
The Power of Words: Empowering Parenting through Effective Communication

Power of Words - Empowering Language
Unlock the power of words in your parenting journey. Discover how effective communication can empower your children, shape their self-perception, and build stronger family bonds


In the journey towards effective parenting, where we strive to nurture, guide, and support our children’s development into confident and capable individuals, we often overlook a crucial element—the power of the words we use and the profound impact of our language choices when interacting with our kids. The words we select have the power to either empower or disempower our children, shaping their self-perception and influencing their behavior. Unfortunately, the frequent use of phrases like ‘shoulds,’ ‘supposed-tos,’ and ‘have-tos’ can create an environment that limits their growth and potential.

To address this issue, it is vital to consciously replace these disempowering expressions with a positive and empowering approach. As children age and mature, they’re able to communicate in more effective ways and we need to adjust our behavior accordingly. By doing so, we can foster a nurturing environment that promotes growth, cooperation, and mutual respect.

The Power of Words on Parent-Child Relationships

Words have the power to shape our children’s self-perception, confidence, and behavior. When we use language that is disempowering, filled with “shoulds” and “have-tos,” it can create a sense of pressure, limitation, and resentment. On the other hand, empowering words and language encourages autonomy, critical thinking, and a sense of belonging.

Emily, a mother of a spirited six-year-old named Ethan, often found herself overwhelmed by his boundless energy. Frustrated, she would frequently say, “You’re always so hyperactive. You have to calm down and behave like other children!” These disempowering words began to take a toll on Ethan’s self-esteem and their relationship.

Realizing the impact of her words, Emily decided to adopt a more empowering approach. Instead of focusing on Ethan’s behavior, she began using phrases like, “You have so much energy and enthusiasm. Let’s find positive ways to channel it.” They’d take walks together after dinner, Emily allowing Ethan to run around her in circles to exhaust some of that energy. This simple change in language and the addition of a shared activity helped Ethan feel understood and encouraged, fostering a deeper connection between mother and son.

H1 Replacing “Shoulds,” “Supposed-tos,” and “Have-tos”:

Rather than imposing expectations on our children through phrases like “You should,” “You have to,” or “You’re supposed to,” we can adopt a more empowering approach. Instead, we can encourage independent decision-making and problem-solving by asking questions like, “What do you think is the best way to approach this?” or “What are your thoughts on how to handle this situation?”

By adopting a more empowering approach, parents can create an environment that nurtures their children’s autonomy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Acknowledging Individual Perspectives

Rather than imposing rigid expectations on our children, it’s important to recognize that they have unique perspectives, thoughts, and ideas. By acknowledging their individuality, we can foster a sense of self-worth and encourage them to contribute to decision-making processes.

An example of the power of words we use, instead of saying, “You should clean your room right now,” we can approach the situation with an open mind and ask, “What are your thoughts on how we can keep your room clean and organized?”

Encouraging Independent Thinking

Empowering language prompts children to think independently and make decisions based on their own judgment. Instead of providing all the answers, we can guide them towards finding their own solutions.

For instance, if a child is struggling with a school project, rather than saying, “You have to do it this way,” we can ask questions like, “What are some possible approaches you can take to complete this project effectively?” This encourages critical thinking and helps children develop problem-solving skills.

Providing Supportive Guidance

While promoting independent decision-making, it’s essential to provide guidance and support. Parents can act as facilitators, offering suggestions and assistance without overshadowing their child’s decision-making process.

For instance, if a child is unsure about how to resolve a conflict with a friend, instead of dictating what they should do, we can ask, “What do you think might be a helpful way to address this issue?” This encourages the child to reflect on the situation and come up with potential solutions, while also knowing that support is available if needed.

Nurturing Responsibility

Empowering language instills a sense of responsibility in children by emphasizing that they have the ability to make choices and take ownership of their actions.

For example, instead of saying, “You’re supposed to finish your chores before playing,” we can reframe it as, “What do you think is a fair way to balance your responsibilities and free time?”

By involving children in decision-making and problem-solving, we encourage a sense of accountability, helping them develop a strong sense of responsibility and ownership over their choices.

Celebrating Efforts and Outcomes

Empowering language also involves acknowledging and celebrating children’s efforts and outcomes, regardless of the final result. This promotes a growth mindset and resilience, as children learn that mistakes and setbacks are opportunities for learning and growth.

For instance, instead of focusing solely on the outcome of a test and saying, “You should have gotten a better grade,” we can emphasize the effort and growth by saying, “I appreciate the effort you put into studying. What strategies could we try next time to improve your understanding of the subject?”

By shifting the focus from the result to the process, children learn to value effort, perseverance, and continuous improvement.

The “Yes, No, and Convince Me” Process

Something I read when my daughter was a tween got me started on communicating with her everyday requests with very simple responses. Yes, means yes, great. No means no, too bad, so sad. But “convince me” opened a whole new world for us. It really translates to “no, unless you have a compelling argument.”

With this method, we reduced the friction around previously undiscussed topics. There was none of the “back talk” some children this age might use. I even found it effective with my older foster children. It provided a structure they hadn’t experienced before.

This process allows children to understand that not all requests will be fulfilled immediately and encourages them to present their viewpoints in a respectful and thoughtful manner. If they’re able to provide compelling arguments for their request, they’re well on their way to becoming problem solving young adults. And that “convince me” becomes a resounding “yes.”

Empowering Affirmations

Do you ever tire of telling your child “no”? I know I did.

One day, when she was about twelve, ready to respond with another “no,” I finally looked at my most beloved daughter and stated, “I love you. I don’t like saying no to you. Can you please only ask me questions that I can say yes to?”

This statement set the foundation for new levels of open communication and strengthened our mutual respect. Perhaps it was the first time that she understood how much I did respect her thoughts, needs, and opinions. By expressing our love for our children first, we emphasize that our intentions are rooted in care and concern. By making this request for the ability to always say “yes,” it encourages them to consider their requests carefully, ensuring that they align with our boundaries and capabilities.

For example, one of my most repeated examples remains a multi-step process my daughter used while in Junior High. It also qualifies as a “convince me” as described above.

“Mom! You know how I babysat for Dr. Dori on Saturday and earned $20?”

“I didn’t know you’d earned that much. Well done!”

“Thanks! Well, you know how the new CDs drop on Tuesday? So that means they’re the lowest price?”

“I hadn’t known that it happened on Tuesdays, but the rest sounds familiar.”

“Ok. Well, you know how you have to come pick me up at school (it was 30 minutes across town and had no bus for after school activities) on Wednesday after practice?”


“Would you please, on Wednesday, after you have to be all the way across town to pick me up anyway, drive the two blocks to the store so I can run in and, with my own money, purchase this CD by the artist whose lyrics you approve of and so I can get it for the best value?”


Now. This is obviously an old example since no one goes to the store for CDs anymore, right? But she had to think each process through, from what she wanted, whether I’d approve, where she was getting the money, if that money had been earmarked for anything else, how to get to the store safely, and what day was most convenient for me. I still think that’s pretty clever.

When she was in high school, I could often tell that there was some question she was burning to ask … but she’d stop herself. She had to have the entire compelling argument thought through so that I could always answer yes. It remains one of my favorite parenting speech patterns.

And she was appropriately proud of her ability to think through the various arguments I might present on any topic – from expensive clothing to boyfriends.

Teaching Rather than Preaching

Effective parenting involves teaching our children valuable life skills, empathy, and emotional intelligence. Instead of simply dictating what they should or shouldn’t do, we can engage them in open-ended conversations that encourage critical thinking and self-reflection. By asking questions like, “What do you think would happen if you chose this option?” or “How do you think your actions affect others?” we empower them to make informed decisions and understand the consequences of their choices.

Instead of scolding her daughter Lily for leaving her toys scattered around the living room, like “you’re supposed to keep this picked up,” Sarah decided to take a different approach. She gently asked Lily, “How can we make sure the toys are put away when we’re done playing with them?” Together, they brainstormed ideas and came up with a fun game to encourage tidying up.

By involving Lily in the decision-making process and treating her as a capable problem solver, Sarah empowered her to take responsibility for her actions and develop valuable organizational skills. This approach not only fostered a sense of ownership but also strengthened their bond through collaboration and mutual respect.

Active Listening and Validation:

Another essential aspect of effective communication is active listening. When our children express their thoughts, feelings, or concerns, it is crucial to give them our undivided attention. By actively listening and validating their emotions, we create a safe space for open dialogue and strengthen the parent-child bond. This approach helps children feel understood, respected, and empowered.

Encouraging Autonomy and Independence

As parents, it is natural to want to protect and guide our children. However, fostering independence is vital for their personal growth and development. By using empowering language and involving them in decision-making processes, we nurture their autonomy and self-confidence. For example, instead of saying, “You can’t do that,” we can rephrase it as, “What steps can we take to ensure your safety while exploring this new opportunity?”

Consider Sally and her eight-year-old daughter, Lila. One evening, Sally noticed that Lila was struggling with her homework. Instead of jumping in with a “You should know this by now” or a “You have to figure it out,” Sally took a different approach.

She sat down with Lila and asked, “What’s challenging about this problem? Can you explain your thought process to me?”

By asking open-ended questions and encouraging Lila to articulate her difficulties, Sally empowered her daughter to think critically, identify the problem areas, and find solutions.

This simple shift in language helped Lila develop her problem-solving skills and boosted her confidence, strengthening their parent-child bond in the process.


The language we use as parents has a profound impact on our children’s self-perception, confidence, and behavior. By choosing empowering language, we can encourage autonomy, critical thinking, and a sense of belonging in our children. As a parent the power of words we use allows them to view challenges as opportunities for growth and develop resilience in the face of obstacles.

Effective parenting begins with conscious communication. By replacing disempowering language with empowering alternatives, such as eliminating “shoulds,” “supposed-tos,” and “have-tos,” and incorporating the “yes, no, and convince me” process, we can create an environment that encourages growth, self-expression, problem solving, and mutual respect.

Furthermore, by using affirmations that express our love and setting boundaries, we foster open dialogue and encourage our children to think critically and make informed decisions. Let’s embrace the power of our words to cultivate a nurturing and empowering relationship with our children, teaching rather than preaching along the way.

The Power of Words Summary Table

Disempowering Words Empowering Alternatives
Can’t Can
Don’t Do
Fail Learn
Impossible Possible
Never Not yet
Stupid Learning
Lazy Resting
Quit Pause
No Yes, when…
Hate Dislike
Bad Challenging
Won’t Will
Give up Keep trying
Difficult Requires effort
Always Sometimes
Tired Recharging
Weak Growing stronger
Punish Correct
Destroy Rebuild
Lose Gain experience
Annoying Challenging
Broken In repair
Useless Has potential
Selfish Self-interested
Angry Upset

Feel free to use this expanded table as a helpful guide for yourself and any other parents you know. It’s amazing how little tweaks in our language can make a big difference in our children’s lives! 🌟💕

Additional Resources:

  • American Psychological Association. (Year). “Effective Communication in Parenting.” Psychology Help Center. Retrieved from APA’s official website
  • National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (Year). “The Role of Family Communication in Child Development.” Retrieved from NICHD’s official website

The Power of Words: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What’s the Big Deal About Word Choice in Parenting?

The words we choose to use with our children carry immense weight. They can either build up their self-esteem or tear it down. Just as we’re careful with the food they eat and the activities they engage in, we should also be mindful of the language we use around them.

How Can the Words I Use Shape My Child’s Self-Perception?

Our children often see themselves through our eyes. When we use positive, encouraging language, it helps them develop a positive self-image. On the flip side, negative or harmful words can have a long-lasting impact on their self-esteem.

What Are Some Examples of Empowering Language to Use With Kids?

Phrases like “You can do it,” “I believe in you,” and “You’re capable” go a long way in instilling confidence. It’s all about framing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than as threats.

Can the Wrong Words Really Disempower My Child?

Absolutely. Negative phrases like “You’re not good enough” or “Why can’t you be like your sibling?” can be damaging. They can lead to a cycle of self-doubt and lower self-esteem.

How Do I Implement Positive Language in My Everyday Parenting?

Start small. Pay attention to your language and tone. Make a conscious effort to replace negative phrases with empowering ones. Practice makes perfect!

What’s the Role of Tone and Body Language in Effective Communication?

It’s not just what you say, but how you say it. A positive message delivered in a harsh tone can lose its impact. So, be mindful of your tone and body language as well.

Do These Language Principles Apply to Teens as Well?

Absolutely, teens may seem more independent, but they are still shaping their self-identity. The language we use with them continues to be crucial.

How Can I Encourage My Spouse or Co-Parent to Use Empowering Language?

Communication is key. Share articles, books, or even this blog post to let them know the impact words can have. Parenting is a team effort, after all!

Is It Ever Too Late to Start Implementing Empowering Language?

It’s never too late! Whether your child is 2 or 20, positive language can still make a significant impact.

Where Can I Find More Resources on Effective Communication in Parenting?

There are plenty of books, articles, and courses available on this topic. Websites like the American Psychological Association offer fantastic resources.

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Gail Clifford

Gail Clifford, MD, a physician for more than 30 years and now award-winning author, travel writer, and photographer, has traveled to six continents and all 50 United States. An avid adventurer, she enjoys trips solo and with her daughter as well as group travel with like-minded individuals.

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