Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Desire and Faith, Ole and Nancy's book
What began as a conversation is still going on, and it is now available in book form for all to read.
Monday, 27 February 2012
YouTube of Elaine's time in Suna, Kenya so far
Spent some of this afternoon with Elaine here doing a couple of films of her photos. The one we can put up here is of the Suna District of Kenya.
Nya Suna is what the locals call her already. It means daughter of Suna.
Nya Suna is what the locals call her already. It means daughter of Suna.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Our High Position In Christ - YouTube of Jackson Kosgei preaching
Last night Nancy Gilmore wrote on Facebook:
I always like to locate Christ, because where He is, we are.
I would like to introduce you to some special people, brother and sister Jackson and Rose Kosgei. And later you can hear Jackson's message on who and where Christ is.
Video clip lengths:
- The 2 last ones are 2 mins each.
- The two interviews are about 15 or so mins.
- And Jackson's message totals 40 minutes parts 1 & 2
These sections of video were taken at Baringo Youth Camp December 1986. Jackson was one of the main Kenyan speakers. There was also a Finnish brother, and an American brother. Most of the time though, I was the only white face among 3000 Kenyans.
For those that don't know, Kenya was in continual revival from 1949 - 85. Interesting that the start more or less coincides with their breakaway from Colonial Rule. The same happened to America didn't it?
If you speak to these Kenyans they are full of gratitude to Britain, but are very conscious of their new responsibilities. Many people have a very "all or nothing", "black and white", attitude to history and politics. God however is IN ALL, and knows what countries need at different times. Huge frictions are caused only by men's hardened hearts not recognising times and seasons. Change can be a softer more pliable affair once people are not rooted in the Self, but have their inner eyes open like the servant in Psalm 123 to what God is doing next.
Below my friend Juma Kiprono, who was my host at the camp, explains some of the logistics behind organising an event where 2000 are catered for but 3000 turn up.
The response of the youth to Jackson's message
Finally some brief glimpses of me joining in the dancing. I Kind of stick out somehow ,no?
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
The Fading Dream of Secularism

On Facebook
Let me be clearer on my conversation with my Jewish customer. If a Jew can be moved at all by Christianity (and an unprecedented quantity have become Christians in 2 crusades this past year in Israel), then we know our Christianity is beginning to look like reality and not a religious theory that gets you out of jail free.Secularism is an alternate belief system that is presented to us as reality.It has no answer for the complex and beautiful Earth, and why everything has developed so well. It has no answer for who we really are as people...cont
· · 37 minutes ago
Chris Welch It has no answer for how so many people through all ages can have a relationship with the same Being called God, and be in a developing relationship such that everything we knew remains true, but each truth is unfolding in incredible depth and fulness. It has no answer for how a people could then originate from one person of faith, through to a people of faith, and be told specifically how long that people would be dwelling in Egypt before escaping with the most incredible of stories.In the same way, secularism just has no answer for how a Messiah could be predicted thousands of years beforehand, and that His Messiahship take the exact form predicted in this people's scriptures of Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22., even when to this day the people themselves dont even make the connection.31 minutes ago ·
Chris Welch Secularism has no real answer for quantum physics, though anyone who is baptised in the Spirit, according to the sort of experience described in Acts 2, and who has discovered the reality of naming things by faith and calling them into being, knows this is more in keeping with real physics than the secular dream picture we have been living in for 200 years.
Secularism as a faith is extremely shortsighted and in no way is able to encompass the broad range of life truths experienced researched and formulated by all the world's faiths and peoples. Christianity does not say everything about these other faiths is true, for they all contain many directly opposing beliefs. Muslims do not believe in reincarnation, Buddhists do. Only one religion can be right on this matter. But what we can confidently say is that all peoples and faiths have observed portions of the One Truth that in the Light of God, the One True God, become clear.
24 minutes ago ·
Chris Welch Buddhism gives enlightenment on the difference between leftbrain thought, and interior monologue,prayer,contemplation,believing,calling things out of the unseen level into the seen.
Aborigines Dreamtime beliefs and similar beliefs of Red Indian peoples and Northern Inuit peoples, tie in with the prophetic and supernatural practices of Christianity, though the claim of Christianity is the experience of the One True HolySpirit of God that prophets of the Jews had to do with. Secularism as a narrow myopic belief has nothing to say in any of these quarters, yet loudly proclaims itself through adherents such as Richard Dawkins as the only real truth, and sets itself proudly in the highest places in education,BBC ,the Western nations as if it is a fait accompli, there is no other possible way for the modern human.
10 minutes ago ·

Chris Welch Secularism's
main truth can be summed up like this.What exists now,can be measured
in physical terms,can provide all the answers of our past present and
future. Reality and quantum physics say that our external reality is
entirely governed by our inner reality. Since a secularist has no belief
in the full measure of man, and only believes in selective parts of his
or her makeup, their "reality" makes approximate sense , since the Law
of Greater reality states that we "get" what we believe for. If a
combined set of people have been neutralised in their ability to
exercise any faith whatsoever, their externals will always appear
unchanging , dependable, and in full support of the secularist belief.
Christianity and Judaism proclaims in the Proverbs that what a man fears (negative believing) shall befall him. Such a connection between interior and external is never made in the inferior world view of secularism. But you can never prove things otherwise, because the Law of belief states a person sees what he believes.Secularism so perfectly reflects its own 666 nature.
It is locked in on itself by virtue of its padded cell quality. By excluding all exterior input from other parts of the self, it assumes the high , godlike status of opinion-maker, parameter measurer, observer, re-interpreter of reality, history twister and redesigner, domination expressed politically through fear and extortion, bullying,threatening all other visions than its own slender vision.
It is truly the number of 6 (meaning man to Jews) taken to the triple limit of its own godlike belief, while in actuality only having the slenderest grasp on a narrow portion of reality.
Christianity and Judaism proclaims in the Proverbs that what a man fears (negative believing) shall befall him. Such a connection between interior and external is never made in the inferior world view of secularism. But you can never prove things otherwise, because the Law of belief states a person sees what he believes.Secularism so perfectly reflects its own 666 nature.
It is locked in on itself by virtue of its padded cell quality. By excluding all exterior input from other parts of the self, it assumes the high , godlike status of opinion-maker, parameter measurer, observer, re-interpreter of reality, history twister and redesigner, domination expressed politically through fear and extortion, bullying,threatening all other visions than its own slender vision.
It is truly the number of 6 (meaning man to Jews) taken to the triple limit of its own godlike belief, while in actuality only having the slenderest grasp on a narrow portion of reality.
Chris Welch Modern
secularism is designed and controlled , it says in the Protocols of the
Elders of Zion, by people who do not believe in it at all. Its major
constructs like Das Kapital by Karl Marx were commissioned and paid for
by Luciferians. English covens.Secularism is its own Truman Show, since
its own real designers control it from outside its bubble.
It was created quite deliberately by promoting unbelief in all Christian and Jewish theological colleges, and in financing the same in all high centres of learning to control the decision makers, politicians , movers and shakers of all subsequent generations. Some of the most significant changes were brought about in Harvard University which began as an evangelical institution.
It was created quite deliberately by promoting unbelief in all Christian and Jewish theological colleges, and in financing the same in all high centres of learning to control the decision makers, politicians , movers and shakers of all subsequent generations. Some of the most significant changes were brought about in Harvard University which began as an evangelical institution.
4 minutes ago ·

Monday, 20 February 2012
More on the 3rd level
What is Third level Christianity?
It is the third and final stage of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ in your form. Your spirit has been saved. Your spirit has grown and bust out into your soul. "As you received Christ as Lord so now walk in Him." "As He is ,so are we in the world". It is Ephesians 6. The reality of Chapters 1-3 have been worked out in your environment chapters 4 and 5, now you're "fully awake", risen from the dead, and you are going into action. Thirdlevel Christianity spells the end of the devil's rule on earth.
It is another order of Christianity.
It is the Order of Melchizedek with fully grown legs.
It is the full message of the Cross to bring the obedience of faith to nations.
It is nation-sized Christianity.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
See What The King Has Been Building So Well - fruit through Arthur Blessitt

Saturday, 18 February 2012
Revelation 5 - Mitt Jeffords
Revelation 5 Mitt Jeffords as shared by Annalize Mouton
A Visitation
I was seeking the Lord one morning when the
Lord spoke to me and said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning
and the end, and I never change. Even to this day I am the beginning as well as
the end, and I always will be". Then the Lord quickened to me that which
is written in Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's
day...". Then the Lord said to me, “All that which John witnessed in the
Revelation, he did not see it by vision or by dream, but rather I took him in
the spirit to the beginning where he actually witnessed Satan and his angels
fall from heaven (Rev.12:7-9). I also took John to the end where he witnessed
the great white throne of judgment (Rev.20:11-15)”. Until this moment, I had
never really given any consideration as to why it was written that Jesus was
the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, but now this was taking on
a whole new definition for me.
How can any man comprehend the power of
God, a spiritual being who is not limited to the laws of time and space as man
is? I have learned that most unbelief is well rooted in man trying to
comprehend the spiritual things of God with natural understanding. It can not
be done, and this is why the Lord is willing to give any of us the gift of his
Spirit so that we might be able to understand and know God. For it is as it is
written in I Cor.2:11 “For what man knows the things of man except the spirit
of man who is in him? Even so, the things of God no man knows, only the Spirit
of the Lord. Now we have not received the spirit of this world, but the spirit
which is of God so that we might know the things which are freely given to us
of God”. I then myself experienced a new thing, for after a few thoughts, the
Lord allowed for me to quit trying to reason out what had happened to John, and
I then believed that it was so. I then realized that the Lord was preparing me
for something by revealing unto me how he was the Alpha and the Omega. I then
became very excited, realizing that the Lord was about to do a new thing for me.
Then the Lord led me to read all of
Revelation 5, when "And I saw, in the right hand of him that sat upon the
throne, a book written on both sides, and then sealed with 7 seals. And I saw a
strong angel, proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the
book, and to loose the seals thereof?" And no man in heaven, nor in the
earth, neither was there any under the earth, who was able to open the book, or
who was able to look inside. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy
"to open and to read the book", neither to look upon it. Then one of
the elders said unto me, "Do not weep, for behold, the Lion of the tribe
of Judah, the root of David has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the 7
seals upon it. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four
beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb, as it had been slain,
having 7 horns, and 7 eyes, which are the 7 spirits of God sent forth into all
the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat
on the throne. And when he had taken the book, the 4 beasts and the 24 elders,
fell down before the Lamb, everyone having harps and golden vials full of
odors, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sung a new song saying,
"You are worthy to take the book, and to open the seals there-of; for you
where slain and have redeemed us to God by your blood, out of every kindred,
and tongue, and people, and nation. And you have made us to be kings and
priests unto our God; and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I
heard the voice of many angels, who were around the throne, and also the beasts
and the elders. And the number of them was 10,000 times 10,000, and 1000's and
1000's; and they were saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb who was
slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and
glory, and blessing...." Wow! Even though I had read this chapter many
times before, I had never before realized just how big of a heavenly event this
was, seeing that there was at least 10,000,000 heavenly creatures witnessing
this event.
The Lord also confirmed for me again that
John did not witness this event by vision or dream because one of the 24 elders
actually came over to John and spoke to him. All of a sudden, I then felt the
presence of the Lord come upon me, and in the quickest of moments, I felt like
the heavens just parted for me, and suddenly I found myself at this very same
event described in Revelation 5. The Lord then showed me the events that
occurred from the time that Jesus was crucified on the cross until he appeared
as the Lamb that was slain in Revelation 5. I then perceived that there was a
lot more about these events that what I had previously understood; and I also
perceived that I was about to learn more about Jesus Christ than what I had
previously known.
It was then that the Lord spoke to me and
asked, "When did I get the victory?" I thought about this for a
moment, and I answered with that which I had always believed saying,
"Lord, did you not get the victory when you suffered and died on the
cross?" But the Lord then asked me, "Were there not thousands of
others that were also crucified on those same Roman crosses; and did they not
also suffer greatly before they died also? I then answered, "Yes, Lord,
they did". Then the Lord said, "So then, if the victory was gotten
through the suffering and the death of the cross, then why did not all of those
thousands who suffered and died in like manner also get the victory? Should not
they also be worshipped and served as "Lord"?” I then answered very
timidly, "Lord, I suppose that the reason that I do not worship them is
because they did not die for my sins like you did?" Then the Lord answered
and said, "This is truth; for I willingly offered myself up for you so
that by my blood your sins could be forgiven, and that you could be sanctified
by this truth. I shed my blood so that the guilty blood could be redeemed by
with the innocent blood. Surely the new covenant is established in my blood.
Let my blood signify unto you that you have
a Lord whose love for you is so great that I willing suffered and die for each
one who comes to believe on me. Let my blood always be a sign unto you, a sign
that my love and my forgiveness is greater than the sin that dwells in you.
When I died on that cross, the veil in the temple then tore completely in two,
from top to bottom, signifying the end of the old and the beginning of the new.
No longer could the sins of any be atoned for by the blood of bulls and
lambs" says the Lord, "but by my blood only. But still, if the
victory was not found the in the suffering and shedding of blood on that cross,
then where was it? Was not the only victory that was found on the day of my
death that which the wicked thought that they had won because they were able to
crucify me? Again, the cross is a symbol of the greatness of the love that I
have for all sinners, but truly, it is also a symbol of the hatred that the
hypocrites and the wicked have towards all things that pertain to God.
Do not forget this truth, the only victory
that the cross signifies is that which the hypocrites and the wicked thought
that they obtained when they crucified me; for it was here that the heathen of
this world united with the religion of the self-righteous to murder the Son of
God. Have you not yet perceived that even the people of God found more value in
choosing a murderer and a thief unto themselves rather than the Son sent to
them from their God? In this is found the enmity that rules over all those who
are kept in bondage to the thoughts and desires of the carnal mind; a mind
which lusts to hate any thought, or any man, or any doctrine that allows for
the God of life to have any reign over it. This is the blindness of this world,
the ignorance that keeps those who are carnally minded separated from the life
that I created for men to be partakers of. Have I not revealed unto you that my
will for you is that you may all be partakers of abundant life? Is it not
written that when I rule in your hearts, you will experience a peace and joy
that those of this world could not possibly experience?
I have no desire to reign over the lives of
men through force, or by intimidation, or by cruelty, or by oppression. In
truth, I was crucified because I came into this world to free the minds of men
from the misery and oppression that has ruled over them. Do you now see more
clearly how that the victory that the world thought that they had won was to
rid the world of all of my influences, my ways, and my thoughts? For my Spirit,
my ways and my thoughts free the souls of men from the corruption and
oppression of worldly governments and false religions. Of course, the victory
that these thought they had won, it was only an illusion in their own minds.
These are they who are blinded by the darkness, ignorant of how great it is for
me to be your God. Let the cross always be a symbol to you, believing in hearts
that you truly are the object of all of my love and affection, for all the
thoughts that I think towards you, they are thoughts to do you good, to give
you abundant life and peace of mind.
Then the Lord asked me, "If then the
victory was not at the cross, then where was it? Was it in the tomb when I
arose from the dead?" Seeing that I had erred so with my last answer, I
thought the better of it this time, carefully considering what I might say to
answer the question that had been asked of me. After I considered it for a
time, I then said, "Lord, I know that it is written in I Corinthians 15:26
that "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death"; so I suppose
that if you had trumped over all of your other enemies, then the victory would
have surely been won when in that tomb when you arose from the dead, seeing
that your overcoming of death would have been the last thing that you had need
to triumph over. Then the Lord answered me and said, "If the victory was
in the resurrection, then why did not the victory go to Lazarus or to Jairus'
daughter after they were raised from the dead? Why was not the victory given to
the son of the widow whom Elijah brought back to life? If then the resurrection
is truly where the victory is found, then why are none of these worshipped as
your Lord and Savior?" I then answered, "Because Lord, it is written
that you alone should be worshipped”.
Now my curiosity was peaked, and I asked,
“Lord, if the victory was not won at the cross or in the tomb, then where was
the victory won?" Then the Lord answered and said, "It is true that I
overcame death, as well as all of the enemies that oppress my people; for it
was with me just as it is with all men, that my fight was not with flesh and
blood, but with powers, principalities, rulers of the darkness, as well as with
all manner of wicked spirits. I overcame all of the forces and the powers that
rule over this present evil world. Surely, each one of these triumphs was a
great victory, for in each one of them I overcame an enemy that flesh and blood
are powerless to overcome. In each of these triumphs, I experienced a victory
that no man before me had ever experienced; but still, the victory was not yet.
Yes, it is truth that the last enemy that I overcame of this world was death,
and it was this triumph that I experienced complete victory over the
principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness of this world, and all
wicked spirits, but still the victory was not yet.
For having overcome the all of the powers
of this world, and the death thereof. For having overcome this evil world, I
was then found to be without blame and unspotted with the filth of this world;
and it was then that I was accounted worthy to appear before my Father’s
throne; and being found worthy, I was then able to take the book from my Father
that no creature before me, not in heaven, not on the earth, nor beneath the
earth, had been found worthy to before me to do; to take the book and to remove
the seals from off of the book. It is here that that the victory was won. When
I suffered and died on that cross, or when I arose from the dead, did
10,000,000 heavenly creatures fall upon their faces, rejoicing and singing
praises saying, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain?” Do you not think that if
the victory had been won at the cross, or in that tomb, that these same
heavenly creatures would have rejoiced and praised all those who had previously
been raised from the dead as well as unto all of those thousands who had
suffered and died on the cross? But who among any of these was found worthy to
take the book from my Father and then open the seals thereof?
I alone was found worthy. I alone was found
worthy among all the creatures in heaven, among all the creatures on earth, and
among all the creatures beneath the earth. I alone overcame the world that is
compassed with lies. I alone overcame the worldly man that is perverted through
the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of this life.
I alone overcame the corrupted judgment of this world. Only I alone was found
worthy to stand before the glory of the incorruptible God, and then take the
book that was sitting upon his lap. It was I, the Lamb of God, who all of these
heavenly creatures bowed before and worshipped, singing, "Worthy is the
Lamb who was slain to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory,
and blessings”.
I sat there completely speechless and numb
concerning these things that my ears were hearing and my eyes were seeing.
Never once in 25 years had I once heard or even considered that the victory was
found in the events that are described in Revelation 5. Seeing that I had not
once ever considered that this is where the victory was, I then realized that I
did not even understand as to why the victory was here, and what was in the
book that had been sealed? Then the Lord continued and said, "It was when
I was found worthy to take the book and open it that my heavenly Father then
gladly gave unto me his prize, his entire heavenly kingdom. Even though do not
yet perceive the truth of these things that I am speaking to you, you will
shortly", says the Lord. “For I did not win my Father’s kingdom for myself,
for why would I win that which I previously had? I won my Father’s kingdom for
all those who would come to believe on me, desiring for me to be their Lord,
their friend, their king, their brother, and their father. I won my Father’s
kingdom for those who allowed for me to reign in their hearts and their minds
with peace, and with truth, and with joy, and with wisdom, and with love.
You know that it is written that no eye has
seen, nor has any ear heard, and neither has there been any heart that has been
able to perceive the things that are of God; for who has seen and heard and
understood that these are the things which have prepared for the church, my
bride. Now hear and understand; the words that are contained in the book from
which I removed the seals from off of, these were the words that reveal
Father’s heart unto man. It is because these words were sealed that man was
kept in bondage to his own ignorance of God; the ignorance that allowed all the
things of darkness to rule and reign over the hearts and minds of all men,
keeping the knowledge of God veiled from the eyes and the hearts of man. John
wept because he knew that only he who could be found worthy to open the seals
of the book would also be he who would receive authority and power to open the
eyes and the ears of the faithful to see and hear of the things of God; the
things which God has prepared for man from the beginning for all those who
would come to love God.
Since the fall of Adam, man has been
alienated and separated from the things that God has prepared for his people:
the life of God. Are you able to hear and understanding that which I am
speaking to you? The life of God is not like any manner of earthy life, and
neither is it like the life that is experienced by any of the heavenly
creatures; for the life of God is that life which has only been experienced by
the Father and the Son. Is it possible for a man to be one with his heavenly
Father’s heart and not be in the very likeness of Father’s heart? Is it
possible for one to be a son of God and not be completely equal with God? But
who can see and hear these words?
In the darkness, man has been kept in
bondage to his ignorance of the life of God; that is, he has had eyes to see,
but has not been able to see the things of God; he has ears to hear, but he has
not been able to understand the truth of the words of God; he has a heart, but
he has not been able to perceive the nature of the life of God. For as high as
the heavens have been above the earth, so also has the nature of the life of
God been above the nature of the life of man. Though you have sought to
understand and to know the truth of these things, and though I have allowed for
you to taste of the power and the truth of my life, you still have yet to come
into the fullness of this truth; the truth that reveals the nature of the life
of God.
Even now, your heart has remained veiled
and your eyes have scales upon them, keeping hidden the glory of my life from
you; but you are drawing closer and closer to the fullness of time when all of
these things which are written in the book shall be seen and heard, and then
fulfilled. I am now doing a new thing, and all things shall be changed; and my
life is that new thing. Remember, until the fullness of time comes, you are
still under the blood that I shed upon the cross for you. Let my blood continue
to be a witness unto you of the great love that I have for you, as well as a
witness of my faithfulness; for I am the faithful and true witness, and I will
perform all those things which I am revealing to you. I yearn to fill your
heart with words of truth, words of life, and the words of my power. I yearn to
fill you with the fullness of me; the fullness of the kingdom that I won for
you. As a bride takes the name of her husband, so also do I yearn to give to
you my name: my character, my name, and my power and authority. I yearn for
your companionship and fellowship. If you can believe, then the zeal of God
shall perform all of these promises and words for you.
You have heard that my word is living and
that it is powerful, and though you have tasted of power, you have yet to
experience the fullness of this truth yet. Yes, my word has been unto you as
the word of correction; as a hammer that has broken your pride into pieces.
Yes, my word as been as a sword that has pierced your heart, to reveal to you
the hidden things of darkness as well as all of those counsels which are not of
me. Yes, my word has been unto you the truth that has revealed unto the lies of
Satan, so as to sanctify you. Yes, my word has been given unto you to increase
your faith, dissolving your doubts, your fears, as well as all of your
unbelief. In these things, you have asked to see and to hear the truth of my
words; and I have opened your eyes and your ears to see and hear these truths
of my words.
You have witnessed my faithfulness as you
have allowed for me to build up your faith so that the gates of hell have not
been able to prevail against you, nor have any of the powers of darkness been
able to overthrow you. As you have asked to see the truth of my words, you have
witnessed me freeing you from the miserable thoughts of the carnal mind; you
have seen my power as I have delivered you from your bondage to Satan’s lies
that have kept you in bondage to the evil desires of pride, of hatred, of
iniquity, of anxiety, of hypocrisy, of all manner of fears, of unbelief, of
worry, of your cares of this life, of your rebellion, from your own
righteousness, from your own judgments, and your finding fault with others. You
have seen how I have sent unto you the truth of my words t deliver you from the
deceitfulness of your opinions, which you have used to mask the truth about
your ignorance. As you have asked to see these things, I have opened your eyes
to see the truth of these things. But why have you not yet asked for me to open
your eyes so that you may see the truth about my life?
As you asked of me and you witnessed my
word coming to you to teach you all knowledge and give to you all
understanding. As you asked to see my words, you have also witnessed my power
as my words have brought to nothing your worldly wisdom; the worldly wisdom
from which all of your fleshy and evil desires have been birthed. As you have
asked of me, you have seen me send to you the truth of my words that have
delivered from false doctrines, from the ungodly counsels of men’s
interpretations, and from the traditions of men. When you have asked of me, you
have even witnessed my power in the word that I have sent to you to destroy the
evil works that oppose my will for your life. In your seeking of me, you have
seen my faithfulness in the word that I have sent unto you to open your eyes to
see spiritual things, to open your ears to hear the truth of my words, and to
open your heart so that you might receive the blessings of God. Could I have
performed any of these works for you had you not believed the instruction of my
words? If you had asked nothing of me, then could I have sent any of words unto
All things must be fulfilled just as they
are written in my words. I was first necessary for me to prepare your hearts
and your minds to receive the glory of my life, for the kingdom of God that is
coming unto you. You know that it is written that new wine cannot be poured
into an old wineskin, lest it tear and all falls to the ground. Now hear and
understand, it is impossible for the natural heart to receive the blessings of
my Spirit; my power, my honor, my wisdom, my strength, my love, my riches, and
the glory that I have won for you. Yes, in your correction you have been
prepared to receive the fullness of my word, the truth about the life of God.
In your correction, your eyes have been opened to see much that has been hidden
from you, but what your eyes have yet to see is the life of God. It is of these
things that no eye has seen, or that any ear has heard, or that any heart has
been able to perceive. You have not known of these blessings yet because you
have not yet asked to see the truth concerning the life of God; yet, you know
that it is written that when I appear unto you, you shall see me as I am, and
you shall be changed into my likeness. Now ask for to open your eyes to see the
life of God, and then it shall be given unto you according to your belief.
You have not asked to see and hear these
things because it was hidden from your heart till this day to ask to know these
things; that is, now is the appointed time. Now is time appointed for my people
to ask for me to open their eyes so that they may see Father’s heart, the life
of God. For this is the day of the fulfilling of all my words and promises;
this is the day that your eyes will be opened to see all things, that your ears
will be opened to understand all things, and that your heart will be opened to
perceive all things. Now are your hearts being prepared to see all things, to
receive all things, and to believe all things. Now is the time that your eyes
will see and your ears will hear the fullness of those things that have been
written of; those very things that many righteous men and prophets have desired
to hear and to see; and have not heard not seen. But blessed are your eyes, for
they being opened to see these things, and your ears for they are being opened
to understand these things.
Even so, my words will always remain sealed
to the disobedient because they do not seek me or trust in me, but rather they
trust in their own wisdom and they lean to their own understanding for
interpretation of my words. The unbelieving will never be to see the truth of
my words because they believe that how they see and interpret my words is the
truth of what should be believed. How a man sees and interprets my words is how
a man sees and interprets me; for I am the word, and my word and I are one. The
words that are birthed out of men’s opinions or reasonings pertaining to the
things of God, they need not to be veiled because they are words that are
powerless to perform or to change anything. Only the truth of my words have
power to perform the wonderful works that I send them to perform.
Hear now, and understand; in the presence
of my truth, there shall no evil thing dwell. I have spoken in parables, in
metaphors, in secrets, in visions, in proverbs, in dreams, and in mysteries to
keep my truth hidden from the eyes of the disobedient and unbelieving; lest they
also see and hear my words and believe them, thus allowing for them to be made
partakers of the life of God. I reward only those who diligently seek after me,
who desire to know my truth. Have I not appointed for all to seek and to labor
for my kingdom? But where are those who have honored my words, who have
believed them to be my truth, and not as words that should be twisted and
shaped to conform to the desires of men? It is for this reason that my words
have been sealed, to keep the truth hidden from the eyes, the ears, and the
hearts of the ungodly and corrupt, lest they should also be made partakers of
the inheritance that I won for those who overcome the world through faith in
me. When my word is unveiled, it heals your heart and transforms the thoughts
of your mind.
When John wept, he was not weeping just for
himself, but for all men; for seeing that there was no man in heaven, or on the
earth, or beneath the earth that could be found worthy to take the book and
remove the seals from off of it, he knew that man would forever continue in
bondage to the darkness of his own ignorance, and not be allowed to enter into
the kingdom of God. John wept because he knew that as long as the book remained
sealed, then the truth about all things that pertain to the life of God would
remain hidden from the eyes and the ears of man. You know that it is written
that eternal life belongs only to those who know God; for the true knowledge of
God is the entrance into the kingdom of God. I am the Word, and the Word is
God, and my Father and I are one. I am the truth, and no man can come into my
Father’s presence except by me. No man knows the Father except those who I have
revealed the truth of my Father unto. Only by the revelation knowledge of my
truth shall the darkness of your ignorance perish and Satan’s habitation be
destroyed. It is not possible for ignorance to inhabit the place where the
knowledge of the truth dwells. Satan cannot dwell in the light of my truth,
only in the darkness of man’s ignorance. He that sees the truth of my word sees
me. He who sees me also sees my Father. He that see my Father overcomes the
world and is made free from all of the powers of darkness.
Those who see me, they see that my word is
living; they see that my word is truth; they see that my word is powerful,
always able to accomplish the purpose that I send it to perform. Those who see
me, they see that my word is able to change the desires of the heart as well as
transform the thoughts of the mind. Those who see me, they see that my word is
able to give life to the dead, purging their consciousness from all dead works.
By my word do the fruits of life spring forth in the hearts of the barren. My
word brings love to the hopeless. My word heals you of all of your sins. My
word makes all things new. My word is able to perform all those things that are
impossible for any man to do for himself. By the word that proceeds forth out
of my mouth are my people sanctified, made holy, and justified. My word
destroys all that profanes, all that corrupts, and all that defiles. By my
word, the hidden things of darkness and the secret counsels of the heart are
manifest. By my word, your sins are forgiven, never able to come into my mind
again. All of the blessings that I desire to give unto you, as well as all of
my promises that I desire to perform for you, they can only come to you through
my word. John wept because he thought there was none worthy open the seals off
the blessings of my word.
Until this time, you have asked, and I have
shown unto you the words whereby you have become crucified unto this world; the
world that consists of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the
pride of life. Just as it is written, you must first be a partaker of my
sufferings before you are prepared and ready to be a partaker of my
resurrection. The victory has been won, the seals have been opened, and the
words have been unveiled, but who will ask for me to open their eyes so that
they may see the words that written in the book? Who will ask to see the words
of life that give life? Who will ask to see me? Who will ask to see the
heavenly Father? Who will ask to see the goodness, the desires, and the love
that is in Father’s heart? Who will ask to see the life of God? Because of the
great love that I have for all, I came into this world and overcame all the
evil that is of this world; I overcame all and I won the kingdom of God just
for you; but who will believe to ask to see glory of that which has been won
for you? You do not have because you have not asked.
Do not be deceived, for I am not like unto
man; as your understanding of the things of God are on earth, the true
understanding of the things of God goes beyond the boundaries of heaven and
earth. You have seen according to your earthy senses, I see all things. The
life that you know, it has an end, while my life is without beginning or end.
Your belief is limited, my belief is limitless, making it easy to do all
things. You love only those who love you; I unconditionally love all men. As
your love is on earth, my love goes far beyond the limitations of man’s love.
All of your thoughts are vanity while all of my thoughts give life. You judge
others while I judge no man. You wonder what meekness really is while I am the
very substance of meekness. The glory of man is as the grass that perishes,
while my glory is everlasting. Can you perceive the truth of these things that
I am speaking to you?
Have you asked for me to open your eyes to
see any of these spiritual truths, that the life of God is not in any form like
unto the life of man? I have given unto the kingdom of God that I won for you,
but why have you not asked for me to open your eyes to see the kingdom that is
within you, seeing that this is the prize of the victory that was won for you?
Those who ask not for me to open their eyes, shall they not remain captive to
the blindness of their ignorance? Until there came one who could preach the
truth of the words of God, then there would have been no man who could have
been made freed from the powers of death and hell; for until the appointed
time, death and hell had the victory over all flesh. Do you perceive that I,
having come into this world in the likeness of sinful flesh, was also under the
same sentence of sin and death just as all men are?
Hear, and understand. I came in the
likeness of sinful flesh for two purposes. First, so that in the sight of all
men, my heavenly might show the greatness of his power and his love working in
me, a man whose habitation, was a weak earthy vessel. For to overcome the world
and gain the victory, it was first necessary for I to come in the likeness of
sinful flesh, subject to the same desires, the same wills, and the same
pleasures that all men are subject to. I did not overcome any of these things
through any wisdom or power of myself but rather it was through faith in my
Father's power, and belief in his great love for me that I overcame all things.
Though sinned dwelled in me, it was powerless to stand against the love that my
Father had for me. By the greatness of my Father's love, I was able to receive
of all of my Father's goodness, all of his power, and all of his Spirit, even
though sin also dwelled in the same fleshy vessel. As it was with me, so also
is it now, that all those who overcome the world, they will do so through their
faith in my power and their belief of my love and mercy.
Secondly, I came in the likeness of sinful
flesh to trick Satan; for had I not come in the likeness of sinful flesh, I
would not have had the sentence of death upon me as all men do. Without the
sentence of death upon me, then I would not have been able to gain entrance
into hell, that which had the victory over all men before me. Had I not been
able to enter into hell, then I would not have been able to preach the words of
life that were given to me when I appeared before my Father as the Lamb who was
slain. Without this gospel, the words of truth, the saints of old would have
continued in their captivity in the land beneath. After I died on the cross, I
ascended into heaven as the Lamb of God that was slain. Then being found worthy
to take the book and remove the seals thereof, I then received authority and
power to ascend into hell beneath, and then I preached the words of life to
those saints who were held captive to death and hell. By my words, the souls of
the saints of old were all saved from eternal damnation. Then on the third day,
I not only arose from the dead, but so also all of those saints who believed on
me; for I am the resurrection and the life", says the Lord.
It was then that I also appeared before my
disciples for a time, and I opened their minds to understand the truth of my
words which had been hidden from their eyes; for having gained the victory, I
then gave unto them the words of life; the words that had been veiled from
their eyes. Then on the day of Pentecost, I once again returned to my people as
that Spirit of truth, the power of God that frees you from all of your bondages
and reveals the heavenly Father to those who desire to see him. Then my disciples
began to preach the gospel, the words of truth that are always accompanied with
my power; and they became witnesses before all men of the desire that I have to
save all.
Yes, you have perverted my words with your
natural understanding and with your worldly wisdom, but do not be afraid; for
as my Father taught me, worked in me, and saved me, even though I was compassed
with sinful flesh, so also will I do the same for you; for I have received from
my Father this power and authority. Do you believe that I am able to give unto
you a new heart and a new mind; a heart and a mind where the Spirit of life is
law that is written therein? Will trust me and follow me? Will you humble your
hearts and ask for me to show unto you the Spirit of life? Again, you have seen
my words that have destroyed or brought to nothing the old kingdoms, the old
principalities, the old powers, the old ways, the old laws, as well as the
strongholds of old, but will you begin to ask for me to open your eyes so that
you may behold the new thing? Do you not desire to see the glory of the living
God filling your temple? The kingdom of God is coming. The glory of God is
coming. A new heaven and a new earth is coming. Life is coming to swallow up
death. All things are going to be made new.
Ask for me to open your eyes to see me; to
show you things that have been hidden from the sight of your eyes and from the
hearing in your ears. Ask for me to show the things that my love won for you. I
am not coming in a manner that natural man will be able to see, but in the
manner that you will surely know. Believe on me, and I will perform all of my
words and all of my promises. Ask of me and I will change your heart and your
mind, making them both beautiful in my sight and in your sight", says the Lord.
When the Lord finished speaking these words
to me, he instantly took me in the Spirit to the very moment that the events of
Revelation 5 were unfolding. I suddenly found myself among 10,000,000 heavenly
creatures, and for a moment that was quite overwhelming. I then became aware
that we were all like standing as if we were all in a very large and tall
circular stadium, but there was no physical stadium. I felt as though I was
positioned about half way up the stadium, but it was as if my consciousness I
was sitting on the very front row. The first thing that I really became aware
of was the electricity and/or the excitement that was in every creature that
was there. The most excitement that I had personally ever experienced until
this moment was before a college football game between instate rivals. But the
electricity and the excitement that was at those games was no where near the
electricity/excitement that I found myself in the midst of. Not only was the
excitement level much, much higher in those around me, but I was in the midst
of 10,000,000 creatures who were all excited and joyous. Each one was intensely
focused, as I presently understand it, on “the greatest event that will ever
happen throughout all of eternity”.
I then saw the heavenly Father sitting on
his throne, but for some strange reason, no one, including myself seem to be
putting any attention on him at all, but rather on the floor that was just
before his throne; for just in front of his throne was a circular area that was
only about 10 feet in diameter. Can you imagine the drama of seeing all of
these creatures pressed in and ascending up as far as my eyes could see; and
all there eyes were focused on that space before the throne of God? It is not
possible to describe the drama that I felt that was unfolding before me,
knowing that at any moment, all of us who were there, were about to witness an
event that no creature in heaven, nor any creature on the earth, and that no
creature beneath the earth, had ever been found worthy to do, to take this book
from off of the Almighty God’s lap, and to remove the seals that had been put
upon it by the power of God.
Then, without me even realizing, the Lamb
who was slain, suddenly appeared before the throne of God. It is not possible
for me to describe to you what I actually saw before me; for Jesus appeared in
this moment as though he had just died on the cross in the previous moment;
certainly before Mary even had a chance to clean up his dead body. It was at
first strange for me to see Jesus to appear before his holy Father in this
manner, seeing I was not expecting for him to appear naked, filthy dirty,
bloodied from head to toe, and greatly wounded from the scourging, the beating,
and the crucifixion that he had had just gone through. My first thought when I
saw Jesus appear before his heavenly in this fashion was how man, in his
ignorance of God, believes that he must clean himself before he can come before
God. If Jesus had physically appeared before a group of humans in this manner,
every man would have gasped in shock at his appearance and/or would have been
surprised to even see Jesus appear in such a manner. Yet, there was not one
gasp or look of surprise on the Father’s face or on any one of these
10,000,000; for everyone was still filled with only excitement and joy. I felt
as though I was the only creature there that was even aware of the outward
appearance of Jesus’ body.
Again, it is hard for one to imagine the
drama that was playing our before my very eyes, not only seeing Jesus but also
observing the faces of 10,000,000 creatures who had been waiting and waiting to
see that which they have never before witnessed. But then I saw that which I
will never forget, the most incredible thing of all, and it took place the
moment that Jesus walked over to stand before his heavenly Father; for the
love, the joy, the compassion, and the thankfulness that was in the heavenly
Father's face as he gazed upon the face of his Son was indescribable; and the
same love and joy was in the Son's face as he looked to his Father. Even though
I heard no audible words spoken between the two, I was sure that Jesus said,
“We did it”. I then remember how the Jesus had told me previously that he
overcame all things through his faith in the power of God and his belief in his
Father’s love. The love that I witnessed between Father and Son cannot be
described. Then it was over for me, and I returned from being in the Spirit.
As I sat down and tried to write these
things which I had seen and heard, I felt that the Spirit of the Lord directed
me to use that which I have never been familiar with; to write and describe
these events as though I had actually been in a fairy tale. Well, I never
recall my mother, or anyone else, reading a fairy tale to me; and the only ones
that I knew were the Disney versions of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, which I
saw when I was a kid. The Lord then confirmed for me to write in this manner
when he then spoke to me and said, “Of all the stories that have been written
of on this earth, is it just the fairy tales that have endings which all wish
that they could be partakers of? Is it not these stories that end with the
words, “And they lived happily together everlasting”? Do you not think that
those who allow for me to rescue them, that we shall not live happily together
forever and ever? Do you think that any fairy tale can have an ending/beginning
like the one that I desire for you to have, seeing that my ending/beginning far
exceeds anything that any man could even image in his thoughts? Write these
things that you have seen and heard as though it was the greatest story ever
told; for my story is fiction to those who do not believe, but for those who
will believe, they will experience that which far exceeds anything that they
could have hoped for”.
I think that most people are like I am, in
that the only time that we have ever really heard of a prince coming to the
rescue of his beloved princess was when she had taken captive or was in
distress; and all of these types of stories seem to be either a fictional
story, or a fable, or in our imaginations; for I certainly cannot remember any
fairy tale story that was true because in this life, everyone dies. I know that
at sometime or another, if not many times, we have all been in some circumstances
or situations in which that some prince or superhero would come to our rescue.
I may not completely understand all that which I witnessed of Revelation 5, but
after seeing the love that I saw beaming out of the face of God and the face of
his Son, I am now persuaded that we have a Lord who will go to any lengths to
deliver us, or save us, out of any distress or trouble that may come upon us.
Surely, at one time or another, have we not all had the desire to be either the
prince or the princess in these fables?
As I was thinking on how many times that I
have desired for someone to come and rescue me in the time of my trouble, I
then remembered that which was written in Psalm 107:13 "Then they cried
unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of all of their
distresses". I then realized that this is no fable at all, but that we
truly have a prince or a superhero that is willing to rescue us out of his love
for each one of us. Does not the prince love his princess so much that he is
more than willing to battle dragons and witches, as well as all of the powers
of darkness, to rescue his love from her peril? Is it not written in Ephesians
6:10 “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of “his might”…for we wrestle not
against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, against rulers
of darkness and wicked spirits in high places”? But who is engaged in such
battles where he or she is only relying on the strength and the power of the
Lord to save and deliver them; seeing that he alone has already triumphed over
all of the very enemies?
I was now beginning to perceive that what
the Lord had spoken to me, as well as all that which I had just witnessed, it
was somehow a great love story that I just could not grasp the depth of; a
story about the love that Father/Jesus had for his church was far greater than
any love that even existed in these fairy tales about princes and princesses.
For in these stories, you find a Prince madly in love with a princess; so in
love that he would do anything to rescue or save her. But these princes only
had love for one woman, while Jesus had this love for all men, and none of
them, not one, had any love at all for him. How can we understand such a great
love? In truth, is not the real prince the Prince of Peace? Is not the love of
his life, the object of all of his affection, his bride the church? Is this
then not a love story that not only crosses the boundaries of earth and heaven,
but across all of eternity?
So in truth, has not our Lord, the Prince
of Peace, then set out to do whatever it takes to win his bride back from all
the powers of darkness, the lies that have held her captive and tormented her
life? Has she not been in great distress because of her bondage to the flesh?
So when the Prince considers the journey and the ordeal that lays before him,
is not the length that he is willing to go for his bride then measured by the
greatness of the love that he has for her? Recognizing that if he is going to
rescue his bride, and win her love, then it is going to be necessary for him to
first disguise himself just gain entrance to her; appearing just as all those
who are around her? Just like the prince in the fairy tales, there is no
distance nor any obstacle that he even considers to be so great that he is not
willing to travel or endure; caring not how many dragons, or how many wicked
spirits, or how many evil powers, or ungodly principalities, or how many rulers
of the darkness that he may encounter and engage along the way; for because of
the passion of love that burns in his heart, he is more than willing to take on
all comers, for the love, and for the sake of his beloved bride. Yes, the
prince in the fables, he is also willing to fight dragons and travel distant
lands for his love, but this is where the fable ends, and the true story
continues on.
In the fairy tale, the princess, the damsel
in distress, is always waiting to be rescued by her beloved prince. But in
truth, most of the church is not waiting to be rescued by her Prince because
she is not even aware as to what she needs to be rescued from. For the princess
has been deceived and brainwashed, believing that the lies of her captor are
the truth. The Prince knows that when his love sees him, that she will not find
anything about him that will attract her to him. In fact, he knows that it is
going to be quite different to the fairy tale; for his love is going to despise
him, reject him, ignore him, persecute him, and possibly even hate him. The
Prince knows that his princess has no love for him in her heart, nor does she
trust any of his promises, and neither does she even believe any of the words
that he has spoken to her. Nevertheless, for the great love that the Prince has
for his bride, he is not only willing travel distant lands, battle all the
forces of darkness, but he is also willing to suffer rejection and scorn from
the hand of his very bride that loves so much. He even knows that when he
manifest his name and his power before her, that this will still not be enough
to win her heart. Yet, he is still willing to exhaust all that is at his
disposal to win her love. Because the Prince of Darkness has seduced her into
believing that the Prince is her enemy, she rejects the courtship of the
Prince's love, but she does indeed begin to persecute him and mock him. Then,
by reason of the Prince of darkness’ lies, her prince is slain by her own hand;
and even as it was then, so also is it even now.
In all of his pursuit to win his bride, the
Prince himself had faced many temptations; temptations in which it would have
been easy to turn his love away from his bride, as well as from away from his
Father the King, who was in heaven. But when the Father had seen how his Son
was treated and all that had happened to his Son, in his attempt to win the heart
of his love, he then sent forth of his own power, and he brought forth his Son
the Prince before him. And when the King examined the Prince, he saw before him
one who had been rejected, one who had been ridiculed and mocked, one who had
been shamed, one who had suffered greatly, and one who was so grieved in his
heart that it passed the point of unthinkable agony; all for the sake of his
beloved bride. The King saw his Son as a Lamb who had been despitefully slain
at the hands of his beloved. This is he who was willing to give up all of the
kingdom and the glory that he had, and then come into this world in the
likeness of sinful flesh, just to have the opportunity to win his beloved’s
And when the Son stood before his heavenly
Father, clothed in the garments of rejection and scorn that were patterned in
blood and filth, he said unto his Father the King, "Father, be merciful,
for she has been deceived and she is not aware of any of those things which she
has done. Forgive her and have mercy on her, for she is still the love of my
heart". When the King heard these words and remembered all that his Son
the Prince had battled against, all that he had endured, all that he had
journeyed through, all that he had suffered, and all that he had overcome in his
attempt to win the heart of his beloved, at whose very hand he was even slain
by, the King then said, "My heart greatly rejoices, for the love that is
in your heart towards your bride has been proven to be sure; seeing that no
amount of rejection, or scorn, or shame, or threats, or sufferings, or
persecution, or beatings, or cursing, and not even death itself has been able
to cause you to waver in your love towards your bride. Therefore, he who is
standing before me is without any fault, or any spot, and neither is there any
blame in his heart; for his love towards his bride is pure. Can there be any
greater love that one can have for another than the love that is willing to
endure all things, bear all things, suffer all things, and lose all as this love
that my Son has for his bride?"
Then the King removed his hand from off of
the book, and said to his Son, "You are worthy to take this book and to
lose the seals from off it. For in this book are the words of life; words that
have the power to win your bride’s heart; words that have power to redeem the
heart of your beloved from the lies that she has been seduced to believe. These
are the words of truth that will win the heart of your bride unto you. These
are my words, and they are powerful and living words, and they shall break into
pieces the lies that your bride has been held captive to believe. These are the
words of life that will free your bride from all of her captivity to
death". Then all the host of heaven fell upon their faces and worshipped
the Lamb, for by his great love, he had been found worthy to win that which no
man had ever won before, the power and the kingdom to win the hearts and the
minds of man; the beloved of God.. And they sung a new song, a song that could
not have been sung before, saying, "Worthy is the Lamb who took the book
and opened the seals thereof".
Then the Lamb who was slain took the book
and opened it, and all of words of the glory of God, and the power of God, and
of the very life of God, they came forth from out of the book, entering into
the Lamb who was slain; and the word that had been flesh then became words of
Father’s heart, full of truth, and power, and love, and grace, and life. Then
all the heavenly creatures continued bowed before the Lamb, praising God and
glorifying his Son, saying, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive
the kingdom with all it's glory, and wisdom, and power, and strength, and
honor." It was not the cross that gave the Prince the victory, and neither
was it the resurrection in that tomb that gave him the victory, but rather it
was the great love that was in his heart for his beloved that gained him the
victory; for if it had not been for the greatness of his love, he could never
have endured and triumphed over all that he encountered.
By no other means could his bride be freed
from her captivity except by his love and his Father’s power. By no other means
could she have escaped the terrible end that was awaiting her except by his
love and his Father’s power. By no other means could her heart be won except by
his love and his Father’s power. If it were not for his love, there would never
have been any hope to escape the miseries of this present evil world. And then
the Prince, as the Spirit of the Lord, returned and entered into the hearts and
the minds of all those who were Jerusalem waiting on him, just as he has been
doing for 2000 years since, entering into the hearts and the minds of those who
would receive him and believe on him, to win their hearts and their minds with
the blessings of abundant life. When he wins her heart, she will no longer have
any love for this present evil world, nor will she have any affection or desire
to believe the seducing lies that are therein.
It was not until she fully learned and
understood all that her Prince is willing to do for her before she allowed for
heart to be won; but she now believes with all of her heart that she is truly
the object of all of the Prince's affection. She is the beloved, the bride who
has continued faithful to her Prince, trusting on him, that through his love
and great power, she shall be delivered; she shall be redeemed; she shall be
healed; she shall be taught all truth; she shall be forgiven; she shall be
changed; and she shall receive the kingdom that her Prince won for her. For he
has come to rescue her from death with the words of life. She now eagerly
awaits for her Prince to come to rescue and redeem her.
Now, the Prince is about to return again to
the world that rejected and slew him; and he will surely return riding on a
white horse. He is coming for his bride; she who allowed her heart to be won by
his love. He is going to receive his bride unto himself, the love of his life.
He is going to have a sword in his hand, and with the word of truth proceeding
forth out of his mouth, he is going to destroy all of the lies that Satan has
deceived her with. He is going to avenge his bride, destroying all lying words,
all false doctrines, and all of the laws of man that have kept her in bondage.
He is going to destroy all spirits and all the rulers of this present evil
world who have tormented her. He is going to destroy all powers, all
principalities, all darkness, all lies, and even death itself, so that he might
save his bride. He is coming to her rescue. Then shall there be a great
celebration feast in her honor; a feast so great that no man could ever imagine
the likes thereof. Then the Prince is going to give unto his bride all that he
had won for her; his kingdom, his power, his riches, his wisdom, his strength,
his honor, his life, his glory, his blessings, and his name. He has become to
her the Prince who truly rides in on a white horse to save her. Then she shall
receive the reward she has desired to have; a happy ending/beginning with the
love of her life. To those who are of this world, who do not believe, eternal
life is nothing more than a fable that ends before it ever begins; but to those
who do believe, it is "The beginning that never has an end".
It was then that the Spirit ceased
speaking, and I sat in my seat simply overwhelmed and dazed at all that the
Lord had just spoken to me. I am a 57 year old contractor, and I do not write
or read love stories; so it was quite a new experience for me to write these
words, and I sure hope that I have written and testified of that which I
experienced so that it is encouraging and edifying to the faith of all who read
these words. I myself felt like I had entered into a realm that I had never had
any perception of before; for truly, my understanding of the scriptures could
have never revealed such an incredible story. When the Lord said in Jeremiah
33:3 "Call upon me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do
not know"; I had no idea that the Lord was going to show me anything such
as that which I just finished testifying of.
Surely, I knew and I believed that Jesus
Christ died on the cross for me, as well as for all men, but the reality of
what he had done had never really entered my heart until I witnessed these
things. I then wept at this reality as his love entered into my heart. He did
all these things just to win the opportunity to win my love, as well as the
love of all men. I knew from this moment that I would never be the same again,
nor would I ever look at my brethren, or any man as I had before; for Jesus had
done all of these things for all men. Sadly, it will only become effectual for
those who come to know and to believe on him. With one story, my whole
perception of who Jesus Christ was/is has changed; for where is religion in
this story?
I have come to know the truth of that which
Paul spoke of in Ephesians 3:17-19 “And I pray that you, being rooted and
established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how
wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love
that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the
fullness of God”. There is no height, or depth, or width, or length that can be
used to measure the love of God; for how can that, the love of God, which has
no boundaries or limits be measured? I have seen sin in my own heart that
increased so greatly that at one time I thought that it could exceed the love
that God had for me. But the Lord proved to me that it was nothing but a lie
when he reminded me of that which is written, “that when sin abounds, his grace
abounds more”. I was/am a sinner; and I had great pleasure in doing those
things that were natural to my flesh and that seemed right in my own eyes; but
the Lord won my heart when I proved his love, and saw him open the windows of
heaven for me.
As I continued to meditate on these things,
the Lord again spoke to me and said, "I have given my all for you, but are
you willing to give your all for me?" I answered, "Yes, Lord. What I
have, I freely offer unto you, for I know that what I give unto you, I am going
to receive you in return for it. Take all of my life, Lord, so that I might
receive all of your life. Amen". At that moment, I became greatly humbled,
and ashamed, for I saw clearly that I had been his love that had not trusted
him, nor believed his words. I also felt compelled to bow my knee and
acknowledge, "Truly Lord, my thoughts are not your thoughts, and neither
is my heart your heart. Forgive me, Lord. But Lord, I offer you my thoughts and
my heart so that I might receive your thoughts and your heart”.
I thought that I had a great desire to know
the truth before, but that desire now paled in comparison to the desire that is
now in my heart; for I now know that Jesus is that Spirit of truth that reveals
all things unto them who seek for him. I do not know what awaits me, but
whatever comes upon me in my walk, I know that the Lord is going to be there
with/in me; for he went through so much just to gain the right to win my heart
to not be with me in the trials, the temptations, the afflictions, the
troubles, and the powers of darkness that I may encounter on my journey with
him. I am now willing to let him have mine, regardless of what mine may consist
of, so that I might receive his love.
Not long after the Lord revealed these
things to me, the spirit of the Lord entered my mind and I understood why the
scriptures were filled with so many parables, mysteries, metaphors, proverbs,
allegories, and secrets. Simply put, this is how all of the scriptures appear
when the word of God is sealed, when our eyes are blinded and we try use our
own understanding to interpret these words with. Jesus told his disciples that
it was given unto them to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, and all
they had to do was to ask the Lord to open their eyes to see the truth of his
words; and it would be done.
When man looks at these scriptures through
the eyes of his own natural understanding, it is not possible for him see
anything other than parables, or mysteries, or secrets; powerless and lifeless
words. But it is not so with those who continually ask for the spiritual
understanding and knowledge so that they may “see” the truth of God’s word. I
was considering this truth one day when the Lord spoke to me and said, "I
did not come to change the law, but I came to change your understanding of my
laws. You cannot understand my truth until you can see my words. Is it not
written that when one turns to Christ, then shall the veil be removed from his
mind and his heart? If you believe that I am the Christ, then turn me I will
open your eyes to see the truth of my words”.
Then the Lord confirmed this for me when
the Holy Spirit quickened again to me that passage which was written in II
Corinthians 3:14-17 "But their minds were blinded, for until this day the
same veil remains untaken away in the reading of the old testament, which veil
is done away in Christ. For even until this day, when Moses is read, the same
veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless, when one turns to Christ, the veil is
taken away. Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is liberty". How can any man even understand his captivity if he
does not understand his liberty? Does not the rescued princess receive liberty
from her captivity? The victory has been won, the seals have been removed, but
who will ask the Prince to open their eyes so that they may see that which
Jesus has won for them, the kingdom and the life of God that that has been
hidden from their eyes; for it is in the opening of the eyes that our Prince
rescues us from the blindness of darkness.
Have you seen God? Have you seen the life
of God? Have you seen the love that he has for you? The victory has been won,
and the seals have been removed and the heart of God is ready to be revealed to
all those who know him. Do you know his meekness of the care that he has for
you? What is that you are waiting on to be rescued from, that which surrounds
you or that which compasses your heart? He is coming. Many who are called will
not be ready, having no oil in them, but the chosen will be ready, having seen
those things that have been unsealed.
John 17:3 “And this is eternal life, that
they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent”.
Matthew 11:27 “….And no one knows the Son
except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son, and he whom the
Son reveals the Father to”.
Matthew 22:14 “For many are called but only
a few are chosen”
Acts 22:14 “The God of our Fathers has
chosen you that you should know his will, and that you would see the just One,
and that you should hear his voice”.
I John 3:6 “…whosever sins has “not seen
him”, nor known him”
III John 11 “Beloved, follow not that which
is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God, but he that does
evil “has not seen God”.
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