 a lady cast that spirit out of me and I was instantly talking normal. I was filled with the spirit for 12 years before that and had seen God heal hundreds of people instantly. I started casting spirits out of others. I spent about 2 years doing a lot of fasting and praying for God to teach me about spirits. Since that time Ive probably cast thousands out of people but I dont cast spirits out of nonbelievers because theirs nothing to keep it from coming back. Sometimes churches have me come in and teach and then I do deliverance over the whole body. Theirs usually a lot of people that get delivered of diseases because disease is caused by spirits of infirmity. Its sin that allows them in. Any place you give to the devil, he will take. For instance the Bible says forgive everyone and if you do not then your father wont forgive you. So if a believer has unforgiveness then he lets a spirit of bitterness in. After God taught me for a few years he gave me the gift of discerning of spirits. When you deliver someone the first thing you need to do is find out why its there and have them repent. Except Epilepsy. Epilepsy doesnt seem to be tied to any sin but they need to forgive everyone.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh So were Jesus and the apostles in error for casting demons out of unsaved unbelievers?? Are there some chapters missing from the Bible regarding deliverance for believers? Maybe it's OUR understanding, doctrines and practices that are in error?? Just a thought. 😇
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James Wrench
James Wrench Gabriel Salameh If the house isnt filled they come back with 7 more according to scripture. If there not going to accept Christ then what do you think your going to fill them with that will keep spirits out? In the beginning I cast them out of nonbelie...See more
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman Hay bro
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman Where do you see in the Bible a demo being cast out of a born again believer?
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman I think you were quoting Matthew 6:14&15 regarding forgivenes and unforgivness. Would you agree Jesus was speaking to the disciples pre resure so they were not born again living spirits but still carnal and under the law of the old Covenant so Jesus t...See more
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy We've prayed for thousands of folks and only came across one lady who was demonized. The rest we got delivered simply thru the word of God.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh It's clear that unbelievers are under the influence of the demonic- spirit, soul & body. Of course we bring the Gospel and get them born again. I don't ask them to "accept" Jesus; Holy Ghost convinces them through the message preached. But the issue ra...See more
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Chris Welch
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Heleen Enslin
Heleen Enslin A Born Again Child of God is complete IN Christ. Holy & blameless & righteous for once and for all in ur spirit. The only place that need change is ur mind.
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Heleen Enslin
Heleen Enslin Renew ur mind with God's TRUTH.
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Rose Rito
Rose Rito 1 Corinthians 15:1,2 "IF"
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Tonyachildofgod Woods
Tonyachildofgod Woods Amen
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Robert Long
Robert Long Demons can manifest in anyone. Just see what Derek Prince had to say about it. A Demon is a very negative spirit. As opposed to a positive spirit like the spirit of truth. There must be a spirit for every emotion.
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog Spirit for every emotion? Where does it say that in the word, so if I'm sad because my dog died your saying that's spiritual? If so, give me a Break, oh hang on I'm skeptical, spirit? No wonder non believers run for the hills with this sort of stuff being said,
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Robert Long
Robert Long Are you angry?
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Ransome Williams
Ransome Williams Just preach Jesus and Him crucified
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog Robert Long if I am it must be a spirit?
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog I'm not angry at all, I'm jut astounded at this opinion,
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Ransome Williams
Ransome Williams You can preach the best sermon on earth and move no one. You preach Jesus and Him crucified it grips the spirit and heart of mankind
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Robert Long
Robert Long Do you see Angels and Demons. Have you cast them out of someone. There is more to Deliverance than what is in the bible. Seek and ye shall find.
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Chris Welch
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John Traczyk
John Traczyk It says WORKS of the flesh
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James Wrench
James Wrench A neat story on this subject. Kenneth hagin was going out of town with another minister for 3 weeks. When he picked the guy up the guy said just a second I forgot my insulin and went back in his house and got it. Kenneth Hagin said You wont need that while your with me. The guys blood sugar was perfect every morning. He started eating chocolate cake and all kinds of sweets and it never went up. He never had to take a shot. After the guy was back home for a little bit his blood sugar went bad again. He went to Kenneth Hagin and asked him to explain it. Kenneth Hagin said ITS SIMPLE. THAT SPIRIT CANT OPERATE UNDER MY AUTHORITY. As long as you were with me, you were under my authority. Now that your back home Your going to have to use your own authority to deal with it. He got rid of the diabetes but took him almost a year. Theres a faith process in dealing with demons. We cast them out by faith.
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Laura Walck
Laura Walck A Christain with unforgiveness and a bitter heart I believe can cause demonic infirmity to their body. And repentance of it will result in the ability to be healed. But that's not possession.
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Victoria Suarez
Victoria Suarez Rebecca Reb read the question and the feed and let me know what you think.
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KevinAmy Smith
KevinAmy Smith Spot on! People struggle to know the difference between demonic activity vs ornery people - because of this! The flesh! The flesh has a very distinctive demonic "flare", if you will, because Satan is the head of that covenant. See Galatians 4:24.
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Wendy Mixell
Wendy Mixell The works of the flesh if not delt with but given into is to reject the Word and its work, will eventually open one up to demonic stronghold then if not delivered, the flesh can be possessed! Seen it before!
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Wendy Mixell
Wendy Mixell I believe the problem lies within the one who claims salvation! If truly Yahuah is your God then you will submit your flesh to the Spirit!
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Jordan Stippel
Jordan Stippel So basically I'm f**ked....
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Kevin Sluder
Kevin Sluder satan means adversary. devil means slanderer or false accuser. Demons were a myth that the early Jewish culture adopted. They thought that at times, when a person died, their spirit would stay around and haunt people. Crazy stuff! A lot of these belief...See more
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder In the earliest Greek text basically everything was capitalized because they didn't have upper and lowercase letters
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Kevin Sluder
Kevin Sluder Agreed, but what they believed about satan devil and demons are way different than what we do today..
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder Sorry wrote a big reply and it posted that gif. Didn't mean to do that
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder What I was going to say is that I am somewhat familiar with the early church's writing up to around 400 ad. I haven't seen much of anything that was different than what we believe today. Can you be more specific about exactly what writings you are referring to?
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Chris Welch
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Todd Casselberry
Todd Casselberry great word
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Mike Milo
Mike Milo I'm pretty surprised this isn't an open-shut topic.. open the Bible and shut off the carnal mind. Hahaha
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Candice Mohamed
Candice Mohamed The flesh is a manifestation of the nature of satan infused into the old creation man. Once we are born AGAIN, we are born again with the nature of God and can manifest/act out that.
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Johnny Garcia Jr.
Johnny Garcia Jr. What would you say allows them into a person in the first place, whether they are believer or non-believer?
What brings any person to that stage of being demonized?
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Brian Sumner
Brian Sumner Rev 20:2 he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,
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Pete Cabrera Jr
22 hrs · Hutchinson, KS, United States ·
People always say demons manifest in believers is this correct? But what does the Bible say after the cross towards a born again believer.. ask your self this question what is manifesting in this passage of scripture?
Is it a demon or flesh..? Just a question ?
Gal 5:19-21
19 Now the works of the flesh are MANIFEST, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,...
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78 Cathy Rheeder, Matthew Couch and 76 others
Miguel Angel Perez Jr.
Miguel Angel Perez Jr. There are things that are demonic and works in the flesh! "For jealousy and selfishness are not God's kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic." James 3:15
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Cyndi Millett
Cyndi Millett I see that scripture like this: Acting like a devil doesn't mean you "have one" possessing/oppressing. When Jesus addressed Peter was he saying Peter was suddenly or temporarily hosting Satan himself? Or was He saying, Peter- you are thinking like the adversary-you have the mindset of a carnal man saying that. Jesus knew that thinking was not sourced of the Father or HS but of a lower carnal basis (earthly/sensual-senses; devils were cast down to earth, lower plains; carnal is demonic "influenced" or inspired, "natural")
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Miguel Angel Perez Jr.
Miguel Angel Perez Jr. Cyndi Millett I see what you are saying. It doesn't say that demons are hosting but it also doesn't say they aren't
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Chris Welch
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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta What about infirmity Pete?
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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta If a believer can be sickness possessed then it can also be demon possessed?
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Marlyne Cooper
Marlyne Cooper Amen!
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead To piggyback on the above comments- I love how you are developing this idea more and more as you refine it by talking about it but what has not yet been addressed in any of this are "manifestations" that do not fall into what Galatians that have anothe...See more
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Cyndi Millett
Cyndi Millett Hope you don't mind my commenting here Chris. The soul and physical flesh can certainly manifest in such ways without a demon being present- fogginess and cloudiness of mind, dizziness can come by strongholds (belief systems not demons present) shiftin...See more
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Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta I don't think Pete is saying christian believers can't be demon possessed but that if the book of Corinthians Paul only addresses the flesh its because we are missing something. In other words Pete is pointing to something that obviously we didn't see and it kind of make you think. Cheers
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley I experience this too even on a Christion I'm wondering ...lol but usually they are just figuring out who they are and the demons are fighting them but once they know who they are and know as a son. They know authority and that stuff is gone usually Wi...See more
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Chris Welch
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David Waite
David Waite Pete, all I can say is that God destroyed the earth with a flood because of the works of the flesh. There is no evidence in Scripture of a Christian being possessed. Christians want to associate the works of the flesh with the demonic which takes the responsibility of them for their behavior.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Some Christians may want to associate the works of the flesh with the demonic to displace responsibility but most do not. Christians are demonized (i.e. they have demons attached to their body and soul) and it is ignorant to automatically dismiss something because it is not thoroughly detailed in any books of the Bible. Talk to someone experienced in deliverance and they will probably detail it's reality to you. I have seen demonization is many people and even friends who were clearly born again Christians but had made opportunity for demons to attach to them. For example, a strong Christian friend of mine from Bible college was an mk and manifested demons that attached to him on the mission field through an "open door." It took over an hour of intense deliverance until they finally left him.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley It's not totally black and white....that's why Jesus says cast out demons...use your decernment.a had an innocent person with demons from being molested...that was not their fault or responsibility this is however my responsibility to do what Jesus did....too many people concerned with what people deserve...the truth is if you see someone on the same mountain as you climbing up but you see vultures pulling them down....and you have a gun you take the vultures out....to free your brother Wich is a part of your own body. Be like simple.
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David Waite
David Waite Joy Sturley so if a so called Christian who is the Temple of God, Jesus lives in their heart and the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in them, you believe they can be possessed? This new creation in Christ whom the Son Set free is free indeed. So give me Scripture where this happened if you are talking Biblical truth.
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David Waite
David Waite Todd Tyszka please give Biblical evidence for your premise? Paul didn't bring in the deliverence team for the Corinthians so where in Scripture is evidence.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley No I don't think that but I think if demons have had a door open know or unknown they can manifest on there way out leading to full freedom...and they can attack and manifest this doesn't mean somebody is fully possessed...this however should not happen at all when you are a like you said sold out...but saying and doing Christianity are two different animals...
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley Are we following Paul or Jesus?
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley I don't get confused or over analyse stuff..the mind is at Emity...I'm not concerned with convincing people of things I just hang out with Jesus .
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley You have already given yourself enough scriptures
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Dan Jones
Dan Jones Yes.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka David, everything isn't in Scripture and we don't know little about how Jesus and the disciples ministered. However, I know ministry and the reality of Christian demonization.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka David, demonization isn't possession but it's very real, you need to participate in some deliverance to understand what we mean.
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David Waite
David Waite Todd Tyszka Everything isn't scripture. WOW so Jesus who is the Way the Truth and the Life and is the essence of the word is not the foundation of who we are to be do and act like (sons of God John1:12) to grow up into Him in all things Eph 4:15. So, ...See more
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Chris Welch
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Charity Liane
Charity Liane I know a sister in Christ who manifested the spirit of Jezebel in a restaurant. You can see it in the eyes. I got up & went to the restroom, bound it & came back & the manifestation was gone.
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Roy Van Rijn
Roy Van Rijn Look it up in the Greek. Look at all instance where the word oppressed is used, and where the word possessed is used. It's the same word in Greek.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Pete, Christians can ABSOLUTELY have demons manifesting without it being the flesh. Demons can be attached to our soul and/or flesh. Next time one manifests, why don't you talk to it, command it to tell you how it entered and how it has authority to stay. Then you can actually help these people rather than send them away bound and tormented like most people do because "it's not in the Bible." Jesus spoke to demons and even the Devil himself, so it is Biblical and practical, as well as experientially prudent. We are complex creations and need deep deliverance when possible.
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I see what you are saying but I don't see any benefit in talking to them since they are liars. I don't see Jesus talking to them other than to say "leave." When he was with the man at the tombs I believe it was his compassion asking the man what his name was and the demon answered with a lie.
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Amar Patil
Amar Patil Well said I agree 100 percent with pete. I have often said that pastors can have demons.
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Amar Patil
Amar Patil demons r subject to us in Jesus name so v can always command them to speak the truth.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Chris, if you command them to tell the truth, they usually do. To my knowledge, I haven't seen otherwise. Keep in mind you are asking how they entered and what gives them the right to stay. These details can usually be confirmed by the subject or people with them. You also need to know how many, who is the leader, what all they are doing to the body (sickness) and soul so they can be completely delivered... Do you want these people completely delivered and free or not? If you have time to do more, you should.
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Todd Tyszka
Todd Tyszka Amar, they can.
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Chris Welch
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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Outer court (Body)
Inner court (Soul that is mind, will and emotions)
Holy of Holis (Spirit)
Once your born again the holy spirit comes into the holy of Holis and dwells, since that which is born of flesh is flesh, but that which is born of spirit is spirit.
So demons cannot enter into the holy of Holis of a person who's born again.
But demons can oppress a person's body or soul (also referred to as demonized, but not demon possessed) , thereby causing the person torment, pain, sickness, battles of the mind, spirits of addiction, perversion, rejection, pride,lust etc etc..
The only instance where a believer can become demon possessed is when they continue to ignore the conviction of the Holy Spirit, which continuously reminds and convicts them of truth from error. When a believer refuses this conviction continually and over a period of time, is turn over to a reprobate mind, thereby at that stage, there is no more room for the spirit of God to dwell in the holy of Holis in that person, and the demons that is already tormenting this person's body and soul, crosses over into their spirit man...
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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Deliverance is a real....
Jesus gave us power to cast out devils or demons..
To dispossess them, repel them, forbid them, rebuke them, eject them out of people....
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I do think see how it ever crosses over into the spirit of a man. When Paul delivered the unrepentant brother over to the Devil he said that it was so that he would experience destruction in the FLESH so that his SPIRIT would be saved. In the original Holy of Holies NOTHING unclean could enter. The same is still true for the inner court for the SPIRIT in our temple.
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Daren Rambally
Daren Rambally Agreed brother
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Chris Welch
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Nancy Smith-Williams
Nancy Smith-Williams As a born again believer, I had to be brought to the place by God to renounce and evict a demonic stronghold in my life. We can be saved, yet still have strongholds.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh Consider this: who is a "believer" but a Son of God (Gal3:26). That's who we are in Christ. So does the Son of God have a demon? Is He sick? NO!!! So NEITHER IS THIS ONE, because I BELIEVE GOD. Who said a "believer" can have a demon? Who said the Sons will be afflicted? Who told you you were naked? "who" said it, that's who. Stop talking to "who" and talk to Him instead. Listen to "who" and all you get is lies anyway. Its the TRUTH, the Son, that makes you free!! Whatever you're listening to, you gonna be livin' what you believe in. BELIEVE GOD ABOUT YOU, not "who." This is what "believers" need to be hearing and saying, rather than basing our understanding on our experiences in this fallen reality.
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David Light
David Light I do remember the who, 😂
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh Miss you D
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Chris Welch
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Kathryn Daniel
Kathryn Daniel Don't demons prey on the flesh? I'm not saying your wrong, but I've personally seen spirits and I'm not 'positive' whether they were people or demons, but I have seen them. Not a shadow, not a hallucination, like a full body with facial features spirit, so... I believe they are definitely still here and plus once someone told me maybe I was being attacked by one and at first I was offended, but then I commanded it to leave and it's like I just felt back to normal. Anyways, not saying your wrong, this is just my understanding. Jesus cast them out and said He gave us authority over them, so I would think we still have authority over them, but I'd like to learn more about it.
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy Get out of the flesh. The spirit is completely saved. However continue to renew your mind.
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto What about when you encounter a healing in a believer and then the pain moves?? Isn't that a Spirit of infirmity? I know it's in the fleshly or soul arena. I get that the Spirit can't be touched. I've seen many demonic spirits that have been either the...See more
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy No such thing as a spirit of Jezebel. Smile.
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto Actually, it's the character of Jezebel... That's why it's called that.
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Chris Welch
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Pete Cabrera Jr
Pete Cabrera Jr This is an awesome subject.. let's edify and dig into the word great discussion !!
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Amanda Soto
Amanda Soto Thanks Pete!! 😄
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Chris Whitehead
Chris Whitehead I would actually love to see a Facebook live, round-table discussion of many people with differing opinions/experiences with the Word and hash it out that way. That way we can we can all see the process of working through finding the truth in this area.
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Chris Welch
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Brad J. Penner
Brad J. Penner Chris Whitehead people get what they believe and demons are more than happy to oblige the lie being believed. When we manifest Sonship and authority, and then teach people to stay in the Spirit (In Christ)... those types of manifestations cease. I've lived both sides of that experience bro
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Chris Whitehead replied · 1 Reply
Michele Kelly
Michele Kelly The flesh is the character of the demonic.
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Joy Sturley
Joy Sturley The simple answer is no matter what know who you are and don't complicate things with your brain remain engaged. With the Holy Spirit.....He is ur teacher....demons are not that a big of deal they have to listen to you even if they are in a piG
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David White
David White How about before the born again experience a demon causes it but after the born again experience you need to break the habit with the help of the Holy Spirit. Crucifying the flesh (carrying the cross) follows being born again in my opinion. After you a...See more
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James Wrench
James Wrench . I had a speech problem my whole life. In 2002 a lady cast that spirit out of me and I was instantly talking normal. I was filled with the spirit for 12 years before that and had seen God heal hundreds of people instantly. I started casting spirits out of others. I spent about 2 years doing a lot of fasting and praying for God to teach me about spirits. Since that time Ive probably cast thousands out of people but I dont cast spirits out of nonbelievers because theirs nothing to keep it from coming back. Sometimes churches have me come in and teach and then I do deliverance over the whole body. Theirs usually a lot of people that get delivered of diseases because disease is caused by spirits of infirmity. Its sin that allows them in. Any place you give to the devil, he will take. For instance the Bible says forgive everyone and if you do not then your father wont forgive you. So if a believer has unforgiveness then he lets a spirit of bitterness in. After God taught me for a few years he gave me the gift of discerning of spirits. When you deliver someone the first thing you need to do is find out why its there and have them repent. Except Epilepsy. Epilepsy doesnt seem to be tied to any sin but they need to forgive everyone.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh So were Jesus and the apostles in error for casting demons out of unsaved unbelievers?? Are there some chapters missing from the Bible regarding deliverance for believers? Maybe it's OUR understanding, doctrines and practices that are in error?? Just a thought. 😇
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James Wrench
James Wrench Gabriel Salameh If the house isnt filled they come back with 7 more according to scripture. If there not going to accept Christ then what do you think your going to fill them with that will keep spirits out? In the beginning I cast them out of nonbelie...See more
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman Hay bro
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman Where do you see in the Bible a demo being cast out of a born again believer?
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Peter Youngman
Peter Youngman I think you were quoting Matthew 6:14&15 regarding forgivenes and unforgivness. Would you agree Jesus was speaking to the disciples pre resure so they were not born again living spirits but still carnal and under the law of the old Covenant so Jesus t...See more
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Mark N Denise Abernethy
Mark N Denise Abernethy We've prayed for thousands of folks and only came across one lady who was demonized. The rest we got delivered simply thru the word of God.
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Gabriel Salameh
Gabriel Salameh It's clear that unbelievers are under the influence of the demonic- spirit, soul & body. Of course we bring the Gospel and get them born again. I don't ask them to "accept" Jesus; Holy Ghost convinces them through the message preached. But the issue ra...See more
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Chris Welch
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Heleen Enslin
Heleen Enslin A Born Again Child of God is complete IN Christ. Holy & blameless & righteous for once and for all in ur spirit. The only place that need change is ur mind.
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Heleen Enslin
Heleen Enslin Renew ur mind with God's TRUTH.
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Rose Rito
Rose Rito 1 Corinthians 15:1,2 "IF"
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Tonyachildofgod Woods
Tonyachildofgod Woods Amen
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Robert Long
Robert Long Demons can manifest in anyone. Just see what Derek Prince had to say about it. A Demon is a very negative spirit. As opposed to a positive spirit like the spirit of truth. There must be a spirit for every emotion.
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog Spirit for every emotion? Where does it say that in the word, so if I'm sad because my dog died your saying that's spiritual? If so, give me a Break, oh hang on I'm skeptical, spirit? No wonder non believers run for the hills with this sort of stuff being said,
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Robert Long
Robert Long Are you angry?
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Ransome Williams
Ransome Williams Just preach Jesus and Him crucified
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog Robert Long if I am it must be a spirit?
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Kim Den Hertog
Kim Den Hertog I'm not angry at all, I'm jut astounded at this opinion,
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Ransome Williams
Ransome Williams You can preach the best sermon on earth and move no one. You preach Jesus and Him crucified it grips the spirit and heart of mankind
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Robert Long
Robert Long Do you see Angels and Demons. Have you cast them out of someone. There is more to Deliverance than what is in the bible. Seek and ye shall find.
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Chris Welch
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John Traczyk
John Traczyk It says WORKS of the flesh
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James Wrench
James Wrench A neat story on this subject. Kenneth hagin was going out of town with another minister for 3 weeks. When he picked the guy up the guy said just a second I forgot my insulin and went back in his house and got it. Kenneth Hagin said You wont need that while your with me. The guys blood sugar was perfect every morning. He started eating chocolate cake and all kinds of sweets and it never went up. He never had to take a shot. After the guy was back home for a little bit his blood sugar went bad again. He went to Kenneth Hagin and asked him to explain it. Kenneth Hagin said ITS SIMPLE. THAT SPIRIT CANT OPERATE UNDER MY AUTHORITY. As long as you were with me, you were under my authority. Now that your back home Your going to have to use your own authority to deal with it. He got rid of the diabetes but took him almost a year. Theres a faith process in dealing with demons. We cast them out by faith.
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Laura Walck
Laura Walck A Christain with unforgiveness and a bitter heart I believe can cause demonic infirmity to their body. And repentance of it will result in the ability to be healed. But that's not possession.
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Victoria Suarez
Victoria Suarez Rebecca Reb read the question and the feed and let me know what you think.
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KevinAmy Smith
KevinAmy Smith Spot on! People struggle to know the difference between demonic activity vs ornery people - because of this! The flesh! The flesh has a very distinctive demonic "flare", if you will, because Satan is the head of that covenant. See Galatians 4:24.
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Wendy Mixell
Wendy Mixell The works of the flesh if not delt with but given into is to reject the Word and its work, will eventually open one up to demonic stronghold then if not delivered, the flesh can be possessed! Seen it before!
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Wendy Mixell
Wendy Mixell I believe the problem lies within the one who claims salvation! If truly Yahuah is your God then you will submit your flesh to the Spirit!
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Jordan Stippel
Jordan Stippel So basically I'm f**ked....
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Kevin Sluder
Kevin Sluder satan means adversary. devil means slanderer or false accuser. Demons were a myth that the early Jewish culture adopted. They thought that at times, when a person died, their spirit would stay around and haunt people. Crazy stuff! A lot of these belief...See more
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder In the earliest Greek text basically everything was capitalized because they didn't have upper and lowercase letters
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Kevin Sluder
Kevin Sluder Agreed, but what they believed about satan devil and demons are way different than what we do today..
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder Sorry wrote a big reply and it posted that gif. Didn't mean to do that
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Michael Paul Corder
Michael Paul Corder What I was going to say is that I am somewhat familiar with the early church's writing up to around 400 ad. I haven't seen much of anything that was different than what we believe today. Can you be more specific about exactly what writings you are referring to?
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Chris Welch
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Todd Casselberry
Todd Casselberry great word
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Mike Milo
Mike Milo I'm pretty surprised this isn't an open-shut topic.. open the Bible and shut off the carnal mind. Hahaha
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Candice Mohamed
Candice Mohamed The flesh is a manifestation of the nature of satan infused into the old creation man. Once we are born AGAIN, we are born again with the nature of God and can manifest/act out that.
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Johnny Garcia Jr.
Johnny Garcia Jr. What would you say allows them into a person in the first place, whether they are believer or non-believer?
What brings any person to that stage of being demonized?
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Brian Sumner
Brian Sumner Rev 20:2 he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years,
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Pressure in ministry.
From Abimelech eyeing your queen wife.....she was after all the one through whom the promise to Abraham would come.....
Through Sanballat's pressure on Nehemiah
Through the many pressures on Jesus of what He was.supposed to be doing or.not doing.....
Through Acts,and Galatians
We have to learn to say a firm yes and a firm no.
We.have died to the elemental.spirits of the universe saying do not touch, or do this.....
Read John 7 and consider unlike Christmas.....Jesus was saying no to a God mandated feast.Then God said a yes....but it happened differently.
We don't have to do anything . We.don't have to explain ourselves or our existence.
We are what Christ is doing next in us. As long as that isnt our independent self using it as subterfuge for self preservation.
Ever hear an evangelical say......if God wills......which meant if they felt like it?
That all came out of the book of James. Only takes a generation or two for the flesh to get clever with scripture.
a second Facebook post, related.
"I forced myself" is a huge single line.statement by Saul, who forced.himself to do what only Samuel was able to do, but hadn't turned up in the "promised time". And if you have been with a prophet you know they measure their words.with care.
So.it seems humanly unfair that Saul has his kingdom effectively stripped from him over this point.
His kingdom came woomph....overnight as Samuel anointed him.....but the transition from this rejection incident to the fullness.of.it coming to pass was like a slow long death, literally. But that's kind of the problem right there. Sauls love performing right to the curtain call.
"I forced myself" seems to cover most of.what goes on in the world. We have inspiration. We have a sense of call and Destiny. Musicians and.artists feel genuine things. Maybe parents do likewise. Then all of.us give up the wait and "force ourselves".
I had a strange dream last night which is already several hours back so it's fuzzy. It seemed important. Something like two men in an Eastern nation both getting a genuine political sense of.what had to be done, then they meet up.later. One of them has put himself up.for.election in the old manner of.things, and just in that act has already compromised his original inspiration. As it happens hardly anybody was following him. They were following the man who wasn't putting himself up for "power over".
We have this inner sense of what is right but will.we simply.wait.enough while it grows?
It's like Satan has no power over the genuine......it just IS coming into being.
His power and his jurisdiction is over where we feel.forced to act.
"Jesus plus" type of.activity.
Jesus alone doesn't cause.any problems......just the bits where we are trying to.add to God going on.
I forced myself.....
Is massive in its effects.
Monday, 24 July 2017
I'm Rubbish
I'd like to say I know what I know on good merits.
NOPE....like every good Bible character I know what I know because I was so frigging useless and still am.
I was desperate as an atheist and God just met me where I was at 13. Seen the Graduate? Dustin Hoffman one? I did, So I saw the whole thing coming in slow motion...but I was emotionally entangled. In the end God sent a prophet Nathan style to our door to get us all straight.
So having been like David Bilbrough...some sort of person affected enormously by the Jesus Move followed by the London House church move....I was fished out of the whole English scene into what was a safe recuperating kind of "City of Refuge " for me in Emsworth. But of all things it was Argentinian!!!!!
Which meant learning the stuff that Ed Silvoso and Claudio Friedzon was bringing to the UK in the 90s and 2000 ,about 20 years too early.
Which then catapulted me into gross failure in Romans 6 and 7 style. In the end, broken, i only knew to fast. And it was over 20 days. The BBC call you dead after 3 days !!!!
What God did was NOT because of some 20 day fasting method....He heard my desperation. I could have probably got to the same thing by simply reading Norman Grubb's Yes I am. But this is how God brought me into what Norman had learnt back some time in 1926 or so and the rest of the Church (though he was actually head of Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade) never listened.
See sometimes it's good to sit down and actually listen to people however weird it sounds, instead of being like Benny Hinn and racing round the universe trying to do it all yourself.(Morris Cerullo included). If you have run a global missions organisation, studied at Cambridge so can write, and you are still there after 50 years....I would think that is a good reason to try and learn off Norman and save yourself a half century.
So I didn't have Norman's book because I was in Emsworth and we believed God to do an Ed Miller suicide dive into all this stuff direct. God kindly did that, then i read the book.
But what it means is this.
Unlike IHOP I know Norman's stuff
Unlike Norman's own crowd, I know the vision of the Church...not as vision....but as lived for over a decade. I know what Acts is about. I have lived it.
While I know about London House churches vision of "being supernaturally natural" I KNOW how to get there.
Unlike Ed Miller, because of Norman Grubb I can articulate better what these socalled "lost" things or "deeper " things are.
Paul Trulin was well on the way before he died, and was able to share about Christ in us to Morris Cerullos Schools of Ministry. Because of Norman, Fred Pruitt, Page Prewitt, Nancy Gilmore, we can be so much more accurate on how daily living works. Particularly Deedee Winter, the Buntings,Sylvia Pearce.....have, as Paul Anderson Walsh pointed out...been some of the women "first to the tomb " in these issues that will literally change our world.
But because of Emsworth and some of Sam Fife's other streams (The Move) I can tell you what Norman's stuff looks like in every day church life. In Emsworth Spain and Argentina we had Bible Houses or Casa Biblicas. They wouldn't call it this but really they were centres of Galatians 2.20 consciousness living, which every church should be naturally. At this stage we have to form greenhouses to force growth, like Jesus did with the 12 disciples.
The two things lacking in seminaries is
they don't teach consciousness living
and they don't teach everyday life.
These two things are what the apostles refer to church as being in essence:
the pillar and ground of truth.
They are what they preach or you don't get recognised and sent out.
Acts 2 is really the story of 12 complete failures crashing into the thirdlevel then being the foundational reproductive core for the whole of the rest of the Church.
Zechariah 4 "raise the top stone with cries of grace ,"grace to it"
There's the grace of blood covering of sin
then there's the grace of crashing into Jesus living His life as me.
Gospel ministry at the moment is a single grace package which may or may not contain being filled with the Spirit.
The one the apostles preached and that we must NOW preach is a two grace package...day one grace of entry into the Family of God and being filled with the Spirit
the second grace of how Jesus exposes all our false inner seeing and so we walk nolonger as "independent selves", the original curse of Genesis 3 death.
and we can only impart what is true for us.
Sunday, 23 July 2017
Only One Boat Out of Here
Just as Noah's boat had three stories/decks salvation has three distinct phases in 1 John 2.
It was NEVER MEANT to be a one or two level gospel.
Or to be more specific, thinking back to Noah...
Nothing else works.
We are not meant to be in the independent self at all.
Not a smidgen.
Because we have remaining "independent self" bits, the fruit is the 30,000 denominations in America.
ONLY the independent self is divided.
There are no 12 tribes shewbread in the Holiest Place
Head and Body.
We DON'T enter into a theology course to get it, because theology courses are leftbrain affairs and leftbrains cannot handle what THEY CALL PARADOX
Do you know that in the Spirit there is no PARADOX
Spirit is its own doctrine.
On earth it looks like a whole series of opposites as described in Ecclesiastes....there is a time for...and a time for.....
But in the Spirit it is not divided. It's all pure Spirit.
It doesn't need defending.
How do we tell an immature person?
They are still leftbrain locked.
You say FREE WILL and they SAY sovereignty of God
You say Sovereignty of God and they say FREE WILL.
Their politics is one sided.....Labour Conservative
Republican Democrat
Imagine going into a traditional house before women worked.
Who do you support the man? the means of earning wealth and production?
Or the one who distributes the wealth so that people are cared for and needs are met?
Chris I support the woman.
Chris I support the man, down with the woman
This is the sort of rubbish leftbrain stupidity we live in continually.
talking at all times of the day, sharing our own thirdlevel life in their context as they are growing up.
Because people only come to Christ late
Because many never even get baptised in the Spirit
Because those that do are like the tribe of Dan and never ever relinquish the devilish hold of their leftbrain....
we get malformed adults trying to educate kids using LAW to try to bring them into maturity.
By the teenage they have seen through our emptiness and then have the long struggle of having to find out most of it from scratch again whereas if they were brought up in thirdlevel communities
well as we see with most fabulous singers like Whitney Houston and Mavis Staples and Elvis......all raised in pentecostalism....
But by 20 they will be well through the young man phase which is learning Spirit flow in their own lives and well through confronting Romans 6 and 7 in their lives so that by 30 like Jesus they are grounded in consciousness.
INstead we don't get fathered at all.
Rothschild has arranged for them to be absent
Now the mothers too.
In Germany they used to start kids at school at age 7 and we in the UK thought they were a backward nation.
Excuse me Britain
Which nation has produced the greatest number of genius musicians and philosophers and engineers and scientists?
In Germany engineering is so revered you actually get paid a living wage!!!!!
Please please hear me
Secularism is crap because they don't recognise spirit.
Buddhism is crap because otherwise they would be a unified set of people by now.
Zero level Christianity (Christianity without the living Christ inside them) is crap.
First level (Evangelical )Christianity never moves an inch from the tiny leftbrain front cortex, so can never make a whole human being It is crap.
Secondlevel Christianity is great until you are a teenager, but as Maslow's Developmental Laws show, as M Scott Peck's Psychological stages of growth show, as 20th century Christianity shows......stop there in the 1 John 2 young man stage and you have a half built tower, only fit for the world to laugh......although they do like the Black gospel choirs!!!
THE ONLY Christianity that works is the one a thirty year old taught having learned His Father consciousness as a carpenter......and AS HE IS SO ARE WE IN THE EARTH....
Only because there are more of us
And because He was promoted to Lord of the whole Universe
THERE IS ONLY ONE BOAT OUT OF HERE AND IT HAS THREE STORIES. Exactly what do you think you are playing at people?????
It was NEVER MEANT to be a one or two level gospel.
Or to be more specific, thinking back to Noah...

Nothing else works.
We are not meant to be in the independent self at all.
Not a smidgen.
Because we have remaining "independent self" bits, the fruit is the 30,000 denominations in America.
ONLY the independent self is divided.
There are no 12 tribes shewbread in the Holiest Place
Head and Body.
We DON'T enter into a theology course to get it, because theology courses are leftbrain affairs and leftbrains cannot handle what THEY CALL PARADOX
Do you know that in the Spirit there is no PARADOX
Spirit is its own doctrine.
On earth it looks like a whole series of opposites as described in Ecclesiastes....there is a time for...and a time for.....
But in the Spirit it is not divided. It's all pure Spirit.
It doesn't need defending.
How do we tell an immature person?
They are still leftbrain locked.
You say FREE WILL and they SAY sovereignty of God
You say Sovereignty of God and they say FREE WILL.
Their politics is one sided.....Labour Conservative
Republican Democrat
Imagine going into a traditional house before women worked.
Who do you support the man? the means of earning wealth and production?
Or the one who distributes the wealth so that people are cared for and needs are met?
Chris I support the woman.
Chris I support the man, down with the woman
This is the sort of rubbish leftbrain stupidity we live in continually.
talking at all times of the day, sharing our own thirdlevel life in their context as they are growing up.
Because people only come to Christ late
Because many never even get baptised in the Spirit
Because those that do are like the tribe of Dan and never ever relinquish the devilish hold of their leftbrain....
we get malformed adults trying to educate kids using LAW to try to bring them into maturity.
By the teenage they have seen through our emptiness and then have the long struggle of having to find out most of it from scratch again whereas if they were brought up in thirdlevel communities
well as we see with most fabulous singers like Whitney Houston and Mavis Staples and Elvis......all raised in pentecostalism....
But by 20 they will be well through the young man phase which is learning Spirit flow in their own lives and well through confronting Romans 6 and 7 in their lives so that by 30 like Jesus they are grounded in consciousness.
INstead we don't get fathered at all.
Rothschild has arranged for them to be absent
Now the mothers too.
In Germany they used to start kids at school at age 7 and we in the UK thought they were a backward nation.
Excuse me Britain
Which nation has produced the greatest number of genius musicians and philosophers and engineers and scientists?
In Germany engineering is so revered you actually get paid a living wage!!!!!
Please please hear me
Secularism is crap because they don't recognise spirit.
Buddhism is crap because otherwise they would be a unified set of people by now.
Zero level Christianity (Christianity without the living Christ inside them) is crap.
First level (Evangelical )Christianity never moves an inch from the tiny leftbrain front cortex, so can never make a whole human being It is crap.
Secondlevel Christianity is great until you are a teenager, but as Maslow's Developmental Laws show, as M Scott Peck's Psychological stages of growth show, as 20th century Christianity shows......stop there in the 1 John 2 young man stage and you have a half built tower, only fit for the world to laugh......although they do like the Black gospel choirs!!!
THE ONLY Christianity that works is the one a thirty year old taught having learned His Father consciousness as a carpenter......and AS HE IS SO ARE WE IN THE EARTH....
Only because there are more of us
And because He was promoted to Lord of the whole Universe
THERE IS ONLY ONE BOAT OUT OF HERE AND IT HAS THREE STORIES. Exactly what do you think you are playing at people?????
Saturday, 22 July 2017
How the world church make meringue
In natural life as in the Spirit proverbs says a man's gift makes way for itself. The Holy Spirit set apart Barnabas and Paul for the ministry......why....it was simple recognition of who they were in Antioch the first Gentile church and how they functioned.
In a gathering, pretty soon it is evident who knows Jesus best.
There is a weight of authority in the Spirit.
In the Old Covenant these would become leaders and direct the rest. We still have Old Covenant thinking in every single church on the planet today with one leader per church.
Jesus broke that in Acts 2 with 11 people standing behind the one preaching and called to open the Kingdom with his keys....St Peter. But Peter was never in charge of the church in Jerusalem. And it seems the head, who was James, who was later murdered, was administrative head, and this may have just been a carry over from the Jewish notion of a synagogue head. It is interesting that he was the one killed.
Jack Fortenberry points out that in none of the letters does anybody get asked to greet a single person over a church, as is our modernday pagan Catholic inheritance universally across the earth.
For most of you this will seem absurd. Look even John and Carol Arnott were in charge of Toronto Vineyard.....you say.
Were they?
They had input. But as far as I can glean the Ho;y Spirit was in charge.
A lot of you have no clue whatsoever when i use the phrase Melchizedek Order.
When we gather in the Name of Jesus all of us are synced up to the Head. The Holy Spirit makes it known what He wants done, using different members. But included with our salvation is the free gift of "the umpire of peace in our hearts".
We know the sound of heaven.
My Sheep know my voice, says Jesus.
This will all become so much clearer once we have a thirdlevel core in each church according to 1 John 2.
This doesn't make them into a super set of Stalins directing everything.
What happens in the Spirit is that they provide a core antennae for the Spirit in a gathering. These are broken men, who if David was writing about them in the Psalms , see 84, he would say
Blessed are the men whose strength is in thee, in whose hearts are the highway to Zion.
They don't have to do much or even anything at all....but the whole meeting is directed through their LIVE connection to the Living King Jesus.
No scripture
No scripture
No scripture anywhere states that one pastor is over a church.
This may have been a flesh reality in first and secondlevel churches, but the Bible churches were thirdlevel churches.
Founded by broken men,
who had Galatians 2.20 consciousness
rooted and grounded in grace
and any particular gifting or anointing God had given them.
The modern idea of a man out the front directing, speaking,leading everything is just pagan.
it's what you are left with when you
baptise infants
nobody is really converted or baptised in water consciously and then receives the fulness of the Holy Spirit.
So what you are left with at worst is denominational disasters
perhaps some are born again
but as nobody is baptised in the Spirit there is no flow of the Spirit, so the poor single man or woman is left pulling strings like a marionette show.
This isnt the Church of the Living God.
It's like saying something is a meringue....so you have a good look expecting to see this lovely white risen thing
and you look at this crass rather grey flat mish mash that Catholics call a meringue.
So you ask them how did you make it?
Thats easy they explain
we didn't have any eggs so to get the colour we used turmeric. We didn't have an eggwhisk or a Kenwood Chef so we just made do with a few quick flicks with a spoon.
We didn't have a cooker so we left it outside in the sun for a couple of days and hoped for the best. But it rained on one of the days.
But it is definitely a meringue because the Pope says so and everything the Pope says is infallible.
"I see, But it never won Masterchef."
Friday, 21 July 2017
TTAC2 The Truth About Cancer - a Second Live Symposium
- Dr. Patrick Quillin
From: Ty and Charlene Bollinger
Nashville, TN
Dear Cancer Fighter,
Our mission here at TTAC is to educate people, expose the truth, and eradicate cancer from the face of the planet.
We're working every day to bring you the latest science and information you need...
Information you might never hear about otherwise...
Last year's event was profoundly special. The response, the emotion, and the stories of healing were truly overwhelming.
We talk a lot about how to heal your body, detoxify, and get things working properly again. But really, our mission is all about saving lives, plain and simple.
You can read books from renowned experts, watch their documentaries, listen to their interviews and podcasts, but there's no substitute for meeting face to face with them and asking your questions about your personal situation.
And that's why the whole health industry is buzzing about this year's event!
We’re gathering the best of the best -- 40 of the smartest, most innovative health and wellness experts in the world for a special 3-day event in Orlando, FL on October 5-7, 2017.
Dr. Mercola, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Stan Burzynski, Dr. Tony Jimenez, Doug Kaufmann, Cherie "The Juice Lady" Calbom, and so many more... gathered in one place, at one event, for the sole purpose of teaching you how they're eradicating cancer and other top diseases.
It's THE health event of the year.......MORE HERE
It’s called The Truth About Cancer LIVE, and we want YOU there with us!
Thursday, 20 July 2017
From Supplied to.....to SUPPLIER
![]() |
rivers of living water |
To take one area...just one...
of the move from "survival" to "contribution"
of the move from Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" to the Tree of Life
of baby "supplied to "Christianity to adult or thirdlevel SUPPLIER Christianity
it means coming into a revelation of El Shaddai the Supplier God, the knowledge that the whole of God's creation is one of flow, of seed and harvest, of provision
But NOT in the immature vision of American condominiums and Cadillacs
This is purely one of the Rivers that will flow out of our innermost being.
Ask any entrepreneur....
But if that is all you have on your insides you will be a LOTTERY LOSER.
No, ask any entrepreneur
God promised Israel the POWER to make wealth.
So Hitler or Stalin can strip from them every penny, but in one generation they will still largely own
New York or London or wherever.....
because all that they had stolen from them was pennies...
nobody stole their "power to make wealth".
Our power to make wealth isn't from Ganesh or some Indian god......who is really a spiritual power in the secondheavens, squatting like The Hobbit's Smaug on largely stolen wealth....
Our power doesn't really even come from the firstlevel Christian understanding of an out there God arbitrarily answering our prayers for deliverance when He feels like it...."If it be thy will"....
NO it's more the abundance of an Ephesians 1 Revelation
Of a GOD who is TOTAL
whose Divine energy sustains all things because He is in all,
and in us too who believe
and also in those who don't believe, but don't know it yet.
Please, in describing God's allness, I am not going Buddhist either....HE IS ALL THIS while also being the Personal God and Father who numbers all the hairs of our head.
The real purpose of this post is to describe in just one area of life what it means to move into the Thirdlevel of believing.
The Entrepreneur will tell you it's not changing a philosophy of mind in a Harvard Business School. All you learn there are the material constructs by which our outer money system works.
If you become a Mason, or swear to Lucifer on some way, yes he will take of some of his stolen money and tip some of it your way.....
But this is not the POWER to make wealth.
God's Power flows out of our innards.
The entrepreneur has hunches.
He has an ability to imagine and envisage BEFORE anybody has put any toothpaste on their brush in the morning.
It's a sensitivity to the "flow" in the universe which is only an echo of God's Divine flow in the heavenlies,
always deeper richer wider.....
This is why Give and it shall be given unto you works
Not because it is a magic ritual.....you DO A THING and ZAPPO God does another thing PING!
No God is kickstaring us into the flow direction of the universe which is in "contribution".....in AGAPE /OTHER LOVE (love for others)
To do "Contribution"....you must believe God's Nature is Supplier.
The Wombats in the New World Order (the Illuminati) think out of their pyramid maths sheet of "dwindling supplies"
so they have invented Agenda 21 to reduce the world's population by nine tenths
Because they only have faith for our current supply, because they are the devil's materialists.
God looks at every individual man and woman as many Rivers of Divine Supply....check out John 7.38
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From [i]his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” 39 But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
John 4 " but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
Leaving the Chequered Squares
Three(plus one) Facebook Posts originally conceived individually today
Hotel California -Eagles :
Ok it's set in a precise balmy location that appears to be paradise.
But actually it's talking about any infrastructure that has the appearance of comfort and safety UNTIL YOU EVER TRY TO LEAVE.
Then you reflect on the fact that the first ever meeting of the European Union was presided over by a leading Jesuit tasked with its formation, a formation that was by stealth. So the weather might not be the same in Brussels but there was a Catholic mission bell.
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell'
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year, you can find it here
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain,
'Please bring me my wine'
He said, 'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine'
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise, bring your alibis
Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device'
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
'Relax,' said the night man,
We are programmed to receive.
You can checkout any time you like,
But you can never leave!
In general that is our function as creatives/prophetic/caricaturists.
The current Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil infrastructure, or the checkerboard of the masons and through them the police force insignia......is presented as clear as if everything is as clear and simple as daylight. In reality everything is shot through with compromise.
Our job is to highlight "it could be heaven or it could be hell"
We are not interested in the greys at the surface level. We are interested in what is happening at root.
We come like Jonah to tell Nineveh it's direction arrow currently this very day. The fact that we appear wrong because people actually act sometimes on our seeing......well it may lead to us going off in a sulk.....but hopefully we are glad to have just made our God given contribution. We come across as extreme because we give you the read out now of the full effects of the spirit you are moving in.
Don't pick that fruit Adam it will lead to death!!
It did lead to death but outwardly it took 900 years to manifest.
Parents do no more with their offspring. Johnny if you carry on like that you won't have a career. They are not stating Johnny will really have no.career, they are expressing the full outcome of proceeding with such and such a behaviour. But of course the hopes are and expectations are that Johnny won't continue and will have a career.
To effect change you have to change the legal infrastructure whose "front" is the superficial one here on earth.
How superficial Chris?
It's actually tenuous made up of lots of tricks and double meanings.
1.Like" I understand," which when you state those words actually mean I stand under or comply....
2. Corporation is the oration of a corpse, a dead man. it's fiction.
3. When your parents signed your birth certificate a fictitious but bankable slave status was created around your name in Capital letters. Your poor parents didnt know what they were signing for. They weren't meant to.
4. The final piece of info was taught us by Mr Loarridge headmaster of Dr Challenors Grammar School in his citizenship classes. Law is largely Maritime Law which is why we have names such as the BAR, meaning a measure of sealevel. Again it is fiction, because we don't live on seawater we live on land. But it keeps LAW in a very "fluid" inaccessible noman's land thatis very difficult to "get at".....purposefully.
Now here is where things get interesting.
When you have an encounter with God
Your previous "fiction" is declared DEAD in Christ.
You now only deal in reality whereas the world system only deals in fictional makebelieve pyramid schemes under a very few elite.
Christians relate open face, non Christians are encouraged to wear a mask, to have a telephone voice, and a "leftbrain " manner.
Since John Lennon and the death of the old paternalistic order and Pathe News etc... the world has had a lot more human a face.
The Book of Daniel described this as "feet of iron mixed with clay". You have a Rothschild type figurehead with a bank teller who smiles and wishes you a great Day. Same iron infrastructure as the Old World, but now with nice white teeth and a friendly smile.
Lance Wallnau wants to change the "frontage" of everything in opposition to the Freemasonic Make believe that we have now.
Justin of Company of Burning Hearts and Ian Clayton recognise that we only effect change by allowing or disallowing on earth the RULING OF THE HEAVENLY COURTS.
This is the nature of our priesthood.
When we declare a thirdlevel of Christianity in the earth, it is actually the apostolic Word of the first apostles. It is no different. But here is the issue....
which becomes clear if you analyse Romans 12.1-2. and then run this by the Tabernacle model.
Sunshine in the Tabernacle model means "that which is natural without enlightenment by the Spirit of God.
The Outer courts religions....Judaism, to a certain extent Islam, and Anglicanism, Catholicism and most denominations run in the natural mind.
Baptism in the Spirit introduced a whole different order.
Like Psalm 91, like Jesus telling us to enter our inner room and find the Father in the secret place, this brings us into the area of revelation.
BUT HERE's the RUB. The covered area of the Tabernacle where there are no windows for the sun whatsoever, and runs entirely on the candlestick representing the gifts of the Spirit, and the Light of God Himself from within the Holiest place....
this covered place is divided into two sections.
Just as in the natural we cannot walk straight out of sunlight into a darker place....
we cannot walk in from sunlight into the superior and stronger Light of the Lord without accustomisation.
The accustomisation room is called the HOLY PLACE.
This is secondlevel Chrstianity
IT is the acceleration room
But here is the snag
All your worldly skills and thinking processes, and emotional responses kind of linger for a while, so secondlevel Christianity is this peculiar mishmash of GREAT BANG ON GOD STUFF plus loads of residual worldly thinking.
At the transition point between second and thirdlevel Christianity, between the Holy Place and the Holiest Place
Between the second Jewish Feast of Pentecost and the Third Feast of Tabernacles is basically the same POINT.
In the tabernacle model its called the table of incense
In the Feast model it's called the Day of Atonement
And in the world at large it's called
"Yet once more I shake the heavens and the earth as of things that can be shaken"
But on an individual level the Bible describes it this way
"the mature, who by training their senses (this means all our souls senses....emotions and intellect) according to righteousness are able to discern good from evil.
So back to the opening sentence....
When we declare a thirdlevel of Christianity
Your ability to "see it" is HIGHLY tied up with your relationship to Romans 12.1
Another way of putting that is in John 7.16-17
“My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me. 17 If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God
If anyone is willing to do His will
or....Romans 12.1 I beseech you therefore 9 ( based on the previous teaching in Romans 1-11) by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, [a]acceptable to God, which is your [b]spiritual service of worship.
THEN....THEN.... we face the little matter of a total change of mind, a transformation of mind, by it being renewed inwardly,
or coupled up with the Holy Spirit and the mind of Christ.
While you are still living locked in your leftbrain
in the previous manner of "survival" thinking
of thinking according to the "fictions of this world"
the elemental spirits which we have died in Christ to.....
All this is still in the charismatic/ pentecostal secondlevel
all this mixture needs to go
we have to acknowledge God in everything.....
" apostles only this way"
Monday, 17 July 2017
Silverstone Grand Prix 2017
Through a unique set of circumstances we got to Silverstone Grand Prix as campers in their Woodlands Campsite.

Every so often I post something more personal for general interest and maybe as a helpful resource for others to enter this blogspace. Above are pictures in and around the Woodlands Campsite and the specially constructed "Village" made up of a food supply shop, many take away stalls, music venues, a village pub and its own Force India Fan zone and Bar area and stage.
The toprighthand grey marked area is the Silverstone track itself and below you see the position of the camping areas.
Vids of the village area including the musician inside the "village pub".
When you enter the site you are given a Woodlands wristband which is your admission ticket to the camp area. You drive in then leave your car for the duration, and if its not over muddy you can park by your tent. NO driving offsite except by special permission from the site managers and nobody does.
You walk everywhere unless you meet one of the shuttles ferrying you from the village to the track.
There are the above washing and loo blocks providing toilet cubicles shower cubicles wash basine then exterir pot washing sinks.
if you apply early you can get electrical hookups for camping. We were late and camped without any electrics, which means daily purchase of food, and no charging mobiles , Kindles etc.
Toilets are a very long way from most tents. You are told NOT to bring Toilet tents....well if your tents and pergolas are not too big you can squeeze them in. You are also told not to bring barbecues but many do. All tents are on top of each other so utmost fire precautions are needed.
Although loudspeakers are used on the track, the cars are incredibly loud. TV gives hardly any impression of what it is to have state of the art racing vehicles tearing past you, whose volume effects your sternum. Silverstone will sell you an earpiece radio for the whole event for £10 which is set to 87.7 FM and like many track events cannot be picked up on a normal FM radio . So check if you have one that fits the bill !!!
Food of all varieties is available and Woodlands village shop does containers of salad. BUT that is just about it for healthy food. In this day and age when more and more of us rely on healthier eating
stores on the roadside like Marks and Spencers and Waitrose.....Silverstone is still quite backward
in supplying yes, great variety, but supplied with chips and virtually no salads or greenery to be seen.
Even Glaswegians now know what greenstuff is so this comes as quite a shock.
Both all round the track and all round Woodlands village is every type of food imaginable, together with bars and hot drinks stalls.
Everything but everything will leave you penniless.
Teas and coffees are £2-4.50 depending how much they have seen a coffeebean or tea plantation.
So for three of us two rounds of hot drinks , (and Becketts can be incredibly drafty and cold) can be from £15-20
All meals start at a very small portion meal for £5 to a more usual £7-9.
A steak at the meat restaurant in Woodlands costs £19.95 I was told.
Work out ways of making your own stuff some days, then splurging others. A good quality all metal top of the range unbreakable Thermos is definitely THE right investment for these events. We didn't want to be carting it around....but we probably should have. We had no idea that being elevated on the Becketts stand would make such a difference to how cold it would be even in July!!!!
In Woodlands alone there was
A Big Top for main event groups
a smaller big top for great cover acts
a village pub for more pub type entertainments at a personal level
a Bob Harris Country tent where he had put together some of his great signature finds that are on Radio 2
Force India used their stage for Interviews with drivers and the Force India CEO but also had quality DJs
In the Village area, the central part of Silverstone track, as well as merchandising shops eateries and loos, was a big stage for the biggest acts.
Friday was Sara Cox and with guest singer Carol Decker doing T'pau material, as well as Aswad.
Saturday was The Severs, the Hoosiers and Glastonbury heavyt rock band The Reef
Sunday had the late Rick Parfitt's son also called Rick J Parfitt whose self named RPN Band do everything that Status Quo used to do in lifting a crowd to great heights, but covering an incredible array of pop genres.
The Pit Walk
As a further build up to the event itself Silverstone let you apply for a free pit walk across the front of all the pit garages. We were lucky enough to be granted a gold wristband so were in the first group on the Wednesday. We have many many photos of virtually each pit, the only drawback was the huge volume of people in the very narrow pit walk area. Then they drove two safety cars along that area in the opposite direction to where everybody was walking. My son Ben got isolated after we had all crossed to the other side of the track again. They shipped him on a bus to the main arena area. None of this was pleasant and felt like being herded like beasts. Possibly smaller numbers are necessary. There was no access to water, we were standing in blazing heat together with some ill and infirm, and certainly without access to toilets for a two hour stretch.
The Races
We saw the practice sessions , the qualifying events and the main races of
GP 3
Formula 2
but especially ofcourse Formula 1 Grand Prix which we were again lucky enough to witness Lewis Hamilton win his 5th UK grand Prix, and with ease. He was seconds ahead of his nearest rivals.
We saw some great interviews on stage with
Daniel Ricciardo
Jenson Button
Fernando Alonso
But there was none better than this interview after he had won the Grand Prix, and features the rest of his family too.
Woodlands Village,Silverstone Campsite |
Woodlands Village,Silverstone Campsite fairground |
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Silverstone Grand Prix Camping Layout |
The toprighthand grey marked area is the Silverstone track itself and below you see the position of the camping areas.
Sunset at Silverstone Woodlands Campsite |
Gents Toilets Woodlands Campsite Silverstone |
Gents Showerblock Woodlands Silverstone |
Woodlands wristband and gold Pitwalk band |
When you enter the site you are given a Woodlands wristband which is your admission ticket to the camp area. You drive in then leave your car for the duration, and if its not over muddy you can park by your tent. NO driving offsite except by special permission from the site managers and nobody does.
You walk everywhere unless you meet one of the shuttles ferrying you from the village to the track.
There are the above washing and loo blocks providing toilet cubicles shower cubicles wash basine then exterir pot washing sinks.
if you apply early you can get electrical hookups for camping. We were late and camped without any electrics, which means daily purchase of food, and no charging mobiles , Kindles etc.
Toilets are a very long way from most tents. You are told NOT to bring Toilet tents....well if your tents and pergolas are not too big you can squeeze them in. You are also told not to bring barbecues but many do. All tents are on top of each other so utmost fire precautions are needed.
Although loudspeakers are used on the track, the cars are incredibly loud. TV gives hardly any impression of what it is to have state of the art racing vehicles tearing past you, whose volume effects your sternum. Silverstone will sell you an earpiece radio for the whole event for £10 which is set to 87.7 FM and like many track events cannot be picked up on a normal FM radio . So check if you have one that fits the bill !!!
Food of all varieties is available and Woodlands village shop does containers of salad. BUT that is just about it for healthy food. In this day and age when more and more of us rely on healthier eating
stores on the roadside like Marks and Spencers and Waitrose.....Silverstone is still quite backward
in supplying yes, great variety, but supplied with chips and virtually no salads or greenery to be seen.
Even Glaswegians now know what greenstuff is so this comes as quite a shock.
Both all round the track and all round Woodlands village is every type of food imaginable, together with bars and hot drinks stalls.
Everything but everything will leave you penniless.
Teas and coffees are £2-4.50 depending how much they have seen a coffeebean or tea plantation.
So for three of us two rounds of hot drinks , (and Becketts can be incredibly drafty and cold) can be from £15-20
All meals start at a very small portion meal for £5 to a more usual £7-9.
A steak at the meat restaurant in Woodlands costs £19.95 I was told.
Work out ways of making your own stuff some days, then splurging others. A good quality all metal top of the range unbreakable Thermos is definitely THE right investment for these events. We didn't want to be carting it around....but we probably should have. We had no idea that being elevated on the Becketts stand would make such a difference to how cold it would be even in July!!!!
In Woodlands alone there was
A Big Top for main event groups
a smaller big top for great cover acts
a village pub for more pub type entertainments at a personal level
a Bob Harris Country tent where he had put together some of his great signature finds that are on Radio 2
Force India used their stage for Interviews with drivers and the Force India CEO but also had quality DJs
In the Village area, the central part of Silverstone track, as well as merchandising shops eateries and loos, was a big stage for the biggest acts.
Friday was Sara Cox and with guest singer Carol Decker doing T'pau material, as well as Aswad.
Saturday was The Severs, the Hoosiers and Glastonbury heavyt rock band The Reef
Sunday had the late Rick Parfitt's son also called Rick J Parfitt whose self named RPN Band do everything that Status Quo used to do in lifting a crowd to great heights, but covering an incredible array of pop genres.
The Pit Walk
As a further build up to the event itself Silverstone let you apply for a free pit walk across the front of all the pit garages. We were lucky enough to be granted a gold wristband so were in the first group on the Wednesday. We have many many photos of virtually each pit, the only drawback was the huge volume of people in the very narrow pit walk area. Then they drove two safety cars along that area in the opposite direction to where everybody was walking. My son Ben got isolated after we had all crossed to the other side of the track again. They shipped him on a bus to the main arena area. None of this was pleasant and felt like being herded like beasts. Possibly smaller numbers are necessary. There was no access to water, we were standing in blazing heat together with some ill and infirm, and certainly without access to toilets for a two hour stretch.
The Races
We saw the practice sessions , the qualifying events and the main races of
GP 3
Formula 2
but especially ofcourse Formula 1 Grand Prix which we were again lucky enough to witness Lewis Hamilton win his 5th UK grand Prix, and with ease. He was seconds ahead of his nearest rivals.
We saw some great interviews on stage with
Daniel Ricciardo
Jenson Button
Fernando Alonso
But there was none better than this interview after he had won the Grand Prix, and features the rest of his family too.
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