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Principal's Desk
Dr. Manas Kabi
Asutosh College, affiliated to the University of Calcutta, is one of the most well-known landmarks on the educational landscape of Kolkata. Founded in 1916 by one of the pioneers of modern education...
Our Vision & Mission
Asutosh College, formerly known as South Suburban College, was established on 17th July, 1916, under the visionary leadership of Sir Asutosh Mukherjee, one of the pioneers of modern education in India. A premier learning ...
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If education is the manifestation of perfection in a person, such perfection is brought up about by co-curricular activities along with regular studies within a well programmed curriculum. Asutosh...
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Dr. Manas Kabi, Principal, has published four books entitled“Kobita Sonar Tori: Kobi-Dwayer Matodwandwer Itibritto O Parjalochona”published in 2020, “Sahityatattwa-Katha O AnyoEkti”, “ChotogalperRiti O Bisay- BoichitreBimalKar”published in 2021 and “Swadhinata-Purbo Bangla Chotogalper Bisay- Boichitro O Swarupsandhan”published in 2022.
Dr. Chandramalli Sengupta, Associate Professor in Bengali, has published several book chapters in the years 2020 and 2021. She has also published two research articles in the year 2020 and published an article in Solutions/Scotopia Multilingual Journal: Managing personal and professional life : Conflicts and Solutions, (ISSN : 2455 – 5975 online) and published a book chapter in Dey's Publication, Smarane Barane Vidyasagar: Bidhaba Bibaho O Vidyasagar: Phire dekha, (ISBN: 978-93-90908-70-7) and Invited as Resource person in International Faculty Development Programme on " Bengal Studies" jointly conducted Online by Stockholm University, Kolkata Society for Asian Studies, St.Xaviers' College and Vakti Vedanta Research Centre.
Dr. Sudip Mondal, Assistant Professor in Bengali, has published a book chapter and presented a paper in 2020.
Dr Sajal Bhattacharya,Dr Sayani Mukhopadhyay.Dr.Abhik Kundu published a book Climate Change:Different Perspectives on 5th May 2023.
Dr Sajal Bhattacharya,Dr Sayani Mukhopadhyay.Dr.Abhik Kundu published a book Virus:Impacts on 5th May 2023.
Smt. Sangita Ghosh, SACT-1 in Bengali, has published a book chapter and a research article in 2020.
Sri Bikram Das, SACT-1 in Bengali, has Published two Books entitled 'Purnendu Patrir Kobita: Ek Swapno Sandhanir Dayari', and “Sankha Babu” in 2021.
Dr. Poulami Khan, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry, has published two research articles in SCI indexed international journals in 2020.
Dr. Shyamalina Haldar, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry, has published several research articles in SCI indexed international journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Ayesha Kabir, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry, has published a research article in SCI indexed international journal in 2020.
Dr. Priyanka Mukherjee, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry, has published a research article in SCI indexed international journal in 2021.
Dr. Supatra Sen. Associate Professor in Botany, has published several research articles in various reputed national/international journals in the years 2020 and 2021, published an article in Indian Forester titled: Towards Sustainable Afforestation: Greening an Indian Metropolis, (ISSN: 2321-094X.) and a chapter titled: “The function of HAK as K+ transporter and AKT as inward rectifying agent in the K+”, in book titled: “Plant Metal and Metalloid Transporters”, Springer Nature publication, (ISBN: 978-981-19-6102-1) and wrote a book titled: “Surviving Climate Change: A City's Journey to Sustainability” in Taurean Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 9789395202046).
Dr. Anindita Dey, Assistant Professor in Botany, has published several research articles in various SCI indexed international journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Mithu Biswas, Assistant Professor in Botany, has published a book in 2020.
Dr. Amitava Ghosh, SACT-1 in Botany, has published a book chapter in a book published by Springer Nature and several other research articles in reputed international journals.
Dr. Bidisha Datta, Assistant Professor in BBA, has published several research articles in reputed national/international journals and conferences and book chapters in the years 2020 and 2021. She also conducted several workshops on different topics.
Dr. Supriyo Das, Assistant Professor in BBA, has published a research papers in 2020. He has also conducted a workshop on “Application of software STATA to manage business”.
Smt. Sneha Dutta, SACT-II in BBA, has published three research papers and book chapters in the year 2020.
Dr. Sudip Ghosh, SACT-1 in BBA, has published a book entitled “A Handbook of Advertising” in June 2020.
Dr. Srijita Basu mallick, Assistant Professor in Chemistry, has published several research papers in SCI indexed international reputed journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Samir Malakar, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, has published several research papers in SCI indexed international journals in the years 2020 and 2021 and published an article in Nature Scientific Reports Journal: TOPSIS aided ensemble of CNN models for screening COVID-19 in chest X-ray images. (ISSN: 2045-2322.).
Smt. Antika Sinha, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, has published a research paper in SCIE indexed international journal in 2021.
Dr. Arnab Kumar Ghoshal, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, has published three Research papers in SCI indexed international journals, namely Knowledge-Based Systems, IEEE Transactions and Information Sciences. He has also published three research papers in reputed international conferences in the years 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Dr. Arnab Kumar Ghoshal, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, has received “Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Excellence Award 2022” from World Achievers Foundation in the category of “Educational Excellence” in 2022.
Sri Sk Mohiuddin, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, has published a research paper in an International conference in 2021.
Smt. Surama Bera, Assistant Professor in Communicative English, has published a book chapter in 2021.
Dr. Kunal Sinha, Assistant Professor in Electronics, has published a research paper in reputed international journal and also published two book chapters in a book published by Willey Schrivener (2021) and Taylor and Francis (2022).
Dr. Rabia Sultana, Assistant Professor in Electronics, has published several research papers in SCI indexed International Journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Paromita Chaudhuri, Associate Professor in English, has published a research paper in 2021.
Smt. Shramana Roy Barman, Assistant Professor in Environmental Science, has published several research papers in SCI indexed International Journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Kaizar Hossain, Assistant Professor in Environmental Science, has published several research papers in SCI indexed International Journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Sruti Karmakar, SACT-1 in Environmental Science, has published a research paper in a reputed journal in 2021.
Dr. Sayanti Kar and Dr. Indrajit Ghosh, SACT-1 in Environmental Science, have published a book chapter and several research papers in reputed journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Arijit Chatterjee, SACT-1 in Environmental Science, has published a research paper in a reputed international journal in 2020.
Dr. Arundhati Ganguly, Assistant Professor in Environmental Science, has published two research papers in reputed International journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Sayani Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor in Geography, has published a chapter in the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edition, Elsevier (2020). She has published two research articles in reputed international journal and conference in the years 2020 and 2021 respectively, and four research articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals in the year 2022.
Dr. Sourav Das, Assistant Professor in Geography, has received Humanitarian Excellence Award 2020 from International Association of Educators for World Peace on 19th December, 2020. He has also received the National Social Science Education and Research Excellence Award 2021 from Confederation of Indian Universities(CIU), New Delhi. Also, he has published research articles in various international conferences in 2021.
Dr. Indira Halder, Assistant Professor in Geography, has published two research papers in AHCI indexed International journals in the years 2020 and 2021 and published books in Mitram publication: An Inclusive Book on Agriculture Geography (ISBN: 978- 93- 94935- 00 -6.) and book in Puthipatra : A Perception on Rural Development: Case Study of West Bengal, (ISBN: 978 -81 -7962- 132- 5.).
Sri Subhadip Gupta, Assistant Professor in Geography, published a paper entitled “'Auto- purification of nature during Covid-19 lockdown: An observation.” in the year 2020. Also, he has published three research articles in reputed international conferences.
Dr. Abhik Kundu, Associate Professor in Geology, has published three research papers in SCI indexed International journals in 2021.
Dr. Rwiti Basu, Assistant Professor in Geology, has published one research paper in SCI indexed International journals in 2021.
Dr. Pampiya Chowdhury, SACT-1 in Geology, has published a research paper in reputed International journal in2021.
Sri Sanjay Shah, SACT-1 in Hindi, has published a book chapter.
Dr. Subhasri Ghosh, Assistant Professor in History, has published several research papers in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 in reputed international journals and conferences. She has also edited a book from ROUTLEDGE.
Dr. Taniya Roy, Assistant Professor in History, has published two research papers in 2020 and 2021.
Sri Ram Krishna Das, Assistant Professor in IFF, published three research papers in reputed International and National level journals and published an article in Indian Journal of Experimental Biology titled: Acute toxicity of fluoride and aluminium on the freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio L., (ISSN: 2327-0012 (Print); ISSN:0975-1009/0019-5189.)
Sri Rahul Mondal, Assistant Professor in IFF, has published one research paper in reputed International journal in 2020.
Smt. Shreyosree Ganguly, SACT-II in IFF, has published one research paper in reputed national journal in 2021.
Dr. Debastuti Dasgupta, Assistant Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication, published two articles in reputed journals in 2020 and a book chapter in 2021.
Research Excellence Award 2020 from In Sc, Registered under the Department of MSME, Govt of India, awarded to Dr. Debastuti Dasgupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Dr. Reema Roy, Assistant Professor in Journalism and Mass Communications, has published two research papers and a book chapter in the year 2020 along with two papers in reputed international conferences.
Dr. Moon Jana, Assistant Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication, has published a book chapter in 2021.
Dr. Priyanka Roy, Assistant Professor in Journalism and Mass Communication, has published a book chapter in 2021.
Dr. Prabir Rudra, Assistant Professor in Mathematics, was awarded Visiting Associateship from the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India for carrying out research work for the second term (1stAugust, 2020 to 31st July, 2023).
Dr. PrabirRudra has also published several research papers in reputed SCI indexed international journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Priyadarshini Mallick, Assistant Professor in Microbiology, has published several research papers in SCI-indexed international journals in the years 2020 and 2021. Dr. Mallick has also published three book chapters from reputed publishers in 2020.
Dr. Gajendra Nath Maity Assistant Professor in Microbiology has published several research papers in SCI-indexed international journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Sankar Chandra Basu Assistant Professor in Microbiology has published several research papers in SCI indexed international journals in the years 2020 and 2021.
Dr. Kuntal Kanti Goswami Assistant Professor in Microbiology, has published a research paper in SCI indexed International journal in 2021.
Smt. Parbati Nag, SACT-I in Microbiology, published a book chapter in 2021.
Sri Nirmalya Chakraborty, SACT-I in Microbiology, published two research papers in reputed journals.
Dr. Rina Kar Dutta, Associate Professor in Philosophy, has published a research paper in 2020.
Dr. Saswati De Mondol, Associate Professor in Philosophy, has published a research paper in 2021 and published an article in The Centurion titled: The Relativistic Approach of Hindu Social Morality, (ISSN: 2456-4206) and a chapter titled: “Feminist Challenge Against Objectivity” in book titled: “She Empowered”, published by the Asutosh College Publication Cell, (ISBN: 978-81-956797-3-7.)
Dr. Surjya Sarathi Bhattacharyya, Assistant Professor in Physics, has published two research papers in reputed SCI indexed international journals in 2020.
Dr. Parikshit Dutta, Assistant Professor in Physics, has published three research papers in reputed international conference and SCI indexed International journals in 2021.
Dr. Aditi Das, Assistant Professor in Physics, has published a research paper in SCI indexed International journal in 2022.
Dr. Arpita Bose, Assistant Professor in Physics, has published one research paper in SCI indexed International journal in 2022.
Dr. Satarupa Pal, Assistant Professor in Political Science, published three research papers in reputed international journals and conferences. She also published a book chapter in 2021.
Smt. Toushali Raina, SACT-1 in Political Science, published several research papers in the years 2020 and 2021 and wrote a chapter titled: “Louise Althusser’s Theory of Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”, in book titled : “Theories, Processes, Politics”, Ganagchil publication,( ISBN: 978-93-93569-34-9.) and a chapter titled: “Dalit Women: Caste-Gender Intersection in India”, in book titled : “ Indian Women In The 21st Century: Issues and Indian women in the 21st century: Issues and Concerns”, Kumud publications, (ISBN: 978-81-952844-4-3.)
Dr. Jhuma Mukherjee, SACT-1 in Psychology, published several research papers and book chapters in 2020.
Dr. Somnath Das, Assistant Professor in Sanskrit, published several research papers in the years 2020 and 2021 and published articles in Jyotirveda Prasthanam journal: आत्म-साक्षात्कार के विचार में आध्यात्मिक जीवन की प्रासंगिकता, (ISSN: 2278-0327) in Atishya Kalit journal: Vedic Literature Echoed in Monotheism and Humanism, (ISSN: 2277 -419X) and an in Journal of Veda Samskrta Academy journal: स्वप्नवासवदत्तम्-राजात्वं च असीमप्रेमादर्शस्य एकं प्रामाणिकपत्रम्, (ISSN: 2250-1711).
Dr. Somnath Das, Assistant Professor in Sanskrit, has published six research articles in reputed journals during the years 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Smt. Jubin Yasmin, Assistant Professor in Sanskrit, published two research papers in 2021.
Dr. Sajal Bhattacharya, Associate Professor in Zoology, has published several research papers on Novel Corona Virus in reputed national and international journals in the years 2020 and 2021. Three of them have cited / included in WHO global literature on Covid 19 database. He has also published two books named “Dr Ronald Ross Mosquito Malaria India and the Nobel Prize: An untold story of the first Indian Nobel Laureate” and “Ekhon-o Kobita: Poetry, Now and Again”.
Dr. Pranab Kumar Das, Assistant Professor Department of Microbiology has published an article in IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry titled :A comparative study between Anti-Clastogenic synergistic effect of Ursolic Acid, Beta sitosterol and Sitosterol-3-O glucoside (Drug I) and only Ursolic Acid, Beta. (ISSN: 2455-264X)
Smt. Doly Show, Assistsnt Professor Department of Philosophy published an article in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts journal: Religion and Politics: According to Gandhi's Philosophical Perspective (ISSN: 2320-2882) and published an abstract in International Seminar on 'Utility of yoga in theory and practice: present scenario " in conference: Yoga for peace and harmony in modern era.
Dr. Arpita Samanta, Assitant Professor Department of Geology published an article in Global Planetary Change journal: Increasing primary productivity in the oligotrophic Tethyan coastal ocean during the Paleocene-Eocene warming episode, (ISSN: 0921-8181).
Dr. Sudip Kumar Ghosh, S.A.C.T.- I, Department of BBA wrote a book chapter titled: “A Handbook of Marketing” in National Publications (ISBN: 978-93-83123-66-7) and a book chapter titled: “Marketing Communication” in National Publications with (ISBN: 978-93-93905-36-9).
Dr. Arpita Paul, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics published an article in RAIRO - Operations Research titled: Green sustainable supply chain under cap and trade regulation involving government introspection, (ISSN: 0399-0559 (Print), 1290-3868 (Online) ) and an article in Journal of Management Analytics titled: The effect of supply disruption in a two-layer supply chain with one retailer and two suppliers with promotional effort under random demand. ( ISSN: 2327-0012 (Print); ISSN 2327-0039 (online).
A chapter on The Planetary Geology and Image Analysis Laboratory of Department of Geology, Asutosh College has been included in the Report on Space Research in India (2020-2021) by ISRO that has been presented at the 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly held in Athens, Greece.
Smt Basudha Basu SACT Department of B.Voc wrote a book chapter titled : “COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on biodiversity” in Red shine publication (ISBN : 978-93-94727-92-2.).
Debarati Bhattacharya, Sreya Sarkar, Mohor Roychowdhury, Sneha Chakraborty, Banani Sheet, Swassata Kandar, Afreen Hussain, Satarupa Saha, Sreejayee Das, Tithi Roy, Anushree Kundu, Sipra Panda, Rohit Dey, Ritika Chatterjee, Shriparna Chattopadhyay, Mohor Roychowdhury, Madhurima Mondal, Avik Datta, Bidisha Ghosh, Shrija Bhaumik, Arnab Dhar, Avijit Mondal, Aryan Ghosh, Sneha Sarkar, Abhishikta Bhattacharjee, Sangjukta Bhattacharya, Sneha Sarkar, Anuprerna P. Gangadhar, Priti Thakur, Krishna Gopal Pal, Debasmita Nandi, Faruque Siddique, Oindrila Das, Surajit Khanra, Sugata Ghosh all students of the Department of Zoology successfully participated in various debates, workshops and academic competitions.
Soulina Chanda, Abhishikta Bhattacharya, Priti Thakur, Sreya Sarkar, Krishna Gopal Pal, Mohor Roychowdhury, Madhurima Mondal, Rohit Dey, Ritika Chatterjee, Satarupa Saha, Sanchita Ray, Syamantak Dey, Rounak Das, Shibangi Bose, Bidisha Roy, Rupak Behera, Sharmistha Chell, Ravina Shaw, Samya Bikash Pakrashi, Shridipta Kar, Rikta Mondal, Arnab Ghosh, Samir Mondal: students of the Department of Zoology have achieved top ranks in several academic competitions and events.
Sahitya Maity, Shruti Verma, Rishita Sengupta, Sneha Guha, Shreyashi Ghosh, Sweta Singh, Somdatta Dhar, Usnish Chatterjee, Ishika Mondal, Sulagna Das, Tusita Sarkar. Suvamoy Chakraborty: students of the Department of English have actively worked in Covid, Aamphan and Yaas relief.
Subham Dutta, and Subhadip Chanda, students of the Political Science department has actively worked for assistance of covid patients.
Rai Saha, Arkaprovo Roy, Yasmin Khatun, and Abhijit Majumder: students of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication have achieved top positions in different academic competitions.
“Soumili Das, VireswarSamanta and Subhro Sanyal, Sukanya Bhattacharyay, Sushrita Dutta, Satyaki Banerjee, Swarnila Panigrahi, Soumik Biswas, Krishanu Mitra, Mugdha Talukdar, Arkaneel Saha, Sayoni Laskar, Mahananda Sengupta, Sreyasree Sarkar and Somojit Acharjee: Students of the Department of Geology have secured top ranks in various National Level
Academic events. CSIR-UGCNET (2020) cleared by Tiyasha Basu. GATE (2021) cleared by Somojit Acharjee and Aishwarya Bhattacharya.
Students of the BBA department, Supravash De, Charanpreet Kaur and Md.Yasin have ranked on the top of different academic competitions.
Malashree Chanda, Sneha Mitra, Shubho Das, Rishav Datta, Koyeli Sen, Sneha Das, Amit Kumar Das, Abhipsa Paul, Akash Pyne: students of the Department of Bengali have secured leading ranks in several academic competitions.
Students of the Department of Botany: Rishav Nag, Udita Ghosh, Saptaparna Ray, Trishna Mondal got top positions in different academic competitions and events.
Himmangshu Bach, a student of Communicative English has published his book “For Loving Eternally” with Notion Press, 2021.
Samridhya Mitra, a student of Communicative English Presented a paper titled “Women and Media: Not Confined to Page 3” at the Two Day International Students’ Webinar on Women and Writing: Women In Writing organised by the Department of English, Kidderpore College, 2020.
Arnab Dey, a student of Computer Science (Hons.) has secured 1st position in an short-film competition.
Nandita Roy and SweataSasmal, students of the Department of Philosophy have secured top positions in academic events.
Koushik Chakraborty, Soumyadeep Bera, Habiba Khatun, Sudipa Jana, Sugandha Ghosh, Abhiroopa Guho, Sukanya Mitra, Soham Neogi, Anindita Chatterjee of the Department of Sociology actively participated in covid relief.
Faculty members of Department of Chemistry prepared sanitizer during the initial crisis at the early stage of Covid outbreak.
Sagnik Bandyopadhyay, a student of Mathematics (Hons.) has secured a good rank in a National Level Mathematics competition.
Anisha Bhattacharjee, Arindrajit Banerjee, Jayashree Bhowmick, Rick Sarkar, Tiyasa Mukherjee, Sampurna Chakraborty, and Soumyadeep Sarkar, all students of Journalism and Mass Communication have achieved top rankings in various academic events and competitions.
Students under the leadership of the Asutosh College Students’ Union have actively participated in Covid and cyclone relief activities.
Teachers and Non-Teaching staff of the college have also took active role in covid related relief works.
A book titled Film Studies:A Beginner's Guide has been edited by Dr. Debastuti Dasgupta and Dr. Priyanka Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and published by InDepth Communication, New Delhi..
Dr. Niladri Sekhar Karan, Assistant Professor in Chemistry, has published one review article in Chemistry of Materials (Impact Factor 7.2) in 2024
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