Referenznummer: | 8976 |
Brand: | LEGO |
Anzahl Bst.: | 14 |
Herstellungsjahr: | 2009 |
US Preis: | $7.00 (0.50 $/bst.) |
RU Preis: | ք399.00 (28.50 ք/bst.) |
Dimensionen: | 12.5 x 14.5 x 7 cm |
Volumenmasse: | 0.25 kg |
Seeker of champions!
Fast-talking and smart, Metus dreams of finding a Glatorian to fight and win for his ice tribe in the Atero arena. Armed with an ice axe and shield, he searches Bara Magna for just such a fighter and is ready to meet any challenge! Fully articulated limbs allow you to pose your ice element Agori Bionicle for work, battle or display! Send him into battle with the Ice tribe Glatorian #8982 Strakk! Measures 5" (12cm) tall!
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Name Author Rezesionssprache Обзор набора 8976 Метус
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Name Farbe 1 X Bionicle Mask Metus White 2 X Bionicle Weapon Ice Shield Half with Marbled Trans-Light Blue Pattern Pearl Light Gray 1 X Bionicle Weapon Small Blade (Hewkii Mahri / Solek) Pearl Light Gray 1 X Bionicle Matoran Torso, Av-Matoran Type 2 Medium Blue 1 X Bionicle Head Connector Block (Glatorian) Trans-Medium Blue 2 X Bionicle Fist with Axle Hole White 2 X Bionicle Foot with Ball Joint Socket with Flat Top 3 x 6 x 2 1/3 White 4 X Bionicle Arm Av-Matoran with Ball Joint and Ball Socket White
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