Gilead died on the last day of classes of his second semester as an
Architecture student. He intended to show his achivements in this
portfolio, but life was too short... His friends, Rinat, Tal, Marina,
and Yoav, and his father, assembled his work and completed the
portfolio in time for his 20th birthday, seven months after his
Gilead accompanied his 11-12th Grade Art Project by a series of
articles. He considered them as an integral part of the creation
process. We bring here the original illustrated Hebrew text of the
articles, so you can learn more about his creativity and about the
intelectual and emotional processes involved.
Information in Hebrew about Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, written by
Gilead's mother
in his memory, at the Department of Human Services, Faculty of Welfare
and Health Studies, University of Haifa, in May 2003.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics for Students in Architecture, being
written by Gilead’s
father in his memory, while teaching Gilead’s classmates in the
winter semester 1996/7.