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Showing posts with label kostasvaxevanis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kostasvaxevanis. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

De Vaxevanis-rechtszaak: geen advocaten of getuigen? Blijkbaar geen enkel probleem.

Oorspronkelijke post geplaatst door @IrateGreek, vertaling @iptamenos33

Zoals we eerder vandaag meldden, vond vandaag in Athene de nieuwe rechtszaak plaats tegen de Griekse journalist Kostas Vaxevanis, die in oktober 2012 een lijst met meer dan 2000 namen van Griekse rekeninghouders bij Zwitserse banken publiceerde. Het kostte de rechtbank uiteindelijk anderhalf uur (van 9:00 tot 10:30) en drie privéoverleggen in reces, om vast te stellen dat de rechtszaak moest worden uitgesteld vanwege de afwezigheid van twee van de drie advocaten van de verdediging en van drie van de vier getuigen à decharge.

Le procès Vaxevanis: pas de témoins, pas d'avocats? Apparemment, pas de problème.

Traduit par @IrateGreek

Comme nous l'indiquions dans un billet précédent, le nouveau procès de Kostas Vaxevanis, pour avoir publié, en octobre 2012, une liste de plus de 2 000 noms de Grecs détenteurs de comptes en banque en Suisse, mieux connue sous le nom de « liste Lagarde, »  devait avoir lieu le matin du 10 juin 2013 au tribunal d'Athènes. Il a fallu à la cour une heure et demie toute entière, de 9h à 10h30 du matin, et trois conversations privées pendant des suspensions d'audience, pour déterminer qu'en l'absence de deux des trois avocats de la défense, et de trois des quatre témoins de la défense, le procès ne pourrait pas avoir lieu et devrait être reporté.

La liste Lagarde et le procès de Kostas Vaxevanis

De @Polyfimos, traduit par @IrateGreek

Le 6 juin 2013, l'ancien tsar de l'économie grecque George Papaconstantinou regardait l'assemblée plénière du parlement grec, qui l'avait déjà mis en accusation pour falsification de document et faute professionelle grave, procéder à un vote afin d'ajouter aux les accusations portées contre lui la déloyauté, dans le cadre du scandale de la liste de 2 062 Grecs détenteurs de comptes bancaires en Suisse, mieux connue sous le nom de « liste Lagarde. »

Quatre jours plus tard, Kostas Vaxevanis, le journaliste qui avait été arrêté et jugé pour avoir publié les noms de la liste le 27 octobre 2012 se retrouvait, pour la deuxième fois, à la place de l'accusé pour la même affaire, après que le procureur a exigé un nouveau procès, parce que le tribunal « n'a pas accordé une importance suffisante aux preuves du dossier et les a mal prises en compte. »

Ce deuxième procès est venu à la suite d'un premier, le 1er novembre 2012, qui, comme le dit Kostas Vaxevanis  lui-même dans une lettre ouverte au président de la Commission européenne José Manuel  Barroso, avait été mené avec une telle hâte que « l'acte d'accusation ne comprenait aucune preuve, pas même une copie du magazine. Les chefs d'accusation avaient été préparés en telle hâte qu'ils ont même oublié de mettre le sceau du procureur sur le dossier. »

Monday, 10 June 2013

El juicio a Vaxevanis: ¿sin abogados ni testigos? Al parecer no hay problema

Por @IrateGreek, traducido por 15M Barcelona Internacional

El nuevo juicio a Kostas Vaxevanis por la publicación, en octubre de 2012, de una lista con más de 2000 nombres de los titulares de cuentas bancarias griegas en Suiza, también conocida como la lista Lagarde, se celebró esta mañana en el juzgado de Atenas. El tribunal tomó una hora y media, desde las 9:00 hasta las 10:30 am, y tres conversaciones privadas en el receso, para determinar que, en ausencia de dos de los tres abogados de la defensa y de tres de los cuatro testigos de la defensa, el juicio debía posponerse.

Específicamente cuando el tribunal había convocado, el único abogado Haris Oikonomopoulos y la testigo Dimitra Galani estuvieron presentes en la corte. Los otros dos abogados, Nikos Konstantopoulos y Vasilis Kapernaros, estuvieron ausentes, el primero por razones de salud, mientras que el segundo tenía otros dos casos que iban a juicio por la mañana (uno de ellos por un escuadrón de fuerzas especiales antiterroristas que se habían movilizado.) debe tenerse en cuenta que V. Kapernaros es también un diputado del partido griego independiente y miembro de la comisión de investigación parlamentaria para la lista Lagarde.

The Vaxevanis trial: no lawyers, no witnesses? Apparently no problem.

Posted by @IrateGreek

As we posted earlier today, the re-trial of Kostas Vaxevanis for publishing, back in October 2012, a list of 2000+ names of Greek bank account holders in Switzerland, known as the Lagarde list, was due to take place this morning in the Athens courthouse. It took the court a full hour and a half, from 9:00 until 10:30am, and three private conversations in recess, to determine that, in the absence of two of three defense lawyers and of three of four defense witnesses, the trial should be postponed.

The Lagarde list and the trial of Kostas Vaxevanis

By @Polyfimos, translated by @Pexlibanis and @anarresti

On  6 June 2013, former Greek economy czar George Papaconstantinou watched the plenary assembly of the Greek Parliament, which had already  impeached him for doctoring a document and engaging in misconduct, vote to expand charges against him to criminal breach of faith in the scandal of the altered list of 2062 Greek bank account holders in Switzerland, known as  the Lagarde list.

Four  days later, Kostas Vaxevanis, the journalist who was arrested and tried because he first published the names on the list on 27 October 2012, is, for the second time, sitting in the defendant's chair for the same court case, after the prosecution demanded a re-trial, because the court "did not give proper weight to the evidence material and considered it very poorly."

This comes after his first trial on 1 November 2012, which, as pointed out by Kostas Vaxevanis  in an open letter to European Commission President Jose Manuel  Barroso, was conducted ​​with such haste that "the original case file did not include a single element of evidence, not even the incriminating issue of the magazine. The charges were so hastily put together that they even forgot to put the official stamp of the prosecutor on the file."

Saturday, 8 June 2013

#rbnews international show 08 June 2013: Freedom of the press in Greece (or lack thereof)

This week, on the occasion of the upcoming appeals trial of Kostas Vaxevanis, the journalist who was arrested and tried once already in November 2012 for publishing the Lagarde list in his magazine HOT DOC, the #rbnews international show focused on the issue of freedom of the press in Greece. We were able to interview Kostas Vaxevanis himself, but also Dimitris Trimis, chairman of the Athens Daily Newspaper Editors’ Union, Marios Lolos,  chairman of the Greek Photojournalists’ Union, and his colleague Tatiana Bolari, and Angélique Kourounis, a correspondent for various French-speaking media in Athens, who also acts as the local representative of Reporters Without Borders. This show is part of a series prepared by the radiobubblenews team, which will carry on across the coming week and will seek to discuss the various impediments to the realization of this essential democratic liberty.

You can listen to the podcast, as usual, after the jump.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

"Attaquez Vénizelos en jus­tice maintenant !" de Kostas Vaxevanis

De Kostas Vaxevanis

Traduit du grec par @Okeanews, édité par @IrateGreek (source sur

Y a-t-il un pro­cu­reur pour faire ce qui s'impose ? Oui, je sais, cette phrase a été écrite et dite des mil­liers de fois, mais je ne sais vrai­ment plus quoi écrire.

Les docu­ments des auto­ri­tés fran­çaises sont offi­ciel­le­ment parvenus à la com­mis­sion par­le­men­taire qui enquête sur l’affaire de la liste Lagarde [1]. Ces docu­ments décrivent com­ment la liste est arri­vée en Grèce. Ils confirment pleinement les révélations de HotDoc: nous avions écrit que la liste avait été officiellement reçue de France, accom­pa­gnée de docu­ments offi­ciels de réception-livraison, afin d'être utilisée à des fins fis­cales. Tout ce que nous, journalistes, avions révélé sur la base d'infor­ma­tions du minis­tère fran­çais des affaires étran­gères et de l’ambassade de Grèce à Paris a maintenant été officiellement trans­mis au parlement.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

"Sue Venizelos now!" by Kostas Vaxevanis

Re-posted and translated from Pandora's Box by @IrateGreek

Is there a prosecutor to do the obvious? Yes, I know, this sentence has been written and said thousands of times before, but I don't know what else I can write anymore. The Parliamentary Committee investigating the issue of the Lagarde list [1] has now officially received from the French authorities documents describing how the list arrived in Greece. This fully confirms HotDoc's findings: we wrote that the list arrived through official channels from France, together with official handover and delivery notes, in order for it to be used by the tax department. Everything we uncovered as journalists with information provided the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Greek Embassy in Paris has now been forwarded, officially, to Parliament.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

HotDoc Magazine Issue #26 - Maria, the banks and guns-for-hire: the contract on Vaxevanis

The following is a summary of pages 14-41 of the 26th issue of the magazine HotDoc, whose editor is journalist Kostas Vaxevanis. 

The 3rd issue of the magazine HotDoc, dated 24 May 2012, revealed sensitive information about scandals involving Greek banks. Advance copies had been sent to other news outlets. On 23 May, Fimotro, a blog often denounced for engaging in defamation and blackmail, published a picture of a receipt allegedly issued by the Greek Intelligence Service (EYP) in the name of HotDoc’s editor, Kostas Vaxevanis. The receipt was dated 15 June 2011 and said he was paid €50,000 for services to EYP for the 1st semester of 2011. Fimotro, as well as other blogs which circulated this picture of the receipt, also played a role in portraying Reuters’ Steven Grey, who was researching a similar story on Greek banks, as an “agent” of unknown forces who sought to ruin the Greek economy (Reuters published at the time a long piece on the surveillance Grey was subjected to).

The HotDoc team denounced the receipt as a forgery and Vaxevanis tried to sue Giannis Papagiannis, the administrator of Fimotro, whose name is known to the public following a previous court case in which he was accused of blackmail. Strangely, the prosecutor office refused the documents of the previous case file as proof of his identity, and, because Papagiannis could not be charged with a felony in the HotDoc case, Google refused to provide his personal data. The case against Papagiannis was thus dropped, despite abundant online evidence of his identity, including, recently, blog posts signed with his full name.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Bulletin d'informations du 3 novembre 2012 en Grèce #4

Préparé par l'équipe de #rbnews international, traduit par @Krotkie

Dimanche, 28 octobre, et quelques heures avant que la procédure de délit flagrant soit périmée, le journaliste Kostas Vaxevanis a été arrêté, suite à la publication de la fameuse liste Lagarde par la revue qu’il dirige, Hot Doc.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Informativo semanal desde Grecia #4 - 3 Noviembre 2012

Redactado por le equipo de #rbnews internacional, traducido por @mpatman

El domingo, 28 de Octubre, un par de horas antes de que finalice el flagrante, fue detenido el periodista Kostas Vaxevanis por haber publicado en su revista Hot Doc la famosa lista Lagarde.

Esta es una lista que incluye más de 2000 nombres de griegos que poseen cuentas bancarias en el banco suizo UBS, y quienes son sospechosos de evadir impuestos. La lista fue enviada al entonces ministro de Finanzas de Grecia, Yórgos Papakonstantinu, por la entonces ministra de Finanzas de Francia (y actual Directora del FMI), Christine Lagarde, en forma de CD. El hecho, seguido de una historia tragicómica, en la cual la lista fue "perdida", el ex ministro Griego de Finanzas y Presidente del PASOK, Evángelos Venizelos, se justificó echando la culpa por la pérdida de la lista a sus asociados y secretarios, mientras que la oposición le acusó de ocultar la lista para cubrir a sus amigos o para poder luego chantajear a otras personas.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Facts and figures of "Lagarde List" in a nutshell

By @inflammatory_

The text below is an extract from this week’s issue of HOT DOC magazine featuring extensive report and commentary by editor Kostas Vaxevanis and his team, over the leaked “Lagarde List” published on Saturday in an extra edition.

In a nutshell

  • ·        The 2,059 HSBC clients listed hold 2,846 accounts in total
  • ·        Accounts make a total of €4,5 billion in deposits
  • ·        55% of the accounts showed no transactions during 2005, 2006 and the first 2 months of 2007, apparently when Herve Falciani stole HSBC data. In February 2007, 26% of the accounts were active whilst the rest remained inactive, closed, abandoned, blocked or without sufficient data.
  • ·        Swiss banks allow their customers to open an account in their name or alternatively in a code number. This is convenient for those seeking funds from controversial sources – as evidence shows from Tsochatzopoulos scandal too. For example a probe can be funded from a well known source to a numbered bank account whose holder cannot be identified. Later on in case a minister is inquired amid investigation, he may claim that this does not refer to a bank account but…a telephone number.  

  • ·        41% of “Lagarde List” accounts are opened in a name and the rest in a code preferably numerical in most cases.
  • ·        Named/numbered, active/inactive accounts and their links with offshore companies are included in “Lagarde List”
  • ·        81 account holders define themselves as company managers, 24 as ship owners, 43 as lawyers, 3 as public servants, 4 as journalists, 4 as publishers, 2 as employees in Ministry of Finance, 2 as workers in tax offices, 44 as industrial manufacturers , 9 as businessmen among others.
  • ·        Kostas Vaxevanis underlined it was vague from the very beginning if the document included the full list of accounts or it was amended while it was passed on from “one hand to another”.
  • ·        “We did not publish any sensitive data”, writes Kostas Vaxevanis. “We published a list showing that each of these 2,059 people had made transactions (we don’t know their legal status) with a bank. This is not sensitive data but it would have been in case we released the deposits amount (…) "Lagarde List" is not a series of sensitive info but rather a document. HOT DOC had made clear that those included were HSBC bank account holders not necessarily criminals. The discretion does not lie upon journalism research and it shouldn't actually. Hints of “people’s incrimination” stem from the two ministers' attitude who allowed rumors to be spread instead of providing all evidence and conduct a research upon the matter in hand.”
  • ·        Kostas Vaxevanis continues: "A while ago newspaper “Ta Nea” released a list of names from arts/entertainment industry along with data from their tax declaration form. Admittedly this is sensitive data but prosecutors remained inactive although those people proceeded to public complaints. 
translated by @inflammatory_

    Saturday, 27 October 2012

    #rbnews international show - 27 October 2012

    Our guest on the #rbnews international weekly show today was Aris Chatzistefanou (@xstefanou), of Debtocracy and Catastroika fame. We discussed Golden Dawn, its links with the Greek police force, the many failures of Greek media to handle these issues and the publication of the Lagarde list" in Hot Doc magazine. The weekly news section is a little longer than usual, as there were many things to report this week.
    You can listen to the podcast after the jump.